The Funniest Fails Caught On Camera
1 The Backfire

This man wanted to throw his plastic glove at his colleague, but unfortunately, his trick backfired.
He was so embarrassed that he threw the glove on the floor and pretended that nothing had happened.
2 Amateur Stuntwoman

This woman tried to do a nice acrobatics to go sit on the couch without going around it.
Unfortunately, it was the couch that fell backwards, and the woman fell with it. Either way, we give her some points for the stunt!
3 In For A Swim

On his way to his spa and pool to do a cleaning chore, this man lost his footing and fell into the pool.
We can imagine that this is not how he planned it to go.
4 Heavy Bag

When taking on something heavy, it’s best not to give yourself too much momentum, because it can end badly.
This man learned this well when he lost his balance for several meters before falling to the ground.
5 Do Not Climb

Since this embracing event, this man has certainly learned that you should never attempt to climb over a fence with even the slightest instability.
Not only did he fall backwards, but he took the entire fence down with him, and for a long distance!
6 Nice Recovery

The ice that covers the streets and sidewalks in winter makes many people angry, but it also allows us to witness some amazing feats.
While shoveling his porch, this man completely lost his balance as he slipped, but he managed to never really fall to the ground. Nice recovery!
7 Hold On

We totally understand the will of this man not to let go of his motorcycle, even when he has to close the door.
But his maneuver to close the door with his foot was not really well thought out. Isn’t there a support on his motorcycle to hold it up so he can use his hands?
8 5 Points

That this young boy made this basket is really quite impressive! It’s worth at least 5 points, in our opinion!
We wonder how much the girl admired her brother’s achievement as much as we did, though. The ball seems to have hit hard!
9 Good Catch

This cook wanted to show off his skills to the camera by perfectly flipping a pancake in his pan, but his colleague had something else in mind.
The cook’s reaction when he realizes his pancake is gone is hilarious.
10 Getting Pied With A Twist

Pieing someone is one of the oldest prank we know, but this man just took it to a whole new level.
In addition to pieing his friend, he made sure to pin him in his chair with a broom so he couldn’t get up and chase him. This is extremely well thought out!
11 Not Worth The Pic

These days, people will do anything to get the perfect photo to share on their social media.
But this quest for the perfect photo resulted in this woman getting frosting on her face, and everyone had to say goodbye to the dessert.
12 Big Wave

These women posed on the beach as part of a shoot for the promotion of the Quebec brand Hoaka Swimwear.
Of course, this is a great visibility for the brand, but we have to admit, this is not the main reason for the virality of this video!
13 Back Splash

We don’t know if this boy’s backpack was perhaps too heavy, or if he just didn’t bring his center of gravity forward properly when he landed, but the result is the same.
The poor guy unfortunately made a small dip in the pond he tried so hard to avoid.
14 No More Gravity

Being on board an aircraft that is making a parabolic, or zero g, flight is an experience in itself.
But this woman was clearly not ready to lose the gravity that kept her in her seat. Unlike her husband, she’s going everywhere!
15 So Unfair

This basketball player was visibly angered by the referee’s decision at the time, and doesn’t care about this now soaked spectator.
Watching a Clippers game from this close is a real risk.
16 Failed Challenge

The goal of this challenge is to bounce your beer can off a ball, catch it, and then drink it all.
You could say this woman completely failed after falling into the pool without even catching her can. But she didn’t fail to make us laugh!
17 Never Fall

The first question that comes to mind when we see this is how did this man get into this position?
Anyway, despite the precarity of his situation, he managed to never completely fall into the water. That’s a huge achievement!
18 Concrete Spilling

Pulling out of a parking lot when a vehicle is coming quickly is a very bad idea, but it’s even worse when it’s a concrete truck.
A concrete truck that has to brake suddenly does considerable damage. Oops.
19 Hard Knocking

Stumbling and falling is one thing. It’s not pleasant, but the damage is usually quite limited.
Stumbling and falling, and then hitting your head directly on the door, however, is a real pain. That’s a rough way to knock!
20 Everyone In The Water

