Photos Of Perfectly Timed T-Shirts
1 Yolo!

It is true; you do only live once. This guy has had a rough day that caused him to end up in the emergency room.
Oh, the irony. I’m assuming that his motto before the event is probably going to change now.
2 Angry Birds In Real Life

While this guy was flying his plane, a bird smashed through the windshield, causing it to shatter.
It’s as if a real-life angry bird lashed out at this man. Did he subconsciously prepare for this by wearing an Angry Birds t-shirt?
3 Pretty Accurate, Right?

It really does. It’s pretty accurate. He probably didn’t throw this t-shirt on, thinking he would be living it out, literally.
But alas, the world has a plan of its own. I’m not sure what he did, but it is extremely ironic.
4 Definitely Not A Good Idea

It seemed like a good idea at the time. Does it still seem like it was a good idea?
I’m not sure how you’re going to get your boat out of this mess. Good luck to you. Maybe this will teach you to plan out your decisions a little better next time.
5 Bird Poop?

What a lovely t-shirt design. This person probably woke up and threw this shirt on, hoping to feel comfortable.
But quite the opposite happened. They accidentally spilled something on their shirt. Right below the image of the bird, making it look like the bird was pooping when the design was put on the shirt.
6 You Broke Something

This newborn child definitely did break something, but not something that this father will ever get the chance of feeling.
This child will get to grow up and see this photo and wonder if that is how their father truly felt. Probably wasn’t a good choice of clothing that day.
7 The Perfect T-shirt For A Child

Children are not known for being calm and put together. That is exactly why shirts like this are made in the first place, right?
But when your child has this shirt on and then happens to get messy, it doesn’t get any better than that.
8 The Cookie Monster

Did these two men plan this? Or was it fate? I know that they’re sitting at the bar, but their shirts can only make me think of one thing.
Cookie Monster. It’s only fitting since most of us grew up watching Sesame Street.
9 Is That Me?

This little boy seriously loves cows so much that he wanted to show the world—and his new friend.
The real cow is curious about what he sees in front of him. Is there another cow there? Is there a mirror? What is it?!
10 I See Dead Servers

There is a funny story behind this photo. This guy doesn’t actually see dead servers or waiters. He’s not a ghost hunter.
But he does work in IT and diagnoses dead servers. They snapped this photo when they were eating at a restaurant and got some weird looks from their actual servers.
11 Warning!

Warning: I do dumb things. You sure do, pal. Whatever happened that landed you that broken hand probably wasn’t because of a good idea.
Boys love to wear shirts like this. Probably because they end up in real situations similar to this one.
12 Failed School Photo

This probably wasn’t the best choice of clothing for your school photo ID. I’m sure that there is a positive message to go along with the rest of it, but that’s not what’s important right now.
What’s important is that you should always prepare for picture day. Make sure that you aren’t wearing something that could possibly be demeaning to yourself.
13 Four Strangers Meet Up

Stripes sure are a popular choice of a pattern when it comes to t-shirts. So popular, in fact, these strangers all ended up wearing the same shirt.
Imagine how awkward it would be to walk down the sidewalk and see that you are matching with three other people. Time to change!
14 Ice Cream, Please

This ice cream sticker probably wasn’t placed so the photos on someone’s t-shirt could get a quick taste.
But for this guy, his KISS t-shirt wants a piece of that. And it looks like he’s getting it!
15 My Neck!

This is one of the best captures of all time. Seriously.
In this photo, Manek was playing for the Oklahoma Sooners and had a little bit of a problem. In his head, he was probably thinking, “Oh man, my neck hurts.” Manek’s neck hurt!
16 Well… This Is Awkward

Depending on who you are, you might have mixed emotions about wearing the exact same shirt as a barbie doll.
I’d say it’d be pretty endearing to have a doll wearing the same outfit as you. It’s like your own little mini-me!
17 A Man’s Best Friend

A dog truly is a man’s best friend. In this case, he purchased a t-shirt with the exact image of his dog on it.
And he loved it! So much so that he decided to wear his t-shirt while bonding with his little friend. That’s where this perfectly captured moment came from!
18 Who Wore It Better?

I mean, this is a nice color combination, and it turns out that it’s pretty popular.
This woman showed up at her hotel to find out that she is matching the hallway. But she is still owning it!
19 Twinning?

These ladies must shop at the same store. They have to, they’re wearing the exact same thing!
The best part is, they don’t even realize it! They are going about their days and have no idea that they are twinning with a random stranger on the sidewalk.
20 It’s Not What It Looks Like, Minnie!

“Minnie, I promise, it’s not what it looks like! I can explain!”
In case you weren’t aware of who deadmau5 is, we will do the explaining for you. He is a Canadian music producer who wears a large mouse mask—which is where the graphics on his t-shirt came from. But to Minnie Mouse, it looks like he wants her gone!
21 I Will Never Stop!

There is always going to be someone who wants to “stand out” from the crowd.
In this case, we’re talking about the person who is wearing the “Stop taking selfies” tee, and the man who is literally taking a selfie in front of him. How could you not take advantage of the moment?
22 Oh, Snap, Watch Out!

“Oh snap” is right! This man clearly was not prepared for the water, judging by the look on his face.
Besides his face showing us that he is quite shocked, his body language is quite the opposite. His body looks like it’s just along for the ride.
23 There’s Always That One-upper

“Can you walk the walk?” Yeah, dude, but you can walk and I can fly.
In every situation, there is always going to be someone who will try to outdo you. In this case, he didn’t even mean to!
24 He Is Really Partying Hard

This man really likes to party. In this photo, he is partying the only way that he knows how.
By sleeping. His definition of partying is sleeping. Same here, man. Same here.
25 Think Safety… Really?

This guy really wants you to be safe, but yet, he’s not. He’s just hanging out in the truck bed as it’s going down the street.
That’s not exactly the safest way of travel. Practice what you preach! But please, be careful in that truck!
26 The Yin To Your Yang

When you purchase a t-shirt like this one, normally you would think that’s all there is to it.
Until you see someone wearing a shirt with the missing parts to yours. Maybe they just got lost in production, so they tried to make it work?
27 Poor Outfit Choice

I’m sorry, little dude, but this is going to be a difficult one to live down. He will always have a joke of being “The Creeper.”
Shame on his parents for not thinking this through. Now, he has to live with this photo for the rest of his life!
28 Just Trying To Blend In

He’s just taking a nice little stroll down the sidewalk. Next to a construction zone. Wearing the same colors and patterns as the traffic cones.
It is quite a coincidence. I wonder how he feels knowing that he’s blending in with the traffic cones?
29 Are You Good?

Your shirt says you’re good, but are you really? From what we can see, it doesn’t exactly look like it.
It looks like you’re doing pretty bad, actually. Hopefully, he can get his car out and turn his day around.
30 See You At The Intervention

He knows he has a problem, and yet here he is, still in the middle of his exact problem.
He will in fact be seeing his loved ones at his intervention if he keeps up this behavior. Maybe it’s just a misconception on our part, but who knows?!