The Funniest Tinder Pick-Up Lines Ever
1 The multiple choice guy

Who doesn’t love a good multiple choice question? This girl fell right into his trap by asking for the “option D” or he’s just so quick on his feet that he thought of the perfect comeback.
Nevertheless, this guy made a cheeky comment that impressed Savannah. And people say math quizzes aren’t fun! We like the well-thought-out line so we will give him a 9/10.
2 The scholarly guy

We have to give it to him: He’s going straight to the point even if he’s pick-up line is semi-scholarly/vulgar.
Unfortunately, we don’t have Brendan’s answer but our guess is that unless very horny, this person did not find this pick-up line that clever. We give it a 6/10.
3 The I-don’t-know-how-to-talk-to-girls guy

Is this guy on drugs? Someone needs to teach him how to talk to women and he definitely needs to work on his Tinder pick-up lines. His message is just mean and we honestly can’t understand why Brittany says yes to this chump.
If they are happy just hooking up, then good for them but our guess is that kids are out of the equation. 2/10 for this fool.
4 The crafty guy

Who doesn’t appreciate a good first name pick-up line? Mady (or should we call her May?) totally fell for this guy’s clever play on words.
Even if it was a bit forward (we are talking about D here…), she embraced it and went with it. Mady gave him her phone number and we’ll give him an 8.5/10.
5 The pictionary player

This man of few words was able to convince this young woman with only a few emojis to have sex.
Of course, we never know if the deed ever happened but his forwardness and artwork sure were enough to make Nicole happy. Who knew being so crude could be so rewarding? 6/10 for the obscene artist.
6 The linguist

Not sure if Ashleigh thought this was funny or not. We really wish we could find out if she ever answered him or never bothered to answer his cheeky and sexual pick-up line.
At least one of them published it online so the whole world could see it. Sorry guy, but you get 4/10 for this.
7 The holiday enthusiast

Sly, boy, very sly. We congratulate this guy for his imaginative and holiday-inspired Tinder pick-up line. Unfortunately, we will never know if there was a response to this!
Did the other person think it was cunning? Crass? Flirty? WE WANT TO KNOW!! Because of all the mystery surrounding this pick-up line, we give this guy a 7/10.
8 The phone operator

We totally fell for this genius pick-up line and it totally impressed Delaney. Personally, we would have probably chosen to press 1 but his crude joke worked so what do we know about courtship and love?
Let’s give this funny guy a 8.5/10.
9 The couch potato

Sasha liked this pick-up line enough to give this guy her phone number so even if it is a bit dumb and vulgar, we can’t complain because they are both happy.
We just hope they wash their couch afterwards… 6/10 for this couch potato.
10 The speech therapist

Wow. This guy has the magic touch… Or Presley doesn’t have any standards or is really interested in this Tinder guy.
Suave, polite and direct, we give this guy a solid 9.5/10.
11 The mourner

Some people are really straight-forward. We’re not sure whether we should congratulate the guy for getting a “yes” from Dominyque or slap him for saying something so tasteless and dumb.
We give this guy a 3/10 even if he got a “yes”.
12 The movie star

Why watch porn on your computer or television if you can watch some live action film in your mirror?
Not sure this Tinder pick-up line would work with us but Vennie was quite impressed. 5/10 for this movie star.
13 The lister

This guy sure loves lists. We’ll give him an 8/10 for his effort because he did have to think of all the things he likes to spoon, all the things he plans on banging and all the things he’d like to tap.
Chelsey didn’t need much more convincing after these well-thought messages. We hope they are eating cereal, banging shampoo bottles and tapping kegs together.
14 The as(s)trologist

At least he knows how a solar eclipse works… kind of? This half hilarious, half awkward but very dirty pickup line made our Karli laugh.
But, the real question is, after her cryptic response, was this ice breaker enough to impress her? This guy gets a 5,5/10.
15 The Top 40 guy

Cheesy but also hilarious, this short conversation hopefully made Alexa smirk a little. It is more imaginative than just writing something like “you were touched by an angel” or a crude and plain “my place?”.
We give an 8/10 for this Top 40 Amazon loving witty guy.
16 The traffic light expert

Some guys are really good at making puns with the name of the girls they match with. A little daring, a little bit ridiculous, this pickup line might actually get him laid.
All we can think about is how long it took him to come up with his one liner. 7/10 for you buddy.
17 The facetious joker

Gender fluidity has become a hot topic, especially with younger generations and should not be something one jokes about, especially to someone you potentially want to date.
We’ll admit this pickup line is a (tiny) bit funny and we’re extremely curious as to what she responded but alas, we will never know. You see all sorts of things on dating apps! You get 7.5/10.
18 The guy “who went there”

Again, a boy creating a pun with a girl’s name. Except this time it’s a bit racist. We’ll admit that it is a better pickup line than “you were touched by an angel”, or “I saw you in my dream”, but he could have gone with something a bit safer like a compliment or something!
Since Suma isn’t sure about how she feels about his message, we’ll give him a 5/10.
Some of these Tinder pick-up lines make us smile and others make us roll our eyes and want to be buried alive. These guys are pretty brave to start their conversations with witty pick-up lines so we will give them a few points for their work.
Next time you get a match on Tinder, express yourself and make up your own hilarious greeting! It’s much better than just saying “Hello!” or “DTF?”.
19 Scam Alert

We’ve got to give credit to this man for taking advantage of the email scam so many people have fallen victim to. Who hasn’t been approached online by a Nigerian prince asking for money?
Hopefully, Maegan took the bait and gave him her phone number. This guy is just too clever to pass up. He gets an 8/10 from us.
20 The Boy Scout

