Funny Business Signs Put Up For Your Entertainment
1 What Runs In Your Family

Sometimes the truth can hurt, but for the sake of the people involved, we often have to tell them, anyway. That’s exactly what this chiropractic clinic did with their potential clients suffering from obesity.
Indeed, obesity is not something that is passed down through genes, it is the result of the choices you make on a daily basis regarding your diet and your level of physical activity. Still, this sign is a bit beachy!
2 Fresh Dough Of Bel-Air

Monical’s Pizza Restaurant found the perfect way to advertise their super-fresh dough, which is by referencing the beloved 90s sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, which actually gave Will Smith the wide fame he has.
If the pizza dough is even fresher than Will Smith in his prime—Will Smith, who is also known by his stage name Fresh Prince—the pizza is definitely worth a try. Hopefully, it doesn’t disappoint. Let’s try it, shall we?
3 Men Vs. Women

To be honest, this sign is totally sexist, but at the same time, it is also very funny. And we can’t help but think that this sign is, in fact, it’s just a joke. We can’t believe it’s for real. However, potentially not everyone sees it that way!
According to your preferences, of course, the good thing about this sign is that no man is going to strut around this place in chest. The downside, though, is that some women will probably try to take off their shirts to get a free drink sometimes. One wonders if it really works?
4 Dear Abby

What’s an employer to do when their employee just won’t listen, even after repeating several times? Apparently, this boss tried everything to get Abby to take her work seriously, but sometimes, the message wasn’t heard.
At a last resort, this Dairy Queen employer decided to announce their employee’s bad work ethic to the whole world. Let’s hope this sign finally got Abby to get her act together. Come on, Abby, you are better than that!
5 Joe Left

Some employees are just clumsier than others. There’s nothing to do about it, really, it’s just a fact. And in this case, Joe was definitely the problem child of the worksite. Poor Joe! It’s never fun to be the problematic one.
But ever since Joe moved onto greener pastures and found a new job, his former work has been accident-free. Now, that’s a good news for them. If only he had left sooner. Let’s hope Joe stops committing accidents at his new job!
6 The King

It appears that the long-standing rivalry between Burger King and McDonald’s just took a nasty turn. Even if it is not explicitly stated, this clever sign makes reference to Ronald McDonald versus the King of the Burgers.
We’ve go to give this one to Burger King as that sign is pretty savage, but also really funny. We definitely crown them the victor for posting that “whopper” on their sign! We also think the employee who thought of this sign deserves a bonus!
7 We Deliver

Some pizza places offer special deals on their delivery, such as the promise of a free pie if your pizza isn’t delivered in 20 minutes of less. But when you order from JD’s Pizza, you have to accept that the delivery time may be a little longer, especially if you live far away.
And don’t expect them to take any responsibility for your late pie. Oh no, forget about it! If your pizza doesn’t get to you fast enough, maybe you should order from somewhere closer, or move closer to them.
8 Alignment
It’s a little bit unclear if this sign was actually meant to be funny or if it’s, in fact, the result of an accident, but either way, the final product is absolutely hilarious, even if it can be a bit worrying considering their business line.
Indeed, the irony of a business focused on alignment who can’t even keep their own sign straight is just too good. If it is an accident, the business owners should definitely lean into the mistake and avoid making repairs.
9 Water Or Wine

This sign is especially effective if you’re something of a water snob. Do you really want to risk ingesting bacteria from less-than-clean water? We don’t think so. And it’s true that you can’t be absolutely 100% sure where their water comes from, after all.
If you want to be safe for sure, don’t take any chance and just drink alcohol! Specifically, down a glass of wine or beer, which is definitely less healthy than water, but also bacteria-free! Better feel funny than be sick, don’t you think?
10 Cone Of Shame

Whoever is in charge of creating the sign at the Highland Road Animal Hospital has a pretty great sense of humor. We all know how absurd pets look when they’re forced to wear a cone due to injury or surgery, even if they are also a bit pitiful.
This funny saying evokes images of rowdy animals causing all sorts of trouble that results in one or all of them being taken to the vet for care. We can just see some poor dog walking out the animal hospital door wearing the dreaded cone of shame.
11 Swimsuit Season

In general, people tend to go on a diet as soon as the holiday season is over, after they have eaten to excess, and while the swimsuit season rolls around faster than they would like. But once the summer season is over, it’s all fair game.
Krispy Kreme’s sales may have gone down while everyone was fighting to look good in their bikinis, but even the doughnut chain knows that winter will bring a new batch of doughnut-craving customers to their doors.
12 Free Beer

A bar offering free beer? Is that for real?What a dream come true! Please, sign us up! Unfortunately, in this case, thirsty potential customers may need to read the sign more closely if they don’t want to be let down once they step inside.
The bar doesn’t actually offer free beer, but it does offer free Wi-Fi and great beer! But since the beer is not free for real, is the Wi-Fi really great? One wonders how many times they have had a complaint from unsatisfied customers about this sign…
13 What A Deal!

