The Most Amusing Gym Rats You’ll Ever Meet
1 Professional Cyclist

This man is a professional cyclist. He takes this sport very seriously and he wants you to know that. Cycling is no joke!
But unfortunately, his bike is out of commission right now, so he has no choice but to train on a stationary bike at the gym. But safety first, always wear your helmet!
2 She Gave It All

Training is grueling, and this woman definitely gave it all she had during her kickboxing training.
She was so exhausted that she needed a little nap before going home. After all, it’s dangerous to hit the road when you’re that tired!
3 How Ironic

Training is important for these men, but you know, you shouldn’t overdo it either. They’re going to spend around an hour and a quarter working out in the gym, maybe?
They’re not going to climb the stairs to get there in addition! And they probably won’t even take them down either because, you know, working out is tiring.
4 Always A Towel On Hand

It is important to always have a towel with you when you go to the gym, but maybe not necessarily a big bath towel.
It is also customary to wear a shirt, but at least you can see that he is wearing shorts under his towel. And anyway, is he really training or is he just there for the TVs?
5 Planking

Planking is a great way to work your abs and strengthen them, but this woman didn’t understand how it works.
Her way of planking, also known as the Lying Down Game, was popular from about mid-2011 to early 2012, but this type of plank works absolutely nothing in your body, unfortunately. Sorry, girl.
6 Nude Leggings

There should be a law against wearing clothes that are too similar to your skin color. It would avoid a lot of confusion!
When we quickly look at this picture, our first reflex is to believe that this woman is working out at the gym without wearing pants. Imagine the shock!
7 Stay Informed

It is important to take the necessary rest time between two sets of the same exercise. This rest time can be more or less long depending on your program and your goals.
For this woman, the rest time is so long that she has to keep busy, otherwise it’s too boring. So what better way to stay informed than to read the newspaper while blocking access to the machine for all other gym members?
8 High Heels > Converse

You’ve probably seen people wearing Converse shoes at the gym. After all, with their hard, flat sole, they’re proven to be perfect for weight training.
But this woman will never wear Converse. It’s not chic enough! Better to squat in high heels.
9 Too Few Benches

Some gyms are simply ill-equipped, but even the best-equipped gyms, during busy periods, may not have enough equipment to accommodate everyone at once.
This gym doesn’t look like it’s full, yet these two men are using the same bench to do their lying reverse fly. It seems unlikely to us that this gym would be so short on benches, so what are they doing?
10 Getting Ready

Some people are really dedicated to their fitness, and there is no good reason to miss a workout.
This woman is going out tonight, but she had to do a few bench presses before she got there. Plus, working her muscles pumps them up a bit, making them more visible for a short time. She’ll look even better!
11 Too Big Swing

It’s hard to guess what this woman was about to do, suspended like this while holding rings, but definitely, it doesn’t happen the way she planned.
Our impression is that she gave herself too big a swing and doesn’t know how to control her movement, nor how to come back of it without falling.
12 A Bit Too Tall

Gyms are generally inclusive places where anyone can go and work out as they please.
Unfortunately for this man, however, it seems that this gym is not suitable for tall people. He’s still lucky that it has a drop ceiling, otherwise it would be even more uncomfortable!
13 Injury In The Making

It is not uncommon for gyms to let their clients go without following up or finding out if they know anything about what they are doing, and it leaves room for situations like this.
This man is totally upside down on this machine for prone leg curls. It’s not his head that goes under that bar, it’s his calves! It’s only a matter of time before he injures his neck.
14 Never Without Music

Going to the gym without music is the worst thing. It’s great to work out, especially if you’re really into it, but music adds a little motivation, a little pep to it all.
But obviously, this young man had nothing but his iPad to listen to during his workout. Let’s just say that it’s a little less portable than a cell phone, isn’t it?
15 Feline Trainer

We have all seen a man wearing a leotard, especially during a wrestling match, for example. But this is next level! Even this woman can’t believe her eyes.
Not only have we never seen a gym trainer wearing a leotard, but even less one with a big cat face on it. This man has absolutely no fear for his manhood.
16 That’s Unfortunate

