
What would you do if you got stuck in the snow when you're driving on an isolated road?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Remi Jacquaint
Correct! Wrong!

Unless you know that there is a building nearby, your best choice would be to stay in your car and call for help.

What would you do if you encounter a venomous snake while hiking?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Duncan Sanchez
Correct! Wrong!

Your best choice is to walk away from the snake. Chances are they will not hurt you if you don't mess with them.

What would you do if you were circled by sharkes while surfing?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Jakob Owens
Correct! Wrong!

If you are circled by sharks, you need to slowly try and swim away. Try to make yourself look larger so the sharks think that you are a predator.

What would you do if you were caught by something and stuck underwater?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Jeremy Bishop
Correct! Wrong!

Try to hold your breath and get unstuck from whatever is keeping you underwater. It's best to preserve your energy so you are better able to get loose.

What would you do if you were stuck being questioned in a violent jail in a different country?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Matthew Ansley
Correct! Wrong!

Your best chance is to answer all of their questions honestly so they won't harm you.

What would you do if you had no food and you were stuck in the Amazon rainforest?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Correct! Wrong!

You would first need to try and find food by looking for similar fruits or nuts that grow in the rainforest.

What would you do if you were driving across a tall bridge as it starts to collapse?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Alex Wong
Correct! Wrong!

In this situation, it's the best choice to stay in your car and roll your windows down. This is to help you get out of the car if you fall into a body of water, or for rescuers to pull you out if you are under debris.

What would you do if you were in the middle of the ocean and your boat started to sink?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Simon Hesthaven
Correct! Wrong!

If your boat is starting to sink, you will first need to grab your floatation devices. This will help you stay afloat when your body begins to become tired from swimming.

What would you do if you got stuck in quicksand?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Jeremy Bezanger
Correct! Wrong!

If you get stuck in quicksand, try and lean back to disperse your body weight more evenly. This will stop you from sinking as quickly and give you a chance to get loose.

What would you do if you got caught in an avalanche while you were driving?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Krzysztof Kowalik
Correct! Wrong!

Do not keep your car on, there is a chance you could inhale carbon monoxide that is toxic to the body. The best option is to honk your horn so that someone can find you.

What would you do if you got lost while you were hiking on an isolated trail in the mountains?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Florian Glawogger
Correct! Wrong!

If you get lost, try and find where your footsteps came from and retrace your steps. If you can't find your steps, try and get to higher ground to see where to get out.

What's the first thing to do if you went skydiving and your parachute wouldn't open?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Kamil Piertzak
Correct! Wrong!

In this case, you would need to slow your fall by making an "X" with your body. Then you will need to deploy your reserve parachute.

What would you do if you got stuck in a building during an earthquake?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Nadiia Ganzhyi
Correct! Wrong!

During an earthquake, you need to try and protect your head and body by getting under a table or desk.

What would you do if you were standing on the beach when the tide began to pull back?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Caleb Jones
Correct! Wrong!

If this happens, it's usually a sign that a tsunami is coming. You need to get as far away from the shore as possible.

What would you do if you were sitting at home and suddenly your house begins to fall into a sink hole?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Evangelos Mpikakis
Correct! Wrong!

Your best option is to try and get out before it gets too deep.

What would you do if you were traveling through the desert and your vehicle breaks down?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Ganapathy Kumar
Correct! Wrong!

First, try and find shade. The desert is hot and can cause you to become dehydrated and lethargic. After finding shade, try and call for help.

What would you do if your brakes went out and your car goes straight into a body of water?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Correct! Wrong!

The first thing you need to do is roll your windows down so you have a way to get out of the car once it's in the water.

What would you do if you got stuck in your car during a hurricane?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Correct! Wrong!

Roll your windows down, this will allow you to get out of the car when the water is too high to open the doors.

What would you do if you're stuck at work when a large fire starts and you can't get to your phone?

Would You Survive These Situations?
John Bonadio
Correct! Wrong!

If the fire is too large to put out by yourself, you need to get out of the building as quickly as possible. Try to go to the nearest building and use their phones to call for help.

What would you do if a dormant volcano erupted a mile away from your campsite?

Would You Survive These Situations?
News Sky
Correct! Wrong!