Two for the price of one or “Get the 2nd one for half price” discounts are very popular in stores, and even in restaurants. It is not uncommon for a pizza place to offer two pizzas for the price of one, after all!
This pizza place, however, didn’t quite understand the rules of the game, it seems. Or maybe they just like to make up their own rules. At their place, it’s “Buy two pizzas, pay for them both”. It’s a funny thing to advertized, but that’s their choice.
14 The Naked Truth

A generally winning way to attract customers is to use humor to promote your business. The White Hart Inn has figured this out very well, and the result is hilarious. The message on their sign only state the truth, but it’s still done in a perfect way.
No more macho men at the White Hart Inn who think they can leave with the waitress at the end of her shift because she was flirting with him, and therefore was interested in him. No, buddy, don’t get your hopes up. The only reason the waitress is flirting with you is to get a better tip.
15 The Whole Time

Working with electricity can often be dangerous if you are not careful, so imagine touching something with a high voltage if you know nothing in that field!
To make sure that no one touches this high voltage electrical box, and to make sure that employees who have to access it are extra careful, someone added this note on the box. Got it? Be careful! It’s dangerous, and it can kill you, but the worst part is that it will hurt like hell as long as it takes to kill you!
16 Mr. Miyagi’s Car Wash

This car wash decided to let everyone know just how very talented and better than any others their employees are by referencing the well-known, popular 1984 film The Karate Kid. After all, there is no better trainer than Mr. Miyagi!
So, if you get your car cleaned at this car wash, you can expect an absolutely perfect wax on and wax off, nothing less. But please, for your own safety, don’t challenge the employees—they’re bound to be quite skilled in karate.
17 Is Everything Okay?

Whether you’re in a good mood or in a bad mood today, it doesn’t really matter because it’s always a good time to have a drink. At least, that’s what this business seems to believe, and we tend to agree with them. Don’t you?
Whether you are happy, sad, angry, or any other emotion you might be feeling that day, they want you to come on in and enjoy a nice glass of your favorite poison. Why not give in to temptation? It might do you good!
18 Mayo Neighs

This veterinarian is advertising their services simply and exclusively by being funny. Indeed, the sign says nothing at all about their actual skill as a veterinarian, except, perhaps, their ability to entertain its customers.
We have to admit, though, this veterinarian seems truly hilarious. Would you visit a vet just because they seem funny? It could potentially be a bit risky for your animal, but one would tend to want to give this place a chance!
19 Shoe Repair
It’s obvious that this shoe repairman really loves his job, and he certainly also loves shoes in general. In fact, this guy loves them so much that he took the time to come up with a very creative sign full of shoe puns.
If you want your sole saved by someone who will dye for you, please visit this handyman. He will offer you the best possible service, no doubt about that. It’s hard to believe that such a passionate individual wouldn’t do a good job!
20 Congrajlashins

This is obviously a sign used by a printing company to advertise some sort of printing services. But the sad thing is, with that sign, they’re not wrong. It really is much easier to simply write “Congrats” than the whole word.
We’re constantly forgetting how to spell that word. Congratulashins… Congratulashions… Congratalatians. Ugh, we give up. Good for you if you are one of the few who can do it, but if not, go see them, they will know how to write it correctly for you!
21 Taco Love

The folks over at the El Arroyo in Austin, Texas, are known for posting the funniest signs and this one has a cracking up. First of all, it’s never a bad thing to be compared to a taco, and secondly, they make a really good point.
We feel oddly comforted by the sign and plan to take their suggestion by heart. The next time we feel like we’re about to fall apart, we’ll just eat a taco instead. Problem solved. If only all the world’s problems could be fixed with a taco!
22 Pies And Lattes

