The Funniest Yard Signs You’ve EVER Seen
1 Grass Is Dreaming
Rather than ordering you to stay off the grass, this sign is very polite and simply asks you to respect the rest and relaxation of the plants. After all, the grass is peacefully dreaming, so it would be a shame to disturb it.
Do you really want to ruin that grass’ peace by tromping through the greenery, turning their pleasant dreams into a horrible nightmare? We didn’t think so. How awful it would be! Imagine being trampled by a giant while you sleep! Ugh!
2 No Soliciting

There’s nothing more unpleasant than door-to-door solicitation, especially since it always comes at dinner time, right? But if a simple “no soliciting” sign isn’t doing the trick in keeping door-knockers away from your home, here’s a good alternative.
Why don’t you invest in an ultra-tall sign that sends an ultra-clear message? In our opinion, it would be rather difficult to be more clear than that. So, that should work, don’t you think? This sign refers to all forms of solicitations, so no one can say that the sign was not addressed to them!
3 Help The Cat Quit Smoking
Honestly, dropping your cigarette butts anywhere that isn’t a trash can is pretty gross. Who still does that today? Society has evolved enough, right? Apparently not. And there are people who not only leave their cigarette butts lying around but also visibly throw them on their neighbors’ property.
But rather than getting angry about the littering on their lawn, these homeowners decided to find the humor in the situation. After all, a reproach goes down better with a touch of humor, isn’t that right? These homeowners really are the perfect neighbors; not everyone would respond to the situation so nicely!
4 No Pooping
These homeowners aren’t playing around, and they absolutely do not want your dog’s poop on their lawn. And we totally understand them! What could be more unpleasant than inadvertently stepping on that on your own property?
While some people might let it slide if they find a bit of dog poop here and there, these good citizens are holding their neighbors accountable. Probably this situation happens a little too often, and now, they have had enough. Who would live well with such a problem in the long run, anyway?
5 Yard Sale
While some people love perusing through yard sales so much, they clearly know that the items they will find are not going to be of the highest quality. After all, you’re buying used stuff! We shouldn’t live in denial and become too optimistic.
So, rather than trying to frame their yard sale as an incredible and unique opportunity, these homeowners decided to lean into the unpolished nature of their goods and be quite honest. What you will find at this garage sale is crap. But it could be good and useful crap for you!
6 No Smoking

Smoking is a really bad habit. One of the worst habit, even. But some people can’t manage to quit. It’s understandable, it’s never easy to get rid of an addiction. Thankfully, these neighbors are making sure no one in their vicinity feels safe lighting up a cigarette.
Let’s face it, it’s just another way of trying to remedy a situation. One wonders, however, how much these people will be appreciated by their neighbors when they seem so motivated to meddle in other people’s affairs…
7 Love Notes
Love notes are absolutely adorable! Well, unless they don’t reach their intended audience. When this man put a love note on what he thought was his wife’s car, he imagined he was embracing the absolute height of romance.
We can well imagine his surprise and embarrassment when he realized his mistake, however. We hope that this small error did not cause any discomfort between the neighbors, but we also hope that a heart was not broken following this erratum!
8 Dangerous Turtle
We will be totally honest with you. In our opinion, this sign just raises more questions, rather than providing any answers. What is going on, here? What are the chances that this person has lost two very different things at the same time?
Let’s face it, a turtle and nunchucks are not two things you usually carry around at the same time. So first of all, is the turtle on the loose with the nunchucks or are they lost separately? Second, how can the owner be so sure that his turtle is coming home?
9 Challenge Accepted

Some people have a heightened sense of humor and can always find the perfect answer to make everyone laugh, and here we have a perfect example of that kind of person. Absolutely everything about this sign was destined to fail and, therefore, be quite funny.
First, there’s the irony of putting a sign on the yard that reads “no signs on yard.” But then, the arrangement gets even funnier when some clever local takes the directive as a challenge. It’s a pretty funny sight, that’s for sure! By any chance, is comedian Celeste Barber behind this?
10 It Is So Big

Normal yard sale signs are so last year. Let’s be honest, a sign reading simply “Yard Sale” is so boring. Don’t you agree? And who would want to go take a look at a boring yard sale? Certainly not us! There’s not going to be anything very interesting at a boring yard sale.
These days, it’s all about making a sign that will truly make your yard sale stand out in comparison to all others, and this one definitely fits the bill. We have to admit, this sign is original and eye-catching! Be advised, this yard sale is so big!
11 Take My Ex’s Stuff

Sometimes, relationships don’t end well. That’s sad, but that’s also life. It can take time to find the right person for you, and in the end, it’s better to be alone than in bad company, as they say! And with the departure of a partner often comes also the departure of many things that we possess.
And after all, yard sales are a chance to get rid of all the useless crap in your home, right? This yard sale seller took that sentiment rather seriously, and by the look of this sign, we understand these two former lovers didn’t remain friends.
12 Nothing Happened

Yard signs are generally put up to send a message of any kind to neighbors, to convey an important piece of information, or to mark an important occasion. No matter what is indicated on the sign, in general, it is still useful in a certain way.
But in this case, this homeowner decided to throw the rules of yard signs out the window, to be original and to do as he pleases. So, he put up that sign. It’s still pretty interesting to know that absolutely nothing happened there on 1st April 1780, though!
13 Garage Thale

If you want some knockout prices, you have to visit garage sales. But we strongly advise you to visit this garage sale in particular. Who better to announce a garage sale than Mike Tyson? I mean, who doesn’t love Mike Tyson?
This sign is rather simple and goes straight to the point. It’s also a perfect way to encourage passing drivers to buy thome thstuff. That’s what garage thale are for, after all! Ha ha! It’s just a harmless little joke!
14 Not For Sale

While this sign is initially confusing—we had to read it a few times before understanding it!—it slowly became clear to us that the seller is using the tactic of reverse psychology. Right? Isn’t that what you understand too?
After all, what better way to convince someone to buy your building than to tell them it’s totally, 100%, not available? All this is pretty logical. What is forbidden to us becomes immediately more attractive, doesn’t it?
15 For Lease Navidad

Just because you have to put up a “for lease” sign on your lawn doesn’t mean you can’t embrace the Christmas spirit completely. This property owner decided to create a sign that plays on the Spanish phrase “Feliz Navidad.”
Honestly, we love the wordplay. It’s literally perfect! Not only does it tell passers-by that his property is for rent, but it also shows that he’s not a Christmas Grinch at all, quite the contrary. We would love to see his other decorations!
16 Sexy Brown Grass

