The 5 best epilators on the market

The electric epilator is an interesting alternative to put an end to hot wax burns and razor cuts and achieve soft skin without visiting the beautician. Despite its torture device looks, the epilator has many reasons to be in your bathroom cabinet. It allows, among other things, to space beauty sessions since it pulls out the hair at the root, unlike the razor. As a result, they grow back less steep, less dense and less quickly. Less messy than wax and much easier to use, the epilator can be used on short hair: no more regrowth between two epilation sessions! However, not everything is rosy… If you had already chosen this practical and easy, yet not painless method – nothing that will surprise those familiar with most hair removal techniques such as wax, electrolysis, sugar or tweezers – you may know that it can be intimidating to venture into the path dedicated to these small, state-of-the-art instruments. Water-permeable, multi-purpose, with massage balls or pressure sensors… It’s easy to get lost in it. To make shopping easier and help you choose the best hair removal tool for your hair, here is our top 5 best electric epilators on the market.
The Silk-épil 9, Braun
This model is not only very effective in its main task – getting rid of your hair and leaving your skin soft – but it is extremely versatile. This epilator is actually a 5-in-1 gadget capable of performing a wide range of treatments for your epidermis including exfoliation and deep cleansing.
If you like to take care of all your beauty needs in the shower, this model is for you. Its 90 degree swivel head makes it easy to use in a limited space.
The Touch Epilator Cartridge, Iluminage
The Touch of Illumination pushes redefines the notion of hair removal at home. This permanent hair removal device uses pulsed light and radio frequency technology to permanently remove hair from the comfort of your home. Of course, the result is not instantaneous, hence the interest of getting the epilator tip for a combined treatment and a soft skin without a razor.
With its 9 different tips and its ability to grip hairs as short as 0.5 mm long, Satinelle Advanced has everything you need to become a must in your beauty routine.
The Skin Respect, Rowenta
Soft on the skin, aggressive on the hair, Skin Respect is the ideal choice for sensitive skin. Use in the shower or on dry skin.
To choose the right electric epilator, first identify your needs, those of your skin and your habits specific to your beauty routine. You will then be able to select which of the 5 best epilators on the market is best suited to you for soft skin at home and without hassle.
Source : Mel Poole | Unsplash
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