Epic Bumper Stickers Seen On Cars & SUVs
Hands off!

The red used car with the “Don’t touch me, I’m not that kind of car” sticker caught our attention. It’s a clever human reference to avoiding accidents. With the growing popularity of electric vehicles and trucks on the road, staying alert and cautious is more important than ever.
As we passed by the red car with the cheeky sticker, it made us smile. It’s important to slow down and pay attention to our surroundings, especially on the road. The sticker on the car serves as a witty and fun way to remind us to drive safely and stay alert.
If You Can Read This

When it comes to deciphering the meaning of bumper stickers seen on cars, “If you can read this” is a popular one that can be interpreted in two ways. Sure, on the one hand, it simply implies that you possess the ability to read. On the other hand, it could also be a subtle hint to the driver behind the wheel that they might be tailgating a little too closely.
In the realm of automobiles, maintaining a safe distance between vehicles is crucial to avoid collisions. But with this bumper sticker in place, the message is loud and clear: take a step back, and give this car some breathing room.
Butt Snorkeler

When it comes to bumper stickers, size definitely matters. And if it’s affixed to a massive VUS, there’s no way you’re going to miss it. This particular decal is so attention-grabbing that it’s impossible to ignore.
Whether you’re driving a compact car or a huge VUS, there’s always room for self-expression through clever messaging and designs. This bumper sticker on a VUS is the perfect example of how to make a bold statement and get noticed.
So Sorry

This bumper sticker appears to convey a passive-aggressive message, possibly suggesting a flaw in the following driver’s behavior.
Apologies for tailgating, but perhaps your driving habits need improvement.
Adults On Board

This vehicle decal is both amusing and impactful, featuring a crucial aspect of driving caution. This sticker is not just for Fiat drivers.
Even though “Baby on board” window clings are ubiquitous, the reality remains that no driver wishes to encounter a vehicular accident, regardless of whether minors are riding along or not!
Chicken Pot Pie

Revving up on the topic of bumper stickers seen on cars, it’s fair to say that they have become an indispensable feature of the car culture. From funny one-liners to political messages, these car decals are the perfect way to express oneself while on the go.
Speaking of go, just like how engines and transmissions are integral parts of a car, chicken pot pies are an essential culinary delight for many. While most folks can’t resist the delectable flavor of a piping hot chicken pot pie, this man takes a different route. He likes his chicken, his pot, and his pie, all in separate servings.

This car sticker is bound to elicit a hearty laugh from individuals with a childish sense of humor, especially when affixed to the rear bumper of an Electric Vehicle or SUV segment car with impressive Battery Range.
Moreover, it would be even more hilarious if the vehicle boasted Long-Distance Drive capacity and Fast-charging capability. Imagine the impact it would have on an affordable EV SUV like a Saturn!
Gamer Sticker

This is the perfect bumper sticker for the gamers of this world!
If you are not one, this sticker represents the logos of Pac-Man, Dreamcast, PS3, Xbox, Wii, Sega and StarCraft.
Said No One

This bumper sticker might just be right. It’s true that none of them have ever revolutionized our lives. Whether it’s on a yellow electric car or a red Jeep, we can laugh about it, but it doesn’t really change our opinions.
But how many have made us laugh out loud, though? That makes up for it!
Huge Financial Burden

Here is a rather original “Baby on board” kind of bumper sticker.
It is not less realistic, though. Babies are definitely very expensive for parents.
A While Ago

This says a lot about the owner of this Dodge, who now has a family.
They used to be cool, but now they have to drive a family car and take their responsibility.
The Root Of All Evil

It is true that the blame is often put on money, and on the will of people to have more and more.
But it is also a fact that even if we condemn it, money is also necessary for everyone, even for the church. The world is full of contradictions, isn’t it? This Ford used is right on point!
Clap Your… Oh

We’ll never get tired of T. rex jokes and their little arms. It’s always funny.
This bumper sticker is no exception. Not only can he not clap his hands, but he certainly won’t be the one to deliver the punches in the face advertised by his neighboring sticker.

