These People Hilariously Quit Their Jobs
1 #?!@ Ya’ll

What better way to start the day than with a good cake? However, the boss to whom this cake was sent probably didn’t appreciate what was written on it.
This cake certainly had a bitter taste, but all the colleagues certainly had a good laugh while enjoying it during lunchtime.
2 Now Hiring Losers

This employee has certainly had a bad experience if he felt the need to shout from the rooftops that he was leaving, but his technique for announcing it has the merit of being very clear.
Their boss probably didn’t appreciate the illuminated sign in front of the restaurant, though.
3 He Can Change It Himself

A big giant illuminated sign on the side of the street. Wow! The whole neighborhood is now aware that an employee has just left.
It must have been a tough pill to swallow that morning and the employer probably climbed a ladder pretty fast to undo it all.
4 Pomme Frites

People have a vivid imagination, no matter what they do. When it’s time to quit, even waitress can become original.
Printing a receipt for your resignation requires little effort, but is 100% effective. Unless the receipt is misplaced and no one sees it!
5 What Happened?

He still took the time to place his glove on his sheet. One point for the effort, but minus one for aggressiveness.
The problem here is that we don’t know if it’s the employee who quits OR the boss who fires his employee.
6 Woohoo!

Homer Simpson for the win! Simple, short & effective. The little yellow color is perfect for getting noticed and the little text couldn’t be clearer.
A great way to pass on your resignation with a smile.
7 Fore!

How do you say, in golfing terms? Make a hole in one? Two little pictures, three words, and the message is over.
It’s a painful shot, but a well-lined shot. It’s gone!
8 We Are Closed

The waiting customers in the drive-through must have been difficult to manage if there was no one on the intercom.
There was one employee who didn’t feel like talking about it orally, but he still took the time to go over and stick his note up.
9 Don’t Expect Any Help

Is it really legal to post a personal message on a highway? Whatever the law, this employee really didn’t care.
He wasn’t happy and didn’t want it to go unnoticed. Thumbs up for the clarity of your message.
10 Dinosaur Drawing

When you have artistic talent and you perform well in drawing, you apply it to all areas of your life. That must be why he turned this dinosaur drawing into a resignation letter.
We’ll wish him a job in design for sure.
11 Hot Stuff By Carol

Usually, a small departing gift is given by the boss when the employee leaves, not by the employee to the boss to announce their resignation.
The humor of this person and all the effort put into the announcement are awesome, though.
12 Bad Bosses

Ouch! This resignation hurts! Everything is perfect in this message, from the little smiling, fluorescent yellow emoji to the book next to it.
What a great way to send a message when leaving the office.
13 My Boss Is A Pr***

It’s all about subtlety. The big question is: how long did it take the owners to realize that their employee was not coming back?
Another employee probably found the sign after several days OR a customer told them the bad news by reading the description. Subtle, but effective!
14 Mario Had Enough

When you have programming talent and you use it to quit, the word “epic” is in order.
Mario Bros would never quit a job, but every generation has a little smile when they see this.
15 Sorry For Your Loss

A greeting card that turns a bit opposite to the main goal. Usually you wish for the best in a card, but here, the person is announcing a misfortune instead.
In short, it is a very original way to resign and especially not to be forgotten.
16 I’m Out

The working conditions of the cooks are always very difficult; long working hours, difficult temperatures to endure, and rocky demands are the daily routine.
But when it’s too much, it’s too much! This employee was really fed up and used an original way to announce his departure.
17 In Loving Memory

Don’t panic, this employee didn’t leave the earth, he just used a somewhat macabre technique to leave his job.
A funeral pamphlet in memory of his person. We will have seen everything.
18 Click Renegotiate

When you work in IT, there’s nothing better than using your domain to leave. This letter has become more of a pop-up to end their employment.
Imagine their employer’s face when they started their day and saw this on their computer screen.
19 Still Coming To The Christmas Party

This message has the merit of being very clear. Even a blind person would almost understand.
Why take hours to write a nice resignation letter that will inevitably go into the trash can, anyway? Just be efficient, and this is the best way to do it. Ok! A little less rude, maybe.
20 Wednesday The 27th

Do you think it was the teachers who found his resignation letter on the board or the janitor?
It is still unclear if the employee just never went to their class to teach or if they ended their day with this message. Anyway, that’s a funny way to announce their departure.
21 Untitled

We laughed so hard when we saw this letter. Hard to misinterpret the message here. Everything was pretty clear.
It makes you wonder what the relationship was between the employee and the boss. It probably wasn’t very friendly.
22 Or Else

