When ‘Karens’ Think The World Revolves Around Them…
1 What is a typical ‘Karen’ behaviour?

A ‘Karen’ typically refers to an individual, often a middle-aged woman with certain assertive tendencies, who tends to make a fuss about situations that don’t directly involve her.
Although the physical look of a Karen may differ, their characteristic behaviour remains constant as they are incapable of making compromises. A ‘Karen’ is entitled and firmly believe the world revolves around them. They are famous for making this the center of an issue to anyone who has to provide a service to them.
Whether it’s challenging service workers or bothering neighbours, ‘Karens’ have a reputation for getting on people’s nerves. Reddit is a goldmine of stories about them. We’re rounding up the best testimonials from Reddit users right here.
(We have adapted the grammar of some testimonials to make it readable in a non-reddit environment)
2 Rule N.1: Never, Never Acknowledge Ones Own Mistake

[A Karen] left her card in the EFTPOS machine at the McDonalds I was managing as a teenager, rang me to say I needed to drive it out to her, that I ruined her night, ruined her family’s night, owed her free food and that she’ll be laying a formal complaint when I refused all of the above.
She showed up 3/4 of an hour later with steam blowing out her ears asking for her card back. Last we heard from her.
~~ Deadlysyntax
3 Rule N.2: Try Anything

When I worked at a bakery, a Karen bought a chocolate cupcake and ate half of it. Karen then asked if she could return her half-eaten chocolate cupcake … not because she didn’t like it, but because she wanted to exchange it for half of a vanilla cupcake, “something less decadent.” Like most bakeries, we did not sell cupcakes “by the half.” She became offended when I asked if she wanted to purchase a vanilla cupcake.
~~ cabernetcat
4 Rule N.3: Always Make Ridiculous Demands

I deliver appliances for Best Buy. We had a woman call and complain that her fridge was not pre-cooled before it was delivered and that she had to wait for it to come down to temp. No one in the office was prepared for that one.
~~ o0quiksilver0o
5 Rule N.4: Never Read The Instructions, And Blame Everyone
I managed a Best Buy for a few years. Every year in the summer, someone returns a portable air conditioner. They were always furious that it had to be plugged in, and that it still needed to vent outside. Every. Single. Summer.
~~ Mr_Cleanish
6 When It Backfires Spectacularly
When I worked at [a] Home Depot, a Karen told me that she didn’t want any black men to install her flooring.
I was in charge of arranging her order and told her that we don’t select which individuals exactly will install her floor and that she’ll get who she gets. She proceeds to have a fit about it, demands white installers and asks to speak to my manager.
I’m so glad she did, because my manager’s name was Dwayne and he was a real big black dude. Turns out she didn’t want to speak to the manager
~~ Trompdoy
7 Karen Deems Everything as Disrespectful
Worked at a grocery store and a coworker put a 99 cent sticker on my shirt. We were two of maybe five employees so we were all good friends and everything is funny when you gotta pass time on a shift so I just left it there.
Some woman came through my line and asked me why I had a sticker on my shirt and I just kinda laughed it off. She asked if I thought it was funny and I was like “not really but sorta.”
She asked if my coworker put it there to which I responded yes. She told me she was going to speak to the store owner because it was “disrespectful” to behave that way at work. She told me to call my manager and I did but he was a super cool guy and knew this lady was an idiot.
She talked to the store owner and my manager about firing me to no avail.
~~ gotteemboi
8 Extreme Couponing: Karen edition

