Hilarious photos taken in public transport
Subway dance

There are many stories of performers bringing their art to the New York City subway, but one recent incident made headlines for its unusual nature. A young woman was seen performing a pole dance on a subway car, to the surprise and delight of the other passengers. The performance took place during a quiet time on the subway, but the video footage quickly went viral on social media, with many people sharing the clip and commenting on the woman’s skills and bravery.
While some may criticize the woman’s decision to perform on a public train, others see it as a bold expression of creativity and a testament to the unique spirit of the city. The fact that so many people were moved to capture and share the moment is a testament to the power of performance and the human desire to connect with others. The young woman’s face may have been everywhere on social media for a time, but her message of courage and creativity is likely to endure for much longer.
Leather Lover

This person came upon someone dressed in head-to-toe leather while riding on the train. We are surprised that this person does not wear leather gloves, to be conceptual to the fingertips. The photographer thought the sight was hilarious, but the leather-clad rider looks submissive and tired.
We can’t help but wonder if they escaped from someone’s basement, maybe? Either way, a person dressed like this isn’t something you see on the subway every day. And thank goodness for that, because they look a little scary.
No time to lose

A video recently went viral on social media showing a man taking a bath inside a Delhi metro train. The footage, which was apparently filmed by another passenger, shows the man using a bucket and mug to pour water over himself as he sits on the floor of the train. The video has divided opinions online, with some people praising the man’s resourcefulness and others criticizing him for his lack of regard for public cleanliness and hygiene.
While it’s certainly unusual to see someone taking a bath on a public train, it’s also a testament to the creativity and adaptability of people in difficult situations. However, the fact that the man’s behavior has sparked such a strong reaction online is a reminder of the importance of respecting public spaces and the people who share them. Whether we agree with the man’s actions or not, it’s clear that they have raised important questions about hygiene, privacy, and public decorum.
The look

When you wake up in the morning, you might spend a lot of time thinking about what you’re going to wear or maybe not much at all… but for them, it’s not at all the case! We’re not quite sure if they’re drag queens, women, or non-binary individuals.
One thing is for sure, they have a certain exotic quality that you don’t often see on the subway, and they seem to have enjoyed striking a pose for the camera.
Such A Drag

Riders were in for quite a sight when this man dressed in drag sauntered onto the subway. That gentleman went to great heights to look like a lady when he strapped on those high heels. He knows how to keep everyone on their toes.
Perhaps it is also his usual look, and perhaps he would prefer to be addressed using the pronoun “they”. Who knows? And who are we to judge, anyway? Live and let live, as they say! Regardless, they are the queen of the subway!
Pantless ride

A woman in San Francisco became known as the “Pantless Bike Babe” for her habit of riding her bike around the city in her underwear. The woman, whose name is not given, apparently began riding in this way as a form of self-expression and protest against the strict dress codes enforced by her former workplace. She quickly gained a following among local cyclists and became somewhat of a local celebrity.
While some may view the Pantless Bike Babe as an attention-seeking nuisance, others see her as a bold and inspiring figure who is unafraid to challenge societal norms and expectations. Her unconventional approach to biking serves as a reminder that cycling is not just a practical means of transportation but also a form of self-expression and creativity. Whether or not one agrees with her methods, it’s clear that the Pantless Bike Babe has succeeded in getting people talking and thinking about what it means to be truly free and authentic in our daily lives.
The Playboy

Someone spotted this gentleman on the subway dressed in a Playboy bunny outfit. We can’t help but wonder why he dressed up in the iconic suit to take public transportation. Was it Halloween? Was he headed to a photoshoot?
Or was he looking for a hopping good time? Whatever the answer is, he doesn’t seem to carrot all that he’s in that getup on the train. No one else around him seems too concerned, either. We must be the only ones who find such an outfit strange.
Say Cheese!

It’s well known that many pets resemble their owners, particularly dogs, but this woman and her tiny chihuahua seem to be just a bit out of hand. There’s a lot to unpack in this photo that someone took while riding on the subway.
We can’t ignore the fact that the pup is wearing a blond wig, pearls, and what looks to be a hot pink evening gown. The woman sitting next to them looks just as shocked as we are to see a grown woman snapping a pic of that poor dog.
Subway Prep

This lady pops up on the New York Subway from time to time and is often spotted doing some meal prep on her lap. From slicing whole chicken to icing a cake, she makes the most of her commute time. Is she going to a cooking class or something?
On this particular day, she chose to chop an onion, and became the most hated person on the train. We understand that life goes fast these days and that 24 hours in a day is often not enough to do everything we’d like to do, but this seems a bit exaggerated.
Worst Seat In The House

