The Worst Haircuts People Asked For
1 The Pineapple

We can only imagine what inspired this gentleman to get a haircut like this. So far, we’ve come up with two possibilities. Either he really loves pineapples or he’s a huge fan of SpongeBob SquarePants and wanted to look like his home of a pineapple under the sea.
Regardless, between the diamond-shaped undercut to the amazing dye job, his head really does look like a pineapple. By the way, he’s smooching that fruit, we’re going to guess that he’s a pineapple-lover. He took his affection to the next level, that’s for sure!
2 The Patriot

We are just as patriotic as the next person, but this guy has us all beat. He loves the USA so much that he sat down in the barber chair and requested that they buzz an American flag into the side of his head. If that wasn’t enough, he took it a step further.
The dude got a mullet haircut! From the feathered hair on top to the long tendrils in the back, this look makes quite a statement. Honestly, if you’re going to get a mullet, you might as well go ahead and get a design shaved on the side.
3 The Evil Eye

We’d love to have been a fly on the wall during the consultation for this wild haircut. How did this idea even come about? Did the woman tell the hairdresser that she wanted to be able to see out the back of her head? This style must have some serious time to craft.
From the pink streaks on the top to the bizarre bleached-out eyeball in the back, the whole thing is just insane. Although, we kind of like the eyelash effect around the fake eyeball. We’d be scared to walk behind this lady for fear of getting stricken with the evil eye!
4 The Tennis Ball

This man’s hair is so bright that it’s almost blinding. He was obviously inspired by a tennis ball and we have to admit, we’re kind of impressed. He totally looks like his head is a tennis ball. How did they get his hair color to match the color of the ball so perfectly?
We’re also impressed by the white lines and the black emblem shaved into his head. We can only hope that he did this to celebrate a tennis match, or maybe he just really loves the game? Either way, you could see this guy coming from a mile away.
5 Rat Tail

We’ve heard of a rat tail, but this is just ridiculous! Someone shaved their head so their hair resembled a rat on the back of their skull. While this may seem a bit gross, it’s actually quite remarkable just how much that little patch of hair looks like a rat.
We can’t decide if the person who performed this haircut was a total genius or a total hack. Either way, it takes a special person to rock a rodent haircut. There’s no way that we could pull off something like this. Then again, why would we want to?
6 The Barcode

This next haircut is a bit confusing, but this gentleman is actually part of a Mexican subculture that calls themselves “Cholombians”. People in this group actually celebrate ugly hair and Vice magazine ran an entire photo spread highlighting their crazy looks.
While we would never make fun of someone’s culture, we have to point out the trend of slicking long hair to the side of their faces. Another style that sets these guys apart is how they texture and style their bangs. Check out that spikey patch on top of his head. These fellas have their own thing going, that’s for sure.
7 Sunglasses

What in the holy hipster haircut do we have here? Someone had that brilliant idea to go to the barbershop and request a very interesting design be shaved into the back of his head. Here we have the image of a man wearing sunglasses.
Despite being super ugly, this hairstyle is actually pretty creative. We particularly like the handlebar mustache and the extra detail of the sideburns behind this guy’s ear. It’s a bold look and we have a feeling he went straight to the nearest hipster bar to show it off.
8 Leopard Print

It seems like anything goes in this day and age when it comes to cut and color. People can get away with all sorts of crazy looks, but that doesn’t mean that they should. For example, this awful undercut and splotchy leopard print do.
From the burnt orange color to the odd shapes dyed over the buzz cut, this looks like an experiment gone wrong. The spiky hair on top isn’t doing this person any favors, either. Overall, we give this haircut an “F” for freaky. Does anybody else get Tigger vibes from this one?
9 The Crown

This woman was so proud of her hairstyle that she took a moment from work to snap a selfie. Can you blame her? That is quite a tower of cascading hair and we can only imagine how long it took her to achieve such great heights.
We can’t even hate on her for this amazing look. From the burgundy color to her painted-on eyebrows, this lady is fierce, and she knows it. This is one hairdo that is totally fit for a queen, since it looks like she’s wearing a glorious crown on her head.
10 The Lizard

This next ugly haircut gets the award for the most creative look on this list. Have you ever seen a lizard mohawk before? If not, you’re lucky enough to be gazing upon one now. This one seems like it might have actually taken quite a bit of talent to undertake.
The legs and feet of the gecko are impressive on their own, much less the ombre dye job on the mohawk. We especially like the addition of the eyes to create the cutest little face on this guy’s widow’s peak. We hope he entered some sort of crazy hair contest cause he could take home first prize.
11 All About The Ear