When I was working retail, this one woman had a big bag of coupons. Most of them were unusable because either they expired or they were duplicates.
She berated me because the system was rejecting most of the coupons. She called me stupid amongst other names, telling me I just wasn’t doing it right. Then as a typical Karen would, she asked to speak with my manager.
My manager came and asked what the problem was. The women ranted about how incompetent I was because I didn’t know how to scan a coupon. My manager looked at the coupons and the coupons were the problem, not me. My manager yelled at the customer for being disrespectful and told the customer to leave the store.
~~ d0n7w0rry4b0u717
9 Managers sometimes will handle Karens
When I worked at a popular arcade chain I had a Karen absolutely berate me because I wouldn’t give her kid a prize they didn’t win.
So she wants a manager and when my manager comes over she straight faced this woman’s whole rant until Karen goes “whatever happened to the customers always right?”
And my manager leans in a little and goes “we don’t have customers here, we have guests. Customers are always right, guests are usually wrong, goodbye” and waved a security guard over to escort Karen out.
Best day of work ever.
~~ TimCos1246
10 Karen thinks everyone is lazy
I had a Karen come in with a bunch of coupons too. Most of them weren’t accepted by the system because they were duplicates. She decided I was incompetent and demanded I call a manager because I couldn’t even “ring up coupons correctly, [so] who knows what else I can’t do correctly.”
My manager came and Karen started saying that I had an attitude, that I was ignoring her, I refused to scan coupons because I was a “lazy teen”, she even said I cussed at her for bringing in a bag of coupons.
I just kind of stared at her because who decides to try to mess with someone’s job like that? I was so frustrated I had to walk away.
But once I got home I thought of something hilarious (at least to me). I wished I could’ve just stared at her like I’m mesmerized by her talking and interjecting in the middle of the story and ask her with wide eyes “and then what happened?”
~~ Skyninjataco
11 Custom Food Order Is Not A Thing
I used to work at a fast food restaurant in a theme park when I was 18. Karen held up the line because she was demanding us to assemble food for her daughter which we aren’t allowed to do because we go by a menu.
“My daughter can’t have that.”
“Well, what can you do for me?”
“Do you want her to starve?”
Are one of the most irritating lines I ever encountered.
~~ Anonymous
12 Crazy Hotel Encounter
[A Karen] asked for my manager’s personal cell phone number to complain that I (seven months pregnant at the time) would not carry a refrigerator (that she had not paid for in the cost of her room) up to her second story room (we did not have an elevator), rather than just accept an upgrade for free because she didn’t want to unpack her stuff.
She refused to believe we had rooms without fridges and I was just being fat and lazy.
When I refused to give her the cell phone number, she asked for corporate’s number. I wrote it down on a sticky note with a smiley face. She came down later and asked to move rooms. I made her pay the difference.
~~ MadameMothman
13 Karen will not wait after a shipment
I sell vintage clothing. [I] sold an item to another Etsy seller and shipped it within two days (I list turnaround time as five days as I’m a few months pregnant and moving slowly these days.)
She tried to cancel after it had been shipped, and when I said I couldn’t process until it was delivered she flew into a rage.
She receives the item and re-lists it on her page at a markup, then leaves me a low rating. I reach out to see if there is anything I can do to improve the rating and her reply is to lower it even more, to one star. Worst person I’ve ever dealt with on Etsy.
~~ pinkyfishmouth
14 Why can’t we be friends?

I was working at my job as a cashier at my local supermarket. We were swamped with people. I had at least seven people waiting in my line. One of my good friends from high school was in my line and I talked to him as I was ringing up his stuff.
After he left I welcomed the next lady in line and asked the usual stuff “did you find everything okay?” “How are you doing?” Etc. Before I could get a word out she asked to speak to my manager. Apparently I was rude to her for not including her in my conversation with my high school friend.
She didn’t even chime in or anything and I never seen her in my life.
~~ Elba-3
15 Latte disappointment

I worked at a coffee shop where a woman came up to me to complain that her lattes weren’t filled to the top (I had seen her husband sneak sips on the walk over but I wasn’t gonna say that).
So I gladly offered to remake both drinks but she said “I don’t want you to fix this, I just want you to know I’m disappointed in you.”
~~ HushTheWise
16 Gassed up

Some woman pumping gas at a gas station accused me of cutting in line at the air pump station because she didn’t see me waiting before another guy pulled up. That was the first time I ever called somebody “lady” in that sardonic tone and I both loved and hated it.
~~ ghaupt1
17 Planting the evidence