We’ve heard of napping during a commute. It seems to be something quite common around the world. But this specific situation is simply absurd. Someone made themselves at home on the subway and took a no-pants nap, just like that.
We’re impressed they brought their pillow along, too. Although, the expression on that poor rider’s face sitting next to that man says it all. At least the police can’t take that napper to jail for resisting a rest!
That Necklace

This woman spotted on the train has a lot going on in the fashion department. From her yellow butterfly tights to her loud flowery dress, she marches to the beat of her own drum. We have rarely seen a person wearing so many colors at the same time!
However, there is one particular thing that catches our attention in her attire. We can’t get over her amazing necklace made entirely out of characters from the popular TV series The Simpsons. That bauble must have cost quite a bit of D’oh!
Time Travel

This gentleman certainly knows how to make a fashion statement. We’re not sure what to make of his tribal outfit. Did he magically come alive and escape from a museum exhibit? Is he a time traveller who is desperately trying to travel back to his own time?
Either way, he is rocking that amazing hat. We love how the ladies riding on the train with him don’t look phased even in the slightest way. There must not be many people walking around New York dressed like that these days!
Chicken Of The Sea

This is quite a bizarre scene to stumble upon while commuting to work. Why is this woman handling raw meat in a pan while wearing a wet suit and flippers? Is it even sanitary to handle raw meat in the subway? Does she teach an underwater cooking class or something?
There has got to be a logical explanation for this one. It has to, because it’s too weird. Unfortunately, we may never know the correct answer to her strange behavior, so we’ll just venture a guess and say she’s totally bonkers.
Pole Position

That gentleman probably thought he had a front-row seat to the action when a woman started pole dancing on the subway. It’s not every day that we get to see that kind of entertainment during our commute. But her performance totally popped!
She spun right around and spilled her soda all over this man’s shirt. He doesn’t seem to mind too much, though. Instead, he seems to accept the situation, resigned, as if it were just a bad moment to pass. Luckily, it did little harm, since it was a soft drink.
Acrobatic subway

One young woman has found a way to turn her daily commute into a personal gym. Instead of sitting or standing during her subway rides, she uses the time to practice her gymnastics skills, including impressive splits and other acrobatic moves. Passengers on the subway have been amazed and impressed by her dedication and athleticism, often stopping to watch or film her performances.
While some may view the woman’s subway gymnastics as a potential safety hazard or nuisance to other passengers, many see it as a creative and inspiring use of otherwise wasted time. By making the most of her daily commute, the young woman is not only improving her own physical abilities but also bringing a moment of joy and wonder to the lives of those around her. Her dedication and enthusiasm are a reminder that there is always room for creativity and self-improvement, even in the most mundane of daily tasks.
The Meeting

Another Reddit user shared this funny pic they took while riding on the New York Subway along with the caption, “Dude just whipped out this desk on the subway and started his meeting.” This guy is totally management material with that kind of resourcefulness.
As they say, it’s better to be prepared in all circumstances, after all, and this man totally understood that! This looks like a successful subway meeting for all involved. Good work, sir. He certainly deserves a raise for his dedication.
Wild Thing

This gentleman riding on the subway is all business on top and party on the bottom. Was he late for work and left the Halloween party in his costume? Does he think that he’s a half-animal? Was it laundry day and those were the only clean pants he could find?
This photo inspires so many questions! But whatever the answers may be, and despite his serious and concentrated face, we find it difficult to take him seriously. Indeed, he simply looks totally wild to us.
Oktoberfest Fallout

It’s often that people sleep while riding public transport, but it’s rare to see a pile of passed out men in matching red-checkered blouses. It seems like these guys had a little bit too much fun at Oktoberfest and needed to sleep it off.
They must have had the most un-beer-lievable time at Oktoberfest! If their identical shirts are anything to go by, they were prepared for this event and were not the type to feast shyly! They went completely all in, and their current state is testament to that.
Creature Comforts

We’re not sure exactly what we’re looking at here. This person carried some sort of furry creature along with them on the subway. Is that a pet? Is it a stuffed animal? Why does it look so adorable in that little jacket and those tiny Converse tennis shoes?
Either way, we certainly would not feed that little furry thing after midnight, just be on the safe side. Because even if it seems quite adorable, he seems a bit scary and creepy too. We prefer not to look at it for too long; who knows, it might offend it, and we don’t want that!
The Belle Of The Subway

