Photos That Look Fake, But They’re 100% Real
A Walk In The Clouds

Nature really can be awe-inspiring and this pic makes it look like a man is taking a walk in the clouds. Yet he didn’t ascend to the heavens.
This is a photograph of the world’s largest salt flat in Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia. The reflection of the sky on the water is spectacular.
Surreal Scene

At first glance, this building in Paris looks like it could be a painting by the surreal artist Salvador Dalí. It’s hard to believe that it’s an actual photo.
It’s a building covered with an abstract tarp while under construction. This one messed with us a bit.
Frozen Lake

This frozen lake looks like someone Photoshopped it because it’s hard to believe water could create those shapes in real life. This is an actual photo of a lake in Switzerland.
The water must have been moving when it froze to make the ice look like broken glass. It makes for dramatic scenery.
Spirited Away

This perfectly timed photo is breathtaking. What looks like a peacock’s soul leaving its body is actually a white peacock leaping into the air over another peacock.
This is one of those photographs that make you look twice. We love how thought-provoking it is.
Tiny Planes

This mesmerizing pic looks like tiny planes trapped in droplets of water. It’s actually a reflection of a flying plane in raindrops.
They seem like little protons carrying aircraft. This is such a cool capture.
Rainbow In A Waterfall

There are moments in nature that take your breath away and this photograph is one of them. A rainbow formed at the bottom of a waterfall and the result was beautiful.
This image has our imagination running wild. It looks like a portal to another world.
Giant Sinkhole

This sinkhole looks like some sort of 3D chalk art on the pavement. You can be assured, it’s very real.
The scary sinkhole appeared in 2010 in Guatemala City. It was 60 feet wide and 200 feet deep. The people in the surrounding buildings totally used up all their good luck when they didn’t slip into the abyss.
UFO Cloud

If you believe in extraterrestrial life, then you probably see a UFO hovering in this photograph. Don’t worry, that man isn’t about to be abducted.
This is a phenomenon known as a lenticular cloud. These amazing clouds look just like an alien spacecraft.
Jacob’s Well

It may look like these kids are in danger by jumping into shallow water, but they’re leaping into a 12 foot opening to a cave. The site is in Wimberly, Texas, and is known as Jacob’s Well.
According to the website, the deepest part of the cavern system goes to a depth of 140 feet, and the main cavern length is 4,341 feet. It’s a dangerous spot, though. 8 people have lost their lives exploring the underwater caves.
Frying Pan Sculpture

Your eyes are not deceiving you. That little girl really is walking on a huge frying pan on the beach. It’s actually an art installation created by Australian artist, Andrew Hankin.
The installation is on Sydney Beach and is called “We’re Frying Out There”. Hankin created the frying pan to remind people to put on sunscreen.
Face In The Clouds

Sometimes the clouds come together to form all kinds of curious shapes in the sky. An impending storm descended on this neighborhood right at sunset to create a face in the sky.
That is one scary-looking cloud. We feel like it’s judging us.
Glowing Tree Trunk

This isn’t the scene from a magical forest where the tree trunks glow. An artist placed yellow leaves around the roots of the tree to create this effect.
Although, we like the idea of an enchanted forest better. Let’s pretend like fairies did this.
Sea Foam Blanket

This adorable pic looks like a baby turtle is getting cozy under a blanket. In actuality, it’s a perfectly timed photo of sea foam washing ashore.
We love the notion of the ocean sheltering a baby turtle. It seems like an ideal little pocket for that guy.
Inverted Icicles

This image of inverted icicles looks like nature flipped itself upside down. No, the world isn’t going topsy-turvy.
Someone just turned a drainage pit grate over to discover these icicles. It looks pretty cool if you ask us.
Trees After A Chemical Spill

This mind-blowing photo of trees is not altered. It’s the work of a photographer Palíndromo Mészáros who took a series of photographs documenting the damage left behind after a 2010 toxic aluminum spill in Hungary.
It totally looks like someone stitched the trees together. Beauty can come from tragedy.
New York In The Fall

New York in the fall is a captivating sight to behold. It’s unbelievable to think that this is an unedited photograph of Central Park across from the skyscrapers of Manhattan.
We love the juxtaposition of the trees with the buildings. It’s man vs. nature in photo form.
Cracked Earth

Is there anything more dazzling than the Northern Lights? A photographer captured a reflection of the aurora borealis in a puddle and the results were otherworldly.
It looks like a crack appeared on the earth and exposed a mysterious world below. Does anybody else think this looks like the cover of a Steven King novel?
Owl In The Coffee