One time, Karen put her own hair in her half-eaten plate of food and then threw a royal fit, demanding that her meal be comped and that she speak to the manager. I went into the back of the restaurant, pulled out the orange hair with three inches of regrowth and asked the guys in the kitchen “HEY, DID ANY OF YOU BRING A WIG TO WORK TODAY?” They told me to bug off.
Went back out, told Karen that nobody on staff has red hair with blonde roots (while staring directly at her disastrous dye-job) but the manager said we would be HAPPY to buy dessert for the whole table to make up for this strange phenomenon.
The four other people at the table were clearly mortified and declined desert. She ordered cheesecake and they all sat there and glared at her while she devoured it.
~~ goodytwotoes
18 Feel free to leave

Worked at Home Depot one summer during school. [A] lady comes in with a friend and asks me for a BBQ part. I walk them to the aisle, pull a universal part off the shelf and tell them it’ll work. They look at me like I’m a moron and say “well we want this specific brand of part.”
I tell them sorry we don’t stock that brand at all, this is the part I have, it’s universal and will work. They launch into a tirade about how WalMart (a whole four blocks away) carries it and therefore she should be able to buy it here.
This went back and forth for several minutes before they stormed off yelling about how unhelpful I was. Assistant manager was in earshot the whole time and just walked over to me and says “what a jerk.”
~~ darthwacko2
19 Milk size issues are larger than life

I used to work at a coffee shop and this one male Karen gets annoyed that we don’t have the small individual sized cartons of white milk. Like, raging. My coworker offered to give him some milk in a cup, but this just wouldn’t do, you see. He continued shouting and hollering about the principal of the matter.
~~ sixhoursneeze
20 Photography emergency

I used to own a photography store (sold cameras and did pictures for passports etc.) We opened at 1 p.m. on Mondays, but I happened to be at the store on a Monday morning because I needed to get something [and] was planning on just grabbing what I needed and going home when Karen tried to get in through the locked door.
[The] door had a sign on it that said we were closed, and a sign with our opening hours. I didn’t turn on any of the lights so it was also very dark inside.
Karen started banging on the door, I was just about to leave so I went outside to tell her we were closed. Karen didn’t take it well and immediately demanded to speak to the manager. I said that I’m the owner, she then proceeded to shout and curse — so much so that the manager of the supermarket across the street came out to help me.
She then tried to make the supermarket manager force me to open my store almost four hours earlier. Didn’t work. Never seen the woman again.
~~ Pien85
21 Hard hitting questions

I was sitting next to a lady on a plane, and she instigated some small talk before takeoff. When I told her I studied earth science, she proceeded to ask me if there was any real proof that plate tectonics existed, and asked what my Lutheran church thought about that.
I’m not religious and there had been literally zero talk of religion at all in the conversation before that.
~~ Alienbanter
22 I’m just a kid

This random lady that lived in my neighborhood said I couldn’t bike in front of her house without wearing a helmet because she was afraid of getting sued by my parents if I were to fall off my bike in front of her house or something along those lines. I was like eight.
[I] told her the street wasn’t her property and rode away. Didn’t really look back for a reaction.
~~ Jummatron
23 You Must Be Exhausted At Night…

On my second week at my very first job, a Karen bought a discounted mini Christmas tree. She yelled at me for not having the box for the tree “in the back” … the trees didn’t come in boxes. Believe it or not, they came in pieces in large bags off the delivery truck.
So she was mad I couldn’t pull a box out of thin air
~~ LeluWater
24 Rude For… What Again?