Thanks to this bumper sticker, we are able to make two observations about the owner of this car.
First, they don’t really like people, but they don’t really like their job either. Both are hell, according to them.
Sorry I Missed Church

This woman really wants everyone to know that she is sorry she missed church, but she had a good reason, don’t worry!
She had some important stuff to deal with, such as becoming a lesbian witch. You have to admit it’s hard to go to church while doing that!
The Idiot

This bumper sticker makes us laugh a lot. On the spot, we find that this sticker is an excellent idea if an idiot is really behind this car.
However, when we realize that if we are able to read this sticker, it is because we are ourselves the idiot behind this car, it is really very funny!

We all know that the nicer the car a man owns, the smaller his reproductive member, right?
Well, apparently that stereotype also exists in reverse. This man obviously has a big male member and wanted to tell the world that this is the only reason why he owns a purple Ford KA.
Frequent Stops

We have the impression that this bumper sticker is there to provoke the drivers who follow this car.
Imagine if one of these drivers is a bit hot-headed. All this could well turn against the person who thought it was very funny to put this sticker on their car!
Not A 100% Sure

This driver is really unsure of the insurance coverage they have for their car, and everyone knows that calling their insurance company to inquire about it can be time consuming.
So please, just don’t hit them, it will save everyone trouble, and potentially expense to this driver.
Do Not Meddle

If you see a dragon, don’t meddle in its affairs. Especially if it is potentially a little hungry.
To him, you’re just a French fry. With a little ketchup, you’re a delicacy!
Buckle Up!

This bumper sticker is essential for anyone who believes in the existence of aliens.
Well, the belt is mostly safer in case of an accident, but clearly it will also make it harder for the alien to abduct you.
Turn Signals

It often seems like turn signals are an optional extra on a car because so many people don’t use them, right?
But Jesus would have used His turn signals for sure if He had had access to a car, oh yes!
Alcohol And Calculus

Forget about “Don’t drink and drive”. Now it’s “Don’t drink and derive”!
This bumper sticker is all the more comical because it is on the back of a Ford Focus. How do you focus if you’ve been drinking? You can’t!
Suffering From Insanity

Understood? The driver of this car does not suffer from insanity. He enjoys every minute of it, it’s completely different!
The fact remains that he is completely insane, so if we were in your place, we would stay away from this car, just in case.
Be Nice To Your Kids
Technically, everyone should always be nice to their children. That’s kind of the basis of being a parent.
But here’s one more reason to be REALLY nice to your kids. They are the ones who will make your old age a living hell or not.
Marriage Vs. Divorce

It is definitely a great wise person who created this bumper sticker.
A wedding is expensive, but a divorce is even more expensive. Think about it carefully!
It’s A Jeep

The driver of this car is definitely tired of people considering his vehicle as a Hummer. It’s a Jeep!
Not A Handicap

You just have to leave your home a bit to know that there are a lot of stupid people in this world.
Like those who use handicapped parking spots when they have no handicap. No, being stupid is not a handicap! At least, not a physical one that prevents you from walking a bit.
I’ll Believe It When

This bumper sticker must definitely be the talk of the town when people take the time to read it, and for different reasons.
But in any case, we still find it very funny.
Stupid Sticker

Curiosity is in our genes, we can’t help it. Of course anyone will squint to read a stupid sticker!
But that’s okay. We accept our status as curious people who like to lose a few seconds of their lives for something like that.
I’m Only Speeding Because

You have to give it to them, the owner of this car is very honest.
They know they’re speeding, but it’s for only one—but a pretty good one—reason: they really need to poop!
Cool PT Cruiser

It is true that PT Cruisers are not the most exciting cars around.
No one will ever say “Cool PT Cruiser”, and the owner of this car seems to totally agree with that statement.
It’s Small

The driver of this pickup completely assumes the size of his reproductive member and the fact that he compensates it with his big truck.
It’s good to embrace your body and love it the way it is. Next step: assume without polluting three times more than the others!
Having Opinions

Be aware that the owner of this car has opinions about things.
We don’t know what things they have opinions about, but they do, okay?
How’s My Driving?

