Graduating With Laughter: Funniest Senior Quotes 🎓😆
1 He Always Loved Himself A Lot

Reading this high school yearbook quote from Kanye West, we understand that his love for himself is not new.
His photo is definitely the best of all time, but go on, keep flipping through the yearbook anyway, just out of principle.
2 Tough Twins Love 🙃❤️

Siblings already tend to argue constantly, so imagine twin sisters.
But Allison and Lauren Rowell take those arguments to a whole new level. They even argue in their yearbook! But hey, that’s just tough love.
3 Joe McDonald Had What, Then 🤔

Ok, the real song says “Old McDonald had a farm”, but hey, that’s close enough for us.
Maybe Old McDonald is actually his grandfather? That means Joe didn’t have a farm yet, but it could come in a couple of years, E-I-E-I-O!
4 Surviving High School 😈🔥

High school is not easy for everyone. But for Randey Chung,it was.
Except for everything that wasn’t, and that was actually hell. But nothing’s perfect, right? So, yeah, all things considered, it was easy.
5 Hide-And-Seek Haircut Game

There’s nothing more frustrating than getting a new haircut and nobody noticing.
In defense of Ghufran Salih’s entourage, however, her little hide-and-seek haircut game didn’t help her cause.
6 💪🍆

Conner Hart is a no-nonsense teenager, and yes, he dared this quote in his yearbook. But surely someone didn’t understand the subtext to allow this quote, right?
But hey, whatever. He’s a teenager, so it’s probably true. We admire his honesty!
7 Mom’s Always Right

His mother warned him not to use this stupid lumber jack photo for his yearbook, but Griffin did not listen. But mom’s always right, you know?
Do you think Griffin regrets his choice of photo today? Sure, this photo shows his muscular thighs, but we bet he would prefer a more classic picture.
8 🙊🤣

Oh, Michelle! Congratulations on the pun with your last name, it’s absolutely delightful!
She’s been a Ho all her life, that’s a fact. Still glad it’s not spelled with an “e” at the end, though!
9 Come On, Learn Faster! 🤓📚

Asians are very upright and disciplined by nature. Also, they generally have high expectations of their offspring.
There is no sloppiness in the Asian culture. But Daniel’s dad should give him some time before rushing him to be a doctor, it’s still a lot of studies!
10 Wookiee At Heart

Actor, singer and songwriter Darren Criss is undoubtedly a big fan of the Star Wars franchise.
We would even go so far as to say that he is a Wookiee at heart! AARRHHHHUNNNGH to you too, mate!
11 👩🦲 Has Its Benefits

We can imagine that the reason Julianna Massa didn’t have hair for the past four years is not a happy one.
But there’s nothing like positivity to get you through the tougher stuff, and we love hers. You have to look on the bright side, right? Way to go, girl!
12 Know Your Priority, This Is Importanter

Well, this guy certainly didn’t become any kind of writer, and probably not a doctor or a lawyer either.
But since, in his opinion, biceps are importanter than anything else, maybe he became a fitness trainer? Or a bodybuilding champion? Is Eric Gomez the new Arnold Schwarzenegger?
13 This Guy Is 😈

Clearly, this Kevin is evil. It’s not enough for him to succeed, others should fail for him to be satisfied.
Even the emotion on his face gives us a bad feeling! He would be a perfect action movie villain, in our opinion.
14 Those Are Big 👂👂

Does he hear everything or are his ears everything? In our opinion, both apply to this young man!
For us, Jaime Mendoza is the Latin version of the famous Alfalfa from the movie The Little Rascals. Do you think he can wiggle his ears?
15 Queen B Has Spoken 👑

The young Beyoncé Knowles did not become the Queen B icon she is today for nothing. Just read her high school yearbook quote to understand.
If she says it, we believe it. Clearly, believing in her own worth has paid off big time for her, so do the same!
16 Tsk, That Guy 😒