This fence company’s sign says what so many of us feel about exercise. They speak for the people who would rather eat pies and drink lattes than do Pilates. It’s a hilarious play on words and a stroke of genius, if you ask.
We’d like to officially thank this fence company for saying out loud what we are all thinking. This sign makes us feel seen. Is anybody else hungry after reading this one? Now, could somebody please pass the pie?
23 Not Haunted

It can be a challenge for realtors to make a house stand out from the rest. Jake Palmer from RE/MAX came up with a hilarious way to get people to stop and look twice at the sign in the yard by posting an additional “Not Haunted” sign.
We would have to say that announcing that a home is ghost-free would be a very effective way to get attention. It does make us wonder how many houses on the market are actually haunted. They should include this information on all listings.
24 Best Prices

If you want to spend the day at an amusement park, you obviously want a good price for your day of fun, right? Well, thankfully, Zig-E’s Funland was voted the best prices in town by some guy who likes to save money.
At least, that’s what their sign says. Should you trust it, or would you continue researching for better information about the best prices? It’s hard to know, but if this person who likes to save money really says so, we would tend to believe it!
25 Cat Puns
This animal clinic has decided to take the gamble of attracting customers with their humor alone. No bragging about their veterinary skills here. This is a dangerous risk to take, but with puns like this, it has to be a pleasant place to visit, right?
At the very least, you know you’ll be around funny people while caring for your pet. Now, let’s just hope that their vet skills are as good as their humor! Otherwise, you may encounter some problems, and you don’t want that.
26 Pet-Friendly Comfort Inn

Something very odd must have happened at this Comfort Inn in the past. While the hotel is comfortable accepting furry friends like dogs or cats, they apparently draw the line at bears. For most of us, this sounds like a no-brainer.
But according to this sign created by the hotel, they’ve had some issues with bears in the past. We would have many questions to ask them on the subject! But if you’re unlucky enough to have a pet bear, you’ll have to find different accommodation.
27 Convenient Stores

Viewed on their own, none of these business signs are particularly funny. But placed all in a row, the signs create a hilarious picture. First, you can declare bankruptcy. Then you can deal with the subsequent divorce right next door.
After all that emotional trauma, you’re definitely going to need a drink. Thankfully, just to your left, you can find all the adult beverages you’ll ever need to deal with your life falling apart. It gives a whole new meaning to convenience stores.
28 24-Hour Surveillance
Plenty of stores have 24-hour surveillance by camera, because it is important to protect your business, especially at night when it is closed and nobody’s there. But very few of them tell you why they decided to install the cameras.
Apparently, for this business, a pooping problem created the need for constant video surveillance. Hopefully, the cameras encouraged the person at fault to take care of their bathroom problems in private, unless they want people to watch them.
29 Push To Open

Since it’s hard to know whether to push or pull a door simply from looking at it, many businesses include a sign directing their customers on the best method of opening the door. But this business takes a slightly different approach. They put a sign first instructing their customers to push, then to pull, then to move to the left and try the actual entrance.
Obviously, there’s something about this area that makes it look like a door, and the business decided to lean into the confusion. The owners obviously enjoy seeing their customers suffer.
30 Adam & Eve

This church decided to create a funny sign to hopefully draw attendees to their services. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve broke the rules by eating an apple from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Because of their actions, they were forever banished from the Garden.
But the church draws a comparison between this ancient act and something more of us can relate to: not reading the terms and conditions for our Apple devices. It seems ignoring official warnings is something outside the bounds of space and time.
31 99 Cent Plaza

99 cent stores generally offer tons of products for 99 cents or less. If you see a 99 cent store, you can assume that everything inside will be pretty cheap. But for the 99 Cent Plaza, it’s unclear just how much their products cost.
The sign says “everything 99 cents or less,” but then the sign adds a confusing “& up.” So, are there products that are more than 99 cents? If that’s the case, the 99 Cent Plaza isn’t exactly an effectively 99 cent store.
32 You Ugly

There’s something to be said for businesses that are completely confident in their abilities. That’s definitely the case for the people working at Wise Guys Haircuts. These barbers are confident in their ability to make you look good.
After all, they are fully competent and know what they are doing, so they cannot fail! There’s no chance of that happening. That’s why, if you don’t look good at the end of your service, it might just be your appearance, rather than their services.
33 No Purpose

