Hilarious Headstone Engravings That Will Make You Laugh
1 I Told You I Was Sick

People claim to be sick all the time. So much so that people eventually will start to ignore their complaints.
But, in this case, they told the truth before the grave and continued to tell the truth in the grave.
2 Parking Place
We all know how difficult it is to find a good place to park in the city. There’s almost never a spot close enough, and if there is, someone else ruined it by doing a terrible job parking.
Obviously, these folks found the perfect spot! They probably won’t be giving it up anytime soon.
3 I Will Not Be Back

Does anyone else dread the words “We’ll be right back after this message?” It always happens when you’re deeply invested in whatever you’re watching.
Make no mistake, this guy will not be right back after the message. Just so you don’t set any unattainable expectations.
4 I’m Sleeping

There’s a reason why cemeteries are quiet and calm, besides the obvious reason of being respectful. Didn’t you know that you aren’t supposed to wake the dead?
If you disturb those who are resting, it could come back to haunt you in the end. Better safe than sorry.
5 Her Feet Were Killing Her

Your feet hurt, we get it. I’m sure that everyone this person knew was well aware of this so-called “foot pain.”
But no one believes the boy who cried wolf… Until there is no boy, and the wolf is in front of them.
6 Do Not Enter
Just a reminder, once someone is placed in their grave, they aren’t coming back out. It’s called a grave for a reason.
There is only one way in, so make sure you’ve done all you wanted to do in life.
7 Whatever
Most people spend their entire life avoiding the inevitable. Why not just accept the outcome?
Oh well, just keeping it casual. It is what it is, whatever.
8 In The Hole
When making deals with the devil, you absolutely should make sure that you hold up your end. Or, just avoid the deal in the first place.
It’s safe to say that you should be careful about making any deals; you could end up in the hole.
9 That’s All Folks

Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure this person lived a very fulfilling life. But they have set their own bar extremely low.
They have done everything they could in life, so don’t expect anything else from them.
10 I Know Something You Don’t

At some moment in everyone’s lives, we have all wondered what the afterlife actually is. But who wants to know so badly that they actually go there?
At this point, we aren’t sure if we even want to know what they know. It’s better left a mystery if you ask us.
11 Only One Bathroom

If you are a woman or have ever lived with a woman, you know the disaster that they call the bathroom. There are chunks of hair everywhere, clothes, shoes, and God knows what else.
But sharing a bathroom with four women at the same time? That takes a seriously strong person.
12 No Escape

Imagine feeling like you are trapped in every aspect of your life on earth. It would start to feel overwhelming. You wait for that sweet release only to discover one thing.
You’re still trapped. There truly is… Noah Scape.
13 Goodbye

They always say, “Here for a good time, not a long time.”
No one lives forever, so why not leave on a positive note? They’ll forever be singing their favorite song.
14 Text Chain

Remember when we used to get texts from our friends that were obviously forwarded from someone else? And how we just ignored them without forwarding them on?
This person paid the price. When someone tells you to forward that text chain, you should forward the text.
15 Playing Pool In The Afterlife

Who doesn’t love a good game of pool? There’s nothing quite like heading to the bar and playing a round with some friends.
But when you’ve spent your entire life perfecting your game skills, you make sure to take it with you in the end. It would be a waste if you didn’t.
16 I Rest In Peace

It’s safe to assume that this couple had definitely had their ups and downs. What couple doesn’t?
It sounds like they had more downs in the long run, but they both rest in peace now. Who says death leaves a hole in your heart?
17 D.E.A.D.

A cemetery is where your regretted loved ones are laid to rest. But whoever chose this headstone did not want anyone to get confused.
They are making sure the message gets across, but doing it in an aesthetic way.
18 Pardon Me

Pardon the yeast for not rising, he’s a little preoccupied at the moment.
But you can’t expect much from the man, considering the headstone and all.
19 Enjoyed Life

Life is better spent doing the things you love, like spending everything you have. And using that money to buy booze and surrounding yourself with good company.
Who says money can’t buy happiness? This man definitely lived a full life.
20 Ouija Board

The spirit world might not be for everyone, but this time it seems a little intriguing.
I mean, they’re literally telling you to contact them in the afterlife. What could they know?
21 I Was Not Consulted

No one asks to be brought into the world, they just are. But when you’ve spent your entire life trying to make the best of it only for it to end in the exact same way, it can be unsettling.
They were forever caught doing things against their will.
22 Cat Lady

Your destiny has been chosen for you, and I don’t think someone’s destiny gets better than hers.
Just wondering, how many cats is too many cats? Asking for a friend…
23 Not My Problem
Be careful when using a credit card because, one way or another, they will get their money.
Try all you want, but there is no escaping the credit card company.
24 This Sucks

This person truly is in a state of dismay. What an inconvenience for your life to end when things were just beginning to get good.
They tried to accomplish many things, but this has got to be the worst one.
25 I Knew This Would Happen

No one thinks they’ll live forever, but no one is ever truly prepared for what is to come.
Except for this man. He literally knew it was coming. At least he was prepared, right?
26 I Will Be Back

There is always that one person who is adored by all, and there is almost always that person following behind, wishing they had what the other person does.
So, when you didn’t accomplish all that you’ve wanted to, you come back to get things done. Obviously, in a different form.
27 Oops

This person just wanted to make sure that their favorite font would be displayed on their loved one’s headstone. Well, they wanted the names in that font.
When you make a request, make sure that the request is 100% clear. Or you could end up with something completely different than what you had imagined.
28 Fail

What a life they must have lived trying to prove themselves. Maybe they had some devastating fails, maybe they didn’t.
They spent their entire life trying to escape the name, but you can’t hide who you truly are… Or who you don’t want to be.
29 Here Lies Scott

The 1700s were some tough times. You made memories with friends and probably acquired a few enemies along the way.
Whatever the case may be, someone was ready for the end of Scott. It looks like he ended up making one too many enemies.
30 Let ‘Er Rip

Just in case you were wondering, it’s pretty difficult to not always say exactly what you’re thinking.
This person waited their entire life to say this. They wanted to say it so badly that they made sure this statement stayed with them for the rest of eternity.