The Funniest Things Ever Caught On Hidden Cameras
1 One Too Many Drink

This woman went out for a drink with a co-worker, but it seems that “one drink” turned into “one too many drink”.
As her co-worker dropped her off at her house, this woman had a hard time getting to her house front door.
2 Hidden Cam

The discovery of a hidden camera in an employee’s bathroom in a hotel is a concerning situation. The employee who found the hidden camera in the mirror is brave for speaking up and reporting the incident.
The fact that the direction denied any knowledge of the camera raises further concerns, as it suggests that the placement of the camera may have been intentional and possibly malicious.
3 Caught playing spiderman

Two employees were caught on a hidden camera playing Spiderman during work hours instead of fulfilling their work duties. The footage was discovered by their manager, who chose not to terminate them but instead gave them a warning. After the incident, they were reminded that there was a camera in the warehouse, and they learned a valuable lesson about the importance of staying productive during work hours.
John and Steve were surprised when their boss showed them the video footage of them playing Spiderman during work hours. To make amends, they offered to work extra hours and complete additional tasks to show their commitment to their jobs. They both realized that they needed to be more careful and focused in the future, and they appreciated the reminder about the camera in the warehouse.
4 Fake horror movie

As the elevator doors closed, the girl felt a shiver run down her spine. In the corner of her eye, she saw a figure in a horror movie costume lurking in the corner. Her heart pounded, and she started to panic, thinking she was in danger. It wasn’t until the figure stepped out of the shadows and took off his mask that she realized it was just a guy waiting for his friend. Her relief was palpable, but the scare stayed with her for the rest of the day.
The guy felt embarrassed as he watched the girl’s reaction. He didn’t mean to frighten her, but he couldn’t help but chuckle at her overreaction. He introduced himself and apologized, hoping to ease the tension. To his relief, the girl took it in good humor and even laughed about it. The elevator ride may have been a bit frightening, but it turned out to be a funny story they both could share.
5 Next time, make 2 trips

The guy tried to bring all his groceries in one trip. As he kicked the door open with his foot, he lost his balance and fell backward. His girlfriend captured the hilarious moment on video, which is still being shared at family gatherings and parties.
Despite the embarrassment, the guy took the joke in stride and learned his lesson about trying to carry too much at once. His girlfriend continues to tease him about the incident, but it has become a funny memory that brings laughter and joy to their friends and family.
6 Chill Dog
We don’t know what happened to this poor man to hit this low wall with his bike and completely fall over it to the other side.
What fascinates us even more, however, is the total absence of reaction of this dog, who is sleeping quietly on the other side of the low wall and who does not react at all to the fact that a man is about to fall on him.
7 Worst Outcome

Rodeo is a very difficult equestrian sport that can even be very dangerous. You have to be prepared to get hurt at any time.
Although this rider knew that he was at high risk of being thrown off the bull’s back, or even trampled or run into, he certainly didn’t expect to be hit by a horn at this intimate spot.
8 Airbnb warning

A group of girls discovered a hidden camera in their Airbnb bathroom after staying for three days. The camera was hidden inside a lamp at the top of the sink. The girls were shocked and immediately reported the incident to the authorities.
The discovery left the girls speechless, and they wondered how long the camera had been there and who might have had access to the footage. The experience left them wary of staying in rentals and hotels, and they made sure to take extra precautions to check for hidden cameras in the future.
9 Cliff jumping

Recently, a hidden camera was found at the top of a cliff that captures people jumping and bellyflopping into the water. The dangerous stunt, called “death diving,” has gained popularity on TikTok, with many users sharing videos of themselves participating in the activity. Despite the sport being monitored by the Dødsing Federation, the organization that sets guidelines and world rankings, it remains highly dangerous.
Asbjorg Nesje, a young woman from Norway, is responsible for several viral videos in which she can be seen performing death dives off high surfaces. In one of her recent jumps, she threw herself off a wooden platform from 81 feet in the air before spiraling downward for several seconds before splashing into the waters below. With over 250 million views on TikTok so far, these death diving videos come stamped with a safety warning, and most of the divers participating are professional extreme athletes.
10 Do You See Me?

