The Creepiest Signs That Exist
1 Beware Of Hitchhikers

A Reddit user spotted this sign on a highway in rural Oklahoma. Funny thing is, someone in Texas spotted a sign just like this, too. And someone else noted that there are similar signs in Michigan as well.
Apparently, they have these signs near all the prisons here in the U.S. It does make you wonder just how many times prisoners have escaped. It has to be quite often, since they put up signs. Scary thought, huh? That just goes to show you that your parents were right when they told you not to talk to strangers—or, in this case, pick up strangers.
2 The Birds

This looks like something straight out of an Alfred Hitchcock movie. And Twitter user @SaeedDiCaprio was lucky enough to see it unfold right before his eyes. According to @SaeedDiCaprio, this incident took place at UWO. I’m assuming that’s the University of Western Ontario, since he has “Ontario” in his bio.
Anyway, enough about Saeed and back to the unlucky duck who got attacked by the goose. You know, it’s too bad this guy probably never watched any of Alfred Hitchcock’s films. He would have known to heed the sign’s advice.
Now, we could give this guy the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he didn’t see the sign telling him to avoid the geese. I mean, the sign is on the opposite side of where he’s walking after all, so it’s quite possible he missed it altogether. But I’m willing to bet there’s another sign over there on his side, too, and he saw it, but just wanted to walk close to the geese anyway. I’m sure he learned his lesson.
3 No Man’s Land

There’s nothing scarier than being on an unfamiliar road and seeing a sign that basically says, “Turn back now while you still can!” And for those of us who are metrically challenged, 1,000 kilometers is equal to 621.371 miles. That’s a lot of miles without water, food, gas, or first aid supplies. But that’s exactly the way it is on this road heading into Nullarbor Plain in Australia.
And you know what? Food, water and supplies aren’t the only things you won’t find along this road. There are no trees (well, not that many) either, hence the name Nullarbor. In fact, its vegetation primarily consists of saltbush, blue bush, and some grasses and flowers that appear after rare winter rains.
4 Watch Out!

You don’t have to speak the language to understand what this sign is telling you. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and this one is screaming “Watch out!” And why does this sign have to be so graphic?
I get that they want you to pay attention to what the sign is telling you, but it’s just a tad bit too disturbing for me. By the way, the word above “danger” is the Slovak word for “danger.” Who knew? So, yeah, the next time you’re in Slovakia, keep an eye out for any planes falling out of the sky.
5 Fight The Bite

Can you imagine stumbling upon this sign while out for a walk? And what if you just so happen to have been bitten by a mosquito right before you came upon the sign? Imagine the fear and panic you’d feel.
At first there was malaria and then the West Nile virus. Now we have to worry about mosquitoes giving us encephalitis, too? At least they do in South Australia. That’s where the sign was spotted.
And for those who don’t know, encephalitis is “inflammation of the active tissues of the brain caused by an infection or an autoimmune response. The inflammation causes the brain to swell, which can lead to headache, stiff neck, sensitivity to light, mental confusion and seizures,” Johns Hopkins Medicine wrote.
6 Bonobo No-No

Ok, I don’t really care how much reassuring these guys are gonna do, I’m not buying it! There’s no way that glass, cracked or otherwise, is strong enough to withstand the strength of these magnificent creatures.
Now, let’s just see how much strength these creatures really have, shall we? According to Smithsonian Magazine, a 2006 study found that bonobo legs generate as much force as humans nearly two times heavier. And that’s just their legs! Yeah, I will definitely keep that in mind if I ever get the chance to visit the bonobo exhibit at the zoo in Jacksonville, Florida, which is where this sign was spotted.
7 Brrr!

The only thing that would make this sign even scarier is if it were on the inside of the chiller. But just as scary would be if you were in there with something wedged in between the door, per the instructions on the sign, and someone came along and removed whatever you had wedged in the door without knowing you were inside.
Then, what if everyone left and went home and you had to spend the whole night in there? Ok, maybe I’m getting a little carried away, but it could happen. What an absolutely frightening thought!
8 No Cure

I don’t know what’s scarier—driving behind a truck with a sign on it like this or being the guy inside who’s driving the truck. I wouldn’t want to do either. I don’t know just exactly what disease this truck is carrying, why it’s carrying it, and where it’s carrying it to.
All I know is that the truck was spotted about 21 miles outside of Jasper—at least that’s what that little green sign on the right side of the road says. Now, there are at least 12 towns in the U.S. named Jasper and one in Canada, plus a national park, so that doesn’t help us narrow it down any. But wherever it is, I hope the people in and near the town of Jasper are aware of what’s being transported through their area.
9 Toilet Cam

