Funniest Before And After Images
1 Mornings

Let’s be honest, who likes mornings? That unfortunately recurring moment that always comes too early for our liking and that it is almost painful just to think about… The thought of having to get up, then survive another totally crazy day before we can finally snuggle back into our sheets makes us wish we never had to leave them in the first place. Every morning is a real struggle.
Fortunately, there is coffee! Who could get by without coffee, or any other caffeinated beverage, that gives that little dose of energy that is necessary to get the body and the brain going? Every time, coffee puts the wind in your sails! Thanks, coffee! We can’t thank you enough for existing!
2 The Filters Strike Back

Ha, filters! This invention that everyone uses, and that a lot of people abuses, especially on social medias, and that makes everything look a thousand times better than it really is! The problem is that not only does it embellish reality, which can cause unrealistic expectations and various insecurities, but sometimes it’s so too much that it becomes ridiculous.
When your face looks more like a porcelain doll than a human being, it may be a sign that you’ve gone a little too far with your filters. As we often say, too much is the same as not enough. We are not against filters, on the contrary. You just have to learn to use them intelligently and sparingly! Except, of course, if you want to look fake, but we doubt it.
3 Wrong Hole!

Taking your temperature is crucial at certain times, for example, when you are sick and think you have a fever. However, fortunately, methods have evolved, and although there are still several methods used to take someone’s temperature, oral thermometers are now the norm, and they do the job very well!
However, the results would be much more accurate when the temperature is taken from where you really don’t want it taken rather than from your mouth or armpits! This is why it is the preferred method for children aged 0 to 5 years, but also for animals. But let’s face it, as long as we are minimally conscious, leave this hole in peace, please!
4 Spinach Scam

Spinach is like stockings: at the beginning, you have tons of them, and at the end, they all disappeared into a black hole. Seriously, isn’t spinach the biggest scam in human history? What happens to the 10 handfuls of spinach we put in the pan? Who ever managed to cook spinach and end up with the right amount they really wanted for their meal? We’ll tell you… NO ONE!
Spinach is such a ridiculous green to cook that we suggest you eat it raw, in a salad, or as a salad, simply drop all this and do like Popeye, eat canned spinach! Otherwise, there are plenty of other options for eating your greens: kale, zucchini, green beans, broccoli… The choices are endless, and you’ll have some left over at the end of the cooking process!
5 Man’s Best Friend VS. Evil Creature
It is known that dogs are man’s best friend! They are big, loyal, jovial, and grateful, and they are always full of energy. They love nothing more in the world than their owner and they let him know in every possible way, every day. They are literally walking hairy balls of love, and being their owner is so satisfying!
Cats, however… well, let’s just say they are different from dogs. Their temperament can even be rather opposite. Cats are more antisocial, reserved, but above all, ungrateful. Few cats will seem the least bit grateful for the food you’ve served them, or the hours of cuddling you’ve given them. It is sometimes to wonder who is the master of the house, the human or the cat?
6 Everyone’s Worst Nightmare

Getting back into shape is never an easy task, and even when the right habits are finally learned and your body isn’t giving you days of pain after every workout, nothing is ever totally won. Just think about your last leg day! And besides, why is it always “Monday Leg Day”? Mondays are already painful enough, why do we need to add more?
Since the legs contain the largest muscles in your body, they are able to handle a heavier load, but also to grow faster, making you increase your loads faster as well. Who hasn’t made some grunt sounds after a leg day when it’s time to sit or climb stairs? Sometimes just walking is a difficult task!
7 Don’t Mess With The Cat

