Surprising Uses For Vinegar You Definitely Want to Know About
1 Make Your Towels Fluffy

After they’re used over and over again, towels lose their soft and fluffy appearance. Instead, they start to look dingy and rough—that’s not exactly what you want to wrap yourself in after stepping out of a warm shower.
If your towels could use a little refresher, pull out your bottle of vinegar. Next time you wash your towels, include half a cup of vinegar in the cycle. The vinegar will revitalize your towels, making them fluffy and inviting once again.
2 Kill Pesky Fruit Flies

Even if you’re a total animal-lover, fruit flies are always considered unwelcome houseguests. Thankfully, you don’t have to put up with these pesky critters flying around your kitchen. That is, not if you have a little vinegar.
Take a small saucer or jar and pour in a bit of apple cider vinegar. Then add a few squeezes of dish soap on top. Place the dish in the area where you’re having the most trouble with fruit flies. The flies will be attracted to the smell, but they’ll soon drown in the liquid, leaving your kitchen a fly-free zone.
3 Clean Your Dishes & Dishwasher

While buying dish tablets to run in your dishwasher is certainly easy enough, vinegar may provide an even more simple solution. Rather than filling your dishwasher with dish tablets, try running a cycle with a bit of vinegar. The vinegar is strong enough to cut through the grease and grime on your dishes, leaving them much cleaner than before.
But while washing dishes is one of many uses for vinegar, the vinegar can also keep your actual dishwasher sparkly clean. Every few months, pour a cup of vinegar into an empty dishwasher and run a cycle. The vinegar will clear out any lime, hard water, or soap scum that inevitably builds up in your machine. By running a short cycle with vinegar, you ensure your dishwasher is clean enough to work at peak efficiency.
4 Deodorize & Clean the Garbage Disposal

After you use your garbage disposal again and again, you’ll notice that it starts to emit a rather yucky smell. But of course, no one wants to stick their hands into the dark depths of their sink to clean out all the food bits trapped inside. Thankfully, one of the many uses for vinegar is its ability to quickly and painlessly clean your garbage disposal.
Next time you need to clean your disposal, get an ice tray and create cubes that include a lemon wedge, one part vinegar, and one part water. Then pop the tray into the freezer until the cubes are frozen. When you need to clean your disposal, simply pop one or two of those cubes down your sink and run the disposal. The mixture will clean out any yucky grime that causes a nasty smell, leaving your disposal clean and your kitchen smelling of lemons.
5 Soak Your Feet For Soft Skin

If you can’t find time to get to the nail salon, you can give yourself an at-home pedicure using a bit of vinegar. While painting your nails is usually one element of a pedicure, a true salon treatment also demands soaking your feet in liquid to rid yourself of any dead skin.
To make a salon-worthy treatment at home, combine vinegar with a bit of mouthwash. Then soak your feet in the mixture for roughly 15 minutes. When the time is up, scrub your feet and watch all that dead skin flake off. By the time you’re done, your feet will look like they were treated by a professional.
6 Banish Fleas From Your Pet
Pets are prone to fleas, but that doesn’t mean you want to invite these critters into your home. Rather than searching for a flea shampoo that does the job, use vinegar to banish the pests from your pet’s coat.
Combine one part apple cider vinegar to one part water in a spray bottle. After shampooing your pet during their next bath, spray them with the vinegar mixture. The vinegar creates an unpleasant environment for any pest, including fleas. If you apply the mixture regularly, you’ll ensure that your pet lives a flea-free life.
7 Heal Bruises Faster

Everyone gets the occasional bump and bruise every now and then. But wouldn’t it be great if you could get rid of those marks on your body just a little bit faster? With vinegar, you can!
Next time you get a nasty bruise, soak a paper towel in distilled white vinegar and press it into the bruised area. The properties in the vinegar will help to heal the bruise more quickly, removing the mark from your skin and stopping the associated pain.
8 Wash Fruit to Preserve It Longer
This is one of the uses for vinegar that you can use all the time. When you purchase new fruits and veggies from the store, take a moment to wash your produce in vinegar. Simply fill your sink with warm water and add half a cup of vinegar. Then allow the produce to sit for roughly ten minutes. Rinse them off before storing them in your fridge.
The vinegar will clear out extra gunk that makes your produce go bad more quickly. If you wash your produce in vinegar first, you’ll notice you get an extra week out of your fruits and veggies.
9 Help Cut Flowers Last Longer

A bouquet of flowers looks gorgeous in your home. Unfortunately, it also has a short shelf life. As soon as those flowers are cut from their parent plant, they start to die. Within a few days, your gorgeous bouquet will be a wilting mess.
However, if you know the uses for vinegar, you can prevent your flowers from dying so quickly. When you get your new bouquet, add two tablespoons of vinegar and one teaspoon of sugar to the water in the vase. The vinegar mix acts as flower food, allowing your bouquet to stay healthier for a longer period of time.
10 Fix Clothes That Smell of Mildew