Signs are generally put up to share some important piece of information. But in this case, this sign was put up for absolutely no reason. Rather than announcing something interesting to the public, this sign instead makes it clear that the field it’s placed in is not special whatsoever.
The sign doesn’t say the field is private property, but it also says it has no official use for the public. In other words, the sign is a completely unhelpful and superfluous statement. What a waster of time.
34 Best Sausage Supper

Religion is not quite what it once was, a few decades ago, so we are not great experts in that matter, but it is doubtful that the message conveyed by this sign from the St. Paul United Church of Christ is really the right one.
In any case, Pastor Thomas Ressler may be a bit surprised at the number of followers this message will attract to his supper! He might have to deal with a few cannibals, though. Not exactly what he must be expecting.
35 Graphic Designer

Looking to hire a new graphic designer, this company is taking a unique approach to its search. Rather than using the standard “help wanted” signs or online job postings, they’ve written the message in what appears to be paint on their window. While it’s certainly eye-catching, it’s also a bit of a joke – poking fun at the fact that they clearly need help in the graphic design department.
Paragraph 2: “Honesty is the Best Policy”
By using this tongue-in-cheek method of advertising its need for a graphic designer, this company is being refreshingly honest about its shortcomings. They know that their current graphic design skills aren’t up to par, and they’re willing to make light of that fact. It’s a clever way of getting the attention of potential applicants who might be looking for a company that values transparency and a good sense of humor. And who knows – maybe the person they’re looking for is just the kind of creative thinker who will appreciate this unconventional approach.
36 Drop Your Pants
This message is both truthful and funny at the same time. The mission of this cleaners business is indeed to clean your pants, among other things you would like cleaned, so the sign could not be more right than this.
But what we’re wondering here is exactly how many pranksters have entered the place and simply dropped their pants, do you think? Apparently not enough for this business to decide that it’s time to change their sign!
37 Pumpkin spice garage

Looking for an oil change that’s a little more flavorful? Look no further than this garage, where they’re putting a fall twist on their services. With a sign that reads “Pumpkin Spice Latte for Your Car,” they’re poking fun at the seasonal obsession with the iconic autumn drink. While they may not actually be serving up pumpkin spice lattes for your car, they do offer high-quality oil changes that keep your vehicle running smoothly.
While it’s obviously a joke, it’s a clever way of getting people’s attention and making them think about their car’s maintenance. So the next time you’re in need of an oil change, why not head to this garage and see what all the fuss is about? Who knows, you might just end up with a pumpkin spice latte in hand after all.
38 Ikea Is Happy To Help

Ikea is known for its difficult-to-assemble furniture. Who has never sworn off assembling one of their pieces of furniture? We have to admit we did, too. Rather than trying to play off this fact, though, this billboard decided to embrace it.
Ikea is very aware that its furniture is hard to assemble. That’s a fact, so it would not be fair to deny that. And in any case, they are obviously aware of it because they can’t even manage to assemble their sign correctly.
39 Supersized Jigsaw Puzzle

This advertiser saw the opportunity of a lifetime here, with all the concrete blocks on the ground, and they immediately jumped on it. A pile of rubble looks surprisingly similar to the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, after all. It only makes sense!
While we kind of doubt this rubble could actually be assembled into the White House, though, it’s still a really clever advertising trick from Ravensburger. We really love the idea, and now we have a sudden urge to do a puzzle!
40 Duct Tape Does Everything

Duct tape can fix absolutely everything, without exception, and that is a universal truth, there is no denying that. Absolutely EVERYONE knows it. In fact, duct tape can even keep this billboard standing, that’s quite something!
With a billboard like this one, there’s no need for any further explanation about the benefits of duct tape and what it can do. The billboard itself says it all, or demonstrates it all, we should say. Quick, we have to go buy some duct tape!
41 Splitting Headache

Having a big headache is never a pleasant moment, and this billboard really gives the term “splitting headache” a whole new—and quite terrifying—meaning. We really hope never to suffer from such a headache!
But the good news is, if just a few Tylenol can bring some relief to this man with the wrecking ball that got stuck in the middle of his head, it can certainly get rid of your small tension headache. That’s a pretty good news!
42 Spotify Gets Personal

