Interesting And Weird Tricks To Make Eggs Taste Better
1 Give Them An Ice Bath

Did you know that the perfect hard-boiled egg needs an ice bath? Yep, it’s true. The reason is because ice water stops the eggs from cooking (or in this case, overcooking) and helps them achieve the ideal set.
So, now that you know what to do, I’ll explain how to do it:
While your eggs are boiling on the stove, grab a bowl or basin, fill it with water and ice, and set it aside. Once you’ve boiled the eggs for the amount of time you desire, use a pair of tongs (or whatever utensil you choose) to carefully place each egg in the ice water. Let the eggs sit for a few minutes, then peel and enjoy.
You can use an ice bath for soft-boiled eggs, too. If you’ve ever cooked soft-boiled eggs, then you know that they can be hard to remove from the pot because they aren’t firm. But since you don’t want them to get too firm, placing them in an ice bath to stop their cooking will guarantee you’ll have the gooiest eggs ever!
2 Use A Cappuccino Machine

This is a great tip for those of you who like your eggs very fluffy. I know it may sound weird, but the one and only Martha Stewart makes her scrambled eggs this way. In fact, she’s been doing it this way for years. Not only does the cappuccino machine make them fluffy, the moist heat from the steam wand keeps the eggs from drying out.
Here’s how you can make “cappuccino eggs” at home:
- Grab your cappuccino machine
- Break up two eggs into an Irish coffee mug (or some similar container)
- Add a pinch of salt and pepper
- Add 1 1/2 teaspoons of butter
- Insert the steam wand right into the egg
- Mix everything together
And, within just a few seconds, you have the softest, fluffiest scrambled eggs ever. Enjoy!
For even fluffier eggs, mix in a bit of frothed milk.
3 Mix In A Little Fungus

I know it sounds gross, but hear me out. Now, when I say fungus, I actually mean truffles. Black truffles, to be exact.
Didn’t know that truffles were considered fungi? Well, it’s true. A truffle is an edible subterranean fungus and is considered a delicacy from Classical times.
So, how can you use black truffles to make your eggs taste better? According to an article published by Insider, chef Trevor Teich says it’s actually the fat in the eggs that enhances the flavor of the black truffle, “which creates a deliciously aromatic dish.”
Please keep in mind that black truffles can be quite expensive. Prices vary depending on the market, and some can cost anywhere from $300 to $800 per pound! That being said, if you’re on a budget, truffle oil is a far more affordable option. You can purchase some for less than $20. On the other hand, if money is no object for you, you can always go for the shaved black truffle.
4 Pre-Salt Them

Okay, so adding salt to your eggs is nothing out of the ordinary, but adding a dash of salt to them before you start cooking them is. That’s what recommends doing.
According to the website, you should add salt to whisked eggs 15 minutes before you start cooking them. And, yes, it may sound counterintuitive to let the salt sit for that long, but it actually won’t dry out your eggs. In fact, it will help lock in the moisture. The result will be incredibly tender scrambled eggs.
For optimal moistness and tenderness, let the salt sit in the whisked eggs for 30 to 60 minutes.
While we’re on the subject of salt, did you know that you can season an egg through its shell? Crazy, huh? But it can be done, and it is a popular technique in Japan. Simply boil the eggs, let them cool, place them in salt water (three ounces of salt per cup of water), and leave them there for 36 to 48 hours. The result is a perfectly seasoned boiled egg.
5 Cook Them In Leftover Red Wine