Nothing can separate the Hill twins, except him. Nijah Hill. The nerve of that guy!
Really, we love these yearbook quotes, they are perfect! But doesn’t Nijah have anything to say for himself?
17 That’s What Everybody Wants

Matthew Garrett said in his high school yearbook quote what everyone else is thinking.
Everyone wants more Fridays and pancakes. The world would be a wonderful place with only Fridays and pancakes!
18 The Office Best Quote 👌

Jacob Jones is an extremely creative young man, that’s for sure. He was able to adapt the most popular quote from The Office into a perfect yearbook quote.
Anyone who has seen The Office automatically understands the reference. This quote has been used in many ways for years, everyone has heard it many times before!
19 Emos’ Favorite Move

Luis Domantay had a soft emo haircut during high school, but his bangs were long enough that he would shake his head hard to one side to get it out of his eyes every 2 seconds.
At least he’s taking responsibility for the move, that all emos did repeatedly. We are surprised that all this hair flipping didn’t lead to more torticollis.
20 She’s Not Normal, She Fights 👽 And 👻

Everyone loves Sigourney Weaver. And if there is something she is not, it’s to be a normal person.
After all, how can you be normal when you are a famous alien and ghost hunter? God has more than granted her wish!
21 Her Teacher Clearly Wasn’t Gandalf 🧙

We have no doubt about Jucinda’s intelligence, but clearly her teacher was not Gandalf.
If Gandalf decides that you shall not pass, we’re sorry, but there is no chance of that happening.
22 Lap Dancing, An Exhausting Battle

The quote that Channing Tatum chose for his high school yearbook is very profound. It just needs to be adapted a bit for it to be true for him too.
After all, he did work his heart out when he was lap dancing for a living. Dancing is exhausting, and his field of battle was to be better than his mates in order to make as much money as possible.
23 🌮 = 😊

Who doesn’t like tacos? Everyone likes tacos! And Jacob especially likes Taco Bell tacos.
Jacob doesn’t need much to be happy. All he needs is enough money to eat Taco Bell regularly.
24 The Hard Truth 😣

Unlike his peers, this young man does not seem happy to be out of high school. You only have to look at his face to see that there is no glimmer of happiness there.
But that’s because he’s understood the hard reality. High school is not the end, far from it. There are still several more years of school to go, but he’s had enough already.
25 Self-Mockery Nailed 👌

When we laugh, our eyes get smaller. And because of their physiognomy, Asians have smaller than average eyes.
So an Asian already small eyes get really small when they laugh, to the point where they can’t see much. This young Asian man knows this, and he completely assumes it. We love his self-mockery!
26 She ❤️ To 🥰 Someone Who 🥰 Her

All the love for Jennifer Lopez! There is no need to say, love is very important for the singer, and this is definitely the case since forever.
But after all, it is indeed lovely to find someone you love and who loves you back, isn’t it? Long live Bennifer!
27 Coming Out Like A Boss 🏳️🌈

For some, coming out is easier than for others. For Max Crankshaw, it was as easy as saying he doesn’t like coffee.
Really, this young man has a lot of guts. He is clearly going to be judged by everyone for not liking coffee. Honestly, who doesn’t like coffee? You can’t live without coffee!
28 Megan Is A House-Elf

Appearances are sometimes deceiving. Megan looks nothing like Dobby, let alone Kreacher, but if her yearbook quote is anything to go by, she’s a house-elf!
Not to spoil your enthusiasm, Megan, but right now, you’re only free from high school. Your education path is far from over…
29 4 ✖️ Nguyen 🚫 Related

Nguyen is the most common Vietnamese surname, so obviously there can be several in a high school class.
These four young women, however, were tired of being asked if they were related. No, they are not. And they found the best way to say it once and for all in their yearbook.
30 Yes, You Can 💪

