The Most Beautiful Wildlife Images You’ve Ever Seen
The Moment

- Photograph: Yongqing Bao
- Place: Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
When danger appears, the groundhog gives a laryngeal cry powerful enough to alert its fellow creatures of the danger. We can guess that the groundhog in the picture was screaming very loudly when this picture was taken!
Strange Kind of Moth

- Species: Venezuelan poodle moth
- Fun Fact: The existence of this moth species was only discovered in 2009.
It is the zoologist Arthur Anker from Kyrgyzstani who photographed this species for the first time in the Gran Sabana region of Venezuela. Its name comes from the fact that its appearance resembles a mixture between a moth and a poodle.
Meal Catched

Birds of prey are not called that for nothing; they hunt for food.
This bird will definitely have a good meal when it has caught a good sized fish!
Relaxing moment

- Species: Red Panda
- Fun Fact: The name “panda” was given to them about 50 years before the famous white and black variety that we know so well.
The red panda is both a nocturnal and crepuscular animal. They are not doing much more than sleeping and eating due to their very low-calorie diet.
Whale Shark Project

The Galapagos Whale Shark Project aims to study what fishermen call the “huge ‘pez gata’, a strange and terrifying white poker-dotted animal”, which is actually a whale shark.
Little is known about the whale shark in the Galapagos Archipelago, especially north of the islands of Wolf and Darwin. This project will turn the tables.
Elephant Line

- Photograph: Patrick Bentley
- Place: Luangwa River, Zambia
Elephants are accustomed to stand in packs, walking one after the other, and protecting the younger ones by placing them in the middle of the line.
Cool Drink

- Photograph: Diana Rebman
- Place: Hokkaido, Japan
Longtail tits are generally found in Northern Europe and Palearctic. Its diet is essentially arthropods; it prefers the eggs and larvae of moths and butterflies.
Disabled Camel

Just like humans, animals can be born with physical deformities. This camel, for example, has only two legs, and therefore, a shorter body.
However, it does not seem to be discouraged by its situation. And the good news for him is that he will never be used to give guided tours to tourists!

- Photograph: Franco Banfi
- Place: Isla Espíritu Santo, Baja California, Mexico
The bluish effect of this photo was created by the photographer using the underwater lights of his boat and a long exposure.
Flamingo Socks

- Photograph: Jasper Doest
- Place: Fundashon Dier en Onderwijs Cariben, Curaçao
This flamingo was collected by the Fundashon Dier en Onderwijs Cariben, in Curaçao. The mission of this foundation, among others, is to heal and rehabilitate wild animals. They improvised stockings for this flamingo to help heal its severe foot lesions.
Yellowjacket Close-Up

It is not every day that we have the opportunity to see a yellowjacket from this close, nor from this angle!
This insect is rather impressive, don’t you think? And its colors are bright and beautiful. It almost looks like it’s made of plastic!
Snow Landing

- Photograph: Jérémie Villet
- Place: Chilkat River, Alaska
When this picture was taken, the bald eagle was landing to catch a salmon swimming in the icy waters.
Portrait Of A Mother

- Photograph: Ingo Arndt
- Place: Germany
Young pumas stay with their mothers until the age of two, sometimes a little less. After that, they leave her to try to establish their own territory.
Crazy Race

When a reindeer is spotted, it is usually from a distance, while it is walking quietly in the middle of a forest.
We would never have believed that a reindeer could run so fast, and yet! Sometimes, they will trot with stiff legs, which creates a particular swing that allows them to reach a speed of 55 km/h!
A Whale of a Mouthful

- Photograph: Michael AW
- Place: South Africa’s Eastern Cape
This photographer succeeded in photographing a Bryde’s whale swimming close to a school of sardines, which are part of his diet.
Black Friday

- Photograph: Pedro Jarque Krebs
- Context: This picture was taken in the spring, during mating time
In flamingos, both sexes engage in courtship rituals to try to seduce a suitor. These parades include group walks, head turning, sudden opening of the wings or a feint of grooming.
Sky Hole

- Photograph: Sven Začek
- Place: Karula National Park, Estonia
Nature is unquestionably full of surprises and capable of the most spectacular landscapes!
Bee Line

- Photograph: Frank Deschandol
- Place: Maroc
A bee colony consists of 3 castes: the queen, the workers and the males. If a colony manages to survive the cold season, it can last several years.
Resting Dragon