Poaching eggs in leftover red wine gives them a subtle flavor. Here is a recipe for kale on toast with red wine poached eggs from
- 5 cups chopped kale
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1/3 cup olive oil
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- juice of 1/2 a lemon
- pinch red pepper flakes
- 4 slices of your favorite bread
- 4 large eggs
- 3 cups Entwine Merlot
- Make kale pesto by combining the kale, garlic, oil, salt, and lemon juice in a blender and pureeing until it resembles pesto.
- Taste the pesto and add red pepper flakes to taste. Then re-blend everything and set it aside.
- Toast the bread slices.
- Bring the wine to a boil in a small saucepan.
- Stir simmering wine with a wooden spoon, creating a funnel in the middle.
- Gently crack one egg into the moving water and poach for about four minutes.
- Repeat the previous steps with the remaining eggs.
- Serve the kale pesto and poached eggs on top of toast.
6 Add Cinnamon
Believe it or not, cinnamon is the perfect accompaniment to scrambled or hard-boiled eggs. It adds sweetness and depth to the flavor.
Another take on these “cinnamon eggs” is the “sweet cinnamon omelet,” for which you’ll need two eggs, two to three tablespoons of milk, 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, two teaspoons of maple syrup, one cup of frozen mixed berries, 1/3 to 1/2 cup of Greek or coconut yogurt, a handful of granola, and oil (olive oil, coconut oil, or butter).
Yet another take is “scrambled eggs on cinnamon toast.” You’ll need two slices of white bread, three fresh eggs, a tablespoon of butter (divided), two teaspoons of sugar, 1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, 1/2 tablespoon of milk, salt, and pepper.
- Make sure you use ground cinnamon instead of crushed cinnamon sticks. Ground cinnamon infuses the eggs with far more flavor.
- For a bit of extra sweetness, add in two pinches of sugar.
- Try sprinkling other spices on your eggs, too, including nutmeg, ginger, and chili powder. You could also add a dash of vanilla extract or a drizzle of honey.
7 Cook Them In A Double Boiler

To avoid overcooking your eggs, you will want to cook them in a double boiler. What is a double boiler, you ask? Believe it or not, it’s not as complicated as it sounds. It’s just a stainless steel bowl that is placed on top of a simmering pot of water. Of course, you could purchase an actual double boiler from Amazon or Walmart, but if you’ve got the right equipment at home to make a makeshift double boiler, why not?
Now, before you begin cooking your eggs, I must tell you that the double boiler process is slow and requires frequent stirring. “If you let them sit, they’ll just coagulate and be one mass of eggs,” Nick Korbee, chef at New York’s Egg Shop, told Esquire.
That being said, if you have the time, you can cook your eggs using this method. The result will be scrambled eggs that are both rich and decadent.
8 Use Brown Eggs
Do white eggs and brown eggs taste different? It depends on who you ask. But there are enough people who notice a difference between the two that it warrants a bit of attention to brown eggs in this article.
Now, the difference in taste has nothing to do with the color of the eggs. Instead, it has to do with what the chickens are fed. For example, brown hens are fed corn a lot of the time, and the difference in diet is what impacts the quality of the taste, as well as the color of the yolk, which is much darker in brown eggs.
And while there is no difference in the nutritional profiles of white and brown eggs, brown eggs are more expensive, but there is a simple explanation for that—they’re fed more than their white-feathered counterparts. In fact, they have much bigger appetites and are bigger in size.
9 Add Sherry Vinegar

Sherry vinegar can be used to give scrambled eggs a unique flavor profile. “Sherry vinegar has a distinct color, taste, and aroma that cuts through the richness of scrambled eggs,” chef Trevor Teich told Insider. Simply add a few drops of it to your egg mixture before scrambling.
Sherry vinegar can also be used to perk up fried eggs. Here’s a quick recipe from French chef and restaurateur Roger Vergé:
Break two or three eggs into a bowl, being extra careful not to break the yolks. Next, heat a tablespoon of butter in a 6-inch frying pan. When it turns golden, carefully add the eggs. Cook the eggs, being sure to pop any air bubbles with a fork.
Once the eggs are cooked to your liking, add salt and freshly ground pepper. Transfer the eggs to a heated plate and pour two tablespoons of vinegar into the pan. Allow the vinegar to reduce by half and pour it over the eggs.
10 Toss In Some Corn Chips

If you’ve got a bag of slightly stale corn chips in your kitchen, why not toss them into your scrambled eggs? They’re perfect for adding crunchy, salty goodness to your eggs.
But don’t just pour the mixture into the frying pan as soon as you add the chips. For best results, let the corn chips sit in the whisked eggs for a minute or two to soften them up.
- Get creative and experiment with different flavors of corn chips. There are quite a few to choose from, including classic ranch, barbecue, and chili cheese. You can experiment with different colors, too. There are yellow, white and blue corn chips.
- Turn your “corn chip eggs” into taco-style scrambled eggs by adding guacamole.
- Another twist on this recipe is the Breakfast Fritos Pie. It consists of corn chips topped with scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, Hollandaise sauce, and melted cheese.
- You can make Mexican Egg Nachos, too. For that, you’ll need a long list of ingredients that include black beans, tomatoes, shallots, green chili, and cheddar cheese.
11 Toss In Chopped Tortillas

