Unexplainable Images That Are Too Funny To Look Away
1 The Headless Wonder
It looks like there should be someone’s head there, but where is it? Where did her head go? You can see the lady sitting next to her, and her head is clearly there. But why is this person’s body sitting at the table without a head?
This would really be a shocking sight to see when you sat down for dinner. You’d be curious about what kind of restaurant this really is. What did they do with her head? Did she make somebody mad, and this was her punishment?
2 After Hours
Work can be an extremely stressful environment. It only makes sense for someone to take a load off when they are off the clock. Seriously, you never know what some people go through at work. Maybe their boss is extremely crazy, or maybe their coworkers are constantly slacking off. So, what’s a little wine after work matter?
Plus, being a dog is a tough job. Give the guy a break! He is just trying to relax a little bit. There is nothing wrong with that! Would you judge a human for having a drink at the bar? We don’t think so! So why are you judging this little guy?
3 Tony, Is That You?

Oh no… Tony? Is that you? Please tell me that’s not you! It’s traumatizing to see one of your friends going out like this. What happened to him? Is he okay? Why are they carrying him out on a gurney? He is very worried about his friend right now.
Just last week, the two had the best time together! They shared food (which is an important part of life, obviously), and they sat in the shade together. They were the best of friends at the zoo. They were inseparable. What is he to do now? His best friend is leaving!
4 Mom, Please Help

The look of concern and disbelief that this poor little kitten is displaying makes us want to jump through the screen and help him. Just look at those eyes! Do those look like the eyes of a cat that wants to be bathed right now? He is crying out for help! How could you be so cruel?
Alright, maybe he does need a bath, but he definitely does not want one. Hopefully, this situation doesn’t occur that often, because who would put their pet through this trauma frequently? It’s just devastating to think about. It makes you want to take matters into your own hands.
5 Proving My Theory

Science classes are full of trying to prove extremely random theories. But this one? This one tops them all. If you say you have a big mouth, why not prove it by sticking your entire fist inside of it? It only makes sense. Is the professor going to make his students perform the same test? Is there a classroom full of students somewhere sticking their fists in their mouths?
That would be a sight to see. What kind of other theories are they trying to prove in this class? Maybe, just maybe, they can try to prove relevant theories. Not that we really know any, but how does this one relate to any kind of science? It seems like it would be a fun class, though. You could get the opportunity to do some pretty weird things. Who doesn’t love that?
6 Horse And Carriage
If you’re trying to make sure that you don’t lose your significant other while in public, why not use this horse and carriage method? It’s an easy way to stick together! Plus, if the “horse” isn’t going fast enough, you can just use your whip to speed them up! Isn’t that nice?
But, if you saw this while you were in public, what would you think? Would you think this was a cute elderly relationship? Or would you be worried? It is okay, maybe they just like to have fun in a different way! It isn’t hurting anyone, so there isn’t any harm in what they are doing. Unless he actually uses that whip on her. Then maybe there would be some harm. But we like to think that the whip was just for show.
7 Caution