Once you throw your laundry into the machine, it’s so easy to forget about it. Unfortunately, if your wet clothes sit for an extended period of time, they develop a gross mildew smell that’s difficult to get rid of. Thankfully, among the many uses for vinegar is the ability to put an end to that scent for good.
If you’re dealing with wet, day-old laundry that smells of mildew, don’t panic. Instead, just rewash your load again with half a cup of white vinegar and a few drops of essential oil. The vinegar will remove that funky smell, leaving clean clothes behind.
11 Buff Out Scratches In Wood Furniture

No matter how careful you are with your wood furniture, scratches are bound to develop over time. That’s part of the natural wear and tear, but it doesn’t mean it looks good. If you want to keep your furniture in pristine condition, use a little vinegar.
Mix apple cider vinegar with iodine in a bowl or bottle. Then spread the concoction over the scratches in your wood. This simple hack should buff out all the scratches, leaving smooth wood behind. If the wood is darker, use a bit more iodine to get the results you’re looking for.
12 Wash Car Windows

Considering your car experiences a lot of wear and tear as it bounds down the road, it needs something a little stronger than normal glass cleaner to remove built-up grime. Next time you wash your car at home, try cleaning the windows with a bit of vinegar.
While washing your windows, spray a healthy amount of vinegar onto the surface. Then scrub it with a rag and wash away the liquid as normal. The acidity of the vinegar will cut through all that built-up dirt, leaving your windows clean and clear.
13 Calm Sunburn

Getting a sunburn is frustrating and painful. While you should always wear sunscreen if you’re stepping out on a sunny day, it’s likely you’ll be cursed with an unfortunate sunburn at some point in your life. But instead of just waiting it out while your skin suffers, soothe your sunburn with a bit of vinegar.
Pop a bottle of distilled apple cider vinegar into the fridge. Once it’s cool, pour it onto a soft cloth and gently pat your burned areas. The vinegar has properties that can help to minimize peeling and itching. While the bright red color won’t go away, the vinegar will make you a little more comfortable while you wait for your sunburn to fade.
14 Fix Streaky Windshield Wipers

In addition to cleaning your car windows, vinegar can also help to increase the effectiveness of your windshield wipers. As the wipers get older, you may notice they start to streak and stick. Instead of making your window cleaner and allowing you to see better, they just smear the dirt and water across the windshield.
However, you don’t have to replace ineffective wipers altogether. Instead, soak a cloth in distilled white vinegar and rub it back and forth across the rubber. The vinegar will remove stubborn dirt and grime that’s leading to streaky windows. With this simple hack, your windshield wipers will be as good as new.
15 Soothe Sore Throat

For most people, drinking vinegar sounds like the worst idea in the world. Vinegar isn’t known for its pleasant flavor, but it might be just what you need to get rid of your sore throat.
Next time your throat feels a little raw, grab a cup of hot water, and add a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Then stir in a bit of honey for sweetness. Once that’s done, drink the whole concoction. Your breath might smell bad, but your sore throat will be much better.
16 Clean Dusty Computers

Just like most things, our computers tend to get dusty after a while. Unfortunately, computers are rather difficult to clean. Dust seems to refuse to be removed, no matter how much you try to wipe down your laptop.
If you want a truly clean computer, use a little vinegar. First, turn off your computer. Then mix equal parts of white vinegar and water together. Grab a soft cloth and dip it into the mixture, squeezing out as much liquid as you possibly can. Carefully and gently, wipe the cloth over your computer. The vinegar will clear out all that stubborn dust, leaving a shiny laptop behind. If you want to get those stubborn spots around the keys of your keyboard, follow the same process, but use a cotton swab to clean.
17 Remove Water Rings From Furniture
What’s worse than stubborn water rings on wooden furniture? While coasters are the best way to protect your furniture from water rings, people are often too lazy to use them. Once the water rings appear on your furniture, you may have resigned yourself to the idea that you’ll never get them off.
Well, that’s not the case. If you want to remove those marks, mix equal parts vinegar and olive oil together. Apply the mixture to the stained area with a soft cloth, moving with the grain of the wood. Then use a clean cloth to wipe up the mixture. Once you’re done, those water rings will be gone for good.
18 Remove Bumper Stickers Completely

It’s all fun and games to put bumper stickers on your car until you realize that you can’t remove them. Oftentimes, bumper stickers are there for life. If you do try to take them off, you’ll be stuck with sticky residue clearly marking out the former home of the sticker.
If you want to get rid of those bumper stickers for good, pull out your undiluted, distilled vinegar. Pour the vinegar onto the top and sides of the sticker. Allow it to soak in for ten to fifteen minutes. Then, use a piece of plastic, such as an old credit card, to scrape away the bumper sticker. Not only will the vinegar remove that pesky sticker, but it will also remove all the sticky residue it leaves behind.
19 Eliminate Stinky Odors