A person snapped this pic of an aimless Belle from the movie Beauty and the Beast waiting for the subway to arrive, and posted it to social media. Is it just us, or does she look completely lost? We can’t help but wonder where the Beast is?
Regardless, she’s a long way from her village in France. What is she doing wandering around the New York City subway station? It’s a hard world out there for misplaced fairy tale characters. Hopefully, she’ll find her way home.
Watch The Tail

Just a normal day on a Japanese subway where a woman is dressed like a cat, complete with a fuzzy tail and ears. After all, the feline look is in fashion, it is well known. However, Miss kitty needs to be more aware of her surroundings.
She probably doesn’t realize it, but her tail is totally invading that gentleman’s space, and the offended look on his face says it all. He doesn’t seem to like having a fake cat tail invade his living space. He should reach down and yank that tail until she moves.

This young lady loves her duck so much that she takes it along in a clear backpack. We’ve heard of support dogs and miniature horses, but we’ve never heard of a “support duck”. It actually looks pretty happy to be in that backpack.
It’s not every day that a duck has the chance to see the world like this, on a human back! Admiring the meanders of a subway, it must definitely make a change from his little pond. The woman must also be happy to take her duck out. Until it goes to the bathroom in there. Yuck!
Avatar Commuter

Halloween has got to be the funniest day of the year for commuters. You never know who you’ll run into while taking the public transit. Take, for example, this man dressed as Jake Sully, a character from the movie Avatar.
We especially love the juxtaposition of a tribal blue man from a faraway planet using a human cell phone. Accuracy obviously wasn’t that important to this guy. After all, who can do without technology these days? Despite of this, his costume is still pretty impressive.
Suction Cup Sleeper

Sometimes commuters drift off to sleep while they ride the subway, but it’s always embarrassing to wake up completely slumped over a stranger who looks at us with an offended look. But this fella came up with the perfect solution to avoid that awkward situation.
His homemade suction cup hat involves a Fedora, a hook, a rope, and an “S” ring. Now he can sleep with confidence. Somebody get this guy on Shark Tank because this is a genius idea! Even though the girl next to him doesn’t look so sure about it.
A Real-Life Karen

A passenger snapped a pic of a woman with a computer for a head and it feels like a scene straight from SpongeBob SquarePants. We can’t help but imagine that somewhere in the ocean, Plankton is desperately looking for his wife, Karen.
If you don’t think this hilarious, then we can’t be friends. But no kidding, if this woman wants to travel incognito, there are several options less cumbersome and strange than putting a computer screen on her head.
The Perfect Headline

This hilarious picture popped up on Reddit and we couldn’t pass up adding it to this list. The headline of this newspaper is way too perfect, especially with that weird man hanging upside down in the background. What is he doing?
This is probably just another maniac incident on the New York subway. Doesn’t the newspaper just say that there are several of them these days? Really, how funny is it that not one person looks fazed by the situation?
The Tree Man

Someone riding on this train certainly has the Christmas spirit. We’re not telling you which one, but we can reveal they’re hiding in a Christmas tree. We have to give them credit for their impressive festive spirit.
Although, the lady sitting to the right of the mysterious person does not appear to be impressed at all. Bah Humbug! This woman definitely does not have the same Christmas spirit as the person hidden in the tree. Could she be some kind of Grinch?
Green Army Man

According to one Reddit user, this guy was spotted on the New York City subway handing out plastic army men to children. We have to admit, that costume is pretty amazing. He looks like he just spilled out of the toy box from the movie Toy Story.
Which leads us to our next question: where’s Woody and the gang? In any case, this man is very generous and nice to give small toys to children. His costume, especially his mask, is a bit scary, though. We hope he didn’t scare anyone!
Masked Up

Riding the subway—or any other public kind of transportation, really—during a pandemic can be a scary thing, so we understand that some people may want to take extra precautions to protect themselves from the virus.
This gentleman was smart enough to mask up before boarding the train, and he was so cautious that he even took the extra step to put a mask on his little stuffed friend, Ernie, as well. But that man knows that’s a doll, right?
Blue Man

The New York City subway can really bring the freaks out, and those people seem to like to be on full display. Case in point, this fascinating gentleman in a blue floral body suit, insane black wig, and dominatrix dog collar.
Why do we get the feeling that this guy escaped from someone’s basement? It doesn’t seem like a creature that should freely walk around on public transportation. Someone needs to grab a leash and lead him back to the cellar.
Fox Friend

There is absolutely nothing of interest going on in this photo. Nothing at all. Just a normal man and his normal pet fox riding on the subway. Nothing out of the ordinary, then. Only a boring day on the subway. Don’t you agree?
That little fox creature does not look like it might have rabies or could randomly start ripping people’s faces off. Everything is just fine. It seems calm and sleepy. Right? I don’t trust the look in that fox’s eyes. He’s about to turn.
High Priestess

