The Funniest Photos Ever Taken At The Airport
1 Shoe Shinning

The endless wait before a flight at the airport is the perfect time to take advantage of it and get our shoes polished.
These two robots have understood this very well! Will they have their entire armor polished?
2 The Blind Pilot

Here is an airplane pilot with a great sense of humor! Walking through an airport and pretending he’s blind is a good trick to play.
But don’t worry, it’s just a joke. Right? If this man was the pilot of our plane, we would still be a little scared!
3 Wrong Way

Maybe beige is not the best color for a neck pillow. At least, not when you carry it hanging like this on your purse.
Has anyone pointed this out to her? After having taken care to immortalize the sight in a photo, of course.
4 $exchange

This man found a very funny money exchange sign at Bishkek Airport, Kyrgyzstan.
Someone clearly didn’t do his job right!
5 Mountand Do(Me)

You have to give it to him, this young man has absolutely no fear of looking ridicule!
We would have liked to see his brother’s reaction when he saw him dressed like that.
6 We’d Be Worried

A hangar wall that looks like it was smashed by not one, but two planes at the airport?
If we saw this while we were waiting for our flight, we would definitely cancel our trip!
7 Moving Yoga

When the urge to make a downward facing dog split strikes this woman, she needs to do it right now.
You have to give it to her, not only is the position successful, but to be able to hold the pose while standing like this on the handrails of a moving walkway is impressive!
8 Don’t Drag On

It is understood that you will miss your loved one while they will be gone.
But if you are leaving from Aalborg airport in Denmark, make sure you conclude your kisses and goodbyes in three minutes, otherwise you will be reprimanded.
9 Airport Fun

Singapore’s Changi Airport has found a very original way to avoid their passengers being late for their flight.
Imagine going from one floor to another by sliding in these to catch your flight? It’s so cool!
10 Doppelgänger

Apparently, everyone has a doppelgänger somewhere in the world, but very few of them meet.
What are the chances that this man will meet his doppelgänger at the airport, and that they will both be dressed the same? It almost looks like it’s arranged!
11 Riding The Conveyor Belt

Okay, what’s going on with this guy? He seems to be having way too much fun in the airport!
Not only does he seem to have a suitcase that converts into some kind of scooter, but he rides the conveyor belt?
12 Assterdam

We have all heard of Amsterdam, Netherlands, but we don’t know about Assterdam. Where is it?
Is it an honest mistake or did someone wanted to make a little joke?
13 Pooping 101

In general, a child learns to go to the bathroom at what, 3 or 4 years old?
So why does this airport need to tell its travelers how to poop? People, please!
14 A Bit Rude

It’s the same everywhere, the seats must be primarily used by the elderly, people with reduced mobility or pregnant women.
At this airport, however, priority is given to “The old weak and pregnant”. That’s a bit rude, isn’t it?
15 Best Position

This airport definitely has no mercy for the exhausted travelers. Those seats look horribly uncomfortable!
But this man found the best possible position to rest before his flight.
16 Solitaire

Have you ever wondered what customs officials do between each arrival of new travelers?
Well, it’s simple! They play Solitaire on their computers! Why didn’t we think of this before?
17 Good Parenting

Here is a very exhausted man at the airport, but his daughters seem to be enjoying themselves, anyway.
Here are quiet and well behaved children. It doesn’t take much to entertain them. Daddy will have a little surprise when he wakes up, though!
18 Baby’s Security Check
Please place all your belongings in the bins provided for the security check. Cellphone, keys, jewelry, belt, shoes… baby?!
No, ma’am, we do not believe that your baby is considered as one of your belongings. We understand your reasoning, but no.
19 Pet’s Bathroom

We all know about men’s, women’s, mixed or disabled bathrooms, but here is a bathroom we have never seen before.
This is the most inclusive airport in the world! Even the animals have their own bathroom! Isn’t that nice?
20 Assistance Pony

We have often seen assistance dogs, but a pony is really a first.
We hope that the flight was not too long, because there is very little space left for the legs of these travelers because of the pony!
21 Tired Of Waiting

Sometimes, waiting in line at the airport can be interminable, and that seemed to be the case at the time.
This man was tired of waiting. He was exhausted, so he decided to remedy the situation. Please wake him up when it’s his turn!
22 Where’s The Plane?