You know, I’m sure there’s some law against this—like the same law they have forbidding cameras in dressing rooms. I have no idea where this is, but according to a Reddit user, it’s possible that it’s in some place where they conduct drug testing. That’s because “the only way to know that you didn’t pull out a container of someone else’s urine is to have someone watch you fill the cup,” Reddit user MeEvilBob wrote.
And that’s true to a certain degree. Another Reddit user who goes by the name Rockman507 said that during his army intake at military entry processing, there was a guy in the bathroom who would watch them fill the cups. It’s just creepy either way you look at it.
10 Elevator Restroom

“WHO RELIEVES THEMSELVES IN AN ELEVATOR?!” That’s the question posed by BuzzFeed writer Kevin Smith, and I would like to know the answer to that as well. Imagine seeing that sign just as the elevator door shuts and it starts to take off. I would feel like I needed a tetanus shot after that.
It kind of reminds me of the time I went into a dressing room (pre-COVID, of course) and I saw a similar sign posted on the wall. I freaked out so much! I flew out of that dressing room like a bat out of you know where, put the clothes back on the rack, and got out of that store as quickly as I could. Oh, and did I mention there was this nasty smell in the dressing room, too? Yuck!
11 Static Electricity

I’m not sure where this sign is, but based on the name of the alternate route, it appears that it could be in one of four states—Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, or Virginia. Regardless of where it is, if I came upon this sign, I would definitely take that alternate route.
I mean, sure, the most that would happen is that my hair would stand up and I could hear static in my ears. But what about the people who live near these power lines? Is it safe for them to ride their bikes along this trail daily? The answer to that question likely is no, since studies have shown that electromagnetic fields (EMF) can affect our health in negative ways.
12 Difficult Trail Ahead

“Please turn back now”? Ok, you don’t have to tell me twice! I wouldn’t even have needed to reach the words at the bottom of the sign before turning back. I would have done that as soon as I’d seen the part about the MINIMUM 7-hour hike. Just how long is this trail, anyway? Well, since it takes the average person 15 to 22 minutes to walk a mile, I’d say that this trail is at the very least 28 miles long. That’s longer than a marathon, which is 26.2 miles, by the way.
I wonder how many knuckleheads ignored the sign and tried to hike the trail anyway, just to end up suing after they were injured, or worse, having to be rescued because they became ill along the way? That would be such a waste of people’s time and money.
13 Just Say No

I don’t know where this is. All I know is that it was seen at a dentist office somewhere—presumably in the U.S. But hey, at least they put up a sign warning patients about the effects of mixing methamphetamines with dental anesthetic.
It’s also a good thing that they put the sign in the waiting area. Can you imagine someone seeing this sign after they get called back to see the dentist and is just about to be administered anesthesia? It’d be sheer panic! But there’s a very valuable lesson to be learned from all of this. As former first lady Nancy Reagan told us, just say no.
14 Boiling Pond

Being boiled in a pond or other body of water isn’t as rare as you think. There are dozens of people who have died after accidentally falling into hot springs and thermal pools. It’s a scary thought to literally be boiled to death, but it happens.
And, for people visiting Japan, the best thing for them to do is to stay as far away from this pond as they possibly can because the English version of the sign’s warning is missing some pertinent information. According to Reddit user Chlorophilia, the Japanese version says, “Danger: Careful of boiling water, please do not go beyond the railings.” Hmm, I guess they didn’t think it was important enough to add that part in English.
15 Don’t Worry, It Won’t Bite

A little poison never hurt anyone, right? At least that’s what the Bronx Zoo wants you to think. And while it may be true that this snake’s venom isn’t enough to cause fatal human envenomation, it does use its venom to immobilize its prey.
While that might seem comforting to some, it’s important to keep in mind that there are times when people have been killed by snakes that were once thought to be harmless to humans. Such is the case with Karl Patterson Schmidt, an American herpetologist. He was killed by the South African green tree snake—a juvenile one at that! Ironically, Schmidt doubted that the snake could produce a fatal dose of venom.
16 Look Out Below!

