The Luckiest People of All Time
The Plunge

This person’s phone almost went for a swim until fate intervened. What are the odds that the phone landed in the exact spot, at this perfect angle, in the toilet bowl to keep it dry? Like, one would tend to say almost none.
The owner escaped witnessing all of their contacts literally go down the drain, plus the fear that a bowl of rice wouldn’t be enough to save his phone! We are jealous that we never had this chance… He just saved a lot of trouble and money.
A Close Call

How amazing is it that a streetlight fell in just the right place to spare this car? Really, that streetlight couldn’t have lined up more perfectly with the front of the car. The owner was super lucky in this case, we’ll tell you that.
What’s more, the pole broke in several places. Before, during or after its fall, we don’t know, but it could very well have broken during its fall, then deviated from its beautiful straight fall to go crashing partly on the car. Phew!
Not An Inch To Spare

Talk about a tight squeeze! This semi-truck barely cleared the height restrictions in this tunnel. The driver must have known its height very precisely because he would never have dared to venture into this tunnel!
One simple minor bump in the road and everything would come to a screeching, abrupt halt. Yikes! Driving by this truck must be incredibly scary. If we were the driver of the truck, we would be a nervous, and if we were the driver of the car, we would try to distance ourselves as much as possible from the truck!
Batter Up

Not all heroes wear capes, as they say, and this man is a fine example of that. From the young boy’s surprised face, you can tell that he was probably looking at his phone and had no idea how blessed he was when the man sitting next to him sprang into action.
The man blocked that bat like a champ and saved a little boy from a direct trip to the ER. That baseball bat could have done a lot of damage! Not to mention the years of therapy that child would have needed before ever going to a ballgame again.
Shark Bite

Every year around the world, there are approximately 80 unprovoked shark attacks that are reported. That’s really not that many! With that in mind, if this happens to you, you’re pretty unlucky. However, this lady was lucky in her bad luck.
She was so lucky that a shark just took a little nibble off her back and didn’t chomp down. This could have been so much worse, we can’t even want to imagine. Plus, she’s going to have one tough-looking scar! She will have a great adventure story to tell her children!
Safety First

We’ve been telling you since you were a little kid, in various situations, it’s essential to wear your helmet. It’s a matter of safety! It can literally become a matter of life and death in many cases, and this example is perfect to prove it.
A construction worker counted his lucky stars when a hardhat, quite literally, saved his life. He could have had a lot more than just a minor bump on his noggin had he not worn it. “Safety First” is a thing for a reason, you know.
A Balancing Act

This image is both lucky and unlucky at the same time. This situation is certainly lucky for the person who closed the cabinet before the dishes fell out and create a horrible mess. They certainly saved themselves a lot of damage!
But yet, these dishes now placed in a very precarious way in the cupboard will certainly cause a huge headache to whoever comes along and opens that door next. We don’t know how they will manage not to break anything… It seems impossible.
Perfect Parking

This lucky person probably had no idea that they literally parked their car in the absolute perfect parking spot when they arrived. These stone walls will probably never have been as useful and appreciated as at this moment!
They surely realized their luck when that tree crashed down over the parking space and just missed slamming right into their vehicle, thanks to the stone walls. This car doesn’t even have a scratch! This feels fortuitous if you ask us!
Lucky Find

This photo found its way to Reddit with the caption, “Found these 110(?) year old Crayolas in the back of a family secretary desk. The pack still has the crayons.” That six-color pack of Crayolas is practically a historical artifact.
They need to contact Crayola and get a fortune for this find! Do you think Crayola would be willing to give money to this person to get these crayons back? If not, at what price do you think this person could sell them? We’re sure some people would pay a lot of money for them.
Surprise Double Scoop

Some days are better than others. That’s life, and we have to deal with it the best we can. Good days would be, for example, those containing an ice cream treat. But this person definitely doubled their luck when they unwrapped their ice cream treat.
They discovered two ice cream scoops for the price of one, thanks to a happy packaging mistake. Yum! Two ice cream treats make for an even better day than one! It is impossible to spoil the day after that. And now, we need some ice cream treat, too!
Lucky To Be Alive

Whatever the story behind this totally scary picture, the driver was fortunate to walk away from it. Had the aluminum siding crashed through the windshield at a different angle, it might not have been such a happy ending.
One cannot help but wonder how this could have happened. Where did this aluminum siding come from? How could it hit the windshield of this car so quickly and directly? The driver must have had one of those frights!
Crisis Averted

Here’s another example of a really lucky driver who had a near-death experience. Of course, taking the road always involves a certain amount of risk, we all know that. But in this case, no one could anticipate this type of accident!
But after all, nothing like a huge slaw blade slicing into the hood of your car to make you appreciate life, don’t you think? We can’t help but wonder where this slaw blade came from, but in any case, this was a close call. Too close for our liking, anyway.
Found Ring
Here is a really happy story. A woman once lost a ring in her backyard, without being able to find it. But years later, the new owners of the house found the ring attached to a carrot while they were gardening and returned it to the rightful owner.
That’s one expensive carrot they found! And these new owners are some of the most honest people we’ve heard of. Many would have kept the ring for themselves, or sold it, rather than returning it to its owner! How sweet of them!
Saved Keys