Hello, in there! Do you see me? I just wanted to say hello! Maybe come in for a bit?
This praying mantis is rather curious! It certainly doesn’t understand that it’s being filmed and that it will go viral on the web!
11 Ungracious Fall

This young woman obviously got stuck in something, potentially her own feet, while walking on this small concrete sidewalk.
She fell in a bit of an awkward position, but she didn’t seem to have hurt herself. It’s only her ego that took a hit!
12 Human Chair

The elevator in which Rita Young and Cesar Larios were on that day broke down. Unfortunately, Young, unlike her name, was no longer young and has trouble standing for long.
So Larios offered to serve as a chair to the old lady while they waited patiently for the elevator to be repaired. Isn’t this a beautiful story of mutual aid and compassion?
13 Double Fall

Roller skating isn’t necessarily easy, especially when you’re going downhill. These two people learned that the hard way without having to go far.
They had just left their home and were leaving their driveway when the first person fell on their back, and the second also fell after trying to help their partner.
14 Full Unzipping

Zippers are very convenient, but always wear at your own risk if a child is nearby.
This woman learned this in spite of herself when this little girl completely unzipped the front of her skirt, exposing a little more skin than she wanted to show.
15 In The Wind

In addition to being completely unsafe, sitting in the back of a pickup is very uncomfortable.
This pickup is moving fast, and this woman has way too much wind in her face. It seems hard to live like that! But why didn’t she sit on the other side?
16 Big Prey

Owls are birds of prey that usually hunt small rodents, small birds,birds, or insects.
This one, however, was very optimistic and went after a prey much bigger than him. Are you sure about your choice, mate?
17 Licking Guy

Security cameras can make your home even safer, but sometimes you may have the opportunity to witness some very strange acts.
These homeowners received an alert that someone was on their porch, and they caught this complete stranger licking their doorbell. Who does that?!
18 Swimming Car

Apparently, this towing guy had improperly attached the car to his truck, and the car decided to go for a little ride.
After sliding off the truck, it smashed through the neighbor’s fence, and plunged into their pool. Imagine the astonishment of these neighbors when they saw the car in their pool!
19 Toppings Stealer

This pizza delivery man was caught stealing pizza toppings on the pizza he was delivering.
Imagine the faces of the people who saw him do it on camera. But imagine especially the faces of the people who received their pizza without toppings!
20 Elevator Split

Sometimes you just want to stretch or do the split for no apparent reason. It just seems necessary at the time.
This girl felt an urgent urge to do the split while she was in an elevator with another girl, who obviously didn’t feel much like having a crouch in front of her like that.
21 Pianist Bear

It’s not every day that a bear invites itself into your home while you’re away. However, these homeowners had a camera to document the presence of this bear in their home.
And the most amazing thing is that this bear went towards the piano. We didn’t know that there were pianist bears, it’s amazing!
22 Celeb Beer Thief

This convenience store security camera caught a man stealing a beer pack. You have to admit that it really looks like Ross Geller’s interpreter in the popular series Friends.
But no! After this photo was made public, actor David Schwimmer set the record straight, explaining that it’s not him in the photo, but a man who looks just like him.
23 Elevator Fright

Imagine the terror the man in the blue sweater experienced after entering that elevator, only to realize that another very creepy man was already there.
Who has fun walking around like that with their head and face covered in a white cloth? It’s totally weird and creepy!
24 Dobby’s Alive!

Harry Potter‘s fans rejoice: Dobby is not dead! This house’s security camera caught him as he walked through their driveway.
Well, maybe it’s an alien. But the shape really looks like Dobby! The most plausible theory is that it’s really just a normal human that we can’t see very well because of the poor quality of the camera, but that’s less cool.
25 Sub-Zero Apprentice

Are you familiar with the Mortal Kombat video game and movie franchise? This man seems to think he’s the character Sub-Zero, don’t you think?
This girl certainly got the fright of her life when she looked up from her phone and spotted this martial arts apprentice in the elevator!
26 Kissing Bears

Imagine that your security camera tells you that there is activity on your balcony, and when you look at the footage, you see two bears that appear to be making out.
Isn’t that way too cute? In reality, they were more playing, but we prefer to think that they were in the midst of a passionate outburst.
27 Exploding House

Sometimes security cameras can capture unusual, crazy things that are not expected at all.
In Princeton, Indiana, on November 15, 2022, a house camera captured the house across the street, on a diagonal, as it caught fire and exploded. It must have been quite a surprise and a shock!
28 Sinking Ship

There can’t be many things more terrifying than being on a boat in the middle of the sea with a lot of big waves, and realizing that the boat is sinking.
The workers on this overloaded fishing vessel must have been terrified when their boat was filled with water!
29 Scary Avalanche