Men are getting more and more daring with their hair these days, especially when it comes to undercuts, where they shave the bottom and back of their hair into interesting shapes and designs. While we support men expressing themselves through hairstyles, this is just weird.
He has some sort of fade that circles his ear. This guy loves his ear so much that he even incorporated his beard into highlighting that specific body part. The style on top really isn’t that bad, but it still doesn’t negate how strange this one is if you ask us.
12 No Words For This One

Can someone please explain exactly what is going on with this haircut? This is one of the styles that combines different looks. Up top, we have a bowl cut. Then there’s some sort of modified mullet with a potential rat tail. Honestly, we can’t even begin to understand what we’re looking at.
The back looks like some sort of alien landing pad for a UFO to land on. Either way, she looks like a total freakazoid. By the expression on her face, we get the feeling that she knows she made a huge mistake. This one should be fun to grow out.
13 The Emo Kid

This emo haircut is one trend from the early 2000s that we are so glad is out of style. There is just so much wrong with this look that we hardly even know where to start. First of all, the bleached blonde hair is just atrocious and looks to have totally damaged his locks.
Secondly, the textured front of the hair is so frayed that he may never come back from the hack job. Finally, the spiked and stiff hair in the back looks like a “Karen” haircut gone wrong. We wonder if he went home and bit his pillow after this pic was taken.
14 The Checkerboard

We get this guy was trying to be edgy with a checkerboard undercut, but instead, it just looks odd. For starters, the patches of squares aren’t even shaped correctly. It totally looks like the barber’s hand slipped and the buzzer took out random chunks of hair.
Then, the fohawk in the front, combined with his textured crown, just doesn’t seem to go together. It’s like a mismatched haircut that went awry. It’s hard to believe that someone snapped an artsy pic of this one as if they were proud of it. It’s a big NO from us.
15 Poop Emoji

Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought to yourself, ‘I want my hair to look like a pile of poo’? That’s exactly what this man did. We can understand wanting to jump on top of current trends, like the poop emoji, but this is just gross.
Someone took the time and energy to create these swirls on his noggin. The little patch on top really seals the deal when it comes to making it look like a fresh dump. Ew! We feel gross just typing that. All this one needs is wiggly eyes on top to complete the look.
16 The Skullet

This next horrid hair trend is what professional hairdressers are calling a “Skullet”. We just call it plain ugly. What is a skullet, you might ask? It’s a more extreme version of the mullet, where the entire top and sides are shaved and the back of the hair is long.
It’s a popular look with punks and skinheads. Honestly, we’re kind of scared of this girl, so we won’t trash her too much. Let’s just say that we’d be closing our eyes too if we had this hairstyle. Either way, she’s pulling off her punk rock look with all those piercings. We officially feel old.
17 Rainbow Granny

We’ve got to give it up for this grandma who is trying to stay trendy. From her pixie cut to the interesting rainbow dye job, she’s rocking this look for sure. While we may not choose to look like this when we’re an old lady, more power to her.
Not only did she hit the crazy color trend, but she’s sporting an undercut as well. Okay, we’re just jealous because this woman is cooler than we’ll ever be. It’s actually refreshing to see a Granny thinking outside of the box and doing something fun with her hair.
18 The Mullet

We all have school photos that we’re embarrassed about, but this one takes the cake. We’re not sure if this pic was taken in the 80s when the mullet was initially the king of cuts or if it was taken recently and this kid is being ironic. Either way, it’s just ugly.
He had to have taken some time to get his hair to stand up on top like that, so this look was totally intentional. From the flattop to the shaved sides, to the long mullet in the back, this fella is all business in the front and party in the back.
19 Two-Toned

We’re not exactly sure how this horrible hairstyle came about. Did she sit down in the hairdresser’s chair and requested a tow-toned, half-straight, and half-curled hairdo? Looking at her reflection in the mirror, it doesn’t look so bad from the front, but the back is a different story.
From the striped highlights over the dark color down to the awful bleached blonde dye job, this has got to be one of the ugliest haircuts ever. Not to mention the awful way they used a curling iron to just curl the ends of the hair. We just hope she didn’t pay too much for this look.
20 Spongebob Squarepants

The next photo proves that it’s possible to take your love for something a bit too far. This person was such a fan of SpongeBob SquarePants that they went and got a bonkers haircut to prove their dedication. There is so much wrong with this hairdo that we don’t even know where to start.
First of all, the undercut itself looks strange enough, but throw in the SpongeBob figure and it’s just plain weird. The purple patch of spikes representing SpongeBob’s hair is actually kind of clever, but could never stand on its own. Then there are the pink braids on top that really seal the deal.
21 Crazy Bangs

This gentleman’s haircut has us scratching our heads. Let’s break it down for you. To start, we have a buzz cut where all the hair has been removed except for a patch of bangs. While this would be strange enough, he’s got something else going on across his forehead.
Did he collect hair from the ground and use hair product to stick another layer of bangs beneath his already ugly bangs? While we respect his right to wear his hair however he wants to, this look actually feels like some sort of crime against humanity.
22 The Crater