Some people just don’t know how to keep their lawn alive. But instead of feeling guilty about their dead grass, this homeowner decided to make the best of a bad situation. Brown grass is sexy—the sign says it, so it must be true.
Maybe the neighbors will start to embrace this new trend and this brown lawn won’t look so out of place in a couple of weeks. If not, well, it’s also good to be different sometimes! If everything was the same, the world would be boring, right?
17 Don’t Call 911

Obviously, this sign was posted because these poor horse owners were dealing with a few too many concerned citizens. As we all know, it is wrong to call 911 for nothing. It clogs up the lines and prevents people in real danger from getting help quickly.
And while it’s great that they’re worried about the health and safety of the horses, the animals probably don’t want to be disturbed by police sirens when they’re simply taking a nap. Remember, horses do lie down, sometimes. It’s normal. They’re not sick or dead.
18 Your Move

Unfortunately, we don’t choose our neighbors. Some neighbors are good, some neighbors are bad. But these neighbors? We’re not really sure which category they fall into. Probably more in the “bad” category than in the “good” one.
Seriously, how much can a neighbor’s yard bother you to the point of calling the police? Is this neighbor a little intolerant, maybe? One thing is certain: that is a lot of flamingos! But if this person likes pink flamingos so much, that’s their business.
19 Parrot BBQ

The placement of these two different signs feels a little too coincidental to us. While one person is looking for their lost parrot, the other is preparing a Parrot BBQ. What is a Parrot BBQ, anyway? Should people dress up as parrots? Or are parrots the meal? Surely not…
But if we had to guess, we would say the parrot owner probably isn’t going to find their lost bird. But a person could not be that cruel… Right? It’s only a not-so-funny joke, surely. We don’t think that the lost parrot’s owner will attend the Parrot BBQ, though.
20 Quoting God

If you want to add some authority to your yard sign, just quote God. No one can argue with God, and everyone listens to God! At least, that’s what this church is banking on, and they rely only on Him to encourage people to be good.
In the end, whether people listen to this lighthearted threat or not, it’s certainly an amusing way to attract more visitors to the church. You better attend the mass on Sunday or you’ll be hearing from God himself! You can be sure of that.
21 You Still Have a Chance

Once you put something out on your lawn, it’s pretty clear that it’s of absolutely no use to you anymore. But when this person decided to put an entire exercise machine outside their house, they felt it needed some explanation.
It’s always a bit dodgy when an item is in good condition and has to be donated, after all. But apparently, this impulse buy didn’t give them the results they were looking for. However, it’s nice of them to give it away for free in the hopes that it will go to a home where it might actually be used.
22 Cheating Husband

If you’re going to cheat, you should pretty much expect to be put on blast. We have rarely seen anyone take this type of news well. But this wife took things to a new level by announcing her husband’s cheating ways to the entire neighborhood.
What’s more, she also named the women he cheated with! We’re sure Linnie will think twice before he cheats again. And let’s bet that Luann and Vivian won’t dare to set foot in this neighborhood again anytime soon. If I were them, I wouldn’t want to come face to face with this woman!
23 Over the Hillville

Well, there’s obviously an older person living in this house. But instead of denying their advancing age, they decided to lean into it. As you can see, birthday cakes are strictly banned and any passing children should be wary of an achy person emerging from the home.
In fact, the whole neighborhood should know that these tenants might take a little longer to cross the street, and they don’t want to hear any complaints! So choose another route or be patient! We still admire the sense of humor of this elderly person.
24 Free Beer

While other people are thinking of clever ways to advertise their yard sales, this homeowner decided to go with something that would definitely attract people to his home: free beer. Even if you’re not a person who enjoys garage sales, the allure of free beer is too good to pass up.
We would definitely call this man a marketing genius. But could this be a tactic to compensate for the lack of interesting items for sale? I mean, what he has to sell may be crap, but after a few beers, maybe they’ll seem more interesting…!
25 It Died

Some people have the lucky gift of the green thumb. These people usually have several beautiful plants inside, and an incredible garden outside. But for others, no matter how hard they try, all their plants end up shriveled and dead.
This yard sign is perfect for those poor people. They did what they could, but unfortunately it wasn’t enough. Judging by all the greenery around this sign, though, this plant doesn’t seem to be much of a problem here. On the contrary, it seems quite alive to us!
26 Grandpa Finally Died

Well, that’s one interesting way to approach a garage sale. While you may have lost a beloved family member and are grieving, you might as well stay positive. At least you can now make a little extra money by selling their stuff!
This sign still seems slightly insensitive to us, though. Maybe this grandfather was really unpleasant, because this grandchild does not seem to feel much pain. Maybe this man was really old, and it is known that the most stupid and evil people live the longest!
27 Exotic Herbs

This person absolutely has the right idea. If you have weeds in your yard, why admit that they’re weeds? After all, not everyone can recognize weeds at a glance. And it would be to admit that you are too lazy to pull them out, and ideally, nobody wants to admit such a thing.
So instead, this clever person rebrand the weeds on their yard as exotic herbs. Trust us, no one will know the difference and you’ll seem to really know your way around herbs! However, be prepared to answer questions from the curious who want to learn more about your famous exotic herbs!
28 Killing Me

Have you ever been stepped on? Well, giants don’t exist in real life, so it would be pretty hard, but who knows? It’s still possible in some situations. Anyway, if you’ve ever been trampled, you can put yourself in the shoes of these poor plants.
Your feet are killing them! You have to stop trampling on these plants right now, please. You are hurting them, and that is very bad. Would you really want the death of these plants on your conscience? We are absolutely sure you don’t.
29 Beware

When we should beware of something, it is better to know of what, exactly. It is pretty unclear, here. Beware of the what?! This sign is rather disturbing. It involves too much of the unknown, and this unknown seems pretty threatening.
If your goal is to scare your friends and family when they arrive at your home, well, good job. This sign definitely does the trick. Who knows what could be waiting for you out there—perhaps lions, tigers, or bears! Oh my! Visitors beware!
30 Wet Our Plants

Do you love spring? But like, REALLY love it? Anyway, without a doubt, these people certainly do. In fact, they love spring so much they wet their pants! Wait, what? Oh, sorry, their plants! That’s seems logical, after all…
We must admit, this sign is quite funny. It’s hard to think of a better pun than that one, don’t you think? Clearly, many people have to read this sign twice before they really understand what is really going on. In any case, that was our case!
31 Stealing Plants

Apparently, this person had a big problem with someone stealing their plants. But really, who does that? Why would anyone need to steal another person’s plants? No matter the reason, it’s just a rather nasty, gratuitous act.
But instead of tracking down the culprit to confront them, the plant owner decided to take a different approach, which was guilting the thief into stopping. And indeed, punching kittens seems a lot worse to us than stealing plants.
32 Fought The Lawn