Yunosuke Shigeta is a real philosopher! We wouldn’t have thought of it ourselves, but in the end, it makes sense. Garbage can for sure!
Clearly, this man has become a motivational speaker or something. If not, we would be disappointed.
31 For The Office Fans Only 🤭

This high school yearbook quote is probably our favorite. It is so well thought out!
For those of you who don’t feel like searching to find out what it’s about, here’s what our beloved Michael Scott says at the moment quoted by Amber Rains: “Should have burned this place down when I had the chance.” There is nothing more to say.
32 To Avada Kedavra Anyone Is Prohibited 🧙♂️

Damenian Sparks obviously didn’t understand the basic rules of the wizarding world. Some forms of magic are unacceptable!
However, with such a family name, he was predestined to evolve in the Hogwarts universe. But then again, he’s not the first Slytherin to make bad choices.
33 Faithfull Limbs

Nothing beats having loyal limbs. They are our best company, no one wants to lose any of them.
But what about his hips? He didn’t thank them in his quote. But hips don’t lie, do they? They’ve probably enlightened him a few times, haven’t they?
34 Remember You Later, Traumatizer

We don’t know what kind of experience Faith Woods had during her high school years, but from her yearbook quote, it doesn’t sound like it was a smooth ride.
But luckily, therapy is there to help her get over all the traumas she experienced during those years. Hang in there, Faith, it will get better!
35 Definitely Not A Professional Harp Player
According to his high school yearbook quote, Bruce Willis had two distinct aspirations for his future: to become deleriously happy or a professional harp player.
Unless he’s been holding out on us, he definitely didn’t become a harp player. So we deduce that the actor is deleriously happy. Good for him!
36 2 For The Fun Of 1

Conceiving a child is potentially the easiest and most enjoyable part of the whole process. But generally, couple expect one child, not more.
This couple clearly wanted a child, but a second one wasn’t in the cards. Not right away, anyway. And what a disappointment that the best part wasn’t needed for the second baby!
37 Is There Anything To Understand? 😏

These two yearbook quotes seem to complement each other very well. But was this intended? Is there anything to be understood?
Noah and Mason may have timidly tried to come out at the end of their high school years. It’s subtle, but those who know them will see it. If these quotes aren’t related, it’s all a very strange coincidence.
38 Frosted Flakes Forever ❤️

Forget the traditional graduation photos. This guy didn’t want one. Way too boring!
Instead, this guy with the biggest hair wanted to pose with his Frosted Flakes, because they are so great.
39 He Was The One Holding Back ✋⚽

Tim Howard has always had tremendous confidence in himself and his abilities. No one was going to hold him back. Nobody could, except a nation of millions!
As a matter of fact, he managed to accomplish great things by becoming a soccer goalkeeper. Then, he was the one who was holding back everyone else. There is no way that any team other than his could win!
40 Weasels > 🦅

Eagles are certainly very impressive. They are dominant and voracious birds of prey, they are practically the masters of the sky!
But you know, an eagle always runs the risk of getting sucked into jet engines. Not cool. Weasels, on the other hand, don’t risk that at all. So, weasels are much better than eagles.
41 🍑💨🤣

No matter how old we are, no one is safe from a farting joke. We all have our 5-year-old inner self somewhere, ready to come out and laugh at it.
You laugh because she laughs, but she laughs because she farted. And we laugh because we read that yearbook quote about farting. In the end, everyone laughs!
42 Learning New Words 🤓

Learning new words is always interesting. So, thanks to Boula Rami for this yearbook quote! We had to Google this word too.
But now we can say that we agree with his statement. Bow ties really do make everything look prepossessing!
43 Mean Girl 💯

Some people have the gift of being mean without others realizing it. This is the case of Alixandra Garcia.
She’s totally a mean girl, put everyone thinks she’s just joking around. Her level of sarcasm is definitely next level, or what she says is so mean that no one can believe she really means it.
44 🐑 Joke. Why Not? 🤷