There are almost no words to describe just how bad this haircut is, but we’ll give it a shot. This poor guy looks like a meteor crashed into his head and left behind a bizarre crater. From the near bald undercut to the circle of spiky hair around the top, this is just wrong.
Did someone cut his hair this way on purpose? This has got to be some sort of mistake. The only logical explanation we can come up with is that maybe he lost a bet and was forced to get this look by his friends. Regardless, we can only imagine how much product is in his hair. Ew!
23 Braided Rat Tail

The rat tail is one trend that just needs to go, and this one is a doozy. Not only does this guy have an extremely long rat tail, but he’s braided it, which makes it even more offensive. He took the entire look a step further and was sporting a serious undercut.
The poof of hair on top of his head seems to be like some sort of UFO hovering on top of his noggin. If aliens landed on earth and the first thing they saw was this guy’s hairstyle, they would get back in their UFO and fly away in fear. It’s scary and we don’t like it!
24 Egg Yolk

There are some haircuts that are so hideous it’s almost too hard to believe. This oddly shaped do is one of them. The whole look is confusing, but we have to admit that we’re most perplexed by the yellow egg yolk sitting on the crown of this person’s head.
As if that wasn’t weird enough, the entire shape of the haircut is just so odd. From the blonde bowl-cut to the dark strips of long hair poking out of the bottom, it’s like some sort of hipster mullet inspired by breakfast food. Either this person is a total freak or they don’t own a mirror.
25 The Tomato

Have you ever loved a food item so much that you wanted to look like one? It appears that this woman enjoyed tomatoes so much that she asked the hairdresser to make her look like one. Despite the fact that this style is kind of unusual, it’s impressive just how much she really looks like a tomato.
The red color is spot on, and the green leaf is a nice touch. However, we had to add this one to the list of ugly haircuts for the sheer ridiculousness of it all. The outline of the stalk on top is a bit much and the bowl cut would be bad on its own. This is the case of a tomato fetish taken too far.
26 Patriotic Mohawk

God bless the USA! That’s what this man wants the whole world to say to themselves when they look his way. Nothing like a punk rock patriotic hairstyle to show love for your country. This gentleman really wanted to stand out from the crowd with this look.
You wouldn’t expect to see an American Flag on a bleached-out mohawk, but that’s exactly what’s going on here. While we applaud him for showing his dedication to the red, white, and blue, this is pretty much a fashion train wreck of epic proportions.
27 The Dreadhawk

This guy needs to pick just one look and stick with it. He somehow managed to create a completely new hairstyle—that we’ll call the “dreadhawk”—by combining dreadlocks with a mohawk. While we have to give him points for originality, we’re just not feeling it.
Is it just us or do his dreads look like dookie? Having rows of poop-looking dreads on your head is just not a good look. He looks like a crusty punk and we would bet money that he smells like one, too. This gentleman could use a haircut and a shower.
28 The Villain

Wow! There is a lot to take in on this next entry on the list. Let’s start at the top of the head and work our way down, shall we? First of all, the haircut itself is questionable. From the red poof in the front to the dark spike jetting out the back of the head, it’s just kooky.
Working our way down, the mini undercut on the bottom is pretty awful. This leads way to some sort of beard fade, which is something that we never thought we’d be forced to say. Finally, the red goatee is silly. Put the whole thing together and he looks like a villain from a dystopian novel.
29 Punk Pigtails

We have to be honest, this just isn’t a good look. It’s not every day that you see a grown man sporting pigtails. Throw in the fact that the rest of his head is shaved and you just end up with one laughable hairstyle. This guy can’t be serious with this, can he? There’s no way. Unless he is.
Once again, we have to wonder if this fella lost a bet because we just can’t see someone doing this to themselves on purpose. It’s clear from his pose that he’s a pretty confident person, but this takes some serious guts. The whole thing is a total mess.
30 The Emo Girl

One fad that took over the world in the 2000s was the “Emo kid” look. These youngsters listened to post-punk music that was all about emotions and their style was something to behold. Take, for example, this girl who chose to express her feelings through hair dye and the use of a flat iron.
While we’re all about expressing ourselves, this hairstyle is a nightmare. From the horrible black and blonde striped dye job to the pink streaks, she looks like a teenage dirtbag. She’ll look back on this photo and cringe one day because it is totally cringy. This is one trend that needed to end.
31 Pinhead

The hairdresser should be fired for creating this monstrosity of a haircut. It’s obvious that they used a highlighting cap to pull the highlights through and just didn’t bother blending the color in with the rest of the hair. The white bleached spikes look like they suffered serious damage in the process.
The spikey hairstyle alone would be bad enough, but coupled with the bad dye job, this look hurts our eyes. This one landed on this list as one hairstyle that shouldn’t be duplicated under any circumstances. Do yourself a favor and don’t try this at home!
32 Pizza Undercut

