The Worst Neighbors You’ll Be Glad Aren’t Yours
1 Going On The Lawn

If you look closely at the sign, you’ll see the owner is asking their neighbors to not let their dog use the flower bed as a bathroom. I guess this guy wanted to be funny and use it as a bathroom himself, so then he could say, “Well, the sign didn’t say anything about people not using it.”
What he may not realize, however, is that the joke is on him. It’s illegal to urinate in public in the U.S., and yet, here he is not only being caught in the act, but he now has his face plastered all over the internet.
2 Oscar The Grouch’s Apartment

This apartment has to belong to Oscar the Grouch (or my neighbor in college—I’ll get to that in a minute) because who else would just leave their trash lying around like that? Maybe he thinks the local Department of Sanitation is going to pick it up like they do when you put your garbage out on the curb.
I had a neighbor who did this when I was in college. I hated it and the trash would stay there for weeks. It was the most putrid smell ever. Luckily, we had a door in the hallway that separated the two apartments, so I always made sure to keep it closed.
3 The Never-Ending Barking

Don’t you hate it when your neighbor’s dog won’t quit yapping? I know I do. Apparently, these people do, too. Just look at the note they left. I’m pretty sure they (and other neighbors, too) tried talking to the owners, but to no avail.
There is something else they could have tried, though. And you can try these, too, if your neighbor’s dog won’t stop barking. The first option is to call the local police department. They can go to the residence and notify the owner that there are complaints and something needs to be done. If that doesn’t work, then there’s always option two: call animal control. Not only will they investigate the matter, but they might even be able to issue warnings, fines, etc.
4 The Honest Thief

Ok, so can you really be mad at this neighbor? I mean, they did, after all, not only leave a note letting the victim know what happened, but they also left some money. As to whether it’s equal to the amount of gas they stole, well, that’s another story altogether.
Even though they were “kind” enough to leave a note and some cash, they still STOLE someone’s gas. So, to answer my initial question: YES, you should absolutely be mad about this! Just because they were nice about it (or at least they appeared to be) doesn’t make it right.
5 The Rude Note

We all have those neighbors (and sometimes co-workers) who really don’t mean any harm, but are super-duper annoying and/or boring. And while we just wanna tell them to go away, we know it would be rude to hurt their feelings, so we just tolerate them.
Of course, if the situation gets too bad, you could always tell them that you’re just not interested in their friendship. But something like that requires sensitivity. What it doesn’t require is throwing up a rude sign on the front of your yard telling the person how you truly feel. This guy must have been so embarrassed to have his neighbors broadcast their disdain for him to the whole world.
6 The Spy

Eighties singer Rockwell would hate living next door to this guy. For those who don’t know, Rockwell is best known for his hit song “Somebody’s Watching Me.”
And while this might only be a wooden man and not an actual person peering into someone else’s yard, I’m willing to bet this guy has rigged it somehow so that he can use the wooden man to spy on his neighbors without their knowledge. It’s totally possible in this day and age. And, if it’s true, it’s absolutely creepy.
The whole thing could just be a joke, though, and he’s not really spying on anyone. I’m not so sure his neighbors find it funny.
7 The Mooning Bush

It’s crazy how this person had nothing else better to do with their time than to cut a bush in the shape of a person mooning someone. And look at how it’s aimed right at the neighbor’s fence. How rude!
I can understand if the neighbors had gotten into a little dispute. It happens, right? But the mature thing to do would be to talk it over. You know, try to work it out. And perhaps they tried that, and it didn’t work. Who knows? What I do know is that this was definitely not the way to handle it. Even if it was the other guy’s fault, it just makes this guy look bad.
8 The Wi-Fi Thief

Too bad this guy didn’t have the Wi-Fi Thief Detector app on his phone. He would have instantly known what his neighbor was doing. And the fact that he’d been doing it for an entire year, yet this guy was kind enough to ask for the password to use it just for the weekend and even offered to bring beer!
Can you imagine his surprise (and likely disgust) when he found out his neighbor was stealing his Wi-Fi? Unfortunately, there’s no federal law prohibiting the use of a neighbor’s Wi-Fi. The closest thing is the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which was enacted in 1986 to address hacking. The act was an amendment to the first federal computer fraud law.
9 Trick Or Treat