We’re not sure what kind of spell this woman could be able to put on us, but we are totally loving her look. From the colorful, elaborated headdress to her orange kaftan and blue accessories, she is rocking the high-priestess vibe.
Is she a fortune teller? Is she even real? It feels like we’re in the presence of an ancient goddess, or at least of a woman from a tribe that we don’t know yet. Minus the cell phone, of course. Admittedly, the cell phone contrast a bit from the rest of her gear.
Alien Spotting

We’re not sure what to make of this strange, pale person spotted on the subway. It looks like the mother ship could use that pyramid hat as a landing pad or something. This person’s look is definitely unique, but we wonder if it’s on purpose or if they are just wearing everything they own at once.
In any case, we now have a concrete proof that alien life exists, and that some of these aliens spend all day riding public transit. Seriously, we’re slightly afraid of this probably human being. Beam me up, Scotty! We prefer to keep our distance.
Bad Bunny

This is quite a sight to behold on your morning commute. If your children’s Easter baskets are empty this year, it’s because the Easter bunny got held up when riding on the subway. Is it just us, or does that bunny look like it’s up to something?
We don’t trust that bunny one bit. Absolutely not at all. We would advise you not to accept chocolate from him. This situation seems straight out of a terrifying horror movie. This rabbit can get up at any time to set in motion his Machiavellian plan!
Pink Chicken

Here’s something that you definitely don’t see often. A pink chicken riding on the subway in a pink baby stroller on which are placed some colored paper skeletons. To make things even weirder, their owner is hand-feeding them Cheerios along the way.
This makes us feel like we’ve been eating crazy pills and it’s all a strange dream. The hanging skeletons only add to the nightmare. Are we sleeping? It’s so easy to fall asleep on the subway after a long day! Quick! Someone wake us up!
Birds Of Prey

Only in Moscow would you see a group of teenagers like these riding on the subway, each having their own bird of prey with them. We have just a few questions, though. Are they members of some sort of bird enthusiasts club?
And where are they headed with those owls and falcons? We think we know the answer, because this is pretty obvious to us, and Harry Potter fans will love it. Those teenagers must certainly be on the train to Hogwarts.
The Lord Of The Subway

Does anybody else get strong Lord of the Rings vibes from this strange, unearthly being spotted on the subway? You would think that creating the one ring to rule them all would make Sauron omnipresent, but it looks like he has to travel by transit, just like the rest of us.
We would totally switch to a different seat if we encountered this terrifying sight in real life. We have seen the movies; we know what he is capable of. We would never want to be in his presence like this, with no way out!
Witch Doctor

The entire train emptied when this witch doctor took a seat. No one in their right mind would sit next to this pretty strange guy. He has some serious” booga booga” vibes and looks like he could shrink your head with one stroke of his hand.
Did he escape from the museum? Does he need the code to the secret tablet to go back to where he came from? Being in this subway with him, we would be afraid that he would cast a spell on us, or that he would create a little doll in our likeness for his voodoo sessions!
Pot Of Gold

A leprechaun was spotted riding the subway, and his pot of gold was in tow. What an amazing sight! We thought these guys strictly slid down rainbows to arrive at their destination. We never would have guessed that they also took public transportation.
And this little fella is totally legit, as you can see by his pointy ears and green knickers. There is no chance that it is just a man in a disguise. We can just hear this guy too well mumbling to himself, “They’re always after me lucky charms.”
Turkey Time

This is what we call ultra-strange. Here we have a man, dressed as a turkey, and eating a turkey on the subway. We can only imagine what the people around him must be thinking. The lady beside him looks amused, but the little boy doesn’t look so sure.
Does he realize that he is consuming one of his own? I hope they weren’t related, because that’s going to make for some nasty bickering at the next family dinner! But this seems like some sort of twisted Thanksgiving prank to us. Either way, we suspect fowl play!
What A Racket

Nothing to see here except a man riding the bus with a really massive tennis racket. That thing is so huge! He must be on his way to a tennis match for giants or something. We see no other reason for him to be travelling with a racket that size.
Unless, of course, he’s actually a tiny man, and the racket is normal-sized. We’ll never know. But seriously, is there an alternative type of tennis using oversized rackets and balls? If so, we really want to try! Somebody, find us this man!
The Knight