This next hairstyle is so ugly that it’s almost awesome. People are getting more and more creative with undercut designs and this one was just too crazy to pass up. Who wouldn’t want their hair to look like a slice of pizza? This girl was brave enough to actually do it.
Despite the fact that is beyond absurd, the execution of the design is impressive. From the shaved-out triangle to the amazing dye job, it really does look like a slice of pepperoni pizza was smacked into the back of her head. The rainbow color on top is crazy as well.
33 The Tri-Level

This hairstyle has us scratching our heads because it’s just so bizarre. The baby bangs are the worst and the short bob isn’t much better. By far, the ugliest part of this look is the long hair peaking out from under the bob. Is it really necessary for a hairstyle to have 3 levels?
The answer is no. Not to mention the glitter-colored clip-ons she has weaved throughout her hair. The only way this might work would be if she joined the circus because she looks like a clown. We get the feeling that wasn’t her goal, but it’s the harsh truth.
34 The Dreaded Skullet

This gentleman has married two hairstyles: dreadlocks and the skullet. He opted to shave the top off completely to expose a bald head. Then, he dreaded the remaining hair, creating a new hairstyle that never should have happened.
He looks like an aging hippy who could benefit from wearing a toupee. Not to mention the bizarre goatee he has sported out from the bottom of his chin. We think it looks like he’s trying a little bit too hard to look different and cool. He failed miserably.
35 Ugly Mullet

No list of bad haircuts would be complete with a mullet. This hairstyle was popular in the 80s and has made a comeback in a big way, much to our chagrin. Hipsters are claiming the mullet as their own and adding their own ugly touches to an already bad style.
Take, for example, this gentleman who opted to shave zig-zags into the side of his head. Couple that with the long hair in the back and the bowl cut on top and you have a horrendous haircut. We’re not sure how much longer this fad will see a resurgence, but it needs to stop.
36 The Crack-Up

This poor guy looks like he got hit with the ugly stick. The haircut itself isn’t that bad; who doesn’t love a buzzcut? It’s the nutty dye job that landed him on this list of the worst haircuts people have asked for. Who came up with this concept in the first place?
We need answers to a few questions. First of all, is this man going through something in life where he feels broken? Does he need a hug? Does he own a mirror? We may never know the answers to these burning questions. However, we do know that this look is just crazy.
37 Cap Hair

We all know at least one man who wears a cap at all times, no matter the circumstances. You would almost think he sleeps with it too! Well, that’s definitely the case with this man, whose hair is cut perfectly to look like a cap.
The top of his head is cut in a perfectly flat top, but he kept the front longer and styled it to form a paddle over his forehead. We can understand a man’s love of caps, but hair in the shape of a cap just seems like overkill to us.
38 The Chessboard

This haircut leaves us extremely perplexed. Who had this idea, and which hairdresser accepted to create this horror? At the very least, if you stick to the checkerboard shave, it’s not necessarily pretty, but it’s original and it can be ok after all.
But the dreadlocks shaped like chess pieces, was that really necessary? Not only are the pieces hard to recognize, but it’s totally ridiculous. People really need to stop trying to translate their favorite things into their haircuts!
39 The Window Blinds

Here’s another great example of how not to get your hair cut. This gentleman seems to be proudly presenting what we’ll call the “window blinds” hairstyle. The concept is pretty simple. Just take a pair of clippers and shave out horizontal lines, creating a striped effect.
Sure, this look would be perfect for the guy who wants to look like a window treatment. For the rest of us, this style is a total fail. Did this man even look in the mirror before leaving the barber shop? He should have asked for his money back or just shaved his head.
40 Hands-On

What exactly is going on here? This cute little lady has somehow transformed her hair into a pair of hands grabbing her face. While this look is totally artsy, we can’t believe something like this actually exists. Maybe she is dressing up in cosplay or something?
Regardless, this hairstyle is just too strange to not put on this list. The more we look at it, the weirder it seems to get. It’s quite impressive because she totally looks like an anime character brought to life. We just have one question. How can she hear anything with those hands over her ears?
41 Mullet With Baby Bangs

This next haircut is some sort of bizarre baby bangs/mullet hybrid. These two styles should never be paired together, as seen by this awful picture. Baby bangs are cute on infants and Rockabilly girls, but they certainly don’t belong on a grown man’s head. Especially one with gray hairs.
The scraggly mullet isn’t doing him any favors, either. Couple that with the spikey style on the crown of his head and this entire look is a bit of a mess. We give this gentleman’s look two thumbs down. He may be attempting to look like a hipster, but he’s just trying too hard.
42 Tie-Dye Hair