Getting into a towable tube and being pulled by a boat is a very fun activity.
When the boat is going fast and the waves are big, however, it is very likely that you will be violently thrown out of the tube.
21 Out Of Control

You have to be careful when handling a boom truck, because what is hanging from the end can quickly gain velocity, and you totally lose control.
These workers have a hard time dealing with that concrete sign swinging all over the place. It can’t be fun to get hit by that!
22 Beware Of The Hole

No one is safe from failing, not even members of the military, S.W.A.T., FBI or other such organizations.
This man was standing next to the hole from the beginning, and there is no way he didn’t know about it!
23 High Pressure

It is important to check the pressure of a pressure washer, and to be prepared for that pressure, before turning it on.
This woman omitted these steps and suffered the consequences. That’s quite a tumble!
24 Team Work

There are only two plausible explanations for what this young man managed to do: either he is a professional soccer player or he is a hacky sack champion.
He caught this package without any effort, as if it was nothing too difficult. That’s impressive!
25 Bad Moving Skills

These three people definitely don’t know how to move furniture. However, we have a good tip to help them next time.
Furniture moving 101: if your furniture has doors, tie them down to keep them from opening, and don’t take any chances, lift the furniture so the doors are on top!
26 In The Trash Can

Note that it is always best to close the lid of your trash can before tilting and rolling it in front of you.
This woman will certainly never make this mistake again.
27 The Disabled Who Can Stand

This man in a wheelchair did not appreciate being shoved by a passerby who was passing beside him during the storm.
He got up to tell him what he thought, but he finally remembered that he couldn’t walk because he was in a wheelchair…
28 Tasty Camera

Have you ever wanted to know what it would be like to be eaten by a large creature?
Well, here’s a glimpse. This dog really wanted to eat that camera. Enough with the filming!
29 Their Parking

There is nothing more annoying than looking for a parking space, finding one, and having it stolen by another unscrupulous motorist.
The driver of this Jeep, however, had no intention of letting this happen and he went to great lengths to reclaim the parking space he had found.
30 Efficient Vacuum

Seeing these two women having so much fun at a car wash, we almost want to go too!
But be careful: never dance while holding the vacuum cleaner in your hands. Your cheek might get caught in it.
31 Swimming Car

Apparently, this towing guy had improperly attached the car to his truck, and the car decided to go for a little ride.
Imagine the astonishment of these neighbors when they saw the car in their pool!
32 Intense Stream

Imagine this woman’s surprise when she tried to drink some water, but an intense stream hit her squarely in the face.
We can’t help but laugh out loud at this scene worthy of any TV prank show.
33 Drifting Away

Obviously, someone didn’t tie their boat to the dock properly when they returned!
Seeing the boat drift away like that is fun, but then seeing the swimmer chasing it is hilarious!
34 Big Jump

The employee on the right seemed to be having a lot of fun walking on the bubble wrap, but her colleague decided to go harder.
What could be more embarrassing than falling after doing something dumb when you’re at work?
35 The Man In A Ball

This security camera captured a person riding down the street inside a large inflatable balloon.
This is definitely something you won’t see often!
36 Attack Of The Trash Can Lid

Because of the strong wind, this young man received the lid of the trash can directly on his head.
It’s really funny, but we suspect that he would have preferred that nobody witnessed this incident.
37 Slippy Hands

At the gym, no matter what the exercise, we need to make sure we have a good grip on our weights or equipment to avoid injury.
However, this man’s hands slipped off the handle he was holding as he pulled hard. How embarrassing!
38 Scary Box

There is nothing more frightening than to be jumped by someone we haven’t seen.
This man was indeed very scared, but the prankster is really proud of his success.
39 Queen Of The Tube

It’s always difficult to board an inflatable tube that constantly threatens to capsize.
Except for the woman who is already sitting in the center of the tube, everyone else fell overboard while trying to get on. We now know who the queen of the tube is!
40 Hard Bump