Cats are cute little balls of fur that look harmless, but in reality, they are absolutely ungrateful and selfish beings! They like to rule and make everything work the way they want it to. Have you ever petted a cat because it asked to be petted, only to be pawed 2 seconds later because it decided it had enough? Well, there you go.
If they can attack you for doing what they want, imagine what they can do when they don’t want something in the first place? If I were that bird, I would stay away from the cat! Everyone knows the famous Law of Retaliation, from which comes the expression “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”. Here, however, it’s more like “it-doesn’t-matter-what-part-of-the-body for my dinner”!
8 The Power Of Head & Shoulders
What woman isn’t looking for the perfect, soft, silky hair without a single hair out of place? And some men too, more coquettish, let’s not forget them! Well, a beautiful hair requires, among other things, good quality hair care products, and if we believe this picture, there is no shampoo that would be as good as Head & Shoulders!
You were looking for THE best shampoo to have dream hair? This is it! If Head & Shoulders can make Jack Sparrow’s hair—which are actually a bunch of dreadlocks that probably haven’t been washed in years—look even better than Elizabeth Swan’s, what more could you want? Go to the store and grab a bottle!
9 Pink Tax

You’ve probably already heard of the pink tax, right? It’s a hot topic that’s been talked about for several years now. If you’re wondering what it is, well, the pink tax is the name given to the tendency that a woman will always have to pay more than a man for an equivalent service or product, depending on whether it’s advertised “for men” or “for women”. Examples of the pink tax are numerous. Just think of the price of disposable razors, for example, or of the services offered in a hairdressing salon.
The example of the hairdresser’s salon, as shown in the image, is very true. Isn’t it insulting to have to pay a fortune to have a simple haircut when men can have a complete makeover for half the price? But after all, according to our capitalist society which tends to discriminate against women, beauty is priceless, right?
10 Life Is Hard

Life is not always easy, and we learn that early on. We often hear people say that they would like to be a child again, so that they don’t have to deal with adult responsibilities, the famous subway-work-sleep and everything else. However, when you look at this picture, there is reason to doubt and want to remain an adult!
Who said kindergarten was easy and fun? This young boy seems to have found his day totally draining and seems to only want to go home and have a nice glass of juice while watching TV. It’s obvious that this boy has no intention of being cooperative about anything. Leave him alone, he needs to relax if he wants to be able to face tomorrow!
11 Brutal Reality

If there is one thing that has become more common in recent years, with telecommuting becoming more widespread and almost the norm, it is zoom meetings. These meetings have allowed us to see the true face of our colleagues, because at some point, everyone thought, “Ha, screw it!”
While a profile picture is often prepared, staged, polished, and retouched, it is much more difficult to appear at one’s best during our daily meetings. We rarely look our best every second of our lives, especially not during a zoom meeting at 8am, when we haven’t even had time to finish our first coffee!
12 Sugar Rush

As we all know, sugar and children don’t usually mix very well. If, in addition, a child is already a very energetic person, giving him or her extra sugar can be absolutely exhausting for the adults! This is why sugar should be given to children sparingly, if only for their health. But some events are meant to be celebrated in a big way!
It’s been a ritual for ages to give kids a cake on their birthday and hope they get it all over themselves. Of course, the child will usually eat as much cake, if not more, than he or she will have thrown around. Has anyone ever thought about how much sugar the child ingests while smashing their cake? Who’s going to manage that child afterwards? Help!
13 Who Said Anything About Grudges?

Arguing with someone, especially someone close to you, is never pleasant. In addition, when we are angry, our words can sometimes go beyond our thoughts, leaving us saying things that are sometimes hurtful and that we later regret. The problem is that depending on a person’s temperament, they may be quicker to get angry than others.
But hey, fights happen! It’s human, and so is forgiveness and reconciliation. However, it is a fact that women are generally much more resentful than men are. The difference between the grudge a woman may harbor and the ease with which a man can move on is immense. But don’t worry, she’ll eventually forget that you copied her outfit to go to class 20 years ago!
14 How You Feel After Going To The Gym