There is literally a one-in-a-million chance that this key chain would have saved these keys from falling through a grate, saving them from uncertain doom. Under normal circumstances, the keys would have fallen off and been lost.
That’s why we absolutely can’t blame this person for celebrating this happy and lucky moment with a photo. We definitely would have done the same thing if it had happened to us! After all, such luck is hard to believe!
Found Fortune

Here is a pretty cheerful story. A gentleman bought a set of chest of drawers at an estate sale. So far, nothing more normal than that, you will say, and you would be right. It’s actually quite common to buy that kind of furniture at an estate sale.
What is less common and far more interesting, however, is that when the man opened the bottom drawer of his new dresser after purchasing it, he stumbled upon a hidden treasure. It is as if he was paid to buy this furniture!
Near Disaster

Natural disasters are often unpredictable, and it can sometimes be difficult, if not impossible, to try to avoid them or limit the damage. After all, if a boulder decides to break off the cliff behind your house, there is nothing anyone can do about it.
So, if this massive boulder is going to roll through your property, you could only pray that your home would come out undamaged. These home-owners must have let out a huge sigh of relief that their house was still standing after that event.
The Cheesiest

If you’re a fan of Cheetos puffs, then you know really well how rare of a find this giant Cheetos is. Generally, Cheetos are not so long, quite the contrary! They are usually so small that you can almost eat it in one bite!
But this Cheetos in particular is unbelievably long. And look at all the perfect yummy cheesiness. It’s not like some parts have been forgotten and lack cheese. That’s like eating 6 puffs in one! It can’t get better than that. That’s an awesome snack!
A Happy Discovery

Imagine really craving to eat a pizza, and then, being so lucky that you discover an extra frozen pizza in the packaging you bought at the store. 4 frozen pizzas instead of 3, and for the same price! Now, that’s a bargain we’d like to get!
In our humble opinion, a pizza situation doesn’t get much better than that, really. What’s better than more pizza? There is never enough pizza when you really want to eat some. Bonus pizza for everyone! Who want some?

This little girl is definitively the big winner of the day! She can exchange that enormous bunch of tickets for a sweet prize at the arcade. Or rather, for several sweet prizes, because she really has a lot of tickets! We never seen that many tickets before.
And we bet she doesn’t either. We can tell by her expression that she’s totally stoked about it, but given her pretty young age, it is doubtful that she fully understands the extent of her gain! Her parents must be happy, though!
Beat The Odds

Sometimes things don’t go as planned, and it doesn’t always end well. However, sometimes all the odds are beaten, to everyone’s delight! The passengers aboard the US Airways jet on January 15, 2009 could all tell you about the incredible luck that smiled on them that day, when a flock of birds knocked out both of the plane’s engines.
That day, when everyone on board the plane thought it was the end, Captain Sully Sullenberger amazed everyone by landing the plane in the frozen waters of the Hudson River off Manhattan Island in New York. Thanks to him, all 150 passengers of the plane survived!
The Biggest Winner

This has got to be one of the absolute luckiest lottery players of all time. Every single scratch-off presented a winning number. Seriously, what are the odds? It seems almost impossible, it’s too good to be true. Can you believe it?
If that person was smart enough, they would spend their earning on more tickets. Why not push their luck? They seem to have a lot of it, after all! They could also be wise and not take the risk of losing it, but that’s boring.
Like A Glove

Here, we have a case of trees falling in just the right place. All three vehicles were lucky to come out unscathed, but the owner of the white automobile definitely used all of their good luck for the rest of the year, at least.
First, what are the chances that not one, but two trees will fall right next to your car? Then what are the chances that those same trees actually fall between three cars, without hitting any of them? It almost seems like a setup to us!
The Perfect Avocado

Sometimes nature has a way of winking at you, and it feels great when it happens. This person shared their good fortune of opening up an avocado without a pit, which means a lot more fruit to eat! It’s impossible to be hungry after that!
This is a pretty rare occurrence, though. We had never seen that kind of avocado without a pit before, so we think it’s a sign of good luck. We would love to come across such an avocado! Have you seen one before or you’re just like us?
Lucky Little Guy

How adorable is this happy little guy celebrating meeting Tinker Bell in real life? He seems to be having the time of his life, which is probably the case! He has surely seen all the movies with Tinkerbell many, many times!
This photo is living proof that Disney World really is the happiest place on earth, for both children and adults. What could be more satisfying than to see a child so happy? He must have been the highlight of Tinker Bell’s day, too!
5 Leaf Clover

If everyone agrees to say that finding a four-leaf clover is lucky, then naturally, finding a five-leaf clover must be considered “next-level” good luck. Four-leaf clovers are already so hard to find, imagine a five-leaf one!
This person will probably have good fortune showered upon them for the rest of their days. How lucky! But with all the luck this person will have, will those around them be. at least, a little lucky too? Let’s hope for them.
Smooth Sailing