All the passengers on this train should feel extremely safe because a real-life knight is there to protect them at all costs. Although, it appears that the woman sitting next to him seems rather annoyed by the noble knight, and the gentleman isn’t taking him seriously at all.
But we can understand that man’s reaction. Honestly, we would probably laugh a great deal if we encountered that person as well on the subway. Regardless, he definitely needs a cool name. We dub him Sir Rides-a-lot!
Hamster Witch

It’s common to see people with their pets on the subway, whether it be dogs, cats or birds. But this isn’t something that you see everyday on public transport. Here is a business man walking his pet hamster on a leash. That’s a first for us!
And to make things even weirder, the hamster appears to be a witch by the look of its hat. Why else would the hamster wear such a pointy hat? There is really no other explanation for it. That little thing is wickedly cute!
Where The Wild Things Are

The subway can be a very exciting place to be during Halloween. You often see people dressed up in costumes while riding public transport, and really, you can admire all kinds of costumes, from the most conventional to the most extravagant and original.
This family was snapped on the train dressed as some of the main characters from the beloved children’s book Where the Wild Things Are, and we can’t get over it. They’re so cute! They officially win Halloween. Forever. End of Story.
Peacock Spotting

Here’s an animal that is rarely—not to say never—seen on the subway. A gentleman boarded the train with a really tall stuffed peacock balanced on his arm. We’re not sure where that thing came from or where it’s heading, but it’s a good thing that people are staying away.
Even if it is no longer alive, this stuffed peacock really takes up a lot of space, and it’s a really good thing he can’t open his tail anymore, because it would be a lot worst! We wouldn’t want that peacock to get its feathers ruffled.
Pet Pineapple

Here’s a pretty bizarre, astonishing sight to be seen on the train. A woman, dressed in all black, was spotted pulling a pineapple on a chain behind her. Yes, you read that right: a pineapple. We’ve heard of a pet rock, but we’ve never heard of a pet pineapple.
Is that really a thing? We love pineapples, but isn’t it a little weird? Especially since it is not in a cage, at best, but on a leash. We can’t help but wonder if they make loyal pets? That must be the pineapple of her eye. Be careful and do not step on it, please!
Doggie Bag

According to Reddit, dogs must be able to fit in a bag in order to be able to take public transport in New York City. After all, one can understand. Public transportation is often crowded, and a dog on a leash might make people who are afraid of dogs uncomfortable. There is also the hygienic aspect.
So, this man found a creative way to take his large pup on the subway with him by placing his pet in a bag. That is one husky-sized tote! This man has understood the rule pretty well, and no one can blame him for the presence of his dog.
Mona Lisa Smile

Someone spotted a piece of living art on the subway when they snapped a pic of this woman who looked just like the famous Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo da Vinci. The resemblance in so uncanny that we can hardly believe our eyes.
If Leonardo da Vinci had seen this image, he would have Louvred it! Has she ever gone to see her painting and posed with it? It would be an incredible photo. What a mise en abyme! We would love to see this!
Hissy Face

We know that it’s bad luck to cross paths with a black cat, so it must be super bad luck to encounter a hissing black cat on the subway, don’t you think? This cat doesn’t look happy at all, and he seems to have a grudge against the woman sitting next to him, but she doesn’t seem to care much about him.
We still have a few questions, though. Why is the cat riding on public transport? Why is it wearing a leash? Wouldn’t it be easier to put it in a cage? And, most of all, what is its problem? That is one sour puss for sure!
Strolling Around

It’s common to see parents pushing their baby in a stroller on the subway, and it is also quite common to see a dog owner traveling with his furry friend in the subway, but it’s not quite as common to see a dog riding in a stroller.
Maybe his owner considers it their baby, but that is one spoiled dog to be pushed around in a tram all over public transport. Although, it looks pretty doggone cute in that hat. One gets the impression that it is not totally satisfied with its situation, though.
Earth Angel

Have you ever wondered if angels are real? Well, we now have proof that they exist and sometimes take public transport. This lady fell straight from heaven onto the train and, by the looks of her, it was a rough trip to earth.
We have to admit that we thought the angels were happier and more sociable than this lady, but we are aware that there are days less easy than others. Her wings must be broken because she was forced to ride the subway, so it must be a pretty bad day for her.
That’s Quite A Look

This would be quite a sight to behold on the subway. It definitely appears that a genie escaped his lamp and needed a ride to his next destination. He must have left his flying carpet at home. Either way, he looks super fancy.
It’s hard to go unnoticed when wearing a colorful outfit like this. We’re not sure why this man is dressed up like he is, but we’re totally here for it. Do you think he will grant us three wishes if we go and ask him politely?
Edward Scissorhands