Once, a Karen came into the restaurant I was working at and told me that it was rude to not speak English. I told her sorry [and that] I was talking to the cook.
She asked to see the owner so I called my mom to come out. Long story short, Karen got a free egg roll.
~~ chenyu768
25 Too late
I used to manage a restaurant. I had a lady complain about an issue with a previous order and she wanted something replaced.
She didn’t have what she wanted to return. She had a receipt dated October of last year. She came in to complain about it in January of this year. She went on to say the manager was a tall white guy that told her that she can replace it.
I was the only manager at that time. I’m black. So she threw a tantrum, saying how she was never coming back and was talking about complaining on Yelp. I’m glad I don’t have to see her again.
~~ SlapahoWarrior
26 When Complaining Is Second Nature
An old woman went to management because I sneezed, she said bless you and I didn’t say thank you.
I didn’t hear her or I would have because that’s an automatic response for me. My manager came up laughing hysterically over it.
~~ gigabytestarship
27 Pass the cranberry sauce … or not

It was Christmas eve, I was working the last dash shift for people to get all their essentials. It’s 9:30 p.m. [and] 10 p.m. is close. [A] Karen comes to my counter and lets rip that she can’t find any cranberry sauce.
“I’m sorry but we haven’t [got] any sauce left” I reply.
“Why?! How can you not have any cranberry sauce at Christmas?!”
“… because it’s Christmas eve, and we’ve sold out.” Duh.
~~ nutmonster7
28 When People Cannot Mind Their Own Business…

It was the year 2021, my mom was shopping on the Facebook marketplace. She bought a Conair Infiniti Pro Spin Air Rotating Styler brush from the platform because she’s the type of person who likes to style her hair a lot. The hairbrush was sold on Facebook for $20. The product she bought was 40 km away from our home, so she had to drive there to pick it up.
I decided to tag along with her too so I could be her witness if something terrible happened. Our seller’s home was located deep inside a residential neighborhood. The road she drove on became more narrow the deeper we went inside.
Finally, we arrived at our seller’s apartment. My mom decided to park in a no-parking zone even though she would walk onto the sidewalk and wait there for a few minutes. She thinks it’s okay to park there for more than 10 minutes. As she was standing on the sidewalk, she turned on her iPhone data and messaged her seller to announce that she was there.
Suddenly, a woman driving her SUV came by. She looked like in her 30s or 40s and ironically had a Karen haircut. Not only that, she had blonde hair and wore glasses. Then, she rolled down her car window and began yelling at my mom. She yelled, ” Miss? your parking in an illegal spot!!!”.
My mom, on the other hand, is not afraid of this kind of entitled people and argued with the Karen back. My mom protested, “I’m just gonna pick up something that I bought.”
For me, I was inside my mom’s car in the front passenger seat and watching the entitled Karen berate my mom. I didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t want to make the situation evolve into classic road rage. “Well why don’t you go in there for yourself” Karen replied rudely to my mom.
She drove off. Our seller came to my mom with the product in the nick of time. My mom told me everything about the seller that happened earlier. The seller told her not to worry and to ignore that entitled person.
In the end, my mom gave the 20-dollar bill to the seller and was given the hair styling product. My mom immediately got into her seat and turned the engine on. She was still upset about the Karen yelling at her and suspected that the entitled person was being racist because we are both Asian.
This was 2 years ago and I can still remember my mom’s frustration clearly.
~~ Various-Suspect1600
29 The world doesn’t revolve around you

I work at a convenience store so I see my fair share of entitled people but this one woman just baffled my mind the other day.
To explain the situation a bit: My store is right next door to a McDonald’s that is struggling to stay open due to a lack of employees. Sometimes they have to close the lobby and just have the drive-thru open because there isn’t enough staff on the floor to serve both counters.
However, that means that people then come into my store and question me about the opening hours of McDonald’s. I always say that I don’t know if they’re open or not because I’m at work right now and I don’t work for them so how should I know their schedule?
I ask people if they tried pulling on the door (some people will just see that it’s empty and deduce that it’s closed even if it’s not) and if they did and it didn’t open then I say, “Well, I guess it’s closed then.”
But this woman then turned to me and said incredulously, “Are they even allowed to do that?!” …??? Um, yes, Karen. Funnily enough, a business has the right to close if they aren’t able to serve people. The world does not revolve around you and your entitled attitude. It’s just McDonald’s.
It’s not a hospital or school. Just go to the A&W down the road.
~~ samg461a
30 Half of it? Really?