This is a very strange way to communicate with your employees. This little post-it seems very aggressive to us.
Shut up or else you’re fired. Really? We understand that the boss wants to be listened to, but it seems excessive.
23 Exiting The Building

And he’s gone! As a flight attendant would say, find the exit closest to you. That’s what this employee did.
A nice cake to end his last day in a zany way.
24 Yyyyeah…

Some people don’t necessarily have good communication skills and simply don’t want to make the effort. And this message leads us to believe that the boss and the employee are friends; otherwise who would write this to a superior?
Just a little effort was missing, my friend. But hey, better luck next time.
25 Nothing But Awesome
Ah! Finally, a little love in a departure. Through all the little passive-aggressive messages, here’s one that makes you smile.
Plus, the boss will be able to make a toast in their honor and wish them the best for the future.
26 Out Of The Office

To be left by email or text message is difficult, and so is being left by an employee.
However, it is a very easy way to leave your job without making any effort and without facing your boss.
27 Can Never Be Replaced

After 2 years of service, leaving with a joke is a great way. We don’t know if he was appreciated, but his greeting card letter will certainly get people talking.
The little hand on the heart lets us believe that the working relationship was good, so we love his touching way of leaving.
28 Hostile Environment

Five words that hurt when entering a company. We don’t know what field this employee was in, but they certainly aren’t there now!
Not sure that applications will come in batches if this poster remains.
29 It’s Me

Having confidence and self-assurance is essential in life, even when you quit your job.
This employee was sure that everyone would miss them and was not afraid to use their confidence in their resignation card.
30 In My Best Interest

There’s nothing like a respectful resignation letter but one that’s filled with sharp truths. This letter uses a sarcasm that few are capable of.
Hopefully, their boss was able to learn from those little comments that hinted at their displeasure.
31 My Work Here Is Done

It seems like there are some amateur bakers in the room. It’s a great way to get everyone involved and make sure our departure is not forgotten.
So much work for a message that could have been on a sheet of paper, but we share for the effort.
32 I Was Attacked

All the reasons were good to leave, that’s for sure. In addition to resigning, this employee gave a nice letter to their replacement, explaining their departure.
Hard to start your first day of work after receiving this from the former employee. They will certainly remain on their guard for the rest of the day.
33 Not Contagious

In a restaurant chain, a young man, seriously ill, had a note from his doctor to stay home. But his boss told him to come to work, anyway.
We’re talking about a restaurant AND a person throwing up. We all agree that we’d rather he stay away from our meals. It would seem that his boss had his values all wrong. Might as well get out of that disrespectful place right now!
34 Hey Boss

When an employee is unhappy because they don’t feel respected, your business can quickly turn sour. That’s the case here, with this employee who decided to close the store and go back home.
An hour late, and without notice, was the last straw. Hopefully, everyone learns a lesson from this.
35 Love, Mel

First of all, this cake is beautiful! Congratulations to the bakers. Second, the person really spent money to have it made.
How much do you look forward to leaving when you have a cake this big made to announce it? We love it.
36 This Place Is A Dump

There are people who are very good at playing with the words of the language. Here, you don’t need to be a specialist in English linguistics to understand the comparison.
He still made an effort by finding so many synonyms, we have to give him that.
37 Mic Drop

The classic mic drop of the last few years has been all the rage on the web. It has been used for every possible occasion.
Apparently, even resignation letters have been able to take advantage of it. One point for the idea, and another one for the drawing talent!
38 Fly Unzipped

There are so many messages in this email, we don’t know what to think anymore. Is it friendly and funny or is it a bit harsh?
Surely you had to know the receiver and the sender to better understand the message!
39 Two Weeks Notice

We’re a little flabbergasted. We all pray that he doesn’t quit his job to go into web design. That would be a serious mistake.
If it is not the case, we must admit that the photomontage is rather particular, but quite funny.
40 Do Not Rehire

To be honest, this employer had it coming! Giving orders to employees is not always a good way to keep them.
One thing is certain, this boss will have to replace that employee.
41 DYI

A bit of hot glue and little jewels from the dollar store and you’re done! In this envelope, there was also a big beautiful wedding invitation typed letter.
The whole message was nice, but the envelope really stole the show.
42 Never Forgotten