The driver of this car would like to know what you think about their driving. Or maybe not, after all.
When you read the phone number provided to give your opinion, you can guess that this question was not a real one. In fact, they don’t care about your opinion at all.
Other People Exist

Other people exist. This is a good thing to remind everyone we meet on the road, because clearly, many tend to forget that.
And while we’re at it, maybe we should also put this sticker, like, everywhere? In public transportation, elevators, business entrances… maybe a regular alert on people’s cell phones, too?
To the next person who dares to call this Jeep a Hummer, this bumper sticker is the perfect answer. Burned!
Preventing Minivans

Of course, it’s not just parents who own minivans, but still.
If you’re not a fan of minivans, condoms prevent from having kids, and by the same token, the need to drive a minivan.
Master Baiter

It is not impossible that the owner of this car is a very good fisherman and even creates his own bait.
However, we have the impression that he is simply a man who likes to indulge in some solitary pleasure.
Totally Awesome Sticker

The owner of this car is really proud of the sticker they applied in their rear window. After all, isn’t it a totally awesome sticker?
You Coward!

The owner of this car challenges anyone to hit the back of his car.
This little beast will clearly eat you up if that happens. You don’t have the guts!
Free Thinking

Do you love your country? Do you love your leaders? Yes? Well, do whatever they say without question. You should not think or use your critical and analytical skills. Free thinking is so unpatriotic!
I think this sticker wouldn’t have the same impact on a large SUV as it would on a small electric car.

Whoever is driving this car is certainly a cat lover.
All cat lovers automatically want to get their attention and cuddle them the second they see one.

Apparently, this pickup is not a Dodge Ram, but an Odge. The D would only come later if you know what he means, wink wink.
We don’t need to look any further to understand exactly what kind of man this vehicle belongs to.
Rules Of The Road

The driver of this pickup is tired of being slowed down by slow drivers standing in the left lane on the highway.
So he took matters into his own hands and made sure to remind everyone behind him of the basic rules of the highways.
Speed Limit

The driver of this food truck wants you to know that it doesn’t accelerate as fast as a car.
Even just reaching 65 is a bit of a challenge for them, so please bear with them.
Don’t Expect Me To Stop

The owner of this car wants nothing to do with helping you if your car breaks down while you’re on the road.
He bought an extended car warranty. You’ve been offered one many times too. All you had to do was do what they did and take it.

Nobody likes to be followed too closely by another car on the road. After all, it can be very dangerous.
This driver found a way to let people know in a cute and direct what they think about people who tailgate.
They May Save Your Life

We will never repeat it enough, all bodies are beautiful, without exception. The biggest as well as the smallest.
So, making fun of overweight people isn’t relevant. Especially since you never know when an overweight person will be caught by a bear, allowing you to escape in time and live!
No One Cares

This bumper sticker is both funny and totally blasé. It’s even pretty sarcastic!
But after all, it’s not wrong. People who drive dangerously are potentially too stupid for anyone to care.
Position Open

There is nothing original anymore about the stick figure family stickers. They have been far too common for several years.
This man however found a way to make the stick figure family interesting again on his car. A place for a mom is now available in this family!
Bad Driver

The owner of this car is clearly a woman, and obviously, she’s a bad driver, but she assumes it.
If you see her passing you, stay tuned. Maybe you’ll see her in a ditch a little further down the road, because bad driving and fast driving don’t mix.
Feet Lover

Some people like feet, and a few love them even more than others. The owner of this car is definitely one of those who love them maybe even a little too much.
There is not one sticker about this person’s love for feet, but three, in addition to the license plate!
Please Do It

Some people do not like their work and are very open about it. They are not embarrassed to tell anyone at all.
The owner of this car definitely doesn’t like their job at all, and ask anyone who reads their bumper sticker to free them from the pain of having to go to work.
Dave Matthews Band

This is the most elaborate bumper sticker we have ever seen. This driver had a lot to say!
But basically, know that they don’t like the Dave Matthews Band, they don’t want any recommendation to fix the dent on their car, and if you’re reading this, you’re either driving too close to them or they’re just asking you not to damage their car.

Not all cars are made the same and they all have different performance levels.
For example, the Mini Cooper do not accelerate quickly. But this driver is aware of this and prefers to laugh about it.