This hippy chick came up with a potentially cool hair concept, but the execution is all wrong. Sure, tie-dye hair is a fun idea, but this looks like it was dyed by a kindergarten student. The color combos are vibrant, yet we can’t condone the sloppy drawing.
It’s obvious someone attempted to draw the sun and the moon directly on top of her hair, and it failed miserably at the job. We can’t tell if this was done by a hairstylist or if this woman did this to herself. Either way, let this be a lesson to us all that hair dye should be applied by a licensed professional.
43 Skittles Hair

This Skittles-inspired haircut looks like this gentleman tried to taste the rainbow and had an allergic reaction on his noggin. We love treats just as much as the next person, but that doesn’t mean we want our skull to resemble a candy store. This polka-dotted look is not so sweet.
From the close buzz cut to the explosion of color on his head, this hardly looks appropriate for a man his age. We’d actually love to watch the process that unfolded for this look. Did they use a stamp and just dip it in various hair dye colors? We need answers.
44 Honeycomb Hair

This haircut is so bad that it actually hurts our eyes to look at it. Undercut styles with shaved shapes are popular these days, and while it takes talent to pull off this look, it’s just too wild for us. From the honeycomb buzz cut to the red sideburns, it’s a big no.
The pile of dreadlocks on top of her head isn’t working for us, either. Not to mention the red dye job. This woman would defiantly stand out in a crowd, and not in a good way. No one could pull off this look, so take our advice and don’t try this at home. You’re welcome!
45 Prison Stripes

Wow! This hideous hairstyle would be perfect for someone who wants to look just like prison clothes. We can’t believe someone spotted this look in the wild while they were grocery shopping. We’re so glad they snapped a pic because you have to see it to believe it.
First of all, the haircut alone is pretty bad, but top it off with those crazy black stripes and it’s even worse. From her bleached blonde locks to the ratty textured ends, this entire look should be illegal. We have to think she did this to herself. If not, the stylist needs to be arrested.
46 Rainbow Zebra Hair

People who grew up in the 80s might recognize the inspiration behind this next hairstyle. Lisa Frank’s whimsical school supplies were in popular demand for kids in that era. Known for featuring rainbow colors and animal prints, this undercut is a wink to the aesthetic.
You have to be a pretty confident person to pull this one off. Of course, undercuts are all the rage and people are getting more and more creative with the style. This colorful zebra print is straight out of the pages of Lisa Frank and looks like she designed it herself.
47 Emoji Hair

Welcome to the modern world, where people use pictograms to communicate their feelings in text messages and e-mails. Emojis are something that most people use on a daily basis, but it’s not every day that you see them painted on a person’s head. That’s exactly what this gentleman did.
What inspired him to request this hairstyle? Did he just want to let everyone know how he feels at all times? According to the emojis on his head, he’s blowing a kiss, sending love, sending blessings, laughing, and feeling happy. At least he’s sending positive vibes, even though it’s an ugly look.
48 Antlers

This woman tapped into her animalistic instincts and transformed her hair into antlers. While we applaud her creativity, we have to say that this hairstyle totally earned its place on this list of awful haircuts. Let us count the ways it’s just wrong, shall we?
First of all, the ombre dye job has less to be desired. From the bright pink roots to the drab gray ends, it’s a bit much to take in. We also can’t get over the fact that the wires they used to form the antlers are exposed at the tip of every horn. Not to mention that the antlers are uneven and wonky.
49 The Shaggy Mullet

This next hairstyle, which we dubbed the “shaggy mullet”, is a perfect example of two hairstyles that should never be put together. The shag may be a cute layered haircut on its own, but once you add the longer style in the back, it transforms into some sort of a mullet hybrid.
Not even a beautiful model could make this one look good. Let’s not overlook the fact the ends seem frizzy and destroyed. A little bit of hair product would go a long way in making this haircut seem more polished. The textured bangs sort of look like a rat chewed on the ends.
50 Pompadour Mohawk

Whoa! There is a lot to take in with this insane pompadour mohawk. The dye job alone is something to behold. From the two-toned pink and blue undercut to the rainbow mohawk on top, you have to be a total rockstar to pull off this crazy color combo. This lady is rocking it, for sure.
We’re not into the shaved-in horizontal lines on the side of her head, though. Not to mention that the mohawk is reaching huge heights. We get that you might as well go big with a style like this, but the whole thing almost makes her look like a clown.
51 The Partial Mushroom

Where do we begin with this terrible hairstyle? Goth chicks may love this partial mushroom look, but it’s just weird to the rest of us. There is nothing attractive about a half-shaved head and we all know it. Let’s not even pretend this style is normal because it isn’t.
The short bangs alone would be bad enough, but then you add the bizarre mushroom top and it rises to a whole new level of ugly. The harsh black dye job looks like a nightmare and her bald skull is equally terrifying. We get that she’s trying to be different, but this one gets two thumbs down!
52 The Bi-Hawk

