These People Recall Their Worst First Dates And It’s Hilarious
1 Who’s That Girl?

Oh dear, what an extremely uncomfortable situation! And also a bit worrying!
Who was that girl? What was she doing there? Why did she eat with him without saying a word?
2 What Were The Odds

Having to go to a blind date when you don’t want to is already horrible, but there, this woman had no chance.
What were the odds that her blind date was the same police officer who had given her a ticket earlier in the day? What a bad luck.
3 Wisely Chosen Topics

We know that it can be difficult to find the right conversation topics on a first date.
But seriously, buddy? You picked ALL the worst possible ones!
4 Got Him By Drooling

Admittedly, it would have looked like a fake excuse to cancel the date.
Fortunately for this woman, though, drooling didn’t put this man off at all!
5 Strangers

This woman and this man just wanted to be nice in their own way.
However, the communication between the two was not optimal. This is a bad start for a potential relationship!
6 Straight Forward Guy

This is a very direct way to start a first date!
At least the woman quickly knew what to expect and didn’t waste her whole evening.
7 Quick Stop

Unexpected things can happen. We wouldn’t be insulted if our date had to make a short stop somewhere along the way.
Knowing that the stop involves dropping off a body that is currently in the back of the car, however, would make us less comfortable.
8 Everything’s Burning

This man had very good intentions, and if it had worked out, his date would certainly have been amazed.
Unfortunately, nothing went as planned. It even ended really badly, poor guy!
9 Alarming Tattoos

There is a difference between being interested in a serial killer story and immortalizing some of them on our skin for life, though.
Woman, run! We hope he doesn’t know where she lives!
10 The “Third”

This is a first date that is far from typical. Surprise, here’s my wife!
In general, it’s best to test the waters when it comes to finding the “third”, isn’t it? At least, it would be the least to not be insulted if the person is surprised and not interested.
11 The Clean One

How insulting it must have been for this woman! Unless the equivalent of a full dog’s worth of hair was on her clothes, that’s being quite intense.
We at least hope this guy had a car worth being that intense. Like, a super expensive car!
12 Seagull Poop

Yuck! What a horrible way to end the evening! It’s absolutely disgusting, and clearly, the two of them just wanted to go take a shower after that!
But isn’t that kind of misfortune supposed to bring luck? If the luck is proportional to the size of the poop, these two people must be incredibly lucky!
13 The Child

Some men, unfortunately, never get past a certain stage of mental age. This guy is obviously one of them.
Imagine if the exhibition they were visiting was of pieces of arts from the Renaissance. He had to laugh at just about every piece!
14 Walmart Shopping

But what did this man have to do at Walmart that was so important to take his date there?
And talking like Donald Duck, really… We hope she told him that was anything but sexy!
15 Need Gas

We understand that some life experiences are more important than others, and that a person wants to live them with a particular person.
However, pumping gas is far from being a life-changing experience, and we can’t see why this girl absolutely wanted to do it with her mother first.
16 Bloody Nose

This is a very creepy first date. The guy must have been very embarrassed, but imagine the girl’s reaction!
Realizing that your face is covered in the blood of your date is a huge turn off. How could they not have realized this earlier?
17 Double Dump

How is a situation like this even possible? Didn’t this man know that his girlfriend was working there?
Mind you, he was cheating on his girlfriend, so clearly he wasn’t very interested in her.
18 Wine Lover

At least this girl knew from the start what kind of person to expect.
Clearly, this man is not very caring, he thinks he can do anything, and he is potentially selfish and a bit alcoholic.
19 Dependant Guy

That his parents would attend his first dates is strange enough, but that they would give his girlfriends an allowance? That’s sick.
These parents are overprotective, but this man has serious dependency problems.
20 Choking And Blowing

This first date seems to have been most trying for this man. Choking, but also blowing an onion? Wow!
Fortunately for him, this woman didn’t let the situation dampen her first impressions of him.
21 Double Date

Generally, a double date is when two couples go out to dinner together.
This man definitely didn’t understand how it works. How insulting it must have been for this woman!
22 I Love You

What an embarrassing moment that must have been! Especially since the text was not completely out of context in the situation.
That’s why it’s so important to always make sure you’re writing to the right person!
23 Good Burrito