This picture makes us laugh a lot, but we wonder what happened.
Why are all these people there, on the stairs on the apron? Where is their plane? Is this for real or is it a staged photo?
23 Spilled Puppies

Oh wow. What a dream! We don’t know what all those puppies are doing at the airport, but we wish we were there too!
Imagine having to wait for your flight for hours. The wait would certainly be less painful with these cute puppies!
24 No Emergency

This emergency phone is unfortunately out of order at this airport. That’s okay, it happens.
But please, people, because of this outage, we would ask you to have your emergencies elsewhere, please. That would be the least you could do!
25 Perfect Grandads

These two old men waiting for their flight at the airport are simply adorable. This is exactly the image that everyone has in mind when they think of their grandads.
One is taking a nap, the other is trying to read something on his phone with a magnifying glass. And what about the colorful suitcase!
26 Mix And Match

You have to admit, this Jew has beautiful legs! If we were him, we would want to show them off too! Haha!
This picture is really great, and even the face of the man completely on the right of the picture seems to fit a bit with the lower male body on the poster!
27 I See You

When we have to poop, we definitely prefer to do it in privacy. It’s embarrassing enough to do it in a public place!
But this dog didn’t care about the privacy of this person. Its curiosity won out. I see you, friend. How’s it going?
28 Overnight Wait
If you have to spend the night at the airport waiting for your flight, but don’t feel like renting a hotel room nearby, we have the solution for you.
Bring your tent! Camping at the airport, why not? Plus, you’ll have some privacy!
29 Welcome Home

After three months of absence, this family decided to meet their teenage daughter at the airport wearing the most ridiculous outfits possible.
Shout-out to the father who has, in our opinion, the best outfit. With his bad written sign, Molson Canadian camisole and missing tooth, he’s perfect!
30 “Cause I can”

Well, this man has a good point. He could actually shave half his head and half his beard like that.
You can do a lot of things in life, just because you want to and you can. That doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to do it, though.
31 Assumed Baldness

Unfortunately, baldness does not leave many men unscathed. In fact, after the age of 70, 80% of men are affected by it!
But this man definitely accepts his fate very well and even manages to laugh about it!
32 Nibbling Cleanly

Cheetos are definitely one of the best snacks to eat, but they are also one of the messiest!
This man decided to eat his Cheetos with a fork to avoid getting orange fingers. It may sound strange, but it’s actually brilliant!
33 Nice Dress

This man definitely caught the attention of many travelers as he passed through Belfast International Airport.
Already, he’s a real eye-catcher wearing a tight yellow dress with fishnet tights, but what is he doing with such a huge boarding pass?
34 The Crossbow

At first glance, nothing seems strange in this photo taken at airport customs. Until our eyes land on the gray trash can.
Who thought it was a good idea to bring a crossbow to the airport, thinking they could take it on the plane?
35 Please Someone Rob Me!

It is important to always keep your belongings safe on your person or in a bag very close to you.
This young man who put his cell phone, wallet and passport on a small table out of his sight at the airport definitely didn’t understand anything.
36 Melon Hats

Who says you have to pay a fortune for a hat? All you need is a melon! And not only does it make you a hat, it makes you a snack.
These two young people chose a watermelon, but you could very well use a cantaloupe or a honeydew melon, for example, depending on the size of your head.
37 Water Gun Fights

Pilots have the right to have a little fun when they’re not flying, after all.
It must be a great way to pass the time, and it gets them moving a bit to make up for the hours they spend flying!
38 Birds On A Plane

We know the movie Snakes on a Plane, but falcons in a plane, that’s new!
Apparently, it would be the Saudi Prince who paid to have 80 falcons travel on a commercial flight between the United Arab Emirates. What is he doing with so many falcons?
39 Outfit Match

These men crossed paths completely randomly at the Newark airport.
What are the odds that two men who don’t know each other are dressed exactly the same, in the same place, at the same time?
40 Furry Flight

But what happened at this boarding gate? Who are these people all dressed up as furry animals?
Definitely, flight 1204 was a very special one. Did they keep their costumes throughout the flight?
41 458 Days

We know that it can take a long time to finally see our luggage appear on an airport conveyor belt, but 458 days seems excessive to us.
All joking aside, these lovers must be really happy to be back together, and they must be impatient to receive the luggage to go back home!
42 Struggling Mom

Sometimes there are no better solutions than putting our children on a leash to avoid the worst situations.
However, despite all of this, this mom seems to have a very difficult time managing her children at the airport.
43 Severus Snape

Severus Snape is not dead! He survived Voldemort and decided to start a new life. He now works for American Airlines.
We wonder how many times this man has been approached by Harry Potter fans. Certainly several times a day!
44 The Selfie

