These Funny Payback And Revenge Moments Are Sure To Make You Laugh
1 Mustard-Filled Donuts

Imagine being given a donut by your close friend, only to bite in and have your mouth filled with the taste of mustard. We’re not sure what this person did to piss their pal off, and we don’t want to find out.
Whatever it was, it was enough to ruin their friend’s experience with these sweet treats. They’ll probably never trust a donut again.
2 One Man’s Trash

They say one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, but according to this revenge enthusiast, one man’s trash is just that—his trash. While transporting a large supply of garbage, this truck owner failed to secure the trash bags properly in the bed of his vehicle. As he was driving, his garbage was strewn all over the road.
Unluckily for him, one piece that fell off his car had his address on it. A passerby who witnessed the debacle decided to teach the man a lesson about properly securing his trash. He gathered the bags that had fallen and returned them to their rightful owner, filling the truck driver’s driveway with trash. He’ll probably be more careful next time he takes a trip to the dump.
3 Parking Problems

If you’re struggling to find parking in a crowded lot, there’s nothing more annoying than a fellow driver who decides to take up two spaces. While there’s often little you can do to remedy the situation, this person decided to send a clear message about their fellow driver’s poor parking job.
When the owner of this vehicle returns to their car, they’ll have trouble driving away with a shopping cart zip-tied to their door handle. That will teach them to park over the line and take up two spots.
4 Coffee Creamer Revenge

When working in an office environment, you largely rely on the goodwill and respect of your coworkers to make things run smoothly. Obviously, that wasn’t happening in this office. When someone continued to steal their coworker’s coffee creamer, the owner of the creamer decided to get revenge.
Rather than their usual cream, the worker supposedly filled a bottle of creamer with breast milk. They then allowed their coworker to use it for a week before leaving this note informing them of the actual liquid in the bottle. It’s a smart way to guarantee the thieving coworker never takes something that isn’t theirs again.
5 How The Tables Have Turned

Cats have a habit of walking right over your laptop keyboard as you work. Well, this cat owner decided to turn the tables on their troublesome feline.
Instead of the cat on top of the computer, the owner put the computer on top of the cat. We’re sure the cat doesn’t understand, but it’s still a fairly effective form of revenge.
6 Wrap It Up

When this wife found out her husband was cheating on her, she knew she needed to get revenge. While slashing his tires or keying his car sounded good, it was also a destructive way to express her anger.
Rather than causing real damage, the wife decided to simply inconvenience her husband. She covered his car in saran wrap and tied it to a pole, creating quite the maze for him to wade through the next time he wanted to take a drive. We’re sure he’ll think twice about cheating in the future.
7 “From Us”

When this boyfriend asked his girlfriend to pick up a card for his mom’s birthday, she decided to teach him a lesson about taking responsibility for his own gifts.
Rather than choosing a sweet, neutral card, the girlfriend decided to make a statement by picking out a card, letting her boyfriend’s mom know exactly who did all the work in this situation.
8 In A Jam

The owner of this white BMW obviously thinks their fancy car allows them to park wherever they want. In fact, they can even park in a space that isn’t technically a spot. Sadly, it looks like they chose the wrong day to break the rules.
After finishing their business inside, the BMW owner came out to find their vehicle covered in jam. Obviously, some bystander was not happy about their choice of parking spot and decided it was time for some sweet, sweet payback.
9 Tattoo Fix

To show his devotion to his girlfriend, this man decided to get a tattoo of her face on his arm. Despite permanently marking himself for her, his girlfriend ended up breaking up with him.
Rather than covering the tattoo with something entirely different, the boyfriend decided to use the opportunity to show how he really felt about his ex. He turned her face into a demon, creating a permanent reminder of how awful she is. Let’s hope she never saw the final product.
10 Here’s Your Tip