It really doesn’t get much better than when every checkout lane is open at the grocery store. It’s pretty rare that this happens, isn’t it? Every time we go there, at least one cash register is closed, even if there are a ton of customers waiting.
In fact, this is such a rare event at the grocery store that this person considered it worthwhile to take a moment to celebrate their good fortune and take a picture. It’s oddly satisfying to look at. No waiting at the grocery store!
Almost Got The Ax

This person’s heart probably stopped when an ax flew off the truck driving in front of them and crashed through the windshield. After all, it’s not the kind of thing you expect to get in your face on the highway! Bugs or rocks, maybe, but not an axe!
Luckily, the ax fell into the dashboard, sparring them from a gruesome scene. Talk about a close call! This person, as well as the driver of the car, must have had the scare of their lives, but fortunately, the whole thing ends well. There was much more fear than harm!
The Luckiest Little Girl

What child doesn’t dream of crawling into a claw machine to grab any stuffed animal they want? This is a much easier method than trying to grab the coveted one with the tongs, and it’s much less disappointing, because it’s not uncommon for people to miss their shot and leave empty-handed.
This little girl’s dreams definitely came true that day, and by the looks of it, that green plush with a blue hat totally went home with her. She left with the stuffed animal she desired the most. She must have found her day very satisfying!
A Near Miss

This car narrowly escaped being crushed by a big, fallen tree. A tree this curved, you don’t see it on every street corner, for a start, but there, it’s absolutely amazing how the branches curved in such a way to create the perfect shape around the vehicle.
Such a perfect shape, in fact, that the tree didn’t even touch the car when it fell! There doesn’t even seem to be a single leaf on the vehicle! The car could even leave its parking lot without any problem. Hooray for Mother Nature!

When driving in winter, it is imperative to be very careful, even if, at first sight, the roads seem good. You can’t always see the ice that may be there. This person learned first-hand how dangerous it can be to drive on icy roads.
They had a very close call when they almost crashed into an embankment after their car skidded off the road. Luckily, only one tire went over the edge before the vehicle came to a stop. If not for their inestimable luck, this skid could have ended very badly.
A Near Hit

This driver came horribly close to popping their tire while parking their car in that parking lot that day. But when we say close, we mean VERY close! We can’t imagine their relief when they realized how lucky they were.
If they had parked just a few tiny inches to the right, they would have driven right over that protruding pole. Even with the help of a rear view camera, the protruding pole would probably not have been visible. Then, a beautiful day would have quickly become unpleasant. Phew!
A Heart-Stopper

Generally, when you are near a missile like the one on the picture, you make sure that absolutely nothing can happen to it. You want at all costs that this missile remains where it is, untouched, and you take all possible precautions.
But when it comes time to let it go, usually it’s to do damage. Here, we wonder what happened, though. It’s not every day that a missile crashes into a truck, and this person sure got lucky when it just grazed the vehicle instead of blowing it up.
The Longest Curly Fry

This person totally wins the award for discovering the longest curly fry in history. Not only is thy fry very long, but it is also perfectly curled from the top to the bottom! It’s incredible! There must be a Guinness record for that, isn’t it?
That’s really impressive, and it also looks absolutely delicious. And now, just like that, we’re craving curly fries. Excuse us while we run to Arby’s real quick, all this just gave us an appetite! Unfortunately, we will never find a fry that awesome there.
Pole Position

This is another image that is both lucky and unlucky, and you can easily guess who was lucky or not. The minivan was totally spared from this fallen pole, but the red car received it head-on on the top and in the windshield.
One wonders what could have happened to make this large and heavy metal pole break away from the ground to fall all the way to the red car. It is certainly not a simple gust of wind that caused all this! Or this pole was very badly installed.
A Tight Squeeze

For a tree or large tree branch to fall to the ground, a relatively big storm is usually required. When this happens, these trees or tree branches can cause a variety of damage. Here, however, absolutely no damage appears to have occurred.
Another car missed being crushed by a tree because fate intervened! Who would’ve thought that the trunk would be at the right angle to fall perfectly behind that automobile? It sounds too good to be true. The person who owns the car should go buy a lottery ticket!
Narrow Escape

We don’t blame those people in the photo for marveling at the driver’s good luck, because he had a pretty good amount of it! He parked his car there not knowing that he would come very close to returning to a broken car.
Indeed, that sign just missed turning that car into a pancake. If the sign had been less wide, or had rotated on impact with the ground, the metal pole would have completely crushed the hood of the car, causing significant damage.
The Biggest Strawberry

This person definitely stumbled upon one of the biggest strawberries in the world when they bought this strawberry box. It is quite enormous! We don’t know about you, but we have never seen such a huge strawberry.
Hopefully, though, all of the strawberries in their basket weren’t the size of a hand like this particular one, otherwise it must have emptied pretty quickly! “But I only ate 3 strawberries, and now there are no more!” How sad it would be.
An Egg In An Egg