- Photograph: Gary Meredith
- Place: Great Sandy Desert, Western Australia
While living in sometimes difficult conditions, the long-nosed dragon has to adapt. That’s why it sometimes uses human structures, like a wire mesh outside a workshop, to take advantage of the artificial rays of commercial lights to feed on the moths and insects that stand there.
Britain’s Most Loved Mammal

- Photograph: Lawrie Brailey
- Place: Britain
European hedgehogs are widespread in Europe, especially in Russia, Turkey and the Caucasus. While it is a protected species in France, and in Europe by the Bern Convention, this mammal is considered an invasive species in New Zealand.
Bond Of Brothers

- Photograph: David Lloyd
- Place: Tanzania
The cubs stay in their group until they are two or three years old. When they reach sexual maturity, the dominant lion ousts them. They therefore become nomads and together they form a kind of coalition, creating very strong bonds between them.
Land Of The Eagle

- Photograph: Audun Rikardsen
- Place: Norway
The photographer himself placed the branch on which the eagle is about to land. During the 3 years that followed the addition of the branch, the eagle gradually began to land on it to monitor its territory.
Proud Daddy

- Photograph: Dhritiman Mukherjee
- Place: National Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttarpradesh, India
In crocodiles, it is customary that a male mate with 7 or 8 females. Once the babies are born, it is him who takes care of them. In this picture, we see the male taking care of about 150 baby gharial crocodiles.
Another Barred Migrant

- Photograph: Alejandro Prieto
- Place: US-Mexico border fence
This photo is actually a projection of the original photo also taken by photographer Alejandro Prieto. As indicated on the Natural History Museum website, this work was created “to symbolise ‘the jaguar’s past and its possible future presence in the United States. If the wall is built,’ he says, ‘it will destroy the jaguar population in the United States.’”
Falcons And The Arab Influence

- Photograph: Brent Stirton
- Place: Central Mongolia
Saker falcons, the national bird of Mongolia, but also of Hungary and the United Arab Emirates, are an endangered species because their habitat—the open grasslands, preferably with some trees or cliffs—is becoming increasingly rare, but also because the illegal wildlife trade is ubiquitous in Mongolia.

- Photograph: Pedro Carrillo
- Place: Lembeh strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia
This type of anemone is also known as “nursery” anemone. It is common for young clownfish to reside in it temporarily while they find an anemone more suitable for their adult life.
Courtship Display

- Photograph: Thomas Hinsche
- Place: Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
In order to court a female, the drake Goldeneye throws his head backwards while pedaling his legs. This ritual is perpetrated in order to impress the female.
Cradle Of Life

- Photograph: Stefan Christmann
- Place: Antarctic
In emperor penguins, it is the male who incubates the only egg laid while his partner goes hunting. For an egg to start hatching, it takes between 65 and 75 days of incubation.

- Photograph: Csaba Daróczi
- Place: Hungary
There are nine kinds of rabbits on the planet, and they are not considered rodents, but lagomorphs because of their different teeth and lack of penile bones.
Frozen Moment

- Photograph: Jérémie Villet
- Place: Yukon, Canada
The Dall sheep live mainly in the arctic and subarctic regions. They are found around steep, rugged cliffs and outcrops, which are essential to their survival as they protect them from predators.
Beauty In The Mud

- Photograph: Arthur Kingdon
- Place: Loch Duich, Scotland
Long-clawed squat lobsters can be found in all oceans, usually at the bottom. About his picture, the photographer explained, “I spotted a length of plastic pipe lying partially buried in the mud. Moving cautiously to avoid stirring up the silt, I reached the open end and was delighted to find this collection of marine life. A long-clawed squat lobster posed proudly outside his man-made home, which he shared with numerous brittlestars, while dainty sea loch anemones decorated the entrance.”
Last Breath

- Photograph: Adrian Hirschi
- Place: Kariba Lake, Zimbabwe
Infanticides between hippopotamuses are rare, but they can result from overpopulation stress. When their day-resting pool begins to dry up, overpopulation can become problematic. Also, in order to increase his chances of reproduction, a male may decide to prey on young hippos that are not his own.
The Garden Of Eels

- Photograph: David Doubilet
- Place: Dauin, Philippines
To take this picture, the photographer had to put down his camera and go back and hide behind a shipwreck to operate it remotely, otherwise the garden eels would hide as soon as they saw him.
Caretta Caretta Turtle