Now, this is just plain mean! There’s nothing kids hate more than green vegetables, and this individual decides to hand some out for Halloween?!
Yes, children here in America need to practice healthier eating habits, but Halloween is not the time to try to get them to start. As long as they eat healthy the rest of the year, this one day won’t hurt. But somehow I get the feeling this person wasn’t concerned about the children’s health. They just wanted to be mean.
You can bet their house probably got egged and TP’d, too. Serves them right! After all, if they didn’t want to hand out candy, they could have just turned off all the lights and pretended that no one was home.
10 Trashy Yard

Is this a front lawn or a refuse collection site? It looks like a garbage truck exploded all over it! It’s evident from the photo that this isn’t someone’s home—thank goodness for that. It’s a building of some sort. Just what building it is and where it’s located is a mystery to me.
All I know is that someone decided to dump trash all over the “grass” for whatever reason. What I also know is that the people who live nearby were probably very upset about it. That’s because a messy lawn can significantly lower neighboring property values. Not only that, but it’s just plain unsanitary.
11 It’s Raining Poop

Something’s coming down the chimney, and it definitely isn’t Santa Claus! I’m sure Mike Williams wished that it was, though. Instead, what was coming down his chimney was poop. But it wasn’t from a bird like you probably suspected. It was from a person!
A neighbor spotted the young hooligan taking a dump in Williams’ chimney and ran up to tell him. “When I opened the door, the smell was incredible,” Williams told Sunday Sport. What’s more, is that the poop had splattered in the grate and ended up all over the rug in front of the fireplace.
Williams vowed that if he ever got his hands on the guy, he’d kick him in the behind so hard he’d never poop again.
12 Snow Shoveling

It’s a good idea to shovel your snow in the winter. It’s a bad idea to shovel it on your neighbor’s yard, though. Not only is it not very neighborly of you, it’s just plain rude. But that’s exactly what this guy did.
Not only that, but he was caught in the act! Hmm, I wonder if there are any laws against that? Well, I don’t know about laws against shoveling snow onto a neighbor’s yard, but I do know that blowing anything into your neighbor’s yard is considered trespassing, and as such, the neighbor could sue for punitive damages. Let’s just hope this guy thinks twice before doing anything like this again.
13 Parental Protection

One of your worst fears as a parent is for an adult to harm your children. An Arkansas dad experienced this, and he had just about enough of his 21-year-old neighbor harming his 16-year-old daughter, so he made this sign warning others about the creep in the neighborhood. What’s more is that the dad called the St. Francis County Sheriff’s Office, but law enforcement officers said they couldn’t do anything about the relationship between the two because 16 is the age of consent in Arkansas.
Thankfully, the sign got a lot of attention and was shared on social media. In fact, it went viral, and that’s exactly what the father wanted to happen. His hope is that spreading the word about this guy will push lawmakers to raise the age of consent to 18.
14 No Parking Zone

What would you do if your neighbor parked their huge RV like this and blocked half the street? There’s got to be some kind of law against this? Plus, I’m sure it goes against the HOA rules as well.
That being said, if this is your neighbor, you need to report them ASAP. You definitely can’t park your car like that, so it stands to reason you can’t park an RV like that either. This just goes to show how rude and inconsiderate some neighbors really can be. Not only are they making it hard for their neighbors to get in and out, they’re also making it difficult for emergency personnel to get through.
15 Owl Thief

This just goes to show that you never know the value (monetary, sentimental, etc.) that an item holds. The fact that this was a Mother’s Day gift probably makes this even more upsetting for the recipient.
You know, what’s funny about this situation is that people on Reddit seem to be more upset about the language the mother used than about the fact that someone stole her ornament right off her property. I mean, could you really count on neighbors like that if your stuff was stolen? Can you imagine them being more upset with you, the victim, simply for the way you expressed your feelings over the fact that someone took something of yours that was very important to you? I wonder how many of them criticizing the sign actually use that exact language on a regular basis.
16 Lookin’ Through The Windows

