These 12 sectors of employment could help you become rich

It is normal, when we’re looking for a job, to want good conditions and to make a good salary to support oneself. However, it is even better if our job is in an industry that can make us rich! According to the World Wealth Report 2018 created by the consulting company Capgemini, some sectors of employment generate more wealthy people than others. Here are, in order of importance, the 12 sectors of employment that could help you become rich.

It is no surprise that the financial sector has the most wealthy employees, so you need to consider it if you want your bank account to thrive in a booming way! Indeed, according to 35.7% of World Wealth Report respondents, this sector is one of the three areas most likely to make you rich.

Jobs in this sector can also lead to big salaries. It is not only about technologies such as social networks or Google but also about financial technology and so-called “disruptive” technology such as Uber. It is not surprising, after all, that technologies are expanding and are experiencing several successes in the global market!

The healthcare sector is obviously the dominant sector in the economic market. Indeed, this industry is one of the most profitable with technology and finance. You can, therefore, work in this sector with complete peace of mind.
Manufacturing industry

Although the manufacturing industry experienced some difficulties with the slowdown in the Chinese economy in 2016, it remains extremely lucrative, which makes it a good choice if you want a stable job. After all, we will always need to manufacture goods to support our needs!
Real estate and construction

It is no secret that the world’s population is constantly growing. As a result, people have a greater need for housing. The real estate and construction sectors will, therefore, make many people rich in the coming years, no doubt about it.

Carlos Slim, CEO of the Mexican telecommunications company Telmex, has been considered one of the richest men in the world for several years now and it must be said that the sector of employment in which he works has something to do with it! According to 20.2% of the World Wealth Report experts, this field could make the employees who work in this sector very rich over the next 10 years.

Education is the foundation of any society and necessarily contributes to making any population richer. It would seem that the more affluent a population is, the more people tend to educate themselves, which increases their wealth. Education is, therefore, an area of employment in which one should invest and work.
Agriculture and mining

Be aware that agriculture and mining profit, to a large extent, from continents such as Africa and Asia. However, you can make a fortune, as long as you are willing to take financial risks, according to 18.9% of the World Wealth Report authorities.
Aerospace and air transport

Another way to become rich is to find a job in the aerospace and air transport sectors. These employment sectors are booming and will continue to grow over the next 10 years. Might as well enjoy it!
Renewable energy

Although fossil fuels are still being used, there is a tendency to replace them with renewable energy which, it must be said, is an essential resource for the future of the planet. That is why 17% of the people interviewed for Capgemini consulting firm’s report said that having a job in this field could eventually lead to wealth.
Entertainment and recreation

Although these sectors are very popular with the 20 to 35-year-olds, making money in this area is a little more difficult (especially because of the plague of computer piracy). However, it is possible to make a fortune in this area. Nintendo easily proves this to us with its Pokemon Go game, which boosted the price of its shares on the stock market.
Retail and wholesale trade

Retail and wholesale trade can help you become rich, provided, of course, that consumers have strong purchasing power. So the consumer market must, in a way, be in your favour so that you can make a lot of money. This is probably why only 14% of experts in the World Wealth Report think that you can make a fortune by taking a job in this area.
So there are ways to get rich without going to the casino or playing other gambling activities! Indeed, you can simply find a job in one of these growing fields and look forward to a successful and rewarding career.
Cover photo: @argent | Instagram
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