Anderson Cooper! One of the most famous American broadcast journalist and political commentator. His reputation is well known, but we didn’t know he was a bit strange.
Need a proof of what we say? His yearbook whote. Who puts a dodgy lamb joke as a yearbook quote? Well, Anderson Cooper, apparently.
45 The Fresh Senior Of High School 😎

Graduating from high school is an important step in a person’s life.
But this senior would like to remind you that despite everything, he is still a fresh man. Age and experience don’t matter.
46 Not Yet An Influencer

This high school yearbook quote idea from Jordan Nero sounds like a really good way to try and gain new followers.
But it doesn’t seem to have worked very well. With only a little over 1,550 followers, he’s not exactly what we’d call an influencer. Maybe he should have tried with his Instagram instead?
47 Longest Quote Everrrrr 💤

Let’s be honest, Ryan Reynolds’ high school yearbook quote is one of the longest we’ve seen.
And honestly, except maybe for his circle of close friends at the time, it is totally incomprehensible. Ryan, you’re an awesome guy, but you’re also a bit weird.
48 Bri, The Sweatshirt Thief

We guess that Bri is the girlfriend of this young man. It’s quite known that girlfriends steal their boyfriends’ sweatchirt, after all.
But he really likes this sweatshirt. Please, Bri, be nice and give it back to him. Especially if you ever break up. Otherwise, it’s stealing!
49 High School’s Bachelor Girl

High school can be emotionally difficult for some. No need to lie, teenagers are kind of silly.
You can be super smart, nice, funny and pretty, but you’ll still spend your high school years alone because, like Morgan, no one want you to be their girlfriend. High school is so unfair.
50 Too Cool For School ✌️

When you read this quote, do you feel the same way we do? Like, we can clearly hear him saying this to his friend.
From his perfect little boy look, it’s easy to see that he’s a clean-cut rebel type of young man. He misses school, but still gets good grades. We’ve all known someone like him.
51 🤔🤷♂️

Caz Maman had to do something, but he no longer knows what. What he does know, however, is that he didn’t do it.
Caz Maman seems to us to be a young man who is a bit dreamy and volatile. Disorganized, too, perhaps? A quote, Caz. That was a quote you had to do.
52 One Too Many 👊

Owen Wilson started high school at St. Mark’s High School in Dallas, Texas, but because he fought others too often, he was expelled and finished his high school years at New Mexico Military Institute.
But no, his crooked nose was not caused by one of his fights, but later, by a collision on a football field, breaking his nose for the second time. You could say that the beginning of his life seems to correlate with the first quote in his yearbook. What a strange trip indeed!
53 Mariah 4 Ever 🤩

Mariah Carey is an icon, so we consider this quote to be a positive one!
Keep it up, Tauaese, believe in yourself, and like Mariah, you will go far! Unless you sing like you write; then it could be problematic.
54 Spencer “The Egocentric” Howard

This guy is like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, but much less cool. Spencer “The Egocentric” Howard doesn’t want to know your opinion on anything.
Only his own opinion matters. But maybe, deep down, he’s just salty because no one likes him enough to take the time to make him a good custom mixtape.
55 Kira ❤️ Jared

Not only is Jared Leto an excellent actor, but he is also the lead vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and main songwriter of the music group Thirty Seconds to Mars. Of course Kira loves him!
Nothing is more important for Kira than to marry Jared. No matter what she accomplishes in life, if she don’t become his wife, she will consider her life a failure. Well, good luck, dear!
56 😂👋

Marissa doesn’t make a fuss. You want a quote for the yearbook? Here you go, short and sweet!
It’s also very direct and funny. You get the sense that she didn’t love high school very much and is already ready to move on.
57 🙌 Ronnie

Did you know that actor Christopher Walken was actually born as Ronald Walken? Young Ronnie wanted to have a career in the theater when he was in high school, according to this message in his yearbook.
Well, not only did he get roles in the theater, but he became one of the most talented actors in Hollywood! Well done, Ronnie!
58 Hunting For A Successful Music Career