As everyone knows, the process of getting back into shape is a long one. It’s not by going to the gym 2 or 3 times that you will already see results, far from it! It takes time, hard work and discipline to finally reach your fitness goal. But that’s for the outward appearance, because we must admit that internally, it’s not quite the same thing.
Honestly, there’s nothing like a good session at the gym to make you feel good and fit! Even if you’ve eaten a pizza, fries and donuts before, psychologically you feel strong and unbeatable! Isn’t that right? In the end, everyone feels better after a workout, even if nothing has changed in appearance in the last hour!
15 A Real Animorph

Not all razors are created equal, oh no! Depending on the number of blades, the shape, the ergonomics, their efficiency can vary greatly. However, if we are to believe this picture, we have found the most efficient razor ever: the Gillette Fusion! So efficient, in fact, that we don’t know how to consider Taylor Lautner anymore. Werewolf or llama? It’s hard to say…
Or, maybe Taylor Lautner is a llama who can turn into a werewolf? There are so many questions to ask! But one thing is certain, Gillette Fusion razors are so effective that we now know what’s really underneath their wool! Now you know which razor to buy for a great result.
16 Job: Unglamorous

Many people believe that being a teacher is not a particularly difficult job. After all, once the bell rings at the end of the day, they go home and relax, right? Plus, they get two months of vacation every summer! Of course, there are more difficult jobs, as well as easier ones, but the difficulty of being a teacher should not be underestimated.
Of course, after their summer vacation, teachers come back to work refreshed, but reality, work and routine don’t take long to hit them again! Do you find it difficult, sometimes, to take care of your child? Then imagine trying to educate 30 at the same time! Not everyone can do this job, you really need a vocation!
17 “I Won’t Stay Late”, He Said
We always have that friend who starts the evening by saying that he won’t stay too late. Sometimes he didn’t even want to come at all in the first place! And in the end, that same friend, who finally agreed to come, but “not for long”, parties more than anyone. They arrive at the party fresh and ready, a little detached, but after a few drinks, they are completely unleashed and unstoppable!
Are these party animals living in complete denial or are they trying to convince themselves by saying that, this time, they won’t stay too late? Because, except for them, everyone knows that this statement is completely false. It’s the same thing every time! And at the end of the evening—or rather in the early morning—they are once again the most depleted.
18 The Great Relief

What could be more uncomfortable than catching a certain “urge to go” at an inconvenient time? It’s not like it’s something that most people are very comfortable talking about in public, right? But it’s happened to all of us at least once in our lives, possibly more, and each time, it makes for a very unpleasant moment. Let’s face it, no one wants to do this anywhere but in the comfort of their own bathroom, right?
However, few things equal the satisfaction of being relieved of such a burden, especially when you’ve been holding back for a while! However, this kind of thing is very natural, it is high time to lift the taboo on the subject and stop being embarrassed by our urges!
19 Chicks Fusion

In the kitchen, it’s always tempting to challenge yourself a bit by trying to reproduce a recipe seen somewhere on the internet, isn’t it? Especially when it is particularly cute! We always think, “honestly, how hard can it be?” And every time, we end up realizing that it was ultimately harder than it looked…
What seemed to be a nice loaf of chicks, here, turned instead into a kind of dubious wall of chick souls, the kind you might see in a horror movie. Fortunately, chick faces aren’t too scary! We can guess that the result obtained was definitely not the one that the person expected at the beginning. At least we have learned one thing: apparently, even souls need sunscreen!
20 Everyone Has a Right to Selfies

Selfies have been popular for several years, it is an undeniable fact. Who has never taken selfies? And note the plural here, because absolutely everyone has taken more than one selfie in their life, no need to lie! Selfies are so popular that some creative people have even managed to get rich by inventing accessories to make taking a selfie easier, and I named them selfie sticks!
Thanks to selfie sticks, everyone is now able to take great looking selfies, even T-Rexes! Because discrimination is a big no, everyone should have the same access to take selfies, and it is not the fault of the T-Rexes if they have small arms in proportion to the rest of their body. T-Rexes also have the right to have their moment of glory on social medias!