Tim Burton fans will absolutely love this pic. A fellow passenger took a photo of a man dressed up as Edward Scissorhands while riding on the subway. From the reaction of the disguised man with his sideways glance, we get the impression that the photographer may not have asked his opinion before taking the picture, though.
But in any case, that’s an impressive costume, if you ask us. He did a great job on the whole look. He’s a pretty sharp guy! However, we advise you to keep your distance; the slightest movement of his hands could be dangerous. We know it, we saw the movie.
Matchy Matchy

This man had the funniest surprise of his life when he realized that his shirt pattern matched the subway seat perfectly. Who knew that public transport could influence fashion in such a way? We don’t expect to see this getup on the runways of fashion week any time soon.
This guy needs to rethink his life choices. It’s enough to make you wonder where he buys his clothes. We’ve often seen clothes that look like old curtains or tablecloths, but never bus seats. That’s a first! We hope this shirt is not made of the same fabric as the seats, though. Otherwise, it will itch!
Furry Convention

We would not want to stumble upon this wild group of people dressed as animals on the subway. The Dalmatian look nice enough, maybe because it wears glasses, but that fox looks like it wants to eat us for breakfast.
The wolf and the second dog look both a bit shady as well. We’d be switching trains pretty quickly if they were to get on board with us. We want to live to tell the tale, and we have the impression that such a meeting would be rather the beginning of a horror movie.
Perfectly Timed

There are those exciting moments in life when a photograph is perfectly timed, and this is definitely one of them. This gentleman suddenly looked very dapper when the train stopped in just the right way to make it look like he was wearing a tiny derby hat.
This image is totally cap-tivating! And it’s pretty funny, too! Did anyone tell him about this happy accident? If we were him, we would like the person to share this picture with us. We would certainly publish it on our social networks. Such a chance is to be shared!
Here’s Waldo

All these years people have been searching for Waldo in the Where’s Waldo books, so we were shocked to learn that he’s been riding the subway all this time. If we had known we could look for Waldo in real life, we would have started a long time ago!
Speaking of Waldo, we have a little riddle for you: have you ever wondered why Waldo always wears stripes? It’s because he doesn’t want to be spotted. Ha, ha! Riding the subway, however, it is not particularly successful.
Hanging Out

This kid seen on the train really knows how to hang out, and we mean it literally! He strapped his scooter onto the handrails and took a load off for the ride. This is actually a genius idea and he should market that product.
It would run successfully after being kick-started, we’re sure of that. Many people often complain that children are getting lazier and lazier these days, but laziness allowed this boy to be resourceful and find an original way to not stay up on his feet! Even if the subway seems empty, but that’s another story.
Subway Creature

Either this is some sort of performance art or someone spotted a man from the future on the New York City subway. We suspect that it’s somehow connected to the Instagram account Subway Creatures, which features photos of strange sightings on public transit.
Either way, that’s a weird and wonderful outfit that fella is wearing. He gets high marks for creativity and just looks like an all-around weirdo. This is something that you definitely don’t see every day. He reminds us a bit of DJ Marshmello, but more techno!
In The Jungle

A very well-dressed lion was seen riding on a train. From his fancy suit to his classy walking cane, this guy has us roaring with laughter. We love how no one around him is phased by the sight of him in the slightest way.
That lion mask is so realistic that we would definitely steer clear of that guy. He looks like he could rip our faces off in an instant. It’s either Halloween or this person is delusional and thinks he’s the king of the urban jungle.
Fashion Fail

This musician found a very clever way to keep his head warm. He didn’t bother to waste money on buying a hat. Why should he when he could just snip off the bottom of his blue jeans and squeeze his head into it?
We have to say that he’s not going to win any fashion awards in that getup, but we give extra points for creativity. Either way, we wanted to take a moment and celebrate this epic fashion fail spotted on the subway.
Male Pattern Baldness

There are those moments in life where a pattern seems to appear out of nowhere and it feels like a glitch in The Matrix. A commuter snapped this hilarious pic of five bald men sitting in a line while riding on a bus.
What are the odds of these balding men all boarding the bus at the same time and sit one behind the other like that? It’s quite an unusual sight to behold and something that may never happen again. Perhaps they are all going to a bald men’s meeting?
Robot Rider

We can’t think of one good reason this woman might be wearing a homemade robot mask on the subway. Maybe it was Halloween? Perhaps she found a creative way to mask up amidst the pandemic? There are not a lot possible explanations.
We may never know the real reason this woman felt that it was necessary to transform into a robot for the commute that day, but I’ll tell you one thing: we certainly would want to push her buttons! Would she make funny sounds in return?
Bird Man