Marketing and design are very important when it comes to creating a company logo. After all, it’s essential that the right message is conveyed.
We hope that the people in charge of the logo behind Fit Forever gyms have been fired, because this sign is a huge fail. According to the design, it reads Fat Forever instead. For a gym, that’s really bad.
17 Fit Twins

It’s already an amazing sight to see twins at the gym at the same time, but to add to the confusion, these two sisters decided to wear the exact same outfit.
Imagine someone who has just given it their all in their workout, is feeling borderline giddy, and runs into the twins in two different places doing different exercises. It’s enough to make you think you’ve gone crazy!
18 That’s How You Work Your Thighs

Should someone advise this woman that this is not how she should use this machine to work her thighs?
At the same time, we suspect that many gym members don’t want to tell her, because the view would be less interesting for them.
19 Maximizing Your Time

People who say they don’t train because they don’t have time are people who don’t know how to maximize their time.
Just take advantage of the time you spend training to do other things at the same time! For example, this busy old lady decided to work out while her hair was curling. Now that’s a good idea!
20 Training Or Parading?

Nowadays, there are some really nice and fashionable sportswear outfits you can buy, but sometimes you wonder if they were created for training or for parading.
It’s nice to take a selfie of this workout kit, because it looks great, but is the top, besides being rather revealing, really practical?
21 Good Posture

The number one rule when training is to always have good posture to avoid injury. When we bench press, it’s easy to compensate with our backs when we lift weights that are a little too heavy, so this man found a solution to keep him in place on his bench.
We don’t know if this woman is his girlfriend or his trainer, but we would say she’s the girlfriend. Still, using his girlfriend to keep himself glued to the bench seems an unusual method.
22 Ronald’s Getting In Shape

Did you know that Ronald McDonald has been in office since 1963? That popular clown is getting old!
While he got a whole new look and outfit in 2014, he needs to keep himself in shape if he wants to keep up with the kids who visit McDonald’s restaurants for many more years!
23 Facing The Wrong Way

This machine found in all gyms is called the Power Front Squat Machine. So, logically, you must press your back on the machine to achieve a 90° angle with your legs as you descend.
But this woman definitely did not understand how this machine works. Except for hurting her back, we have a hard time understanding what she thinks she is working on in this position.
24 Women’s Workout

Those who have never worn high heels can’t know how hard it can be to walk with them and how painful it can be for your calves, at least at the beginning.
But this woman is willing to do anything to be able to wear high heels to complete her look, and if that means forging iron calves on a treadmill, so be it.
25 What About The Lower Body?

This man knows what he is doing. Look how muscular his arms and pecs are! Soon, he’ll be even more in shape than Chris Hemsworth!
But what about his lower body? Has he forgotten that he should train it a little, too, in order to have a relatively proportional body? Because right now, he looks weird.
26 Working On The Selfies

Some people go to the gym to build muscle, others to improve their cardio, and often for both reasons.
However, there is another category of gym-goers who seem to be there to only work on their selfie game. We see them taking pictures of themselves many times, but do we ever see them actually working out?
27 The Trick To Squat Deeper

It’s a proven fact: the more you want to work your glutes and inner thigh muscles, the deeper you need to squat. Except, of course, it’s harder.
So sometimes we lack the motivation to push harder, but this man found exactly the motivation we all need. We’d squat until we hit our buttocks on the floor if it means taking a bite of chocolate cake every time!
28 Failing At Spotting

Spotting is assisting someone to lift a heavier weight than they would normally be safe to lift. Except that spotting involves always being ready to help the other person when they can’t do it anymore.
But this man chose to watch the woman working out behind him instead, leaving his friend to deal with his overweight barbell on his own. He’s really the worst spotter.
29 The Right Way To Use A Treadmill

Using a treadmill to walk or run is fine, but using it to gobble up a line of Goldfish crackers is better!
Plus, this guy made it harder for himself by placing them in waves, so he’ll have to work his back, abs and arms to catch them all. It’s brilliant!
30 That’s A Start

As regulars at the gym know, every year around January, people’s good resolutions come back and everyone heads to the gym.
Usually, people go to the gym to work out, but these two women are a little lacking in motivation. At least they went to the gym, it’s a start!
31 Dad On Duty