If you think about it, warning signs are often used when someone has forfeited their own common sense. Do we think that’s the case here? Possibly, because why else would there need to be a caution sign floating on top of a pool? We know it’s wet!
What other absurd signs are out there? Is there a sign next to the sun that says it’s hot and bright? Is there a sign next to a burning fire that says it might burn you? Seriously, people! Let’s all assume that the sun is bright, fires are hot, and water is wet. We don’t need a sign stating the obvious. Think about it.
8 Nothing To See Here
Just your typical prom picture. A boy dressed in a nice suit standing next to his date… A sewing machine? Sewing machine aside, there’s not much else to see here. Just a UPS truck sitting halfway in the river behind him. It’s a typical route!
Plus, the officers in the background are clearly doing everything that they can to ensure the situation doesn’t get any worse than it already is. If you had a package that you were waiting for, you probably won’t be getting it any time soon. But, if you are looking for a guy all dressed up that knows how to sew, you’ve come to the right place!
9 Next Position
Just your average day in the park doing yoga. What could be more relaxing than this? Plus, the downward dog position is obviously very fitting for this situation. The soldier in the background is so impressed by the work being done by these young comrades!
If you are looking for an activity to do while you’re at the park, look no further. This is the perfect way to pass time while also staying fit. Who wouldn’t love to spend their time doing yoga with dogs at the park? You might even get to pet one!
10 Nesting Phase
Mothers will spend a good majority of their pregnancy in the “nesting phase.” Just like this mother is doing! It might not exactly be the nest she needs to prepare, but it’s a nest nonetheless. Do elephants actually know how to climb trees though? How is she going to get down from there?
We do know that there are some momma birds out there that are going to be extremely happy once the elephant is done with this nest. It saves them time when it comes to them making a home for their own little ones. But seriously, how will it get down from the tree? Does someone need to go and help it?
11 Just A Snack
When you’re on the road, you can’t just stop whenever you want. So, it’s best to just bring snacks along with you. Do people like to enjoy some pretty odd things, like shoes? We aren’t sure what went through this man’s head to put a shoe in his mouth.
We do know that it isn’t sanitary, though. Even if the shoe is brand new out of the box, there are probably still some pretty nasty germs lurking on them. It’s probably best that we don’t assume what’s going through his head, but it’s probably not good.
12 What Planet Am I On
If you saw these two in an alley, there would literally be no reasonable explanation as to what was happening. First of all, why is this person wearing an astronaut costume? And why are they standing next to a horse in a genie costume?
What could they even be talking about? Their next space exploration? What three wishes do they want to have? We have so many questions/ There are always some pretty weird things going on in alleys, but this seems to take the cake.
13 Can We Get Some Privacy?
Excuse me, but these tigers are trying to get in their daily baths. It’s rude to interrupt. If you are going to intrude, the least you could do is put your camera away. How would you like for someone to take pictures of you while you are in the bath?
They are just doing their part and trying to stay clean. No one likes a dirty tiger. And by the looks of the water, they were obviously very dirty. All they want is some privacy, could you at least give them that? You can admire them later?
14 This Is My Son
There is no limit to the number of strange pets that some people have in their homes. What might seem weird to one person could be completely normal to someone else. For this lady, it’s normal to have a pet deer. There is definitely nothing weird about that.
Maybe she let him sleep on the bed? Many people like to have their pets sleep in the bed with them. Granted, it’s usually their dog or cat, but we aren’t here to judge. Even if she does like to have her pet deep sleep in bed with her.
15 Hanging Out
What? Is it not normal to hang out with a bunch of chickens on top of your body? It’s not? Well, someone needs to let this guy know. Maybe this is where they feel the safest. They probably have their own little setup, but this is better.
This way allows for the chickens to have a warm body to cuddle up next to. People like to do whatever they please when they are in their own backyard. And this guy is no exception. He is comfortable, and that’s all that matters.
16 It’s Beautiful
When you really love your pet, there’s nothing about them that you find disgusting. Many people like to have their pets with them when they take photoshoots. The pets are a part of the family, and they deserve to be in the family photos.
Sometimes, your love for them is caught on camera. They really do think the back end of their dog is just beautiful. Who can blame them? It’s only where the dog uses the restroom. What could be more beautiful than that?
17 These Are My Kids
You can’t send out Christmas cards without your children in the photo, right? They are just as important as you are, so it only makes sense to include them in your holiday cards. Everyone deserves to see your beautiful family.
Even if they aren’t actually children, and one of them isn’t actually alive. They must be in the photo no matter what. You would do anything for your children, and you would only hope that someone else would feel the same way.
18 Over The Rainbow
Seriously, what is going on here? Someone help us understand. Obviously, human art can be a beautiful thing when it is done correctly. But what classifies this as human art? Who gets to say what is an art and what isn’t?
Painting your body is one thing, but sticking your hands in the toilet? Maybe there is some kind of deep meaning behind this photo, but we can’t exactly tell what that message would be. We need this person to tell us what is going on here.
19 Getting Some Cash
Sometimes life throws you a curveball, and you need cash quickly. What else are ATMs for? Maybe you have something urgent that you need to pay cash for. Maybe it’s for rent or some other type of bill that you need to pay.
You would never think twice about someone else standing in this line, so don’t judge the little guy for doing what he needs to do! He is just trying to do the right thing and get cash to pay for something.
20 Strongest Man Award
Is it a potato, or is it just this guy’s buff bicep? We need to find out what his workout routine is ASAP. He is doing something right! We want our muscles to look as buff as his, but we aren’t exactly committed to the gym like that.
We’ll give it to him, it really does look like his arm! Too bad it really just is… a potato. But if he wants his arm to look like this, all he has to do is go to the gym! We don’t know what his actual arm looks like, but we have hope that he can get there if he works really hard.
21 This Is My Parking Spot
We have many questions for this guy. How did he get his truck in the tree? Why is he standing so proudly in front of it? Why is his shirt unbuttoned like that? Seriously, what is going on! Maybe this is some kind of historical monument in his town.
Or, maybe, someone was just crazy enough to put their truck in this tree. We don’t know what is going on, but we do know that this is not normal. How often do you see a car in a tree? You probably see lots of men that look like this, but the tree car is something else.
22 Family Time

What’s better than quality family time with your newborn baby? It’s a wonderful feeling when you get to bring your baby home from the hospital. All you want to do is cuddle your baby and give them all the love in the world.
What could be better? Not much, except maybe changing the angle of the camera so it doesn’t look like something else is going on… Just a thought. Or maybe you wear a t-shirt so that it doesn’t look so weird when you take a photo.
23 Dad Bods Are In

It’s about time that these retailers show us a realistic body type for men. We’re sick of seeing the mannequins with six-pack abs and huge biceps. I mean, men who look like that are pretty nice to look at, but it sets an unrealistic standard for men everywhere.
Dad bods are all the rave right now. So, it only makes sense for them to be represented in a department store. We hardly get to see real bodies on mannequins. Hopefully, the rest of the world can start to catch on. We want to see how these clothes would fit in real life!
24 The Roles Are Reversed

This is the last time that this owner will try to bring his dog in the shower to wash him. We all know that dogs can get into some pretty nasty things. I mean, they love to roll around in the dirt and they like to get into the trash all the time.
This dog tried to be nice at first, but he’s had enough. He’s going to teach his owner a lesson on respect. If the dog doesn’t want a bath, he’s not going to take a bath. Instead, he will give you one and see how you like it. Not so nice, huh?
25 Wicked Witch