We have labeled this next monstrosity of hairstyle the “bi-hawk”, thanks to the presence of the double mohawk. If one mohawk wasn’t bad enough, two side by side is even worse. Is it just us or does it look like her scalp is trying to break free in the middle of those things? It’s just bizarre.
We can’t move on without talking about the horrible dye job on this one. From the dark roots to the bleached-out ends, it’s just so strange and unattractive. We can’t forget about the little patch of ombre sideburns, either. As far as punk styles go, this one has got to be the worst.
53 Liberty Spikes

No list of bad haircuts would be complete without liberty spikes. This hairstyle has been worn by punk rockers for generations, but people are trying really hard to make it seem more mainstream. There is no way this look will ever be popular. It’s just too kooky.
Not to mention the amount of hairspray and egg whites it takes to get hair to stand up that tall, which is just not healthy for hair. The insane color combo is pretty insane as well. Overall, this style might work for Halloween, but otherwise, it’s mostly for freaks.
54 Adidas Logo

This kid must really love Adidas because he went so far as to shave their logo into his head. We don’t know if we love anything enough to ask someone to imprint it on our heads like this. By the look on his face, he doesn’t seem to be that impressed, either. He looks miserable.
Who can blame him for looking like that when he has a hairstyle like that? We’re sure that it seemed like a good idea at the time, but something obviously went wrong at the barbershop. Regardless, Adidas might want to think twice before using this guy as a spokesperson.
55 The Halo

Does anybody else think that this next hairstyle looks like a mistake? We can just see the hairstylist tripping while holding a pair of clippers and shaving out a patch of hair by accident. That is the only logical explanation for how this look came about.
This gives new meaning to the term undercut. We’ll call it the halo cut, since the line forms a ring in the middle of her head. Either way, it’s shocking to think that this is actually a style and that this lady walks around with this insane hairdo on her noggin.
56 Human Graffiti

Let’s take a moment to marvel at this wacky punk rock hairstyle. If she was trying to look like a wall of graffiti, then the mission was accomplished. It seems like someone took a can of spray paint and went to town on her head, especially with those ugly blue lines on the top of her crown.
The bright yellow baby bangs and sideburns complete this horrid haircut. We’re not sure why she felt it necessary to add multi-colored lace braids, but it’s beyond bold. This is another one of those styles that makes a person look like they belong in the circus. Is that the look she was going for?
57 The Portrait

Oh boy! Here we have failed attempt at a portrait shaved into the back of this gentleman’s head. Did he take a picture of his girlfriend or is this just some random lady? Either way, this is a total fail. From her scary eyes to her tongue running over her lips, this is an unfortunate look.
Although, we have to take a moment to appreciate the artistry of using his hair to create the woman’s hairstyle within the portrait. Other than that, we don’t have anything nice to say about this one. If you’re going to get a portrait shaved into the back of your head, make sure it doesn’t look like this!
58 Gear Head

We’re all about a person expressing their individuality, but this next haircut is just downright weird. From the bright green color to the dark green dye around her hairline, the dye job alone is a bit kooky. If that wasn’t enough, this woman opted to have a set of gears shaved into the back of her head.
Add the two-toned gray and blue colors painted on the gears and the whole look seems like a bit of a freak show. What’s up with that little shaved notch at the base of her head? It takes a special person to walk around with this on their head and not feel like an idiot.
59 Wavy Forehead

There’s a lot going on in this questionable look. First of all, the kind of waves on his forehead. Then, the well-separated strands of hair that go backwards. But as if that wasn’t enough, there are also the triangular patterns in the beard.
Honestly, what happened? The man appears to be wearing a prison uniform, so maybe he and his fellow prisoners were bored, so they were playing hairdresser to try to camouflage his receding hairline? Unfortunately, it’s not very successful.
60 The Helicopter
Either this woman is a pilot, or maybe her boyfriend is, or she really loves to travel. Or she has a very intense love of helicopters. Either way, this hairstyle is, how can I put this… impressive? But not necessarily in a good way.
It makes you wonder if this woman will just fly away at some point, when she gets tired of being where she is. Or if she will instead collapse in shame when she realizes how ridiculous she looks. This hairstyle is a crash!
61 Mocking Face

It is impossible for us to believe that all this is serious. This man clearly asked for this haircut as a joke and has no intention of keeping it. He doesn’t intend to keep it, right? We’re leaning towards the assumption that he’ll be shaving his entire head very soon.
Not only does the woman next to him, laughing hard, clearly mocking him, make us think it’s a joke, but if only the kind of mocking face at the back of his head was well shaved! Here, it’s just weird and very ugly.
62 Bobbed Haircut… Kind Of