The award for the most impressive costume ever spotted on the subway goes to this gentleman, who had to fold in his wings to even perch himself on the seat. The attention to detail on this costume is “egg-ceptional”.
The amount of work he certainly put into the fabrication of this costume doesn’t fly over our heads. Okay, enough with the bird puns. Although he looks like he doesn’t give a hoot who looks at him during the commute.
T-Rex Cowboy

This man dressed as a cowboy riding an inflatable T-Rex while taking the subway is dino-mite! We really love how nonchalant he looks, holding onto the reins as if riding a dinosaur is a totally normal thing to do.
You’d have to be pre-historic not to find this photo funny. I also like how unamused the T-Rex looks to have a random man in a cowboy hat riding him bareback. This entire scene is hilarious, and the man really seems to enjoy entertaining the surrounding people.
The Patriot

Listen, we love America just as much as the next person, but this man spotted riding the subway took his patriotism to the next level. From his American flag shirt down to the red, white, and blue shoes, his outfit is screaming with pride.
We just have a few questions. Was this picture taken on a national holiday or was he just overtaken with support for the United States on a regular day? What exactly is going on with his tennis shoes? Were they made with wings he created himself? Or did he buy his shoes already winged?
Hanging Around

There is nothing worse than getting on a crowded subway to discover there is not a single available place to sit. But this man found a creative way to handle the seat shortage and hung upside down from the ceiling railing.
Not only that, but he’s passing the time by reading a book upside down. This gentleman is resourceful and extremely talented to be able to read with all of the blood rushing to his head. How long do you think he can keep it up?
Mr. Bunny

People often bring their pets with them on public transportation, so it’s not a strange sight to see. We are all used to it. But it’s not every day that you see a man carrying a bunny over his shoulder while riding an escalator, though.
And it’s even rarer to see a man carrying a rabbit that’s wearing sunglasses and a neck scarf! That little bunny is “hair-rasingly” adorable. It looks like it’s totally ready for some relaxing fun in the sun. This bunny definitely has a great look.
Pacman Fever

At first glance, this young man looks rather dapper in a suit, but upon further inspection, it appears that his suit is actually covered in a Pacman maze. We think that’s the coolest outfit we’ve ever seen. That man must be a gamer!
This image has us asking one question, though. We just can’t help but wonder why such a sharp-dressed man would take the subway? He simply must not like to walk-a-walk-a-walk-a-walk-a-walk-a-walk. Ha, ha!
The Astronaut

This person wearing an astronaut costume while riding on the subway is totally out of this world. Once again, we have to wonder if this picture was taken on Halloween or if this lone astronaut just really loves NASA really much?
No one else around them is dressed up, so we’re going to assume it’s the latter. It’s just so funny how no one around them seems to care that they’re riding on the train with a rogue astronaut. Maybe it’s a real astronaut ready to go into space?
The Quack Up

The commuters on this train were treated to an unexpected cute guest on public transport. Those ladies look pretty shocked and amused to see that little thing sitting next to them. We don’t blame them for snapping a pic.
This poor duck lost its way and ended up riding the subway somehow. Although, it looks pretty pleased with itself, so maybe it actually meant to catch a ride on the train. Regardless, this photo totally has us quacking up!
Social Distancing

We understand that people wanted to establish the appropriate social distance while riding on the subway, but this commuter took the assignment a bit too far. He used a stadium pod to keep others away from him.
This is actually a brilliant idea because it serves two purposes: it provides a socially distant rode while it also protects the rider from germs. The company should have totally marketed these pods during the pandemic. It would have made a fortune!
Skater Pup

Someone took a photo of this adorable skateboarding dog riding on public transport. This pic is totally awesome on so many levels. From the baseball cap down to those little skater shoes, we love this dog so much. Actually, it’s the coolest dog we ever seen!
His scruffy fur and laid-back vibe make this dog look like a true skater boy. We’d love to see this hip little guy in action at the skate park. We are convinced that he is capable of spectacular things! What breed of dog is this? It must be a “boarder ollie”.
Baby Faced

This photo of three friends wearing baby masks is either hilarious or terrifying. We are actually struggling to decide. They look like they’re all laughing at an inside joke, or maybe they are planning to haunt people in their nightmares.
It could really go either way. We hope for the sake of the other riders on the subway that this photo was taken on Halloween because this would be quite an unsettling sight to stumble upon during the commute home. Creepy!
Perfectly Timed