Cleaning your house is only half the battle. While your surfaces may be dirt free, it’s difficult to eliminate those lingering smells that make your home less-than-pleasant. But if you ever run into a smell you can’t remove, turn to vinegar.
Combine vinegar with water and a few drops of lemon essential oil. Then spray the mixture around your house, particularly in stinky places like the bathroom or the trash can. The vinegar eliminates the smell and the lemon fills your home with a fresh, pleasant scent. Stinky odors will disappear with your handy gallon of vinegar by your side.
20 Make Your Own Dusting Spray

While vinegar is the perfect solution to cleaning your home, it can also keep your space from getting dirty in the first place. Instead of reaching for your reliable feather duster, keep dust from settling into your furniture with a bit of vinegar.
Among the many uses of vinegar, this nifty liquid also helps to repel dust. Simply combine a quarter cup of vinegar with a cup of water, two teaspoons of olive oil, and a few drops of lemon essential oil. The vinegar will cut through the grime and grease on your surfaces, while the oil adds shine and a protective layer over wood. The finished product is a cleaning mixture that keeps dust from settling onto your surfaces, reducing the amount of time you have to spend cleaning.
21 Create An All-Purpose Cleaning Spray

Instead of cleaning your home with harmful chemicals, try washing away the dirt and grime with a bit of vinegar. While chemicals get the job done in leaving your space sparkling clean, they’re not the best choice for a healthy body. Rather than filling your home with harmful toxins, create your own all-natural cleaning spray with vinegar.
Using an empty spray bottle, mix one part white vinegar to one part water. If you want to add a pleasant scent that will leave your space smelling fresh, include a few drops of the essential oil of your choice in the bottle. The resulting spray is perfectly suited to clean anything, from kitchen countertops to hardwood floors.
22 Remove Stains

No matter how careful you are, you’re bound to get the occasional stain on your clothes. But rather than scrubbing away with stain-remover or, even worse, tossing out the item altogether, grab your handy-dandy bottle of vinegar.
As soon as you notice a stain, lightly rub a bit of vinegar into the affected area. Then toss the item into your hamper and wash it as usual. There’s no need to wash right away—vinegar will still do the trick, even if it takes you a few days to get around to your laundry. When you do wash the stained item, the vinegar will lift the mark right out, leaving your garment as good as new.
23 Clean Your Toilet Tank

While your toilet bowl is one obvious area of the bathroom that needs a good clean fairly regularly, your toilet tank is often forgotten about. But much like the bowl, the tank can also get very dirty. Over time, dirt, grime, and water stains build-up, which can impact the overall function of your toilet if not addressed. Thankfully, vinegar provides a solution.
To keep your toilet tank clean and running smoothly, you simply have to add vinegar to the water. The vinegar will help to clear out mineral deposits from the inner components, keeping your toilet in pristine condition. Plus, it won’t damage any of the components and it requires very little effort on your part. Add a little vinegar every now and then, and you’ll never have to worry about your toilet tank.
24 Clean Your Microwave Quickly

Microwaves are such handy little devices, but they can be a pain to clean. After a few uses, little bits of food end up stuck to the inside. If you don’t wipe them off right away, they adhere so stubbornly to your microwave that it almost feels like you’ll never get them off.
Thankfully, vinegar makes cleaning your microwave easy and quick. Fill a small bowl with distilled white vinegar, then add an equal amount of water. Put the bowl in the microwave and warm it up for two to three minutes until you see some steam rising from the bowl. Then dip a cloth into the mixture and use it to wipe the inside of your microwave. The steam will first loosen the grime, allowing you to easily wipe off any excess food particles and make your microwave sparkling clean.
25 Clean Burnt Pan

Even the best chefs in the world burn their pans from time to time! Therefore, it only makes sense that us amateur home cooks would deal with the same problem while cooking at home. But while a burnt pan initially looks like a disaster, it’s not so hard to clean with just a little vinegar.
If you’ve scorched the bottom of your pan, don’t panic! Simply place the pan back on the stove and fill it with one cup of water and one cup of vinegar. Then bring the mixture to a boil. Once the water and vinegar are bubbling, turn off the heat and add two tablespoons of baking soda to the pan. Allow the baking soda to sit for a couple of minutes before tossing out the liquid and cleaning the pan as normal with a scouring pad. Once you’re finished washing, your pan should be clean and burn-free.
26 Clean Dirty Tiles