I agree with the person who posted this. I hope they did place the same sign at the entrance of the slide. In fact, that really would be the only place they’d need to put that sign.
Unfortunately, there was someone who climbed inside a slide just like this one. Reddit user Paulpofussel confessed that this had happened to him. I’m not sure how old he was when it happened, but I am sure he was traumatized for life. In fact, he said that “it was so hard to get out that I got claustrophobic.”
And for someone like me who already is claustrophobic, seeing a sign like this makes me start to hyperventilate. Getting stuck in there by myself would be bad enough. But what if there were a line of kids and each one just kept coming down the slide while I was at the bottom? I just wouldn’t be able to take it.
17 Jumpstart Elevator

I have a fear of elevators, so this sign is definitely creepy to me. Now, the guy who originally posted it on Reddit posted it under “jokes and memes,” so it might not be real. If this is in fact a joke, it’s certainly a cruel one, especially to someone like me who’s scared of getting trapped in an elevator or being in one and it crashes.
The more I think about it, the more I realize this has to be a joke. If there was really something wrong with the elevator, the building manager would have put an “out of order” sign on the outside. Still, walking into an elevator and seeing that sign would totally freak me out.
18 Don’t Go In The Water

If I ever go to Nashville, Tennessee, I’ll be sure to stay away from Percy Priest Lake. Not even a lifejacket is gonna save me from drowning. What’s more is that someone on Reddit said they grew up near this lake and was told that it was manmade and that there are houses below the surface.
When people would jump into the lake from the cliffs, they would hit the structures under water. Then, there was a person who jumped in and went through the top of an old rusted truck that was underwater. Perhaps these incidents are what accounts for all those drownings.
19 Something In The Water

I don’t know where this is, but someone online said they spotted this sign at their apartment complex (most likely in the U.S.). According to the CDC, “when swimmers have diarrhea in the water, they release diarrhea-causing germs into the water. For example, a swimmer infected with the parasite Cryptosporidium can release 10 – 100 million germs into the water. Swallowing 10 or fewer Cryptosporidium germs can make you sick.”
Now, my question is, how will the apartment complex owner know who has had diarrhea in the last 14 days? And how is posting a sign supposed to stop someone from getting in the pool? It’s not like they’re going to just volunteer that information—especially if they really want to go for a swim. They’ll just ignore the rules and get in anyway, risking the health and safety of everyone else.
20 Food Recall

Picture this: Your mouth has been watering all day long for stadium food. It’s finally time for the big game, and when you arrive, you head straight for the concession stand. You make your way to your seat, settle in, and take a big bite of your sandwich.
Then, you look up at the jumbotron and see the following message: “Food Recall. If you have purchased any sandwiches, wraps or salads at the stadium today, please present back to the outlet of purchase immediately.” That would be enough to give anybody a heart attack. Even if you didn’t end up getting sick, you’d probably psyche yourself into feeling actual symptoms.
21 Killer Cave

Ellison’s cave is one of the largest caves in the United States. Located in Georgia, it is around 12 miles long and over 1,000 feet deep. It is almost the same height as the Seattle Space Needle. Not only is this a mind-blowing view, but it is also severely dangerous.
Apparently, this cave has already killed 3 people and attempted to kill 7 more. Maybe it would be better to not go into this cave. It seems as though it would be more work than it’s worth. That work is keeping yourself alive.
22 Tired Drivers

Now, this isn’t exactly a true statement, although there may be some exceptions. Hasn’t everyone driven while they were tired? Seriously, I’m tired almost 24/7 and I still have to drive places. But look at me, still living!
Maybe they are just trying to prevent accidents from happening, but it is very unlikely that you’ll die. Some people do have disorders that make them randomly fall asleep, but they know they aren’t supposed to be driving.
23 Going Blind

This hand sanitizer is bound to injure somebody. The person who set this out knew that someone in the office would need a warning, and they didn’t want to get the blame. It makes sense, but you would also freak out every time that you used this.
How hard is it to purchase a hand sanitizer that isn’t broken? Most of them are put out perfectly fine, but this person chose the one messed-up container. Way to go. Now, you’ve potentially made someone go blind.
24 Shark Attack

Among the many things that should worry someone about the ocean, shark attacks are one of them. But they definitely don’t happen as often as one would think. We’ve all heard someone tell us that cows kill more people annually than sharks do, and it’s true!
In 2021, there were only 9 shark attack fatalities, that’s nothing. But, apparently, this beach was very concerned. In this instance, there were no fatalities, but they felt the need to warn every beachgoer. Maybe just don’t go past 100 yards off the shore.
25 Live Bombs