Can we really call this the worst first date? It could have been much worse!
Sure, the guy never showed up. That sucks. But at least he notified her, and he still bothered to send her a burrito. And a good one at that!
24 Covering His Back

First, she didn’t know it was a date, because second, he was dating her best friend’s sister. Plus, he dared to propose to her in one of the worst places possible, while admitting to waiting for her answer before leaving his girlfriend.
Because, you know, he wouldn’t want to be left alone if she ever refused to marry him. What’s wrong with this guy?!
25 Ladies’ Night

Ladies’ Night has been a common thing for a long time. But for this man, it’s just unacceptable.
What a big discrimination! A man who doesn’t get a free drink on Ladies’ Night! Let’s bet he’ll ask his lawyer to pass a law for creating Gentlemen’s Night!
26 Out Of Place

Who goes on a date with their friends? Clearly, she didn’t want to go on this date.
It would have been much nicer to cancel their date, or at least force herself to talk to him a bit!
27 Handshake

Already, not to have waited for his date before entering the projection room, it’s a bit rude. He was late, but still.
But to not even attempt to save him a seat, then simply shake his hand after the movie before leaving, is definitely bad.
28 Smelling Good

In our opinion, this is not really a worst first date. Even not a bad one. On the contrary!
We find her answer really funny! If this man didn’t laugh or was charmed, really, this woman is better off without him.
29 Framed Date

You have to actually invite someone on a date, that’s common sense. And if the person refuses, there is just no date.
You don’t bring someone on a date without their knowledge! You can’t frame someone like that!
30 Not A Dog

This man definitely did not think very long before taking this action.
It never occurred to him that what he does to his dog can’t be done to a woman?
31 Parallel Parking

This situation is definitely very rude toward this woman, we can’t say otherwise.
However, one can hardly blame this man. Everyone has a hard time parallel parking, but no one wants to admit it. He was just too ashamed, poor guy!
32 I’m Single Now

Wow, this girl has some nerve! She put this poor guy in a very embarrassing situation at the restaurant, but that’s not even the worst part!
After being caught by her husband himself while cheating, she dares to contact him, saying that she’s now single and he could pick her up.
33 Sad Ending

That’s a short story with a lot of punch! It is understandable that this man considers this first date as a bad one. How sad!
Unfortunately, it’s nobody’s fault. We hope that the rest of the date went well!
34 Do You Have A Pet?

First, yelling at the waitress is a big no-no. How does this man treat people?
And mentioning that you’d eat a dog or a cat if you were starving is strange, but let’s say, in an apocalyptic context, we could understand. But don’t ask right away if we own a pet!
35 The Housewife

What a great way to start a relationship! Certainly, no man would take such a remark the wrong way!
This woman knows what she wants, there’s no denying it. She will certainly need several dates before she finds the man who will accept her conditions, though!
36 Looking For A Nanny

There is no doubt that this man was looking for a babysitter that night rather than a date.
How rude it is! Introducing your child on the first date is already a red flag, but that is another level of weirdness.
37 Surprise!

This is the kind of surprise we’d rather never have on a first date!
Hoping that it didn’t click too much between the two, so that the disappointment would be less.
38 No Class

It’s hard to decide the worst part of this horrible date. The gym part can be okay if they both like working out.
But taking her to McDonald’s? Really? And answering her like that when she asks for his jacket, then having the nerve to try to kiss her? That’s bad.
39 Nope

This man must have really felt like crap after this woman’s reaction. He didn’t even have time to have a date!
Seriously, that’s really mean. Let’s hope this man doesn’t have too many self-esteem issues already, because after this, it can only get worse.
40 Not Using Knives

Why would anyone decide not to use knives in their life? Knives are used, like, every day!
It seems like a very strange thing to us. We hope she at least gave some justification to this man for asking him to cut her steak like she was 4 years old.
41 Hilarious Guy

This man definitely had to be absolutely hilarious for this woman to pee in her pants like that!
Or maybe she has some pelvic floor issues. Either way, we wonder if this man was still a little flattered by this accident. After all, he did make her laugh a lot!
42 How To Get Away