The funny thing about this picture is not that the employee doesn’t work there anymore, it’s that it was found 2 years after he left.
Instead of quitting, the employee pasted pictures of himself all over the office to make sure no one would forget him. He would have written that he was leaving on a piece of paper. Imagine the misunderstanding in the office!
43 It’s Not Me, It’s You

Salary is an important factor when you have a job, and everything leads us to believe that it is the most important point in the departure of this employee.
In fact, we are 100% sure! Hopefully, the boss will adjust the salary of their future employee.
44 So inconsistent And Selfish

Before sending an email to your employee, it is important to think. The words used in the email do not seem to have had the desired effect.
However, the level of sarcasm in the response is worth a trophy. In your face, Nicky!
45 I Am Sorry

Oh, the points were piling up and the boss’s comments ended up annoying karma.
We all wouldn’t have liked to be in that employee’s shoes the months before they left. It didn’t seem like a fun time.
46 Later B*tches

How to surprise your colleagues? Just resign by sticking a note on your chair.
The resignation did not go unnoticed and circulated on social networks shortly after the snapchat photo was published.
47 Bye Bye Sir

It started out so well in the formalities of politeness, but it ended very quickly.
Quick and efficient is sometimes better than long and intuitive.
48 Yo

Usually, it is the good ideas that come to us at a bad time that end up on the paper towels, not the resignation letters.
A nice effort for the well-done design that expresses well what the employee wanted to convey.
49 Great Resignation

When you’ve reached the point of giving your employer a shirt to announce your departure, it’s because you’ve been thinking about it for a long time.
It seems that the company sells hundreds of them every year, which is hilarious. Do employers keep them? That’s the question!
50 Up Your Arse

A costly resignation and an impulsive move that will certainly be regretted. We’ll all be wishing them a complete sense of revenge, because it’s going to cost them dearly.
Did they expect their boss would not know who did this bad thing?
51 This Bird Has Flown

Did anyone really understand that they were leaving when they read this note? It’s a risky technique.
But if the message was well understood, we admit that it was rather funny.
52 Peace Out

There are people who sincerely lack motivation in life. We hope Matt will be more motivated about his future duties.
At least it’s easy to crumple up as paper and you can quickly make it disappear in the trash.
53 One Bite Of Each

So rude! The guy just went out and bought a box of donuts for his co-workers and boss, but he took one bite out of each donut and put his resignation letter under the box.
It’s pure evil genius. After that, even if we cut off the end of the donut with a knife, we’re not sure we would dare biting into it.
54 Haiku

Resigning via Twitter takes some nerve. It’s certainly a way to adapt to the new generation.
The invention of social networks had surely not foreseen this kind of interaction, but nothing surprises us anymore!
55 That Says It All

Wow! She just put her name tag at the bottom of a toilet. Might as well forget about her right now. This employee won’t be back anytime soon.
There is a little lack of will in the resignation, but that says it all!
56 Prescription

When we have a doctor’s prescription, we are always excused. However, for this kind of reason, we are not sure!
However, the message is true. There is nothing better than moving on when your mental health takes a hit. Good thinking!
57 Meme Quitting

This meme is everywhere, even in the hands of a boss somewhere. This is a special way to quit your job, but a good one!
The yellow and the red are perfect to get noticed and the small sentences cannot be clearer!
58 He Learned A Lot

This man decided to leave a job that no longer met his standards, but during his year and a half with the company, he learned a lot.
Well, not necessarily positive things, but he learned them anyway, and there’s nothing like experience to evoluate in life. Now he’ll know how to recognize a bad business quickly.
59 Thanks For All The Fish

This person wanted to announce their departure in a big way, so they used the restaurant’s sign to do so.
Despite this sudden and unexpected departure, this employee still wanted to thank their employer for all the fish. They enjoyed the fish very much. But not the rest.
60 She’s A Quitter

That’s it, it’s said: Bella Scocozza is a quitter! Sorry to the Gringo’s manager, but you have one less employee now.
We don’t know the conditions under which Bella left her job, but from her cute drawing, we can tell that she didn’t really like her job and is very happy to quit.
61 Smell Ya Later!