This person cooked a boiled egg, and when they cut it, they found a second egg right in the middle of it. And not just a piece of a second egg, but a complete one, with the shell! How can this even be possible? It’s hard to understand how this could happen.
We have several questions about this besides looking for an explanation to the surprising situation. Among others, of course, one can’t help but wonder if this second egg was also well cooked… or maybe it would make a good soft-boiled egg!
Million Dollar Quartz

Without suspecting it in the least, this man made a surprising and priceless discovery in Arkansas. This quartz is absolutely huge! It must have taken him a long time to get it out of there! He probably even needed help!
According to some experts, this heap of quartz would be worth about 4 million dollars. That is a lot of money! One wonders if he was able to keep this money for himself, or at least a certain amount. He is the one who found it, after all!
Double banana

Would you like a banana to complement your morning peanut butter toast for your breakfast? Well, this time, maybe you’ll need twice as much toast to complement this double banana. What a huge breakfast it would be!
One thing is for sure, though, this banana gave the person who ate it all the fiber and potassium they needed in their day, and maybe even more! No need to eat another fruit during your day after eating that banana.
Funyuns Jackpot

There’s no better surprise than opening a bag of chips just to find a really huge one in it. In fact, we are rather used to the opposite, don’t you think? How many time did you find chips broken into small pieces and had trouble finding even one whole one?
In any case, one thing is absolutely sure: to those who would feel the need to tell this lady that she tends to eat too many chips, this time, she will be able to say that she was reasonable; she only ate one Funyuns! It’s hard to top that.
Worthwhile Coupon

Everyone knows that coupons are really awesome because they usually save you at least a small amount of money. But real couponers know that impressive savings can be made when these coupons are used properly.
But to be honest, never before has a coupon given you so many Snickers for only $29, we’re sure of that! We strongly hope that this buyer likes Snickers, though. But more importantly, we hope that he won’t eat them all himself!
Perfect Bananas

A person posted these pics on Reddit along with the caption, “I bought some suspiciously perfect bananas yesterday.” Those really are some beautiful bananas. Too beautiful, even. We agree with this person; these bananas are very suspect.
We can’t help but wonder if they tasted as good as they looked? Knowing this guy’s luck, they were probably delicious! But we can’t help but listen to our little voice that keeps telling us that these bananas are too perfect to be true! After all, there is no video showing the man opening one!
Seeing Triple

This photo was seen on Reddit with the caption, “Three girls in the same row, wearing the same color sweater, with the same color hair.” Wow! That’s not something you see every day. It’s actually kind of creepy if you ask us.
Do these three girls know each other well? Are they triplets, maybe? Or just some best friends? Maybe they called each other, and decided to coordinate their appearance that day to freak everyone out since they had class together. If not, how is this possible?
Red Moonbow

Someone shared this cool photo on Reddit and wrote, “This red only rainbow I saw at midnight in Finland.” Is that kind of red-only rainbow considered good luck? It could be taken as a sinister sign instead. After all, red often represents evil, or at least bad things.
We’d hate to see what kind of leprechaun might be found at the bottom of a red rainbow! If we were on this boat, we would definitely avoid heading in that direction. In fact, we would potentially be heading back to the dock very quickly!

Another Reddit member posted this snap along with the caption, “The sun shining through my fish tank aligned perfectly on each knob.” Our imagination is running wild with this one. It looks like some sort of color-coded spell that could open a portal to an alternate universe.
In what order should these knobs be turned to go somewhere? Do different orders lead to different places? We want to know everything about the possibilities these knobs offer! All kidding aside, this is really cool!
Lucky Goldfish

A person shared this photograph on Reddit and wrote, “Found an edge piece in my bag of Goldfish.” Does anybody else think this looks like the beginnings of a puzzle or is it just us? Either way, it’s totally a fortunate discovery.
So that’s how Goldfish are made! Did you know this or are you just learning it? We never really thought about it, to be honest, but we are happy to know! It’s like the secret of the Caramilk is revealed to us, it’s so exciting!
Happy Reunion

It is not uncommon for an adoptee to eventually want to be reunited with his or her birth parents when they are older. That was the case for this man. This gentleman, Steve Flaig, was in search of his birth mother when he had a lucky break at work.
According to the Express, Flaig discovered his mom was working for the same company when his boss recognized her name. How incredible is this? Some people have to search for years and never find their biological mother or father. But this lucky man didn’t have to look very far!
Perfectly Timed Flyby

Nowadays, with all the cameras everywhere, it has become rather difficult not to get caught when committing any infraction. But this person had a huge stroke of luck when a seagull flew in front of the traffic camera.
This seagull completely blocked this car’s license plate number. How lucky was that? That bird probably saved this person from getting a speeding ticket! The driver of the car should learn from this and slow down, though, because next time he will probably not be so lucky!
Nature’s Bounty

Someone shared this incredible photo of a red pepper on social media and wrote, “I found a pepper inside… a pepper!” Mother Nature definitely smiled upon this person because she got two peppers for the price of one!
That person’s spaghetti just got a lot yummier! Such a discovery is really nice, especially now that the price of food keeps increasing. It’s always satisfying to get more for your money, don’t you agree? Whether it’s food or not, let’s be honest!
Loose Screw

