Funny Text Messages That Will Make You Laugh
1 Who’s Dis?

This mother is very hard to get. Seriously, who would miss a free pancake day?!?
2 Bruno Mars Lyrics

Without context, Bruno Mars’ lyrics can really be confusing!
3 Lots Of Love

The internet slang is definitely not for everyone.
4 The Meanest Mom

This mother is evil! Who does this to their child?
5 Autocorrect Fail

Accepted, adopted… it’s almost the same thing, no need to get upset!
6 Drunk Texting

This person has definitely had a hard day, give them a chance.
7 Not What That Means

After all, we can’t blame her, these are the right letters…
8 Epic Photo Fail

There’s something about mothers and their inability to take pictures with their cell phones, don’t you agree?
9 Cereal Lover

What doesn’t Cole understand? This person just wants to eat their cereal!
10 Dad Joke

This son may hate his name, but we love his father’s humor! That joke will never get old.
11 April Fools From Grandma

This grandmother seems very modern to us, don’t you agree? She uses slang and everything!
12 That Time Grandpa Made Up Abbreviations

It’s a great initiative this grandfather had, but keeping track of his abbreviations could prove to be difficult!
13 Mom Can’t Figure Out Google

Please offer this mom a little smartphone course, or the book “Internet for Dummies”. She definitely needs it.
14 Hilarious Drunk Dial

Jason may have a high blood alcohol level, but he’s still very understandable and, let’s admit it, very funny.
15 The Comedian

Well, in this vendor’s defense, to a ridiculous proposal, a ridiculous response. This potential buyer had it coming.
16 That’s A Lot Of Applesauce

“Mottsapplesauce” and “mortgage payment” are very similar words, after all. Kind of…
17 Days Of Christmas

Wow, give us the name of that teacher so we can make sure we NEVER have to study with him!
18 Easter Is Cancelled

Poor Courtney! Her mother’s reaction seems a bit cruel, but at the same time, it makes us laugh a lot. A nice dark humor!
19 Mom The Match Maker

That sounds like the perfect start to a horror movie. And didn’t she just mention that the last man her mother made her meet was a murderer?!
20 Totally Busted

After all, girls have to stick together, right? He’s the bad guy, not them.
21 Found My Glasses

Without a doubt, this mom needs her glasses! A true presbyope! It’s hard to deny it.
22 The Space Bar

It’s fascinating how people can lose their way when faced with something they don’t know. The word “Space” is written on the button, but panic got the better of her.
23 Nobody To Talk To

Here is a nice and present friend! As they say, with a friend like that, that person doesn’t need enemies!
24 Not Kate Winslet’s Husband

How can a husband confuse a photo of Kate Winslet with his wife? Does this man have some fantasies, perhaps?
25 Dying Guy

Okay, so… is this dude really dying or not? This fuzzy conversation is very perplexing. Why did he write to this person who he doesn’t really seem to be close with and say something like that?
26 Counter Strike

We love people who respond seriously to their friends’ wackiest lines. It’s a lot more fun than explaining the real situation!
27 Rats VS Beavers

Dinosaur piss? We’re really not sure we like this person’s strange explanation about rats, disease and water. We like beavers much better.
28 Mike Wazowski

We love Mike Wazowski, and this revelation seems somewhat disturbing. Now, we can’t imagine anything else when we think of him.
29 Abusive Boss

Even if this employee is no longer a minor, we still have some doubts as to the legitimacy of this schedule imposed by his boss.
30 January 13, 2024

Unfortunately, this text was off by about a year and a half in its forecast. Still, nice try.
31 Infamous Plane Crashes

Everyone knows that airplane crashes are extremely rare, but everyone is still a little scared, especially if they see such a video before taking off!
32 Fallen Finger

That’s a nice optimistic way of looking at it. What’s one finger, anyway, on 59? Only one out of 6 people will be slightly affected by that.
33 Autocorrect

Our heart stopped for two seconds while reading this message, before seeing the correction of the sender. We wish very hard that such a video does not exist!
34 DNA Recipient

Cute little nicknames between mother and daughter are pretty common, but we have to admit that this mom found THE funniest nickname for her daugther!
35 Butthole On Fire

Just like this wrong recipient, we want to know the rest of this story. And even the premise. Jake set his butthole on fire again?!
36 I’m Blind

