Funny Wedding Day Photo Fails That Will Make You Cringe
1 Making a Splash

To add a touch of romance to her wedding day, this bride decided to ride a horse across a lake to reach the ceremony and show up in front of her guests and husband-to-be. After all, it can make a beautiful, super memorable entrance for the bride!
Unfortunately, things went horribly wrong. It probably wasn’t in her plan to stand at the altar sopping wet, but the horse had other ideas. Her entrance was indeed memorable, and much noticed, but perhaps not for the reasons expected.
2 Bathroom Trip

It’s a well-known fact that brides need some help to use the bathroom on their wedding day. After all, how are they supposed to find the toilet with all that bulky fabric around them? Wedding dresses can be so huge!
In most cases, however, the bride’s embarrassing bathroom trip isn’t captured on camera. It’s actually quite rare to see a picture of someone on the toilet, let alone surrounded by people! But in this case, thankfully, it was.
3 Mad Cow

When this couple chose a beautiful, rural backdrop for their wedding pictures, they probably didn’t think they would be charged by an angry cow during their photo session. Honestly, what are the chances of that happening?
This couple is definitely not lucky. Hopefully, though, this cow didn’t cause too much damage and the photo shoot could be finished in peace. But at the very least, the couple has a funny memory to look back on.
4 Falling Photographer

The odd angle of this picture and the horrified faces of the wedding party make it clear that something went very wrong. Indeed, we strongly doubt that the angle of the photo was deliberately chosen for artistic purposes.
Apparently, the photographer fell right in the middle of taking the picture, which accounts for the slightly askew angle. Hopefully, he wasn’t too injured, though the faces in this photo suggest the fall might have been pretty bad.
5 Partied Too Hard

Most wedding guests use the event as an excuse to dance, drink, and party. After all, a wedding is the perfect place to be happy and celebrate in style! Unfortunately, these three girls may have taken things too far.
Whether it’s just the angle of the photo or the effects of alcohol, the slack jaws and half-closed eyes don’t make for the most flattering picture. You have to admit that this photo was taken at exactly the right moment to create the most hilarious memory!
6 Someone Get The Dogs

Rather than a beautiful first look between soon-to-be husband and wife, this lovely bride had to contend with a major disaster during her wedding day. In her place, we would not have known how to react! By crying, probably.
Apparently, the dogs that wandered around the couple thought that the bride’s pristine white dress was the perfect place to mark their territory. Let’s hope no one noticed the yellow stains on the dress during the ceremony.
7 Help

Marriage is a very important step in one’s life, so it is absolutely necessary to think about it well before making a decision. It is always preferable not to make a mistake on this point. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks about it well.
This groom had a special message for the guests at his wedding that was only revealed when he and his wife kneeled at the altar. Let’s hope it was all in good fun and he’s not actually looking for a way out of this relationship because he might be too late.
8 Bride or Centaur?

While this bride being escorted away on a horse after the wedding ceremony was meant to be beautiful and romantic, like the best scene in a love movie, the resulting photos do not exactly convey these emotions, on the contrary.
The angle of the photo makes her look rather inhuman. Either that, or the bride really is a centaur, but we tend to highly doubt that. The couple should have chosen a better photographer for the big day! Or is this just a photo taken as a joke?
9 Photobomb

This poor wedding guest desperately wanted to be part of the fun bridal party. But even though she wasn’t invited to stand by the bride’s side as the other women, she still managed to make her way into the bridesmaids’ pictures.
Was she even invited to the wedding, or did she just decide to go there and create a surprise? In any case, the bride must have been very surprised by her presence, especially if, in the end, she did nothing else than to photobomb this picture!
10 Crumbling Dock

While this dock seemed like the perfect place for this wedding party to snap some gorgeous photos, no one managed to double-check that the dock was actually stable. This seems like pretty important information to know under the circumstances!
The bridesmaid on the end was definitely not going in the water. At the first sign of the crumbling dock, she took off running for dry land. It doesn’t matter what happens to the others; she can laugh about it in the dry at the water’s edge!
11 Failing Dock

Ideally, the wedding day goes off without a hitch, and it is the happiest day of the newlyweds’ lives. So, to put all the chances on their side, it is better to avoid any potential risk, for sure. So, note to self: If you’re planning a wedding, stay far away from docks.
There’s just no way this wedding party managed to stay out of the water. No matter how beautiful the photo might look, the risk of ruining your wedding dress in a dirty lake just isn’t worth it. At least we hope the water wasn’t too cold.
12 Please No PDA

Marriage is the celebration of the love that unites two people. Therefore, the bride and groom kissing is a normal part of most wedding ceremonies. However, this groomsman was not on board with that kiss.
Hopefully, his clear aversion to PDA doesn’t reflect his feelings about this relationship. What a shame it would be if this best man was totally against this union and hated his best friend’s new wife! How sad…
13 Posing Pup

This bride is simply taking a beautiful photo alongside her parents after the ceremony to create a wonderful memory. It is quite common to be taking this type of picture on a wedding day. So, what could go wrong, exactly?
Sadly, someone forgot to grab the dog behind them, who decided the background of the photo was the perfect place to relieve himself. That’s not exactly the nice family portrait the bride was hoping for, but when you have to, you have to!
14 Unreliable Car