Taking care of your yard is so much harder is seems, but also than it should be. For some people, giving up is simply the better option rather than fighting the weeds and manicuring the lawn, only for it to look bad a week later.
Persistence is not always the best option, you know. As they say, the grass is always greener on the other side, after all. This is probably the case here. and this person seems to live very well with it. There you go, one less problem to deal with!
33 Seeds Are Trying

Seeds are kind of like babies—after all, we can consider them as baby plants, right? So, just like a human baby, they need a lot of time, attention, and patience while they grow. It’s no small task to become a plant, after all!
With this in mind, this yard sign makes sure the seeds get the peace they need to reach their growing goals. Please, give them a break—they’re trying. And they’re probably trying really hard. If given a chance, we are sure they will succeed.
34 Wishful Thinking

A big part of gardening is simply hoping your plants will grow. Obviously, the more you know about gardening, the better your chances, but still. There is never a 100% guarantee, there are many factors that come into play.
For these gardeners, wishful thinking is indeed a big part of the process of putting together a thriving garden. It’s not for everyone to have a green thumb, you know! And from this sign they put up, we would tend to believe that they are more or less confident in their abilities as gardeners.
35 Selling The Look

If you ever see this yard sale sign somewhere, you’ll definitely head over to see what it’s all about, isn’t that right? That sounds pretty promising and out of the ordinary for a garage sale! We can’t help but wonder what we’ll find there.
I mean, even if you aren’t into men, it seems way too interesting to pass it up. This garage sale will definitely be an experience! So, who could resist? You might find some unusual and original things at this garage sale. See you there!
36 Not To Brag
In a world where everyone has taken any kind of extreme sanitary measures to stay healthy, washing your hands still seems to be the most neglected part. After all, many people don’t even wash their hands after using the bathroom, so imagine!
But this homeowner wants you to know that washing their hands—with hand soap, what’s more!—has never been an issue for them. Go ahead, brag about it. At least you’re not one of those selfish people spreading germs everywhere!
37 Jail Sale
If this poster is to be believed, this person is going to jail, and they are probably going away for a pretty long time. If not, why would they need to sell any of their belongings? But now, they won’t need them anymore. They will just collect dust.
So, with that in mind, why not just sell everything and use the cash for something more important? Maybe for a lawyer or something. It’s just a thought. We don’t know much about prison, but it makes sense for us to need a lawyer if we’re there.
38 Keep Off, Please
This person has put in a lot of time and effort to get their grass as green and healthy as possible. Unfortunately, it’s just this patch, though. The rest doesn’t really matter. Maybe they didn’t have time to deal with a larger area than that.
This lawn already looks like it has had a really bad time, so there’s no need to add to it. Please keep of the grass. Do as they ask. It’s their baby, after all. They worked hard for it. Help them keep this little patch of grass together.
39 Crap You May Need

Does anyone go to a yard sale and actually find something they need? Well, we guess so, otherwise people would have given up on the idea of making them long ago. But maybe not if you only find crap there, as announced on the sign…
We feel like most of the time people just end up leaving with a bunch of random things, which they will eventually end up selling in their own yard sales in a couple of years. But sometimes we can be surprised. One person’s crap can be another person’s delight!
40 Zoom Meeting

It’s a little hard to enjoy any kind of show when your boss keeps interrupting you. There’s nothing worse to spoil the mood, is there? We deeply hate this kind of annoying person. Maybe you shouldn’t watch a show with your boss.
Except, sadly, you don’t seem to really have a choice, here. Because it’s not a show. According to your boss, it’s actually a zoom meeting, and you haven’t been paying attention to anything that has been said. You might be in trouble, now.
41 Hey Girl

When Ryan Gosling says let’s go to a yard sale, you go to a yard sale. Especially when he wants to find a matching tea set and put it to use with you afterwards! Nobody can resist the charm of this actor, after all. Isn’t that so?
Even if it isn’t actually THE Ryan Gosling himself, we think it’s close enough. You absolutely need to go. You never know, you could be missing out on an incredible opportunity to meet him! Or not. But if you don’t go, you won’t know!
42 You Will Be Like

Have you ever been to a sale so good that you forced them to take your money? No? Well, this doesn’t surprise us because we don’t know anyone who would have a garage sale without accepting money for their goods.
But apparently you would have to argue with the seller at this garage sale. Their stuff is so amazing that you’ll want to buy it all, and at full price! In any case, this sign seems to bode well. You might just find that rare gem at this garage sale!
43 Beware Of…

Beware of… The attack rabbit? We’ve often heard of a watchdog, but this is a first. How could this cute little rabbit attack anything? As far as we know, a rabbit is usually not very threatening, it’s pretty cute and fluffy.
But apparently, if we believe this sign, it’s true! These homeowners keep their rabbit out to deter any trespassers from entering their property. We wonder if it works? It is very difficult to imagine this pretty rabbit attacking a trespasser.
44 More Concerned For The Animals

We think this should be a standard rule for any fence in the world, whether it’s at the zoo or not. Either way, you definitely shouldn’t fall into animal cages. If there is a cage or a fence, there is a good reason why you should not access that area.
But it’s absolutely not because they are concerned for their guests’ well-being, on the contrary. They worry because the animals could get sick if they eat you. Animals are the number one priority for them. Please be aware of that.
45 Dumpster Diving

Honestly, it’s not too far off to compare attending a yard sale to dumpster diving. A little far off, maybe, but not a lot. Because even if you find something good at that yard sale, it’s probably not something you really need.
But still, buying something at a yard sale is usually a whole lot cleaner than rummaging through the trash. If not, get out of there immediately. So, that’s a good reason to visit a yard sale, right? But unlike dumpster diving, your finds won’t be free.
46 Quarantine Mailbox
After having to quarantine for almost two years, most people have started to get the hang of it. Even mailboxes! They don’t want to accidentally spread anything, you know. That’s very noble of them. So, please, respect its wishes!
After all, germs are dangerous. Just imagine what could happen if the mailman is contaminated. Maybe the bills are contaminated too! It’s best not to take any chances. No one is trying to get away without paying bills, it’s a totally altruistic measure.
47 Department Store Sale

Do you ever wish that you could get department store items at garage sale prices? It would be the best thing ever, don’t you think? Imagine furnishing your entire home for only a few hundred dollars, or even less!
Well, now is your chance. According to that sign, you certainly don’t want to miss that yard sale. Get all the items you love for about half the price! This garage sale could turn out to be as incredible as the cavern of Ali Baba!
48 Happy Birthday