While driving, there is nothing worse than getting a flat tire from driving over a screw. What a stupid accident! That’s really the kind of thing that’s off-putting. But here, it’s amazing that this screw fits snugly into the tire tread.
This screw fit so well into the tire groove that there was no damage at all! This person used up all of their good luck for the rest of their life! One wonders when the person realized how lucky they were, however. Maybe the screw had been there for a really long time!
Perfect Watermelon

Watermelon is so refreshing on a hot summer day, but let’s be honest, here, who wants to deal with all those seeds? Certainly not us! We may even avoid buying them out of sheer laziness. We admit it, we have nothing to hide.
However, someone shared this picture on the internet of a watermelon that had no seeds at all when they cut it open. How absolutely cool is that? That looks so tasty! We would buy watermelons every day if we could be sure to get one like this!
Good Fortune

There are some days when things just go the right way. There are no specific reasons, it’s just the way it is, and we enjoy it when it happens! Well, that seems to be the case here. A person shared this pic of their amazing stroke of luck.
When sharing this picture on the internet, the person wrote the caption, “I bought a drink from a vending machine and the quarter dollar came free.” Score! This is a great unexpected discount! We have never seen this before!
Apple Tree Surprise

A Reddit user posted this photograph and said, “This tree in my neighborhood that has 1 branch of an apple tree and the rest is a normal tree.” Apparently, according to some serious sources, this is more than just good luck.
This occurrence is called grafting. Someone fused that apple branch, and it became part of the other tree. This concludes our dendrology lesson of the day. Also, dendrology means the study of trees. Don’t you feel smart?
Too Close For Comfort

Accidents happen, especially during construction or renovations, whether it’s during your work or a simple DIY hobby on the weekend. So, it is imperative to be vigilant and to take all the necessary precautions. Here, this person was really lucky!
Nothing like almost cutting the tip of your fingers off with a saw to make you appreciate your hand, don’t you think? This person was very close to having the worst day ever. Hooray for work gloves that are a bit too big!
The Luckiest Squirrel

This cute little fella escaped a brutal death when someone cut his home down with a chainsaw. He must have had a terrible fear! Just thinking about the roof of my house ripping off all of a sudden is pretty frightening.
Luckily, he lived on the bottom floor of the tree, so he’s all safe and sound. He actually looks thankful to be alive, don’t you think? Phew! More fear than harm! I will never look at the semi-basement the same way again!
Almost Nailed It

This person definitely used up all of their luck for a lifetime when they narrowly missed stepping directly onto a rusty nail. If they had stomped less than an inch further to the right, they would have been in a world of pain.
Not to mention, if that person had stepped on the nail, a tetanus shot would have been in their near future. Imagine how horrible it could have been! We honestly find it hard to look at this picture without getting chills. Ugh!
One Lucky Break

The owner of this vehicle must have been so relieved that this tree, neither the trunk nor the big branch, didn’t crash into their car. It’s astounding to see just how lucky they were in this case. That tree could have totaled their automobile.
It would have been enough for the trunk to completely detach from its base or for the branch to give way under the force of the impact for this car not to escape unscathed from this situation. This person was very lucky. And even the owner of the vehicle behind him was.
The Best Seat

When you take a plane, if you are tall enough, there is always a lack of leg room, which can be really annoying, especially during a long flight. After a while, you don’t know how to sit to be comfortable, and sometimes there are still hours left to the flight!
But this man managed to get the perfect seat for his height. Or, in fact, the best seat overall, because let’s face it, there is always a lack of space on a plane, no matter your height. We didn’t even know that such seats existed! Did you?
On The Edge

What are the chances that this car would come to a screeching halt before driving over the edge? This was a real balancing act and the driver barely escaped inevitably falling to their death. He could never have made it out alive.
The person in that vehicle must have been scared to death. Knowing that they came so close to such a tragic outcome certainly changed them forever. We know that we would have been greatly affected. No doubt about it!
Jackpot Vending Machine

There are just some days when everything seems to be going your way and whoever came upon this vending machine was having the best day ever. It’s one thing to get a double delivery of snacks from a machine, but this luck is next level.
What are the odds that every single package would have fallen off the shelf and into the machine like that? Look at all those yummy treats waiting to be grabbed. We’ll take some Ruffles, Lays, Doritos, and Sunchips, please.