I’m pretty sure this isn’t what the Jackson 5 meant when they sang “Lookin’ Through The Windows!” Okay, so what do you think this guy is actually doing? Is he snapping pictures of a home he finds really beautiful and hopes to make it his home some day? Is he a private eye who’s helping his client spy on someone? Is he a peeping tom who likes to keep “souvenirs” from his sick, twisted adventures?
No matter which one, I think we can all agree that this guy is pretty creepy, and the fact that he’s doing this in broad daylight without a care in the world of being spotted is what makes this even more crazy.
17 The Pumpkin Thief

How cruel do you have to be to steal a pumpkin from a 2-year-old on Halloween? Was this the “trick” part of trick or treat? If it was, it certainly was a cruel trick to play.
Now, I could always give the thief the benefit of the doubt. It could’ve been another kid who stole it. Still, if they’re old enough to walk over there all by themselves and take a pumpkin that doesn’t belong to them, they’re old enough to know that stealing (especially from a 2-year-old) is just plain wrong. I feel sorry for the kiddo. But hey, at least he’s too young to remember what happened. Hopefully, his mom came up with a good story to tell him about the missing pumpkin, so he wouldn’t get too upset.
18 The Bird

An Australian man erected this wooden “bird” after his neighbors complained to the city council about him. I’m not sure exactly what they were complaining about, but I’m sure their complaints weren’t unwarranted. No, I don’t know anything about this guy, but his response to the complaints tells me everything I need to know about him.
I mean, who does something like this? At no time during his carving did he think maybe this was a bad idea? And then not only that, but he went so far as to put it on his front lawn. Can you imagine what passersby must think of this man? They’re probably glad they don’t live in his neighborhood.
19 The Newspaper Thief

Not only does the thief not feel any shame for what they’ve done, they’ve also declared that they’re not stopping. To top it all off, they try to shame the victim for using vulgar language.
Putting up this note, no matter how vulgar some may feel it is, was actually a brilliant idea. If there’s a camera nearby, all the victim has to do is get the building owner to review it to see who wrote the response, and then they’d know who the culprit is. Of course, it could have just been a prankster who replied to this note. In that case, this guy has more than one bad neighbor.
20 Ray Of Sunshine

There is nothing worse than a neighbor who doesn’t clean up after their dog goes to the bathroom. It’s just disgusting and rude. Someone took matters into their own hands and sent a passive-aggressive message to an irresponsible pet owner.
Despite the fact that they chose a creative way to call their neighbor out for their unacceptable behavior, they could have handled the situation in a more mature way. Who are we kidding? This is awesome. Either way, we’re glad neither of them lives in our neighborhood.
21 Parking Lot War

A neighbor shared this pic to social media of a parking lot war going down in their apartment complex. Someone parked a Cozy Coupe toy car in a parking space and refused to give up the parking space for a real-life-sized human car.
The guilty party affixed a cheeky note on the back of the toy car that read: “DO NOT REMOVE. This is the property of unit 1. We pay rent for this car space and shall therefore use it for whatever vehicle we want to.” While the situation seems hilarious, we’d be so mad if our neighbor pulled this stunt.
22 Snow Signal

Just because you live next door to a person doesn’t mean that you have to like them. Sometimes a neighborly feud can start over the smallest incident. Clearly, the person in the unit on the left has no love for the person in the unit next to them. They sent a not-so-subtle sign in the snow.
They shoveled the steps on their side of the staircase and left all the snow on the other side for their neighbor to shovel themselves. If that is not an obvious message, then we don’t know what is. It doesn’t get much more passive-aggressive than this diabolical move.
23 Christmas Thief

A neighbor shared this photo on social media that they snapped of their neighbor’s yard. Apparently, a Christmas thief hit up their house and stole a few Christmas decorations. Rather than take it on the chin, the neighbor found a creative way to put the bandit on alert.
They replaced the missing decorations with a photo of the thief from their security cam. That’s one way to handle the situation. Although, we wouldn’t want to get on this neighbor’s bad side if they’re willing to go to these lengths when someone does them wrong.
24 Take That, Larry