It’s absolutely one of the best feeling in the world when your friends and family decorate for your birthday. It really shows that they care, right? There is nothing better than feeling loved and important, especially on your birthday!
Well, maybe except for when your friends and family also use fake headstones as decorations to put on your lawn. What are they trying to say, exactly? Should we be worried about Bob? Or do they just consider 50 to be really old?
49 Things For Sale

Estate sales are the best way to find great items for a great, sometimes even ridiculous, price. You never know what you could find. After all, you can find things that a living person would never sell because they still need them.
But when they are unfortunately no longer with us, well, they definitely won’t need them anymore. And even though we all know that we usually are buying a deceased person’s items, it may be better not to think about it, for your own sake.
50 Please Come

Sometimes a yard sale is necessary when you really need the money, and quite quickly. Have you ever accidentally broken something belonging to your parents? They always give you the “look” of disappointment, don’t they?
So, to make you feel less miserable, why not make it up to them by selling all of your belongings? I’m sure they’ll love having to purchase a new, more recent TV as well as everything that you sold trying to make it up.
51 I Hope You’re Happy
It takes someone seriously inconsiderate to steal someone’s medication. What a selfish and thoughtless thing to do! You never know the consequences it could have, it can be very dangerous for the person who no longer has it!
But since this inconsiderate thief stole antidepressants, we really hope you’re happy now. Because we guess that the person from whom they were stolen is not. We also hope that you needed these anti-depressants and that it is not just an absolutely free theft.
52 My Husband Made Me
Shopping addictions tend to get out of hand sometimes. I mean, it was on sale, so it’s justified, isn’t it? It’s so easy to be tempted and to succumb. But now you have absolutely no room in your closet or any other storage space left.
So it only makes sense that your husband would force you to sell some items. But it is so heartbreaking! How do you choose what to keep and what to sell? Well, it’s time to bring out your inner Marie Kondo, we’d say.
53 No Stones Please
Please, for the love of all things holy, do not throw stones at this sign. The sign is obviously very important for some reasons, so let’s have some respect here. There are certainly other signs to throw rocks at not too far away, if you really want to.
We still have several questions about this sign, though. First, why is this sign there to begin with? What is its purpose? Except for not having stones thrown at it, of course? It’s kind of ironic to put up a sign only to ask to not throw rocks at it. It almost seems like reverse psychology and that whoever put up the sign actually wants rocks to be thrown at it!
54 Hoarders Paradise
When you watch TV shows about hoarders, you think to yourself, “I could never be that person.” Because, seriously, it always seems way too intense, isn’t that right? It seems impossible to become that kind of hoarder… Until you are.
And now, turns out you have to sell so many things that were inside of your home because there’s absolutely no space to store them anymore. Most of these items you don’t even remember owning. It must be a strange feeling.
55 Deals?
Hello? Is it me you’re looking for? Well, actually, no. I’m only here for the deals. It’s the deals I’m looking for. And this yard sale, obviously! And, by any chance, will Lionel Richie be there? We’re just asking for a friend.
Anyway, you have to admit that this sign is absolutely perfect! Everyone understands the reference, and there’s nothing like a little humor and a good song to attract customers, don’t you think? We are ready to go anytime!
56 Little Piggy

And this little piggy stayed home! Sadly, she didn’t really stay home by choice, though, if you go by what you see under the sign. There is every reason to believe that these little pigs will never go anywhere as long as no one takes them there.
But if we’re being honest, staying home doesn’t seem like the worst idea in the world to us. It’s actually quite relaxing, so maybe this little piggy is happy about that situation too! After all, there’s no place better than home.
57 No Effort Given

As long as you can somewhat tell what the sign says, that’s all that matters, right? The important thing is that the necessary information is shared. Not everyone has the same facility with the English language, there is no shame in that.
Even if the spelling is horribly off. At least you know what they meant. You understand that there is a sale, and where to go to find it. That’s all you need to know. After all, “garage” or “groj,” it sounds pretty much the same if you say it fast!
58 Rabbits And What?
Seeing a sign for rabbits for sale is quite odd, but not alarming. After all, we have to find them somewhere, those rabbits, don’t we? Seeing what else this place has for sale, according to this sign, definitely raises some flags, though.
Rabbits and babies? Oh, sorry, babys. But whatever. The real question here is not who can’t spell the word “babies” correctly, but rather who is selling babies? How much would someone even pay for them? But in fact, we don’t think we really want to know…
59 He Ate It
He ate property. Wait, what? Well, that’s definitely a first. We didn’t know about a property that could be eaten. Did you? Does he have something on the property that is edible? Maybe his property is made of candy or chocolate?
Either way, there’s no parking. Don’t even search for one, you won’t find any. At least this part of the sign is pretty clear. Don’t try to park there or you may be forced to eat the property, too, whatever that means.
60 14 Again

As we age, many secretly dream of reliving their younger years a second time. Can you imagine being 14 again? All the things you did wrong, you would be able to do them the right way now. Wouldn’t that be absolutely perfect?
Except, maybe you do something completely different, and still ruin your life anyway. Who knows! There are so many possibilities and opportunities to make the wrong decisions that, in the end, nothing is certain! But it’s your life, after all, so you can do whatever you want with it!
61 It Has What?
Warning! The pitbull has… AIDS? We’re used to the “Warning, Beware of Dog” signs, but this one is definitely a first. How does that even happen? Don’t even worry about the dog, you should beware of the owner instead.
So, does the owner have AIDS? Could he have passed it on to his dog in some probably questionable way? If so, can the dog transmit it to us like rabies if we ever trespass and he bites us? Or did this dog owner just wanted to scare people a little more because the traditional dog sign didn’t work? So many questions!
62 Like And Share

It’s all about social medias these days. So please, like and share this post! They’re only trying to get the word out. It’s all about the likes and shares nowadays, you should know that. And it doesn’t really take much effort to do it, just a few minutes of your time!
And it doesn’t really matter what the post is about, as long as it’s viewed by absolutely everyone! This particular post would be harder to like and share than other ones, though. But give us a moment, we’ll figure something out.
63 Teenagers!
There is no time in our lives when we find our parents more unbearable than during adolescence. But if you’re tired of being harassed by your parents, why not move out? After all, it is up to you to take action to change things.
Think about it. Your parents won’t be able to control you anymore once you’re gone from home! The only tiny catch, though, is that you must pay your own bills, so you’ll need to find a job and work. So maybe you should think about it a little more.
64 Flies