Vinegar is so useful because it cleans, disinfects, and deodorizes all at once. Not only that, but it’s a natural product that’s free of harsh chemicals you often use to clean your home. With all these many benefits, vinegar is the perfect solution to clean stubborn tiles.
If the tiles in your home are riddled with stains and grime, grab your trusty vinegar. Mix about half a cup of vinegar with a gallon of warm water in a bucket. Wipe down the tiles to remove loose dirt, then mop or wipe over them with the vinegar solution. The vinegar will easily lift stains and stubborn grime, leaving clean, sparkling tiles behind.
27 Whiten Your Teeth

If you want a mouth full of pearly whites, you’ve probably realized that brushing alone isn’t enough to clear your teeth of stains. Instead of scrubbing away at your choppers, embrace one of the many uses for vinegar.
Once a week, clean your teeth with a toothbrush dipped in white vinegar. The vinegar will clear away surface stains and plaque, leaving gorgeous pearly whites behind.
28 Heal Mosquito Bites

Mosquito bits are truly the worst. If you live in a mosquito-heavy area of the country, then you know how frustrating these bites can be. While it’s best to don bug spray to keep the mosquitos at bay, the occasional pest might find its way past your defenses, leaving a lovely welt on your arm.
If you itch the mosquito bite, you’ll only make things worse. But stopping yourself from scratching is easier said than done. If you’re dealing with a mosquito bite, take advantage of one of our favorite uses for vinegar. Simply soak a cotton ball in vinegar and dab the liquid on your mosquito bites. Not only will it put an end to the itching, but it will also disinfect the area, allowing the bite to heal more quickly.
29 Eliminate Carpet Stains

Carpet stains are so frustrating. They stare up at you day after day, mocking your inability to clean them effectively. But if you want your carpets to look good as new, embrace vinegar.
In a bottle or bowl, mix two tablespoons of vinegar with a quarter cup of salt or baking soda. Then rub the mixture into your carpet, ensuring it covers the entire stain. Allow the mixture to dry completely before vacuuming it up. The vinegar mixture should remove the stain, revealing clean, mark-free carpets.
30 Make Perfect Boiled Eggs

Try your hand at making a perfect boiled egg by adding vinegar to the recipe. All it takes is 1/4 cup distilled white vinegar, 1 tablespoon of salt, 6 cups of water, and 8 eggs. Combine the ingredients in the bowl, bringing the water to a boil. Add eggs one at a time, turn down the heat, and cook for 14 minutes.
You won’t believe how much easier the eggs will peel because the vinegar helps to break down the shells. Don’t worry, you won’t be able to taste the vinegar. Now, you’ll be ready to make yummy deviled eggs or egg salad without having to fight to remove the shell.
31 Clean Rusty Tools

Don’t fret if you’ve neglected your tools and discover they’re covered in rust. There’s no need to waste money on new tools because we have a solution that will bring them back to their former glory with little time and effort.
Here’s a tip. Use white vinegar and salt. Create a mixture with 1/4 cup of salt per liter of white vinegar in a bowl. Allow the tools to soak between one and three days, depending on how much rust needs to be removed. This will soften the rust, making it easy to scrub off with a metal brush or sponge.
32 Freshen Up Yoga Mats

You might be surprised by how versatile vinegar is and the various ways it can be used. Who would think that it could help improve your yoga practice? Vinegar can indeed help you to freshen up your yoga mat, which is important to do regularly depending on your use of the mat.
The folks over at YogaLaff suggest, “Mix equal parts vinegar to water, about 1 cup of each. Pour the mixture over the yoga mat, until it is soaked. If you need more mixture to soak it, remember to do equal parts of vinegar and water. Use a small or medium dry towel, and with soft, circular motions, wipe the yoga mat,” they wrote.
33 Clean Suede Shoes

There is nothing worse than getting a stain on a pair of suede shoes. They’re tricky to clean and the stains can be stubborn, but we have a tip that will make them look good as new. Try washing them with white vinegar.
You will need to mix 1 cup of white vinegar with 2 cups of water. Pour the solution onto the spot you wish to remove from the shoe and allow it to dry. Use a suede brush to wipe off the residue and watch the stain disappear. It’s crucial that you treat stains on suede shoes immediately for the best results.
34 Prevent Or Remove Lint

Are you plagued by lint sticking to your clothes after they’ve been washed? It is unpleasant, especially because it can be difficult to remove. We have a hack that can both prevent and remove lint that will make your laundry time go so much easier. Of course, it involves the use of vinegar.
Start by rewashing the article of clothing without detergent. Add one cup of distilled white vinegar to the rinse water. The machine’s agitation will displace the lint, and the vinegar relaxes the fiber to help loosen the lint from the fabric. It’s a simple solution to an annoying problem.
35 Freshen Sponges