Did you know that soldiers training for World War II left behind active explosives? Clearly, that is not safe, and it doesn’t seem like something that should have happened. But alas, it did happen, and now they have signs posted to warn everyone.
God forbid someone doesn’t see this and accidentally picks up a live grenade. If you do happen to see this, at least there are pictures that show you what the bombs should look like. What if there is a bomb out there that is not pictured? They should not have this area open to the public.
26 Impossible Escape

Water currents can be extremely strong. Just think about what happens when it floods—the water takes out everything in its path. What would make someone think that they would be stronger than that? That’s how people drown.
Maybe this is the reason someone put this sign up. If you end up in the weir, you are “risking certain death.” That means you 100% would not make it out of there alive. Is that something you want to risk?
27 Impairs Judgement

Have you ever seen something quite so bizarre? I mean, not someone consuming alcohol, but someone kissing a fish? It is crazy, right? Did they drink so much that they thought this was a Princess and the Frog situation? Alcohol really does impair a person’s judgment.
It makes matters worse when you can’t remember what happened because of the amount consumed. Many people drink while they spend the day on the water, but maybe it’s best to pace yourself. At least don’t kiss the fish.
28 Avoid Philadelphia

What does this mean? Should we avoid the entire city altogether? Philadelphia is full of history and was the place where many United States milestones were made. One of those being the location of the Declaration of Independence signing.
Philadelphia is also home to the Liberty Bell. But why would they tell us to avoid the city? Does someone hate Philadelphia so much that they want everyone else to hate it too? What a shame. Or maybe not. We don’t know.
29 Immediate Death

Since we can’t tell where this is, we are a little bit worried. What if this is located somewhere near a children’s park or some other popular outdoor event area? Not everyone has an oxygen mask just sitting around. This entire area seems entirely outrageous.
Just the fact that someone must have a rescue harness and mechanical life is reason enough to avoid this area completely unless you don’t feel like staying safe. How far can these deadly gasses travel? Will they only hurt you if you’re inside of the fence?
30 Eating What?

Ok, this sign is taking it too far. It’s none of our business what these people do in their free time, but we do think it is a problem if they are trying to eat children. Seriously, no sane person has ever thought about doing that.
Other than the fact that these people are eating children in the area, they think that it would be disrespectful for someone else to neglect to clean up after their dog or let them off leash. As if that is the problem here.
31 End In Tears

What will end in tears? What is going on here? Not gonna lie, I think I need this sign in my house somewhere. Nothing explains me better than “It will end in tears.” Because it does! Whether it’s happy, sad, or angry tears, they are always there.
But this sign makes it seem like something isn’t exactly safe around it. Is something going to hurt you if you are near this sign? Everything about this sign is extremely frightening. Just tell us what is going to make someone cry here.
32 Do Not

What exactly are you not supposed to touch here? What if your car accidentally grazes something as you are driving down the road? Are you just going to blow up? We don’t think that they should have a road here if that could happen.
Also, if you can’t leave the road, how will you escape? Are you just supposed to stay on the road for the rest of your life? Does anyone actually think about the safety of others or do they think a warning is enough?
33 You Will Get Trapped

Going into a tunnel seems like a nightmare in the first place. Nothing about being in a small space where you can’t stand up straight sounds entertaining at all. But hey, to each their own, right? Just make sure to follow the rules.
One of those rules is to never forget your keys. If you do, you will never make it out of this tunnel. Is that what you want, to stay in this tunnel for the rest of your life? We think it’d be a good idea to avoid this tunnel.
34 After Dark

If I saw this sign while I was on a hiking path, I would immediately start to feel uneasy. What happens on this trail after dark? What is so bad that they felt the need to hang this sign? My mind goes straight to the worst.
Do criminals hang around this trail after dark? Is that why it says you shouldn’t be on it alone? Who goes hiking alone anyway? That is like asking for something to happen to you. Use the buddy system, people!
35 Sandside Beach

Our first piece of advice would be to never take your children to this beach. We all know how kids love to put things in their pockets and even their mouths. That would be the last thing you wanted while at the beach.
At least they have a sign, though, right? It isn’t like the beach neglected to tell you this very important safety information. Not that it really helps anything. Most people end up leaving with sand, whether it was on purpose or not.
36 Lock Your Doors