This sign is for humans only. If you aren’t a fly, please do not trigger the fly traps! It can be really harmful to them. It would be a shame to kill a plant by making it digest itself! What a weird thing to think about…
If you are a fly, though, just ignore the sign and carry on. This sign is absolutely not for you. Anyway, flies that can read are pretty rare around here. So don’t worry, you won’t even know what happened. It won’t even hurt!
65 $2 to Watch
When your body feels dirty, all you want to do is take a nice hot shower, right? Nothing is more satisfying and agreeable than that! Plus, the shower here is only one dollar! What a bargain! You won’t find a cheaper shower anywhere else.
But that’s not all! Why would you not pay an extra dollar and watch? Watching what exactly, however, is not clear. Watching the shower? It would be more expansive than taking one, so that’s weird. Or watching someone taking a shower? It seems very inappropriate to us.
66 Too Broke
Solicitors are always kind of annoying. After all, no one wants to be stuck in a long conversation with someone trying to sell them something they don’t really need, without knowing how to politely tell them, right at the beginning, that they are not interested at all.
But these homeowners have a good idea of how to get rid of solicitors for good—just tell them you have no money. If the solicitor knows you’re not going to buy anything, they’ll probably leave you alone. It’s a good tactic.
67 Garage Sale Of A Lifetime

Who knew that a garage sale could be so enticing? Start your day off the right way and swing by this garage sale! The sign says this is the garage sale of a lifetime, and the sign must be right, so you don’t want to miss it!
You will experience the most beautiful moment of your life! What’s more, you could literally end up swinging. Just look at the sign! Maybe you won’t be swinging in the way you would prefer, but anyway. Seriously, don’t miss it.
68 Psycho Grandma

We certainly can’t speak for everyone, but we know that there would be absolutely no way that we’d pass up on this really promising garage sale. A psycho grandma surely has interesting things to sell, isn’t that right?
Seriously, just take a moment and imagine all the things that would be sold at this psycho grandmas’s garage sale. You never know what you would find, but you certainly want to go and take a look! We promise you amazing things!
69 Less Nuts

This veterinary clinic definitely knows how to say things. I mean, what they’re saying is true. No one can argue with that statement. And that’s also a fact that using humor is a good way of advertising your business.
What’s more, it helps encourage pet owners to neuter their pets. It’s quite amazing, in fact, the number of people who downplay the importance of this intervention, so we have to talk about it. It is a very important intervention for several reasons.
70 Not Even Once

Showing people the realities of substance abuse can be really eye-opening. Seriously, it can make all the difference! Because most people are confident that they will never become addicted, but the danger is always there, anyway.
Who would want to end up looking like that trashcan after seeing this sign? Poor R2-D2, his life has not always been easy, but we had no idea how much! Meth is bad. Really, rerally bad. Please, don’t do meth. Ever.
71 Going Jogging?

For some people, jogging is good for the soul. They can’t go a day without it because it makes them feel good. But the problem is that some people opt for rather light outfits when going jogging. After all, it’s hot when you jog!
But for all things holy, do not jog by this person’s house if you don’t have *decent* clothing on. That means, at least shorts and a t-shirt, we would say. Don’t even think about walking past this house shirtless or wearing just a sports bra. Otherwise, their children will be traumatized.
72 Try It Out

Some folks like to spend their time leaving reviews online for every place they’ve ever been to. After all, it can be nice for businesses if you enjoyed your visit! It gives them a good reputation, which is very important for a company.
This coffee shop did receive one comment that didn’t really seem positive, though. However, the business seems to take this comment with humor, and it even takes advantage of it by advertising their business with it! So, would you want to try the worst coffee that some lady had in her life? The choice is yours!
73 Lost Roomba

Karen and her husband have lost their Roomba, which they named Higgins. What’s more, its battery is only at 3%, so this is an emergency! Oh, and it can’t swim, so we have to hope very much that it couldn’t reach the sea.
Imagine if Higgins runs out of battery right in front of the sea and a wave washes it away! Otherwise, Karen will have to go back to the store and try to trade in her beloved Higgins without even having him! Even a Karen is not likely to get away with it.
74 It’s The Rule

This sign is both hilarious and very true. In fact, we think this rule should apply to any public location. If you pee your pants, you go home. The great thing about preschool is that they sometimes have spare pants. Bars don’t.
So even if it’s just an accident, sorry, but you need to leave. If you haven’t been able to hold it in, it’s probably a sign that you’ve had enough. No one wants to see that. Or smell that. You’re a grown-up, so act like one, please.
75 He’s Not Stuck

It is well-known, cats have a mind of their own, and let’s be honest, sometimes they put themselves in extremely awkward positions. It’s enough to make you wonder what could have gone through their heads sometimes!
That’s exactly the case with this cute cat, here. Its owner seems rather used to its questionable actions, however, if this sign is to be believed. If you see this cat, just keep moving along. He is not stuck. He’s just a little weird.
76 Keep It Closed

What could be worse than wildflowers escaping their field? To this landowner, apparently, nothing worse than that could happen. After all, that thought is so horrifying, don’t you think? Wildflowers everywhere, ugh!
Maybe this landowner knows some things about them that we don’t. So, please, do as he asks and keep these wildflowers gate closed. We wouldn’t want any wildflowers running loose in the city! They’ve done all they can.
77 Free Range

Many people prefer eggs or meat from free-range chickens. This is a very personal choice, but there are various reasons for it. But anyway, it doesn’t really matter, because tastes are not debatable. But kids? What do you even do with free-range kids?
There is no question of eggs or meat here. Right? All this sounds a little weird. And maybe a little scary? In any case, it seems like these kids would be a handful. So please be careful and don’t drive too fast for the children’s and the chickens’ sake.
78 Make Your Own Rules

To the person who put this sign on the lawn, keep your yard signs to yourself because this cat does not care at all about what you want (or don’t want) on your lawn. If he wants to sit on the grass, he will sit on the grass.
There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop that cat. You should know better, anyway. Cats are masters of the world, and what cat wants, human must want, too. There is no other way. No one can stop a cat from doing what it wants.
79 Lions, Please Note

Here, the welfare of humans is a priority, and whoever put up this sign is counting on the good behavior of all the lions around. Every living being has to read the signs it encounters. It’s the least we can do, and that applies to lions too.
If you are a lion, please read that sign carefully. You need to be aware that humans have the right of way here, and it totally doesn’t matter that you’re a lion. What are you going to do, exactly? Attack them? Yeah, right.
80 Seeking A Lineman

Following Hurricane Irma, which hit Florida in 2017, Kynse Leigh, 37 and mother of one, decided to put up a very creative and original sign in front of her house in order to capture the attention of some linemen so that they would come and put the electricity back on at her house as quickly as possible.
The woman posted her big sign on a Friday, sharing a photo of her posing alongside it on Facebook, and then, two friendly linemen showed up at her house the following Monday. In the end, her ploy worked pretty well!
81 Just Wanted A Sign