We have a huge respect for these people with a disability, but who manage to live well with it, and we love how this friend reacts after having managed to forget that his friend is blind.
37 Lay’s Farts

Are you one of those people who think Lay’s smell like farts or, like us, do you find it all a little strange?
38 Lost Glasses

We all, from time to time, look for something that we literally have in our hands, or at least, on us. And every time, it creates a hilarious situation!
39 Committing Crimes

Isn’t there something a little strange about someone who constantly makes jokes about crimes allegedly committed? Isn’t there always some truth in every joke? That’s scary.
40 Seizure Alert

Okay, “necessary” can be hard to write after you get past a certain level of fatigue. But is this person chatting with themselves? Are they that tired? The two profile pictures are the same…
41 Adult Diapers

Two things: this auction seems indeed strange, and this man who wants to bid on adult diapers seems to take fishing tournaments a little too seriously.
42 Pocket Call

All these messages are a bit weird, but at least there’s nothing inappropriate or compromising. You have to look on the bright side!
43 I See

Certainly, writing “I see” during a conversation about a person with diminishing vision may seem a little tactless. But hey, no hard feelings.
44 Wanting A Baby

We won’t lie to you, we have a little trouble understanding the very subtle mood of this message… who eats (or not) babies?

Here’s a very interesting HYPOTHESIS that this mom will HYPOTHETICALLY not like, and even HYPOTHETICALLY refuse.
46 Abduction

Ha, my child has been kidnapped? Okay, no big deal. Oh, I just forgot him at daycare… damn!
47 I’ll Reply Soon

It’s always fun to play little cell phone games with our friends. Except when they are not invested in the game and never play their turn…
48 Playing Uno

This discussion confuses us a lot. In fact, we are probably as confused as the person who received this photo. Indeed, what is he doing in the sink?
49 Keep Both Of Your Eyes

What kind of optometrist will this person see to hope to keep both eyes? It sounds very scary to us!
50 Can You Pick Me Up?

Was this photo sent in response to the question asked or is it completely random? If this is the real answer, we deduce that he probably doesn’t want to…
51 Happy Mother’s Day

It’s nice to see exes with a healthy and sympathetic relationship. And it’s nice to see a man acknowledge the hard work of being pregnant!
52 Self Care

We very much agree with the importance of self care, but also with the idea of a margarita and a waffle any time of the day!
53 Hormone Levels

We are very divided between finding this pun really funny or being discouraged by this dad joke a little out of place…
54 Farm

These guys emoji game is totally on point! We still have a slight preference for the first drawing, that is way more original and creative.
55 Ghost At A Funeral

A friend should never miss his friend’s funeral, that’s for sure. But how will he achieve the feat of being there if he is already dead? It all seems very paranormal to us!
56 Lawyers

It is a disappointment, indeed. Did this person really think they were funny? Because their joke is really boring.
57 No More Feelings

Wow. Isn’t this the smoothest breakup ever? If only all breakups could go this smoothly!
58 It Can’t Be That Bad

Sacrilege! Some people just don’t understand the subtlety of ramen and how to enjoy it at its best.
59 Do It

This man has definitely found the woman of his life. Isn’t it beautiful to see?
60 How’s It Going?

Babysitting can really be a thankless job. Especially when the kids are real little monsters!
61 Pay Attention

While one has a great deal of respect for the person trying to pretend to be God, one must admit that the other person has offered the best possible answer.
62 Not Drunk

Well, that could be a sign that this person had too much to drink, but at the same time, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head were very good in Toy Story!
63 Street Name

Now everyone knows that Mark street name is Lil Marco. Is it supposed to sound kind of badass or something? Do you think he got the respect he was looking for in the street?
64 Like A God

It’s a bit sad for this person, we must admit. But at the same time, the comparison is very good.
65 I Made You

Well, now, that’s a bit harsh, isn’t it? Let’s hope this mother-daughter duo gets along better than it appears in this short exchange.
66 Am I Adopted?