The thing you want most when you go on a snowy mountain is that there is not an avalanche coming down on you.
But that’s what happened to these skiers and snowboarders. While one member of the group was filming their friends for fun, they realized that an avalanche was coming right at them. How scary!
30 No More Screen Door

The owner of this dog left the house to go about his business outside and closed the screen door behind him.
The thing is, his dog was planning to go outside as well. Not being able to open the screen door, he simply ran straight in. Mission successful for this dog, but there is no more screen door.
31 Coffin In The Elevator

Entering an elevator and seeing that there is a coffin inside is already a disturbing experience that no one wants to live.
But imagine that coffin opening and a man’s body half falling out. It’s a life-long trauma, as these two people will probably be.
32 Big Impact

This man felt like jumping down the last flight of stairs. However, he lost his footing when he landed at the bottom of the stairs.
He then struggled to regain his footing, running directly into the glass door in front of him, knocking himself out hard, and then propelling the door that smash on the other side. We believe he would have preferred that the whole thing not be filmed.
33 Not in Park

The driver of this pickup wanted to put his boat in the water, but before getting out of his truck to help his friend unhook the boat, he forgot to put it in Park.
The pickup started to back up, pushing the boat further behind him, and ending up submerged in the water. Never forget to put on Park!
34 Partying In The Elevator

There’s nothing more satisfying than being alone in an elevator, thinking you can do whatever you want without anyone knowing.
Like many, this young woman forgot that there are security cameras in elevators and started dancing and singing like there was no tomorrow.
35 Drunk Swim

This security camera caught a man walking home after having a few too many drinks.
Walking crooked and having no balance, he tried to hold on to the car on his left, but he still fell into the small inflatable pool on his right. That’s what we call an unexpected midnight swim!
36 Wet Hunting

The camera filming what is happening on this property caught a cat in the small maze trying to catch a bird that was passing by.
Despite its very impressive jump, not only did this cat fail to catch the bird, but it ended up its chase directly into the water basin.
37 Purse Thief

The footage of this security camera in a gas station proves that we are never safe from theft. This woman had no idea that this man was stealing her purse from her car while she was filling her tank.
There was still justice because the clerk at the gas station witnessed the crime, and while she was chasing the thief, the said thief drove his scooter directly into the wall in front of him.
38 Getting Out

It was out of the question for this man to stay in this elevator while it was out of order, so he made a hole in the wall and asked the other men present to help him get out through the hole.
Imagine if the elevator had started working again while he was there! The horror!
39 Not Going As Planned

The security camera of this house filmed some kind of small go-kart-like vehicle driving pretty fast down the street.
Is this the fault of a bump or a hole? We don’t know, but the kart started to roll over and finished its journey on the black car parked on the street.
40 Fence Domino

This man thought he was saving time by trying to get over this fence, but unfortunately, it was not the case.
Not only did he not save a single second, but he looked a little crazy as he fell on his back, dragging the fence with him in his fall.
41 Canine Crossing

We don’t know where this scene was filmed, but let’s agree that the motorists at this location are excessively polite and friendly.
While it is not uncommon for a car to quickly pass through a crosswalk even if there are pedestrians wishing to cross, these motorists stopped to let this dog, who was patiently waiting his turn on the sidewalk, cross.
42 Curious Owl

This road is usually under camera surveillance, in case something serious happens, like an accident. But not on this night.
It was indeed very difficult for this camera to film what was happening on the road because an owl came and stood right in front of the lens, very curious to know what this machine was.
43 Flat On The Ground

While trying to get between the cash counter and the shelf, this man tripped and fell flat on his face.
We hope no one but the cashier saw it happening, but unfortunately for him, the security camera recorded it all, and now everyone can see it on YouTube.
44 Small Prank

This man thought he was being subtle by playing a prank on his co-worker, but someone saw him do it and took her picture.
Luckily for him, his colleague didn’t even know that he had attached her apron to her chair, so his prank will still work.
45 Impressive Catch

Usually, on a roller coaster, the only thing anyone can think about is how scared they are.
This man, however, in the midst of the roller coaster’s steep descent, managed to grab someone else’s key ring, which was propelled into the void. That’s impressive!
46 Attack Of The Trash Can Lid

While trying to tip the trash can to make it stand on its rear wheels, this young man gave a little too much momentum with his foot, in addition to the wind which blew rather strongly.
As a result, he received the lid of the trash can directly on his head. It’s really funny, but we suspect that he would have preferred that nobody witnessed this incident.
47 The Backfire