Nothing to see here, really. This person simply just wanted a sign. Any sign, no matter what it says. It’s good to treat yourself sometimes, even without necessarily having a reason. They wanted a sign, so they got a sign. That’s all.
May that message on the sign be literal or figurative, we’re not really sure, but it doesn’t matter. They got their sign. That’s the only important thing to know. Do with that what you will. We like to think he needed a sign to confirm something, and he took matters into his own hands to get it.
82 They’ll Be Fine

Don’t worry if you park your car there illegally, everything will be fine. The sign even said so! This sign wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t fine. So, if you get a ticket, you have proof that you were allowed to park there. It’s basically evidence.
Correct spelling is rarely essential to understanding a message, but in this case, we have to admit that it could be very confusing, and it could cost you some money. Let’s just say we wouldn’t risk parking there if we were you, just in case.
83 Ring The Bell

If you happen to walk up to this gate, beware of the dog! The sign says so! This little guy sure looks like he can pack a punch. But, if you really need to get inside of the gate, just ring the bell! What’s the worst that could happen?
Sometimes a seemingly harmless dog can turn out to be quite fearsome, you know. It is well-known that it is always better not to trust appearances, so don’t take any chances, because you never know! Listen to the sign and ring the bell.
84 Dad Joke Of The Year

Did you know that dogs can’t operate MRI scanners? No? Well, that’s okay. We had no idea either. But we have to admit that it is a very unfortunate situation. Can you imagine being cared for by a dog? That would be great!
But not to worry, though, because catscan! The cats will come to the rescue! Given their ingratitude, however, this may not be a good thing… Not enough petting, too much petting, and voilà, they refuse to treat you.
85 Best Country In The Nation

If you’ve never been to America, well, you at least need to know that it’s totally the best country in the nation! What’s stopping you from visiting the best country in the nation? You should absolutely come visit!
You really have to love America to put that sign up. And you really have to love America a lot to consider it the best country in the whole nation. Or maybe you simply don’t know what a country or a nation is… But hey, who are we to judge? We love America, too!
86 We Need To Sell It

As Patrick Star once said, “We need to take our stuff and sell it to someone else.” It’s a direct quote from SpongeBob SquarePants, didn’t you know? Well, now you do. And these people really need to sell some of their stuff to other people.
One wonders what one could find in this garage sale. Toys for children? Underwater stuff? Yellow sponges? So many possibilities! In any case, we advise you to go to that garage sale. You’ll certainly find some nice little treasures!
87 Toilet Only For…

If you are a disabled, elderly, pregnant… Child? That sign doesn’t seem right at all. You can’t be elderly and a child at the same time, right? Anyway, if this describes you, then, and only then, are you allowed to use the toilet.
Everyone knows that the average healthy adult can hold off going to the bathroom indefinitely. So go ahead and wait until you’re back home if you’re not a disabled, elderly, pregnant child! There is no need to clog up this bathroom, which must certainly be very busy to accommodate this strange type of person.
88 Divorce Sale

Divorces are never pleasant, but it is possible to remain civil and friendly during this difficult time, separating the goods in equal parts. Sometimes, though, the relation doesn’t end well at all and both ex-partners will be bitter. There is, sadly, no in-between.
In this case, we can say without any doubt that they are definitely bitter, and instead of separating their assets, they decided to divest themselves of them, because it’s easier. So, you might end up leaving with something good!
89 Missing…Keys?
What first seems to be a sign about a missing cat named Eddie really takes a turn toward the end of the advertisement. Please read the entire message before you start looking for a lost cat, because you will lose precious time!
After dissing poor Eddie for his weight and lack of tricks, the poster of this sign makes it clear that he’s not exactly thrilled with his cat. But he’s lost his keys, and Eddie seems the perfect reward to entice anyone who finds his keys to bring them back. We’re still glad the cat is not lost after all, though!
90 Definitely Not Haunted

Before you buy a house, there are some imperative things to check. One of them is definitely to know whether or not it’s haunted. After all, you don’t want to become the subject of your own horror movie. It’s scary enough to watch, imagine living it!
But this real estate agent decided to be proactive and to put all your fears to rest by putting a “not haunted” mention on the sign out front. So the subject is closed, you know what to expect from the start. You can buy this house without fear, it’s safe.
91 Desperate Times

They do say honesty is the best policy, and these homeowners definitely took that on board when they decided to advertise their yard sale. After all, there’s no shame to have. Everyone goes through a more difficult time in their lives.
Sure, these people might have some things that you really need at their alley sale, but really, they’re just desperate to get rid of all their stuff. Go see them and do your good deed for the day! These people need money, be generous!
92 Is Everything Okay?

Whether you’re in a good mood or in a bad mood today, it doesn’t really matter because it’s always a good time to have a drink. At least, that’s what this business seems to believe, and we tend to agree with them. Don’t you?
Whether you are happy, sad, angry, or any other emotion you might be feeling that day, they want you to come on in and enjoy a nice glass of your favorite poison. Why not give in to temptation? It might do you good!
93 24-Hour Surveillance
Plenty of stores have 24-hour surveillance by camera, because it is important to protect your business, especially at night when it is closed and nobody’s there. But very few of them tell you why they decided to install the cameras.
Apparently, for this business, a pooping problem created the need for constant video surveillance. Hopefully, the cameras encouraged the person at fault to take care of their bathroom problems in private, unless they want people to watch them.
94 Adam & Eve

This church decided to create a funny sign to hopefully draw attendees to their services. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve broke the rules by eating an apple from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Because of their actions, they were forever banished from the Garden.
But the church draws a comparison between this ancient act and something more of us can relate to: not reading the terms and conditions for our Apple devices. It seems ignoring official warnings is something outside the bounds of space and time.
95 No Purpose

Signs are generally put up to share some important piece of information. But in this case, this sign was put up for absolutely no reason. Rather than announcing something interesting to the public, this sign instead makes it clear that the field it’s placed in is not special whatsoever.
The sign doesn’t say the field is private property, but it also says it has no official use for the public. In other words, the sign is a completely unhelpful and superfluous statement. What a waster of time.
96 Home Security

These people have nothing to be stolen that has real monetary value. They are, however, willing to defend their property that has emotional value.
Thief, don’t waste your time robbing this house, it could cost you.
97 Pool Rules

Want to take a dip in that pool? No problem, there are only a few rules to follow.
You have to be careful and not run or jump, and of course, peeing in the water is not allowed. But wearing a swimsuit is optional!
98 Sexy Garage Sale

These people are having a garage sale and want to attract as many people as possible to sell all their stuff.
So they figured out the best way to get people’s attention to their sign. It’s no secret that sex attracts attention and sells!
99 RIP