What a shock this would be! Imagine if you went to drink your morning coffee and discovered an owl in your mug.
This isn’t the act of a wizard. An artist dropped two Fruit Loops into their coffee and snapped the pic at just the right time to create an owl’s face.
Woman Cut In Half

Did you ever think you’d see a woman cut in half on the runway? It’s just an optical illusion, as the structure of the gown can be clearly seen from a different angle.
Magic meets haute couture! They totally had us fooled.
Water For Elephants

What sort of sorcery is this photograph of a person tossing water in the shape of an elephant? That’s truly remarkable.
This is one photo that seems too good to be true. It’s not photoshopped, though.
Tallest Tram

One quick glance and this looks like the tallest trolley car in the world. We had to do a double-take to see that it’s actually not a 15-foot tall tram.
This is another perfectly timed photo of a trolley driving in front of a building.
Desert View

What looks like trees are actually an aerial view of dirt roads in the desert. We can’t believe that Mother Nature created this image.
It’s fascinating to think that this photo isn’t edited. The world really is a marvelous sight to see.
Fire Breathing Tree

A forest service worker snapped this pic while fighting the Western North Carolina wildfires. The flames ran up the center of the tree trunk, creating a stunning illusion.
The purple glow looks so mystical. Let’s just agree that it’s a secret entryway to a faraway realm.
Dragon Shadow

This inspiring photograph of a dragon in a leaf’s shadow makes us feel like a kid again. It totally captures our imagination.
Does anybody else feel like that cute shadow could take flight at any moment?
Cliff Reflection

This photo tricks the eye into seeing a man walking on the edge of a steep cliff. If you take a closer look, you’ll realize that the man is actually walking along the shoreline and the cliff is a reflection.
This is one of those mind-bending photos that are hard to believe.
Levitating Horse

This freaky pastoral scene should get your attention. That one horse looks like it’s floating in mid-air.
In reality, it’s just a horse taking a nap next to the standing horse’s shadow. We can’t unsee the levitating horse, though.
Glowworm Grotto

We love how this pic looks like Willy Wonka’s freaky tunnel. Those aren’t little lights twinkling, but it’s actually a cave covered in glowworms.
It’s found at the Waitomo Glowworm Caves in New Zealand. Visitors can take a boat ride through this ethereal scene.
Mirrored Cabin

This is an example of architecture blending into natural surroundings. The building almost disappears into the landscape.
Visitors get a genuine sense of space when they see this building in person. It’s almost like a mirage in the desert.
Hover Boat

This boat appears to defy gravity, but it’s really just an optical illusion. The water is so clear that you can’t see it beneath the boat.
We like the idea of a flying boat much better. It sounds like the plot of a science fiction movie.
Lava Face

A sinister face appeared in lave flowing into the ocean. This eerie photograph captures the relentless nature of fire.
It almost looks scared to flow into the water. Like it’s screaming as it slips into the waves.
Boats In The Sky

The angle of this photo certainly creates a head-scratching optical illusion. Rather than a blue sky in the background, it looks like boats are floating above the park.
However, the illusion is all in the angle. Taken from a high vantage point, this person managed to capture both the park and the harbor behind it.
Underwater Waterfall

This photo is truly a masterpiece only made more interesting by the optical illusion. Found near the Le Morne Brabant peninsula, which is located near the Island of Mauritius, this picture looks like an underwater waterfall.
Of course, that isn’t possible. Instead, the picture shows an underwater canyon with sand sliding to the bottom. Either way, the end result is stunning.
Moving the Moon

This is another case of a photo being snapped at the right moment. From this perspective, it looks like the crane is moving the moon through the sky.
Of course, this photo only makes sense for a short while. Eventually, the moon will continue moving and the illusion will be lost.
Above The Sky

This photo shows a patch of green grass, a dock, and a smooth-as-glass lake. The lake is so smooth, in fact, that it perfectly reflects the sky above it.
When you first glance at the photo, it looks like the dock is floating among the clouds. If only that were true…
Super-Stretched Arm

All these two girls wanted was a cute photo together. Unfortunately, what they got was a man in the background looking like he’s stretching out an incredibly long arm to tap one of the girls on the shoulder.
Hopefully, you can see what went amiss here. When the friend on the left wrapped her arm around the other girl, her hand aligned with the upper arm of a man standing in the background. Thus, we get this creepy picture.
Fish Man

