Household Tips That Everyone Should Know
1 Unclog Your Toilet

Clogged toilets are the worst! But with just a little dish soap, you can solve the problem of your backed-up lavatory. Rather than going at your porcelain throne with a plunger, simply pour half a cup of dish soap into the toilet.
Allow the dish soap to sit in the toilet for roughly 15-20 minutes. Then use a hot bucket of water to flush the refuse down the drain. Thanks to the dish soap, your pipes should be free from all the yucky debris that first caused the clog.
2 Keep Insects Away

Household insects like to hide in dark, creepy places. If you search long enough in your kitchen cabinets, you’ll probably find a few unwelcome visitors. While using shelf liners is a common practice to keep your cabinets clean, aluminum foil is the best shelf liner of all.
Aluminum foil reflects light, which in turn drives away all the creepy-crawly creatures. By lining your cabinets with aluminum foil, you’re creating an environment where no insect wants to live. You’ll keep your kitchen safe from scavenging critters and you’ll keep your cabinets tidy and dust-free.
3 Clean Your Plastic Shower Curtain With Bleach

If there’s anything that gets absolutely disgusting over time, it’s a clear plastic shower curtain. It yellows, traps mildew and becomes slimy. Yikes! But when that happens, you don’t have to change your curtain, you can just wash it!
Take your curtain and put it in your bath, which you will have filled with hot water. Add a little bleach, then let your shower curtain soak for at least an hour. Then place it in your washing machine and give it a rinse cycle with warm, but not hot, water.
4 Shield Your Doorknobs

If you’re into DIY projects in your home, you may find that you want to paint a few doors to add a splash of color to your space. But while you’re painting your door, you’re faced with the issue of protecting the doorknob from your new color. Painting tape is an okay solution, but it’s also time-consuming and difficult to wrap each strip around your circular doorknob.
Instead of wasting your precious time on that strategy, simply wrap a piece of aluminum foil tightly around the door handle. Then, use a knife to cut a perfect circle around the handle, ensuring that you get clean lines when you remove the foil. Once you’re done painting, you simply have to take the foil off to finish your project—it’s that easy.
5 Remove Static From Your Laundry

While aluminum foil has all kinds of nifty uses in the kitchen, it can also provide a little help in the laundry room. After washing your clothes and putting them in the dryer, you may notice that the most frustrating part of laundry day is dealing with the post-dryer static. Thankfully, aluminum foil provides a solution.
Before you start your dryer cycle, ball up a few pieces of aluminum foil to toss in with your load. Press the aluminum foil together tightly, and be sure that there are no sharp portions that could snag your clothes. Depending on the size of the load, you might want to use 2-3 aluminum foil balls instead of just one. The aluminum foil will get rid of that pesky static, leaving your clothes dry and ready to be put away.
6 Clean Your Pans With A Dryer Sheet

Despite your many attempts at cleaning, dirt remains stuck to your frying pans? Well, we understand your frustration, but fortunately, the solution to your problem is unexpected, to say the least, but pretty simple: dryers sheets!
All you have to do is place your pan in the sink with a little bit of dish soap, very hot water and a dryer sheet. Then, just leave it to work for an hour or two. Afterward, your pan will be cleaned like a charm! Yup, it’s that easy.
7 Clean Shower Doors

Beyond cleaning the fixtures in your bathroom, cooking spray is also a useful compound for creating clean, pristine shower doors. If you’re dealing with a clear shower door, then you know that removing all the bits of soap scum, hard water stains, and general grime is difficult. But cooking spray makes it a lot easier. Next time you clean your shower, start by spraying the doors with a healthy amount of cooking spray. Allow the spray to sit for a few minutes, then wipe it off. After that, you can proceed with your cleaning as normal. When you’re finished, you’ll notice your shower doors are significantly brighter and clearer.
One Good Thing by Jillee also has a good solution for this problem: a mixture of dishwashing soap and white vinegar! Depending on the amount of cleaning product you want, heat one or two cups of white vinegar in the microwave. Then pour it into a spray bottle and add the same amount of dish soap. Mix well, spray your product on the surfaces to be cleaned, and let it sit for 30 to 60 minutes before cleaning and rinsing. Your shower—and your entire bathroom, why not—have never been cleaner!
8 Eliminate Scratches On Your Plates With Baking Soda

