Incredible Shots Captured with Perfect Timing
Nemo! You’ve Got To See This

Marlin has never seen anything quite like this before. It’s a brand-new view and feeling!
You may want to take a seat for this one, Nemo. You’ll definitely be finding something after seeing it.
Fallon & the cheerleader

A photo of Jimmy Fallon and Lorne Michaels at a basketball game went viral because of the impeccable timing that captured a hilarious moment. At first glance, it appears that Fallon is laughing at the cheerleader in front of him. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that both men are trying to ignore her completely.
The photo perfectly captures the absurdity of the situation, with the cheerleader performing her routine with enthusiasm while the two men appear uninterested and detached.
Becky, Turn Around!

You can see some wild things when watching college girls get ready for a night out. You never know what could happen.
You might even catch a photo of one of them without pants on! Always be aware of what’s going on around you, even if you are wearing pants.
Treasure Hunt

You can try to push all you want, but sometimes you need a little extra help. What else are best friends for?
They help you find the treasure, of course! It’s literally a requirement when you make new friends.
Swing higher!

This photo captures two girls in swimsuits swinging on children’s swings, with their heads upside down. However, what makes this photo special is the perfect timing – just seconds after the photo was taken, both girls fell off the swings and into the sand.
Despite the fall, the photo has become a hilarious and iconic moment, capturing the girls in their moment of carefree fun before the mishap. The perfect timing of the photo has made it a never-ending moment that can be relived again and again.
Going For It

Snakes are curious, and they’re going to expect everything they see.
He’s really going for it, whether you’re ready or not. Just let him have that experience!
That’ll Show You

Remember when you put your puppy in timeout for peeing on the floor? Well, now he’s ready to show you why that was a mistake.
Hopefully, there’s no one around them on the beach, or else they’ll be getting a free show.
Extreme cheerleading

A group of cheerleaders was so focused on their performance that they forgot to control their expressions. During a jump, the perfectly timed photo captured the unique grimace of all four cheerleaders.
The photo highlights the importance of timing in capturing a moment that may have gone unnoticed otherwise. The expressions on the cheerleaders’ faces make the photo a memorable one, reminding us to always stay present in the moment, even when performing.
The Cover-Up

This has to be the greatest cover-up that we have seen. And possibly the most entertaining one.
It’s a cover-up for the actual cover-up! Be careful not to drop it.
Getting Handsy
Spending a day at the zoo and wondering what animals you might encounter?
Maybe you find some gorillas just trying to get a little action. It gets boring in their enclosures, give them a break.
Houston Texans Cheerleader

During a game between the Houston Texans and the Green Bay Packers, the Houston Texans cheerleaders put on a thrilling performance for the fans at Reliant Stadium in Texas. However, what made this particular moment special was the perfectly timed photo of one of the cheerleaders.
In the photo, the cheerleader appears to be pulling on her thong in the direction of the photographer, creating a sexy and provocative image that has since been used as desktop background and circulated widely on the internet. The perfect timing of the photo captured a moment of playful sensuality that has become a memorable part of the game’s history.
It’s getting hot in Miami

During an opening dance at an NFL game, a Miami Dolphins cheerleader performed a jump that highlighted all her attributes, as captured by a photographer on the sidelines. The perfectly timed photo quickly went viral, overshadowing the game itself.
The image of the cheerleader mid-jump, her hair and pom-poms flying, quickly spread across social media and became a sensation. Fans and admirers praised her athleticism, beauty, and poise, and the photo cemented her status as a beloved figure in the world of cheerleading and sports.
Not Today

Father of the year! As a parent, you have to protect your children at all costs.
Even if you have to protect them from a bat gone wild. Danger can come in many shapes and sizes, you must be prepared for it all.

College professors don’t always tell you how much they have on their plate. It’s the subtle hints that you need to look out for.
Just like this one, he probably does actually need help. This timed out perfectly for him.
I Don’t Think That’s Allowed

Sir, I don’t think this activity will take too well once your wife sees what’s going on.
Maybe don’t urinate on your daughter, just a tip. There’s a better way for her to cool off.
Really Close Friends

Sometimes friends can be very close. Very, very close. These two women may be more than just friends, though?
But they are not! When you look closely, you can see that it’s the woman on the right who is holding her own dress, but at first glance, it’s not what you see!
A Beautiful Day

Sometimes, you just need to take a seat and enjoy the weather. It gets tiring walking around all day, you know?
But be careful what you sit next to. You could get mistaken for something else!
Fire In The Hole!

