Hilarious Signs From Sporting Events
1 Show No Mercy

We love a good Karate Kid reference, so this sign is one of our favorites on this list. Of course, it’s referring to the scene in the movie when Sensei tells Johnny Lawrence to do an illegal move during the competition and sweep Danny LaRusso’s hurt leg. It’s an iconic moment in movie history.
What makes this sign even funnier is that it features former Duke basketball coach, Mike Krzyzewski, who is known for being a cruel coach at times. It also has a photo of Grayson Allen, who played for Duke for 4 years and has a reputation of being a dirty player.
2 He’s Getting Coal For Christmas

Sports fans love coming up with clever signs to hold up at sporting events, and this guy certainly knew how to call attention to himself. He threw on a shark costume and constructed a sign that read: “My wife thinks I’m Christmas shopping.”
While he may have thought he was funny, we can only hope that his poor wife didn’t tune in to see him flashing this sign everywhere. That would be one stupid way to get caught in a lie. Although, we predict that this guy wasn’t actually married in the first place.
3 The Biggest Loser

Sports fans love to communicate support for their favorite team by creating clever signs, some of which can be pretty insulting. Take this next sign, for example. It touches on the rivalry between the Denver Broncos and Kansas City Chiefs, which can be a bit intense at times.
This Bronco fan had no problem expressing exactly how they felt about the Chiefs when they held up this savage sign in the stands at a game. While the message is a bit long, it’s totally worth the read because it’s a solid burn. No offense to people who watch The Biggest Loser.
4 Father Knows Best

Oftentimes, the most enthusiastic fans will take their love for the team so far that they’re willing to dress up in a costume to show their support. Like this gentleman who wore a Jesus costume in the stands of a Pittsburgh Steelers game and held up a literal sign from God.
We have to admit that his approach was very inventive. He already had long hair, so it wasn’t a far stretch for him to transform into the Savior. Hopefully, God was on their side and The Steelers won the game. Either way, this sports sign is as funny as they come.
5 Free Eye Exam

Crowds can get pretty testy when they think the referees make a bad call during the game. This group of fans found a creative way to remind the refs to keep their heads in the game with this sign that looks like a vision test.
Not only did they use this sign to encourage the referees to pay better attention, but their painted faces and hilarious basketball hats were sure to capture the attention of the referees. These guys found a fun way to speak their minds and stay on top of the refs throughout the game.
6 Yay Sports!

You gotta give it to this kid, he has a lot of heart. This fan may not have any idea what team he’s rotting for, but he sure knows how to bring some humor to the game. Most people in the crowd at sporting events have their favorite team and players that they root for, but not this guy.
He’s just happy to be there. The fact that he looks like the least athletic person on the planet makes this sign even funnier. This photo proves that it’s just enough to show up and make some noise in the stands, even if you are oblivious.
7 The Encourager

People don’t just make creative signs for ball games, they also come out in support of runners during a marathon. Supportive family members and friends will line up along the route and hold up funny messages to keep the runner motivated and possibly entertained, depending on the sign.
This woman came up with a surefire way to inspire the runners to improve their time. Why not pretend you’re running from a crime scene? That will put a little bit of gas in your motor. While we don’t condone criminal behavior, we do condone the use of this silly sign.
8 The Ultimatum

Some signs at sporting events can get personal. This woman’s boyfriend gave her a choice: either go to the World Series or marry him. Not only did she reject his proposal, but she opted to get World Series tickets instead and made a sign to rub the whole thing in.
We’re guessing by the grin on her face that she’s totally happy with the decision she made. This lady must really love baseball to give up her man like that. Either that or she’s just a cold-blooded woman who would break a man’s heart without a second thought.
9 Husband Of The Year

It seems like some people will do just about anything to attend their favorite sporting event, including leaving their pregnant wife at home to attend the game. This Angels fan and father-to-be did just that and made a hilarious sign to hold up at the game.
We can only hope that his wife didn’t mind being left behind at 9 months pregnant. At least he was willing to leave the game if her water broke. Do we really think that he’d actually leave the game if he got that call, though? Somehow we think that he might not answer the phone.
10 Run Forrest Run

It’s so fun when pop culture crosses with sports culture, like the next photo on this list. This college football made a reference to the fictional character from the movie Forrest Gump. In the film, Gump was rewarded a football scholarship to the University of Alabama.
The character played by Tom Hanks was considered to be a bit slow, so this was quite a dig to the Crimson Tide. Although, Forrest Gump was a loveable guy who wasn’t afraid to work hard for what he believed in. Maybe this sign wasn’t an insult after all?
11 Indecent Proposal