This exchange is all over the place. From the name pun at the opening line to the Boy Scout reference, this guy covered all his bases to woo Huda.
Somehow, his efforts paid off in a big way. Huda not only enjoyed the banter, but came back with a flirty response of her own. These two are obviously made for each other. He gets a rare 10/10 on this one.
21 The Jokester

It takes a bold man to open with a cheesy Knock-Knock joke because this approach could have gone horribly wrong. Luckily, Natalie took it all in stride and came up with a funny response.
She totally loved the joke and gave up the digits. We get the feeling they’d make a cute couple. 8/10 for this funny fella.
22 John Denver Fan

Who knew that using song lyrics from a 1971 hit would work so well in current times? This gentleman threw out a line from John Denver’s popular song “Country Road” and Jess hit back with the lyrics, setting him up perfectly.
She didn’t get the reference right away, but once she realized his smooth transition, she thought it was the best pick-up line she’d ever heard. We give him 8.5/10 for creativity.
23 Future Forecast

This flirty exchange took a bit of back-and-forth before he made his move. Asking someone if they remember you can be a good icebreaker and we love when he threw in the line about hanging out at his apartment next weekend.
What we don’t love is that Leila totally admitted to being a drunk lush. Also, not loving when he shared his mom says he has style. We give this attempt a 5/10.
24 A Punny Pair

We can’t keep track of how many puns these two lovebirds exchanged. She came in with an awesome joke and challenged him to a game of wits. The guy had no problem coming up with a clever response.
We feel like they could have gone on with the food puns forever. These two better get married and have a million smart babies. They get a 10/10, for sure!
25 The Titanic

It’s challenging to come up with a successful icebreaker and this gentleman jumped right in with a reference to the Titanic. Celia thought it was clever and engaged in a flirtatious exchange.
We’re not sure what happened after he compared his opening line to the disastrous voyage of the Titanic, but hopefully, Celia overlooked his mistake. We give him a 6/10 since she called him clever. Hopefully, he avoided a disaster.
26 Too Much To Handle

Taylah began her exchange by misspelling the word “Hey”. Luckily, the other person came back with a sharp response, which started an epic food pun battle.
In the end, Taylah couldn’t keep up with the banter, and the conversation came to a screeching halt. This one gets 6.5/10.
27 Save The Date

This has got to be the sweetest pick-up line in all of Tinder history. He came in strong when he called Marium “cute” in the opening line. She obviously liked it because she asked him to enlighten her.
The icing on the cake was when he used a play on words with her name. We’re not sure what unfolded next, but we hope an engagement ring was involved. This guy scores 10/10 for being so romantic.
28 Hottest Single

We applaud this gentleman for using such an imaginative line to lure in a woman. What lady doesn’t want to be told she’s the hottest single out there?
Yasmine was so impressed she took to Twitter to share the exchange. This dude gets 7/10 for being so cheeky.
29 Genie In A Bottle

Ladies love it when men can work their name into a pun, and this guy came up with an intricate opening line using her screen name, comparing her to a genie.
We can’t believe this one actually worked. Not only did she think it was funny, but she asked him to marry her. 9/10 for this successful attempt.
30 Naughty Or Nice?

This guy opened up with a bold statement about if Leah should be on the nice or naughty list. She loved his swagger and totally flirted back.
His line about adding her to his contact list totally sealed the deal, and he got her number. He gets a 9.5/10 for confidence.
31 It’s Good To Have Options

Ladies like to have options, so this gentleman laid it all out for Meghan. She chose option number 3, which was a cheesy pick-up line using her name.
This guy didn’t deliver just one, but came up with two cheesy lines using her name. He made Meghan laugh, and she eventually gave him her phone number. He gets 10/10 for this entertaining exchange.
32 Prove It
Is it getting hot in here? This lady knows how to get the conversation going, and he knew just what to say to close the deal.
We get the feeling that these two had a steamy rendezvous. They get a 10/10 for being so ridiculously sexy.
33 That’s A Good Boy
This guy really knows how to charm a lady. We never would have thought that comparing yourself to a dog would be such a successful pick-up line.
Brienna fell for this one in a big way and threw him a bone. Hopefully, he didn’t end up being a nasty dog. We give him 8/10 because he’s so paw-some.
34 Tolkien About It

This exchange proves that nerds need love too. She challenged him to come up with The Lord of the Rings pick-up lines, and he proved himself worthy.
These two seem like a match made in The Shire. He gets an 8/10 for being so precious.
35 Password Hint

You only get one opportunity to make a first impression, so this guy wasted no time and went in with a funny ice breaker. We admit he did a good job cracking the code because Jordan gave him her phone number.
Hopefully, he unlocked her heart as well. We give this guy a 8.5/10.
36 The Smoothest Guy

This gentleman knows how to think quickly on his feet. He started the conversation with a corny pun about Hayley’s name, which made her die laughing.
Then he threw in the comment about calling an ambulance and won her over when he asked for her number and address. He gets 8.5/10 for being pun-stoppable.
37 Pure Poetry

These have got to be the two of the most poetic people on Tinder. We love how he opened with a sweet little rhyme.
We aren’t the only ones, either. Julianne had no problem jumping in with poetry of her own. They get a 9/10 for being such an adorable couplet.
38 *Writes Pithy Title*

This duo has obviously been on Tinder for a while and both of them are completely over having the same formulaic conversation. They said so much while saying so little about themselves.
Honestly, they seem like a brilliant match. This one gets a 10/10 for originality.