I was at my usual workplace when a customer said ”Jerry, I would like a turkey Italiano please” So, I finish her order, And then she eats half of that sandwich, And then she is like, Refund please So I say ” You just ate half of that sandwich” And She says “Jerry call your manager” And I’m like I’m just an employee My manager is not here in the only one.
And she just leaves
~~ ImportedFromMexico
31 Fear factor

My family and I were flying to Australia for holiday and my little brother was wearing a shirt with a snake on it.
When we got through passport control a middle-aged Australian lady who worked there demanded my mom that she had to turn my little brother’s shirt inside out because the cartoon snake on it might scare the elderly.
~~ TheChocolateMilk
32 Coupons Are Dear to Their Hearts

During my work shift, Entitled Karen (EK) came to my shop and asked for a discount with a voucher that had expired.
EK came and made a mess of the shop when I told her that this voucher/coupon was expired, I came and threatened to call security if she didn’t leave. She ran as I called security to come and force her to leave.
After that, I saw a lot of bad reviews that dropped my store from 4.6 to 4.0 stars. The reviews were too common. I could tell that EK was sending these reviews. I told her husband about her and how I needed money for her awful manners.
The husband of the EK came to my shop the next day to hand me 5k worth of money. He told me about EK’s stupidity and how he was using her for a home. EK sucks like crap.
~~ Memer_Deja_Vu
33 Upscale tantrum

This happened today at a going-out-of-business sale for an upscale furniture and home decor store. They only let in 15 people at a time and had an area where you could put the items you wanted to buy while you continued to browse as they didn’t have any carts or bags available.
I placed all my items there and then got in the 10-person deep line.
[An Entitled Karen] (EK) started to casually browse this hold section and was promptly told by the sales associate this was a holding area and that she couldn’t take anything. She freaked out.
EK- but I want this item!
Store Employee (SE): sorry, ma’am it’s already on hold. Please continue to look at other items, not on the hold rack.
EK- whatever and walks away. Or so I thought. She yells “I’ll just find whoever it is and offer to buy it then!!”
She then sneaks up to the rack and grabs it and runs away. She starts walking to everyone in the store and asking them if it’s their item and if she can have it. People are just genuinely confused but this crazy lady is. The store employee has to stop ringing people out and go up to her and tell her to put it back.
EK: You just don’t want to make a sale do you? This is a guaranteed sale!! What is your problem?
SE: grabs the dish from her and takes it to the back room and tells EK to leave.
EK keeps looking around at all of the people in line like we are going to agree with her. When she realizes we think she is nuts she just walks out of the store.
For reference when stores go out of business, they usually hire a 3rd party to do liquidation, employees aren’t making any sales! Plus everything was going fast, the employee could have cared less.
She wasn’t the first to try and get the stuff and doubt she will be the last. She was the only one making a fuss though.
~~ JurassicPark-fan-190
34 Rocky road

So for some reason, me and my brother were skipping rocks at our lake today and a lady came out of nowhere and just yelled at us: STOP.
ME: ok
Then we went to a different spot and we were looking at us then we went home. ~~ fred_banana
Son of a Karen
Mom and child in juice aisle at grocery store
I was laying in bed last night and right before falling asleep, for some reason, I realized my mom is a Karen. Mind you, I’m 48 so to have thought of this so randomly before dozing off was weird, to say the least.
I won’t bore you with specifics of each case, and there were MANY, but my mom was 100% NOT ashamed of berating a checkout line person and demanding a manager. Two guys, Bradlees, and Caldor (I know some won’t get what those are but they were department stores way back when), the store didn’t matter, if she felt slighted in any way it was yelling and asking to speak to a manager.
Was very embarrassing as a kid for sure.
~~ SkiLuvinAdmin
35 Karen does not have a gender