- Photograph: Eduardo Acevedo
- Place: Canary Islands, Los Gigantes, south Tenerife, Spain
This turtle is found in all the oceans of the world, mainly in salt water and estuaries. Once adult, it measures on average 90 cm long and weighs 135 kg, but some specimens of more than 270 cm and 454 kg have already been discovered.
Big Cat And Dog Spat

- Photograph: Peter Haygarth
- Place: Africa
Spotted hyenas have several predators, including cheetahs and leopards. Leopards are usually interested in smaller prey, but since hyenas tend to prey on the same prey, and therefore steal it from cheetahs and leopards, they may sometimes prey on them.

- Photograph: Tyler Schiffman
- Place: Monterey Bay, California
Before taking this picture, the photographer had spent the day photographing the algae in the light. At one point, he set up his camera in this angle, waiting for a sea lion to show up. He waited about 5 minutes to capture this shot.
The Challenge

- Photograph: Françoise Gervais
- Place: Baffin Island, Canada
Baffin Island is the largest island in Canada and the 6th largest in the world. Partially covered by glaciers, it is home to many wild animals such as polar bears, barren-ground caribou, arctic fox, arctic hare, arctic wolf and lemmings.
Big Fish In A Big Ocean

- Photograph: Alex Kydd
- Place: Ningaloo Reef, Australia
The whale shark is considered to be the largest fish currently living on Earth. While it generally measures between 4 and 14 meters long, it can sometimes measure up to 20 meters and weigh up to 34 tons. Like the blue whale, it feeds mainly on plankton, algae and microscopic animals. Not aggressive, it is completely harmless to humans.
Snow-Plateau Nomads

- Photograph: Shangzhen Fan
- Place: Kumukuli Desert, Qinghai–Tibet Plateau
On this picture, we can see a small herd of male chirus crossing the Kumukuli Desert.This type of antelope, loving high altitudes, are found only on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
Greater Sage-Grouse

- Photograph: Elizabeth Boehm
- Place: Pinedale, Wyoming, US
Sage Grouse is the largest spruce grouse in North America. It is mainly found in the prairies and sage steppes of western North America.
Now Where’s The Groom?

- Photograph: Sitara Karthikeyan
- Place: India
When the photographer fell in front of this scene, he actually wanted to photograph waterbirds by a coconut grove. However, he saw 3 spotted owlets that started to be mobbed by a few mynas. Then, 2 adults joined the owlets to mark their territory. On this subject, the photographer explained, “I was moved by their togetherness when in danger, and I wanted to capture the feeling.”
Silk Desert

- Photograph: Sergey Gorshkkov
- Place: Namibia, South Africa
This photo was taken in 2013 while the photographer was flying over the desert dunes of northern Namibia. The gemsbok immortalized in the photo is one of the few present at that time that was still alive.
The Huddle

- Photograph: Stefan Christmann
- Place: Atka Bay, Antartica
At the time of taking the picture, it was -40°C on this Arctic sea ice. In order to warm up, these more than 5,000 males Emperor penguins huddled, with their backs to the wind and their heads down, to share their body heat.
Red-Winged Blackbird

- Photograph: Kathrin Swoboda
- Place: Huntley Meadows Park, Alexandria, Virginia, US
The name “red-winged blackbird” comes from the two red spots found on each side of its body. These spots take the shape of shoulder pads when the bird takes on an intimidating attitude.
Hare Tap-Dancing

- Photograph: Rosamund Macfarlane
- Place: Monadhliath Mountains, Scotland
In this picture, we can see a hare scraping the snow to reach the heather shoots, its main source of food during the winter.
Wild Shower

It is often very hot in the bush and the animals need to dehydrate and cool down.
This elephant is very altruistic with his zebra friends, as he graciously offers them a nice cool shower!
Riding The Bear

Some people are really willing to do anything to make the most perfect and spectacular photo.
But getting on the back of a bear is a bit intense. He doesn’t seem to like it at all! Let’s hope it’s not a real one.
Unusual Friendship

It’s pretty rare that we get to see a dog and an elephant playing together, but it’s worth it!
These two animals have a lot of fun playing in the water together. Maybe dogs and elephants are meant to be friends after all!
Tough Love

We don’t know much about wildlife, but logic leads us to believe that tarnishing such an experience is not a good idea.
This leopard doesn’t look happy at all. If we were in this woman’s shoes, we would be totally terrified!