This man wanted to throw his plastic glove at his colleague, but unfortunately, his trick backfired.
It was the wrong side of the glove that released, and the man received the glove in the face. He was so embarrassed that he threw the glove on the floor and pretended that nothing had happened.
48 Heavy Delivery

Being a deliveryman is not always easy, and we understand that this box was big, and maybe even heavy. But we are not sure that rolling it on the ground is a good idea.
Don’t they have a hand truck to carry this kind of package? We hope that it was not fragile, because we would be afraid to see the state of the content afterward!
49 Amateur Thief

This young man thought he was very clever with his subterfuge to steal a gold chain from a jewelry store.
He took the chain, put it around his neck, pretended averything was normal, and then ran for the door. Except that the door was locked from the inside. Oops! Not so smart, this amateur thief!
50 Big Slip

The employee on the right seemed to be having a lot of fun walking on the bubble wrap, but her colleague decided to go harder.
She decided to jump on the bubble wrap, but it slipped under her feet, and she ended up on the floor. What could be more embarrassing when you’re at work?
51 The Man In A Ball

This security camera captured a person riding down the street inside a large inflatable balloon.
This is definitely something you won’t see often!
52 Strange Accident

What could be stranger than three cars suddenly being propelled into the air for no apparent reason? Not much!
It was only afterwards that everyone realized that the truck that was cleaning the street had cables caught in its brush, and that it was the cables that lifted the cars as the truck continued on its way.
53 Slippy Hands

At the gym, no matter what the exercise, we need to make sure we have a good grip on our weights or equipment to avoid injury.
However, this man’s hands slipped off the handle he was holding as he pulled hard. As a result, he was propelled backwards, falling off his bench.
54 No More Beer

Sometimes there are days that are worse than others, when we would have been better off staying in bed. This was that kind of day for this server.
While holding a tray with several beers, one of them fell, and then all the others followed. No need to mention the waiter’s dejected face.
55 This Is The Way
Hiring movers is very expensive, and sometimes just renting a moving truck doesn’t fit the budget.
But no problem! Who needs a truck to move, anyway? This person has the perfect method for stacking large pieces of furniture on top of their car. It seems especially very safe to us!
56 Pet Horse

We don’t know about you, but this is the first time we’ve seen a horse trying to take the elevator.
What is it doing there? Who keeps a horse inside a building? Poor thing, there’s no way it’s going to get into that much too small elevator!
57 Watch Your Step

It’s a rare experience to walk down a flooded street, where the water is almost up to your knees.
If this ever happens to you, don’t be like this man and keep an eye out for where you’re stepping, or you might get more wet than you need to.
58 Getting Pied With A Twist

Pieing someone is one of the oldest prank we know, but this man just took it to a whole new level.
In addition to pieing his friend, he made sure to pin him in his chair with a broom so he couldn’t get up and chase him. This is extremely well thought out!
59 Big Bonfire

It is always best to be careful not to add too much oil when trying to start a bonfire.
This man will certainly remember it long after being in the middle of some kind of brief fire explosion.
60 Need Help

This man lost his footing while in the back of his truck. Fortunately, he was able to hold on to the edge of the box, but he couldn’t pull himself up.
However, a kind motorist came to his aid quickly. Despite the scare, this man did well!
61 Loving His Job

This delivery man clearly knows that he makes people very happy by delivering their packages, and we have no doubt that he enjoys his job very much.
In order to make an even bigger difference for this person, he decided to present their package in a very original way when he saw that the house was equipped with a security camera. We love this man!
62 In Training

This woman was trying to lift a pallet full of crates with a forklift, but unfortunately she did not move the forks under the pallet far enough.
This mistake caused the pallet to not lift horizontally, and the crates placed on it were knocked over. This is a beginner’s mistake!
63 Bye Bye Sandwich

All this man wanted was to enjoy his sandwich on the waterfront, admiring the view.
However, this bird of prey also wanted to eat the man’s sandwich, so he didn’t hesitate to steal it.
64 Flying Guy

This man wanted to pretend he was Iron Man for a moment, so he pointed his two pressure washers at the ground. The pressure actually lifted him off the ground, which is pretty cool.
The problem is that it’s hard to keep the pressure washers in position, so the man inevitably ended up on the ground.
65 What’s The Voltage?