Adding chopped tortillas to your scrambled eggs gives them extra texture. For best results, make sure the tortillas are slightly stale.
- Toast the chopped tortillas for a rich, crunchy, flavorful dish.
- Store-bought tortilla chips work well in this recipe, too. Just toss in some slightly stale chips to add salt and crunchiness to your scrambled eggs.
- Don’t forget other add-ins like avocado or hot sauce for even more texture and flavor.
- You could also use leftover tortillas to make egg tacos. It doesn’t matter if you scramble them, boil them, or turn them into an omelet. The egg taco will taste amazing, regardless. And if you’re a carnivore, consider adding bacon or sausage. Don’t forget the salsa and cheese!
Migas, a popular Mexican dish, is made using eggs and chopped tortillas—more specifically, corn tortilla strips. In fact, Migas is a traditional breakfast dish and includes peppers, onions, tomato, and melted cheese. By the way, the word “migas” means “crumbs.”
12 Add Mayo

Yes, we use mayo all the time in egg dishes like egg salad and deviled eggs, but have you ever thought about adding mayo to your scrambled eggs? I’m not talking about slathering mayo on two slices of bread and making a scrambled egg sandwich. I’m talking about actually adding mayo to your egg mixture before scrambling. Never tried it? Well, it’s high time you did.
All you need is a teaspoon of mayo to add to your egg mixture to give you the most moist, rich, delicious eggs you’ve ever tasted! To prepare two servings, simply mix one tablespoon of mayo with two eggs.
Now, if you happen to be part of the anti-mayo crowd, you can always substitute the mayo in this recipe with Greek yogurt. Sour cream works well as a great alternative, too, because it’s similar to mayo in both color and texture. And your eggs will be very creamy and fluffy. Yum!
13 Add Club Soda

Club soda is a volumizing ingredient. In other words, it makes scrambled eggs big and fluffy. So, how much should you put into your eggs? Add one tablespoon for every two eggs you’re cooking.
You can use seltzer water (which is very similar to club soda) or baking soda instead. Simply add one tablespoon of seltzer water for every two eggs you’re cooking. As for the baking soda, add 1/8 teaspoon for every 4 eggs you’re cooking. Simply whisk it into the egg mixture, cook, and enjoy!
There’s a Vietnamese beverage known as egg soda. It’s made from egg yolks, sweetened condensed milk, and, you guessed it, club soda. According to Kitchn, it “tastes like a rich, custardy ice cream soda.”
Interested in making egg soda at home? Follow this recipe: place two tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk and egg yolk in the bottom of a glass. Fill the glass with club soda and stir the mixture vigorously until combined. Pour the soda over ice and serve.
14 Alternate Between Heat And No Heat

This tip comes from the one and only international chef and restaurateur Gordon Ramsay. According to Ramsay, a great way to get the creamiest, richest scrambled eggs you have ever had is to do this: while cooking, remove the eggs from the heat and then place them back on the heat again every 20 to 30 seconds or so, until they are firm.
Here’s how he does it: He starts by adding cracked cold eggs and butter to a sauce pot and placing the pot on the stove over medium heat while stirring the eggs constantly. Then, he removes the pot from the burner, stirs the eggs while they’re off the heat for about 20 seconds, then puts them back on the burner for another 30 seconds. He repeats this process until the eggs are firm.
Lastly, Ramsay seasons the eggs with salt, pepper, and a teaspoon of cold crème fraîche (or fresh cream, in English) to prevent them from overcooking.
15 Bake Them On A Wet Towel

If the heading above has left you bamboozled, you’re not alone. Though it may seem strange, baking eggs on a wet towel is a good alternative to hard-boiling them on top of the stove. It’s also perfect for preparing a lot of hard-cooked eggs at one time, especially if you need boiled eggs for Easter or deviled eggs for a get-together.
The idea comes from a cook named Alton Brown. According to Brown, the wet towel protects the eggs from browning on the oven’s grates while simultaneously creating creamy hard-cooked eggs.
All you need to do is wet a basic kitchen towel so that it’s damp, lay the towel on the center rack of the oven, and line up the eggs on top of the towel, being careful to make sure none of them are touching each other.
Then, you bake the eggs at 320° F for 30 minutes, and remove them from the oven by grabbing the four corners of the towel to create a cradle for the eggs. Lastly, transfer the eggs to an ice bath to allow them to cool before handling them.
16 Remove Them From The Heat Right Before They’re Done