- Photograph: Lessy Sebastian
- Place: Indonesia
What are the chances of witnessing that moment when a dragonfly lands on a frog? That’s what we call perfect timing!
Harmony In Nature

- Photograph: Jonathan Jagot
- Place: Ilha do Lençóis, Brazil
Red Ibis are found from the southeastern United States to Brazil through the Pacific coast of Central America and the Greater Antilles. They are gregarious birds whose colonies can reach several thousand individuals.
Friendly Swimming Bear

While paddleboarding, one can expect to come across fish, of course, turtles, or other aquatic animals of the same kind.
But clearly, nobody would expect to meet a swimming bear, right? At least this bear seems friendly enough!
Glamorous Fish

- Species: Red Lipped Bat Fish
- Where it lives: Galapagos Island
Also known as Ogcocephalus darwini, the Red Lipped Bat Fish lives in the marine environment, between 3 and 76 meters deep. While this species is mainly found in the Galapagos Islands, it has already been observed on the Ecuadorian and Peruvian coasts. Its lifespan is about 12 years.
Giraffe Faces
- Fun fact: Giraffes are the tallest mammals on Earth.
- Fun fact: Over short distances, a giraffe can run up to 35 miles per hour.
According to naturalists of the last two centuries, there are nine giraffe populations, differentiated by their morphology.
Horses Are Coming

We don’t know where this woman is thinking of going on her little jogging trip, but she won’t go much further than that.
Especially if she doesn’t look ahead soon, because she’s clearly in danger of getting trampled by some escaping horses.
Nature’s Work Of Art
- Photograph: Mark Bridger
- Species: Panther Chameleon
The panther chameleon is native to Madagascar. This species is one of the largest; a male can reach a total length of 55 cm, and the female a length of 35 cm. While the female generally has duller hues, the male has much brighter colors. These hues vary depending on the region where the chameleon is found.
Least Known Animal

- Species: Aye-aye
- Where it lives: Madagascar
The aye-aye is one of the most unique primates. Its incisors are reminiscent of those of rodents, its ears resemble those of bats, and its tail, that of a squirrel. It has 5 fingers, the middle one being considerably longer than the others, and it is the only primate to have 18 teeth, while similar species have 36.
Bear Hug

Wild animals can be amazing. They are usually very intelligent and can learn to recognize a human.
This bear and this woman have an extremely special relationship, and this hug is proof of that.
Half Albino Turtle

- Species: Sea turtle
- Where it lives: Sri Lanka
Generally, an albino animal will be white with red, pink or very light-colored eyes, but sometimes an albino animal may appear pink, yellow or brownish. Their coloring can indeed vary according to other pigments, or be colored by pigments from their diet.
Giraffe Making a Face
- Fun fact: A giraffe’s neck is too short to allow it to reach the ground easily.
- Fun fact: Giraffes need only 5 to 30 minutes of sleep every 24 hours.
In ancient times, giraffes were given the name Camelopard, derived from the Ancient Greek for camel and leopard. This name referred to its camel-like shape and leopard-like coloration.
Cutest Animal

- Also Known As: Dangerous Bears
- Dangerous To Human: If they feel in danger, they do not hesitate to attack humans.
The giant panda is endemic to central China. It is found in mountainous regions covered with high altitude forests, between 1,000 and 4,000 meters above sea level, mainly in the provinces of Sichuan and Gansu, but also in Shaanxi.
Rare Kind of Antilope

- Species: Saiga antilope
- Where it lives: Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russian Federation, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Saiga antilope is a rare species of Eurasian antelope. Threatened with extinction, it is specifically found in the dry steppes and semi-arid deserts of Central Asia. Poaching is one of the main reasons for its extinction. It is hunted for its meat, but also for the resale of the male’s horns.
Black And White Lace

- Photograph: Edwin Giebers
- Place: Gelderland, Netherlands
Everything leads us to believe that the reptile represented in this photo is a sand lizard. It is one of the 4 species of lizards living in the Netherlands. It is mainly found in heatlands and sand dunes.
Golden Rain

- Photograph: Norbert Kaszás
- Place: Hungary
Damselflies live on all continents, except Antarctica. Normally, when they are found above a body of water, it means that the water is relatively unpolluted.
Behind Bars