This dad had to take care of his child, but it was also time to go work out. Not one to shy away from anything, he found the best compromise.
After all, there’s nothing stopping him from doing squats with his child in a baby carrier. What’s more, his workout will be all the more effective since he’s carrying extra weight. Good job, man!
32 Almost Like Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian really started a trend with her supernatural curves, and now a ton of women want to have the same protruding posterior.
Except you have to work hard for it. Luckily there are now leggings that help accentuate the size of the buttocks, so it helps to achieve the unrealistic goals!
33 It’s All About Balance

This old lady is a queen. She understands life well, and she has totally assimilated that everything is a question of balance.
Of course, we have to take care of our health, but we also have to enjoy life. That’s why she goes to the gym, but never without her martini!
34 True Gym Rat

We often hear the term “gym rat” used to describe people who work out, and this gym decided to take that term literally!
Just like a rat (or rather a mouse or a hamster, but in the end, they are all part of the same family), this man runs in place in his wheel. This is a great alternative to the common treadmill!
35 No Vein, No Gain

It’s true that we have to push ourselves and lift heavier and heavier to develop our muscles and have a more defined body, but sometimes we have to be able to know that a weight is too heavy.
This man is pushing so hard to curl his weight that all the veins in his body are visible, even on his bald head. When you look like The Thing from the Fantastic Four, maybe it’s a sign it’s a bit heavy.
36 Human’s Best Friend

Doing yoga is good, but doing yoga with your dog is better. And this dog loves it!
It does the baby cobra position very well, it’s like it’s been doing it its whole life!
37 Brothers Rivalry

There is no way that these two men are not twins, or at least brothers, and as in any good brotherhood, there is rivalry!
As the one in the suit forces his brother to pull what appears to be a 155 kilo load, we hope that the tyrant will have his turn to force that much as well!
38 Is He Human?

It’s normal to put on heavier weights when doing leg presses, especially if you’re a man and if you already have strong legs, but this is a bit of an overkill.
Is this man human? Because except for the Incredible Hulk, it’s hard to believe that anyone is really capable of leg presses that heavy.
39 Putting Members To The Test

This gym knows how to test the will power of its members! Or to reward them for their efforts, depending on how you look at it.
Still, in a gym, we would have rather imagined a smoothie stand or protein drinks and bars, for example. A Krispy Kreme stand still seems a bit out of place to us.
40 Way To Go, Mr Potato Head!

Wearing such a costume is not as easy as you might think. It is very hot inside, and sometimes the suit can be quite heavy and bulky, which becomes even more difficult after a few hours.
That’s why it’s important to be in shape, and this person understood that. The next time they’ll have to wear this costume for hours on end while walking, they will have no trouble because they will be well prepared!
41 Passing The Time

Walking or running on a treadmill at the gym can quickly become boring. After all, walking in place is not at all the same as moving forward and having a landscape to look at.
So we need to find a way to entertain ourselves when boredom is looming. Most people listen to music or even videos on their phones, but this man prefers to knit. This scarf is coming along nicely!
42 It’s Max, So It’s Ok

Seeing this woman go on the air climber at the gym, clearly, she’s a real gym rat. From her leather cap to her old indoor clothes, you can tell that she cares about working out a lot.
But above all, it’s her two liters of Coca-Cola that impresses us. But after all, it’s Coke Max; it’s low-calorie and sugar-free, so it’s no worse than water!
43 Not A Leg Press Machine

Sometimes it’s easy to tell who’s not a regular at the gym and has never really workout out. This man, for example, who tries to do leg presses at a squat stand.
We are aware that some machines are not necessarily easy to understand at first, but just by looking at it, it seems pretty obvious that it’s not a leg press machine.
44 Training His Brain

We’re not sure what this man was trying to do there, but other than having a sore neck coming, we’re having trouble understanding this situation.
It is often said that the brain is a muscle that needs to be trained, so, is that it? Unfortunately, this is not the way to do it.
45 Not There For The Sweat

We have a ton of questions for this woman. The first would be, is this a joke? Why the hoverboard on the treadmill?
Clearly, working out is not her primary goal for going to the gym. This woman doesn’t want to push herself, or sweat, or anything at all. Maybe she doesn’t have a TV at home and she’s bored?
46 The Motivator

Anyone who has played Mario Kart knows the character of Lakitu, who, from the top of his cloud, starts the race, counts the laps and puts you back on the right track when necessary.
This man had no desire to run, but he went above and beyond to cheer on his friends, who have been training hard.
47 Shadow Of Temptation

It is proven that to be healthy, training is a good thing, but a good diet is the key. For weight loss, eating healthy accounts for 80% of the results, after all!
It depends on how you look at it, but a gym next to a McDonald’s seems like a dangerous choice. It’s so easy to finish a workout by rewarding yourself with McNuggets!
48 What Is Happening?