Spotify has taken the decision to get quite personal with its customers in this funny advertising, here, calling out a specific user who had listened to a popular song a bit too much. Some people can really abuse, sometimes!
While being lonely on Valentine’s Day is hard enough, it’s especially even more difficult when a billboard publicly calls out your sadness. Maybe you should talk about it to someone? You always feel better afterwards.
43 Strong Teeth

If you wish for stronger-than-nature teeth, you definitively have to use this toothpaste. Apparently, the Formula toothpaste is strong enough to turn you into a billboard-eating machine. We have to admit, that is quite impressive.
Of course, let’s be realistic, tough. Eating a billboard like that might do a bit of damage to your teeth, but at least you’ll know the toothpaste is working. After that, you can always use this toothpaste on your future dentures!
44 Real-Life Hot Wheels

What better way to advertise Hot Wheels than by turning a normal bridge into a Hot Wheels track? Here’s how to put a product back into its natural environment! There is no need to wonder why this sign works so well!
Unfortunately, this Hot Wheels track isn’t actually useful, which is a shame because it looks quite fun, don’t you think? It might have been a little too dangerous, though. Only a true fearless driver would have tested it.
45 Human-Sized Fleas

This billboard uses the power of perspective to spark action. Indeed, it would be difficult to see this billboard if you were on the ground. You have to get up high to understand the genius behind this!
While fleas aren’t actually visible from the floor, the billboard creates the illusion of human-sized fleas to encourage you to get the right medicine for your dog. This is a really original ad! But just looking at this ad has us feeling itchy. Get them off!
46 Accurate Weather Report

This ad is stunningly simple in its effect. While it offers a bit of perspective into the service——it also does exactly what it promises: a real-time weather report. It couldn’t be more accurate than that!
If it’s sunny, the billboard will be sunny. If it’s rainy, the billboard will be rainy. Thanks to this ad—and to!—you will always have the right information about the weather. Truly, it’s an almost genius advertising idea.
47 Cleans Pores

If you’re going to buy a facial scrub, you want to know that it will effectively clean your pores. That’s the goal, right? Otherwise, it’s useless, and at the price this kind of product costs, you want it as effective as possible!
Thankfully, this Pond’s Anti-Bacterial Facial Scrub billboard definitely gets that message across by showing a completely clean and clear pore. No, there won’t be a man physically cleaning your pores, but the visual is still satisfying.
48 Law & Order

If you’re going to create a truly effective ad—which, technically, should be the main goal when you create an ad—it’s best to use your surroundings to your advantage. It’s not only original, but ingenious and economical!
This Law & Order ad, which serves to promote the TV series, created a 3D look using a pole jutting out from behind the billboard. It certainly catches your attention. Now, we suddenly want to watch this show!
49 Open At Night

Why say more when you can say less? Especially at a time when minimalism is so fashionable! This McDonald’s ad didn’t even need to include the brand name “McDonald’s” because the golden arches are so recognizable.
What’s more, they are letting you know they are open until late, so you can go and grab that late-night McFlurry you are craving at any time. This minimalist ad that contains a grand total of three words is really a success.
50 Big Mac

According to this billboard, the Big Mac that can be found at the McDonald’s restaurants is so large that not even two billboards were enough to contain it completely. That means that it must be a really huge burger!
So, if you ever need a real stomach-filling treat, this billboard definitely lets you know that the McDonald’s Big Mac should be the snack on top of your list. Let’s all go to McDonald’s to grab that delicious burger, shall we?
51 Sky On Sale

Obviously, no one can actually sell the sky because the sky belongs to no one in particular. This is really a non-arguable fact. But on the other hand, selling cheap rides in an airplane is almost the same thing as selling the sky, right?
This pretty clever advertising billboard initiative from Pacific Airlines lets you know that the sky can be yours, and it’s available for a discounted price! After all, who wouldn’t love to own the sky, if only for a few minutes?
52 Perfect Color Match

What is a better way to show off your color matching skills than to match the color of the sky? This clever billboard from Berger Paints Ltd makes it look as though the painter found the perfect color match for the sky behind it.
While this creative billboard is visually appealing, it’s also a good endorsement that has us wanting to go to Berger for our paint. Their coloring could not be more accurate, and we have the proof, so they are definitely the best!
53 Share A Coke

For as long as we can remember, most of the Coca-Cola advertisements focus on the idea that a bottle of Coke is meant to be shared. What a great incentive for cordial human relations! It always feels good to share, after all!
So now, what could be a better way to get the point across than to actually share a Coke with the surrounding billboards? These two women should be more than honored to spread the joy of sharing that bottle!
54 Six-Armed Goalie