Transportation is hard to come by these days. You have to do whatever you can, and sometimes you can’t remember where you parked. To be fair, sometimes it can be hard. When you park in a supermarket parking lot, there are just so many other cars that look like yours!
If you happen to be the Wicked Witch of the West, your ride might blend in with all the other cars or brooms. And that can be even worse than the supermarket parking lot. It’s one thing to forget where you parked with a car, but a broom is 10x worse.
26 Perfect Placement

If he fits, he sits. (Or hangs.) This little pup fits perfectly in the towel holder. He looks like a little sausage roll. Sometimes you just have to experiment with your pets in order to keep yourself entertained. Plus, he’s not in danger, so everything is okay.
When he’s wrapped in a towel, you barely notice him! He doesn’t look too excited, though. As long as you give him a treat and kisses afterward, he will be fine. He will probably even forget that the whole thing happened in the first place.
27 Please Say A Prayer

Sometimes life gets so overwhelming that you just need someone to hold you. It doesn’t matter if that is a real person either, you just need some sort of comfort. And what better place to get that than by sitting on a statue? They can’t go anywhere!
And maybe say a prayer for you. Who better to do that than Jesus himself? This cat is ready for some change in his life. He doesn’t know what’s wrong, but he does know that something is wrong. He is just trying to do everything that he can for himself.
28 You Can’t Sit With Us

When you just need a moment to relax with the guys, you take over your children’s kiddie pool. And they aren’t allowed to join. Especially when it’s hot outside. The kids have other things to do, why can’t they just let you have this moment of peace without them?
If they can have fun in the water, why can’t you? They all fit, so clearly it’s for adults too. Who cares who sees them, either? They have no shame in what they consider to be fun. The kids seem to be a little upset about the whole situation, though.
29 Night At The… Target?

Remember how in Night At The Museum, all the exhibits come to life during the night? Well, the same thing happens at your local Target. Just think of every item that Target has, it is a lot. And they all come to life at night.
The headless mannequins have a mind of their own, so beware. There are even toys that will join the mannequins on their nightly cruise of the aisles. You never know what you might see when you are in the store after hours.
30 Successful Transplant

When you and your best friend go to the same auto body shop, you decide that you want matching cars. But, that might be a little difficult to achieve if you don’t exactly have the money for it. Not everyone can just buy a new car when they feel like it.
So, you suggest that you just switch out the front ends. The car transplant was obviously successful. And now, you and your bestie get to have somewhat matching cars. I mean, they aren’t the same model of car, but that doesn’t matter.
31 Thank You For Today…

It’s time for the family prayer, and they couldn’t leave out the smallest member of their family. They want to give thanks, and that includes being thankful for their family pet. Even the pet is thankful for something!
So, they joined hands and began to give thanks for the day and for each other. We don’t know exactly what the dog was thinking, but it was probably something along the lines of “Please let them give me their leftovers.” Or something like that…
32 I’m Watching You

It doesn’t matter what’s going on around these cameras. Whatever they’re seeing when they are looking together is obviously better. Someone could be robbing the store, but who cares? Maybe these two are in love! Are you going to stop them from being with their soulmate?
When you love someone, they are all that you want to see. So, don’t be so quick to judge the situation. There are probably other security cameras around anyway, so it doesn’t matter what these two are doing. Just move on.
33 Um, You’re In My Seat

A change of scenery can be a good thing—except if you’re this chicken. All he wants to do is relax in his cage and just take a nap. But he can’t! These heathens have taken it over. What is he supposed to do?
He’s never been in a situation like this one. They have literally everywhere else in the house to play, but they have to take the one spot that is dedicated to him? How rude! Something needs to change immediately. He doesn’t know how much longer he can put up with this nonsense.
34 Staying Dry

No one likes to go out in the rain without an umbrella, but sometimes, you don’t have a choice. You just have to embrace nature just as it is. And that means lying down in the parking lot. It might even be a little bit relaxing. Have you ever tried it?
Of course, many people have been caught in the rain at one point in their life. But they don’t always choose to lie down in it. They have things to do and places to be. We might want the time to enjoy mother nature, but we don’t always have it.
35 Preparing To Hunt

It’s basically like this cat is in the wild and watching his prey. He’s trying to decide when the best time would be to attack. He doesn’t know how he would even begin to attack, but he knows he wants to. Those fish just look too tasty to pass up.
He is prepared to do whatever it takes, just look at the position he is in. Nothing will stop him. Not even gravity. If he makes even one wrong move, he will go crashing down. So he is taking his time and deciding when he should dig in.
36 That Looks Right

When you’re dedicated to your sport, you will play it anywhere and everywhere that you can. If that means playing on the side of the highway on a slanted field, so be it. Maybe the ball will go the wrong way, but who cares? You get to do what you love.
Plus, you will get hundreds of people in the audience, even if they are there for only a split second. They might be wondering who in their right mind would be playing soccer this close to the highway, but they are still watching nonetheless. And that’s all that matters!
37 Thanks, Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos, can you please have your delivery drivers put the packages just a foot closer? Now they’re ruined. Seriously, only a few inches closer and it would’ve been fine. What if there was something important in these packages?
Now you have to peel open the soaking wet package to reveal whatever mess is inside. Does Amazon even do returns for situations like this? It’s not your fault, it’s the incompetent delivery driver’s fault. Who knows, maybe the contents inside will be fine.
38 You’re Kidding Me

She did what? Are you serious? Have you ever seen this combination of animals socializing with each other? Wait, would you even classify a snail as an animal? Either way, it’s still a very odd thing to see. But they are both someone’s pets, and they like to enjoy their time together.
These little buddies are all about the gossip. They just can’t get enough! They’re probably talking about how their mom had a different guy over last night. They are getting so much attention from all of these men, but they are a little concerned about their mother.
39 I Told You To Stay Away!