Yes, we know what you were thinking when you saw this MILF bumper sticker.
But stop with your twisted and slanted minds! The fine print clearly states “Man, I Love Frogs”.
If You Love Jesus

This bumper sticker is both a celebration of Jesus and a direct message to the offenders of the road laws.
You love Jesus? Excellent, honk the horn! But do you love him enough to text while driving and to meet him because you’ll be dead? It’s a good thought.
Go Around

Campers don’t go fast, and that’s normal. They are big and heavy, and their shape is far from aerodynamic.
But some people are always impatient when following a camper, so this driver decided to remind them some facts.
Fueling Up

Fueling up your car isn’t the most exciting task to accomplish, especially since the gas price apparently won’t stop going up. It’s boring AND expensive.
However, this sticker could certainly entertain a bit your next stop at the gas station!
‘Tis But A Scratch

Oh, that? It’s just a scratch, there’s no reason to worry! You can barely see it.
This famous quote from the movie Monthy Python and The Holy Grail is perfect and absolutely funny on this car!
Don’t Even Think About It

The driver of this car seems to be a very protective father towards his daughter. It’s definitely not just any guy who will be able to date his daugther, he has a say in it!
But for now, no guy at all is allowed to date her. Rather, the guys who would be interested in his daughter should think about him instead. Does his daughter know that her father is a closeted homosexual?
Yes Officer

This is the perfect sticker for those who tend to drive faster than the speed limit.
Because in the end, that’s what it’s all about. They know they’re speeding, but it’s okay as long as there are no police around to see it, right?
Did You Die?

The answer people give when you tell them they are a bad driver is often “but did you die”?
Obviously, the answer is no. For them, that’s enough. The important thing is not to drive well, but to avoid dying. Oh well.
Just A Tribute

The owner of this Mazda Tribute is well aware that he does not own the greatest car in the world.
But he loves his car, no matter what. That’s why he is able to laugh about it.
This Little Light

How many people do we all know who ignore their check engine light that stays on for ages?
We all know it’s important not to ignore it, but some don’t care. And of those, some are completely comfortable letting this little light of theirs shine.
Honk If

Some people keep their car until the very end, when it is no longer possible to repair it because it is so old and ruined.
This sticker is for those people. At least, if their car loses a part, they will know it quickly because the person following them will notify them by honking the horn. It’s very safe!
Not That Funny
Who says the police don’t have the right to put bumper stickers on their cars? We think it’s very cool!
No, the police will never think that your driving recklessness is as funny as you think it is, and they want you to know that.
Back Off

Cars are like humans, they need us to respect our distance in order to let them live in peace and flourish.
So, do you understand? Back off, because it’s not that kind of car. It won’t let you stick to their back like that.
Keeping Score

Are you one of those people who jokingly keeps track of the imaginary points you would get if you hit that reckless cyclist or that elderly person who takes 100 years to cross the street? It’s wrong, but who has never done this?
Well, you can now take the joke further, obviously, by putting this sticker on your car. Of course, it’s a joke, these are not real scores. Right?
Old Fart

Who is the old fart here? Is it a message for the drivers who follow this car or does this sticker represent the owner of the car?
In any case, the expression “old fart” makes us laugh a lot and we find this sticker excellent.
You Shall Not Pass!

This quote of Gandalf from the movie The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is perfect as a sticker to put on the back of your car.
Beware of the one who will dare to pass you on the highway! This sticker will certainly make many people laugh because this quote is so well known and funny.
Made 3 Mistakes

The owner of this Ford claims to have made 3 mistakes in purchasing this new pickup.
We quickly understand that they bitterly regrets their purchase and that they miss their old Ford a lot. How sad!
However, they prefer to warn everyone: they can’t see anything through their rear window because of the sticker, so be careful!
Salt Bae

Nusret Gökçe, better known as Salt Bae, is a Turkish butcher, chef, food entertainer and restaurateur who became a viral meme in January 2017.
There is no more perfect sticker than a Salt Bae’s sticker affixed behind a salt truck.
This Is My Truck