Everyone knows that you should never put a piece of metal in an electrical outlet. We all learn this at a very young age. Don’t we?
We can’t believe that this man thought it was a good idea to test the voltage of an electrical outlet by inserting the blades of a scissor. That’s just plain stupid.
66 Dog Help

These two women just wanted to get a couch out of this room. However, as the woman in the blue sweater bent over to get a good grip on the couch, this dog sniffed her butt and seemed rather interested.
We don’t know if it’s her dog, but one thing is for sure, he really likes her scent! He follows her around with his two front paws on her waist as she moves forward and out of the room.
67 Gotcha!

This dog wanted very much to catch his tail in his mouth, and here you go! He finally succeeded.
It’s a moment he’s been waiting for so long that you can see him walking without letting it go. It’s absolutely ridiculous, but still impressive.
68 Coat Or Toy?

As this woman walked, the dog grabbed the hood of her coat in its mouth, as if it were its toy.
The dog was so insistent that while refusing to let go of the hood, the woman ended up on the ground, laughing out loud.
69 Hard Bump

We are not sure what the purpose of this operation was, but given the outcome, we strongly suspect that it did not go as planned.
The force with which the young woman was thrown into the cabinet behind her is quite impressive!
70 Fast Descent

This woman tried to be as sexy as possible for the camera while going down the stairs, but unfortunately, it didn’t go as planned.
She slipped all the way down the stairs, falling to the ground on her buttocks. This sliding down the stairs must not have been very pleasant, but at least it entertained a lot of people!
71 Broken Branch

This woman had a taste for adventure so she decided to cross this creek using a large branch on which she would swing to the other side.
She didn’t choose a strong enough branch, however, so under her weight, the branch broke and she ended up in the water.
72 Flying Forlift

Usually, at the skate park, we find people on skateboards, scooters, BMX or roller skates, but in a forklift, it is a first.
Not everything seems to go as planned for this man, however. Why isn’t he sitting in his forklift? And how could he take such a jump in a forklift?
73 Nightmares Fear Factory

Horror attractions like those offered by Nightmares Fear Factory are not for everyone. You need nerves of steel!
We don’t know exactly what this couple saw at this point in their journey, but from the looks on their faces, they were very scared!
74 Well-Caught Slide

When climbing a ladder, always make sure it is stable and cannot slip. This man did not take the necessary precautions.
This man’s ladder slipped before he got to the roof, and he slipped with it. Fortunately for him, he managed to land almost gracefully on his feet. Now that’s a fall well-caugh!
75 Watch Out For The Car!

This woman just wanted to pick up the trash that was in her driveway. Dog poop, maybe? In any case, she was not aware that a car was backing up directly into her.
Had she forgotten to put her car on Park? Or was it someone else who wanted to drive away with the car and wasn’t looking to see if she was there? Either way, the woman was hit in the buttocks by the car, throwing her to the ground. Fortunately, the car was backing up very slowly.
76 New Car Window Needed

This man doesn’t like weed so he decided to eliminate it in his driveway using his weed eater.
Next time, he might want to wait until there are no cars nearby, because you never know when a rock will be propelled by the weed eater into a car window!
77 Glass Door, Not Open

The owner of this dog had just exited the house, and the dog decided he wanted to go in. He quickly learned that glass doors can be deceiving, though.
The dog started to run, then jumped up to get into the house, but instead crashed his face directly into the door, which his owner had closed. The dog then pretended that nothing had happened, and went after its owner.
78 Icy Steps

Winter and icy stairs are horrible! You really have to be careful, because the ice is not always visible, and that’s when you are most likely to get caught.
This woman learned this the hard way when she went out to walk her dog and her foot slipped on the first step, causing her to fall down.
79 Small Cat, Large Glass

When you have cats, it’s always a risk to leave a glass of water lying around. You never know when the cat will decide that it wants to drink water directly from the glass.
This little cat gave it a shot, except that the glass of water on this bedside table was way too tall for him, so it lost its footing while trying to drink, and it fell off the table, taking the glass with it.
80 Not Very Good At Hurdles

This young man seemed very confident when he decided to jump over the small door closing this fence instead of just opening it.
He potentially overestimated his hurdling skills, because his attempt was a total failure.
81 The Scream

This picture taken during a Nightmares Fear Factory run makes us laugh a lot. It’s funny to see how each member of the group has a different reaction to what they are experiencing.
While something scary has just appeared to their right, the man on the left looks relatively bored, while the woman in front of him looks a little scared, and the two men in front are completely frightened. The first man in line is so scared that his face has turned into the painting “The Scream” by Edvard Munch!
82 An Oversight That Strikes