Women can be shameless when it comes to throwing themselves at their favorite athletes. This next woman is a prime example of just how far a lady would be willing to go to get with their chosen football player. The Greenbay Packers fan held up a sign proposing to starting quarterback, Aaron Rodgers.
Not only that, but she held up the sign directly in front of her boyfriend. To make matters worse, she claimed to not even know her boyfriend. That’s just dirty right there. The perplexed expression on his face is priceless. He doesn’t look too thrilled about the situation.
12 Missed Call

Have you ever been watching a sports game and found yourself angry that the referee missed a call? If so, then you’ll love this next clever sports sign. A fan came up with a genius way to express her frustrations to the ref. She held up a giant cell phone that shows a missed call from “Referee”.
While this may be a funny sign, we can’t help but wonder just how annoyed the people behind her were when she held up that massive phone? That thing looks to be blocking everyone’s view. Maybe the crowd should have called her out on it.
13 Lawyer Up

Some fans are so dedicated to their favorite sports team that they’ll make great sacrifices to attend the game. Nothing can stop them from taking to the stands, including the long arm of the law! This LSU fan put it all on the line with his amusing sign, claiming he skipped his court date for the game.
He may regret admitting this in a public forum because this image could totally be used as evidence. Although, we suspect that he’s joking. One look at this guy and you can tell that he’s not actually a troublemaker. So, we’ll give him a pass for this one.
14 Nice Try, Ladies

Ladies go crazy for former Gators quarterback, Tim Tebow. These two female fans took matters into their own hands and held up a sign offering to break up with their boyfriends for the Heisman Trophy winner. Honestly, we don’t blame them at all because Tebow is pretty dreamy.
Hopefully, their boyfriends could take a joke because the odds are not in these girls’ favor. He is a happily married man to his wife, Demi-Leigh Tebow. She would be stiff competition, considering she was Miss Universe in 2017. Better luck next time, gals. You better go call your boyfriends and apologize.
15 Darth Vader

There are some pretty crazy rivalries when it comes to college basketball. Syracuse Orange and the Duke Blue Devils fans get pretty fierce in the stands, so it’s not shocking at all to see a sign like this one.
Sci-fi fans will think this sign is out of this world. A Syracuse Orange put on a Darth Vader mask and played on the famous line from Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back. Ah… Nothing like a good old-fashioned Star Wars reference for all the nerdy sports fans out there. It’s like the best of both worlds.
16 True Love

Sometimes, fans show support for an entire team as opposed to pointing out their favorite player. These Dayton Flyers’ fans want everyone to know just how much they love The University of Dayton basketball team and they found a genius way to express it.
They needed to find an example of what true love looks like, so they found the perfect relationship to compare it to. No one loves themselves more than Kanye West loves himself. Not only are they holding up a funny sign, but their painted faces and attire in team colors make their love of the game stand out even more.
17 Baby, It’s Cold Outside

True football fans don’t let something like freezing cold temperatures keep them from cheering in the stands. These Seahawks’ fans put on all the gear, thermal shirts, hats, gloves, and even ski goggles to protect them from the frigid temperatures. Despite all their efforts, the chill still got them.
No amount of layering could protect them from the cold that Sunday afternoon, and this demonstrated just how far they were willing to push themselves to stay at the game. Sure, they might have lost sensation in their faces, but feeling your face is overrated when there’s football to see.
18 Revenge

Sometimes fans will take advantage of the camera to send a message to the world and this woman got right to the point with her sign. There’s no better way to get revenge on a cheating ex-boyfriend than to let him see you living your best life. Which is exactly what this lady did.
We can only hope that he was sitting at home and got the message loud and clear. Serves him right for cheating on her in the first place. Now, look at him, alone on the couch while she lives it up at a football game. That’ll teach him to be faithful.
19 Where’s Waldo?

The best sports fans are the ones who go all out and wear costumes to really drive their point home. These two ladies dressed up like Waldo from the Where’s Waldo books and threw out some serious shade with their signs.
Obviously, they’re not huge fans of Colorado State University because they totally dissed their talent. That’s certainly one way to get everyone’s attention and let them know exactly what you think of the opposing team. Although, they seem to be surrounded by CSU fans, so maybe they crossed over to the other side?
20 Olive Garden

It’s always fun to see fans roast the other team in clever ways and this person clearly does not like the Clemson Tigers at all. While we understand that they were trying to insult the team by implying that they’re cheap, we don’t see the problem here.
Olive Garden is the best deal in town, with its endless baskets of breadsticks and all-you-can-eat salad bowls. What’s not to like? Okay, we have to admit that this sign is actually pretty funny. We just have one pressing question, though. Is anyone else feeling hungry?