Some people in the service industry rely on tips to make a living. Therefore, if a customer decides not to tip, it can severely impact their life. Still, some servers are so bad that tipping them is genuinely painful.
After a particularly terrible experience dining out, these patrons decided to get revenge on their server while simultaneously ensuring they still got a tip. The server will get $40, but they’ll have to clean up the large amount of water that spills out of this glass first. Apparently, this server needs to work on their people skills.
11 Donkey Ears
When this little boy decided to do bunny ears on his brother in a picture, he probably didn’t expect to have his own pair of bunny ears in the final product.
While he was giving his brother bunny ears, the donkey in the background gave him a much larger set of bunny ears all his own. Can you say instant karma?
12 Bad Service

Anyone would be angry if they arrived at a restaurant and weren’t served for a long period of time. But while most people would just storm out, these patrons decided to leave a rather unique message. Using the ketchup and mustard on the table, they let the servers know that not being addressed for 30 minutes is not okay.
Not only were the servers shamed for their actions, but they also had to spend time wiping up a large amount of mustard and ketchup before seating the next table.
13 Plastic Sandwich

After a couple got into an argument, the wife was faced with the problem of packing her husband’s lunch the next day. She did pack him a sandwich, but it wasn’t quite the sandwich he was hoping for.
When he bit into the bread, he quickly realized that she failed to take the plastic wrapper off of the cheese. Not only that, but she took the time to let him know she wasn’t at all sorry for that. What a petty, genius way to win a fight.
14 Clogged Drain

Anyone who has the misfortune of living with someone with long hair knows that clogged drains are inevitable. Well, this person obviously had enough of their roommate’s hair ruining their bath time.
They unclogged the drain, but they decided to leave a message for their long-haired fellow tenant. It’s such a petty move, but it certainly sends a message. Maybe the roommate will remember to clean the drain themselves in the future.
15 Toenail Flavor

When this person was annoyed by their close friend, they decided not to get payback right away. Instead, they bided their time until the friend’s birthday before launching a plan into motion. They baked a sweet, delicious-looking cake for their pal…but there’s a catch.
Somewhere in the batter, they dropped one of their toenails. Now, the friend will only think of toenails with each bit of this delicious treat. Honestly, it’s probably safer not to eat the cake at all.
16 Extra-Smart Car

When this truck owner parked his vehicle, he decided to make the ultimate jerk move—he took up multiple parking spaces. But little did he know, a smart car is just small enough to fit into the space left, whether the truck is there or not.
This smart car was in no mood to play today. If you’re going to take up three parking spaces, be sure there isn’t a smart car close by.
17 You Dropped Something

Smoking is a nasty habit, but it’s particularly disgusting if you don’t clean up after yourself. In this case, one good citizen noticed that their neighbor continued to smoke outside and drop their used cigarette butts on the ground.
Eventually, the person had enough. They went and collected each and every cigarette butt, put them in a plastic bag, and dropped the plastic bag on the neighbor’s doorstep. Let’s hope their simple revenge put an end to the neighbor’s littering habit, if not their smoking.
18 Watch Where You Park

Again, some people just don’t know how to park. This person decided to be a real jerk by parking their car in the middle of a lane in the parking lot. Not only did they block pedestrian traffic, but they also blocked other cars from getting out.
Thankfully, someone decided to teach them a lesson. A bystander surrounded the person’s car with shopping carts, boxing them in on all sides. That’ll teach them to be a little more careful with where they park in the future.
19 Don’t Mess With Big Brother

This sister took $20 from her brother without asking, probably thinking he wouldn’t notice it was missing. Well, he noticed, and he decided to get revenge.
He went on the computer and created a system of folders to hide a document she needed. He titled each folder with a message about why she shouldn’t steal from him. He then created sub-folders in the main folder, making it nearly impossible to find her project. She had to search through each and every folder before she finally found what she needed. Chances are she’ll never steal from her brother again.
20 Make Your Own Bed

After a fight over the cleanliness of their room, this wife obviously had enough of cleaning up after her husband. Instead of begging him to make the bed, she decided she was only going to contribute half of the household duties.
In other words, she only made half the bed, leaving the other side messy and rumpled. We’re not sure her husband even cared, but it’s certainly a clear message about how angry she really is.
21 Locked In The Portable Toilet

