The Weirdest And Most Amazing Items Discovered At Thrift Stores
1 T-Rex Showerhead

Here we have a T-Rex shower head a person found at a thrift store and we honestly dino what the problem is here. This is an amazing find. Who wouldn’t want to be showered by a T-Rex skull?
It’s bad to the bone.
2 Misbehavin’ Apron

The designers made this awesome thrift store find for rebellious chefs that hate conventional ovens. There’s no telling how much trouble a person can get into with all that time saved in the kitchen from microwave cooking.
This apron makes us feel seen.
3 Tiny Hands

A user posted this photo on Facebook announcing they scored nine sets of these tiny hands at the resale store. We can only hope they have nine cats to model them at all times because that photograph is purr-fect.
Although, the cat looks less than thrilled with their new hands.
4 Knight Toilet Paper Holder

Here, we have a medieval find that a fortunate person discovered at the second-hand store. Who wouldn’t want a knight toilet paper dispenser in their bathroom? This thing is super fancy if you ask us.
You might as well feel like royalty while sitting on the throne.
5 Dragon Farts

Someone shared this funny find they unearthed at the thrift store, and they’re pretty brave to bring that jar home. I hope they keep a lid on it because we suspect dragon toots can be quite fiery.
On a scale of one to ten, we give this pic a ten because it’s so hot!
6 This Scary Thing

Some poor soul found this taxidermy nightmare at a vintage shop. Only a crazy person would pay for this thing and bring it home. We’re pretty sure it’s cursed and would unleash doom into the house of whoever owns it.
Yep, that thing is haunted, for sure!
7 Fuzzy Scale

You can find many types of home goods at the thrift store, but this isn’t something you see every day. A shopper came upon a bathroom scale covered in a fuzzy carpet. What logical purpose would someone have for a carpeted scale?
Maybe they were trying to soften the blow when they weighed themselves?
8 Dead Dreams

A person shared this photograph of a shirt they found in the racks of a thrift store and it may seem sweet at first, but it’s actually soul-crushing. Only a pessimist would want to buy a t-shirt with such a dark message.
Something tells us that this isn’t the dream Walt Disney sang about!
9 Sad Clown

Clowns are scary enough, but this figurine posted to Facebook is downright terrifying. His expression is all wrong, and the chipped-off paint isn’t doing him any favors. We totally would have left him on the shelf.
This guy looks like he broke his funny bone.
10 Flamingo Lady

This fancy thrift store find has us scratching our heads because there’s so much to unpack here. A flamingo ballerina with human legs is perched on a coffee table to do a bit of work on their laptop.
That’s one sentence we never thought we’d write.
11 Baby Shoes

We’re all for making a fashion statement, but these shoes spotted at the thrift store are so ugly. What would possess someone to display naked plastic babies in the soles of their shoes? We hope the person who shared the photo passed them up.
Anyone who wears them would have to be stork-raving mad!
12 Weird Giraffe

Even though this giraffe doll is a bit strange, we think that it’s actually kind of cute. From its sweet little eyes to her turned-in toes, the adorable factor is pretty high with this second-hand find.
Compared to the other items on our list, this doll stands head and shoulder above the rest.
13 Sea Monkey

The award for most original thrift-store find goes to this stuffed monkey aquarium. It has the perfect mix of odd yet functional qualities. Did somebody make this or is it an actual product that was once on the market?
Regardless, we think it’s ape-solutely hilarious.
14 Peas In A Pod

Oh, snap! A person shared a photograph of these peas in a pod from their local thrift store and we have questions. Why are there human faces nestled in the pod? Who would buy this for their house?
Does anyone else feel like the “pea” on the bottom is up to something?
15 Chicken Purse

This hen purse found at a second-hand store has us cracking up. This would be a bold fashion statement for any chick to carry. Of course, they’d have to get used to people laughing at them when they walk by.
We think this pic is eggs-traordinary funny.
16 Stone Cold

A world-famous “Easter Island Head” was put to good use when someone came upon this tissue box made from the statue’s likeness. This is something that could make you smile when you blow your nose.
You might even put a little boogie in it.
17 Vomit Clock

These disgusting clocks pop up at thrift stores from time to time and we just don’t see what attracts people to them. A mold is filled with rocks, beads, and other items, then covered in resin.
While they were popular during the mid-century, it just looks like trapped barf to us.
18 Table Legs

A lucky shopper stumbled upon this interesting piece of furniture at the resale store. Everyone has their own taste in home decor, but can we all just agree that this end table made of fake legs is ugly?
Then you add those acid wash jeans to boot! The entire thing is a big NO!
19 Blinking Sauce Bottles

Another Facebook user shared their clever find from the second-hand shop. These ketchup and mustard dispensers blink when you squeeze them. We can’t decide if these are the coolest or most ridiculous things we’ve ever seen.
Either way, those bottles are pretty saucy!
20 Cow Couch

Have you ever looked around your living room and wished you had a cow couch? If so, you’ll love this legen-dairy find. A person shared this pic on social media, and it’s just too weird not to add to this list.
We hope you find it a-moo-sing.
21 This Mug

Sometimes, shoppers stumble upon a hidden gem while they’re thrift shopping and this mug is one of them. If this mug belongs to us, we’d drink coffee out of it while gazing upon a photo of Tom Selleck.
Who doesn’t love a little Magnum P.I. in the morning?
22 Horse Shoe

Someone snapped a pic of this bizarre horse made into a shoe at a local thrift store. This thing is so hideous and confusing that we can’t stop staring at it. Who in their right mind would buy this atrocity?
You couldn’t pay us to pony up the dough.
23 Terrifying Towel
Once upon a mime, this terrifying towel was discovered at a second-hand store. This seems like something a crazy grandma would have in her bathroom. The mime combined with lace trim is way too much for our taste.
It’s just unspeakably ugly!
24 Demonic Doll
It’s quite obvious that this doll is possessed and should be burnt immediately. Can’t you just see the evil behind that stare? That doll has seen things and none of it was good. What child would want to play with her?
That doll needs a young priest and an old priest!
25 Bacon Tuxedo

This next entry is sizzlingly funny. A shopper posted this pic to social media of a puzzle they saw while they were thrifting. Nothing says class more than a suit made of meat, and this puzzle is super classy.
That couple in the photo fit together like two puzzle pieces.
26 Leo O’clock

Whoever made this clock was a huge fan of Leonardo DiCaprio. What time is it? It’s Leo time, all the time. At just $4.99, this item is a steal. This purchase would not be a waste of your time at all.
He is the king of the world, after all.
27 Vicious Vase

This vase spotted at a junk shop looks like it wants to take a bite out of your wallet. We’re not exactly sure what is going on with this thing, but it can’t be anything good. From the human teeth to that weird eye, we want nothing to do with it.
Would you buy such an atrocity?
28 Toilet Time

A user posted this toilet seat clock to Facebook, and it’s a lot to take in. Not only is it filled with cash, but it doubles as a clock. It’s like the trifecta of thrift store finds. There’s nothing unsanitary about hanging a toilet seat on your wall at all.
We guess time is money, even when you’re going to the bathroom.
29 The Stuff Of Nightmares

These doll-head figurines give us the creeps. It’s like the stuff of nightmares. Each one is terrifying in its own way, but that little baby crab on the top shelf looks like it wants to hurt someone.
We’d turn around slowly and walk the other way.
30 Bikini Chicken

There are some things at the junk store that are just too hilarious to pass up. This plastic chicken seen at a thrift store is for all the comedi-hens out there. We have to admit that it’s pretty funny and would be an egg-cellent purchase.
We’re sure it’s all it’s cracked up to be!