Nothing is getting past this multi-armed goalie. Like, ever. Because if you didn’t know, this billboard depicts Petr Cech, a Czech former professional football goalkeeper renowned for his incredible talent. So, imagine him with multiple arms!
To show their support for Cech during the 2008 European Cup that took place in Austria and Switzerland, the city of Vienna put up this hilarious billboard, which finally explains how Cech incredibly manages to block every single goal.
55 A Bright Idea

Once again, this billboard uses its surroundings—i.e. the passers-by—, and mostly only that, to get its point across. After all, without a person walking in front of it, the billboard is just a random lightbulb against a red background.
But as soon as a person steps into the sweet spot—this person simply being one of the thousands of passers-by who walk on this sidewalk every day—the billboard lets you know about the bright ideas found at The Economist.
56 Use Your Surroundings

Noodles & Company is apparently very confident in their various and original recipes. They’re so confident, in fact, that they took the risk that all the cars in this parking lot would be less unique than their bowls of noodles.
In any case, from what we can see, it looks like their advertising campaign worked out. However, all this remains in the hands of pure coincidence. Their billboard could turn out to be totally wrong from time to time!
57 Cut Down On Traffic

This sign is truly one of the most ingenious way to encourage drivers in Mumbai to take public transportation. If you’re driving by quickly, there is absolutely no way you would have time to stop and read this elaborate sign.
But on the contrary, if you’re stuck in a never-ending, annoying traffic, you would have all the time in the world to read about why you really should have taken public transportation. You’d better think about that next time.
58 Dropped Calls

This advertisement really leans into the visual representation of what the Cingular company is selling. You don’t even need to know Cingular to guess that it is a wireless telephone carrier—now owned by AT&T Wireless Services.
But what could be more unpleasant than a dropped call, really? Let’s hope the “calls” portion of the sign wasn’t dropping on any unsuspecting passer-by, though. It would make us hate the dropped calls even more!
59 Perfect Climbing Shoes

What would be a better way to advertise some climbing shoes than with a super-sized version of the specific boot atop a billboard? Really, we can’t think of anything better than that. This is THE best way to do it!
What’s more, these particular shoes are actually made for climbing. So, if these boots can climb to the top of a billboard just like that, you can be sure they would be able to help you climb to the top of any mountain.
60 The Perfect Living Room

Ikea furniture can truly help you create the perfect living space. After all, there is a reason why this furniture store is so popular around the world, and why so many of their items can be found in almost every home!
But instead of just asking that you take their word for it, Ikea decided to create a 3D version of the perfect living room on top of a billboard. Now, you just have to find out which pieces of furniture they used so you can buy it for yourself.
61 Stolen Slice

If you were a pizza shop, how would you demonstrate to the world just how good your pizza is? Like, that your pizza is the absolute best one in town? Well, if you’re Donatos, you have the model on the nearby billboard steal a slice.
If this Chaz’s sunglasses model can’t even keep her hands off of one of Donatos’ pizza slice, you know it has to be really as good as they claim. For us, there is no doubt. This is a very simple, but super original advertising idea!
62 Strong Cement

This billboard says a lot by saying practically nothing at all. Indeed, except the name of the company, there is no text on thi billboard. But apparently, Indocement’s cement is strong enough to stop an airplane in its tracks.
There is surely no material stronger than this! Such a cement can definitely be very useful in various situations. We don’t know when you would need to stop an airplane, though, but it’s nice to know you can get such a strong cement from Indocement.
63 Creepy Hand

At first glance, this billboard is nothing special. In fact, it even seems rather banal. Blink and you might just miss the true creepiness of this billboard. Now, take a closer look and you will see what we’re talking about.
The Heineken beer is so good that even the billboard can’t resist reaching out to grab it. This is for sure an ad that captures attention and leaves a mark on the imagination, as long as you look at it the right way!
64 Too Good Not To Eat

These workers were supposed to be putting up a billboard of a super-sized Cadbury chocolate bar, but their attention was totally diverted. The Cadbury chocolate was just too good, and they stopped their jobs to eat it.
Yes, okay. Obviously, the workers up there are fake ones, but the billboard easily gets the point across anyway—Cadbury chocolate bar is too good not to eat. It couldn’t be clearer, and we couldn’t agree more with this message!
65 Don’t Tailgate