Social anxiety can sometimes make people do very strange things, like running away from their date by climbing a tree.
But as this woman points out, it worked just fine! Not only did her date finally end, but that man certainly never contacted her again.
43 The Pheromone Truth

There’s nothing worse than a date that doesn’t go well and a person who doesn’t accept that you’re not interested.
Although, yes, there is worse. This story is worse. No one is going to smell our temples and conclude things according to our pheromones!
44 I Am Superman

The discomfort that this woman must have felt from the beginning of this date must have been immense.
A man who thinks he’s Superman is already really weird, but on top of that, he has no job, so no money, and he’s morbidly obese. She definitely wasn’t expecting any of this.
45 Becoming A Nun

But what could this man have said or done to finally convince this woman to become a nun?
At least it’s pretty clear that she won’t call him back, so he won’t have been unsure for a second about how it went.
46 The Sick One

Being sick on the day of a date does happen. It can easily seem like a false excuse, but sometimes it’s the truth.
However, sending your mother to notify your date that you’re sick is simply not right. But what about having your mom take you to the pediatrician while you’re a college student? Come on!
47 Gone Girl

Well, this is a simple, short, and sad story. How can you do that to someone?
Even if the date doesn’t go well, it’s the least someone can do to not leave with another person while they are still in the presence of their date!
48 Birthday Girl

Either it was really this girl’s birthday that day, or, in addition to making a bad impression, this guy picked the worst movie in the universe.
This girl totally ditched him at the movies! Clearly, she didn’t want to experience the awkward post-movie moment where they wouldn’t know what to say to each other and she’d have to tell him she wasn’t interested in seeing him again.
49 Everlasting Love

Their story is like a fairy tale! You know, the Prince who instantly falls in love with the woman of his life as soon as he lays eyes on her for the first time?
The problem is, it’s clearly not mutual here. This man is living in a world of illusions, because it seems pretty clear to us that this girl is not interested at all.
50 Confusing Date

1. Why would a man bring his girl friend on a date? 2. Huge pupils? Clearly a red flag. 3. This homeless man telling this girl she should leave is disturbing.
What happened during this ‘smoke break” that made this homeless man come and tell her to leave? Was it a threat or an advice? This story is very confusing.
51 It (Didn’t) Went Well

It is not uncommon for our impression of a date to be different from that of the other person. It’s a shame, but it happens.
However, if this date went badly according to the girl, and this man received the message she intended for her friend and not for him, it must have been brutal.
52 Dangerous Meatball

Coming close to dying on a first date? That’s really bad!
How is it possible that no one, not even this person’s date, realized that there was a problem? Usually, when a person is choking, it’s pretty clear!
53 Too Fast

Asking a girl if she’s ready to get pregnant on the first date? That’s intense.
We can understand if both people are, say, past 30; if this man really wants kids, he doesn’t want to waste time with a woman who doesn’t, but still. It’s still intense.
54 Not His Car

We’re totally for women’s independence and all, but obviously, sometimes, it’s better to just let go.
This woman probably would have had a much better date if she had let that man be a gentleman and open his car door for her. At least she’d get into the right car!
55 Smelling Food

In no situation would this gesture be funny. NONE! Let alone on a date.
At least this woman knew quickly that this man was not for her. She only lost the time of the date.
56 No Money

This man really has no manners or pride. Did he really mean to seduce a woman like that?
Asking her for money, not even paying her back with the money he earned, then offering to go to a strip club? Really?
57 Disgusting Guy

An excellent example of bad manners. How can someone do this and not realize it’s problematic?
If we were this woman, we would have left immediately.
58 Awkward Moment

Okay, people. How many times do we have to say it: when you send such a delicate message, be sure to check who you are sending it to!
So many unpleasant situations could be avoided if only everyone would take the trouble to double check. Poor lady.
59 Uglier In Person

Poor man! Not only did he drive an hour and a half for this date, but the woman started the date by insulting him.
It’s such a mean thing to say to someone. What a punch to the self-esteem!
60 How Is Your Semen?

Oh. My. God. This must have been absolutely embarrassing for Meredith, but we can’t help but laugh.
It’s way too funny! We hope the waiter and her date weren’t too confused and found the situation as funny as we did!