Have you ever had a close encounter with a lion? No? Well, at this wildlife park, you will get that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! You may even get to experience what it feels like to be on the receiving end of a lion’s mouth.
Although this doesn’t seem safe whatsoever, it does seem kind of exhilarating. Who gets to say that a lion almost attacked them while they were driving? Not many! But you should still obey these signs when it comes to your safety.
37 Don’t Leave The Sidewalk

There are multiple types of hydrothermal features, including hot springs and geysers, which are typically found near volcanoes. These features are caused by molten rock and water in the Earth’s crust, which is what makes the water hot.
So, imagine stepping on one of these areas and falling through. It’s like falling into lava! Or so we think, because it’s never happened to us. Good thing they have a sign posted! Not only would you want to break the law, but you wouldn’t want to fall in either.
38 Plague Caution

What would you do if you went to a national park and saw this sign? Would you continue to explore the park? If it were me, I’d probably escort myself home. If every rodent is infected, shouldn’t they shut down the park?
If you camped here, you’d have no control over where the rodents roamed. They could scurry their way right into your food storage, or even worse, your tent. This just doesn’t seem safe, not even the slightest bit.
39 That’s A No-No

We don’t know why a sign like this would be even a little bit necessary. What kind of parent would put their children over the edge like that? Most parents will risk their own lives to save the life of their children.
This sign apparently thinks that parents are prone to putting their children in danger. It thinks that the parents who go here want to see what it would be like to taunt alligators with a tiny child. What kind of parent would do that?
40 Cemetery Ahead

Why should someone use caution when approaching the cemetery? Is it a dangerous cemetery? Maybe it is traumatizing to a sensitive person? Well, that second part could be true. Children don’t exactly know what is going on there.
Can you imagine that conversation with a child? How would you explain what a cemetery is to them? Just tell them, “Oh, there are a bunch of dead bodies buried in the ground there.” They’d probably never be able to sleep again!
41 You Will Die

Ski slopes are supposed to be fun! Just thinking about going down the side of a mountain on freshly fallen snow is enough for anyone to get excited. Many people go to skiing resorts for family vacations or just to have a little getaway.
But what are you supposed to do when you see this? Obviously, you should turn around, but why would they have a dangerous area so close to the resort? I can imagine anyone feeling intimidated when they see this sign that says “you will die.”
42 Prepare, Act, Survive

Anyone who lives in dry areas knows what to do when there is a burn ban. Obviously, you don’t burn anything. That includes backyard fire pits or anything else that would be lit on fire. You just refrain from doing it so you don’t cause a wildfire.
In this case, the danger is catastrophic. That means that the fire will spread rapidly and cause damage to everything in its path. Yes, that is definitely intimidating to the average person. So, you need to prepare, act, and survive.
43 Black Death

The COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t even compare to the Black Death pandemic. This plague began due to people living in close proximity and unclean living conditions. This plague was the most fatal pandemic ever recorded.
Standing next to this sign would make you feel like you want to crawl out of your skin. This is the exact spot where the plague entered through; wouldn’t you feel a little uneasy? Even though it’s over, it would still be frightening standing there.
44 Kill Your Speed

Most people know to watch their surroundings as they are driving through neighborhoods. Not just to be on the lookout for children, but for animals, too. Sometimes pets get loose and they dart out into the road.
This neighborhood makes sure that drivers are aware that children might be in the street. Most parents teach their children not to go past the sidewalk, but sometimes they don’t listen. So, drivers, kill your speed.
45 Crocodiles

Looking for an adrenaline rush? This is the place to go! There is no better way to get your thrills than to risk your life by either falling or getting eaten alive by a crocodile. Who wouldn’t want to do that? It sounds like so much fun!
Hopefully, no one has actually taken that chance. If the sign says that the fall might kill you, that must be one gnarly fall. All I can picture is someone bouncing off a bunch of rocks before they reach the bottom to be eaten by the crocodiles.
46 Glow Sticks

There is a lot to unpack with the sign. First of all, what kind of interactive attraction could this be? Why are they recruiting viewers to be a part of it? Some people might be crazy enough to try this out, but we will not be one of them.
What kind of harm are they doing to these people that is physical or mental? This doesn’t sound like something that should be happening, whether people consent to it or not. We would advise everyone to not wear a glow stick necklace here.
47 Bury A Friend

This sign isn’t wrong, but it is a little bit intense, if you ask me. What kind of place would need to have a sign like this one? Maybe some kind of industrial warehouse? Who knows, but maybe you should know what you’re doing here.
Instead of having to correct someone, the employees should have the proper training to do their jobs so they don’t risk their safety or someone else’s. Don’t worry, just in case you see someone doing something wrong, this sign is there for you.
48 Leave!

