The Best Dad Jokes That Will Make Your Day
1 Against All Odds

On the bright side, he could be obsessed with worse than Phil Collins!
2 All The Waste

What a waste of energy AND money!
3 So Spicy

Let’s hope the woman didn’t actually confuse the thyme and cumin labels, because it really doesn’t taste the same!
4 Hair In A Bun

In our opinion, this is more of a bun in hair than hair in a bun.
5 Star Wars Fan

We love Chewbacca, but that name might be more appropriate for a dog than a girl.
6 Depresso

We wouldn’t want a depresso. We drink coffee to give us energy, not to get depressed!
7 Frozen Hispanic

Here is a man with an excellent sense of humor!
8 Emotional Damage

It’s always a bad idea to start a question with “is it just me…” Take note of that.
9 Dad Stare

Ohhhh, the dad stare. Nobody wants to go through that!
10 100% Funny

2 times 50 equals 100, right? Sounds like a great idea to us!
11 1 Cent Drop

At the price of gas, we take every cent of discount possible!
12 A Cut Above

This woman will be disappointed, later, when she realizes that 80% of men suffer from baldness by the age of 70.
13 Where It Belongs

Oh, Dad. That’s a very disgusting joke!
14 Out Of This World
Indeed, it is a very bad review. Except that this star is very hot!
15 Daughters VS Sons

This image is far too realistic. Double-standard start early!
16 Everything Is Awesome

Wow. This pun is very well done!
17 Dirt Bag

No one wants to know what their vacuum cleaner has collected on them. So scary!
18 The Office

What could be better than getting paid to watch The Office?
19 Calls For Your Attention

We would be curious to know which song Sam invented about the iPhone…!
20 No Respect

Oh, this one is rough, but still very funny!
21 Post Malone

When you think about it, this new name is very well thought out!
22 Hard Of Hearing

Well, here is the proof that his wife is right!
23 Outdated

Good one! It would be nice if simply not printing any more calendars would fix the problem, though.
24 Zinger

We would love very much to hear this conversation.
25 Howling With Laughter

One can well imagine the satisfaction of this man when someone asks him the name of his dogs and he can tell this joke for the umpteenth time.
26 Never Gets Stale

This comparison is unfortunately very accurate.
27 Silly Space Joke

The good news is that for an astronaut, there is never a lack of space!
28 So Intuit

Next time, it would be better to organize a surprise house-cooling party. You know, just be there and chill.
29 Quack Up

It cannot be said enough how important commas are in a sentence.
30 Spark Up Laughter

Well, good for you, man! You can never have enough matches to set something on fire.
31 The Mister

But he will come back more solid than ever, you’ll see!
32 Aching With Laughter

No remedy is more effective than this one. The relief is instantaneous!
33 Fin-tastic

With this in mind, swimming with dolphins is literally free. What a bargain!
34 You Won’t Baguette This Joke

We continue to prefer the Paris sites to the parasites.
35 Good Boy

As you can see, fortune tellers are always right. Beware!
36 Nine To Five

With telecommuting, however, all phones are now fully functional. Kind of…
37 Mayonnaise Mayhem

We don’t throw jars of mayonnaise at people! Come on, man! We give them a good shot of Miracle Whip instead!
38 Hit The Nail On The Head

Well, that’s not wrong. It’s even literally very true!
39 A Leg To Stand On

Knowing that flamingos stand on one leg to avoid losing heat, if this man listens to his wife, he’ll be clearly acting a bit cold with her.
40 Don’t Hassle The Hoff

It’s true that by cutting his name in half, he has less to spell!
41 Tearing Up

Oh, we’re all in this together, mate. We sympathize!
42 Jedi Joke

Here is a perfect Star Wars joke as it is rarely made!
43 Bat Tery

You have to admit that it can be confusing…
44 Not Joking

This guy is not joking indeed, because Joe King is real.
45 No Taste

That old man has the best sense of humor!
46 Pop Corn

That joke is so simple, but yet so funny!
47 Proper-Tea

This is really a tea for the rich, these days!
48 Immune System

This is what we call a very unfortunate chance.
49 National Anthems

Well, in a way, that’s true.
50 Spring Is In The Air

The weather looks good indeed!
51 Jeff Bezos

We hope he bought his pajama on Amazon!
52 So Tear-Able

It’s true that except for the paper, there is nothing more tear-able than a dad joke!
53 Step Ladder

Aww, that poor guy was abandoned by his ladder, how sad! Fortunately, his step ladder is helping him get over this!
54 Clint Eatswood

We had to look twice before we saw the pun in his name!
55 Batman New Surname

This little girl is totally following in her daddy’s footsteps.
56 Paper View

We are curious to know how much such a view would cost!
57 Most Ancien Dad Joke

The Sphinx lost its nose in the 14th century, so it’s certainly the most ancient joke indeed!
58 Chinese Rap
We can’t change his mind because it seems very logical to us.
59 Bedtime

That’s it! From now on, children go to bed at the same time as the cows!
60 Noel

We had to read it twice to understand!
61 Rock Concert

From the expressions painted on these rocks, the spectacle seems more worrying than anything else…
62 Canon Printer

Plus, a cannon is way cooler than a gun!
63 Embracing Mistakes

We hope this man has a good sense of humor!
64 How To Fight Boredom

Well, the answer seems pretty obvious to us! *wink*
65 Did You Hear?

At least he has half a body left! That’s better than nothing, right?
66 Pizza Joke

But we’d love a chessy joke! Especially if it involves pizza!
67 Broken Pencil

Well, that joke couldn’t be more accurate.
68 What Came First?

We can’t wait to finally know the right answer!
69 What Do I Do?

Technically, he’s right indeed. Is that a good idea, though? We’re not sure about that.
70 Why Knot?

Why knot indeed! It’s really faster with velcros.
71 Loudest Guy

Please, no one gives Mike a mic! He certainly doesn’t need one!
72 58

We have to admit, we love this one!
73 Silent Treatment

This is the best day of this father’s life. He couldn’t have hoped for better!
74 Beautiful Lawn

There is nothing wrong with enjoying your achievement, on the contrary!
75 Refill Ruse

Well… it’s a legitimate question, you have to give it to him.
76 Rainbow Bright
The best puns are those using homophones. We love it!
77 Clearly Funny

It might take a while to get that joke in the middle of a conversation.
78 Tweet Tweet

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79 This Joke Pops Up

Yes, indeed, it must have been quite a shock!
80 Restaurant On The Moon
Let’s hope it’s fast food, otherwise all the customers will run out of air!