
How to wear ankle boots and express your inner fashionista

By Emma – on in Beauty
An excellent transitional piece, ankle boots can be worn from the dead of winter to the sunniest of summer days. Whether you wear them with a mini or midi skirt, skinny or ankle jeans, you'll always look like a true fashionista. Find out how to wear ankle boots to enhance your outfits.

There are a few key items every woman should own by the age of thirty: a blazer, a great pair of jeans, a little black dress and of course, a beautiful pair of ankle boots. Stylish, flattering and easy to wear, these boots have no limit! Khaki, tan leather, brown leather, buckled, faux suede, studded, heeled or all black, women can easily find a pair that fits their personality. It doesn’t matter your style, whether you prefer an edgy look or a total trend hunter look, these booties definitely have a place in your closet. But once you’ve chosen them and bought them, you might be wondering how to wear ankle boots in your daily life. Here are the most fashionable ways to wear these boots!


With jeans

Skinny jeans, cropped jeans, flared jeans, you don’t need to rack your brain, these boots look good with all your denim. Flat ones look great with a casual look and high heeled ones will make you look more put-together and sophisticated. As you can see below, there are no rules: snakeskin, vinyl, studded or chunky.


With trousers

Like jeans, trousers are a great match for ankle length booties. Straight or flared trousers are the best choices.


With a skirt

High heeled ankle boots are a great way to make your legs look longer and leaner. Paired with a longer skirt, it will add a ladylike touch to your outfits.


With a dress

Just like with a skirt, a dress and ankle boots go hand in hand. Do you want to wear a mini dress in the fall or winter? Pair it your favourite ankle boots to make your look more weather appropriate. Or, if you want to look edgier or more casual for a day look, pair a summer dress with chunky, low boots as shown below. The options are limitless!

No matter your preference, whether it is to wear them with skirts, jeans, dresses or shorts, ankle boots have an MVP status in your wardrobe. A black leather pair with a low heel is obviously a classic style to buy but if you’re feeling more adventurous, don’t hold back and get studded, beaded, animal print or white PVC ones!

Cover photo: @stuartweitzman | Instagram

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