This anonymous quote is very funny. But “to raise the roof” means “to make a lot of noise by playing music, celebrating, shouting, etc.”, so is this young man a musician, perhaps?
Maybe Hunter is hunting a prolific heavy metal music career? Hunter is hunting… got it? Haha!
59 🍩🍩🍩

Azhlee Royz Costa loves donuts. It’s potentially her favorite food. According to her, donuts are always the answer.
We tend to agree with her. Donuts are awesome. Got a problem? Eat a donut. You’ll be happier afterwards and you’ll have a clear head to solve your problem.
60 #SorryNotSorry 💋

93% of high schools in America have some sort of dress code, limiting students’ clothing choices. Generally, the main rule is not to show too much skin.
The high school Chloe Cross went to obviously didn’t have a dress code, though, and look how that turned out. Some of Chloe’s classmates didn’t graduate because her midriff distracted them. What a shame! This is why dress codes are important.
61 Not That 💡 😶

If Katia Perez’s computer screen is brighter than her future, it leads us to believe that Katia is simply not that bright.
Let’s just hope she’s not referring to the night shift of her screen brightness. But if she was, she certainly wouldn’t have graduated, so that’s good.
62 🤡 Since Day 1

When you read the answers that Stephen Colbert put to the questions asked to each senior in the yearbook, you would think that the life of this young man is miserable. That no one loves him, that he gets bullied, that he has no friends.
But when you know the man he has become, you simply understand that he is a comedian since day 1!
63 The Next Nobel Prize Winner

Having to create a clone for your high school senior project seems a bit intense, doesn’t it?
But nothing stops Joseph Klein, and he succeeded! His clone, Matthew, even gave him a well-deserved A+. Meet the next Nobel Prize in Science, everybody!
64 🧘😌

Many people do not act the same way with those who are different, even if they are not dangerous, contagious or whatnot. It’s not as if they had leprosy, you know!
As this young man says, stay calm, it’s just an extra chromozome. Yes, Down’s Syndrome is just that. It’s not the end of the world!
65 Oh, He So Dared! 😂

Sometimes parents take things like graduation pictures, or even prom, much more seriously than their child.
That’s definitely the case here. This young man’s mother didn’t want him to use this picture as his senior one, but he didn’t listen. You have to admit, his photo is epic!
66 Can You Say It Out Loud For Us? 😳

One of a teacher’s nightmare is having a student with a name they are unable to pronounce.
This young man is so used to being that student that he simply answers when the teacher’s silence is too long. It definitely simplifies things.
67 Ryan Is THE Man 😍

Ryan Golsing is definitely the ladies’ man since high school, at least.
Seriously, he’s got everything any woman could want, don’t you think? We love him so much!
68 🤜🚪

This young woman is definitely very bright. There is certainly no door that will stop her.
In the end, she’s right. A door is closing in front of you? So what? It happens. Just open it again! Nothing is definitive, you know.
69 Bad Boy Or Loser? 🤨

It is known that girls, or at least a certain type of girls, like bad boys. But being a bad boy doesn’t mean being bad at everything.
From what he says, Dat Tran is not a bad boy, but a loser. And girls don’t like losers. Sorry to break it to you, mate.
70 She Just Dustin Henderson Them

This young woman felt like she didn’t learn anything at times during her high school. And for the teachers responsible for these waste of times, she had a message.
Her reference to the series Stranger Things leads to a scene in which Dustin Henderson, played by Gaten Matarazzo, says to someone, “Son of a B****. You’re really no help at all, you know that?”
71 He’s Been Lost For 4 Years 👀
Were you looking for Danny Burian? If so, we’re telling you today that all this time, he was lost in the middle of this high school.
He doesn’t even go there! But how did he end up there? Poor guy, his voice had time to change and his beard to grow before he could get out of this school!
72 🤫😉