This owner is tired of people letting their dog poop on his property.
So he took matters into his own hands to warn dog owners. This sign is pretty convincing!
100 OMG Becky

Becky loves garage sales. If she sees one, she can’t help but go.
Becky will definitely be at this garage sale, because look! This sale is so big! And so is this sign!
101 Star Wars Sign

The person who created this sign for his garage sale is definitely a Star Wars fan.
And clearly, it will catch the attention of all Star Wars fans too! We hope he sells things related to this famous saga!
102 Cheater

It seems that someone is no longer welcome in this house.
Now everyone who passes by knows that this man cheated on his wife.
103 Thin Mints

Solicitors are clearly not welcome at this address. It couldn’t be clearer.
Unless they are selling thin mints. Then these people might be interested. But otherwise, no!
104 Stollen Dog

Wait a minute… her ex-boyfriend stole her dog?! How can a person do something so horrible?
Our hearts go out to this woman. We hope she gets to sell all her things because he definitely doesn’t deserve them back!
105 If Batman Says So

Batman is a fearsome superhero who no one wants to displease. Who knows what he would do if we did?
So if Batman says go to that yard sale, we go to that yard sale.
106 Y U No Go

This is a perfectly simple and legitimate question. There’s a garage sale here, y u no go?
What good reason do you have to not check it out, really? Certainly none. You should definitely go.
107 Husband For Sale

Marriage is supposed to be for life, for better or for worse. What could this husband have done that was so bad that this woman want to sell him?
And then, if this husband is so bad, no matter what price this woman asks, we’re not sure it’s a good deal.
108 Welcome To Our Ool

This sign is absolutely perfect! At first it doesn’t seem clear, but when you read the whole thing, it works!
There is no “P” in their pool, and they want to keep it that way. And we understand them, we don’t want “P” in their pool either!
109 Exhibit 1

This warning sign is absolutely perfect. Going beyond that gate is dangerous, they know it, and they warn you.
They also know what could potentially happen if you don’t respect this warning, and they explain it to you in detail.
110 Cancer’s Gone

Well, this is a good sign! We are extremely happy for Ashlea and her mom.
We understand very well why Ashlea wanted to announce the news to the world. There is no such thing as enough good news!
111 Pop-Culture Signs

No one can say that this person lacks creativity. They created not one, but four different signs for their garage sale, each one more original than the last.
If Kanye, Batman, Macklemore and Gandalf all agree that this garage sale is a must-see, it can only be a real must-see!
112 No Signs On The Fence

Um, it looks like someone didn’t get the message here. Or did the person who owns this fence put up that sign to make sure no one else did?
If we’re right, it seems like a perfect case of “do as I say, not as I do”!
113 Do Not Throw Stones

The message could not be clearer. Do not throw stones at this sign. It is simple!
But is this sign there simply to tell people not to throw stones at it? Wouldn’t it be simpler to just not put that sign up? If the sign is not there, clearly, nobody will throw rocks at it!
114 Free Dandelions

A landowner received a message, probably from a neighbor, telling them to do something about the ton of dandelions on their property.
So, this landowner actually did something: they put up a sign telling everyone that they offer the dandelions on their lawn to anyone who wants them, for free. This saves them the trouble of removing them themself, and from the looks of their lawn on the bottom picture, it seems to have worked, so everyone is happy!
115 Selected Soliciting

The person who has this sign wants to send a clear message to anyone who wants to come knocking on their door to sell them something. No soliciting, please!
However, they are still open to soliciting from the pizza guy, Amazon or Ryan Gosling. After all, who wouldn’t want these kinds of soliciting?
116 Oh No!

Well, this is not a very inviting entrance mat! This person doesn’t seem very sociable to us.
Hopefully, though, it’s a joke and people who know them know they are welcome, anyway!
117 In Vain

God commands respect and dedication, and he is tired of his name being used in vain. This First Reformed Church of Bethlehem makes it a point to get his message out.
And what will God do if you don’t stop this bad habit? He’ll make rush hour longer! Honestly, no one wants that. Please, stop using His name in vain, for God’s sake!
118 Bunnies Live Here

All the signs like “Beware of our children” to make motorists slow down are very common.
However, these people wanted to do something different. Here, motorists should drive like bunnies live here. After all, who would want to hit a bunny? They are so cute!
119 Biblical Command

It seems that these people are having trouble getting the message across that people should not park there.
So what better way than to use biblical language to command an action? People listen to what the Bible says, right? So they should also respect this sign.
120 No Witches

Witches are not allowed to play basketball on this court. At least, they are not allowed to play flying on their broomsticks.
After all, it’s understandable; it wouldn’t be very fair to mere humans who have to run around and shoot from the ground to make points!
121 Divorce Yard Sale

This couple is getting divorced, and it looks like they don’t leave each other on good terms.
This man wants to sell things, but we understand that it is without the wife’s knowledge, because it is absolutely necessary that the sale be finished before her return!
122 Dangerous Trespassing

It is understandable that people do not like it when certain people allow themselves access to their property, or park on it. A private property, it says it, it’s private.
However, this sign put up by the owners of this house is somewhat intense, don’t you think? This sign promises trespassers to be violated if they dare to park there. That doesn’t seem very legal to us!
123 Cinematic Masterpiece

Here’s an avid cinephile who definitely liked the 2007 Michael Clayton film a LOT.
They liked it so much that they felt the need to share their enthusiasm for this film with everyone who walks by their house!
124 Sleeping Policeman

Anyone would think that this sign would alert motorists that a police officer is in his car, sleeping, not far away. But what good would such a sign do?
In fact, this sign might seem very strange to many people, because few people know that a “sleeping policeman” is actually another name for a speed bump. Did you know that?
125 Stop Running Into Fence

Obviously, this place is full of stupid drivers who can’t help but drive directly into this fence.
It happens so often that this owner had to put up signs to tell people to stop driving into their fence! But it seems pretty obvious to us, doesn’t it? But from the state of the fence, it would appear not.
126 River Monsters

This is an original and funny sign to potentially encourage people not to venture too close to this river.
However, we wonder if this sign will really keep people away. Children, certainly, but maybe not adults!
127 Hiding The Bodies

If we were in your shoes, we would never trespass on this property. These owners are definitely tired of people going on their property without their permission.
At least they are honest. If you trespass, you know what you are getting into. But they are tired of hiding bodies, so please just don’t go.
128 Report Your Competition

Well, this is a very clever sign from the police! Why look for the dealers themselves when they can simply ask their competitors to report them?
It’s a win-win situation for everyone! As long as the calls are anonymous, otherwise, no one has any interest in calling them.
129 Ugly With Nice Eyes