This optical illusion was simply the result of a lucky photographer. While this man was snorkeling among a school a fish, someone tried to capture the memory with a photo.
Unfortunately (or fortunately), a fish crossed the path between the camera and the man at that exact moment, making it look like the man has the head of a fish.
Grassy Globe

At first glance, this grassy patch looks like an oval-shaped park in the middle of a city. However, that’s not the case at all.
The grass is actually in a globe shape and is designed to look like a garden. Created by French artist François Abélanet, the art piece is title “Qui Croire?”, which translates to “who to believe?”
Sinking Carpet

The person who designed this carpet wants to see the world burn. Rather than laying flat fabric on the ground, the carpet designer purposefully manipulated the lines to make it look like certain parts of the carpet are sinking.
The effect is terrifying. It would definitely be difficult to walk on this floor without tripping over your own feet.
Charlie Brown

If you look at this crosswalk head-on, you can see Charlie Brown and friends making their way to the other side of the street. In order for the picture to look so perfect from the front, however, it has to be heavily distorted when drawn on the ground.
From the side, you can see that Charlie Brown and all his companions are sporting rather large heads in comparison to their tiny bodies.
Wavy Floor

Imagine walking into a building and seeing this hallway. If the floor has sunk that much, you’d probably stay far to left and try to avoid the compromised area.
However, the floor hasn’t sunk at all. In fact, it’s completely flat. By cutting the tiles differently, the creator of this illusion managed to make it look like half the floor was sinking into the earth.
Is He Wearing Heels?

This photo of two coworkers hugging looks relatively normal. However, on further inspection, it seems the man is wearing a pair of white pants and high heels with his toenails painted.
The outfit looks distinctly feminine, and it is! Despite what it looks like, the woman is actually the one standing, wrapping her arms around her male coworker. It might take a minute to sort out how she’s connected to her body, but we’re sure you’ll see it eventually.
Leg Confusion

While this is clearly a photo of two people hugging, looking at their legs makes their stance very confusing. Is the man standing between the woman’s legs? Is she somehow on the side closest to the camera? What’s going on here?!
Thankfully, the explanation is simple. The man’s shorts are black on the outside and white in the middle. From this angle, the white part aligns perfectly with the woman’s calves, making it look like a pair of pants she’s wearing.
A Giant Baboon

No, this baboon isn’t the resurrection of King Kong, no matter how terrifying it looks. While the baboon looks like it’s standing on the ground and smashing the car, the truth is much more simple.
The baboon is actually sitting on the front of the second car and just happened to put his arm out at the perfect angle, making him look like a giant monster.
Reading The Paper

At first glance, this looks like a peaceful photo of a man reading a newspaper while two nearby men lean against the wall. If you look at the background, however, you’ll see that other people are walking perpendicular to these three jokesters.
In order to take the photo, the first man laid on the ground and propped his legs up on the curb. Then, his two companions lay down sideways and propped themselves up with one arm. Taken from a horizontal angle, it looks like the men are standing. Let’s hope they didn’t get too dirty while laying on the ground.
Tiny Plane

Is that a tiny plane sitting atop a helicopter blade? Unfortunately, no.
While the tiny plane looks adorable, it’s actually a full-sized aircraft taking off far behind the helicopter. However, the photographer managed to snap a photo at the right moment, making it look like a toy airplane.
The Floating Man

No, this man does not have superpowers. He just happens to be standing in the right place at the right time.
The man is actually standing near a stain on the ground. But from the perspective of the photo, the stain looks like his shadow as he levitates above the ground.
Woman Without Legs

This photo takes a minute to puzzle out. Since everyone is standing on one side of the white partition, it looks like the woman in the black sweater is missing a pair of legs. How is she even staying upright?!
However, the woman isn’t standing at all. Instead, she’s sitting on the white partition, which explains why her legs aren’t in the picture.
Hidden Cigar

Initially, this looks like an up-close photo of a brick wall. However, there’s something hidden in this picture. Can you see it?
If you missed it, allow us to explain. The small rock that seems to be sitting between two bricks is actually the burnt end of a cigar. If you move your eyes to the right of that rock, you’ll see the cigar is wedged into the wall.
I’m Levitating