Did you know that eggs continue cooking after you’ve turned off the stove? That’s because eggs are a protein, and like all proteins, the residual heat from the burner, despite being turned off, will continue to cook them. Therefore, it’s a good idea to remove your eggs from the stove just before they’re fully cooked.
And, please don’t forget to remove them from whatever hot dish you’ve prepared them in, whether it be a skillet that you scrambled eggs in or a pot that you boiled eggs in. Transfer the scrambled eggs to a serving platter and place the boiled eggs in a bowl of ice cold water. All of this helps you to avoid overcooking them.
Eggs don’t take a long time to cook, so make sure you aren’t cooking them at high temperatures. Instead, use moderately low heat to control the rate at which they cook and to ensure they cook evenly.
17 Make Sure They’re Fresh By Dropping Them Into Water

The main way to improve the taste of your eggs is to first make sure they are fresh. So, how do you do that before cracking them open, cooking them, and taking a bite? You gently drop them (one at a time) in a glass full of water. If the eggs sink to the bottom, they are fresh and good to eat; if they float to the top, they’re old and should be thrown out.
There are two other ways you can make sure your eggs are fresh. The most obvious way is to smell them. If you crack open an egg and it doesn’t smell good, then you know you need to toss it out. The other trick is to shake it. If you hear liquid sloshing around on the inside, the egg is no good. If you don’t hear anything at all, then you know that the egg is still fresh.
18 Sieve Them Before Poaching Or Scrambling

Okay, so you want to guarantee that your poached or scrambled eggs will come out perfectly; that they are soft and fluffy, in the case of scrambled eggs, or that they have firm whites and runny yolks, in the case of poached eggs. Well, we have the perfect hack for you. Sieve your eggs before poaching or scrambling them. This will remove excess moisture from the watery outer layer of the eggs and make sure the yolks and whites hold together.
Passing your eggs through a sieve will also help to remove any impurities, such as egg shells.
FYI, this technique works for fried eggs as well, or basically any recipe that calls for removing the egg from its shell prior to cooking.
Crack your eggs against a flat surface or a countertop as opposed to cracking them on the side of a bowl or the defined edge of a utensil. This will keep you from using more force than necessary, ensuring that the yolk stays intact and that there will be no shells in the egg itself.
19 Boil Your Scrambled Eggs

Believe it or not, if you aren’t boiling your scrambled eggs, you’re probably cooking them all wrong. Sounds crazy, right? But according to Michelin-starred chef Daniel Patterson, that’s the best way to do it.
The idea behind this interesting cooking technique is that because eggs are poached in water, they can be scrambled in water, too. But wouldn’t they taste watered down, you ask? Surprisingly, no. Instead, they will turn out light and fluffy—and quite tasty, too.
Here’s how to do it:
- Bring four inches of water to a boil over medium heat.
- Beat two to four eggs in a large bowl until they’re well blended, whisking for at least 30 seconds.
- Stir the water to create a whirlpool.
- Pour in the whisked eggs, cover the pot with a lid, and count to 20.
- Uncover the pot.
- Pour the eggs out into a strainer and shake off any excess water.
- Season to your liking.
20 Add A Splash Of Orange Juice

Now, I’m sure you’ve all had orange juice with your eggs, but what about orange juice in your eggs? No? Me neither. But, apparently, it’s supposed to enhance the flavor of your eggs. All you have to do is add a splash of it into your eggs before cooking them and wait for your taste buds to explode!
Don’t worry. You nor your family will be able to taste the orange juice. Yes, your eggs will taste different (in a good way), but no one at the breakfast table is going to say, “Hey, it tastes like someone spilled their cup of orange juice on my plate!”
By the way, lemon zest works well, too. All you need to do is add a small teaspoon of it to your scrambled eggs or omelet.
In 2015, Japanese farmers developed eggs that tasted and smelled like citrus fruit by giving their chickens feed containing yuzu peels. FYI, a yuzu is a citrus fruit and plant found in East Asia.