We just love it when we see perfectly timed photographs, and this is the best example we’ve seen taken on public transport. An unsuspecting woman reads a magazine and doesn’t realize her face lines up just right with an ad on the back cover.
This woman couldn’t have planned this better. It actually looks like she has the jawline of a man on this picture. We can’t help but wonder if she meant to do this, or it spontaneously happened? Either way, it’s very funny.
Sesame Street Takeover

Here’s something riders don’t stumble upon often while riding the subway. The entire gang from Sesame Street decided to take the train at the same time. Cookie Monster, The Count, Elmo, Big Bird, Ernie, Burt, and even Oscar the Grouch were present.
We’re not exactly sure what the jester is doing with this fun crew, though, but it looks a bit menacing. Luckily, the Sesame Street gang doesn’t look too threatened by the situation. We love how casual this scene appears.
Snake Passenger

Nothing to see here, except a man holding a giant snake while riding on the subway. We’re not sure exactly what’s unfolding in this photograph, but we do notice that absolutely everyone has moved away from the snake.
In fact, there seems to be a second, smaller snake on the ramp on the left of the snake guy. Everyone looks equally curious and scared. You couldn’t pass us to get anywhere near that thing. Where did this man with snakes come from, and more importantly, where are they going?
Yoga Train

Traveling on the subway can be a stressful experience, we all know that. In an attempt to calm down, this man busted out his yoga mat and went into a headstand mid-commute. This could start a new yoga craze: Zen, and the art of subway riding.
This actually seems like it would be pretty difficult to pull off with all the stopping and starting of the train. There is no way we could balance on our heads like this, much less do any form of yoga on public transport. This man certainly has some killer abs!
The Mad Hatter

This person dressed up as the Mad Hatter looks like he just stepped through the looking glass and landed right on the subway. Seriously though, that’s an amazing costume this man put together. He even has the attitude to go with the character!
Those ladies on both sides of him couldn’t care less that they’re sharing the ride with the Mad Hatter, proving yet again that New Yorkers aren’t phased by much of anything that they see while taking public transport. Few things still seem eccentric these days!
Grumpy Cat Hat

Someone shared this photograph they took of an old lady and her very confused cat riding the bus. That’s definitely one way to keep your cat from running off if you don’t want to put it in a cage. Just stick it on top of your head.
The kitty does not look too happy about the situation, but the woman seems like this is an everyday occurrence for her. Regardless, we would stay clear of that feline. It looks like it’s about to freak out at any moment. We hope for this woman that she recently cut her cat’s claws, though!
The Raven

We’re not sure what we would do if we encountered this goth chick on the subway. The all-black wardrobe, her sullen face, and that crow resting on her knee make her seem slightly unapproachable.
Thiw woman is both terrifying and captivating all at once. We just have a few questions, though. Is that an “emotional support” raven? Is that even a thing? Either way, this is just plain scary. It would be terrifying to sit in that subway car with her and her raven.
Just Another Day On The Subway

Nothing to see here. Just a dog on the subway, riding on a rocking horse. This is the most adorable sight we’ve ever seen on a train. The funny thing about this image is, no one around them seems phased in the slightest. We wouldn’t be able to take our eyes off the cuteness.
That is one delightful dog and pony show! We are used to seeing dogs in the subway, that’s not surprising at all. But a dog on a rocking horse? This is definitely a first, and we doubt it will happen again. What a funny, cute sight!
Caterpillar Girl

Here we have a rare sighting of a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. This young lady is either having a nervous breakdown or she’s doing some sort of performance art. Either way, it’s clear that she thinks she’s a caterpillar coming out of the cocoon.
How unfortunate to complete your metamorphosis on the dirty subway floor. It is much less pleasant and poetic than metamorphosing in nature, like in a park, for example. Although it would have been strange anyway, the vision would have been less offbeat.
Carmen Miranda

It’s not every day that you see a woman wearing a fruit bowl for a hat. Either this woman is a huge Carmen Miranda fan or she dressed up as the “Brazilian Bombshell” for Halloween. The fanny pack is also a delightful addition to the traditional Portuguese dress.
We feel as though she could bust out singing and dancing at given any moment. What a distraction it would be for the passengers of this subway. That would be the perfect way to start the day. Nothing could go wrong after that!
Tomato Train

We thought that we had seen everything and then we came upon this tomato riding the train. Does anyone else think that this tomato looks a bit lost? Maybe they actually meant to go to the nearest Subway sandwich shop.
Or perhaps this tomato was on its way to a grouping of vegetables? After all, vegetables also have the right to get together from time to time. I can tell you one thing, though, this makes us want to eat a sandwich real bad.