Pics Of People Having The Worst Day Ever
Sad Oven

This person’s oven had a bit of a temper tantrum and blew itself up. We’re not sure what the owner did to make it mad, but it clearly lost the will to live.
Anybody else think that this oven looks particularly angry?
Unlucky Downpour

Someone must have done something pretty offensive for Mother Nature to unleash her fury on only one house on the block. Talk about bad karma!
This is the literal representation of the saying “When it rains, it pours”.
Ice Cream Bandit

Can’t a man eat his ice cream in peace? There he was, enjoying an ice cream cone when a seagull swept in and stole it right from his hands.
That is one mean bird!
A Mouthful

A petting zoo is a great place for children to get up close and personal with wildlife. Little Jimmy got more than he bargained for when a camel tried to eat his head.
Although, his big sister doesn’t look too concerned.
Wet Paint

Who is supposed to be watching Grandma? It looks like she wandered off again and took a rest on a bench covered in wet paint.
She’s in for quite a surprise when she stands up.
Wedding Photo Fail

It may seem like a good idea to pose on a dock for wedding photos, but we’re here to tell you it often ends in disaster. Just ask this poor bride after the entire bridal party fell into the water.
Although, these two will have a great wedding story to tell the grandkids one day.
Pizza Mishap

A woman learned the hard way that you should never nap on the subway with a pizza on your lap. How come no one woke her up to save the pizza from slipping?
This is a total travesty.
Hair Dye Gone Awry

Here’s another lesson learned the hard way. Do not place a plastic Walmart bag on your head when bleaching your hair blonde. The final result is less than beautiful.
Unless, of course, you like looking like a Walmart grocery bag.
They Had One Job

Someone posted this pic of a cheeseburger gone wrong on social media. We’re worried about the person who made this burger with the cheese on top of the bun.
Not to be nasty, but it takes some serious talent to mess up a cheeseburger.
Milkshake Disaster

This woman took an ill-fated walk into a glass door and blasted two milkshakes into the air. It’s not nice to laugh at other people’s misfortune, but this is hilarious.
The squished look on her face is too ridiculous not to chuckle at.
Nair Mix-Up

A person shared this unfortunate pic of their sister on social media. Turns out that she confused a bottle of Nair hair remover lotion for shampoo.
She’ll probably never make that mistake again! Poor thing looks a bit like George Costanza from Seinfeld.
Monday Morning

Has there ever been a better picture capturing the feeling of a groggy Monday morning? Some unlucky soul just wanted a cup of coffee and ended up with a spilled mess instead.
Go back to bed, start over, and put the mug on the right side up next time.
Laundry Day

Ah, the joys of laundry day. A day where you unsuspectingly go out into the world in a clean hoodie and a pair of black underwear stuck to your back.
Who wants to be the one to tell her?
Unfortunate Sunburn

Gather round for a quick lesson in sun safety. We can all learn from this lady’s mistake. Don’t fall asleep outside with a bowl of cereal and a spoon on your lap.
The resulting sunburn will leave you open for much-deserved ridicule.
Bad Break

The owner of this truck was either in a massive hurry or had no idea that they haplessly drove off with the gas hose in their tank.
Either way, they’re having a worse day than you.
Stuck Snickers

Someone was not only denied their Snicker’s bar when it got stuck in the vending machine, but seeing the word “Denied” printed on the packaging added insult to injury.
Actually, this is kind of perfect, if you ask us.
Tough Luck

This doomed person’s vehicle won’t smell the same after this disaster. They’re going to be smelling chili whenever they drive from this moment on.
On second thought, that sounds delicious.
Weed Killer Whoopsie

People take pride in their lawn, so it must have been extra insulting when this person accidentally put weed killer on their grass instead of fertilizer.
That’s one ugly mistake!
French Fry Tragedy

Here we have another cruel incident of a seagull snatching food from an innocent bystander. Luckily, the bird only got away with the cardboard container, and the fries probably spilled back on the tray.
This person better snatch those fries up quickly because that bird on the right looks like it totally can’t be trusted.
Pepper Spill

This person had rotten luck when the lid fell off their paper shaker as they fried an egg. There’s no coming back from this accident.
It’s time to trash that egg and just start again.
That’s Embarrassing