This is the last time you come in my house. I’ve warned you once before, now it’s time to pay. Sea creatures have a mind of their own. They do not care who you are; if you mess with them, they will mess with you back. He even warned you not to come back, and you didn’t listen.
This guy can try to run all he wants, but the octopus has had enough. He will do whatever it takes to get his revenge. Even if that means climbing onto the ship. He is prepared to teach you the lesson of a lifetime. Don’t intrude on his house, or he will intrude on yours.
40 I’m Ready To Learn

This little guy has taken it upon himself to freshen up his education. Can you blame him? We all know how hard it can be to go back to school after you have taken a few years off. Yes, he may be slow, but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be allowed in school.
Clearly, he just wants a better life for himself! He has a family back home and they are all rooting for him. They have to endure the pain of their father being gone for so long, so just cut him some slack. He isn’t bothering you. He’s just learning.
41 Coke Head

When you like something, it only makes sense that you would want to surround yourself with it, right? If you like Coca-Cola, why wouldn’t you have a hundred bottles ready to be consumed? Plus, you never know when you might have guests over who are thirsty.
Or why wouldn’t you turn the bottles into hats? Seriously, people! Let them have this one, at least they look happy. We know that you might do weird things when you are alone in your house, too. These people are just trying to have a good time.
42 Bike Party

Imagine you get invited to a party and you show up to see this. What would you think? How many children actually live in this house? Looking at the size of the house, we don’t think the number of children compares to the number of bikes outside, but that’s just us.
Is this some sort of at-home bike repair shop? What in the world are they doing with this many bicycles? If you are in the market for a new bike, this is the place to go. They’ll probably give it to you for cheap, seeing as they have so many to spare.
43 Too Much

There is nothing better than going for a boat ride and getting to trail in the inner-tube behind. The refreshing feeling of the water on your hot skin and the rush of knowing you could go flying into the water make for a good summer day.
But who brings their cat with them to the lake? We understand bringing your dog, but why a cat? And why put it on the tube? This whole situation doesn’t seem right. Cats don’t usually like taking baths, much less swimming in large bodies of water.
44 The Great Wall Of Chairs

Don’t visit the Great Wall of China. Instead, you should visit the great wall of chairs! It’s basically the same thing. Except it’s nowhere near as beautiful. But it is a sight to see. How did all of these chairs get here? Did they drop them from the roof?
It might be breathtaking to see this many chairs, but it’s definitely not a wonderful view. It is impressive though. Maybe this is the place for all of the dead chairs to go. Instead of recycling them, you can just contribute to this interesting art piece.
45 I Can Walk On Water

Let’s just ignore the guy in the all-black outfit in the background for a second. Even though we know it’s a little hard to not notice him. I mean, is he sitting on a tiny bike? Where is he going to ride to? Is he going to ride it through the water as well?
Anyway, what is the guy in the water doing? Why is he standing on metal fences in the middle of the water? Maybe there wasn’t a bridge for him to cross, who knows? At least it’s working. He is getting across the water. It might be a weird way to cross, but he is still crossing.
46 And… Go!

Our minds can’t even begin to comprehend what is going on in this picture. Why? Just why? Who decided to make these people do this? Did they sign up for it? Maybe they all work for the airline and this was an activity required to be on the team.
Why are these dwarfs pulling the plane? Wouldn’t that be painful? Is this like a strongman contest? We have so many questions! What if they are doing this to earn a bonus? If this is the way that airlines require you to receive a bonus, we don’t want to be working there. This doesn’t seem right.
47 Dial A Llama

Have you been dreaming of the chance to have your very own llama? Well, maybe not one that you would keep in your house with you, but just having access to one would suffice. They are beautiful and majestic creatures, being with them would just brighten your day!
Not to worry, you can meet a llama! Just call this taxi and a llama will show up at your door! How amazing would that be? It even says right on the car, “Deliveries anywhere, anytime!” This would be perfect for any event that you have coming up. You’ll be the talk of the town.
48 Just A Quick Game

I know, I know. Even soldiers deserve to have fun, too. They just have to stand around all day long waiting for something to happen. You have to admit, that would start to get boring pretty fast. How else would they pass the time? Talk to each other? Nope.
Why not play a quick game of soccer while playing the guitar to keep themselves busy? It’s fun, and it keeps them alert while out in the field! They might even come up with a new battle song. Plus, they need some skills to add to their resume once they are done with war.
49 I Meant To Do That

