Anticellulite machines: too good to be true?

O the infamous cellulite. Inevitable? Treatable? We answer your questions on the subject right here.
If some people choose to change their diets and manually massage their body to get rid of cellulite, some prefer the effectiveness of machines to help them.
The tendency being to do home treatments, you don’t need to go to the spa or to the beautician to have access to such a machine. Some are on the market for various prices, from cheap to extremely expensive. Aside from their price, you are probably wondering about their efficiency, if they work.
Yes… and no. Unfortunately, there is no clear-cut answer to that question.
Scientific studies are too sparse to predict the results of such machines on a wide variety of bodies. On the other hand, some women have reported noticeable improvements after a few months of treatment. This itself is good news for anyone who is thinking about investing in an anticellulite machine.
Popular machines
However, the only machine that seems to be unanimously amazing is LPG’s Wellbox, which is the most expensive one on the market. We’re talking over $1000 USD or close to $1400 CAD for this machine, which is definitely out of reach for most people. Even then, the Wellbox needs to be used at least thrice a week for a few minutes, and results may start to show after a couple of months.
There are, of course, cheaper anticellulite machines, such as the Cellu Beauty Pro, the Solac ME 7711 and the Silk’n Silhouette. Nonetheless, they have yet to prove themselves; they certainly haven’t been as praised as the Wellbox.
Even if anticellulite machines work, they are only a temporary solution to an unavoidable situation, since cellulite will come back, sooner or later. Just like ageing, it is part of our reality. It is, therefore, better to prevent cellulite instead of treating it once it appears. Being physically active and eating well are key to this prevention. All in all, you do you!
Cover photo: bianca-castillo | Unsplash
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