This is a funny way to tell people that they have to wear a mask to enter this place.
Plus, if you’re ugly, but have beautiful eyes, this is the place for you. The mask will hide your ugliest features and people will only see your beautiful eyes!
130 Essential Bees

In general, people do not like bees. They can sometimes be annoying, and it is very painful to be stung by them.
Because of this, we tend to forget that bees are actually essential to a healthy ecosystem. Without bees, everything falls apart, so this sign is very accurate. Please, take care of the bees.
131 Falling Deer

Apparently, there are leopards in this area, and there are possibilities of deer showers from the tops of the trees.
Reading this sign, we made the same face as this woman in the photo. It is very disconcerting!
132 Garbage Only

Apparently, at this place, you can throw garbage in the bin, but you can’t throw away trash… Whatever that means.
Honestly, what is the difference between the two? Isn’t trash just garbage? Isn’t it exactly the same thing? We are so confused right now.
133 Trees Don’t Move

Oh my God, is this true? All our certainties have just collapsed in a fraction of a second. We are sure we have seen trees move before! Ha ha, just kidding!
This hilarious sign simply points out the obvious—trees can’t move. So, in other words, please watch where you’re going and try not to hit a tree.
134 Beware of Cat

“Beware of cat” signs aren’t all that common. “Beware of dog” signs are, but apparently, in this part of the world, cats are something that should be feared as well as dogs.
So, keep an eye out while you’re driving for any lurking felines!
135 Frog Parking

This isn’t exactly a “no parking” area, but it’s also not suitable for cars. The only things allowed to park here are frogs.
Sorry cars, motorcycles and all. If you’re not a frog, you can’t stay there. After all, you are probably not the target visitors to this swamp!
136 Under Police Surveillance

Yes, the parking lot is under police surveillance. Therefore, the chances of having your vehicle stolen are probably zero.
But no, they won’t stop someone trying to steal something from your car, though. This is apparently not in the job description.
137 Be Bear Aware

Sometimes the best way to get people’s attention is to approach a fact with humour. If a message is memorable, people are more likely to remember it, and that’s what matters, especially in a situation like this.
In the presence of a bear, humans are no longer the king, so they should be vigilant! We wouldn’t put much stock in the person who comes across a bear and tries to stand up to it.
138 Risk Of Peeing Famous

Relieving your bladder in this area is definitely at your own risk! Well, relieving your bladder somewhere other than a bathroom seems to us to be a questionable idea, unless you’re deep in the woods, but that’s another story.
If you pee there, not only will you risk a fine, but possibly an embarrassing YouTube celebrity! And also, maybe, to pee in front of live witness. In short, several, but really SEVERAL people might be watching you, live or recorded.
139 See Our Jail

This town is not playing around with its visitors. While they are happy to welcome newcomers into the fold, they won’t be kind to people who disobey their traffic laws. This city has a speed limit for drivers and they intend to enforce it.
Drive fast while visiting this city and you’ll end up visiting their jail instead—them’s the rules. We imagine that this is not the visit you had planned, so please respect the speed limits and contribute to everyone’s safety!
140 Dumb Woman Lane

As a woman, I would need more context as to why this road was named this if I were going to be offended. Yes, many women would be appalled by the fact that this road is named “Dumb Woman’s Lane,” but is there a reason why it came to be named this?
Like, what if this road was really just dumb? What if it was the worst road ever built? Maybe it was built by a woman and named by her as well. We can’t be too sure as to why it has this name, but we do know that is still weird.
141 Say No

Our parents told us as children to always avoid talking to strangers. There’s the saying “stranger danger,” and sometimes, strangers can be dangerous, but dogs? Are strange dogs dangerous? It can be difficult for children to run away from a dog unless it is visibly aggressive.
But the stranger thing will always be valid. It’s so important that they thought they needed to put up a sign to make sure that the kids remember. Is this area so dangerous that they need to put these signs up? Or is it just a harmless reminder?
142 Don’t Ride Them

Thinking about riding your horse down this street? Well, you better make sure that they have their head, or else it is illegal. We aren’t sure how that would even be possible in the first place, but still. This sign is probably there for a reason.
Did someone actually try to ride their headless horse on this road? What kind of person would put their horse through that kind of torture? All we know is that riding your headless horse here is not allowed, so don’t do it.
143 Also…

Do you like to go around touching road signs? It’s the best way to spend your free time! Except you can’t touch this one. The sign says the edges are very sharp, and they clearly are, with their rounded corners and everything.
Don’t touch the edges of the sign! Also, the bridge is out ahead. You are not allowed to drive or walk over it, either. We think it would be more important to warn people about the bridge instead of the so-called “sharp” edges of the sign, but that’s just us.
144 No Wheelchairs

People who are in wheelchairs should not attempt to go down this ramp. For one, it just isn’t safe. Plus, there are crocodiles at the end of the ramp that are sitting there waiting for you to come rolling down. Be careful.
Clearly, this sign was put there after someone in a wheelchair had attempted this. They thought if they put up a sign, it would stop someone else from doing it. We know it looks really thrilling, but they are only trying to keep you safe.
145 Be Prepared

If you’ve ever needed a sign to turn around, this is definitely it. Most people are aware that traffic can be dangerous, especially when people are operating large vehicles. But this is not what anyone would expect to see when they are in the car.
The sign says “Be prepared for the unexpected.” After seeing this, how could anyone be prepared for anything? Not only is the sign intimidating, but the tree trunk on top of the rusted car would be enough for anyone to say “no thank you” and immediately turn around.
146 Next To A Farm

Well, this sign only indicates facts. Funny noises, bad smells and outdoor sex are all part of everyday life on a farm.
But obviously, the neighbors of this farm were not aware of this before they bought their house, and this farmer must have received several complaints to feel the need to put up this sign!
147 I Turn Here

You may not be a yard sale enthusiast. After all, not everyone spends their time looking for them.
But when you get a sudden urge to check out other people’s old things that you could potentially buy, you turn there. No doubt about it.
148 Buy All Thew Things

The purpose of a yard sale is to get rid of things you no longer want. And in the best of all possible worlds, you manage to sell everything you wanted out of your house.
It doesn’t happen often, but these signs will definitely get people to buy all the things for sure.
149 State Prison

Helping someone who hitchhikes is pretty cool. After all, if a person hitchhikes, it’s because they potentially have no other choice.
However, when you know that a state prison is nearby, it’s best not to take any chances. The hitchhiker you’ll pick up may not just be an innocent person in trouble…
150 Horses May Bite

Not only horses may bite you, but looking at this one, it looks like it could do more than that.
The way too bright eyes of this horse are scary. We would take no chances and leave this place immediately!