Is it just the father trying to be funny or is this child really a bundle of trouble?
67 The Mistake

We love the fact that it is the father who has to ask his son for condom instead of the other way around, and we strongly hope for the son that he is not really the mistake his father refers to!
68 Moses’s Case

We can deduce that the person who sent the first message is a lawyer or something like that, but we love the receiver’s repartee!
69 Passing Gas

It’s never fun to have to let out a little gas in public, but the embarrassment must be immense when you do it thinking you’re going unnoticed when you’re not at all!
70 Vapeing

It seems that the mother is alone on her side, here. And it must be even more annoying considering how lightly the dad seems to approach the issue, even though we think he’s hilarious!
71 Lightly Fried Fish Fillets

This father really wanted lightly fried fish fillets. It doesn’t matter if it’s the middle of the night, when the call of the lightly fried fish fillets is heard, no one can resist the lightly fried fish fillets.
72 Mood AF

Coming from a mother, the beginning of the conversation seemed quite normal. The end, however, surprised us a bit!
73 DoorDash Order

Writing “lasagna” can obviously be difficult in some circumstances. Luckily, everyone knows Garfield and his favorite dish!
74 Dad Toys

It’s a fact, fathers can sometimes be real big kids! On the other hand, it’s nice to keep your childish heart even when you’re an adult!
75 Drunk Text

We imagine that drunk texting your mother is likely to have far fewer negative consequences than drunk texting an ex, though.
76 Dwayne Johnson’s Twin

One wonders if this person is fooling his friend or if he is serious. It seems impossible that both people conversing together don’t know Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson!
77 Pecan Pie

Sometimes it is really hard to understand the logic behind the autocorrect. How are “No” and “Pecan pie” similar?
78 Can U Pcik Me Up?

You have to be REALLY drunk to forget that a friend came to drive you home and think that you just magically made it home by yourself!
79 Auto Erect

This conversation between a mother and child had the potential to get intensely out of hand! Autocorrect often creates delectable conversations.

No, YOLO is not generally used as a warning, but at the same time, in the context, it works. Be careful, because YOLO!
81 Poop On What?

Asking this question was definitely very difficult! But the bigger question here is who actually pooped in the shower?!
82 Dog Park

Sometimes you have to find some sort of motivation to get out and get to the dog park. This mom found hers.
83 Tough Love

Isn’t a mother’s love unconditional? This child must really be giving her a run for her money!
84 Police Officer

This man really makes a difference between his job as a police officer and his role as a father! But after all, who better than a police officer to make sure his child is careful if they commit a crime?
85 How Come You Never Call?

This mother just wants to talk to her daughter on the phone. Is that too much to ask?
86 Biotech

This is a good example of an autocorrect that forces the receiver of the message to guess what the other person meant!
87 What’s Your Job?

There are no sub-trades, they are all important to some degree. But of course it is always possible to embellish one’s job a little.
88 New Secretary ASAP

The autocorrect can sometimes put us in a bit of an awkward situation, can’t it?
89 Silly Potato

Technology can sometimes be difficult for the elderly, but one can only have respect for this grandmother.
90 To Buy Or Not To Buy Samosas

We have a hard time understanding if these samosas are really good or not. I guess we will have to test them ourselves to be sure.
91 Laundry Problem

What could be more relaxing and enjoyable than a candlelight bath? This proposal seems to us to be the equivalent of a gentle cycle for sure.
92 Still Working

This mom obviously has her hands full and is having a hard time keeping up!
93 High Blood Sugar

Well, you have to admit that it is very funny. Jason has gained weight since the last movie indeed!
94 Recognition

This person doesn’t have very high self-esteem if they consider this insult as recognition!

Knowing this, there is a way to have a lot of fun with our replies in the future!
96 Number Neighbor

This number neighbor seems pretty funny!
97 All Ears

Ha, dad jokes! But we can’t blame him, this emoji drawing represents the expression well…!
98 Do You Like Cheese?

Well, even if he didn’t like cheese, who couldn’t love this Cheese? He’s so cute!
99 Time Bargain

It doesn’t seem to be easy to see his sister!
100 Tooth Hurty

It’s a really bad joke, but we still can’t help but laugh!
101 He Got Swifted

He’ll have to come to terms with this breakup, because this Taylor Swift fan has definitely moved on.
102 Sploosh

Well, Ducky got sploosh. Poor, unlucky Ducky.
103 Ice Cream Scoop

After all, ice scraper and ice cream scoop read almost the same!
104 Sunglasses Off

This guy wanted to look strong, but his friend unglassed the truth!
105 Karen’s Mad

This line was meant to be funny, but the real Karen seems to have taken it badly…
106 Dad Doesn’t Joke

This son definitely did not learn to make dad jokes from his father!
107 Hard Pass

But the real question is, where did she find this horror?
108 Jason Peninsula

Clearly, the next time they run out of jalapeno, her boyfriend will ask her to buy some Jason peninsula!
109 Todd Won

Well, Todd has some nerve! Not only does he give a fake number so he doesn’t have to hand over the money, but he also gives the county sheriff’s number!
110 Get W…hatever

Sometimes it’s hard to have sympathy.
111 Adopting Kittens For What?