Nitrogen is an element used mainly in the chemical industry. It can be used for medicine, soldering, manufacturing, plus so much more. But why would they leave it alone in an elevator and risk someone’s health? That’s a mystery.
One of the main uses of nitrogen is to preserve food. So, why would it kill you if it leaked out of this tank? Something does not make sense here. It prevents oxidative damage, which causes food to spoil.
49 Go Uphill

If you hear the siren, we really hope that you are fast enough to outrun whatever is going on there. But by the way… What exactly is going on? What is causing the siren to go off? This sign just leaves so many questions unanswered.
200 steps doesn’t seem like a lot until you are on the verge of life and death, and then it might seem like an eternity. We just want to wish a bit of luck to whoever is in the area when this siren goes off. We also hope that you are enough in shape to save yourself from this threat of some sort!
50 You Can’t

Let’s just use our imaginations for a minute here, ok? Imagine that you are walking down the street when a sinkhole emerges, what would you do? Would you just stand there as it slowly gets deeper and wider in front of you?
No, you would try to get away as quickly as you can. Now, we don’t know that is what this sign is for, but hopefully, it is better than our whole sinkhole idea. But you never know, this sign just leaves everything up to the imagination.
51 Unexploded Bomb

Maybe it is just me, but if I ever saw this worrying sign, I would immediately leave this place. Why would I want to be close to a bomb that has the potential to explode at any minute? Clearly, that is not safe for anyone.
It also doesn’t tell you exactly where the bomb is at. You could be walking over it at any moment. That is a little bit too close for comfort, if you ask me. Why wouldn’t they remove the bomb? That seems like the best option here.
52 Don’t Be Here

Never mind the fact that this building looks extremely eerie, but why shouldn’t someone be here after dark? What is going to happen? This building does look abandoned, so maybe it is just too old for someone to safely be inside of it.
And can we talk about the chair hanging out of the window? What on earth was that used for? My mind immediately goes to someone sitting in the chair and being hoisted up. Maybe that’s why you shouldn’t be here after dark?!
53 Stay Out

This concrete wall looks like something that would be at Area 51. You know… Where they are supposedly hiding alien existence? Yeah, that place. It makes sense, though! The wall is too tall for anyone to be able to see over.
Plus, it says to “Stay Out” and “Stay Alive.” Why else would they put that sign up unless there is something weird going on? That is the only explanation we can think of. There are aliens, and they are hiding behind this wall.
54 Ignore The Door

If this is the door to an apartment building, maybe you should find somewhere else to live. If they have to put this sign up, then you know people are trying to sneak in here without being a resident. Who would do that?
Sure, you might invite someone over, but what about the others? What are people trying to do that they don’t want them inside of the building for? This is just so strange. Again, find a new place to live, somewhere safer.
55 Death Has Occurred

I mean, hasn’t death occurred basically everywhere? I know that sounds a tad bit dark, but it is true. It’s just the circle of life! You are born, you live, then you die. We all know it’s coming, we just don’t know exactly when.
But you might know when if you visit this place. Some people like to live life on the wild side, but it is probably best if they don’t live this wild. You have three options: get taken under the waves, slip and hurt yourself on the rocks, or get stranded in the water with no end in sight.
56 Structural Concern

Would you risk walking across this bridge? The sign says that four people can safely be on the bridge at once, but it still doesn’t feel comforting. Maybe there is another way to get across without having to risk your life.
Plus, you can’t jump, bounce, or swing on the bridge. Anyone who does that obviously has no concern for life. They just want the thrill of making others feel fear, and that is just cruel. You should come back when they’ve replaced the bridge.
57 Don’t Wear A Helmet

Growing up, you are always told that you need to wear a helmet when you are riding your bike or scooter. Everybody knows it helps to keep your head safe in case you get into an accident, like falling off or running into a tree.
Instead, this sign gives you the opposite advice. Why wouldn’t a helmet protect you in this situation? Have we been lied to our entire lives about the safety of helmets? Maybe not, but it still doesn’t make us feel better about what is happening here.
58 Horses May Bite

We all know that horses have an attitude at times. Everyone knows that you should never stand behind a horse because it might kick you. But now, you can’t stand in front of a horse because it might bite you?
I mean, it makes sense, but still. The person who saw this sign must have been ready to take off. You see something that tells you a horse might bite you and there is a horse standing right there. It’s a bit chilling.
59 Poison Citrus