At first glance, this pic of an accident doesn’t look that bad. Some poor driver flew off the road, and their white truck landed in a ditch. Sure, this would be scary, but it appears like no one was hurt, and he is certainly not the first to whom such a thing happens.
A quick zoom-out gives a bigger picture, though, and it shows a potentially dire situation. Not only did this person skid into a ditch, but they narrowly missed driving off a cliff. Their guardian angel was looking out for them.
Ocean Limbo

The ocean can be a scary place for humans. After all, there’s an entire ecosystem under the water that we’re just not a part of. All sorts of deadly creatures swim around and could sneak up on you at any moment.
This snorkeler had a close call with a stingray, but was able to duck down at just the right moment. It may look like she’s playing a game of underwater limbo with that thing, but she was really lucky to get out of its path.
Double Fortune

If you’ve ever been to a Chinese restaurant, then you know the best part of the meal is definitely opening your fortune cookie at the end. That is unless you get a bad fortune. Then it surely is the worst part of the meal.
This diner opened a horrible fortune with their first cookie, but they quickly rebounded when a second fortune negated the bad one. Phew! That was a pretty close call. This is what we like to call good old-fashioned luck!
The Luckiest Charm

Ask any kid and they’ll tell you that the yummiest part of eating Lucky Charms cereal is eating the fruity marshmallow treats. You will either bite into a heart, star, horseshoe, clover, blue moon, hourglass, rainbow, or a red balloon.
This person found the luckiest charm of all when they discovered a huge rainbow treat in their cereal bowl. We’d love to slide down that thing into a lake of milk. No wonder the tagline is “They’re magically delicious.”
Tree Catastrophe

There are moments in life when you somehow avoid a catastrophe. The driver of this Jeep had an extremely close call with a fallen tree. It appears that they ran over the tree and the trunk busted in through the floorboard.
Thank goodness, though, they stopped at the perfect time because only a few centimeters more and that tree trunk was going right for their crotch! They must have used up a lifetime of luck in one moment because this could have ended badly.
Sweet Surprise

Eating a tangerine can be so satisfying. They’re sweet. They’re juicy. Let’s be honest, they’re like little pockets of love. So, we don’t blame this person at all for taking a moment to share their good fortune with the Internet.
They opened up their tangerine to discover another tiny one nestled inside the center. Just another chance to savor the sweet flavor of a tangerine. We’re feeling kind of jealous and a bit hungry. That small tangerine is so cute!
One Big Banana

Do you like eating bananas? Of course, you do! They’re full of potassium and are great for a quick snack. A person took to social media to share the biggest banana on the planet. That thing can’t actually be real, can it?
We’re going to be honest with you, here. That banana can’t be trusted. It looks more like a weapon than a piece of fruit, don’t you think? No one should eat that thing. We suspect that it was genetically modified for a giant to eat.
A Near Miss

Driving in the snow can be scary and dangerous. One minute you’re driving down the road, and the next you swerve into an embankment without being able to do anything about it. That’s what appeared to happen to this unfortunate driver.
Yet, they got very lucky on this particular day because they skid off the road and veered just the right way to avoid slamming into a fire hydrant. They literally missed that thing by an inch! That was way too close for comfort.
The Longest French Fry

French Fry lovers rejoice! This person had the best luck of anyone ever and discovered a gigantic fry in her bag of frozen spuds. That thing is glorious and should be celebrated with its own national holiday!
Seriously though, how come something as amazing as this doesn’t happen to us? We’d fry up that thing so fast and smother it in ketchup. Is anyone else hungry? Please excuse us while we go eat some french fries.
Too Close For Comfort

This person’s life must have flashed before their eyes, or at least the life of their baby toe. A knife fell on the floor and narrowly missed slicing their foot. We can’t help but wonder how they got into this situation in the first place?
Is this person a professional knife thrower? Do they have a poltergeist in their kitchen that has it out for them? More than likely, the knife slipped while they were chopping vegetables, but we like our crazy theories better.
Large Lay’s Potato Chip

Either the person holding this potato chip is tiny or this particular chip is humongous. Sometimes you luck out when you’re eating a snack and discover something really cool and rare waiting for you in the bag.
This lucky snacker reached into their bag of Lay’s potato chips and pulled out a massive chip. Who do we need to contact about making all Lay’s potato chips this big? This makes all the other chips look small and dumb.
Crisis Averted

Whoever dropped these keys in the elevator should definitely thank their lucky stars. They avoided a really annoying situation when the set of keys landed just the right way to avoid falling into the elevator shaft.
Can you imagine what a pain it would be to retrieve them if they had slipped down there? That looks like a long and dark void to us. Totally unreachable. They may have never seen those things again. That is one lucky soul right there.
Once In A Lifetime

Anybody who has enjoyed a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup knows that it’s nearly impossible to remove the candy from the wrapper without leaving a dab of chocolate behind. That’s what makes this photo seem so special.
The candy gods smiled upon this person because they successfully removed all four peanut butter cups without leaving a smear on the wrapper. They should defiantly play the lottery because this may never happen again in their lifetime.
Perfect Timing

A person shared this incredibly scary moment on social media and said that if they had walked up the parking deck a second earlier, that runway car would have landed on their head! Yikes! That is really terrifying.
They are so lucky that they dodged that tragedy. Something tells us that they may not have walked away from an accident of that magnitude. It’s pretty hard to come back from a car falling on top of you, after all. Phew!
That’s Not Coffee