But what is this man doing? Is he a contortionist or something? The arch on his back is extremely frightening.
And as if his position wasn’t scary enough, this man also has to deal with the crotch of his spotter directly over his face. This vision is very disturbing in many ways.
49 New Way Of Pulling Up

This woman has absolutely no idea what she is doing. Unless she’s looking to gain flexibility in her hips, groin, hamstrings and more?
This machine is for pull-ups and chin-ups, but certainly not for whatever she is trying to do. And how did she even get up there?
50 Snack Time

From the clothes this girl is wearing, she’s clearly not at the gym to work out. But then, what is she doing there? Is she providing moral support to her friend?
If so, is it really a good idea to eat an ice cream cone in her face while she’s working out? It seems like a very questionable decision.
51 That Looks Dangerous

There is definitely something this man did not understand. This machine is for LAT Pulldowns, not for doing some sort of mid-row while balancing on an exercise ball!
This scene is just an accident waiting to happen. This man’s position is far too precarious. Please, someone, explain to him how to use the machines!
52 McDonald’s Gym With Adult Movies?

Several things perplex us in this image. For starters, a gym with red and yellow equipment? Are they sponsored by McDonald’s? It doesn’t look serious to us, it looks like toys!
And what is that man doing on his elliptical? Why did he cover his head and the elliptical screen with his towel? Clearly, he is looking at something suspicious and inappropriate.
53 Acrobatic Athletes

It’s always fun to challenge each other when training with friends. It’s fun and motivating, and you have to have fun when you train!
A planking pyramid was potentially not the best challenge for these men, however, who don’t look strong enough to support the weight of those above them at all. It’s only a matter of time before this human pyramid collapses.
54 Not All Black

At first glance, one could easily believe that this girl at the gym is very sober. After all, she only wears black clothes!
The moment we look down and see her sneakers, however, we get a shock. Those shoes are very, very pink! After all, it needed a touch of color somewhere, right?
55 Just There For The TV

There is nothing worse than people hogging the equipment, especially for no good reason. This person is in overalls and sitting on a folding chair watching TV. Clearly, they’re not there to work out.
But you know, televisions are expensive these days, and what about cable subscriptions! It’s much more cost effective to pay for a gym membership.
56 Coming To The Rescue

Being a superhero is no picnic. You have to be in shape and know how to defend yourself. It’s a very demanding job!
That’s why Batman has to workout and always maintain a high level of cardio. But like the girls watching from behind, we wonder: Doesn’t Batman have a treadmill in his Batcave?
57 Nap Time

This man did some bench pressing, but exhaustion suddenly took hold of him, and he could not continue. It was time for a nap, and since he was already lying on the bench, he stayed there.
In this position, his pec muscles will probably be painfull when he wakes up! But hey, it’s potentially also a good way to gain flexibility at this level, we imagine.
58 We Wouldn’t Have Thought Of That

Is this a bold new way to do mountain climbers? One thing is for sure, this position must work the arms and shoulders a lot.
It still seems dangerous to us. Let’s hope the speed of the treadmill isn’t too fast. If it were possible to put the treadmill in reverse, however, it could be an interesting exercise!
59 Just, Why?

Squats are a great way to work the legs and glutes. Sometimes, to work the muscles differently, you can raise the front or back of the foot by placing them on a folded towel, for example, or a small mat.
But we see badly the interest to stand on two free weights posed with the vertical one on the ground to carry out squats. He wants to work on his balance at the same time? Seriously, use a balance ball!
60 Well Done, World Gym

Several times a day, someone leaves their weights on a machine after using it. Yet, it is a matter of courtesy and simple logic to put them back on their rack when you are done.
Especially if you are using heavy weights! If you are able to put them on, you are also able to remove them. But this is not necessarily true for the person who will be using the machine after you. So please, don’t be weak.