While giving a speech on a beach, this woman accidentally created this stunning visual. While it looks like her platform is hovering above the sand, that’s, of course, impossible.
Instead, the platform is firmly planted on the sand. Out of view of the photo, however, a flag is waving in the breeze. The resulting shadow lines up perfectly with not only the platform, but also the microphone, making it look like the entire thing is floating
Competing Buildings

It’s nearly impossible to work out what’s really going on in this photo. If you focus on either one of the buildings, the one you’re focused on looks like it’s positioned in front of the other.
As soon as you switch your attention to the other building, however, it looks like that one is in front. While we’ve been staring at this picture for a long time, we still can’t work out which building is truly in front.
Floating Island

Again, this island is not floating above the sea. However, it’s hard to imagine that anything else could be true, even on further examination.
The important thing to see here is that the water changes color, becoming much darker in the background where the third boat floats. Due to this change, the island looks like it’s suspended in mid-air. However, we assure you that it’s grounded.
Raven or Rabbit?

Is this a picture of a raven or a rabbit? From one angle, the picture looks like a raven with its beak in the air.
On the other hand, the photo could also capture a rabbit with a pair of fingers grabbing its nose. Which do you see?
Real Mermaid
Sometimes we wish our favorite fantasy creatures were real. Wouldn’t that be amazing?
This woman wearing a light, multi-colored scarf swimming in this clear blue water leaves us with the possibility that mermaids exist, and we’re very much on board with that!
The Hole

Are we crazy or does this person whose face we can’t see literally have a hole in their chest? And not a small hole!
But don’t worry, it’s actually a sculpture created by American artist Mark Jenkins as part of a project called “urban theater”.
Where’s The Rest?

Generally, a pole is planted in the ground. However, this one is obviously missing a base. It is only held up by the cables that are attached to it.
As you can see on the picture, this pole was obviously burned, but the fire was extinguished before it burned down completely.
Cartoon Cover

Did we just suddenly jump into the world of Space Jam or something like that? It literally looks like something straight out of a cartoon on this hill!
And it’s actually a sculpture in New Zealand that was created to look like a cartoon. It’s really impressive! And we must mention the tree on the left of the picture, which is way too perfect!
Bubble Clouds

It would be very easy to believe that these clouds were pPhotoshopped, wouldn’t it? Except that these clouds are very real, and are called mammatus.
The mammatus clouds are a cellular pattern of pouches standing below the base of clouds, usually cumulonimbus. They are quite rare.
Hang In There

Here is a disconcerting work by American artist Mark Jenkins, as part of his “urban theater” project.
This sculptural installation is quite scary. You have to look twice to realize that it is not really someone who is hanging from these wires.
Real-Life Up

Do you remember the Pixar movie Up released in 2009? Well no, this image is not from the movie! This house is literally flying in the air thanks to balloons.
A team of scientists, engineers and two world-class balloon pilots managed to reproduce this incredible scene using 300 weather balloons.
Disturbing Floor

Is it just us or do these people seem to be floating? It really looks like this room has very high walls, but no floor.
It’s quite disturbing what you can do with the magic of perspective in visual art. Unfortunately, it only works from one angle!
Paint Lake

This image looks either like a canvas or a montage of some kind. The water on which this boat sails really looks like paint!
However, this picture is completely real. These fishermen are sailing on the Chaohu Lake, in China, which is unfortunately extremely polluted. How can the pollution be so beautiful?
Hole House

What happened to this house? Did a black hole appear in it and suck up everything in front of it?
This is actually a sculpture and not a real house in which a very strange catastrophe happened. It was created by sculptors Dan Havel and Dean Ruck, in Houston, Texas.
Magic Tap Fountain

No, there is actually nothing magical about this fountain, and besides, it is far from unique! There are indeed three “Magic Tap Fountains” in the world. One in Santa Galdana, Menorca, one in Ypres, Belgium and one in Aqualand Bahia de Cadiz, Spain.
While the tap appears to be floating in the air, it is in fact held in place by a transparent tube placed in the center of the water column. The tube also serves to pump water from the basin to the tap.
Fountain Man

As part of his “urban theater” project, the American artist Mark Jenkins has installed sculptures around the world in different positions and scenarios.
Some installations of The Embed Series have so frightened passers-by that some have called the police.
Separate Worlds

This perfectly split photo showing what appears to be two completely different worlds is amazing.
When you see the square trees on the left side of the picture, you realize that it’s all a matter of perspective, but the illusion is absolutely perfect!
Water Bridge