- Photograph: Daniel Trim
- Place: London
Even if this bird is free, he seems rather angry. Maybe it’s because of all the garbage lying around?
Snow Exposure

- Photograph: Max Waugh
- Place: United States
There are now only two species of bison: American bison and European bison. In addition to humans, bison are preyed upon by pumas, wolves and grizzly bears.
The Ghost

- Photograph: Blanco Mendizabal
- Place: Nature park of Sierra de Andújar, Andalucía, Spain
The Sierra de Andújar is one of the most important hunting parks in Spain. Located in the northeast of the province, where there are several medium mountains of various shapes and altitudes, it is mainly home to fighting bull farms.
What’s This?

This couple of hikers was enjoying a beautiful day on the trail when a curious squirrel jumped into the frame, making their photo memories even more special.
The squirrel’s unexpected appearance adds a touch of humor to this adventure and serves as a reminder that nature is full of surprises.
Hippo Witness

This couple was getting ready to take the next step in their relationship when they were joined by a surprise guest.
This hippo couldn’t resist the opportunity to be part of the moment and photobombed the proposal, making it an even more unforgettable memory. Here’s to a lifetime of love and unexpected adventures!

This young girl were enjoying a peaceful day with her family when she suddenly became the subject of a curious beluga whale. The beluga was clearly interested in her, but in a not-so-friendly way.
This unexpected encounter with this hungry creature makes for a truly unforgettable experience and a once-in-a-lifetime photobomb.
Just Passing

This woman was taking in the beautiful scenery on a tropical island when a friendly iguana jumped into the frame, adding an extra touch of excitement to her vacation memories.
The iguana’s bold photobomb is a reminder that even in the most idyllic destinations, there’s always room for a little bit of unexpected fun.
Who’s There?

A photographer noticed two small llama heads poking out from behind a rock while hiking in the mountains.
The scene leads us to believe that they are two very curious llamas who wonder who is on their territory. Hey, who’s there?
Oh, Sorry

This turtle took its head out of the water at the same time that the picture of this group of divers was taken.
It seems to be saying, “oops, sorry, didn’t mean to disturb you!” Still, we’re sure they’re quite happy to have this photo as a souvenir.
The Big Jump

This man only wanted a picture of him surfing the waves, but he got a nice extra.
Imagine looking at the picture afterwards and realizing that behind you, a whale was jumping. It’s amazing!
Give Me A Hug

This man certainly did not expect that this monkey would jump on him when he just wanted to give him some food.
But this monkey wanted a little bit of love instead. Come on, give me a hug, please!
Unusual Groomsman

Getting married in an aquarium is something rather unusual, we must admit. It’s not often that you see such a ceremony in that kind of place.
This beluga was also very curious to attend the celebration. Don’t you think he makes a perfect groomsman?
Happy Seal

It was supposed to be a picture of penguins, but this seal wanted to be part of the gang.
Can you blame him? He seems so happy to make new friends!
Is It Me You’re Looking For?

While this photographer was analyzing the last shots he took, this mouflon decided to pay him a visit.
Is it me you’re looking for? Do you want my picture? I’m right here, buddy!
Urgent Need

Animals have their own way of life, and even if they are dressed by humans, sometimes they still do as they please.
This elephant was far too attracted to the one in front of it to wait until the end of its work day to relieve his urges.
Swimming With A Seal

It is possible to see a wide variety of marine species when diving, especially fish.
But this woman was lucky enough to get her picture taken with a curious seal that was swimming by. It is so cute!
Friendly Deer
We usually prefer not to see deer when we are driving, but this time was different.
This deer seems really friendly, and this man seems happy to take a picture with it, even though he also seems a little nervous and uncomfortable.
Puffer Head

Puffer fish are really intriguing and original. Imagine, a fish that can inflate itself! It’s amazing!
And this diver not only got to have one up close, but they saw it inflate, and in the picture, it looks like the fish is their head. That’s awesome!
Chilling Sloth

Using his selfie stick, this man wanted to take a selfie with a sloth that was in a tree.
Very chill, the sloth accepted to pose for the picture. Really, we love it! How cooperative!
Picture Ready

When you look at this image, it looks like this yellow and blue fish was totally posing for the picture.
It even looks like it is smiling, showing all hits teeth! This woman must be very happy to have such a souvenir.
Give Me The Bananas!
If there is one thing you should know when visiting a zoo, it’s that you should never hold a banana while approaching the enclosure of any primate.
This gorilla would really like to steal these bananas from these two young girls, and if there wasn’t a window separating them, it would just eat them.
Are You Lost?