Even a new plate will inevitably (and quickly!) end up being scratched because of the various knife and fork slips it will undergo. That’s the way it is, but when you welcome guests, you like to have nice plates to present to them, don’t you?
Well, there’s a solution to that problem. To remove scratches from your white plates, simply mix water and baking soda to form a paste that you can buff into the scratches. That’s it! Your plates will look like new again!
9 Clever Toothpaste Tip

Your car headlights are dirty, but nothing allows you to make them as good as new? We got your back once again! Rub toothpaste on your car headlights to make them shine again. Let the paste sit for 10 minutes and then remove it.
You’ll notice a big difference, especially at night. You should really do this, seriously. It will help you feel safer when you drive after dark, as you’ll see objects and animals from further away than before. No need to use your car insurance because you didn’t see something coming.
10 Clean Your Oven With Shaving Cream For A Perfect Result

Few places are dirtier than the inside of an oven. Through cooking and making a few messes that we don’t necessarily clean thoroughly every time, our oven traps some stubborn stains that are then extremely difficult to remove. But there is one product that you never thought would help you in such cases: your shaving cream! All you need to remove the toughest stains in your oven are your shaving cream and a scouring pad. Apply a generous amount of shaving cream to the stain, then rub it with the scouring pad. Then remove the cream with a paper towel, and you’re done!
Also, do you see a stain on your upholstery? Shaving cream can actually help you with that too! Why hire a professional who is extremely expensive when you can remedy the situation yourself? Simply rub a little shaving cream on the stain, then let it rest for at least 30 minutes. Afterward, all you have to do is clean and dry! Always test it on a hidden part of your furniture, however, because this method always involves some risk of damaging the fabric.
11 Wash Windows With Newspaper

You are used to cleaning your windows and mirrors with a cloth or with paper towels, aren’t you? But then, you don’t understand why they are always dirty afterward? You just cleaned them, they should be pretty clear, after all!
Well, if your windows and mirrors still look dirty after you clean them, it’s simply because you’re not using the right tool! Trade-in your cloth or paper towels for a sheet of newspaper and you’ll see that your windows and mirrors will be sparkling!
12 Clean The Showerhead

Another unexpected place in the house where vinegar can come in handy is the bathroom. If you discover soap scum or rust has built up on your showerhead, try cleaning it with vinegar. The process takes little effort and won’t break the bank.
Just fill a plastic bag with vinegar and wrap it around the showerhead. You can secure the bag around the head with a rubber band, or a twist tie. Allow the showerhead to soak in the bag for a few hours, then remove it. Clear out any remaining vinegar by turning on the water, and that’s it!
13 Cleaning Stains In The Toilet

Is there something worse than a dirty toilet in your bathroom? No. Absolutely not. You don’t want that for yourself, your family and your friends. For this trick, you’ll need a good old bottle of Coke. The bigger, the better!
Pour an entire bottle of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl and let the liquid stand overnight. Then, the next morning, wash your toilet bowl with soapy water, and rinse it. This works like a charm. We don’t know why, but it does.
14 Deep-Cleanser For Your Microwave

Let’s be real, a microwave can be tricky to wash, especially if you have avoided the task for some weeks now. Well, we got your back! You will need a microwavable bowl for this, and some white vinegar. You probably already have them at home, don’t you?
Put water and white vinegar in the bowl. Place this bowl in the microwave and set aside for 4 minutes. You will no longer have inlaid dirt. Simply use a cloth or your brand of paper towels to easily wipe the grim off the inside of your microwave.
15 Tips For Your Shoes
Are you a regular tea drinker? If that’s the case, do not throw away your old tea or tea pockets. Let them dry and put them in your shoes to remove any bad smells they may have kept of the season or over the years.
You can use the same tips for your sports bag, your car, or even in your wardrobe. Really, the sky is the limit. Get your money’s worth out of those expensive teas you like and use them to make your life smell better.
16 Clean And De-Fog Eyeglasses