The bobbed haircut resurfaced a few years ago and is still very fashionable nowadays. However, this person has definitely taken this cut to a whole new level—it is the case to say it!—but we don’t think that’s a good thing.
This is not a bobbed haircut, but more of a leveled bobbed haircut, or an oops-I-missed-my-shot-and-cut-too-high haircut. It’s like a curtain coming in to frame this person’s ear. We imagine that the good thing is that this person doesn’t have ugly ears…
63 Hearty Hair

This woman loves. A lot. She is a true lover of love. She loves to love, and she loves to show it to everyone! And how better to show her love of love than by shaving a huge heart on her head through her long hair?
More seriously… does she really love that new big heart-shaped hair hole on the side of her head? We know that shaved sides have been in fashion for the past few years, but this is a bit beyond the realm of good taste, don’t you think?
64 Hair Fountain
There’s no denying it, the 80s were truly the glory years of perms and hairspray. The more space the hair took up, the better. And what about those famous, gravity-defying bangs? This photo is a perfect example of 80s hair fashion.
This woman was sober about the width of her hair on the sides, but what about that bang high in the air? She went all in with it! Imagine how much hairspray it must have taken to keep it there. Her bang must be solid at this point!
65 I Love Belgium

On our annual school picture day, we always want to look our best. It’s normal, after all! Who wants to look crazy in their school picture? This person took the opportunity to show and immortalize their love for Belgium.
Black on the left, “yellow” in the center and red on the right, it is indeed the flag of Belgium that this person had reproduced on their head! Well thought. On the other hand, we are a little disappointed with the yellow section in the middle. We would have gone all in with the dye!
66 I-Want-To-Be-A-Judge Haircut

Adolescence is the time when you start to think more seriously about what you want to do later on. It’s not always easy to figure out what your dream job would be, far from it! But these two teenagers quickly found their way.
When they grow up, they want to be judges! After all, it’s a very respectable profession filled with challenges and honor! And to prove that they are serious about their choice, they proudly wear a strange haircut that is reminiscent of the wig worn by judges. But did anyone tell them that judges haven’t worn wigs since the early 1800s?
67 Furry Head

You know those old coonskin hats that American Indians used to wear, and that the European Pioneers later adopted as hunting hats in the 18th and 19th centuries? That big hairy hat with a raccoon tail on the back?
Well, this person’s haircut reminds us a lot of that. A coonskin hat. We can’t see the back of their head, but maybe there’s a racoon tail there? Or maybe it’s a new kind of coonskin hat, and the tail is replaced by a mullet?
68 Artsy Brush

Sometimes, by trying too hard, you ruin everything. That’s what we think happened in this man’s case. We don’t know what he asked his barber; he may have given him a free pass. In any case, this barber didn’t go easy on the look!
But seriously, what’s with this kind of brush style with a brown and beige gradient at the top? And as if it wasn’t weird enough, he went with shaved sides too much styled right down to the beard! And did he add a little makeup on top of that? Really, it’s too much.
69 Wild Hair

In 2008, Japanese pop artist and director Nagi Noda decided to push the barriers of hairstyling by creating a series of animal-shaped hair sculptures made of hair weaves, real hair and wire. Her series is called Hair Hats.
Here, we can see a hair reproduction of a pig. We must admit, it is very successful! Is it beautiful, though? Not really. This is definitely the type of hairstyle that only belongs in a specific art project or at a fashion show!
70 Pink 80s Bang

This picture doesn’t look that old to us. So we have a little difficulty to understand the amplitude of the bang, here. A bang all up in the air like that was fashionable in the 80s, but it’s long gone, and for a good reason.
And what about this nice pink dye added to it? You know, to make it even more visible in case someone manages to not notice it? Well, we don’t think it’s possible not to see it, really. It’s quite obvious when we look at this person.
71 The Propeller

This young woman wanted to be original by having part of her hair dyed in pink and purple. So far, so good, it’s still not that bad. But then, besides her bang—which is clearly a bit too long and which must constantly be in her eyes—she decided to use her colored hair to form a kind of propeller around her head.
But what is this hairstyle? And the rest of her head doesn’t look shaved, so what does it all look like back there? She just tied the rest of her brown hair in a bun because brown hair is boring? What a strange hairstyle she got there!
72 The Face

Okay, we’re not going to lie. This haircut makes us a little uncomfortable. The first image that comes to mind is Lord Voldemort’s face on the back of Professor Quirrell’s head in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Will this face start moving and command to the young man to kill us?
On the other hand, we have to be honest and admit that whoever shaved that face into the young man’s hair is a real artist. The face is really well done, it almost looks like a drawing! We would never want to have such a haircut, but this young man definitely has a work of art in his hair.
73 Real Strawberry