Is this sign trying to tell us not to eat citrus of any kind? That won’t exactly be an easy task if you ask us. How did the citrus get poisoned? Did they do it on purpose? Maybe this person has some kind of hatred towards anything with citrus.
Hopefully, the poisoned citrus is contained in this one area, or else someone somewhere will not be too happy. Quite frankly, it doesn’t feel like it would be legal either. It would be like someone committing mass murder. Just stay away from the citrus!
60 Abnormally Large Mosquitos

We know what you are thinking. This doesn’t look accurate, right? Well, we have some news for you. It is accurate. If it wasn’t, why would there be a sign saying it is? We would like to know where we can find these mosquitos.
Of course, we don’t want to get swept up by one, but it would be a pretty interesting sight. Can you imagine witnessing a gigantic mosquito picking a human up? It is exactly like the stuff you see in your nightmares.
61 We Can Do Anything

At this point, we all know what women are capable of. As Beyoncé once said, “Who runs the world? Girls,” and I think that’s something that we all live by to this day. Honestly, what can’t women do that men can? Nothing.
Women can do anything that men can do, like die. Wait, what? Who has ever heard of a woman dying? What is the point of this sign, anyway? I guess they are trying to make women aware that they can also have heart disease and strokes, but that’s a harsh way to raise awareness.
62 Falling Snakes

Have you ever heard the saying, “it’s raining cats and dogs?” Well, how about seeing that it’s raining snakes instead of that? If you go to this area, you should beware of any reptiles falling from the sky, particularly snakes.
We don’t know exactly what they do inside that building, but we know that we do not want to be anywhere near it. We would immediately die from fear if a snake ever fell on our heads. This just seems like the worst-case scenario.
63 No Pedestrians

Guys, you are not allowed to walk across construction zones, don’t you know that? They aren’t meant for normal people like us to wander onto. They are strictly for construction workers and construction workers only.
If you walk into a construction zone, you will get impaled by a forklift. Sorry, we don’t make the rules! Apparently, construction workers absolutely hate it when people get into their area and they will remove them by any means necessary.
64 Propellers

We don’t think anyone really wants to get their head chopped off, don’t you think? It is usually just an accident. So, be prepared when you are in this area because the propellers are known to chop heads right off a person’s body.
This little sign doesn’t really look big enough to catch someone’s eye, either. So, if someone wasn’t aware of the possible head-chopping that comes with propellers, they would be in for a rude awakening. Or for a long sleep…
65 Wild Animals

It is always fun to take your family to the park and feed the animals while you are there. It gives your kids the experience of a lifetime! They will always remember that time when they got to feed kangaroos out of their hand.
But, it is not always the best idea. Sometimes, these wild animals learn to attack children holding food. Is that what you want to happen to your kid? Once they make the attack, the park will then have to destroy the animal. It’s not good.
66 Do Not Open

Electrical panels should never be messed with, especially if you aren’t an electrician. Even electricians have to handle them with care. These panels are the source of all electricity in a building. With one move, you could seriously hurt yourself.
Just read the sign! You will die. Not only that, but it will be slow and painful. Do you want to die a slow and painful death? No? Then do not open the electrical panel; it is the safest option for everyone involved.
67 Shades Of Death

Ah, the road of everyone’s dreams. Who wouldn’t want to drive down this road? Imagine the things that you would see! Also, what exactly are shades of death? This road is one of the most haunted roads in the world.
It’s located in New Jersey and is a rural road that stretches for about 7 miles. Oh, and not to mention, this road also goes along the edge of Ghost Lake. If you are down to see some ghosts, this is probably the place for you.
68 Don’t Cliff Jump

Who doesn’t love cliff jumping? It is so thrilling! You can do so many things when you go cliff jumping, too. You can use a parachute to help slow the fall or you can use bungee cords for an even better experience.
But you probably should not try any of those things here. This sign doesn’t make cliff jumping look very fun. Who would want to fall down the side of the cliff? That isn’t the point, but it happens. Better safe than sorry.
69 Water Is Safe

Would you still drink this water if you saw the red light? Doesn’t red mean to stop? It clearly looks like there is a spot for green and yellow lights as well, so what do those lights mean? Which one should you trust? The lights or the sign?
Personally, I would try to find a different water fountain that maybe had the green light sensor on. What is the sign really doing here? Sure, it says the water is safe to drink, but is it really? You can never be too sure.
70 Stay Off