Eyeglasses are an essential element of every outfit for those not naturally blessed with perfect eyesight. But as you go through your day, your eyeglasses tend to accumulate dirt and smudges that fog up your vision. While cleaning them with a soft cloth is the preferred method, sometimes a little piece of fabric isn’t enough to fully clear up your lenses.
If your glasses could use a deep cleaning, use a little dish soap. Simply put a drop of dish soap on the outside and inside of each lens and gently wash it with your fingers. When you’re done, dry the glasses with your trusty soft cloth. Your glasses will be smudge and fog-free, promising perfect vision.
17 Prevent Bottles From Falling Into The Fridge
Your refrigerator is always full and you don’t know how to store your glass bottles in it anymore? Have you ever had accidents or near-accidents involving a bottle falling from your fridge? Well, no one wants to pick up a puddle full of broken glass.
But there is an extremely simple way to avoid such an accident. By putting a clip beneath your refrigerator grill, you can make a stack with your glass bottles in order to save space and avoid breakage. It’s as simple as that.
18 Plant A Nail Without Hitting Your Thumb

Are you the clumsy type? Do you fear hitting your fingers every time you nail something on your wall? We understand you, but we have a cleber trick for you with which it is impossible to bang on your fingers ever again.
It’s as simple as using a comb to hold your nail. You will also avoid pushing it too far in the wall using this trick. Works like a charm, and we can certainly guarantee you won’t be hitting your fingers with this tip.
19 Cleaning Tiles Effortlessly

Washing the tiles on the shower walls, or even on the floor, can sometimes be quite exhausting when rubbing for hours with a brush, but there is a simple method to do this task faster, and most importantly, way easier!
Do you have a drill in your garage? Yes? Then go get it and simply attach a brush to its end. Then press the button and let the drill do most of the work! The only effort you will have to make is to hold the drill and move it. It’s much better than having to rub!
20 How To Find Your Long-Time Lost Small Earring

Maybe have you lost an earring or a small electronic component somewhere in your house, but you have absolutely no idea where? Wrap tights around your vacuum to suck small objects without losing them. This works like magic.
It will be significantly easier to find everything with this tip without risking losing it forever at the bottom of your sweeper bag, and you’ll be able to reach spaces you couldn’t with just your bare hands and eyesight. Now that’s what we call an ingenious trick!
21 Clean Your Keyboard
Have you ever noticed how gross keyboards can be? Those things need to be cleaned too, but we tend to forget about them most of the time. While you can certainly dust them, you will notice how dirt has probably gotten in between the keys. It’s in cases like this that some slime will come in handy more than ever.
Simply take a handful of slime and gently sponge the surface of your keyboard. The dirt will stick to it and your keyboard will be spotless! If you don’t have slime at home, don’t worry. A good old post-it can easily remove dirt from your keyboard too. Simply slide the sticky side between the keys, and the dirt should stick to it. Goodbye germs, hello peace of mind. And clean keys.
22 A Self-Cleaning Mixer

What better way to clean something than to clean it without really cleaning it yourself? Maybe it sounds too good to be true, but it’s possible! Cleaning a mixer is a difficult, even dangerous task, given the many sharp blades inside. The good news is that you no longer need to do it!
To thoroughly clean your blender, simply pour hot water, a little baking soda, and a small amount of dish soap into it. Then, all you have to do is to push the button to mix it all together for a few seconds, then rinse it generously!
23 Store Your Household Products Properly

It is quite common to have a ton of different household products. After all, they are each useful, and for an optimal household cleanup, it is essential to use the right products in the right places. However, the underside of your sink, or your closet, can quickly become quite messy, and it becomes difficult to find the product you are looking for.
If you don’t know where and how to store your cleaning products anymore, a simple solution is to use a shoe storage to store them all. Stored like this, they will then all be clearly visible and easy for you to reach!
24 Removing Old Labels