This man probably didn’t know that toilet paper was hanging out of the back of his pants. Yet, someone took a picture of it instead of telling him about it. This is what’s wrong with the world these days.
We’ve actually had nightmares about this exact situation.
Beehive Bike

We wish we could see the look on this bike owner’s face when they discovered a swarm of bees on their kickstand. This is terrifying.
That bike totally belongs to the bees now.
Get A Grip

Nothing like attempting to open your car door to have the handle fall right off. This person was handed a raw deal when it happened to them.
No amount of super glue is going to fix this one.
Pool Parking Spot

This car’s owner performed a disastrous parking job when they drove it into a pool. Hopefully, everyone involved was in better shape than the car.
That’s one expensive accident!
So Done With Dinner

This poor woman spilled her dinner all over the floor. She looks so deflated about the situation, we sort of want to give her a hug.
On the bright side, at least the cat seems to like it.
Paint Explosion

We’re not exactly sure how paint exploded all over the inside of this person’s vehicle, but we feel bad for them. That’s going to take some serious elbow grease to clean up.
Even though their face is covered in paint, we can sense just how defeated they are.
Cursed Numbers

Many people have used the numbers in their fortune cookies to win the lottery. We couldn’t help but laugh at the irony of this photo.
Hopefully, they chose odd numbers for their lottery ticket instead of these.
Spilled Soda

This poor person was probably parched and excited to purchase an enormous cup full of soda. It’s too bad that fate had other plans, and the drink spilled all over their seat.
Would it be shameful to just collect the soda back into the cup and drink it, anyway? Asking for a friend.
Wet Cement

An unsuspecting child just wanted to go for a spin on their scooter when they accidentally came upon wet cement. The aftermath was not pretty.
Does anybody else think this looks like a gruesome crime scene?
Dishwasher Disaster

How about a lesson in homemaking? Be sure to use dishwashing detergent and not dish soap before running the dishwasher. This unlucky guy failed to do so.
Well, he might as well make the best of a bad situation. Foam party in the kitchen!
Bad Bananas

Nothing like grabbing a bunch of bananas only to have them slide off their peels. This is extremely insulting, but honestly, we feel bad for the bananas.
It appears they totally lost their will to live.
Birthday Fail

Sally’s Sweet 16 birthday party was going great until mom dropped the cake. The look of panic on her face is priceless.
Unsurprisingly, dad is clueless and completely unphased.
Fiesta Lame

This unfortunate individual’s Ford Flame sent them a glaring message and dropped the “f” off its rear. They are now the proud owner of a lame car.
It’s really bad when even your car thinks you’re a loser.
Runway SUV

There’s so much bad luck in this photo, it’s almost hard to keep track. The vehicle ran down the driveway, broke a fence, crashed into a car dealership, and hit a parked Jeep.
The owner of that automobile had some seriously bad karma.
Unlucky Ducky

It’s not polite to laugh at other’s misfortune, but this melted rubber ducky is hilarious. Their eyes look so hopeless and shocked.
Obviously, it’s not a good idea to leave your rubber ducky on your dashboard during a hot day, or it will turn into a sad puddle.
Mission Impossible

This guy was trying to be stealthy by dropping in on someone, but he had quite a surprise when a draft blew over his legs. Something tells me they didn’t perform this maneuver the correct way.
It’s officially time to abandon the mission when your pants fall down.
Television Meltdown

A person posted this pic on social media and explained that their sister’s television sat on the fireplace mantel while the pilot light was lit. The result was a melted tv.
Talk about learning a lesson the hard way.
Poop Happens

Not only did this guy have the bad fortune of being buried up to his neck in sand, but a bird did its business on his forehead. This will ruin a fun day at the beach in no time.
To add insult to injury, the seagull appeared to laugh as it flew away.
Get Down From There

How this kid climbed to the top of the shelf in the bathroom fixture area is a mystery, but we’re just glad we’re not the employee that has to get him down.
That boy looks like a flight risk.
Someone Appears To Have Lost Their Focus

If you ever think that you’re having the worst day ever, just look at this pic of a floating car. The owner officially wins first prize for having a bad day.
Does insurance cover parking your car in a river?
Pool Fiasco
Purchasing an above-ground pool can be an inexpensive way to create fun family memories in your own backyard. Unless you’re this unlucky family.
In their case, their broken pool created an expensive nightmare.
We’d hate to be the person who stacked these shipping containers because they are about to be in serious trouble. It’s clear that things didn’t go as planned.
That’s one costly mistake!