There’s no denying that this guy is creative. He knows how to leave a job in style! To quit, he offered his boss a framed 8×10 of this montage.
Sorry boss, T Bone is gone! We wonder though, why “Smell ya later”? Did it smell really bad at his office, maybe? Wasn’t the cleaning done often enough? That would explain why he flies on a sweeper…
62 Double Quitting

Depending on the circumstances, it can be difficult to lose one employee, so imagine losing two at once!
At least the ones left behind can take comfort in a nice piece of cake. There’s enough for everybody!
63 The Statement Departure

As we often say, it shows when someone doesn’t like their job anymore. But this person made it a point to turn all the cereal boxes upside down before leaving.
This clearly means that the departure was not a happy and respectful one. This person left wanting to annoy his employer, and we’re sure they succeeded.
64 A Poetic Resignation Letter

We have enormous respect for this person, and we hope that Scott, his boss, has the same. Probably, because afterwards, the person heard that Scott loved this letter. After all, it is sincere, but respectful, and this person does not seem to be leaving on bad terms.
We even hope that this employee leaves for a job in the writing field, because really, they have incredible talent and creativity. We love this letter!
65 Now That’s Better

Greg must have been a little shocked when he saw his new sign, because when his employee changed it, they took the opportunity to tell him they were leaving.
But hey, now that’s better! This employee didn’t like working at Wendy’s very much, so there you go, problem solved!
66 Goodbye For Now

Nancy quit her job and the way she announced it to her co-workers was rather nice.
It’s a goodbye, but just for now! She enjoyed her time at this company, and thanks to social networks, she wants to keep in touch with colleagues who have become friends. How sweet!
67 For Your Own Good

This person has resigned, but sincerely, it is not at all for his own well-being. It is out of total altruism, really.
This employee cares for his boss, and so it was for his own good that he quit, because otherwise, his boss would eventually become unhappy and fat. It’s totally logical. We hope that this boss is grateful for his employee’s departure.
68 CEO No More

Well, this Tweet is certainly not the official resignation that Jonathan Schwarts offered to Sun Microsystems when he left, before the company was bought by Oracle.
Still, it’s the way he announced it to the world, and we love that he dared to end it with a haiku. Respect, Jonathan!
69 LaserJet 4050

It’s not just employees who leave a job. It’s also the equipment that one day gives up the ghost. This is the case with this LaserJet 4050 printer.
After 14 years of loyal service, it has finally bowed out. But it can rest in peace, because it gave its all while on the job.
70 Before ChatGPT

Reddit is an endless source of inspiration on many levels. So this person decided to ask people to write his resignation letter for him, and the result is very funny!
Of course, if you want a more serious result, Reddit might not be the best place to ask for help, but unfortunately, ChatGPT didn’t exist, back then.
71 Original Statement Of Reason

There are thousands of reasons why an employee might want to quit their job.
In this case, the reason is rather surprising, but in the end, it is also because the employee was not able to get the five days off they requested.
72 He Is A Peacock

Unfortunately, the story does not say if this person painted this picture on purpose for this moment or if they already owned it.
Either way, we really like the idea. On Reddit, the user wrote, “Reddit, I quit my job of 5 years today. I like to think I went out in the same manner I worked; not taking myself too seriously.” The letter itself is very ordinary, but the web is very funny!
73 It’s Not You, It’s Him

Instead of looking up how to write a resignation letter on the Internet, this person decided to be resourceful and simply treat it as a breakup.
Michale needs to move on. He’s no longer happy in this business relationship with McDonald’s, and while it’s hard to say goodbye, sometimes it’s necessary to be happy and grow.
74 Letting Everyone Down

It seems that the departure of this employee is not welcomed by their colleagues and their boss. They feel that they are letting them down.
But we love the idea of using Cards Against Humanity cards to top this cake!
75 This Is Where He Gets Off

Obviously, this employee decided to quit their job because they can’t care for it because their boss doesn’t care for it either.
That’s a shame. But one wonders, is writing this letter on toilet paper their way of subtly announcing that this is a shitty situation or something?
76 Van Halen Logo

Eric Silver decided to draw Van Halen’s logo on his very short and minimalist resignation letter.
Indeed, we are pretty sure that this is the first resignation letter that this employer received with the Van Halen logo on it. It’s definitely not a common thing to do.
77 Brooks Was Here

Let’s hope Brooks resigned before putting up this sign, and didn’t put it up until the end of her last day on the job.
It’s very funny, but as a resignation letter or announcement, it’s very rude and disrespectful.
78 We Out

This is a very brief way of announcing your departure to your employer.
It doesn’t say much, and it’s a bit lacking in detail, don’t you think? We imagine that a conversation ensued.
79 After The Printed Schedule

This employee was kind enough to wait for the printed schedule to be done before officially leaving their job.
We don’t know how long the schedule was already printed, but as long as it’s more than a week, it’s okay.
80 #ChipotleSwag