One cleaning mistake many people make is to neglect cleaning their sponges. This is not only icky, but can spread unwanted germs around the kitchen. Get peace of mind that you’re using the most hygienic cleaning tools and freshen up your sponges with vinegar in three simple steps.
Fill a container with white vinegar and submerge your sponge. Leave it in the container to soak overnight. Squeeze them out in the morning and they’ll be nice and clean. It’s as simple as that. Now you’re ready to wipe down surfaces, knowing that your sponge is germ free.
36 Clean A Shower Head

Another unexpected place in the house where vinegar can come in handy is the bathroom. If you discover soap scum or rust has built up on your showerhead, try cleaning it with vinegar. The process takes little effort and won’t break the bank.
Just fill a plastic bag with vinegar and wrap it around the showerhead. You can secure the bag around the head with a rubber band, or a twist tie. Allow the showerhead to soak in the bag for a few hours, then remove it. Clear out any remaining vinegar by turning on the water, and that’s it!
37 Deter Cat Mischief

If you have a mischievous cat going places that they shouldn’t and causing all sorts of trouble, you could deter them with vinegar. Vinegar is not dangerous for cats, but they can’t stand the smell and will flee the scene almost immediately.
White vinegar works the best. You can go full strength or dilute the vinegar with one or two parts of water. You can either spray the mixture with a spray bottle around the garden, on furniture, or other items. If sensitive plants are a problem, soak a sponge in vinegar and set it in the dirt surrounding the plant. This is such an easy solution since cats can be stubborn and hard to train.
38 Thin Wood Glue

If you love doing DIY projects, then you’ll be happy to learn about this next tip. Have you ever accidentally left your glue open? Has your wood glue ever been too thick? Don’t run to the craft store to grab a new tube because you can thin it with vinegar.
It’s not just an old wives’ tale, thinning wood glue with vinegar works surprisingly well. All you have to do is add a drop or two of vinegar to your wood glue and mix it up. This will help get it to the perfect consistency. You’ll be back on track with your project in no time and it only cost you a few drops of vinegar instead of a whole new tube of glue!
39 Make A Facial Toner

Do you enjoy having a spa day at home? Do you like using natural products on your skin? If so, listen up! Apple cider vinegar can be used as a facial toner. Most toners need to be both astringent and moisturizing, which is what makes this tip so great.
Apple cider vinegar naturally has astringent acids, so it makes an amazing toner. Here’s the recipe: Mix 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar, 8 oz of water, 1 tsp. of rosewater, 2-3 drops of essential oil, and 1 tsp. of witch hazes. You wouldn’t believe how nice and clean your skin will appear after using this homemade toner.
40 Sanitize Toothbrushes

It’s crucial that you keep your toothbrush disinfected to keep your mouth healthy. The bathroom has the most germs than any other room in your house, and we’re talking about an item that you literally put in your mouth! Luckily, we have a natural way to clean your toothbrush that can help you avoid harsh chemicals.
Dip your toothbrush into a cup of distilled white vinegar. It kills many forms of bacteria, mold, and viruses. Just put half a cup of distilled white vinegar into a jar and soak your toothbrush for 15 minutes. Rinse it off with tap water and it will be disinfected. That’s something to smile about!
41 Polish Silverware

We can’t get over how many impressive ways you can use vinegar, including this next item on the list. If you have silverware or other silver items that seem to have lost their shine, don’t bother to use harsh chemicals. The perfect product is in your pantry!
You can polish silver with vinegar. Uncover the luster and sparkle to your silver by soaking it in half a cup of white vinegar mixed with 2 tablespoons of baking soda for two to three hours. Rinse the items under cold water, and dry with a cloth. You’ll be pleased to see just how shiny your silver will be.
42 Treat A Bee Sting

If you’ve ever been stung by a bee, then you know how painful it can be. We know of a home remedy that can take the sting out, though, which happens to be a rather important step in the process. It’s a natural and gentle way to treat a bee sting that offers almost immediate relief.
Apple cider vinegar can neutralize bee venom and ease swelling and pain. Pour apple cider vinegar into a bowl and soak the affected area for 15 minutes or so. If the sting is in a tricky spot, soak a piece of cloth in the apple cider vinegar and then dab it onto the affected area.
43 Fluff Up Pancakes

Is breakfast your favorite meal of the day? Who doesn’t love a tall stack of pancakes with warm syrup? Would you believe us if we told you that adding vinegar to your pancake mix will make them fluffier?
It’s true! Just add 4 tbsp. of white vinegar to your recipe. This trick works because vinegar is a leveling agent that makes pancake batter rise. Don’t worry, no one will detect the vinegar in the finished product and they’ll be raving at how fluffy your pancakes are. Your secret is safe with us.
44 Strengthen Fingernails