We are not sure what the purpose of this operation was, but given the outcome, we strongly suspect that it did not go as planned.
The force with which the young woman was thrown into the cabinet behind her is quite impressive!
41 Failed catch

The will of this dog to catch the ball was very great, but unfortunately, it failed.
Its expression as it slips on the grass, further and further away from the ball, is priceless.
42 So Painfull

How unfortunate that this ball hit the fence post and came back to hit this man directly in the crotch!
The pain must have been breathtaking. Poor guy.
43 It Came Back

In this man’s defense, we also would not have thought it possible for the bottle to come back and hit him in the chest.
The situation is all the more unbelievably funny!
44 Fast Descent

This woman tried to be as sexy as possible for the camera, but unfortunately the tone of the video quickly changed.
This sliding down the stairs must not have been very pleasant, but at least it entertained a lot of people!
45 Beluga Scare

Is it us or did this beluga try to scare this man who was looking at him closely through the glass?
Here is a very surprising moment, but also very funny!
46 Dog Wearing Crocs

Crocs have become so popular that even this dog wants to wear them.
He seems to have a little trouble walking in them, but he’s doing pretty well, in our opinion.
47 It’s A Success!

To make a basket by throwing the ball like this, without seeing what you’re doing, requires a lot of talent, even luck.
But this is clearly a huge stroke of luck! We hope this man went out and bought himself a lottery ticket after this feat.
48 Failed Attempt

This woman tried to throw her bowling ball by throwing it from behind, between her legs, as her boyfriend showed her, but it was a total failure.
The situation is however extremely funny and it is certain that it made everyone who witnessed it laugh out loud.
49 No Take-Off

This gentleman was definitely missing a few air pumps for his rocket to take off as planned.
The result is disappointing, to say the least, and by the same token, extremely funny.
50 Not Solid Enough

We’re not sure what this man’s plan was when he decided to jump and grab that rope, but it clearly wasn’t that.
Luckily there was a trampoline underneath him when the beam fell!
51 Terrible Food

We don’t know what this man was eating, but one thing is for sure, this dog doesn’t want any!
The reaction of the dog is absolutely priceless. We have never seen a dog so terrified, especially when faced with food.
52 Ice Cream Thief

This GIF is simply hilarious. We can only listen to it over and over again and laugh without stopping.
The face of this girl after her boyfriend steals her ice cream is very funny, but the fact that he puts a candy in her mouth afterward is just perfect.
53 Go Fetch

You want a cookie? No? How about if it does a plane ride? Still no? Well, there’s only one option left. Go fetch it!
One wonders what went through this young man’s mind to jump in the water and get the cookie.
54 Interesting Sky

We don’t know what this dog found so interesting about the sky behind him, but he never takes his eyes off it for a second.
It’s too bad for him, because he looks a little silly after running into the front of that parked car.
55 Creamy Balloon

We wonder if it was planned that one of them would eventually receive a balloon filled with cream.
But in any case, it’s a pretty good idea and the situation is quite hilarious!
56 Sitting On Nothing

Sitting on the hood of a car is always at your own risk.
We never know when a car will start backing up on its own, after all!
57 Watch Your Step

It’s a rare experience to walk down a flooded street, where the water is almost up to your knees.
If this ever happens to you, don’t be like this man and keep an eye out for where you’re stepping, or you might get more wet than you need to.
58 Fish Spill

This man will long blame himself for inadvertently pushing that dumping ramp at the same time he was opening the fish trap.
That’s a lot of fish for him to pick up off the ground. That’s even worse than getting caught playing 52-card pickup!
59 Double Fail

As they say, the important thing is to participate, right? Neither of these two players will make it very far in soccer, there’s no doubt about that.
Not only does the goalkeeper have horrible reflexes, but the player has no idea how to aim when he hits the ball.
60 Caught By The Panty

This woman looked totally comfortable and in control sitting on that tree branch, but things got messy.
Her descent from the tree did not go as planned as her bikini panties got caught on a branch. At least it held on!