My biggest Karen of 2021 was a male (Ken, Kevin?)
I make custom 3D-printed items and this guy contacted me about making a custom airsoft helmet that he wanted made. I went through the design details with him, including features, paint job, surface finish, padding, suitable eye protection, etc, etc.
We settled on a price and an agreed design and then he paid the fee that I quoted for the work. A week after I started the build, he started to change things. Started small at first, like changing the color of some parts, and then quickly changed into a complete redesign and change of materials that meant after buying the original materials, I would be making the entire item at a loss.
When I informed him of this, he refused to pay extra for the new materials as “we’d already agreed on the price.”
After a few back-and-forth messages, I canceled and refunded his order, continued the build, and sold it to another buyer who was super happy with it.
~~ EnderB3nder
36 Read the fine print

I was told that a glass garden stake I sold was a rip-off because it was smaller than expected and I needed to include the size in the description. I replied that I was sorry it was smaller than she hoped, but the size was listed in 3 different places in the listing and that it was important to read when ordering online to fully understand what you are buying.
~~ Mevrowka
37 Silence is louder than an angry email

Karen: “Good morning! Although your product is a cute concept. It is NOT wood as described in your description. It is a hard plastic. You ripped me off with a very expensive item for a cheap piece of plastic. How will you make this right?”
Me: “Good morning. The sign you received is made of wood as described. I’m attaching some photos I just took for you in my shop where I’m currently painting another batch. These signs start as a sheet of wood, are laser cut, then hand-painted with satin finish paint. There’s nothing plastic involved at any point.”
[attaches photos of wood sheets straight from Home Depot, unpainted cut signs, and me painting one that’s halfway done]
Karen: [never responds]
~~ odd84
38 An Extreme Karen

I was walking out of Target just simply getting some groceries and then some woman walks up to me demanding to help her get home, after I tell her that there is a bus stop nearby she just goes up in a rage, she then gets on top of my car and smashes the window, after that I call the cops and she gets arrested.
~~ Resident-Extreme160
39 Won’t Tolerate Re-using

Fortunately, my Karens [at my Etsy shop] have all been mostly mild this year.
I got a 1-star review from a lady who claimed I sent her the wrong item. She also emailed me about it (after leaving the bad review). I sighed and told her to open the box.
Normally when I re-use a branded box I write what’s actually in it on the side (it then gets put into a polymailer for shipping) but I didn’t that time. Learned my lesson there! (She did apologize and change the review.) I had another lady throw out her item with the packaging (another lesson learned — don’t use the same type of paper you wrapped an item in as filler) and claim I didn’t send her whole order and another one hassle me to death about an item that was marked delivered that she claimed she didn’t get — only to find it at the bottom of her bag a few days later.
~~ 5bi5
40 Always a Priority

A couple of months ago I was at Universal Studios walking with my mom. We were in the Harry Potter World. I moved to the side to get out of people’s way then all of a sudden I got an elbow in the stomach and she yelled at me saying “Excuse you.”
I just ignored it cause I was going to yell at her I didn’t want to get kicked out of Universal cause I love going there it hurt for 20 minutes.
~~ CommunityOk720
41 Apple-don’t-care