Nothing more typical than a selfie with friends at the airport, to show all our contacts on social medias that we are going on a trip and that we are very happy.
These girls even decided to take an exuberant selfie from above using a selfie stick! But in what position is the girl taking the selfie? Also, the man in the foreground seems discouraged…
45 Bad Santa

Did you know that Santa Claus sometimes takes a plane to travel? What a surprise!
But why is he escorted by two airport agents? What’s in your bag, Santa?
46 First Snow

But what’s going on at the Michigan airport today? Is there a special discount for seniors?
No! What’s happening is that the first snow has hit, and snowbirds are rushing to their Florida homes!
47 Pinky Babe

This man totally assumes his clothing choice, and for that, we can only applaud him!
Is it really a good outfit for a plane trip, though? It seems a bit uncomfortable to us.
48 Comfort Needed

This person really needed to sleep and the airport benches were not comfortable enough for his taste.
Fortunately, this person is forward thinking and had a hammock in his hand luggage!
49 Excessively Tired

This girl is exhausted. Completely drained! There’s no way she’s going to get around on her own.
You have to admit, her father was very clever. This is a perfect way to transport his daughter without too much effort while she sleeps.
50 Jenga: Airport Version

We’d be really nervous to pass up these mountains of luggage at the airport.
It looks like a dangerous Jenga tower that threatens to collapse at any moment!
51 Traveling Cozy

Obviously, not everyone likes to travel in the same way.
While many opt for casual and comfortable clothing, Khloe Kardashian is wearing a lingerie top.
52 Please Carry Me

This child is really tired from her flight.
But if she lies on the conveyor belt, it’s like she’s a luggage, so her parents will carry her, right?
53 And… Go!

Our minds can’t even begin to comprehend what is going on in this picture. Why are these dwarfs pulling the plane?
Well, it’s a “Plane Pull”, and apparently it’s a relatively common thing. Who would have thought?
54 Nice Try
Ha, the famous “Come on, bring me in your suitcase!” joke when someone goes on a trip.
Well, they really did it. Nice try, guys, but did you really think it would work?
55 Forrest Gump

Hey, it’s Forrest Gump at the Nashville International Airport! Unbelievable!
This man looks way too much like the famous character played by Tom Hanks. Everything about his costume is identical to the movie!
56 A Bear On The Apron

Hello, Mr. Bear! Can we help you? Are you lost?
It’s definitely only in Alaska that you can see a bear walking around on an airport apron!
57 Severe Physical Harm

This is a rather alarming sign found at St. Maarten’s Princess Juliana Airport, in the Caribbean.
Apparently, the runway is too close to the parking lot at this airport, so they need to be extra careful!
58 Acrobats Waiting

All the manners are good to pass the time when we wait for our flight at the airport.
Why not do some acrobatics on the way? It passes the time and entertains the people around!
59 Really Tired

This woman must have been really VERY tired to fall asleep in that position in that chair.
We wouldn’t want to be in her shoes when she wakes up, though. Imagine the aches and pains!
60 Rolling Suitcase

The only means of transportation available to you to get to the airport is a motorcycle? No problem!
There is a reason why suitcases have wheels. Use them!
61 Job: Sniffing

The job of these dogs at the airport customs is very simple: sniffing the passengers and their luggages to make sure that no passenger is carrying drugs.
In life, you should never trust anyone. It is often the people who seem to be the most honest who are not! So this dog takes no chances and sniffs out his colleague, just to be sure.
62 Sushi Suitcases

Making sure our luggage has a unique look makes finding it on the conveyor belt much easier.
Sushi wraps are a great idea, except from the photo, several people seem to have had the same idea. That’s not practical.
63 Seat Problem

Sir, your position in the plane does not seem to us to be optimal at all. Isn’t this usually a case where one person buys two seats?
We understand that it costs more, but how are the flight attendants supposed to move in the aisle during the flight? And this man can’t be comfortable, let’s be honest.
64 Turkey-Man

There is Spider-Man, and there is also Turkey-Man! Didn’t you know that?
We’re not sure why this man is wearing a turkey suit at the airport, but you have to admit, it’s pretty funny!
65 Dangerous Pilot

We understand that the engines of the plane are not running and that this picture of this woman sitting in an engine turbine is pretty.
But nobody is better placed than a pilot to know that it is very dangerous to stand there even if it is not running!
66 Walkway Fun