No, this image is not faked and it is not an optical illusion either. This picture shows the Magdeburg Water Bridge which is located in central Germany.
This water bridge allows boats to easily cross from Rhineland to Berlin over the Elbe River. It is a total of 918 meters long, 690 meters over land and 228 meters over the river.
Rainbow Hole

What are the chances of such a large hole forming through a completely cloudy sky? This phenomenon is called fallstreak hole and David Barton had the chance to capture it in Victoria, Australia.
He was even luckier as a beautiful rainbow formed through the clouds. Now that’s a beautiful and rare moment!
Jeep Ice Cast

On February 17, 2015, an ice storm hit North Carolina. During the storm, a Jeep was parked in the parking lot of Vidant Medical Center in Greenville, N.C.
The storm was so intense that when the Jeep left, an ice cast from the front grill of the Jeep remained attached to the curb.
Wet Question

This is a photo that captures both a perfectly timed moment and a very unique and unlikely one. You’d think it was faked, but it’s not!
This is potentially the only time in the world that a water fountain forms such a perfect question mark and someone managed to take the picture!
Head In The Air

Imagine taking a leisurely stroll down the sidewalk and coming across this sculpture by American artist Mark Jenkins.
At first, you only see a body without a head, and it’s only when you look up that you finally see the head peering through the window. Weird!
Tree Face

Maybe it’s just us, but this image reminds us a lot of Grandmother Willow in the 1995 movie Pocahontas, but a modern version.
But this tree doesn’t really have a face. It is rather a projection of a 3D image on a tree, and it is the photographer Clement Briend who immortalized the moment.
Black And White Lady

Clearly, this young woman attending a Christmas event has been Photoshopped. No one can be black and white like this!
Except no, she’s actually at this event in black and white, surrounded by fake Santa Claus in color. It’s all about dye and makeup here!
What’s The Right Side?

This image makes us question everything. While the scenery is definitely not in the right direction, this man seems quite comfortable standing on this kind of balcony.
It really looks like he’s just standing outside a wall of water! If it weren’t for the city to his right, which is the wrong way around, you’d think he was standing for real. His jacket flapping in the wind sells it a little bit, too.
Giant Goldfish

Goldfish are usually small fish that people have in their aquarium at home. This goldfish, however, would not fit in an aquarium. It would need a pool!
This giant goldfish is real. For a long time, there were rumors that such a fish existed, but no one had managed to catch it. It was Raphael Biagini, who hunted it for 6 months, who finally managed to prove its existence.
Hybrid Species

This horse seems very strange to us! While the front of its body, the bottom of its hind legs and part of its right backside are completely white, its head and the left side of its backside are brown and zebra-striped.
The explanation is quite simple, however: this horse is in fact a hybrid between a horse and a zebra! The official name for this type of hybrid species is a zorse.
All Lined Up

You know that design the cards make when you win a game of solitaire on the computer? Or that same effect of different little pop-up windows appearing at the same time on your screen, just a little bit out of sync?
This picture makes us think of that! As if there were only three soldiers on the picture, but their image had been dragged to recreate a lot of them. Except that no, these soldiers are just really well synchronized!
Misaligned Railroad

We have the impression that a train who would try to pass by there would have some difficulties to succeed. But this misaligned railroad track is real.
Originally, this track in New Zealand was totally straight, but an earthquake occurred and the track took a severe beating.
Cloud Sheet

This photo taken from the air looks totally unrealistic. It looks like a square piece of cotton or felt, don’t you think? A kind of sheet or something.
And yet, this very square white thing is indeed a cloud! How is this possible? We have never seen such a perfectly square and flat cloud.
Aquatic Monsters

When you look quickly, this picture is absolutely terrifying. But what is hidden in this water? A sea monster with a thousand tentacles?
These are in fact only very large seeweads that grow in size because of the wave, but it is still impressive. We wouldn’t want to swim through this aquatic forest!
Airport Runway

No, this picture is not a montage, and this plane is not some kind of sculpture. It is a plane preparing its take-off over a highway.
The runway at Leipzig Airport in Germany was built over the A14, forcing planes to pass over it before taking off. That sounds pretty dangerous to us, doesn’t it?
Best Album Cover

This photo taken for the cover of New Jersey singer-songwriter Fousheé’s album softCORE is absolutely beautiful.
This woman appears to be floating, somewhat like a specter, above a stream during a full moon. It is sublime!
Giant Cruise Ship