A dump truck was traveling on the highway at full speed, approaching an overpass. The problem was that the driver had forgotten to lower his truck bed.
The truck bed crashed into the overpass, damaging the road signs and bringing the dump truck to a drastic stop. It was the dashboard camera of a driver behind the truck that captured the scene.
83 Walking On Water

This young woman probably thought it was a good idea to try to walk on this frozen pool, but she should have tested the strength of the ice before jumping in.
Clearly, the ice was far too thin and it gave way in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, walking on water is not possible, so she got wet. Brrrr!
84 Fast Way Down

Small three-step stepladders like the one this man is using in this photo montage are very practical, but they can often prove to be unstable. You have to be very careful when using them.
This man had placed his a little unstable in the grass, and by placing his foot a little too far to the left on the top step, the stepladder tipped over. He tried to grab the metal pole in front of him, but to no avail.
85 Don’t Skip A Step

Rule number one when using a stepladder: open it well to have your four supports on the ground! Not only did this man climb up his little stepladder without opening it properly, but he accidentally skipped a step on the way down. Never do that either!
The man lost his balance and fell backwards to the ground, taking his little stepladder with him, or rather, on top of him. It couldn’t have been a fun fall!
86 Professional Acrobat

It’s hard to know what this sheep was thinking when it decided to run towards this kind of little bin and dive in head first. What goes on in an animal’s head is not always logical.
However, its plan definitely failed, because this sheep took a tumble and ended up on its back on the other side.
87 Not A Wall

The job of photographer can quickly become dangerous if you don’t watch your step.
While this man was photographing a children’s dance contest, he backed up a little too far, falling into the hole behind him. He tried to hold on, but it wasn’t a wall, it was just a canvas.
88 Well Thought-Out Caricature

Caricatures are portraits that highlight certain characteristics, usually exaggerated, in order to create a grotesque and humorous drawing.
Because these two men are police officers, we find this caricature really well thought out! But let’s hope that these policemen have a good sense of humor…
89 5 Points

That this young boy made this basket is really quite impressive! It’s worth at least 5 points, in our opinion!
We wonder how much the girl admired her brother’s achievement as much as we did, though. The ball seems to have hit hard!
90 Not That Perfect After All

This young man was so proud of the perfect cone he had just made. Visually, it’s a fact, it was beautiful! Very tall and perfectly even.
He just forgot one thing; you have to put ice cream all the way to the bottom of the cone if you don’t want it to fall to the ground before you have a chance to eat it. It’s all about gravity!
91 Your Friend’s Car, Really?

A young man wanted to scare one of his friends by putting a black mask over his face and hiding in his car. Unfortunately, his friend doesn’t have a car that is out of the ordinary.
So this young man failed immensely by getting into the car of a complete stranger without realizing it. We would love to know how this story ended!
92 Let Her Believe She Got It

Sometimes live interviews can backfire on reporters. Like this woman, who tried to shoot a basketball into the hoop behind her, but celebrated her success a little too quickly.
As her ball appeared to be about to go in the basket, she immediately turned back to the camera, but a young man threw his own ball, dislodging hers, so that the ball never went in the basket. Oops. But hey, she’s so happy, so let her believe she got it, ok?
93 Sliding Gone Wrong

Nothing is more fun than using a slide to go swimming in the lake, is there? However, a successful slide does sometimes require some water.
This woman wanted to slide into the lake, but both she and the slide were completely dry, so the woman got stuck at the end of the slide, without falling into the water. Better luck next time!
94 Just Married… On The Knees

This newly married football player wanted to celebrate this new step in his life by running with his wife through a “Just Married” banner held by their friends.
But running with a wedding dress is not so easy, and as a matter of fact, his wife fell just before reaching the banner. The groom seems a bit annoyed by this incident, but the wife finds it very funny.
95 Stay Away From Docks

Note to self: If you’re planning a wedding, stay far away from docks.
There’s just no way this wedding party managed to stay out of the water. No matter how beautiful the photo might look, the risk of ruining your wedding dress in a dirty lake just isn’t worth it. At least we hope the water wasn’t too cold.
96 Golf Cart Acrobatics

Driving the golf cart, stopping it, disembarking to pick up your ball, getting back in the cart, getting back on the road… that’s a lot of steps and a big waste of time, isn’t it?
Still, it seems like a better idea than trying to pick up your ball without getting off the golf cart. In any case, it’s a lot less embarrassing in the end!
97 Don’t Fool Around With A Hoverboard