I know that we have all dreamed of jumping in a water fountain, much like the actors do in the intro to Friends. Doesn’t it sound so fun? You can splash around with your own friends and make real-life memories. That would be memorable for sure.
Even if it is your dream, you should not get in this fountain, though. This fountain has the potential to burn you, literally. You would think that fountains are just for water, but you would be wrong. The fire feature turns on without notice.
71 WW2 Beach Defense

World War II beach defenses can be anything from sharp sticks and barbed wire fences to steel spikes and wooden barriers. It might seem interesting to see a piece of history, but these defenses are really dangerous.
They are not something that should be played around with, so it makes it especially difficult when they appear along the beach. It’s a little creepy to think that these defense systems are just sitting a few feet below the water level.
72 Be Cautious

We have all heard the saying “stranger danger” as children, but is that statement true in Canada? Are strangers dangerous there? We thought everyone in Canada was overly nice and welcoming of everyone, even strangers.
Apparently, that is not the case in Vancouver. It seems like there are some fishy things happening there. Maybe this is where Americans go to trick the Canadians. So, if you see a stranger, stay away because they are probably one of those rude Americans.
73 Lake Superior

Lake Superior is a pretty interesting place to go to. It is the largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area and holds 10% of the world’s fresh surface water. There was once also a 29-foot wave recorded here, similar to wave heights of the ocean.
While you might not be fearful when you first arrive at Lake Superior, this sign will definitely help you get there. The waves are in fact overwhelming at times, and frigid waters aren’t going to help the fear of drowning here.
74 Fight Back

Has anyone ever told you that you must fight back when you encounter a wild animal? Maybe not, but this sign is telling you that you should, at least if you encounter a polar bear. Do you feel up to the challenge? What is the worst that could happen?
It’s not like the polar bear could overpower you and severely injure you if you tried to fight back. Just go for it! Maybe there is some sort of tactic to fighting a polar bear, but I do not think I would try it. That seems pretty dangerous to me.
75 Abandoned Mines

Not only do abandoned mines have the potential to kill you, but they absolutely will kill you. Like the sign says, don’t give them a chance. Just in case you weren’t sure how the mines would hurt you, the sign lists out all of the ways.
You probably figured that you could get crushed by falling rocks or other debris, but did you think about the poisonous gasses inside? Did you think about the hidden shafts or poisonous snakes? And don’t forget the old explosives!
76 8 Short Blasts

If you weren’t feeling anxious before arriving here, you definitely will be after seeing this sign. Seriously, there is no explanation here other than to evacuate. Where should someone evacuate to? What is going to happen?
We have a lot of questions. What are the blasts supposed to sound like? We can’t imagine everyone would just know what the blasts are, much less be counting them as they happen. We just need to know what is going on here.
77 Sharp Fence

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you probably should not try to climb on sharp fences like the one in the sign. That fence seriously looks like it could impale a person, but the actual fence is not as sharp as the image.
The sign makes the fence look a lot sharper than it actually is. Sure, you could still get hurt, but probably not as severely as the sign thinks you will. Either way, you should still stay off the fence, unless you want to get hurt.
78 Slow Minefield

Just when you think you are going to have a good day and enjoy some time outdoors, you see this creepy sign. If I saw this sign, I would not be sure what to do. Would you already be in the minefield at this point?
I mean, it doesn’t tell you, so you can’t exactly be sure. Hopefully, when you turn around, you can get back to safety without setting one of the mines off. If you do happen to set a mine off, well, good luck to you.
79 Never Touch The Prop

This vintage-looking sign would surely be enough to make someone think twice about touching the prop, right? In any case, it is definitely enough for us! Not that we go out touching airplane props in our free time, but still.
The way that this sign shows a little illustration of a body and a separate head just sends chills down our spine. We know this was made to keep people safe, but we could’ve done without the explicit drawing, really.
80 Poisonous Gas

What exactly is someone supposed to do in this situation? H2S is hydrogen sulfide and poisonous. It is used to produce sulfuric acid and helps create many other inorganic sulfides. On the other hand, you have spiders.
Not just regular spiders either, black widow spiders. Why would anyone voluntarily open this door? It clearly tells you what is on the other side. Would you rather die from a poisonous gas or from a poisonous spider? Or just keep the door close and stay alive? The choice is yours.