Are you suffering from weak and brittle fingernails? You can give yourself a treatment right at home. We have a beauty tip that will give your nails the strength they need to be fabulous. Soaking your nails in a bowl of apple cider vinegar will totally do the trick. You read that right!
This trick really works because vinegar contains many nourishing factors like calcium, vitamins, and iron to help fortify your fingernails. Just mix the apple cider vinegar with water and soak your nails in it. You’ll see the best results if you do a daily soak. With this trick, you will save a fortune in collagen products!
45 Wipe Away Residue On Hair Tools

If your heat styling tools are covered in hair spray residue, then this hack can save the day. Clean up all that gunk with vinegar and get back to styling your hair. This is such a simple way to see fast results, and let’s be honest, it is always best to use clean tools on your hair.
The folks over at Handy suggest, “Dampen a towel with distilled white vinegar. Then, wipe the iron’s soleplate to remove any gunk. In some situations, some residue may remain, which will call for soaking a clean towel in distilled vinegar and laying the cool iron soleplate on the towel. Simply let it soak for 15-30 minutes, then wipe away dry,” they wrote.
46 Clean Coffee Makers

Coffee makers are so convenient for enjoying a cup of jo at home, but they often get overlooked when it comes to keeping them clean. Imagine making coffee in a pot that hasn’t been cleaned in ages… Ew! But again, this is one job that is made much easier by the magic of vinegar.
The job can be completed in four simple steps. First, add up to 4 cups of undiluted vinegar into the coffee reservoir. Second, allow the solution to stand for 30 minutes. Then, run the vinegar through a brewing cycle. Finally, follow with two to three cycles of water until the vinegar smell is gone. Now your coffee maker will be spic and span.
47 Take A Detoxing Bath

Sometimes it feels nice to pamper yourself and take a detoxifying bath to get your body back in balance. You could spend money on expensive bath oils or you could keep things simple and take a bath in apple cider vinegar. We prefer this inexpensive option.
Just fill your tub with warm water, pour 2 cups of apple cider vinegar, and stir it around. Soak in the bath for 15 minutes and then rinse with a shower and lather with soap. Your skin and your body will thank you once you put this vinegar bath hack to the test and you’ll never want to spend a fortune on bath products again!
48 Tenderize Meat

This tip is for all of the aspiring foodies out there. If you want your meat to be so tender that it falls off the bone, skip the fancy marinades and try vinegar instead. It’s a cheap kitchen staple that is often already in the cabinet and it will do the job perfectly.
According to The Spruce Eats, “Just add 1 to 2 tablespoons of white vinegar to your cooking liquids, and your roasts, stew meats, and steaks will come out tender and juicy every time. Another option is to pierce your meat all over with a fork and then soak it in vinegar for 1 to 2 hours before you cook,” the site suggested. And that’s it! Just like that, you’ll look like a real chef!
49 Remove Gum From Clothes

It’s all fun and games until you accidentally sit on chewing gum and it unknowingly sticks to your pants. If this has ever happened to you, you know that it can quickly ruin a good time. In addition, it can be nearly impossible to remove, but this next solution is beyond easy. Remove chewing gum from clothing items with vinegar.
All you have to do is heat up a bowl of distilled white vinegar in the microwave. Grab an old toothbrush and dip it into the vinegar. Gently scrub the chewing gum off with the toothbrush and it will quickly lift it off the fabric. Use stain remover for any discoloration and wash the clothing item in a regular cycle.
50 Make Your Own Clarifying Shampoo

If you deal with a particularly oily scalp, then you know the trouble of keeping your hair clean without damaging the strands. But rather than purchasing an expensive clarifying shampoo to cleanse your roots, try making your own at home using vinegar.
Using an old shampoo bottle, mix together one part apple cider vinegar to two parts water. Shake up the mixture and apply it evenly to your hair, combing it through from roots to ends. Allow the mixture to sit for five minutes, then wash it out. When you’re done, your hair will be perfectly clean and shiny. Repeat the same process at least once a week to keep your locks oil-free.
51 Make a Wrinkle-Releaser

The many uses for vinegar aren’t limited to the kitchen. You should also keep a bottle of this substance on-hand in your laundry room. After washing your clothes, you likely have to iron delicate pieces in order to rid yourself of those pesky wrinkles. But ironing is time-consuming and not exactly enjoyable. Instead of wasting time at the ironing board, try making a wrinkle releaser with a bit of vinegar.
In a spray bottle, combine a teaspoon of hair conditioner, a tablespoon of white vinegar, and two cups of water. When your clothes come out of the dryer, mist them with your new spray. The spray relaxing the fibers in your clothes, eliminating wrinkles immediately. No ironing necessary!
52 Repair Scratched DVDs