Some neighbors really can make life a nightmare for the people who live near them. Take, for example, Larry. It’s clear from this sign that someone put up on their sidewalk that Larry has a pattern of making sure things in the neighborhood are on the up and up.
This person didn’t waste any time calling him out on his antics. They went ahead and let him know that they had a permit to work on their house. We can just see Larry marching up to this sign and waving a fist in the air. Nothing to see here, Larry. Move on.
25 Reflective Windows

It doesn’t take much to get neighbors at each other’s throats and someone shared this pic on social media of how their neighbors handled a bad situation. It turns out that a person who lived near them insisted on turning on a porch light that shined into their neighbor’s home at night.
Rather than bicker over the matter, the homeowner covered their windows with a mirrored sticker. This reflected the light back onto the inconsiderate neighbor’s house and filtered the light so it didn’t enter through their windows. That’s one way to shine a light on the problem.
26 Property Line

One issue that can cause trouble between neighbors is establishing the property line. It can be tricky when one person claims that their property line infringes on their space. Clearly, these two people had such an issue when it came to the driveway. It looks like things got a bit out of hand.
The neighbor on the left took no prisoners and let their opponent know who was in charge. They constructed a chain-link fence over the driveway to establish the property line. While it may seem like a petty move, it’s actually a smart way to show dominance.
27 Total Eyesore

Don’t you hate it when a neighbor’s house becomes an eyesore? A person shared this photograph on social media of the lengths their neighbor went to try to get their window unit air conditioner to work at full capacity. They didn’t add more insulation or put plastic over the window as a normal person would.
They opted to surround the window unit with cardboard boxes. The velour couch pillow looks like the cherry on top. We would be mad about this sight every time we glanced out the window if our neighbor pulled a stunt like this. Not cool, neighbor!
28 Worst Neighbor Ever

These feuding neighbors’ disagreement became so heated that it actually made the local news in Schenectady, New York. Their battle went so far that they resorted to theatrics and drew attention from everyone in the neighborhood. The entire problem started over peanuts.
The neighbor in the blue house threw peanuts to feed the squirrels, but the person in the yellow house is allergic to peanuts. Eventually, the neighbor in the yellow house put up a tarp to block the peanuts from being flung into their yard. This prompted the other one to put a nasty sign in their yard.
29 A Subtle Sign

Anyone who lives in a neighborhood with a Home Owners Association will be able to relate to this photograph. Apparently, the HOA had a problem with the fact that this person’s trash cans were visible from the street. So, they found a way to let them know exactly what they thought of their request.
We’re not sure if they meant to send this message or if the work was just not completed. Either way, we hope that they meant to construct the trash bin cover and give a big middle finger to the people who wronged them. Even though it makes the neighborhood look a bit trashy.
30 The Archer

There are lots of facilities one could attend to brush up on their archery skills. A quick search on Google will turn up several results. Why on earth, then, would anyone practice in a neighborhood full of homes? If that’s even what happened.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and this one could be saying anything. Yes, the damage could be the result of archery practice. Then again, it could be the result of a disgruntled neighbor who had a bone to pick with the homeowner. Either way, I’m sure the homeowner was completely disgusted by their actions and the fact that they not only have to pay to repair the broken glass but also for the damaged wall.
31 Trashy Neighbor

Can you imagine looking outside your back window to see this huge pile of trash spilling over your neighbor’s fence? A user posted this horrible pic on the Reddit group “My Terrible Neighbors” and wrote: “At what point do the officials step in?”
We can tell you one thing. If we were dealing with this situation, the officials would have already stepped in because we would have called them. Not only is this an eyesore, but it appears to be a major safety hazard. Not to mention the many potential rodents and insects that could be lurking in that pile.
32 Cute Decoration