What a lovely day to let loose. No one else is around, so why not?
I’m sure this guy feels relieved after this. You can’t hold it in forever.
That Sucks

Just your average Starbucks van delivering their products. It really is quite the excursion.
So much so that the delivery driver is trying to tell someone how he feels inside. We get it, it sucks.
Well, Well, Well

Pardon us, we didn’t mean to intrude on this intimate moment of yours.
It seems as if this should have been done in private, but that’s just our opinion.
You Look Thirsty, Mom
He’s only trying to help you out. It’s a hot day, and it looks like you need a little something to cool you off.
Don’t worry though, little Max is here to save the day!
Three-Armed Woman

Wow, this woman has three arms! Or just three forearms? She has a hand on each hip, and a third hand holding a glass!
Definitely, considering the nail polish, this woman’s two hands are well and truly placed on her hips. But where does the third hand holding the glass come from? We have trouble finding the person to whom it belongs…
Just Do It

Thrill-seekers aren’t always prepared for what’s to come. They can get caught off guard sometimes.
You made it all the way to the top, why not just do it? What could go wrong?
I Will Be Your Knight In Shining Armour

As they say, boys will be boys. Maybe he’s just intrigued by the lace and the pretty colors?
Either way, he is ready to go all out to protect his princess. After he gets a glance first, of course.
What Is Happening Here

You can never be fully prepared for what you might see on the ranch. Especially when it comes to horses.
Is this horse birthing another horse through its mouth? It is in the process of swallowing it with the back end first? We may never know.
En Garde!

Don’t mess with the wrong people, you never know what kind of secret skills they could be hiding up their sleeve.
They could even be a master of fencing. You lose!
The Conjuring Unreleased Cut

I don’t think we’ve seen this scene from any of The Conjuring series. Did we miss something?
Maybe just try not to look down when wearing white eyeshadow, it can come off a little creepy.
Get In There

There’s nothing better than spending an afternoon doing yoga in the park. It’s the perfect way to unwind, especially after a stressful week.
But it’s even better when you get to see something this magical happening right before your eyes. What a sight.
Living On The Edge

Every girl loves a bad boy. They all want to live adventurous as they do.
Except when they don’t quite know the mechanics of it, then you end up going 75 in a 40 and taking the turn a little too quickly.
Come At Me Bro

Animals have their own way of thinking. It’s better to just let them do their own thing.
You never know when a horse will decide to post up. It could get ugly real fast.
In The Moment

This group is clearly trying to give their friends some privacy. They won’t even look through the glass.
Robert Downey Jr.’s dog does look slightly disgusted, but all in all, he seems to be enjoying it.
Ya Filthy Animal

What’s Christmas without matching family pajamas? Oh, and don’t forget the attitude when someone is forced into the PJs to take a family photo.
It never really turns out how you want it to. There’s always that one person who will act out.
Snack Time

Come on mom, I just want a little taste! The kitty smells so good!
Children are always putting things in their mouths that they shouldn’t be. This time, they might end up getting a taste of their own medicine.
New Version Of The Nosebleeds

Who doesn’t love sitting courtside at a basketball game? You’re right there in the action!
What most people don’t realize is that you are actually in your own version of the nosebleeds. You could quite literally get a nosebleed.
A motorcycle ride in a bikini

A young woman was getting ready to perform a daring motorcycle stunt when a passerby happened to capture the moment on camera. The photo shows the woman placing both feet on one side of the bike as it speeds along, demonstrating her fearlessness and skill.
The perfectly timed photo highlights the bravery and athleticism of the young woman, as well as the risks she takes to push the boundaries of what is possible on a motorcycle.
Strike A Pose

Sometimes you just have to take a moment and flaunt yourself. Don’t even pay attention to what’s going on in the background.
Even if the signs do suggest something a little bizarre. This is your moment, don’t let anyone steal your thunder!
Splash Zone

This photo looks like it’s straight from a scene of Never Back Down itself. You’d have to hit someone pretty hard for all of this to go flying like that.
It’s just a typical occurrence in any professional fight, no matter how gross it may seem.
Out There In The Buff

Tan lines are for losers. He wants his tan to be flawless, and a bathing suit would just get in the way.
So, naturally, he would just go to the beach in his birthday suit. It only makes sense.
That’s Not Right

Family gatherings are full of laughter, special moments, and… a male head with two bodies? And one of those bodies is female?
This brings an entirely new meaning to a hermaphrodite. Family functions really are something else.
Just Relaxing
It’s a nice day, all people want to do is take some time to really soak up the nature around them.
But sometimes, the serenity causes you to become a little too relaxed.
Wrong View
Maybe she just doesn’t know how to direct the view in the right way, or maybe this is exactly what she wanted to see.
Who knows, but it’s still a view either way.
Beach Day
When you gotta go, you gotta go. It doesn’t matter who could be looking, or if someone is taking a picture.
It would be cruel to expect the family pet to hold it in while you’re taking a picture. Give him a little privacy.
It’s Pay Back Time

Sorry mom, but you gave him one too many spankings and now he’s ready to get his revenge.
It’s the perfect timing too. Your back is towards him and you’re focused on something else. What a brave little guy.
She’s Gonna Blow

Things seem to be getting a little out of hand here. The bubble is literally the size of their face.
Plus, the bubble is in the process of exploding everywhere. All over their face. All over their hair. That’s going to be a mess.
Red Ghost

Mom, what are you doing? Whose hands are you holding? Is it a ghost? A demon? The Grim Reaper?!
This picture was definitely taken at the moment when the woman’s sheet took the most frightening shape possible!