Sometimes you need to park as close as you can to the building. Maybe you have to really use the restroom or you just don’t feel like walking that far. That’s ok, sometimes we feel that way too. Close parking spots always seem to be taken when you need them the most.
And when you need to park close, you will make any space a parking spot. It doesn’t matter if it’s designated for parking or not. At least you got close to the door! Whatever damage was done clearly doesn’t matter as long as you get inside quickly. You probably knew you’d damage your car anyway.
50 I Need My Nap
This guy doesn’t care what time it is or where he is, all he knows is that he needs a nap. And he needs it now. The train ride is probably going to be a long one anyway, so it’s the perfect time to let his guard down and go to sleep for a little while.
There were no open seats, so he found whatever would work for him. Clearly, it is working, and he is sleeping well. Hopefully, the train doesn’t come to an abrupt stop, or else he’ll be flying off the overhead onto the ground. He will risk it though, because sleep is more important.
51 Family Values
Parents try to teach their kids things in life that are important to them. Just like this mother is doing! You want your children to grow up to be good people and to do what is right. But what may be right to you might not be right to the next person.
Having a hard time trying to figure out her priorities? Well, obviously, it’s her daughter, dog, pink gun, and the bathtub. Oh, and the mirrors that are surrounding the tub. Because who wants to take a bath when you can’t see yourself?
52 What Animal Is That?

At first glance, this looks like some kind of deformed goat. Some people like to adopt “special needs” animals to give them the life that they deserve. Even if they aren’t exactly house pets, they still treat them as such.
Except, this is not a special needs animal. This is a dog. It’s a weird-looking dog, but still a dog nonetheless. You can tell by tilting your head to see that the dog’s nose is on top and his ear is on the bottom.
53 The Easter Bunny

This is the kind of stuff that gives children nightmares. They will spend the rest of their lives afraid of the Easter bunny because of this one picture. How could someone possibly do that to a child? That is just cruel.
Actually, this would give adults nightmares too. You can’t quite tell what’s happening from afar, but as soon as you get a closer look, you will get shivers down your spine. Hopefully, the person in the costume didn’t mean for this to happen.
54 Squirrel!

How cute is this little girl? She is all dolled up in her cute little dress and her shiny shoes! It looks like she is going somewhere important and she had to dress to impress. It feels good to look cute, just ask her!
But she didn’t realize that she had a cute little admirer behind her. The little squirrel is standing in the exact same pose! It’s like they were destined to meet and become best friends. It’s basically a real-life Disney movie.
55 Hide And Seek

This has got to be one of the best hiding spots we have ever seen coming from a child. It makes us extremely jealous since we didn’t have this idea when we were children. Seriously, why couldn’t we think of doing this ourselves?
This kid wins at hide-and-seek. It would take forever to find them if you were the seeker. This kid is going to grow up to be a genius. Whether they are book smart or street smart, they are going to be smart doing anything.
56 Fun In The Sun

Did you even have a beach day if you didn’t take any photos? The answer is yes, obviously, but this couple didn’t take this photo themselves. In fact, a stranger noticed them on the beach and just had to snap this photo.
It does look a little bit disturbing if you ask us. It looks like their bodies are somehow fused together, right? How would it look if they were standing up? Would she come out of his stomach and be parallel to the ground? Who knows?
57 Admiration

If you can’t love yourself, then how would you expect anyone else to love you? Ignore the girl who basically found her doppelgänger, that is not important in this situation. Do you love yourself as this little boy does?
He will never be able to find anyone that lives up to his reflection in the mirror. But that is ok! A little self-love never hurt anyone. It’s good that he started early instead of feeling insecure for the better part of his teenage years.
58 Floating Shot Bottle

We all make jokes about how you “can’t see” someone when they are wearing camouflage, but in this case, it is actually true. Surely animals wouldn’t be able to tell the difference, since that’s what hunters wear camo for.
In this photo, you really have to take a second look to see the fourth arm in this photo. At first glance, it looks like there is a floating glove holding the mini-shot bottle. You have to look really closely to see the arm in the camo jacket.
59 Rein-Dog

We have a new plan to use this picture as a costume inspiration for our dogs. How cute would that be? Everyone loves to see dogs dressed up as something they’re not, and this is a perfect idea! It’s so cute.
Even though this dog isn’t actually dressed up as a reindeer, it sure does look like it! We love seeing animals look like something that they aren’t. There is nothing quite as cute as that, is there? We can’t get enough!
60 Barbeque

There is nothing to see here except a man and his dog enjoying the great outdoors. They are just cooking up some of their favorite meats to enjoy on this wonderful day by the lake. But there is a little bit more that we can see.
Are they trying to recreate their own version of Harry Potter? We don’t remember a scene where Harry and Dobby were having a barbeque by themselves, but maybe they just left that part out. Either way, this seems like a good time.
61 Jumping For Joy

We don’t know what is going on here, but we know that we want to join them. It’s like they are having their own little dance circle in the middle of the night. How would anyone be able to pass up this opportunity?
Who knew that deer and cats could be friends? We’re going to ignore the fact that this looks like something straight out of a horror film and focus on the fact that it looks entertaining. We’ve never seen anything like it!
62 Just Relaxing

What is so wrong with letting loose every now and then? Sometimes, all you need is to sit back and relax, and also take a bath. Maybe you don’t like to cover yourself in seasoning and spices like this, but who are we to judge?
This view would be sure to make someone take a step back and rethink everything they have done up to this moment. It really looks like they might have accidentally put their cat in this dish and baked it in the oven.
63 Gained A Few Pounds

Have you ever gained a few pounds and not noticed until you sat on something and it gave out from underneath you? It’s a very humbling experience, to say the least. But that is exactly what this little guy is going through.
Sure, he doesn’t look that big, but he weighs enough to bend a metal pole underneath him. He even made the rest of the metal fence cave underneath him. Don’t stare, he probably already feels bad enough without your judgement.
64 Mine!