Yes, it is their truck, but no, they will not help you move your vehicle that is stuck somewhere.
Their truck is only used to move or transport their own things. Don’t you dare think that they would be so kind as to get you out of a jam.
Rainy Day Sticker

This sticker on the rear window of this car is original and very sexy, but it’s even more sexy on rainy days.
The woman’s bikini top is placed on the windshield wiper, so if it rains, you can guess what happens. Be careful to stay focused on the road, though!
I Got This

This driver wishes to let you know that they got this. Everything is fine, there is no problem at all.
If however you see right side up the text that is usually upside down, then maybe they could use a little help.
Turn Me Over

This sticker which says “If you can read this, turn me over” makes us laugh a lot, but at the same time, we wonder.
How much did the driver expect that one day their jeep would roll over and end up upside down on the roof? It’s a strange coincidence that such an accident happened and that we find this sticker on the car, no?
Don’t Touch My Truck

The owner of this pickup truck absolutely does not want anyone to touch their truck. So much so that they have perched it over huge wheels and a tall metal structure.
Seriously, how could anyone touch this pickup now it’s that high? And how do the driver and passengers even get in it? Do they use a stepladder?
Do Not Wash

The owner of this Ford pickup is very aware that their truck is very dirty, covered with dirt and all.
But don’t even think about washing it! This pickup is obviously undergoing a scientific dirt test, it’s not simply dirty for fun.
Poor Unfortunate Soul

This bumper sticker is both very original and extremely well thought out.
Only a Kia Soul owner could make this reference to the song of the Sea Witch Ursula in The Little Mermaid.
Eat Flesh

Zombies indeed eat flesh. This is an undeniable fact, and everyone who has seen zombie movies or TV series knows it.
But we especially like the fact that the sticker features the writing and slogan of Subway restaurants. Well done!
Powered By

This car is magic! It is powered by bitchdust, so it must be extremely powerful!
Bitchdust might sound a bit pejorative, but with the Disney’s lettering, it can only be pretty with little birds and songs!
Inmate Of The Month

A parent’s love for their child is unconditional. Obviously, for this parent, pride is too.
Their child is in jail, but they are such a good inmate that they were named inmate of the month. That’s certainly something to be proud of, right?
Let Me Merge

Merging can be a rather complex task when we come across drivers who are obviously in a hurry to get to their destination.
Changing lanes or slowing down just a bit to help a car merge would slow them down way too much, you know. But the driver of this car asks so politely to let them merge, how can you refuse?
Carbon Offset

Cars are one of the major pollutants of our planet, it is undeniable.
But if we put a branch of greenery on our car, it neutralizes our environmental impact a bit, right?
U Mad, Bro?

There’s a lot going on in the rear window of this car. Can the driver even see behind it?
We particularly like the big sticker of Arnold Schwarzenegger with an arm attached to the windshield wiper, which flexes the bicep every time it goes up, and the “U mad, bro?” meme on the bottom right of the window. There is also a naughty sticker on the top right, did you see it?
Nacho Libre

At first, we wonder a bit what these Nacho Libre style wrestler stickers were doing there. It just seems a little weird.
But when we realized that the wrestler with the green mask is stuck on the window while the one with the red mask is fixed on the wiper, we understood everything. When the windshield wiper is on, the red wrestler does an elbow drop to the other sticker. It’s perfect!
Mud Love

Everyone has their own preferences in terms of what turns them on or off.
The owner of this Chevy Suburban feels very turned on by mud, and he says so loud and clear.
Your Feelings

The owner of this vehicle has different feelings depending on the person.
He’s the proud father of a little girl he obviously adores more than anything else, but as far as the rest of the world is concerned, he couldn’t care less about your feelings. But like, “Fvck your feelings 100%”. Oh well.
Tripping Over

Several breeds of small dogs are absolutely adorable. One of them is definitely the wiener dogs.
However, there is a danger with small dogs: tripping over them because you haven’t seen them. This driver wants to let everyone know that they trip over their wiener.
No Baby On Board

Unlike the bumper stickers we are used to see, this one rather announces that there is no baby on board.
The reason why there is no baby on board is also given, and we must admit that it is a good one. It is indeed impossible to make babies from this orifice.
Keep Honking!