While streaming services are all the rage nowadays, plenty of people still turn to their trusty DVDs when they want to watch a movie. There’s just one problem with these discs: they tend to get scratched. But rather than classifying your DVD as a lost cause, turn to your bottle of vinegar.
Among the many uses for vinegar, this all-purpose liquid is also an effective way to repair scratched DVDs. If your disc skips or freezes, simply wipe down the bottom part with a soft cloth soaked with white vinegar. When the DVD dries completely, insert it into your player and prepare for a skip-free movie.
53 Use As Weed Killer

If you’re trying to keep your home garden alive and thriving, getting rid of weeds is your first priority. But chemical weed killers can not only damage the plants you’re trying to grow, they can also have harmful effects on your family and pets.
To keep your home a chemical-free zone, use vinegar as a weed killer. Look for a high acidity vinegar and pop it in a spray bottle to rid yourself of the pests in your garden. Use the vinegar on its own, or combine one gallon of white vinegar with a tablespoon of dish soap and a cup of salt for an even more effective mixture. Using this method, your garden will be both weed and chemical-free.
54 Unclog Your Sink

Just like your shower drain, your sink can get clogged over time. Certain particles may build up in the pipes, resulting in a mess of gunk that won’t allow your sink to drain correctly. But instead of reaching for a harsh, chemical-filled drain cleaner, you can unclog your sink with a little vinegar.
First, pour a good amount of boiling water down the drain. Then follow up the water with a cup of baking soda, followed by a cup of vinegar. After that’s done, put a drain plug in the sink and allow the mixture to sit for five to ten minutes. The vinegar will react with the baking soda, causing a bubbling mixture that will clear your pipes. To ensure your pipes are fully clear, pour a few more cups of boiling water down the drain. After that, your sink should be as good as new!
55 Get Rid Of Odor

We’ve all dealt with odd odors in our house from time to time. Even if your home doesn’t smell particularly bad, it might exude an unpleasant, musty scent that’s hard to fully get rid of. But no matter what odors you’re dealing with in your home, vinegar provides a solution.
For this hack, you’ll simply need a bit of vinegar and a slice of white bread. Place the white bread in a bowl and fully immerse it in vinegar. We know it sounds odd, but just give it a try! Once the bread is soaked, place the bowl in the smelly area of your home for 24 hours. The acid in the vinegar will combine with the yeast in the bread, absorbing any odors and leaving your home smelling clean and fresh.
56 Revive Your Stained Plastic Containers

Plastic containers are used almost every day, whether it’s for making lunches or just putting leftover food in the fridge. We just can’t do without them! However, although they last for many years, they can quickly become stained.
It’s not a big deal, but it is annoying. However, it is easy to remedy the situation by using vinegar. If your plastic containers are too stained for your taste, rinse them with vinegar, then let them sit for twenty-four hours, and they will be clean again.
57 Get Rid Of Warts

Skin warts are fairly common and if you have an unsightly one, there are many removal methods. From cryotherapy to surgical removal, a trip to the dermatologist may be necessary. Yet, if you want to try your hand at getting rid of it naturally, grab a bottle of apple cider vinegar.
It works in many ways. The acid in the vinegar can kill the bacteria that cause warts in the first place. It also burns and slowly destroys the wart until it falls off. Just mix two parts apple cider vinegar and one part water. Soak a cotton ball in the solution and then tape it over the wart.
58 Clean Piano Keys

Music lovers will want to pay attention to this next hack. If you want to disinfect and clean your piano keys, it can be accomplished with vinegar. Just mix a solution of filtered water and white vinegar in a bowl. Dip a flannel cloth into the mixture and wipe the keys vertically.
Just be sure to take time to dry the keys between each wipe. Another important detail to remember is to alternate two different cleaning clothes between white and black keys. This is an inexpensive and natural way to get your piano keys looking shiny and bright.
59 Brighten Up Brick Work

Don’t worry if your fireplace is looking a bit dingy because we have an easy trick that will brighten up the dirtiest of bricks. There’s no need to hire professionals when you can just do the job yourself with vinegar. Just mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle.
Spray the solution onto the bricks and allow it to settle in for a few minutes. Then, clean the bricks with a sponge mop. Of course, you might need to use a nylon-bristled scrub brush if the bricks are really dirty. It might take some heavy-duty scrubbing, but the dirt will lift off.
60 Clean A Tea Kettle

Does your tea kettle have mineral deposit stains? If so, it can be tricky to clean, but don’t waste all that elbow grease scrubbing away. This next hack will have it clean in no time and with very little effort. Of course, you can clean a tea kettle with, you guessed it, vinegar.
Fill the kettle with a solution made of equal parts white vinegar and distilled water. Turn the kettle on and allow the solution to reach a full boil. Turn it off and allow it to soak for an hour or so. Dump out the solution. Rinse and repeat until the stains disappear.
61 Clean Lawn Mower Blades