We can never say it enough, the wait in an airport can be long. So any way to pass the time is good!
This group decided to start doing strange positions on the walkway. Why not? Did you notice that there is a fourth person lying on the walkway?
67 Clever Mini Ad

This is one of the most ingenious advertisements! Nothing better than an ad that uses the surrounding environment to get its message across.
We still have our doubts that a Mini Cooper can hold so much luggage, though!
68 Wrong Spot

Delta Air Lines doesn’t necessarily have a good reputation, and when we see a picture like this, we don’t wonder why.
Guys, even we know that a baggage holder does not go in the turbine engine!
69 Pink Cowboy

No one can deny it, this man really likes pink!
This pink cowboy outfit certainly does not go unnoticed, but hey, this man is living his best life!
70 Rocking Chair

This is a good way to wait comfortably for your luggage at the airport! But how did this rocking chair end up there?
Did he bring it himself? That’s what we call motivation, because a rocking chair is kind of bulky!
71 For Restrooms

We have some doubts about the English translation of this sign to indicate the location of the restrooms.
At the same time, if this sign indicates that the restrooms are in the opposite direction, this translation is not wrong.
72 Tired Couple

It is common to come across tired people at the airport, and it is not unusual to come across people sleeping in strange positions.
This couple is a good example of that. Each one sleeps leaning on the other. One wonders how uncomfortable they are.
73 Adults Only

What exactly is this conveyor for? Who is supposed to use it? This sign is perplexing.
One thing is certain, a child should not be near this machine.
74 Recombobulation Area

This is something you don’t see very often in airports. A recombobulation area!
After all, customs can sometimes be discombobulating for some people, so there must be somewhere they can go to take time to recombobulate!
75 Last Photo

Your trip to Germany is unfortunately over and you didn’t manage to take as nice a picture of the Neuschwanstein Castle as you wanted to during your visit?
No problem! Frankfurt Airport is offering you one last chance to take a beautiful picture of the castle as if you were there!
76 Greetings From Denver

One thing is for sure, Denver, Colorado is certainly not known for its palm-tree-covered beaches.
This woman better enjoy the moment while she’s still in the airport, because once she gets out, she’ll potentially be disappointed.
77 Flight Attendants Having Fun

These two flight attendants seem to have a lot of fun! They look more like they are having a party than working.
What’s really in their bottle? It’s suspicious that you can’t see the liquid in any of their bottles.
78 You’re Being Watched

This young girl seems very curious, and this man does not seem to have noticed at all that he is being watched.
But what surprises us the most is that the father of this girl is definitely peeing with his child on his shoulders!
79 The Rock’s Luggage

What could The Rock possibly be carrying in that ridiculously huge bag?
In any case, whatever it is, it definitely can’t be his carry-on! His overweight baggage fees will be high!
80 Something To Declare?

This airport has found a good way to get people to declare what’s in their suitcase before the customs officials figure it out themselves.
Unfortunately, a crocodile isn’t even the strangest thing people could try to get through customs!
81 Hard Traveling

Certainly, it is strange to see a person lying on the ground in an airport, but the strangest thing is that they chose a place so close to the toilet.
Why do we have the impression that this person is not well and prefers to rest near a toilet, just in case? Did they have one too many?
82 Star Wars Delegation

Why all the Stormtroopers and Rebel Pilots at the airport? Are they the new airplane pilots and customs agents?
If so, we are very confident about the flights, but getting through customs without any problems is another story!
83 Failed Parking

If you have trouble parking your car, imagine the difficulty of parking an airplane!
Unfortunately, this driver missed completely and hit a nearby plane. Some flights will be potentially delayed!
84 Lack Of Restraint
We don’t know what this man did, but to end up lying like that on an airplane, we guess he potentially had one too many drinks.
Lying on the seats is one thing, but unbuckling your belt and pants, really? We wouldn’t want to be his seatmate!
85 Vision Of Hell

Is this what hell looks like? But what is this far too intense and frightening vision?
Denver International Airport should definitely hire a new interior designer.
86 Hey Gollum!

