Funny Fruits And Vegetables That Look Like Other Things
1 Screaming Bell Peppers

These bell peppers are scared for their life.
They are slowly awaiting their fate inside the refrigerator door.
2 A Sweet Carrot Hug

This carrot is hanging onto its elder. It just could not fathom the thought of leaving its underground buddy forever…
Now this pair will live on as one.
3 Time To Squash It

Imagine walking out to your garden and seeing this. Is it a duck? Is it a squash?
There is only one way to find out!
4 A Hoppy Tomato

Does it get more adorable than this? We don’t think so!
How could anyone eat this tomato after seeing its cute little shape? Maybe this tomato was actually a rabbit in its past life.
5 A StrawBEARy

This little strawberry is making its debut as a bear. Talk about a poker face! It wanted to change its reputation of being a sweet berry into an intimidating bear.
Nice try, little one, but we all know the truth.
6 Give It A Thumbs Up

This eggplant is really proud of the care given to it while it was growing. And we agree!
It gave a sweet “thumbs up” to its owner.
7 A Potato Seal Of Approval

This little potato is the size of a pen! It’s so tiny and so cute.
We can not get over how adorable this little seal potato is. We need this potato in our life ASAP.
8 A Pumpkin Ready For Spooky Season

This pumpkin is ready to be put on display for all to see.
It is showing its true destiny and can’t wait to celebrate Halloween.
9 This Tomato Is Ready To Fly Away

A butterfly tomato? How cute! We love butterflies and tomatoes, but a butterfly and a tomato as one?
We can’t get over it! This tomato needs to be in a museum.
10 A Hand In A Yam

This hand is in a jam, or a yam? You could surely use this radish as a wonderful Halloween prank.
Just stick it up your sleeve and, you guessed it, pretend that your hand fell off! You could make anyone take a second look.
11 A Bear-y Cute Potato
Would it be wrong for us to keep this potato and put it on display?
We can’t get over how cute this little bear is! It would be a dishonor to eat it.
12 Walking With A Limp

You would definitely be walking with a limp if you had a carrot as an actual foot.
How funny would it be to pull this carrot from the ground and see it trying to run deeper into the earth? We love it.
13 This Banana With A Face Like A Dog
Imagine cutting your banana slice and seeing a familiar face—your dog’s face!
Were they brothers in a past life? Possibly! All we know is they can’t be separated now.
14 A Sweet Love A-pear

These pears just can’t stay away from each other. They are showing their passionate love for one another in this cute little display of affection.
Oh, pears. You will soon be torn apart and loved by another being.
15 Angry Birds… Attack!

Have you ever seen a real-life Angry Bird? I mean, besides the birds that terror you outside of your window.
This onion is paying tribute to an all-time favorite game.
16 Goddess Appeal

How can an orange be this pretty?
The inside resembles a goddess, and frankly, we are jealous!
17 In A Pickle

This pickle has really gotten itself “into a pickle.”
Trapped inside of a jar and watching its friends disappear one by one. We would be terrified too.
18 “Baked” Potato

Is this baked potato… baked? It looks like it came straight from a Cheech and Chong movie!
All jokes aside, it looks like this potato had a dang good time inside of that oven.
19 Let’s Shake Hands

They say that if you wanted to, you could bite your finger off like a carrot, except your brain stops you from actually doing so. But is the same true for a carrot-shaped hand?
What does your brain tell you to do then? Do you eat it? Does your brain make you stop? The world may never know.
20 Speaking My Mind
This piece of broccoli is telling us how it really feels. Is he mad? Oh, absolutely! How could you take it away from its family?
Oh well, it will soon be enjoyed with some salt and pepper and forget the reason why it was ever upset in the first place.
21 Butterfly Fly Away

Be free! Let your wings fly! This strawberry does not want to be tied down.
It is ready for the adventure of a lifetime! Oh, to be young again.
22 Let’s Groove

“Alexa, turn on my party playlist!” This carrot is ready to be thrown in the middle of the dance circle.
Don’t disappoint it, groove along with it! Everyone needs a quick dance party before they eat, right?
23 Let’s Put A Face To The Name

You are walking down the grocery store aisle, and out of the corner of your eye, you think you see someone’s face in the eggplant bin.
It can’t be true! Well, it is slightly true. This eggplant will fool anyone!
24 Duck, Duck, Tomato?

An innocent childhood game, duck, duck, goose—with a twist! This tomato is shaped just like a duck!
It would truly be an abomination if you sliced into this tomato.
25 Home Sweet Home

There is no place like home, and for these carrots, home is with each other.
This sweet image will warm your heart and make you think about every time you have eaten a carrot in your life.
26 I Can’t Put A Finger On It

You unload your groceries and turn around and see… a FINGER? How can it be?
Actually, while you were distracted with other items you just picked up, a piece of Ginger slipped from its container and ended up here, making you question your every move.
27 It’s Time For A Pedicure

Oh, the sights you will see. A radish foot, for one. These vegetables have a mind of their own.
This radish doesn’t want to actually be a radish. It’s ready to walk out and see the world!
28 A Sour Sight

Don’t be fooled, what appears to be a banana is actually a lemon!
Imagine opening this bad boy and ready to enjoy a nice banana—only to bite into a bitter lemon! What madness!
29 Bell Peppers In Pain

These bell peppers are showing you just how terrifying it is to be sliced open.
They are terrified of the outcome… What will they become? Part of a soup? Toppings on a sausage? All we know is that they are delicious.
30 Stewing With Emotions

This carrot is really contemplating every decision it has made until this point in life. You can see its friend in the bowl behind it, trying to console its feelings.
The truth is, life is hard! So, try to relax by taking a warm bath and forget the day’s problems. Just like this carrot is doing!