You should never try to take something away from a cat. Seriously, you never know what they might be capable of. Cats have a fierceness to them that only comes out when they are intimidated or threatened.
If you try to take this little cat’s plastic coins, you better be prepared to get the beating of a lifetime. He did not come to play! Just look at his face, he is not messing around here. It’s probably best to let him be.
65 His Life Is Over

This has to be one of the most devastating images we have ever seen. This photo makes us want to call everyone we know and tell them how much we love them. Even if one of these ducks was fake, it’s still heart-wrenching to see.
He didn’t get to spend enough time with his friend. They were only just getting to know each other, and in a cruel twist of fate, this happened. He will never be the same again after seeing his friend beheaded.
66 Stop Fighting!

He told you once and he won’t say it again! If these girls do not start getting along, he will have to take matters into his own hands. He has clearly had enough of their constant bickering and he will not stand for it any longer.
But seriously, if you have siblings, you’ve probably seen your parents like this at one point in your life. Kids are always fighting with each other and sometimes you just can’t take it anymore, so you end up looking like this little guy.
67 Just An Average Tuesday

Haven’t you ever seen someone with a large snake on top of their car before? How else are they supposed to get their exercise? It isn’t like the snake could fall off the car or slither over to you, right? They’re stuck there.
Actually, the snake has no way of holding onto the car at all. There is a very large possibility that it could go right through your windshield while you are driving down the road. How terrifying would that be?
68 Tallest Man In The World

This man isn’t just tall, he is a giant. Just look at how tiny the people around him are! He is almost as tall as the building behind him. Would you be scared to see someone this large in real life? I think I would be very frightened.
It does look like he is dressed like a genie, though. Maybe one of his three wishes was to be larger than everyone else in the world. That would make it hard to get dressed, though. You would need to custom-make everything you would wear.
69 Kitty Shadow

Someone shared this photograph on Reddit and wrote, “My black cat looks like my white cat’s shadow.” We had to do a double-take on this one, but after observation, this Reddit user is right! This chance is really perfect!
It really does look like the white cat’s shadow! The black cat is placed exactly in the right spot. A situation like this can’t happen often. We’re glad this person captured the moment in a photo, so that everyone can enjoy it!
70 Smoking Ficken

But what’s going on here? We’ve heard of beer chicken, or smoked chicken, but never of a smoking fish chicken. This image is very disturbing to us, and we really wonder what the purpose of this whole operation was.
Or is it a new animal that we didn’t know existed yet? A ficken, maybe? A chicken with a fish head? At the same time, it would be very surprising considering that one lives on land and the other under water. But the real question here is: will this person cook his ficken like that?
71 Caddy Walk
You may have an important golf tournament coming up, but are you as dedicated as this man? He might not actually be playing the game, but he’s definitely making sure his caddy walk is up to par. Does your caddy have this much determination? If not, we think it is time that you find a new one. He is ready to carry the golf bag wherever he needs to.
Being a caddy, you really never know where the game might take you. You could end up wading through some kind of water, then go straight into a pit of sand. You have to be prepared for whatever the course may throw your way. It’s important that you are ready for anything and that you are prepared to do whatever it takes to help your team succeed.
72 What’s Her Next Move
The paparazzi are getting out of hand! They’re literally surrounding this poor little cat. How would you like to be surrounded by people taking pictures of you? Literally everywhere you go, someone is there to snap a photo of you. Even when you aren’t doing anything that is exciting, you’re just taking a walk.
She’s just trying to enjoy her life, let her be! Living a life in the spotlight can be difficult at times. All you want is privacy, but no one seems to want to give you any. What would you do in this situation?
73 The Summoning

It’s no lie that hedgehogs are definitely adorable, but sometimes their owners can get a little out of hand. You may even find groups of hedgehog owners that like to gather and let their pets socialize with each other. It’s just like a mommy and me group.
But sometimes things tend to get out of hand. Especially in situations like this. Who are they trying to summon? The hedgehog gods? Who knows, but we do know that this isn’t normal for the average person. It might be normal for hedgehog parents, though.
74 Fish Love

Who has never dreamed of taking a glamorous and romantic picture worthy of the covers of Harlequin novels in the sea, at sunset? But above all, who has never dreamed of recreating this scene with their face stuck to a really disgusting big fish?
We really hope this woman took that photo as a joke or something, because if it’s serious, she potentially has big problems. And we also hope it’s a fake big, ugly fish, because she’s touching it with her cheek! Yuck!
75 Half-Cat, Half-Human

We lack words to describe this picture. We are not even sure we really understand what we see. Is it a human head? Is it a cat’s head? Or a mixture of both? Except that there seems to be some kind of horns on the head…
This strange half-cat, half-human head that seems to come out of nowhere scares the heck out of us. We could never be in the same room as this strange and creepy thing. Get this atrocity out of here, somebody!
76 Scottish Vader

There are a LOT of things going on at once in this photo. We don’t even know where to start! But let’s try. So first, a person wearing the top of a Darth Vader costume while wearing a kilt and boots is already pretty strange.
But on top of that, this person is riding a unicycle while holding a bagpipe in their hands. Since when is Darth Vader a Scottish kind of acrobat? We certainly didn’t watch the same versions of the Star Wars movies!
77 Meat Smell