There’s no denying it, this man loves strawberries! He loves them so much that he even had one made on his head! But, like, literally. This man’s head became a big strawberry. Even the beard was involved in the transformation! At this point, we’re almost disappointed that the mustache isn’t part of the transformation too…
It’s hard to believe that this man went ahead with this hair transformation just for the love of strawberries or only for the fun of it. Really, it’s too much. Maybe it was for Halloween? Or for a specific project? It that case, this haircut would be kind of cool!
74 The Barcode

We don’t know if this is his traditional hairstyle, if he wanted to make a change for a special occasion or if his hairstyle was just plain messed up with no time to fix it, but this man literally has a barcode on the top of his head.
Even if you try to see something else, really, there is nothing to do. You can only see a barcode created by this man’s hair. We imagine that it is a risk when one has very fine hair like him and that it is wet or full of gel when you pass the comb through it.
75 Hamburger Patty

Is it hair or a hamburger patty on this young man’s head? Seriously, it’s really hard to tell! But no kidding, the similarity between this young man’s hair and a hamburger patty is far too great not to mention it.
Having some kind of dreads when you have short hair like him, it’s totally doable. Many people do it and it’s not a problem. It’s even a pretty cool look! However, note to all those who would like to sport this style: please, avoid dyeing your hair pink or red!
76 Next-Level Mullet

It’s no secret that actor Shia LaBeouf is a somewhat eccentric celebrity. He has proven this time and time again with some of these actions, among others. And he proved it once again in 2015 as he sported an absolutely hideous haircut on a red carpet.
As Pete Blackburn, who covers the NHL for Bally Sports, pointed out on Twitter, it looks like Shia LaBeouf has managed to replicate Davy Crockett’s hat in a haircut! The top of the head is fine, but with the shaved sides, and especially the long braid behind, it’s definitely a dud, in our opinion.
77 A Near-Perfect Ball

Perhaps you remember the music producer and songwriter Phil Spector? He was very popular in the 1960s, but you may have heard more about him in the 2000s, when he was the subject of two trials following the death of actress Lana Clarkson.
Well, this picture was taken during one of his trials. Check out the almost impeccable ball of hair he was sporting! Isn’t it impressive? It’s awful, but no less impressive. Al Pacino can be seen wearing an identical wig in the biographical drama television film Phil Spector, released in 2013.
78 Moon Head

The head of this man is the moon incarnate! Look at the perfect half-moon shape formed by his hair and beard! The illusion is perfect, don’t you think? He can stand in front of a flashlight in a dark room and his shadow will exactly imitate the moon!
Honestly, the idea is original, you have to give it to him, but it’s a bit strange. Is his hair and beard really cut round and at an angle like that? And what’s that kind of string that connects the two? Is it a longer hair strand?
79 Vomiting Rainbow

We imagine that the good thing about this cut is that the dyeing is very successful. Indeed, we can see very well the emoji who vomits, and the effect created by the hair dyed in the colors of the rainbow leaves no room for doubt about what is represented on the back of the head of this person.
But seriously, who wants a shaved emoji vomiting a rainbow on the back of their head? We find this really questionable. We don’t know what the purpose behind this haircut was, but while it’s artistically successful, in our opinion, it’s a failure in terms of looks.
80 Mullet Comeback

The once popular mullet haircut made a comeback a few years ago, and we feel like saying “unfortunately”. Let’s face it, this haircut doesn’t look good on everyone. In fact, it doesn’t look good on most people.
Even Scarlett Johansson can’t, in our opinion, make the mullet look good. And Scarlett Johansson usually looks pretty good in every situation! In fact, we kind of judge the actress’s choice to have opted for this haircut. Really, the mullet should be banned forever.
81 The Mustache Bang

Is that a mustache? Is that a bang? We just don’t know anymore. It is on the head of this man, then we deduce that it is hair. This man has literally shaved his entire head, except for two large strands of hair on the front, which form a kind of soft and too long handlebar mustache.
But why? Why would anyone want to have a kind of big, soft and ugly mustache in the middle of the forehead? No one will be able to convince us that someone can actually find it beautiful. Please, shave it off right now!
82 I Love Pineapple

This young man went all in with his desire of a pineapple on his head. Not only does he have the cut to form the entire pineapple, leaves at the top included, but he also has the perfect dye colors to really make his head look like a real pineapple.
There are even brown/black dye circles in each diamond of the pineapple. It doesn’t get more realistic than that! Even if we find this haircut absolutely horrible, we must say that it is very successful. The hairdresser did a great job!
83 The Hack Job

We can’t decide if this awful haircut was done on purpose or if it was an accident of some sort. It looks like the hairdresser slipped while she was cutting this woman’s bangs and mistakingly chopped off part of her bangs. The scary thing is, it was an intentional haircut.
This combination bowl/undercut is a real trend that hipsters are wearing these days. While every generation has its signature style, we think she might look back on this one and have a few regrets. This is just not a good look on her.