Is it a man? Is it a bird? No, it is a birdman! A man with a human body and the head of a falcon.
We already knew that falcons are intelligent, but not to the point of knowing how to use a cell phone! That’s quite impressive!
Nice Hair

This man in the crowd to the left of Barack Obama seems to have a very strange haircut…
But no! It was only a woman perfectly well hidden behind him whose hair was sticking out. This man actually has very short hair.
What Are Those?

What are those? Well, the answer seems pretty simple to us. Ugly slippers, that’s what they are!
When even Javier Peña, the character played by actor Pedro Pascal in the series Narcos, wonders what you’re wearing on your feet, there’s definitely a problem!
Uneven Tanning

Clearly, it is easy to guess that there are two people on this couch: a black man and a white woman.
However, it is much funnier to think that this man is actually two-toned. This is the result of walking around in the sun in long pants and a tank top all summer!
Could it be a new mythological beast that we didn’t know existed yet, but that is now back on the scene?
After the centaurs and the chimeras, here is the gazellican, everyone! It’s a gazelle with pelican wings!
Invisible Hockey Player

This is the most surprising and exciting battle in the history of hockey! The player in blue and white literally fights with the invisible man!
We don’t know how the player in red could have lost his hockey helmet like that, but it makes for an unforgettable sporting moment!
Don’t Bother

Olympic athletes train for years, sometimes for only a few minutes of competition. The most important minutes of their lives!
But apparently, these 8 judges didn’t care about this athlete and his gliding. Imagine giving everything you got just to be ignored like that!
It Smells So Good!
We don’t know what shampoo this woman uses, but clearly it smells good enough to make her friend want to suck her hair out of her nose!
That must tickle to have hair in your nose, don’t you think? Anyway, her friend will have to wash her hair again when she gets home, because it went somewhere quite dirty!

This child was clearly not expecting such a powerful jet of water to hit their face when they leaned over.
But then, surprise! And the father who, like any self-respecting dad, finds the scene very funny. He surely needed to console his child afterwards, though!
Failed Remake

The “I’m flying” scene from the movie Titanic is one of the most famous. After all, it’s a beautiful and ultra-romantic scene even though the characters have just met!
This couple tried to recreate this scene on the front of a ship, but no luck. The woman received a seagull directly on the nose.
You’ll Need A Double Take

You really have to look at this picture properly to understand what’s going on. No, it is not an obscene photo at all!
But we’ll grant you, with the way the woman’s hair falls on her right arm and the slight pink light touching her shoulder, it totally looks like a male member coming out of her drink!
The Headless Kid

But what’s going on here? This child has no head! Does the father know that his son has lost his head?
The father’s head and his son’s head are so well aligned in this picture that it is extremely difficult to understand what we are seeing. But don’t worry, the child does have a head!
Urban Tube Sliding

We all know about water slides, but who would have thought it was possible to slide on water on a tube in the middle of the city?
This bus water slide commercial is totally timely as the bus passes through a very large puddle.
Dragon Dog

Is this dog okay? It spits fire! Is he sick? Or is it a breed of dog that descends from dragons?
No one seems very alarmed about the situation, including the other dog, who is too busy eating his branch. Everything must be good, then.
The Match Of The Ages

Sometimes you can’t hold back. Even if you are in an arena filled with fans watching you from every angle imaginable.
Don’t be shy, they paid for a show. Why not make it something to remember?
Get Your Head In The Game

Coaching sports can sometimes get messy. You’ve got to make sure that you are focused 100% of the time.
If you don’t, you could end up being forced to pay attention like this guy was. If only he were watching, he could’ve avoided the entire incident.
Feeling Hot-Headed

You never think about how your emotions might be portrayed by others. Especially when you’re this fuming.
Take a break, cool off, don’t blow a gasket. And definitely don’t get this hot-headed.
The Exorcist

Either this girl finds The Exorcist really boring, or she herself needs an exorcism as soon as possible!
She really does have the perfect expression to go with the book she is holding. This picture couldn’t be more on point.
Champagne Face

We’re used to seeing people being showered with champagne, especially at the end of a sports competition, but we rarely get to see such precise moments.
This photo was taken at the exact moment when the champagne covers the man’s face, following its shape perfectly.
Ostrich Woman