There are people who like meat, others who love meat. And there is this man who worships meat in an exaggerated way. He certainly eats it every day, and probably even more than once a day. But he loves meat so much that just eating it is not enough.
Forget about the little car vent clips or the little fir trees that are sold everywhere to hang on your rearview mirror. None of them have an acceptable smell for this man. He wants a real meaty smell in his car, so he remedied the situation by hanging a large piece of meat on his rearview mirror.
78 Baby Possum

We don’t know about you, but we took the plunge when we came across this image for the first time! Let’s just say that if you say “baby possum”, it’s not quite the image that comes to mind. That is everything but cute.
Well, this strange thing is actually a creation of New Zealand taxidermist Andrew Lancaster. Not only does this man like to stuff dead animals, but he has fun creating strange things like this one with bodies he finds on the side of the road. To each his own!
79 Poodle Fitness

A woman who does fitness dance with poodles, already, it is a most unconventional image. But as if that wasn’t enough, the limbs of this woman, arms and legs, have the shape of the legs of a poodle with an English saddle cut! It is very destabilizing and creep.
This image is actually from the 2004 short film Mariko Takahashi’s Fitness Video for Being Appraised as an “Ex-fat Girl”, also known as Doggy Fitness or Poodle Fitness, directed by renowned art director and commercial film director Nagi Noda, and featuring Japanese gymnast and jazz musician Takahashi Mariko.
80 PJ Face

You’re out of shaving cream, but don’t have time to go out and buy some? No problem! Just turn your face into a PJ sandwich and you’ll have a nice homemade shaving cream. And if you get hungry during your shave, you’ll have a little snack on hand.
According to our research, this image is from the short Greek TV series of only two episodes, released in 2017, called Weird Mode. But, to be honest, we find it hard to believe that this is not Ryan Reynolds in this picture!
81 Toasting What?

What could be more pleasant than a nice cool evening spent outside, in good company, in front of a campfire? Of course, for this to be a successful evening, you need toasted marshmallows, and potentially everything you need to make S’mores!
But we thought it was the marshmallows that needed to be toasted, not the people, right? And we thought we should be sitting around the fire, not in the middle of it! But what are these people doing? They’re going to need to read Campfire Evening for Dummies or whatnot!
82 Bacon-Man

Everyone knows the Avengers, or the DC superheroes. But have you ever heard of Bacon-Man? We’re not quite sure what kind of power he has, but we’re sure he must be strong like the Hulk!
This photo was found in addition to a short fiction story about a young man. Here’s an excerpt: “Each night he would wake up and eat bacon, go to sleep and eat bacon and in between, he tried to figure out what would go with eggs.” Later, he would turn into this Bacon-Man. With a tail. Anyway, please, if you’re on the keto diet, don’t overindulge in bacon!
83 Rated R Miss Piggy

The decoration of this room makes us think of a wedding, but no matter what celebration was going on when this picture was taken, we wonder why such a costume could be relevant. A kind of sexy female pig, really?
The reactions of the guests seem somewhat mixed. While the man in the white sweater just to the right of the mascot seems too interested in its backside, the girl in the blue dress seems to be a bit confused. At least this sow is wearing enough bras to hide all its nipples!
84 Some Kind Of BDSM

But what is going on here? Is this woman in a black and white striped suit doing okay? This image is perplexing. Could this be a BDSM session that goes a little too far? We don’t really see any other explanation for this picture.
In any case, there is no doubt who is the dominatrix in this duo. But why? Why is she going around on a wheelchair, sitting ON the other woman? It’s really very strange. But anyway, we are still amazed by the flexibility of this woman completely bent in two.
85 Merry Christmas

This looks a lot like a photo taken on Christmas morning as the whole family gathers to unwrap presents! Except that this man, instead of posing with his family, is posing with a kind of sexy mannequin with an animal head…
Apparently, this man is quite famous on the web for having a few similar “companions,” as he calls them, that he would make himself. He would claim that there is absolutely nothing sexual in them, and that his wife and kids really like them too.
86 Sausage Cult

Do you like sausages? Yeah? Like, a lot? You think you’re the person who likes sausages the most in the world? Well, we’re telling you that you’re wrong. Clearly, no one loves sausages more than this woman. She loves them so much that she worships them!
We didn’t know that a sausage cult was a thing, but seeing this picture, we can’t help but believe it. You have to love sausages on a whole new level to sit in the snow with them all around you and have a ton of them on your clothes!
87 Dry Hair
Nothing worse than rain to ruin a day. You definitely have to go out with a hooded rain coat, or at least an umbrella over your head if you don’t want to get soaked and ruin your hair. Imagine spending the whole day with horrible hair?
This woman understands this and refuses to have wet hair. Does she have to walk through flooded streets with water practically up to her waist? Well, nothing to do, her pants will get soaked. But her hair will be dry, oh yes!
88 Bunny-Donut Cosplay