You should never fool around on a hoverboard, or at least not inside the house. You never know when you’ll lose control.
This young man didn’t plan on losing control at all while spinning around on his hoverboard. He thought he was a bit stupid after he knocked over the table behind him, spilling everything on it.
98 The Werewolf

We realize that it’s definitely just one person in a werewolf costume, but still.
How scary it must be to look at your security cameras and see this! The glowing eyes and the all too realistic costume are scary!
99 Big Bump

These two people on a scooter were not expecting to ride over such big bumps during their trip.
But the person sitting behind on the scooter clearly wasn’t expecting to be lifted out of their seat, high into the air, by a bump that was taken a little too quickly. Still lucky to have fallen back in their seat!
100 Visiting The Fishes

This delivery man, in his desire to deliver his order quickly, did not look where he was going and ran into the fish basin.
He fell all the way into the water, terrifying the fish and probably making the receptionist laugh a lot. We don’t know what she ordered, but it might taste a little different than expected.
101 Dog On The Loose

This woman tied her dog outside while she went on an errand, but she probably should have tied it to something stronger than an advertising banner.
The dog had a sudden urge to run away, and that poor banner couldn’t hold him back. It’s hilarious to see the woman chasing her dog down the street through traffic, running with the Coca-Cola ad behind it!
102 Scary Squirrel

This Amazon delivery girl thought she was just delivering one more package in her day, but this home security camera captured a scene that proves otherwise.
As she came to drop off a package, she spotted a squirrel on the balcony railing staring at her. This woman, visibly terrified by the rodent, ended up throwing the package, believing that it will finally leave her alone.
103 Outdoor Shower

As a driver, it is our duty to be careful when driving through a puddle. As a pedestrian, it is our duty to try our best to stay away from puddles.
Here, no one did their duty, and this pedestrian got a full outdoor shower. Let’s hope he was on his way home…
104 Thieving Bear

Rule number one when in the wilderness: hide your food high up to avoid having it stolen by a wild animal, such as a bear.
However, this bear is not fooled and has understood the stratagem. But what? He is hungry, poor guy, he just wanted to have a look. Maybe steal just a tiny piece to eat.
105 Impressive Parking

We have mixed feelings about the person who parked this car.
First of all, what a moron! But at the same time, we are still impressed. How did they manage to do that?
106 Flexing Muscles

If there is one thing that all men who train hard to get big muscles like to do, it is to admire their own muscles and show them off to everyone.
Look, they work hard, you know, and they’re proud of their big muscles. Even a supermarket camera is a good reason to get in chest and show off your results, okay?
107 Dasani Balaklava

This man went into a convenience store and attempted to steal some items. In order to succeed and not get caught, he had the bright idea to cover his face.
He just didn’t think that in order for it to work, he had to cover his face with something opaque. No, buddy, a Dasani water bottle wrapper doesn’t work.
108 Elevator Prank

Someone played a prank in this elevator and thanks to the camera, you can see the reaction of people as they believe the elevator floor is giving way beneath them.
Even if you’re not one of those who fear elevators for some reason, this is clearly something to freak out about!
109 Sinkhole

Employees at the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky certainly did not expect to find a sinkhole about 40 feet deep when they returned to work the next morning.
Thanks to this surveillance camera, we can see exactly what happened as the floor gradually sank into the sinkhole, engulfing two Corvettes.
110 Quick Unloading

Unloading a truck is time consuming and grueling, but clearly, these delivery drivers won’t have much unloading to do here.
They will, however, have a good cleaning to do to pick up all the broken glass. Not to mention all the money that was lost because of this accident… ouch!
111 Wine, Please

This young lady was definitely on party mode, and she was craving white wine.
From the way the bottle she’s holding is blurry, though, and the face she’s making, it’s clear that something isn’t going her way.
112 No Panties

These two cheerleaders have a really funny face, but it doesn’t look like the face of someone who forces very hard or something.
The only explanation we can find for their awkward expressions is that the two cheerleaders in the air are not wearing anything under their skirts!
113 Is Anyone There?