Are you a zero-waste type, but like to put stickers on your reusable jars to clearly identify each ingredient? That’s a great idea! However, when comes the time to remove the sticker because the content of your jar has changed, it becomes more difficult.
Fortunately, there is a simple way to fix this problem! Indeed, all you have to do is pick up your dryer and heat the label to help the glue soften. Then, the sticker is much easier to remove. This also applies to store price tags!
25 Remove A Key From The Key Chain Without Breaking Your Nails

Is there something worse than removing a key from a key chain when you have just done your nails? Well, probably, but still, this sucks! We hope you have a staple remover at home or wherever you are, because this is the secret!
You primarily use this to remove your staples, right? Well, you can also use it to quickly open up your keyring, thus making it so much easier to remove your keys. AND you will not break your nails. YAASS.
26 Preventing Water From Overflowing

Are you the type of person who can’t stand waiting for water to boil right next to it? In other words, are you a multi-tasker? We got you covered. When you boil water, place a wooden spoon on top of your pan.
Your content will not spill over, as the spoon bursts the bubbles, warning you of imminent overflowing. You still need to be around for this trick to really work, but you won’t have to stare at your pot of water for minutes on end.
27 Tips To Cook Boiled Eggs
The next time you want to cook some hard-boiled eggs, add a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to the water during cooking. What is it going to change, you may wonder? Well, it’s not nearly as useless and unusual as you might think!
By doing so, the shell can be removed more easily afterward. You could also just put your hard-boiled eggs in a Mason jar half-filled with water, close it with the lid and shake the shells off. This trick also works well.
28 Refresh Your Drinks

Have you ever gotten home and wished you had a cold drink in your hand but forgot to put it in the fridge? Or maybe you just bought a pack of something that was room temperature at the store, but would like to drink it right away?
If you want to cool your drinks faster, wet a paper towel and wind your bottle and place it in a freezer. It will get cold quite fast. Ten or fifteen minutes spent in the freezer in those conditions should be plenty of time for your desired drink to get cold. Enjoy!
29 Make Your Own Cooking Spray
Cooking spray is an indispensable ingredient in the kitchen. Although it is not expensive and it is possible to find healthy cooking sprays, many of those found in stores contain chemical propellants and preservatives that are harmful to your health. To make sure you only consume what is best for you, here is a very easy DIY cooking spray!
There is really nothing easier to prepare than this cooking spray. All you need is 1 part of the oil of your choice (olive, coconut, macadamia, avocado, etc.) and 4-5 parts of boiled, distilled or filtered water. Once the two ingredients are mixed, pour the mixture into a spray bottle, and voilà! Your oil will last for a little over a week in the refrigerator. Don’t forget to shake it well before using it!
30 Preserve Your Bananas Longer

Bananas are such a yummy, easy-to-eat snack. Unfortunately, they also go bad really quickly. After a few days of lying out on your kitchen jcounter, your bananas will start to brown. Once that happens, no one will want to eat them. If you need to keep your bananas fresher longer, turn to aluminum foil.
Wrap a small piece of aluminum foil around the stem of your bananas. By breaking off part of the banana’s contact with the air, you can slow the decaying process that plagues these fruits. A little piece of aluminum foil can lead to longer days of ripe, yellow, ready-to-eat fruit.
31 Ice Cubes For An Iced Coffee

You like iced coffee, but like your coffee with a strong taste? Pour coffee into your ice cube tray next time you have made too much coffee at home. The coffee will freeze and cool your coffee when you put the cubes in, but you’ll still have a strong coffee.
Indeed, instead of diluting the taste of your drink, these frozen coffee cubes will amplify it. Goodbye watery coffee, hello real, strong coffee! This way, you can easily go on with your daily routine with extra energy!
32 Cooling Your Wine

Ever wished your wine would stay cool until you are done drinking your glass? This can be tricky when you are under the sun. To cool your wine, leave green grapes in your freezer that you can add directly into your glasses.
The frozen grapes will not make water in your glasses and will not change the taste of your wine. They will only act like ice cubes, but without the downsides. Plus, this looks quite fancy, if we are being honest. Way better than ice cubes on every level!
33 Cut A Cake Without A Knife