Is it a huge cruise ship floating above the ground?
No, it’s not! If you go to the other side of the cliff, you will understand that it is an integral part of the Sun Cruise Resort and Yacht in South Korea.
Fish In The Shark

This photo was definitely taken at the perfect time. A few seconds more or less, and it would have been a miss.
You can see a tiger shark about to gobble up an entire grouper fish.
3D Art

When you look at this picture, it looks like someone just drew a sketch of a car on it, right?
But it’s actually a life-size wireframe sculpture created by the talented Scottish artist Benedict Radcliffe.
Stairway To Heaven

Did Led Zeppelin predict the future with their song “Stairway to Heaven”? Because here’s one, right?
It’s actually an art installation called Diminish and Ascend, which was created by David McCracken. It is located in Bondi Beach, Australia.
Giant Rubber Duck

This photo is not a montage. There is a giant rubber duck in this body of water!
It is a 40 feet long inflatable rubber duck created by Florentijn Hofman in 2007.
The Biggest Jellyfish

When it comes to jellyfish, we are familiar with the tiny and cute ones that are found in large aquariums, for example.
But in the ocean, there are much bigger ones! The largest lion’s mane jellyfish, or giant jellyfish, ever recorded dates from 1865. It had a diameter of 7 feet and tentacles 120 feet long.
That’s Called Talent

It is indeed makeup on this woman’s face that creates a perfect illusion that she is wearing a mask.
Imagine the talent needed to achieve such a result! She is really talented.
Gulliver’s Female Version

You know, in Gulliver’s Travel, when Gulliver arrives on the island of Lilliput, where all the inhabitants are less than 15 cm tall?
Well, this picture really reminds us of that! But it is not a montage; it’s simply a woman photographed surrounded by models of small proportions.
Floating Head

While it looks like a head floating, with no body attached to it, it is in fact an illusion of the Chinese artist Li Wei.
It is simply a photo of a woman taken while she has her head inserted in a hole in the middle of a mirror reflecting the scenery in front of her.
Very Strong Winds

This photo is difficult to understand at first glance, but when we look at it more closely, we understand what we see and can only be greatly amazed.
Very strong winds made a big tree fall, and the roots of the latter being very strong, a square of grass followed, causing a scene worthy of the movie Inception. We assume that the patch of grass is so perfectly straight because it was on the edge of a foundation or something like that.
Cutting The Moon

This photo was not only taken at the right time, but also at the perfect angle.
As this jet passes in front of this half-moon, the angle causes the smoke residue behind it to come right up to the edge of the half-moon, appearing to have cut it in half.
On The Edge

Some people are so talented and have such a good grasp of perspective that they can make us believe that there is an icy ravine on the promenade, right next to the sea.
We don’t know about you, but even if we were aware that this is just a painting, we couldn’t walk on it!
Breach To Another World

If you’ve seen the HBO television series His Dark Materials, you might think it’s an opening to another world that hasn’t been closed.
In fact, it’s much simpler than that. It’s just a person holding a piece of broken mirror that reflects the sailboat and lake behind them.
A Man Feeding Swans In The Snow

This photo entitled A Man Feeding Swans in the Snow was taken by photographer Marcin Ryczek.
The perfect separation between the white shoreline and the black lake makes this monochrome photo too good to be true!
Two-Piece Head

Mimi Choi is certainly one of the most incredible makeup artists we know.
And it’s already impressive to see someone able to do such a makeup on someone else, but imagine doing it on your own face!
Halfway Sunset

What are the chances that someone has managed to capture such a moment? This photo is beautiful and unreal!
The setting sun makes the clouds and the water below them completely red, while the other half of the picture, where the sky is not covered, remains in shades of blue.
Comfy Pool With A View
This is a setup that seems too good to be true, and yet it is real.
This four-season infinity pool with a kind of bench on which to sit and admire the incredible view is located in the spa of the Hotel Villa Honegg, in Switzerland.
Goat Tree

If you didn’t know, yes, goats really can climb trees. Those are not fake goats!
It’s actually quite common to see a tree full of goats like this one in southwest Morocco.
Underwater Forest

Here is a very strange forest where fantastic creatures are floating! One would shout in a dream!
They are in fact tadpoles that swim under lily pads. It is absolutely magical. It looks like an underwater forest!
Fire Twirling

Adam Gordon is a very talented photographer who has totally mastered the art of steel wool photography.
To get such a result, all you need is a camera, some steel wool and a lighter, then practice your flaming moves while taking a long exposure photo!