Well, that’s one way of looking at it. Any reason to love something is a good reason, right?
We’re a little more puzzled by the fact that this young woman, according to her quote, said this at the age of 12, though. That’s a bit old for that kind of remark, isn’t it?
73 Someone’s Been Keeping Up With The Kardashians

Quoting Kim Kardashian in your yearbook is quite something. Especially since this particular quote is not the brightess thing she’s said in her life!
But Matthew Peterson is a real fan. He’s seen every episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, and he loves Kim no matter what.
74 We Feel You, Ashley 😓

Group projects are the worst. There is always one person doing all the work while the others just get the good grades, thanks to that person.
Ashley hated group projects, and it doesn’t look like she’s going to get over it anytime soon. Hang in there, Ashley, we feel you.
75 What A Naughty Girl! 😏

But what do we learn in this quote from this young woman’s yearbook! Someone will potentially have to explain themselves!
Also, maybe it’s just a typo, and she actually just bonded with some teachers. But maybe it’s also not a typo.
76 🏫😮💨🥴

We cannot say that Bailey Bird Elkins is not honest. He went to school high, and he fully embraces it.
He still seems like a good, smart guy. After all, he still managed to graduate! And he looks good, too.
77 He’s A Thief! 😨

When we start reading this young man’s high school yearbook quote, we get the impression that he is an outdoorsman, or something like that.
But then we realize that he is actually just a thief. Sure, walking to your freezer is free, but who paid for your jar of Ben and Jerry’s strawberry cake?!
78 🍭👴

Amanda Cook has some great plans for the future, don’t you think? She’s a young woman with a lot of ambition!
Let’s bet she’ll try to get her sugar daddy to play basketball, just to make him die faster.
79 Don’t Send Your Kids To WHS! 😱

Unfortunately, we don’t know exactly which school “WHS” represents. But don’t take any chance and never send your kids to a high school whose name starts with “w”, just in case.
Clearly, this young man didn’t learn to spell well. Imagine graduating from high school and righting like this. What is that diploma really worth?
80 🍆💦🤤

Wow, Angel, you’re a little intense for a high school yearbook quote, no?
At the same time, what you say isn’t wrong, but still. It’s still a little intense. And they let you choose that quote!
81 John And His Legend-Ary Sweetness

Men, John has understood life, and has for a long time. Please take notes!
Of course the world would be a better place if everyone realized that, in fact, women’s rights should be the same as men’s rights. That’s what we call human rights!
82 Sad, But Right

What Savanna Tomlinson says in her high school yearbook quote is unfortunately true and undeniable.
We love the fact that she decided to take a stand and denounce it. As she said in the caption of her Twitter post sharing her quote, she’s “going out with a bang”!
83 ✌️✌️

James is very happy to be out of high school and wants everyone to know it.
We get the impression that he hasn’t necessarily remained friends with many of his classmates, though. But after all, who would want to be friends with peasants?
84 Legendary Senior Quote

We love puns, and we must admit that this one is very well thought out. It is also an original and funny senior quote.
This guy is not Amith, he’s a legend. By definition, he can’t be both at the same time. But he is a legend of what? The tom-tom?
85 For 🤓 Only

Jessica Lee is a very intelligent young woman with a highly developed sense of humor. Did they really think she was innocently listing her favorite chemical elements?
At first glance, this quote seems very strange, but when you refer to the periodic table, the genius of this idea is clear.
86 Everybody Likes A Part Of Andrew

Who says it’s impossible to be loved by everyone? Andrew is brilliant. He just proved that it’s impossible for someone not to love him, at least three quarters of the way.
Well, in reality, the average water content of the human body is more like 65%, but the reasoning is still the same. Everyone likes at least a part of Andrew!
87 The Real-Life Frozone 😲🥶