There is one unexpected tool you should totally add to your kitchen because it will save you so much time. The next time you want a perfectly cut cake, use a piece of dental floss to cut it instead of using the traditional knife.
This kind of dental floss wire will also cut your shares and will not do any damage to your cake. Just look at that perfection. Don’t you find it soothing? Anyway, this sure is a great way to get your guests talking about how nifty you are.
34 Use Vinegar To Clean Your Coffee Maker
Whether you are a coffee enthusiast who drinks 3 cups of coffee a day or just an occasional drinker, your coffee machine should be cleaned regularly to prevent the spread of bacteria that can harm your health. One of the most effective cleaning methods is to rinse your machine once a month with vinegar.
Simply fill the tank of your machine with water in which you would have mixed a few tablespoons of vinegar, then turn it on. Then repeat the process, but only with water, to remove all the remaining vinegar.
35 Freeze Your Herbs

If you’re like us, you regularly buy fresh herbs to garnish your meals, but you always end up wasting them because you never need the whole package. However, what could be worse than wasting food and literally throwing your money in the garbage?
If you do not want to lose your fresh herbs, put them in an ice cube tray with olive oil, then leave them in the freezer. You can use them in your recipes as you need them. No more stress, plus you’ll always have the perfect amount of olive oil for all you cook.
36 How To Save Space In Your Suitcase

To have more space in your suitcase, start by storing your underwear and socks in your shoes. Not only does this maximize the available space, but it also helps your shoes to keep their shape without crushing them.
Then, roll up your clothes, and you will also save a lot of space. Not only does this technique take up less space, but it also avoids wrinkling of clothing. We swear by this technique, and any experienced traveler will tell you the same. It’s especially true if you have compression cubes or even a backpack.
37 Light On A Hard To Reach Candle

If you have a lighter but cannot access the wick of your candle, because it is too deep in the container, you can use a raw spaghetti to light it. Yes, you read that right: a raw spaghetti! Unbelievable, right? We bet you never thought of that.
But frankly, it works like a charm! Don’t burn yourself anymore by trying to reach that hard to reach wick with your too small matches or your lighter. Spaghetti for the win! It’s practical and effective, you probably already have some at home, and let’s be honest, it looks great in a little vase next to your candle!
38 Amplify Your Phone’s Speaker

You want to listen to music on your cell phone, but don’t have a loudspeaker to get a louder sound? It is perfectly understandable that not all cell phones have very good quality speakers, and some are rather limited in terms of volume.
To easily—and without spending a single dollar—address this problem, all you need to do is to place your phone in a drinking glass or in a bowl to increase the volume of its speakers. Yup, that’s how simple it is!
39 Remove Red Stains From Tupperware

Have you ever kept leftover spaghetti only to discover a red stain on your Tupperware? It seems like no amount of scrubbing will get rid of that stubborn stain. Don’t give up and throw away your Tupperware because we have a tip for you.
The next time you want to remove leftover red sauce from a plastic container, try washing it with a Magic Eraser. It will be good as new with a few simple steps. Just sprinkle a bit of baking soda into the container, apply water, and rub it with a Magic Eraser. Finally, rinse any residue from the container.
40 Clean Your Baking Tray

Cooking is great, but when it comes time to do the dishes, we often regret having to fight with our dirty baking trays that are impossible to wash. Fortunately, there is a foolproof and ultra-efficient way to get your baking trays clean again.
All it takes is dish soap. Yes, as banal as that. However, instead of using it mixed with water and scrubbing with a sponge, freeze your dish soap in an ice cube tray, then rub your baking tray directly with your soap cube. You’ll see, the result will leave you speechless!
41 Unclog A Sink

Do your pipes give you a hard time, sometimes? If so, do not call a plumber in panic and, please, do not buy chemicals to unclog them. You can easily do it on your own, for real! After all, you have baking soda and white vinegar in your cupboard already, don’t you? Well, simply use that!
- Mix 1 cup of white vinegar with 1/4 cup of salt and 1/4 cup of baking soda.
- Pour the mixture into your sink and leave it for a few minutes.
- Pour a pan of boiling water to relieve the pressure.