This is the most zen driver on the planet. Your impatience doesn’t get to them at all!
You can keep honking them all you want, they’re in the middle of a “Universal Consciousness”, potentially live from somewhere around the moon.
Talk To Me Goose

The reference of this sticker to the classic and acclaimed movie Top Gun is subtle, but excellent.
We appreciate this sticker even more because it is placed on a Ford Maverick!
Bumper Sticker

Here’s a car owner with a great sense of humor! He doesn’t have one funny bumper sticker, but two!
This bumper sticker is what it is: a bumper sticker. And the other bumper sticker is also a bumper sticker.
No Airbags

The owner of this car claims that it does not contain airbags, because real men do not need them.
Clearly, this man is a fan of Chuck Norris and Jackass, we see no other explanation.
Thanks, Durex!

The owner of this car does not want children and is proud to announce, unlike the parents, that there are no baby on board!
They also take care to mention that if they managed not to have a baby on board, it is thanks to Durex. Thank you, Durex, for protecting them!
In One Sitting

At first glance, one wonders greatly what the 26.2 represents on this sticker. When you read the fine print, however, you can’t help but be impressed!
We wonder why the .2, though? 26 is not enough? Or maybe the .2 represents the crumbles at the bottom of the package?
You’ve Been Warned

If you follow this car on the road, be aware that its driver can break at any time to admire interesting cloud formations.
We advise you not to follow too closely on a cloudy day and to pass them at the first opportunity.
Fantasy Creatures

It is beautiful to see a woman believe in fantasy creatures, just as children do!
It’s just that fantasy creatures evolve with age. Instead of Santa Claus and unicorns, for example, now it’s dragons and good men.
Getting A Dinosaur

If history repeats itself, this person claims they would so get a dinosaur.
We hope they’ll be able to train it like Owen Grady in Jurassic World, because if not, they might end up like Dennis Nedry in the first Jurassic Park!
The Voices

The owner of this car does not seem totally sane to us. Should they keep their driver’s license?
To hear voices is already not normal, imagine reading texts that do not exist. How disturbing!
Super Sane Man

There is really a lot going on on this car seen in a Walmart parking lot. These are a lot of stickers that are sincerely very questionable.
You can quickly see what kind of person you are dealing with, and honestly, you would prefer to stay away from them!
The Absurd Rodeo

Life is definitely a kind of rodeo that it’s hard to hold on to sometimes because everything doesn’t go as planned. Sometimes there are bumps, and at other times, nothing make sense.
Modern life can be challenging, but it’s better to laugh about it to get through it more easily!
So Hungry

There are several stickers on the back of this car, but there is one in particular that catches our attention: I’m so hungry.
We all know someone who is constantly hungry and always eating. The owner of this car is definitely one of those people!
Honor Student

These parents seem to have a good sense of humor, or at least self-deprecation.
It also seems that they don’t quite approve of their teenagers’ lifestyles.
Teople Poo

Yes, it is a fact, dyslexics are teople poo. Oops, people too.
Did you have to read that bumper sticker twice? If you didn’t have any problems reading it, maybe you are a dyslexic person too!
Sticker Lover

This person really likes stickers a lot. But, like, in an over-the-top way.
There are so many stickers on this car that you can’t tell them apart anymore. Besides, it’s clearly illegal to drive this car, the rear window is completely blocked!
Please Be Patient

The owner of this car would greatly appreciate your patience as the driver is learning to drive.
BUT! If you’re ever in a hurry because you have to poop, just honk your horn and they’ll kindly let you through.
Stick Figure Family

Parents putting stick figure family stickers on the back of their car is very common.
This Star Wars fan driver knows, however, that the Empire doesn’t care about stick figure families. And they probably don’t care either.
Learning Standard

Learning to drive standard is much less easy than driving an automatic car, and there is nothing more stressful, when you kill the engine at a stop, than being honked at by the person behind.
So this driver decided to remedy the situation by indicating on the car that they are learning to drive standard, so yes, they might kill the engine a few times, and that they are sorry about that.
Race Car