It’s no secret that gymnasts are very flexible. To the point where, during a movement, their head can disappear to be replaced by a foot!
Are we the only ones who think that this picture looks like an ostrich running very fast?
Shadow Lovers

This man and woman walking in opposite directions do not know each other and have no idea what is going on.
Their shadows on the wall, however, look like they are about to kiss, like two lovers would. Is this a sign? Could they be soul mates?
Feeling Sick

We don’t know what this woman did the day before, but she doesn’t seem to be in the mood at all.
The face printed on the magazine really seems to be hers because it is so well placed. If we saw her, we would take her to the hospital right away!
So Hungry

This man is exhausted, and he couldn’t help but fall asleep on the subway. He did, however, fall asleep in the best seat possible.
In addition to being tired, this man is definitely hungry and not at all secretly dreaming of a good breaded chicken burger.
Surfing Duck

Get out of the way everyone, this duck is in the middle of a surf session, and it’s serious!
We don’t know what was going on with this duck, but this picture is certainly very funny and amazing!
Moving A Cruise Ship

So this is how cruise ships move when there are no passengers on board. And we thought they were sailing from one port to another!
This illusion is perfect, the truck being placed exactly in the right place, but this vision seems to us rather improbable.
Stepping On The Moon

Being in the right place at the right time can sometimes lead to larger-than-life photos.
This snowboarder literally seems to be placing a foot on the moon! Of course, this is not the case, but the illusion is perfect.
Belly Wave

Unless we are in great shape and have almost no fat, our skin moves. That’s just the way it is.
But it’s often imperceptible because of the speed at which it happens. But this picture shows very well the wave that shook the belly of this young man when his friend slammed him!
Nice Mustache

These two wrestlers are in the middle of a fight, and it doesn’t look good for the one who ends up on the ground, in a submission hold.
However, a funny moment occurred when he tried to get out of the hold and the mustache tattooed on his forearm ended up right in front of his opponent’s face.
Eating The Cat

This cat is definitely not aware of the fate that awaits him. Come on, cat, run away while you still can!
All kidding aside, this cat couldn’t have been in front of the television at a better time. It really looks like the character on the show is about to eat its head!
Follow The Light

The toilet bowl is summoning you to experience something of a lifetime. Would you want to find out?
Or, the toilet is trying to tell you about the most incredible experience that it has ever had.
Here’s Jesus!

This couple wanted to take a nice selfie, but they certainly didn’t expect to have Jesus, in flesh and blood, in their picture!
This long-haired man looks slightly like Jesus and is perfectly placed in front of the Christ statue. He blessed their love live!
Kissing The Shark

What was meant to be a beautiful wedding photo in front of an aquarium tank turns out to be a funny shot.
While the couple is kissing, the reflection of the bride in the glass of the aquarium makes it look like she is kissing a shark that is just passing by.
You’re Not Going Anywhere

Once again, the perfect perspective of this photo plays tricks on us and gives us a very funny picture!
The statue seems to have caught the tail of the plane, keeping it in place in the sky. This plane will not continue its flight any time soon!
Incredible Haircut

The timing of this photo could not be more on point. The illusion is absolutely perfect!
No matter how carefully you look at the picture, that tree behind really seems to be part of this man’s hair. He already has a somewhat eccentric look, so you never know!
Intimate Moment

Who knew that basketball could be such an intimate sport? The love between the fans and the players is definitely great!
Did the photographer notice the situation when he took the picture or did they all realize it afterwards when looking at it? In both cases, they must have had a good laugh!
Peter Pan And Tinker Bell

This photo is far too satisfying and could make any adult nostalgic for their childhood.
It’s impossible not to see Peter Pan and Tinker Bell back to back in these flames. It’s very cute and makes you want to believe in Neverland!
Owl Groom

That an owl comes to distract a wedding is already something quite exceptional, but that on top of that, a picture is taken at the exact moment when it hides the groom’s face, it is certainly a unique moment!
Fortunately, the photographer was able to capture this. This woman will forever remember that she almost married an owl!

Clearly, this license plate was planned by the driver in relation to the condition of their dog.
The dog seems to have an ear that is always in the air, and knowing that they often travel with him, they thought it was a good idea to make a little joke. It’s a success!
Farting Rainbow

Cats often do strange, even inexplicable things, but farting a rainbow is a first!
Poor guy, he just wanted to lie on the ground, but now he’s famous on the internet!
Bubble Eyes

Forget the sunglasses, this child has found the new fashion: the bubble eyes!
The bubbles are so perfectly aligned with his eyes that you might think they are glasses. With his slightly lost expression, it gives him a funny look!
New Sea Creature

But what is this new sea creature? We have never seen anything like it on the beach!
This dog went to have fun in the water, and its wet hair added to its legs that seem to go in all directions give a hilarious result!