Obviously, the working conditions at this Chipotle restaurant were absolutely poor. As they wrote, they were “borderline sweatshop conditions”.
Unfortunately, working in such conditions can cause all your employees to quit at once. Oops! Maybe they realized that treating their employees well is essential.
81 Sad Employer

Obviously, this boss is sad to see their employee leave. The message on this cake is rather passive-aggressive, indicating poor emotional management.
The words “We’ll Miss You Both” lead us to believe that this is a departure for maternity leave, perhaps, or a permanent departure to become a stay-at-home mom. Who knows?
82 Quitting In Crayons
This woman finally decided to quit her job as a graphic designer after eight months of hesitation when her boss asked her to come back to work at the office, despite the situation, to stop the complaints from other employees.
In our opinion, writing a resignation letter in crayons while she is a graphic designer is just perfect.
83 Love, Connor

Connor has a lot of guts to have used this picture to put on his resignation cake.
Makes you wonder what kind of relationship he has with his boss, Will!
84 “Just A Server”

Apparently, Bobby had had enough of his bad condition as “just a server” at Culina.
So he decided to quit his job, making sure to pay his respect to the regular customers who appreciated him along the way.
85 Twix Notice

This is a very short and sweet resignation letter.
“Sweet” is the right word, because they even offered a Twix bar to their employer with the letter!
86 Great Logo Work

We have never seen anyone put so much effort and creativity into a resignation letter.
Peters Thommus is definitely not leaving his job on bad terms, nor for negative reasons!
87 Over The Top Quitting

For various reasons, not everyone leaves a job on good terms with their boss.
However, we do not advise you to use this method to announce your resignation. Unless you want to be sued, perhaps.
88 Peace Out Mofo

BookieCookie really didn’t like his job, and obviously, his mental health was affected.
So he finally decided to leave this Building that sucks out his soul and his Boss Man, wishing very hard never to see him again.
89 R.I.P. Doug

Doug was a well-liked employee, both by management and his colleagues. This is a tremendous loss to the company.
Or at least that’s what Doug thinks, because his resignation setup is really quite dramatic.
90 Bye

It sounds more like a very rude firing note than a sign of resignation, but it is still very funny.
It is probably a colleague who is very sad about the departure of this employee who gave them this gift to make them understand their distress.
91 Bye Bye Michelle

We don’t know what Michelle did to Blake, but clearly they don’t part on good terms.
So Blake took the opportunity to grab a cake when he left work for the last time and left a nice surprise for Michelle when she came back.
92 Just Wanted To Let You Know

This is a very impersonal and hasty way to announce to your boss your resignation.
We guess the good news is that at least this employee took the trouble to notify their employer and they didn’t just stop showing up at work.
93 Thank Ye Matey

This man has always wanted to become a pirate, and the time has finally come for him to realize his dream.
So he handed in his letter of resignation to his boss, and from now on he will be called Scurvy Legs McGee.
94 Imma Head Out

Mohammed Asim didn’t like his job anymore, and at some point, it drained all his energy.
So he finally decided to quit, and in his letter he used an image that shows his current state of mind very well. Take care, buddy.
95 Your One And Only Copywriter

The Lorem Ipsum text holder is used in publishing and graphic design in order to visually demonstrate what the text page would look like, but without having to write an actual text to do so.
The fact that this copywriter resigns using Lorem Ipsum in his letter and signing “Your One and Only Copywriter” is just hilarious!
96 Hi, I’m Troy McClure

Handing in a resignation letter to your boss as if it were written by the popular Simpsons character Troy McClure is a genius idea!
Did you read the letter with the character’s voice in mind? Because we did!
97 Cake Business

There is nothing better than to present your new duties in your resignation letter. It’s impossible not to understand the decision.
This choice of letter on a cake is legendary. It’s easier to accept a departure when you can satisfy your sweet tooth afterwards.
98 Cancer Is Not An Excuse

When you are not a good manager, you end up being reminded of it. Karma is hard on people who are not always respectful.
The large message posted on the front of the store, and caught on camera by many, certainly had a negative impact on the business, but… well done!
99 The Paper Is A Symbol

When you feel like crap at work, you take toilet paper to quit.
As mentioned in their letter, they announce their resignation on toilet paper as a symbol of how they felt the company treated them.
100 The Dickey’s Crew

The whole team is gone. Not just one unhappy employee, the whole team! What an incredible decision.
Basically, all bosses want their employees to work as a team, so that’s what they did here. However, the result is not really the same as the one intended.