In life, it doesn’t matter what you look like. What matters is how you identify yourself.
It’s the same with cars. This Toyota Prius identifies itself as a race car, so it is a race car.
Last Minute

The owner of this car is a procrastinator in many areas of their life, even in the way they drive.
So please, don’t rush then. They wait until the last minute to put on their turn signal, make them turn, take off from a stop or even slow down for a stop.
The Closer You Get

Everyone hates people tailgating them. Why do they need to follow so closely?
But this driver isn’t intimidated by these fast-and-furious driver. The closer you get, the slower they drive. You might as well be patient and keep your distance, it will go faster!
Marriage Destroyed

Kids love Peppa Pig, but anyone who has ever seen even a few clips knows that this children’s show is practically unbearable.
Peppa Pig got on this couple’s nerves so much that they ended up divorcing. After all, getting a divorce is much easier than trying to convince your child to watch something else.
It Scares Me Too

We won’t teach you anything by saying that some people drive extremely badly. This is the case of the owner of this car.
At least this driver is realistic and knows that they drive badly. Does their driving scare you? Well, you’re not alone. It scares them too!
Endangered Species

There are many endangered species on the planet. There are tigers, red pandas, blue whales, snow leopards, and many others.
There are also standard drivers. For a while now, manufacturers have been building less and less standard cars, and it’s even worse with the arrival of electric cars. Soon, no one will know how to drive a standard car anymore. Nor sure we’re as sad about that extinction, though.
Driver Carries No Cash

Marriage is expensive, especially for a man. After all, it’s a known fact that women like to spend money and often manage the finances of the household, right?
So to anyone who has that man in their sights to steal his money, walk away. The driver of this car is married, so he has no money to steal.
This Is A Hybrid

By definition, something hybrid is only “something of mixed origin or composition”. The components do not have to be anything in particular.
So a car is not a hybrid only if it runs on gas and electricity. If a car uses gas to run and duct tape to stay whole, that also counts as hybrid.
Like An Idiot

Some people are really bad at parking and do it all wrong despite themselves while others park very badly just because they don’t care.
That’s the case with this car’s driver, who is fully aware that they park like an idiot, if their bumper stickers are to be believed. None of this excuses the act, though.
Never Say Never

As Justin Bieber said so well in 2010, never say never! You never know what the future holds.
We know and understand that you don’t want a minivan. After all, it’s not the most exciting car out there! But at some point, especially if you’re starting a family, chances are you’ll want to prioritize practicality over coolness.
The Best Candy

We can imagine that this bumper sticker is just a joke from this car driver.
Nevertheless, we hope that no child will take this sticker seriously. We’ve been teaching them for decades to never take candy from strangers, don’t ruin everything!
Tiger King Represent

Tiger King changed the life of the owner of this car so much at the beginning of the pandemic that they decided to be its greatest representative.
And how about the fact that the back lights give sunglasses to the tiger and Joe Exotic. We love it!
I Skipped The Tutorial

This is definitely a gamer’s car! All the bumper stickers are nice, but the first one on top is by far our favorite.
This driver didn’t follow the tutorial. So it’s very advisable not to tailgate them, because clearly they can’t drive well!
Not Drunk

You have to be careful with appearances on the road. It is true that some people drive while intoxicated, we can’t deny that.
But sometimes, if a car is zigzagging on the road, it may just be to avoid the many potholes. They can really be abundant and dangerous.
Break Into A Tesla

The driver of this car struggles a lot. He’s a teacher, and they have four jobs to be able to pay their bills. So really, there’s nothing to steal in this car.
Thief, go break into a Tesla instead. Tesla owners have a lot of money, because Tesla cars are expensive. You’ll have a better chance of your breaking in being worth it.
Watch For Finger

This camper is old, brick-shaped, and does not drive fast. Its driver prefers to warn you about it, so no need to honk or tailgate.
If you see this camper, just go around. But also be aware that its horn is broken, so if you think you’ve pissed off the driver, look for their middle finger!
Pushing Hard

Please bear with this car. It is aware that it’s not driving very fast.
But look at it! It’s doing its best, poor thing, it’s so small and has to push such a big RV!