New Zealand has some breathtaking scenery, which you may have seen in the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies.
But the immersion into J. R. R. Tolkien’s world and Middle Earth starts as soon as you arrive at the airport, with this big statue of Gollum trying to catch fish!
87 Auto-Frisk

But who had the strange idea of inventing an auto-frisk machine? It’s so awkward!
Being searched by a customs officer can be unpleasant, but we still prefer that to being touched anywhere by a machine!
88 For The Cause

Some activists will do anything to get their message across, and that is definitely the case with this woman.
She locked herself in a transparent suitcase to protest against human trafficking. That’s very noble of her, but can she at least breathe in there?
89 I Am Your Father

This dad’s daughter flew by herself for the very first time, and this is how he picked her up at the airport.
There’s nothing like taking on your first solo flight, only to be embarrassed as soon as you arrive at the airport.
90 Not Only For His Own Entertainment

The time at the airport can be very long, especially for children, who have very little means of entertainment.
If you have a movie like The Avengers playing on your iPad and there are kids around, you’re sure to have company!
91 Free Candies

You can find everything at the airport, even people with too much makeup on who pretend to sleep standing up while handing out candy!
But we’ve always been told not to accept candy from strangers, so… What do we do?
92 Grandma Has No Clue

This elderly woman is not completely comfortable with the principle of walkways, and we get the impression that in any case, it doesn’t matter to her that a line of people has formed behind her.
At least the travelers stuck behind her seem to be patient and find the situation quite funny!
93 Nap Time
We understand that sitting in an airplane seat can be uncomfortable, especially on a long flight, but still.
Plus, he’s lying directly in front of the emergency exit! This could be very dangerous!
94 Flying Turkey

Wild turkeys can fly at an amazing speed, but only for a short distance.
If they want to go further, they have no choice but to fly in another way, right? That’s why this adventurous turkey is in that plane!
95 Long Flight

This airplane pilot looks totally exhausted. So much so that he couldn’t wait to get to a more comfortable place to take a nap.
His last flight must have been very long! Anyway, we sure hope he’s not that tired BEFORE he starts his flight.
96 Pokémon Plane

Imagine waiting for your flight and realizing that you will be flying to your destination in this Pokémon plane.
It sounds really cool to us, whether you’re a fan of these little monsters or not. And if you’re traveling with kids, they’ll be thrilled to be flying in such a beautiful and colorful plane!
97 Another Kind Of Military Outfit

This man seems to be a regular at airports, but also in wearing revealing outfits.
While he can sometimes be seen all in pink with a corset, this time he opted for a military camouflage outfit.
98 Various Uses Of Newspapers

Newspapers are convenient at the airport to pass the time while waiting for your flight, but they are not only for that.
You have hours to wait, want to take a nap, but have nothing to cover yourself or block the light? This man found the solution!
99 The King Of Metal
A t-shirt with “I am the king of metal” written on it can be nice, especially if there is another particularly cool design on the front, but it’s not that big of a deal.
However, wearing this shirt when you’re at the airport and about to go through customs and the metal detector is very funny. Great choice of shirt!
100 Alligator Man

This man seems most sympathetic to us! It can’t be otherwise, after all. Someone who is not friendly would not wear an alligator one-piece at the airport!
Imagine how he gets everyone’s attention, especially from the little ones? There’s no way he would go unnoticed, and he must get a lot of comments!
101 Ballet Dancers

Flight delays are unfortunately much more frequent than we would like. But what to do when it happens?
This troupe of ballet dancers decided to pass the time by offering a nice performance on the walkway. It was definitely fun to watch!
102 Not Always Funny To Be Weird

While the famous Weird Al Yankovic always seems most happy and cheerful, this was definitely not the case that day at the airport.
Come on, guys, let him bring his accordion on the plane. The flight will be more pleasant for everyone, anyway!
103 Flip The Bottle: Airport Version

Sometimes, at the airport, even workers need to pass the time between tasks. So these men decided to create a new version of Flip the Bottle.
Sounds like a great idea to us! Plus, there’s hours of practice before you get good at it. If your luggages are late, though, it may be because a game is dragging on…
104 Arm On Charge

Angel Giuffria is, as she likes to say, a bionic actress, and a Limb Difference & Disability Consultant. Indeed, she had her left arm amputated, and now she has a rechargeable prosthesis.
This is a really cool technology, except that you have to remember to recharge it. Giuffria says she received several curious stares while recharging at the airport.
105 National Margarita Day

This man was not about to let National Margarita Day pass without a celebration. What a shame it would be! Seriously.
NOTHING in the world could thwart this old man’s plans for one of the most important day of the year, not even having to pick up his wife from the airport.
106 This Couple Is Forever

Sometimes there are those moments when you look at a couple and you can’t help but believe that the two people are made for each other and that they will be together forever.
This is the case for this couple seen at the airport. The fact that this man is sleeping on his wife’s lap while her tablet is resting on her husband’s forehead is clearly a sign.
107 Hey, It’s Buddy Over There!