So, a Karen comes into my place of employment…I work for a major cell phone carrier in the United States and tells us that for the past 4 days her iPhone has been having trouble making calls. Well the calls go through, but after about 2 mins the speakers and mic stop working … She says she came in yesterday and we replaced the SIM card, but the problem is still happening.
Upon inspecting the phone it is clear she has dropped it at least once, evidenced by the shattered tempered glass and dent on the case, but I do a good once over on all her settings to see if there was a conflict happening in there, there was not…The good news, I tell her, is that she does have insurance, she has had it since she got the phone a little under a year ago…and per our policy, the first 12 months of coverage are covered by APPLECARE since it is an iPhone…so you know yay, most iPhone users love going to the genius bar.
So all she has to do is take her phone to the Apple Store to have it serviced…and lucky for her we are located conveniently about 6 miles from one. One of only TWO in our entire state … The bad news is, they are running on limited staff and are asking customers to schedule their visits for service, Covid, and all.
Now normally this wouldn’t enrage the average customer, but oh no, not this woman…not this she-devil, uh uh..she came to do the devil’s work today, and damn it, it will be done…She proceeds to tell me, rather shrieks at me, that needs her “good damn phone to work NOW because she has a job interview on Friday afternoon and she can’t miss the call!” OK lady, my bad…
it’s Wednesday…mind you I’m thinking to myself you knew you had this problem at least 4 days ago, so why would you fart around for 3 days before addressing it, but I digress.
I make the call for her because, she is way too fragile to speak to an automated service right now and attempt to schedule her an appointment, letting her know once again, they are backed up because of Covid-related skeleton crew staffing, and again not my company policy, but an APPLE thing…and a Covid thing that my company didn’t start, nor did Apple but we are all doing our best and the earliest appointment they can offer is Friday at 4:45 pm.
This is UNACCEPTABLE evidenced by the sheer look of disgust on her face and the guttural sound that emanated from her body…her next question was why couldn’t we just do a warranty exchange since the phone is still under warranty and less than a year old?
You see how she just admitted she clearly understood the warranty was still good because it was still less than 12 months old, but avoided the entire part about it being under warranty with Apple, we have a selective listener on our hands here folk.
Again I and another associate attempted to explain to her that BECAUSE she is still under 12 months, she has to go through Apple, and even if we could do an order for a new phone today because it was already late in the day it wouldn’t arrive until Saturday.
I explained to her the only Apple Store that could get her in tomorrow was located one state over and it was about a 1-hour drive to which she replied, “I can’t do that, I HAVE a job” like I didn’t..like we weren’t standing in my place of employment having this discussion…like she had come up to me inside of some gas station bathroom in the middle of nowhere and expected me to correct her iPhone mistake…she stormed out of the store in a huff yelling about how it’s unacceptable that we take her money for insurance and then don’t want to help her, how we’re cheats and thieves and she is going to miss the job interview because we won’t just give her a phone out the back room.
~~ iknow_huh
42 This is Not How I Like it

I got my friend a job at the coffee shop I work at, and this was maybe his third day. We had a huge morning rush and it can get quite chaotic. Especially when you are training a new person.
This one woman had ordered a Chiller (blended sugary coffee, like a frappe) and the newbie was trying hard to make it correctly. She started yelling at him, and overall giving him a hard time.
I was getting frustrated and I asked her to please stop raising her voice. Karen was mad. Karen switched to Pro Karen. She looked at me and said “HE’S NOT EVEN DOING IT RIGHT! HE’S NOT MAKING IT THE WAY THAT I LIKE IT!”
I wanted to laugh at this animal face, but I instead calmly explained that he is new. “WELL HELP HIM THEN, MY GOD!”
You would think that her frantic yelling would help make it faster. I excused myself from the register for a moment, which the person in line could understand as he was giving Karen weird looks. I approached the angry Karen and asked her to leave. She kept yelling at me, spouting insults, and saying I should be fired.
I tried to give her a refund but Karen didn’t want it. She stormed out and left a nasty review on our site. On top of that, I drank her chiller afterwards, and it was pretty good
~~ Anonymous
43 Lifeguard is not a synonym of Nanny

[A Karen] emailed and called my boss to try to get me fired because her “kids weren’t having fun at the pool and that’s my whole job.”
Nope, no that’s not my job. As a lifeguard my job is not to make sure your kids have fun, it’s to make sure your 15-year-old boys who are breaking every rule we have don’t get seriously injured when they are doing the externally dumb stuff they are doing.
My boss had my back but it was crazy to think that enforcing a few of the normal rules was enough for her to want to get me fired. And I’m talking super normal pool rules that I had to repeat a million times for everyone else and on two separate occasions people tried to go over my head and get me fired.
~~ •usernamessuxx*