If you are near a volcano that is about to erupt, you need to get to higher ground quickly. Lava will travel downhill, so this will be the best way to keep you from coming in contact with it.

What would you do if an active shooter was in your movie theater?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Krists Luhaers
Correct! Wrong!

If you are in a building with an active shooter, you should try and hide. Do not try to fight them as this will anger them and make the situation worse.

What would you do if you were walking home and someone tried to take you?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Correct! Wrong!

In this situation, try to be as loud as possible and scream. If you cause a scene, the attacker will likely try to get away so they don't get in trouble.

What would you do if you were in a department store as all of the shelves began to fall on top of you?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Correct! Wrong!

If shelves are about to fall on top of you, the best choice is to try and get out of the way so you don't get injured.

What would you do if there was a blizzard that caused your power to go out?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Zac Durant
Correct! Wrong!

If your power goes out in a blizzard, you need to keep yourself warm by putting on as many layers as possible.

What's the first thing you would do if you went ice fishing and fell into the hole?

Would You Survive These Situations?
State Farm
Correct! Wrong!

If you fall into the hole, try not to panic and keep calm; you don't want to panic while stuck under the water. Then try to find a thin area of ice to break it to get out.

What would you do if you were caught under rocks, dirt, and other debris?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Correct! Wrong!

If you get caught in a landslide, try to protect your head until the landslide subsides.

What would you do if you were riding an elevator when it suddenly stops moving?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Kings III
Correct! Wrong!

The first thing you need to do is push the call button to try and get help.

What would you do if the fence between you and a bull was broken?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Tim Scrivener
Correct! Wrong!

Do not turn your back and try to run away from the bull. Try to slowly back away at least 20 feet so you are out of his attack zone.

What would you do if you got badly cut while working in an excluded area?

Correct! Wrong!

The first thing you need to do is create a tourniquet above where the cut is. Then, try and call for help.

What would you do if you were in a maximum security prison when they go into lockdown?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Grant Durr
Correct! Wrong!

If you get stuck in the prison, try to hide in an area that is away from where the inmates are kept.

If you can, what should you do if you got stuck in a taxi and the driver wouldn't let you go?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Nick Fewings
Correct! Wrong!

The first thing you should do is call for help if you can. If you are unable to do that, try and get someone's attention so they can help you.

If you can, what should you do if someone slid into your backseat with a weapon?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Correct! Wrong!

If you can, try and get out of the car. If you can't do that, do what they tell you so there is less chance that they harm you.

If you can, what should you do if you were being held hostage by a bank robber?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Marshall Strategy
Correct! Wrong!

If you are able to, try and hide so the bank robber doesn't know you're there. If you can't do that, do what they say so that they don't injure you.

What would you do if you got the chance to travel to space but the space shuttle malfunctioned?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Correct! Wrong!

In this situation, your best choice would be to preserve your oxygen.

What would you do if the person in the electric chair got out and came towards you?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Correct! Wrong!

If this happened, it would be your best option to try and get them restrained so they are unable to escape.

What would you do if you came in contact with a mountain lion?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Zach Key
Correct! Wrong!

If you do come in contact with a mountain lion, try and back away slowly. Do not run or get close to it.

What would you do if you were being chased by a bear?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Correct! Wrong!

If you come close to a bear, back away slowly. Do not run as this will anger the bear.

What would you do if you got hypothermia while hiking on a snowy trail?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Simon Berger
Correct! Wrong!

In this situation, you should remove any wet clothes and replace them with dry clothes.

What would you do if you were in a collapsing building?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Correct! Wrong!

If this happens, try and cover your mouth and nose with a cloth so you don't inhale building debris and dust.

What would you do if you were stuck in a building full of windows during a tornado?

Would You Survive These Situations?
Correct! Wrong!

If you were stuck near windows, try and get under a large table or a desk.

Would You Survive These Situations?
You would not survive.
It looks like you don't really know how to get out of these situations. Probably because you haven't watched enough TV!
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You could probably survive
You have a better chance of getting out of these situations, but not enough of them.
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You are basically immortal
You are prepared for anything! You know all of the tricks to get out of these situations.
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Everyone loves quizzes, but why?

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