Fortunately for this person, it was just an automatic response, so they were able to correct themselves. Still, maybe they will stop them from adopting.
112 Wanting To Be A Pedestrian

It definitely takes more study to become a pediatrician than a pedestrian!
113 Catch Babe!

This couple is definitely for life! That catch is awesome!
114 Warm You Up

Three weeks without news, and then this? We would react the same way!
115 Karaoke Night

Well, that guy did dodge a bullet indeed!
116 So Beautiful

If we’re being honest, she had it coming…
117 Need Some Space

In their defense, Sarah did not specify the type of space she needed.
118 She Meant Pie

It seems that Alec was quickly disappointed…
119 Hope She DOes

This is one of the most awkward autocorrect we’ve seen!

How did this autocorrect even happen? We have so many questions!
121 Enjoyed Making You

Well, we all know how babies are made, so all the better if he enjoyed it!
122 What Boyfriend?

These kinds of accidents happen, you know. Doesn’t mean he is her boyfriend.
123 NO $

The implicit messages shared in this conversation are genius!
124 “Autocorrect”

This man is so sharp! What a funny “autocorrect”!
125 What Duck

This mother got screwed, and we bet you did too!
126 Which Ball?

It is indeed hilarious that she knows, but she’s a mom, so she obviously knows everything!
127 Hurting Words

Those words must have hurt indeed. Well done, girl!
128 Harry Potter Pick-Up Line

You have to give it to him, this man is creative as can be!
129 Evil Dad

How could this dad make a joke like that?! That’s so wrong!
130 Wrong Picture

Wrong picture indeed! Or maybe they don’t really like them…
131 OMG

What’s wrong with this dad? OMG…
132 First Contact

Adam doesn’t seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed…
133 Updog

We love hotdogs, but we would be very curious to know what an updog is…!
134 Designated Driver

Dream or reality? Sometimes it’s hard to know. Dreams can be so realistic!
135 Amber Heard Theories

The trial between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp has caused a lot of talk, but we have to admit that this veloci-Amber theory is by far the most amazing thing we’ve read about it.
136 Demon Freak

Is it us or is Kate a little mixed up? Or was this a shady cruise tactic?
137 This Is Awkward

A therapist seems like a good idea here, no matter if the message was addressed to a dog or a girl.
138 So Uncomfortable

We only hope that this Uber driver put on his client’s favorite radio station for the ride. It’s the least he could do in this situation!
139 Very Responsible Decision

This friendship is gold! Everyone needs a friend who will keep them in line by not telling them not to do something they don’t want to do… Or something like that.
140 Thug Life

This girl must be really happy that her mother will send her things for Valentine’s Day, but maybe she would really have preferred some thugs?
141 Wrong Number

Poor Melanie, she really did run into a deeply mean person. Why did they do that to Melanie?
142 Cruel Joke

This joke is a bit mean, but at the same time, we can understand. What could be more unpleasant than a person who never answers our messages?
143 Little Chocolate Kiss

The resemblance between a chocolate Kiss and the poop emoticon is admittedly striking.
144 Banana Rights

Banana right? We absolutely LOVE this autocorrect error!
145 Make A Move

The ability of these two people to create different faces using only keys on their keyboard is incredible. We want to know how to do it, too!
146 Are You Kevin?

It makes you wonder if the recipient is really Kevin, or rather, which Kevin is he? So confusing.
147 This Is How We Do It

We find this person who sends song lyrics to his friend really VERY funny, but we can understand that after a while, it can be annoying.
148 I’m Not Danny

Mia is definitely not Danny. And while it would be normal for this poor man to confide in his friend Danny, it was potentially not the best idea to confide in Mia about this.
149 Digging Up

It is indeed a beautiful mixture of romance and creepyness.
150 Big Forget

How can a mother forget her son’s surgery? At least he finds it funny!