Llamas always have a friendly, curious, and slightly funny expression. Never does a llama look angry or dangerous.
While we can see tourists in the background, this llama who placed himself in front of the camera seems to want to offer his help. Are you lost?
Part Of The Gang

These three men were very happy with their camel ride and wanted to immortalize the moment.
This camel, included in the picture, could not be happier. After all, it is part of the gang now!
Come Here, Friend

While this reporter was live on television, the elephant behind him wanted his attention.
Imagine trying to concentrate and work while an elephant puts its trunk all over you!
Good Measure

Do you always have trouble calculating the right portion of spaghetti to cook, ending up with too much each time?
Well, this person has found the solution to your problem. Use a snake to get the perfect measurement! We’re not sure how this will help you, but that’s another story.
Just A Bite

This woman just wanted to pose with a camel, but it didn’t turn out as planned.
A sudden urge to eat the woman’s head passed through the camel’s mind, and lo and behold, it tried to bite her. It must be a surprising moment!
Hello, Everybody!

In every group, there is always one person who wants all the attention on them, thinking they are more interesting than the others.
This also seems to be true for ostriches, and it is obvious who is the protagonist of this group.
Not A Nice Feeling
What an incredible experience to swim with stingrays. They had to immortalize the moment for sure!
These women would have preferred that this man did not put a stingray on their backs, though. They seem to be completely distraught!
Turn Around!

We don’t know what these women were taking picture of when this photo was taken, but it’s clear they were missing an incredible moment.
Ladies, I’m right behind you, turn around! Luckily, at least one person saw this elephant and was able to capture the scene.
I’m In The Pic Too!

This sloth wanted to be in the picture too, and his appearance in the frame is absolutely perfect.
We love sloths! They always look a little silly, but so nice! We would all like a picture like this one with a sloth.
Great White Shark

This photo is both incredible and terrifying. This great white shark seems so close to the boat, and with the angle, it’s as if it was going to eat the man’s head directly!
We wonder if this man knew that this great white shark was there, right next to him, or if he just knew it after seeing the picture. Imagine his astonishment!
I Can Make Noise Too!

This man was blowing his alphorn in this field of dandelions, but he was not the only one playing his instrument at that time.
This cow decided to do her part in the music and started moving her head to make the bell she wears around her neck ring. This must have been a very interesting melody!
Psychic Squirrel

These newlyweds went to the top of a mountain to take an original and beautiful photo to celebrate their union.
Except that a squirrel decided that he was the star of the photo. Don’t you think he looks like a kind of crazy blind psychic trying to predict the future or something?
Don’t Turn Around

Fishing can be such a relaxing hobby, and this man looks so proud of his catch. Unfortunately, the bear behind him looks pretty hungry.
Hopefully, the Grizzly was just posing for a selfie and didn’t rip that guy’s face off.

A person posted this hilarious family moment on Awkward Family Photos and said, “We met Bubbles the Elephant. She took a liking to my Dad.”
What a treat it was to have a professional photographer nearby to catch the action from every angle.
What’s Up?
When you have a good time with friends, you definitely want to capture it!
This sea turtle also wanted to immortalize this good moment with its new friends.
Blending In

There’s nothing better than enjoying the sun when you have a comfortable place to do so.
This seal was tired of sunbathing on the rocky ground. Who could blame it?
New Friends

A parrot, a monkey, and a little boy pose for a photograph on the beach. Does that sound like the opening of a joke to anyone else?
We love how laid-back the monkey looks.
Monkey Business

It can be such an adventure to encounter wildlife while on vacation in exotic locations. One minute, you’re relaxing in the ocean, and the next, you’re negotiating with monkeys.
“Give us the bananas and no one gets hurt!”
Awkward Timing

Children are so innocent that it sometimes leads to hilarious situations.
How much did the parents cry with laughter when their child tried to feed that kangaroo?
Testicular Bang

I want to take a picture with a monkey, it will be a nice souvenir!
At the moment of taking the picture, did the man realize what was happening on his head? The people behind him don’t seem to be sure how to react.