Anyone who has seen The Incredibles movies can only think of this young man as none other than Frozone. Jason Distant? Certainly an alias to go incognito, but he can’t fool us!
For those who haven’t seen The Incredibles, just watch “Jason” and imagine him as a cartoon. Here is Frozone. It’s amazing!
88 Dadi’s A Bit Creep

This young man wants to be called Dadi. We think that’s a little strange, so we’ll call him Leul, okay?
Besides, this pun using his last name is even more dubious when you look at his unsmiling face, with his look a little off. Leul makes us uncomfortable.
89 🙄🙉

Based on this photo, Emily looks smiling and friendly, but don’t be fooled by her wise and angelic appearance.
In fact, Emily wants nothing to do with you. It’s not that she hasn’t heard you, it’s that she doesn’t want to hear you. In reality, Emily is mean and cruel.
90 The Endless Source Of Quotes

Anyone who has watched The Office knows that it is an endless source of funny quotes that can be used in a wide variety of circumstances.
Using one of The Office quotes for your high school yearbook is obviously a good value. And since Michael Scott is the most absurd character on the show, there’s a good chance that the quote will come from him.
91 That Girl Is A 😏

This young woman has clearly been ridiculed many times because of her last name, especially since she is blonde and pretty.
Let’s just hopethat as time goes by, the disgraceful jokes become rarer, and with age and experience, she has learned to retaliate!
92 Hawaiian Party Time! 🍹

Yes, we know that this yearbook doesn’t have a quote underneath the graduation photos, but the fact that one student managed to convince nearly 60 of their classmates to wear the same Hawaiian shirt on their photo makes us laugh out loud.
If there had been quotes, clearly, these same students would have had the same one, or they would have made sure that each quote was related in some way, that’s a given!
93 A Very Unfortunate First Name 😳

This poor guy. His first name is potentially very ordinary for Indians, but in English, it’s very unfortunate.
As he explains, the “s” is silent. Okay. But you still can’t help but see what happens if you remove the “Pa” from the beginning instead…
94 Abs Are Meant To Be Shown 🐺

Was Taylor Lautner predestined to play Jacob Black in the famous Twilight franchise?
The actor is often seen without a shirt in the movies. For someone who hate shirts to the point of making it his high school yearbook quote, this is a great role. Long live the wolves!
95 🙌🙌🙌

This girl may not be the smartest, but at least she is very honest.
She owes her high school degree to Google, Wikipedia and the copy and paste function, and as a well-bred girl, she wanted to thank them for her success.
96 Hiding A Creepy Man’s Face

A woman who wears a hijab should not have to explain why. It is understandable that Fatima is tired of being asked this question.
But we especially like the answer she decided to give from now on, even if the fact that she hides a creepy man’s face behind her head gives us a little chill.
97 🏈💪

After completing 23 seasons in the NFL and breaking several records, including being the player winning the most game with a total of 251, we trust Tom Brady.
So take notes, but above all, learn how to play in the tall grass. It’s the most important thing!
98 🤴📧💸

We can’t say that this Nigerian has no sense of humor. Indeed, who has never been exposed to one of these scams, from near or far?
The worst thing is that some people are really fooled by this kind of things. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that no one gets caught a Segun time, though!
99 Breakfast: The Most Important Meal

Ideally, you would never be late, because it is a bit disrespectful to those who have to wait for you.
But if you can’t do otherwise, at least grab some breakfast and make your lateness worth it. Breakfast is so important.
100 ❤️🍝❤️

Who doesn’t like pasta? Everyone loves pasta! And what about breadsticks… Yummy!
We agree with this girl, we want abs…olutely all the pasta and breadsticks! Who needs abs, anyway? Pasta over abs all the way!
101 …🥪🤣

It is quite common for friends or siblings to do their senior quote together when they know they will be side by side in their album.
Ella, however, tricked her twin Lilly into saying that they would do their quote together, when she instead took the opportunity to make fun of her. It’s really funny!