You can also use vinegar to help with outside chores. Lawn mower blades often get gunked up after too much use. It’s important to clean off grass build-up to keep your mower working at its best potential. Nasty bugs can gunk up the blades as well, but you can remove them with vinegar.
Spray down the blades with a hose to loosen up any dirt. Then make a mixture consisting of distilled white vinegar, borax, baking soda, and water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the blades. This works to keep the bugs from coming back and stops potential micro-organisms from ruining your lawn.
62 Keep Animals Out Of Your Garden

Anyone who gardens can attest to what a nightmare wandering animals can be. Rabbits, deer, and raccoons may look cute, but they can destroy a garden in no time. If you’re looking for an organic and natural way to keep animals from eating your plants, give vinegar a try.
The solution is so easy and inexpensive. Simply soak some towels or any other small items in white vinegar, then post them around the edge of your garden. The smell will deter animals from fearing on your fruits, vegetables, and plants. We like this tip because it avoids harsh chemicals.
63 Revive Paint Brushes

If you have paint build-up on your paintbrushes or if the bristles have hardened, we know a genius hack that will have them back in working order. You can freshen up your paintbrushes with vinegar. Poor distilled white vinegar into a saucepan and heat it on the stove.
Pour the hot vinegar into a mason jar and soak your paintbrushes for 20 minutes or until the paint softens a bit. Next, soak the bristles in a glass of soapy water, dish detergent works great. The old paint should come off in your fingertips, but you might need to give it a gentle scrub.
64 Peel Off Wallpaper

If you’re a fan of DIY, then you know what a huge job it can be to remove old wallpaper from the wall. This next tip will make the job go so much faster and smoother. Simply mix equal parts warm water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Apply the solution to the wallpaper.
Allow it to sit and soak in for 15 minutes or so. The acetic acid will do its job and dissolve any stubborn paste. The paper should easily peel off the wall. It’s nice to know that something as tricky as this can be solved with an item you probably already have in the kitchen.
65 Calm Your Tummy

There is nothing worse than having a tummy ache. If you’re seeking natural relief from bloating and gas, vinegar may be the only medicine you need to feel better. Make a mixture of one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, one cup of warm water, and one tablespoon of honey.
Slowly sip the concoction and lie down for a few minutes. You could get almost instant relief from stomach cramps and heartburn. It’s so cool that apple cider vinegar can help so many ailments. Next time you’re feeling under the weather, give this hack a try.
66 Clean Your Humidifier

It’s important to clean your humidifier to ensure good air quality in your home. Don’t wait too long to clean it because the reservoir of the machine can get pretty grimy. One way to prevent nasty build-up is to wash your humidifier with distilled white vinegar.
Unplug the machine and fill the base with 1 cup of white vinegar and 1 cup of warm water. Allow it to soak for an hour and the vinegar will loosen any residue within the reservoir and disinfect it as well. Then you can rest easy knowing that your humidifier is fresh and clean.
67 Eliminate Smoke Odor

If you’ve ever smoked cigarettes or known someone who has, then you are well aware of how challenging it can be to remove smoke odors. It seems like the smell can permeate everything from clothes to furniture. But don’t bother buying an expensive air freshener because vinegar can neutralize the odor.
You can wipe down the walls, couches, countertops, and any other surface in your home with a white vinegar-soaked rag. If you’re looking to get rid of smoky residue, try placing a few bowls of white vinegar around the house. You can also use a spray bottle filled with vinegar to spray stinky items.
68 Deodorize Lunch Boxes

Have you ever forgotten about unloading your child’s lunchbox and when you open it, you’re met with a disgusting smell? You can remove stubborn food odors with distilled white vinegar. We discovered a “hands-off” approach to cleaning out a lunchbox.
Simply soak a paper towel in vinegar and leave it overnight in a closed lunch box. Rinse it off in the morning, allowing it to dry. If that doesn’t get rid of any stinky smells, put white distilled vinegar directly into the lunchbox and allow it to soak. Rinse and repeat until it smells fresh.
69 Keep Reds From Running

Have you ever accidentally tossed a red towel in with a load of whites? If so, it’s a mistake that you only make once. Nobody likes to see their whites turn pink. This next vinegar hack will ensure that colors never run in your washing machine again. A little pre-treatment does the trick.
Just soak your red article of clothing in undiluted white vinegar for 10 to 15 minutes, then wash as usual. This is one of the most effective natural techniques to keep everything running smoothly in the laundry room. No more pink boxer shorts for the hubby!
70 Eliminate Onion Odours

Onions are delicious and add great taste to many dishes, but cooking them has its drawbacks. It’s hard enough not to cry when cutting them, but you have to have an unpleasant onion smell on your fingers afterwards.
No, washing your hands with simple soap will potentially not remove the onion smell from your fingers, but washing them with vinegar will! After cutting your onions, just rub them with a little vinegar before washing them, and you’ll see, the onion smell will disappear.