There’s nothing like a billboard to brutally show you the true disaster of not being safe at all times on the road. There are many stressful situations that can occur when you are driving, and someone tailgating us is one of them.
If you don’t want to end up like this car and this big truck—and we strongly suspect that this is the case if you value your life—you definitely shouldn’t tailgate someone while on the road. Please, always keep your distance.
66 Something Witty

We’re not sure if the person who put up this sign was trying to be clever by applying to the letter the instructions received for the creation of this sign, or if, on the contrary, they just completely understood the directions.
Either way, they ended up with a pretty hilarious sign that’s sure to capture the attention of anyone driving by. This sign lets the imagination of those who read it run wild! We bet that their sales have improved thanks to this sign!
67 Go Rams

While God may not be rooting for a football team on Superbowl Sunday, that doesn’t mean his congregation has to stay neutral. When given the opportunity to put up church signage near a big game, this sign guy decided to give a shout out to his favorite team.
No one knows what football team God is rooting for, but this sign guy is definitely rooting for the Rams and he doesn’t mind at all saying so. On the contrary, he is even quite happy to show his colors in broad daylight!
68 False Advertising

Well, we think this sign is simply kind of really mean. Obviously, a liquor store providing free beer to their customers is going to pull in lots of people. But let’s be honest, those customers would probably be there just for the free beer!
So, if the store is also being open about their false advertising, it’s likely they’re not actually offering free beer to their customers. In other words, don’t get your hopes too up if you visit this liquor store, you might be disappointed. That’s a shame.
69 Safety Sarcasm

You really shouldn’t have to tell people to stay off the tracks at a train station. This should be pretty obvious to anyone old enough to think for themselves, so any human being older than about 5 years old. But these are the times we live in, apparently.
Rather than making a normal safety sign, these sign-creators decided to add a little sarcasm into their safety warning, hoping that it would be totally clear for everyone. In short, if you can read the sign, you should stay far away from the train tracks.
70 When One Door Closes…

Rather than embracing the well-known, age-old adage, “When one door closes, another one opens,” this business sign decided to make a different, but pretty clever point. We absolutely love such clever humor! Don’t you?
As the sign says, a door that closes can simply be reopened. There’s no reason why it couldn’t open again, so there’s no need to find an entirely new door. Simply use the first door as intended. It all seems very logical to us, don’t you agree?
71 Dog Status

There are different statuses among human beings, and we know them well. But is it the same for the animal kingdom? Ok, well, technically, the lion is the king of the jungle, we know that, but for the dogs, for example?
This sign raises a very pertinent and important question! Is a police dog the same for a civilian dog as a human police officer is for a civilian human? We should think about asking the question the next time we see a dog. Or a police. Or a police dog.
72 I Changed The Sign

According to this business sign, a poor manager named Dave asked his employee to change the business sign outside, but he made the unfortunate mistake of forgetting to tell that employee what to change the sign to, exactly.
Without any clear direction, the employee took matters into his own hands, resulting in this really hilarious sign. In all fairness, they did follow their boss’ directions, after all. Next time, we bet Dave will give more precise indications.
73 Family-Owned Business

Family-owned businesses are sweet in theory, but difficult to manage in reality. Families tend to fight, and those disagreements can often find their way into the business. Instead of pretending that everything is peachy, this family-owned business decided to lean into the stereotype of bickering relatives.
Apparently, the family couldn’t even get their sign up without arguing with each other. Thankfully, their ploy might just be funny enough to draw in some new customers instead of pushing them away.
74 All You Can Eat

When this enormous billboard says “All you can eat,” they really, literally mean all you can eat. In fact, they might just put your car on the menu, you included—that’s how broad their food options are. There is something for everyone!
We must admit that this sign is very original. It still seems a little terrifying to us to drive directly into someone’s mouth like that, though. Will we have to be digested before we can emerge from this tunnel? That’s an important question to ask.
75 Beware The Cold Mars Bar

This billboard really is a combination of disturbing and hilarious. While it’s not great at all to imagine that your tongue might get stuck to a cold Mars bar, the billboard certainly catches your attention, doesn’t it?
If there is one message you should glean from these billboards, it’s that you should be careful about licking a cold Mars bar, because it could be dangerous. But without licking it, you can eat it, right? Because now we really want one!