Many people like to start their day with a warm cup of coffee. It’s a great way to kick start your morning, but someone almost made a huge mistake. They accidentally put a Ranch dressing packet into the coffee maker instead of a coffee pod.
Can you imagine how nasty it would’ve been to take a sip of warm Ranch dressing? Yuck. And after that, you have to clean the whole machine! They got lucky and discovered the mix-up before it was late. That would have been quite the rude awakening!
Lucky Kitty

A cat owner posted this pic of their black cat napping on the stovetop, along with the caption, “Almost set my cat on fire.” That kitty just used up one of its nine lives because its owner stopped before turning on the burner.
This could have been an extremely tragic situation. Can you imagine how much therapy would cost to help this person overcome the fact that they accidentally cooked their cat? We’d put a white collar on the kitty, just to be safe.
Double Take

It’s a good thing that someone had the presence of mind to label the thermometer that they used to check their dog’s temp the old-fashioned way. It’s even better that this person took a moment to read the label, too.
That would have been pretty awful to stick that thing in your mouth to take your temperature, only to discover it had previously been in an unpleasant place. You’d not only be sick from a fever at that point. So gross! We don’t even dare to imagine the taste.
A Doozy Of A Doughnut

Who loves doughnuts as much as we do? Everyone better raise their hand because doughnuts are just about the yummiest treat out there. That means the person who shared a massive doughnut on social media is a winner in our eyes.
How exactly did this event take place? Did they order a huge doughnut at the bakery or was it a surprise? Regardless, they were probably pretty popular on the day they brought this impressive treat into the office.
Safety First

Thank goodness this person took safety into their own hands and wore a pair of safety goggles while they worked. They had a very close call with a projectile that would have caused serious injury to their right eye if it weren’t for the glasses.
Just looking at this image makes us feel a bit woozy. We can’t even imagine the relief this guy felt when he realized just how close he was to danger. This is just one example of the reason personal safety gear is so important on the job.
Flamingo Fuzz

A Reddit user posted this photograph on the social media and wrote, “The fuzz on my sock looks like a flamingo.” This snap is mundane yet fascinating absolutely at the same time. Plus, the fuzz is pink! So not only is it shaped like a pink flamingo, it’s also the color of one!
We wish we could hug that little flamingo, but it would probably disintegrate in our arms. So, we can only admire it in pictures. We wonder what the person did with it, though. Did she try to keep it or did she just throw it away after taking the picture?
Kitty Shadow

Someone shared this photograph on Reddit and wrote, “My black cat looks like my white cat’s shadow.” We had to do a double-take on this one, but after observation, this Reddit user is right! This chance is really perfect!
It really does look like the white cat’s shadow! The black cat is placed exactly in the right spot. A situation like this can’t happen often. We’re glad this person captured the moment in a photo, so that everyone can enjoy it!
Too Close For Comfort

This journalist had definitely nerves of steel. She didn’t even flinch when a military aircraft flew really, REALLY close over her head. Only a few feet stood between her and death, and it seems like she wasn’t even aware of her near-death experience.
She used a lifetime’s worth of good luck in that one moment, that’s for sure! One wonders if she eventually realized what was happening or if she only knew when she saw the images afterwards? Her reaction must have been intense!
Super Luck

This man had a hair-raising moment when an out-of-control car narrowly missed smashing him to smithereens. He was super lucky to escape that one! Things could have been a lot worse in this situation, and we think he realized it pretty quickly.
We almost can’t believe our eyes, and it looks like he can’t believe it, either. He had only gone out to buy two bags of chips. What could have happened to turn his innocent errand into a survival attempt? Where did that car come from, rolling over?
Double Lucky

This lucky driver escaped death not once, but twice! First, the excavator he drove into the water sank, and it was sinking pretty fast. As one can guess, the suction pulled the equipment into the water at a rapid pace.
But as the driver escaped the sinking machinery, it rolled over in the water, and he ran up the top of the tracks, just in the knick of time! We hope this man is aware of how lucky he was to get out of this situation unscathed, because the odds were certainly not in his favor!
Slippery Slope

Another insanely lucky moment to see is when this man slipped on the ice and narrowly missed falling into a drain. If he had slid just a few inches further than that, he’d been taking a scary, dangerous ride down the drain.
That’s one incredible stroke of luck. But we have an important question to ask: how can such a big drain be there without any protection around it? We don’t understand at all what could have happened, all this is very dangerous!
Wheely Close

These two gentlemen definitely were in the wrong place at the wrong time. In a. absolute breathtaking moment, a big rig lost a tire, and it barreled toward them violently. Somehow, they fortunately managed to escape being hit.
This is what happens when you’re extremely lucky! Imagine if the tire had gone straight into them! At the size of the tire, and at the speed it was going, we wouldn’t have given much of a chance to those two poor men!
Balancing Act

One driver completely maxed out their luck when they stopped right on top of a sinkhole at just the perfect time. Look at how close they were to falling in. This could have ended with their car at the bottom of the hole.
Now that’s what we call being ultra lucky. The car could easily have nose-dived into the hole and ended up upright at the bottom of it, without the driver being able to do anything to get out of it. But when he got out of the car, did he jump over the hole? He could have fallen in!
Leaning Tower