Kids are so adorable. Except for the child who decided to use their neighbor’s car as a sketch pad. This person shared this unfortunate photo on Reddit along with the caption: “Neighbor’s kid decided to decorate my car with a rock to make it look ‘cute’.”
We would be so mad if this happened to us! Hopefully, the parents of the budding artist offered to pay to repair the car door. They need to get a hold of that demon child before they decide to make another vehicle look “cute”. This could be an expensive hobby!
33 Could Have Been Worse

Someone posted this series of pics on social media and told a harrowing story, saying, “My neighbor’s son was hiding from them so he could sneak a smoke, he put his bud out on a paperbark tree and set the tree and my backyard on fire. The first photo is how close the fire was to my glass bottles.”
First of all, the fact that their neighbor’s kid ignited the front yard is crazy enough because they left behind some serious damage. It could have been so much worse, though, had the flames reached their stored gasoline. Regardless, we’d be furious if this was our yard.
34 Special Gift

This next picture is so nasty that it’s almost hard to believe. A person posted this photograph to social media of the disgusting gift someone left on their doorstep. They captioned the pic, “Our next-door neighbors left a used diaper outside our door.” Um… Ew!
People can be so gross sometimes. Although, we have to wonder if this was some sort of revenge. Why else would someone do something like this? We have to say that if they did have some sort of never-ending feud going on between them, the neighbor totally won with this stunt. It would be hard to top it.
35 Noisy Neighbor

Is there anything worse than a noisy upstairs neighbor? We’ve got to give extra points to this disgruntled person for creativity. They found a clever way to inform the entire building that their neighbor had a bad habit of stomping around and creating a lot of noise.
Rather than go directly to the guilty party, they made this hilarious sign which implied that their neighbor wore shoes made of concrete. Nothing like a passive-aggressive move to handle conflict. Honestly, if our downstairs neighbor called us out with a sign like this, we’d suddenly take up tap dancing.
36 Smoke Signal

People can be so rude and it seems like smokers can be the rudest. Take, for example, the situation that led to this photograph that someone shared on social media. Rather than dispose of their smokes in an ashtray, it appears that people were just tossing them down.
This person took matters into their own hands and left a message for their neighbors who dropped their cigarette butts on the ground. They gathered up all the butts and spelled out the words, “Get an ashtray.” That’s certainly one way to get everyone’s attention. We hope people got the message, loud and clear.
37 A Hole

Google Earth is a fun way to see the world without ever leaving your home. Sometimes, Google captures some hilarious sites and this next pic is one of them. If you zoom in over the image of a property in Sequim, Washington, it will reveal a secret message left from one neighbor to another.
Someone actually carved out the word “A Hole” in a field with an arrow pointing to their neighbor’s house. We have questions. Is the neighbor aware of this cryptic sign? How long did it take this person to carve out the word “A Hole”? What did the neighbor do to deserve this?
38 Moving Out Present

These people thought they would be free from their bad neighbors because they were moving out, which couldn’t have been further from the truth. Someone posted this pic on Reddit and wrote: “As a ‘moving out present’, my neighbors wrecked the lawn by getting a U-Haul truck stuck.”
This parting gift not only trashed the grass in their front yard, but who wants to have to deal with a stuck U-Haul truck? After seeing this unfortunate photograph, we just have one pressing question: with neighbors like this, who needs enemies? We hope they resolved the situation before leaving for good.
39 Merry Christmas

On the surface, this seems to be one of the friendliest exchanges on this list of interactions between bad neighbors. The first note very politely asked if their neighbor could “Please keep it down after midnight.” They even thanked them, drew a cute smiley face, and sent festive greetings.
The neighbor’s response seemed nice enough, as they gently stated that no one had been up after 10 pm. That’s when the friendly messages ended and a sarcastic tone took over. Something tells us that things wouldn’t be pleasant if they actually met in real life, despite all the happy faces.
40 Property Problems

It seems like one issue that often pops up between neighbors is establishing property lines. People sometimes disagree about where their property ends and their neighbors begin. What sort of recourse can people take in these sorts of situations? This person’s neighbor sent a clear message.
They built a fence right in the middle of the road just to prove that it was their property. That’s one way to get the point across. Looks like no one can skirt around this issue. What would you do if your neighbor did something as annoying as this? We’d knock that fence down!