This construction worker was in no mood to deal with rude people today. When he kindly asked the owner of the vehicle to move his truck, the man responded rudely, telling the construction worker to back off before he stepped into the portable toilet. Taken aback by the man’s response, the construction worker decided to teach him a lesson.
He placed the bucket of his excavator in front of the door, effectively trapping the man in what is probably a very smelly toilet. Maybe when the man learns some manners, he’ll be willing to let him out.
22 Cheating Boyfriend

This woman got revenge in more ways than one. After finding out her boyfriend was cheating on her, she uninvited him from the football game they were supposed to attend together.
After she deprived him of the experience of seeing his favorite team on the field, she also decided to publicly shame him for all the world to see. You go, girl!
23 Bus Parking Only

This driver learned a hard lesson: don’t take up parking spaces reserved for busses. Not only did the owner of the little car plant himself right in the middle of what is supposed to be bus-only parking, but he also parked on the line, taking up two spaces.
Well, the bus driver wasn’t about to let him get away with that. Instead of finding another place to park, he established himself in front of the car, boxing him in. We can only imagine how silly the driver felt when he finally came out to move his vehicle.
24 Stay In The Lines

Yet again, a fellow driver was faced with someone who parked horribly. But rather than being rude, this bystander simply decided to leave a very condescending note.
Not only do they imply that their fellow driver has the motor skills of a three-year-old, but they also use an adorable picture of a turtle to make their savage point. We’re not sure it will help to improve anyone’s parking, but this sign certainly sends a clear message.
25 Loud Neighbors

After dealing with loud neighbors for far too long, the tenants of the top apartment decided to get revenge by publicly shaming their downstairs neighbors into silence. But things didn’t quite work out as planned.
Rather than quieting down, the downstairs neighbors got their own revenge by turning their fellow apartment dweller’s complaint into a meme. While the signs are funny, it’s also clear that the downstairs neighbors have no intention of turning down the noise level in their apartment.
26 Congratulations

While some partners go crazy when they find out the person they love is cheating on them, this wife had a relatively calm response when she found out about her husband’s unfaithfulness. Of course, she couldn’t let the situation go without a little payback.
But instead of selling her husband’s stuff or damaging his property, she decided to air out his infidelity for the world to see by taking out an ad in the newspaper. Considering the situation, the wife’s ad is actually very tame. Hope it works out, Patrick!
27 Trash Troubles

If there’s one thing people hate, it’s a car parked where it’s not supposed to be. Well, it seems like these garbage men finally had enough of trying to do their jobs while contending with illegally parked cars.
They didn’t damage the vehicle blatantly blocking the trash cans. Instead, they simply surrounded it with big dumpsters, limiting its ability to get out. Lesson learned: don’t get in the way of the garbage men.
28 Don’t Braid My Hair

While spending time with their animal, this horse’s owner decided to give their mount a new look. They took the time to transform the horse’s mane into separate braids. Apparently, the horse didn’t like their new look.
After the braiding was done, the horse went to get a drink of water. But instead of drinking, the animal filled its mouth with water and immediately walked over to spit it in its owner’s boot. It seems braids aren’t its preferred style.
29 Don’t Kick Me
While dogs are known as man’s best friend, they’re certainly not above getting their own form of revenge. When this dog was kicked by the owner of this red vehicle, he didn’t take it lying down.
Instead, he rounded up his dog friends and found the man’s car, where the pups proceeded to rip it apart. That’ll teach the owner to kick an innocent stray dog.
30 Cat Food Taco

When using a communal fridge at work, there’s always a chance that a coworker will steal your lunch. Apparently, that kept happening to this person. When they finally had enough, they devised a plan that ensured the coworker would never touch their lunch again: They created a cat food taco.
Instead of the typical taco meat, they placed cat food in a tortilla and covered it with cheese. When the coworker took their lunch, they bit right into a disgusting, unappetizing mess. That’s payback.