First, what are the chances of this tower falling? Second, what are the chances of it falling at just the right angle to miss that car? If this lucky moment hadn’t been caught on camera, we wouldn’t believe it at all.
This could have been a terrible day for that car owner. But fortunately, the tower fell in such a way as to completely avoid any damage to this car. It only received a few cables on the roof, but except for a few scratches, maybe, there seems to be no damage.
Right Down The Middle

This falling light post could have totally smashed these two cars. Fortunately, it fell exactly right between both the small Toyota and the GMC truck, and didn’t cause any damage. Now that’s what we call being really lucky!
It’s hard to understand how this lamp post could have fallen like that, but fortunately, except for the debris on the ground, nothing happened. Eventually, this lamp post will have to be replaced, but that’s absolutely not the problem of these two lucky car owners.

This man was lucky enough to escape being hit in the face with a golf ball. He relied on pure luck when the can he was sipping from took the hit for him. After this close call, don’t tell us that drinking beer can’t save your life!
It’s a good thing he was chugging brews that day, because that way, the ball could be stopped by the can. Otherwise, if it had avoided the man’s face, who knows how far the ball would have gone? Maybe this man would have been spared, but not the next one who would have been on its path!
Lucky Strike

These people’s lives literally flashed right before their eyes. Lightning struck a little bit too close to the bleachers. We can only imagine what these folks must have been thinking during that scary moment. We’re sure it struck them just how lucky they were!
It must be quite an event, though, to have a lightning strike so close to us. It really makes you wonder what it feels like! Once you get past the surprise and fear, it must be exciting! We still hope that someone quickly thought of calling the fire brigade to put out the burning tree.

At first glance, this pic of an accident doesn’t look that bad. Some poor driver flew off the road, and their white truck landed in a ditch. Sure, this would be scary, but it appears like no one was hurt, and he is certainly not the first to whom such a thing happens.
A quick zoom-out gives a bigger picture, though, and it shows a potentially dire situation. Not only did this person skid into a ditch, but they narrowly missed driving off a cliff. Their guardian angel was looking out for them.
The Plane Is Coming

The beach is often the place where people like to strut their stuff and show off what they can do. For example, this couple practicing their circus-like acrobatics, the man standing straight up while the woman balances on her head with one hand, head down.
This is a very impressive stunt in itself, except that this couple could perhaps have chosen a better place and time to do this kind of activity. Indeed, the woman came close to having her feet hit by the wheels of a landing plane.
Near Impalement
This is a terrifying story. While on the highway, the driver’s car was hit by a sharp metal pole that smashed through the windshield and pierced through the seat, coming millimeters away from impaling the driver. The incident definitely serves as a reminder of the potential dangers on the road, and the need to be vigilant at all times.
It is not uncommon for objects to fall off vehicles or become dislodged from construction sites, and drivers must always be prepared for unexpected situations. The driver in this story was fortunate to have escaped unharmed, but the incident could have had a tragic outcome.
On The Rail
A car found itself stranded on railway tracks and was nearly hit by an oncoming train. The driver and passengers were incredibly fortunate that the train managed to stop in time, narrowly avoiding a potentially fatal accident.
A momentary lapse in concentration or poor judgment can have catastrophic consequences, not just for the driver and passengers, but also for other road users and passengers on trains. This story is a reminder of the critical role that quick thinking and decisive action can play in avoiding accidents and saving lives.
Did They Forgot To Reverse?

The sight of a car suspended precariously by the protective cables of a high floor of a parking lot is a chilling one, and it is a miracle that nobody was injured in such an incident. We don’t know what floor they were on, but it doesn’t matter; it’s still a precarious and dangerous situation.
It is difficult to imagine how such a scenario could come about, but it is likely that the driver either have gone too far forward when parking or forgot to put the car in reverse when leaving the parking spot.
Hopefully They Were Wearing A Helmet

A cyclist was nearly hit by a falling tree while they were riding on a bicycle path. This story highlights pretty well the need for caution and alertness when cycling, especially in areas with overhanging trees or other potential hazards.
Hopefully this cyclist was wearing their safety helmet, but in any case, if they had received that tree trunk on their head, we highly doubt the helmet would have made a difference. All this is really a matter of luck.
The Fear Of His Life

This man experienced the most terrifying event of his life that day, and it’s far from being an overstatement. While riding his bike through an intersection, a truck turned and hit him, knocking him to the ground right into its path.
But against all odds, during the entire time the truck made its turn, the man and his bike were in the perfect spot to stay totally safe between the wheels, escaping from this accident completely unscathed. It’s unbelievable!
Here Goes The Helmet

While this man was racing his motorcycle, he crashed into his friend’s, which, of course, caused his own motorcycle to swerve, knocking him to the ground while he was speeding. Needless to say, at this speed, this kind of fall can be extremely dangerous.
The impact of his fall sent his helmet flying, which must have been improperly fastened, but fortunately, the rollover he made on the ground did not cause him to hit his head. Without his helmet, those rolls could have been fatal!