This cute little frog really wanted to visit the owners of this residence.
Hello! Anybody home? It’s me, Froggy, I just wanted to say hi!
114 Realizing You’re Busted

This thief stole three high-end bicycles, bike accessories, apparel and other stuff, with a total value of around $30,000, from the well-known Toronto store D’Ornellas Bike Shop.
At some point, however, he realized that he was being filmed by one of the store’s security cameras. You can see his face of realization and panic on his face. Uh-oh!
115 Extreme Laundry Pickup

After a few hours of drying on the edge of the balcony, this woman picked up the now dry pieces of clothing.
However, one piece had fallen a little lower, and in trying to pick it up, the woman fell backwards into the brush on the other side of the railing. Oops!
116 Sliding Stepladder

This man wanted to hang something on his roof, but it didn’t go as planned, and unfortunately for him, his security camera caught his failed attempt.
But honestly, who climbs a stepladder without opening it properly? Of course, his plan was going to fail. It couldn’t end any other way! Let’s hope he learned from his mistake.
117 RIP Mr. Butterfly

This man was very proud to show that a butterfly had landed on his right leg, and that he was going for a little walk with it.
However, after a few steps, the butterfly decided to fly away and end its flight exactly where the man’s next step would land… RIP Mr. Butterfly.
118 Standing Dog

This dog is way too cute to not add to our list.
We wonder. though. why he is standing only on his two back legs, and why he looks so pitiful?
119 Simulate Paddling

This man unfortunately lost his paddle during the expedition.
He figured that if he kept pretending to paddle, no one would notice. Too bad someone took a picture of him, otherwise he might have gotten away with it for real!
120 Misplaced Pumpkin

This delivery man had his hands full as he was delivering three packages to this house, and the residents of this house, while placing their Halloween decorations, put a pumpkin a little too much in the middle of the stairs.
The delivery man stepped on it, slipped, and then collapsed on the stairs, dropping the packages in front of him. Angered, he then kicked the packages and Halloween decorations hard. Hopefully, residents will learn to place their pumpkins better in the future!
121 Shopping Bear

Once the evening is well underway, there can sometimes be strange customers who go to buy various items in convenience stores.
No one would expect to see a bear come in, though! This man remained very calm, firmly asking the bear to leave. The bear still came in and ate a lot of chocolate bars, though.
122 Obsene Graffiti On Coat

This man listening to music on his headphones had no idea that a woman was graffitiing his back.
So this man ended up with graffiti of a phallus without having any idea. Let’s bet he made people laugh at him a lot!
123 Fish Spill

This man will long blame himself for inadvertently pushing that dumping ramp at the same time he was opening the fish trap.
That’s a lot of fish for him to pick up off the ground. That’s even worse than getting caught playing 52-card pickup!
124 Hanging Ram

A ram is hanging from an electric wire by one of its horns. Right. No problem… Wait, what?!?
How did this ram get up there? It certainly wasn’t meant to be. What happened to it? Nevertheless, he seems to accept his fate very well.
125 Good Catch

This cook wanted to show off his skills to the camera by perfectly flipping a pancake in his pan, but his colleague had something else in mind.
He doesn’t realize at all that his colleague is stealing his pancake and it’s hilarious.
126 Not Worth The Pic

These days, people will do anything to get the perfect photo to share on their social media.
But this quest for the perfect photo resulted in this woman getting frosting on her face, and everyone had to say goodbye to the dessert.
127 Don’t Run With a Wheelbarrow

This man was running in his backyard pushing his wheelbarrow, but it got stuck in something.
The result? Not only did the wheelbarrow tumble, but so did the man as one of the handles of the wheelbarrow got under his shirt and dragged him down.
128 Stuck In The Window

The only possible explanation to this weird situation seems to us that this woman’s car door is defective and does not open anymore.
In any case, she obviously doesn’t know how to get out of the window since she is stuck like this, and has to go back to her seat. Maybe she should just go out the passenger door? What are the chances that all her doors are defective, seriously?
129 Running After His Fall

We have a little trouble explaining to ourselves what this worker was trying to do when he decided to raise these two wooden plates that were hiding a hole. Going into the hole for some reason?
The fact remains that he did it really badly, and by not looking where he was putting his feet, he fell into the hole, and the wooden plates fell on him. His colleague and a passerby who stopped to watch his colleague work saw nothing of this fail, but unfortunately for him, there was a camera.
130 What’s In Your Feet, Human?

This man received cat-shaped slippers that look suspiciously like his own cat. Were they custom made? We don’t know.
What we do know, however, is that they are absolutely perfect. So much so that his cat doesn’t seem quite comfortable with them. What’s in your feet, human? Why does it look like me?
131 Devilish Eyes

We don’t know about you, but if we saw a man with such demonic eyes on our security camera, we would be totally scared!
This man was walking around the property of these people with a strange machine. Later, these owners learned that this machine allows thieves to detect keyless cars. It can steal the information needed to start your car if you leave your keys near a window or door. Be careful!