We couldn’t say exactly why, but looking at this picture makes us really uncomfortable. It’s potentially because of the extremely strange disguise this man is wearing. What is that supposed to represent?
He appears to be holding a pastry in his hands, which looks like a donut. And the strange balls around his head form something very similar to that donut. But the net on his face seems to represent a rabbit… Could he be disguised as a bunny-donut? Is that a thing?
89 Can You Help Me?
This guy is just trying to learn some german. We aren’t exactly sure why this man is lying on the floor, though. What could possibly be so intimidating about this horse? He is just trying to educate himself so that he can fit in with his new friends. Why not help the guy out?
In today’s world, it’s extremely helpful to be bilingual. He’s just trying to contribute to society! Plus, who wouldn’t love to see a talking horse? Not only is he trying to learn another language, but he is defying all odds! If only this man on the floor would get up and help him. He obviously can’t open the door by himself, he needs a human’s help. Just do the right thing and help this guy learn a new language!
90 I Believe I Can Fly
Dogs really are miraculous animals. You never know what they could get themselves into! Like this one, he’s living out his dreams of being able to fly! Who wouldn’t want to fly? Unless you are some kind of bird, you will probably never get the chance to fly on your own.
But, if you are this dog, your chance to fly is now. His owner in the background doesn’t look too excited about it right now. He looks a little bit worried. Where will the dog land? Hopefully, there is some sort of pillow below him so that he doesn’t get hurt when he lands on the floor.
91 Please Raise Your Right Hand
You must tell the truth when you are on the stand, even if you are a dog. There are no exceptions! When you testify, you are subject to questions about many different aspects of not only the situation but your life.
Even the police dog must explain the events that caused everyone to join in this courtroom. Who knows what he has to say? But his testimony is important to determine the case at hand. Just hear him out.
92 Tom & Jerry

This cat is watching his own kind live out his dreams. What kind of cat doesn’t love chasing mice? It is so relaxing to sit down after a long day and just watch your favorite television show. This cat deserves it, he has had a tiring day being a cat.
He’s rooting for Tom to catch Jerry, obviously. Who else would he be rooting for? He doesn’t want the mouse to win, that is just crazy talk. It is entertaining when your pet is watching tv, though. Do they understand what’s going on?
93 At All Costs

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are, or what you’re doing. You must show up like everyone else. You have to do your part and get your vaccinations, and it’s even better when you are surrounded by other people who are in the same situation.
Even if you are Spiderman himself, you have no excuse, you must show up. Saving the world will happen once you get your shot and wait for fifteen minutes, just like everyone else. The villains will still be there when you are done.
94 Lady And The Tramp
Who wouldn’t want to share a piece of bread Lady and the Tramp style with a buffalo? It’s a beautiful moment between living beings. It’s important to capture this moment on camera as well. Who would believe you if you said this happened?
It’d be a shame to pass up this kind of moment. What is the worse that could happen? Maybe the buffalo takes too large of a bite and ends up biting you, but you’ll be fine. You’ll go down as the guy who shared bread with a buffalo. You will be a legend.
95 Trip To Lowe’s

Many parents have lost their children in a store at some point in their lives. Whether that child runs off or the parent takes their eyes off of them for one second, it’s actually a common problem. Even for this guy!
Losing your kid in a store like Lowe’s could be quite horrifying, especially because the store is basically a warehouse. Your child could literally be anywhere! They could hide in anything! You could even find them on top of the shelves!
96 Half-And-Half

Have you ever seen anything like this? I mean, we have all seen movies with a centaur in them, but we’ve never seen anything like this. What would happen if she got sick? What kind of doctor would she go to?
It makes sense to see a normal doctor, but wouldn’t she have to go see a veterinarian too? Either way, this would be an amazing thing to see in real life. Whether you think it’s interesting or scary, it would still be pretty amazing.
97 Project Graham

This is Graham. He looks odd, doesn’t he? You’re probably wondering what genetic disease this man has that makes him look like that, right? Well, Graham doesn’t suffer from anything at all. But Graham doesn’t really exist either.
This image, from what is called The Project Graham (or Meet Graham), was created by The Transport Accident Commission in Victoria, Australia, and reflects the appearance of a human who would be able to survive a car crash. Destabilizing, isn’t it?
98 Belly Button Thing

We have a hard time explaining to ourselves what is going on in this picture because there are so many strange and disparate elements. First, this young woman with a tube that connects her navel to a strange box. Then, the young man in a kind of hairy Teletubbies costume. And the other man wearing very short shorts with a fancy suit top and his hair too well styled. What is going on?!
According to our research, this image is taken from the Japanese movie Funky Forest: The First Contact, released in 2005 and directed by Katsuhito Ishii, Hajime Ishimine and Shunichirô Miki. We are not too surprised by this weird image when we see the movie description, which starts with “An outrageous collection of surreal, short attention span non-sequiturs”!
99 Chicken Selfie

We don’t know this person and we don’t know anything about them, but one thing is for sure, this person has an inordinate love for chickens. Not only does they have a pet chicken, but they think they’re a chicken themself!
This is definitely one of the strangest selfies we’ve ever seen. In fact, this person probably finds their selfie very strange themself, but since their face is hidden by a chicken mask, we have no way of knowing who it is.
100 Seagulls Best Friend

While most people don’t really like seagulls, try to keep them away and instead have their food stolen by these voracious birds, this man is literally their best friend! Not only does he have to love them a lot, but he has to do everything to attract them to him.
How often have you seen someone covered with slices of bread on the beach? Or even elsewhere? We never did! This man is literally a feast for these hungry seagulls. The other vacationers must be happy, though; clearly, no one is being annoyed by a seagull if this man is around!