Nothing like a fun day playing on a jet ski to make you feel alive. Except maybe escaping death like we hope this guy did after face planting into the water.
That’s going to leave a mark!
That’s Gotta Hurt

An exciting day at a baseball game took an ugly turn for this gentleman when he took a bat to the face. It hurts us to even look at this perfectly timed photograph.
He totally felt that the next morning!
Covid Cancellation

Many people had to cancel their plans for 2020 because of the Covid-19 shutdown. David and Kylee had to cancel their wedding.
Kudos to them for having a good sense of humor about it all and creating “Unsave the Date” cards.
Snowing Inside

In Alaska, there is snow! And you have to be careful with the buttons you touch in the car.
This man wanted to defrost his windshield, but he opened his sunroof instead. Oops.
Not Well Fixed

Talk about a great way to start the day! Really, how could this happen?
Let’s bet the people in this house didn’t expect to spend their day getting their kitchen back in order.
Double Car Door

When we open our car door, we expect that the way is clear to sit inside easily.
However, this person was surprised by the inside of their door remained in the closed position.
The military can be brutal. Was this a test? A planned punishment for disobeying some order?
Whatever it was, this young man certainly wasn’t expecting to get the sprinkler thrown directly in his face that day, but he sat in exactly the wrong place.
Falling Porcupine

Imagine taking a leisurely stroll, enjoying the beautiful weather, when all of a sudden, something extremely pungent falls on your head.
What are the chances of a porcupine falling from a tree, and directly on the head of a passerby? Like, none. That must have been very unpleasant!
Not Going As Planned

In general, firefighters expect to go out and put out fires during their shift, but not to be on fire themselves!
It’s kind of ironic that a fire truck is on fire, don’t you think? They’ll have to call for backup!
Scariest Flight

Flying is scary enough on its own for some people, they don’t need an extra stressor.
Imagine sitting next to the window and seeing that there is a piece missing from the wing of the plane. It’s not a very important piece, but still. It’s scary!
Not Going Anywhere

What could be worse than a bee circling us? Several bees that decide to stand together!
We hope the owner of this car had nowhere urgent to go. If not, he certainly opted for another means of transportation.
Worst Moving

Most people don’t like to move. After all, it’s stressful and exhausting, so it’s understandable.
Imagine being stuck in a tunnel with the U-Haul truck. It’s definitely that person’s worst move ever. Maybe one day they’ll be able to laugh about it.
Too Many Photocopies

It’s a known fact that teachers tend to make a ton of photocopies. It’s almost a joke how much they make!
Well, this photocopier has had enough. It’s time to retire! No more wasting paper, let’s move to the digital age! After a few hours of cleaning, though.
She’s On Fire!

Our birthday is always a beautiful and exciting day. It’s nice to be celebrated like this! It’s not so nice to have our hair on fire while blowing out our candles, though.
Hopefully, this woman was dreaming of a haircut. However, she might have to do some touch-ups.
Worst Thing To Clean

There’s nothing worse than cleaning up an oil spill. NOTHING! How did the olive oil display fall off like that?
We feel sorry for the person who will have to clean it up. It will take them hours, and even with the most thorough cleaning, the floor will be slippery for days!
Spray Tan

Many people apply spray tan to give themselves a darker complexion. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always end well.
Does it say on the spray tan bottle that you shouldn’t cry after applying it? What is the recommended waiting time? This girl could use some advice on how to remove her tear marks now.
Small Oversight With Big Consequences

There are a few important steps to take when launching your boat. Unfortunately, this man forgot one: put their drain plugs in.
A small oversight like that can have some pretty big consequences, like a sunken boat. No ride on the water today, guys.
Not Snow, Not Outside

No, this man is not shoveling snow outside, but flour inside.
While at work, he accidentally broke a pipe, and 30 tons of flour spilled onto the floor of the plant.