This man decided to dress up as Buddy the Elf, from the movie Elf, to pick up his child at the airport.
Really, we love it! Especially since he made a nice wink to the character played by Will Ferrell by recreating the famous escalator scene!
108 The (Type)Writer Traveler

It’s common to see people with their laptops working from everywhere, or even with notebooks or that kind of stuff.
However, this is the first time we’ve seen someone writing in public with a typewriter! And at the airport, no less! It doesn’t seem very practical to us.
109 Modern Religion

One person captured this unusual scene at the airport. A Mennonite and a Buddhist Monk, sitting close together.
But what’s even stranger about this? They are both waiting to board a plane, and waiting while looking at their cell phones. When did these people become so modern?
110 Sticker Guy

This man sitting at the airport looks exactly like the sticker on the laptop of the girl sitting next to him.
Seriously, what are the chances of such a coincidence happening? Clearly, it’s arranged, right? Either way, the scene is perfect.
111 Christopher Flyen

Everyone knows Christopher Walken. After all, he is one of the great actors of Hollywood! It’s a good thing he’s famous, because otherwise he would definitely just look like a creepy, crazy old man.
But if Christopher Walken flies, should we rename him Christopher Flyen? We find this very funny and we are not sorry at all for this bad joke.
112 Like Father, Like Daughter

We don’t know where this father and daughter are coming from or where they are going, but one thing is certain, they are totally exhausted!
It’s very funny to see how both of them are sleeping deeply, with their mouths wide open. Definitely, this is her father’s daughter!
113 Anyone’s Hungry?

When it’s time to eat, nothing stops these airport workers. There’s absolutely no reason why they shouldn’t take the trouble to make themselves a nice meal on the barbecue.
The least they could do is offer some to the passengers who are patiently waiting for their flights, though, right? It must be so good!
114 Identified Luggage

There is nothing more unpleasant than looking for your suitcase on an airport carousel. Only to have your suitcase stolen, potentially.
But this man solved the problem. Not only is his suitcase easy to spot, no one will ever dare steal it from him!
115 Drunk Lady

This woman was definitely in no condition when she saw fit to bring her bottle of vodka with her to the airport.
While this situation is very funny, it’s also kind of sad. This woman has issues.
116 Not Too Short

Recharging your cell phone when it runs out of battery is obviously a necessity. But what to do when your cable is too short?
Sure, this airport’s electrical outlet is placed ridiculously high, but no cable is too short for this man. His cell phone will be charged, no matter what!
117 Christmas Lovers

These two men do not know each other, but they bumped into each other at the airport, each wearing a Christmas suit.
Needless to say, they became instant friends! There’s nothing like the Christmas spirit to bring people together.
118 Resting Comfortably

This woman was really tired and needed to rest while waiting for her flight.
But we wonder what fascinates us more: the few people present in this airport or that this woman managed to settle down like this despite the armrests of the seats?
119 He’s The One

When you have hours to kill at the airport because of a delay, you quickly lack things to do.
This man, however, has found the perfect entertainment to pass the time!
120 Sweet Tooth

The worst fear of a sweet-toothed traveler is running out of cookies or not finding a dessert they like where they are going.
So this traveler decided to take no chances with his potential sugar cravings and bring several boxes of cookies with him.
121 Overdressed

Being overdressed usually means being dressed too fancy for the occasion. Here, however, these two men are literally wearing too much clothing.
But that’s the only way out when our carry-on luggage turns out to be too heavy once we get to the airport. If we wear our clothes, they weigh nothing in the suitcase!
122 Casual Business Travel

This man is ready to put ALL of his belongings in the bin to be scanned at airport customs.
We hope he’s not playing a joke on the customs officers, because the sign on the ceiling specifically states that jokes are not welcome.
123 Learning CPR

What better way to pass the time than by learning something new? Plus, learning CPR is very useful, because as this machine says, #CPRsaveslives.
Who knows if you will become a hero thanks to this machine? You never know if someone will need help during your flight!
124 Unsuitable Tote Bag

Normally, we would have nothing to say about this tote bag. It’s a little intense, but we can see the irony.
Using this bag at the airport, though? We highly doubt that security guards and customs officers will find it funny.
125 Choosing Simplicity

This man did not want to put all his belongings and other necessary items in a bin at customs.
He preferred to keep it simple and, therefore, to go through the baggage scanner himself.