On their wedding day, this couple decided to rent a vintage car to capture some unique pictures. Vintage cars have a certain very interesting cachet that can’t be found anymore, and it can make for some really nice photos!
Unfortunately, vintage vehicles aren’t always in the best condition anymore, and incidents may occur. While the bride looks like she’s taking their car bursting into flames in stride, the shoe-less groom looks less than thrilled.
15 Don’t Wear White

Some mothers-in-law are known for being overbearing, but that’s life, there’s not much you can do about it. In this particular case, though, the mother-in-law took things a step too far, and the bride has all the rights to be mad about it.
Not only did she break the cardinal rule of not wearing white to a wedding, but she actually showed up in a dress pretty similar to the bride’s. It’s a bad start for the new wife-mother-in-law relationship, if you ask us!
16 Groomsman Dropping Wedding Cake

We’re not sure why the wedding cake was an important element of this picture, nor even what could have happened to make the best man fly away like that, but whoever entrusted him to grab the cake royally messed up.
While the cake is definitely totally destroyed after this fall, the groomsman’s faux pas did result in a hilarious picture. There is not a single reaction in this picture that is not worth looking at, they are all pretty hilarious!
17 Special Guest

Being a captive animal in a zoo can definitely get boring. After all, these animals see millions of people pass by, but in the end, all their days are the same. It can’t be very common for a couple to decide to take their wedding photos in a zoo!
So, this beluga whale simply wanted to wish the bride and groom congratulations. In doing so, he managed to insert himself into the middle of their wedding photo. Thankfully, his picture-perfect smile makes him look like he belongs.
18 A Swing and a Crash

A swing at a wedding! If there are children at the reception, they will be delighted, but adults also like to swing a little from time to time, and it makes the perfect accessory to take original pictures! What a great idea, right?
Wrong! This bride and groom managed to swing a little too far and ended up on the floor. They’ll probably be sitting far away from the swing for the rest of the evening. If they have a good sense of humor, however, this photo will make a great souvenir of their wedding!
19 Single Life

As if a wedding isn’t painful enough when you’re single and don’t have a date to bring with you, this family decided to really lean into the couple-y nature of the event. While this can be a good photo concept, you have to think of all the people in the picture.
Sadly, one son found himself with no one to kiss when this particular picture was taken. It doesn’t look like he appreciated that not-so-subtle reminder that he’s all alone, and we totally understand his reaction. That poor guy!
20 Family Meltdown

It’s unclear if all nine of these kids belong to the bride and groom; they would have had many children in a short time, considering their ages! But even if they’re not all related to each other, they still managed to coordinate a massive meltdown at the same time.
If you’re wondering why some people don’t want kids at their wedding, look at this photo. The result could have been totally adorable, but unfortunately, the kids weren’t feeling so cooperative at the time.
21 Bride Down

Venturing too close to a body of water can be risky even if you don’t think it will. While this couple didn’t pose on a dock, they did pose a little too close to water for comfort, and somehow, the bride managed to take a spill.
While the groom looks truly concerned, there’s definitely no way he can salvage this situation at this point. We understand that you are looking for the most beautiful and original photo to immortalize your wedding, but please, stop taking unnecessary risks!
22 Creepy Cake

It’s clear who the real star of this wedding was. What groom? This bride wanted to take center stage with a cake designed to look exactly like her. Anyway, we understand her; everyone attends the wedding to admire the bride, right?
Despite the unique nature of this cake, though, there’s no doubt this bride’s pastry chef did a fantastic job. The cake still looks a little creepy to us, and the design on the front of the dress looks more like a fish tank than a floral pattern.
23 Mother-in-Law Problems

Mothers-in-law are always given, by default, the role of the most annoying and unpleasant people. Often this is completely untrue, but we must admit that sometimes mothers-in-law are really like that. This one seems to be one of them.
Watch out! This bride might have a momma’s boy on her hands. While the bride was preparing to ride off into the sunset with her love, this groom’s mom couldn’t help taking one last peek at her baby boy and his new wife. It seems a bit intrusive to us!
24 Is That Bigfoot?

Obviously, many pictures are taken at a wedding, and not all are perfect, far from it, and thankfully, this one wasn’t a great wedding picture to begin with. Imagine taking the perfect picture, but someone steps into the frame at the wrong time!
Still, the Bigfoot-like figure walking in the background does raise some questions. Did this bride and groom manage to capture a photo of a mythical creature? Was the wedding held near a beach? Is this man one of their guests?
25 Perfect Match

They say there’s someone for everyone. The right person can be hard to find, it can take time, but somewhere, they are there, just waiting for you. This bride and groom completely support that love theory.
How many people would agree to a camo-themed wedding? One thing is certain, not us. But, thankfully, this couple looks thrilled with their decor, and that’s the important part. This wedding was certainly memorable for everyone, camouflage lover or not!
26 Attack of the Squirrels

This squirrel was not about to let this bride and groom have a special moment. Rather than capturing the blushing bride and her new husband, the photographer snapped a photo of a squirrel attacking its prey.
Still, at least the bride managed to get a candid photo on her wedding day. We would love to see the real successful photo that should have been taken at that time, though. We’re sure it’s beautiful! But this one is pretty entertaining.
27 Sleeping Beauty

A wedding is stressful. There are many things to plan and anticipate, and even if it is the most beautiful day of your life, it is still a very stressful time. Weddings are exhausting, and this groom really has had enough.
Rather than continuing to battle his sleepiness for the sake of his guests, he decided his wife’s shoulder was the perfect place to take a nap. Just give him a few minutes, poor guy. After his nap, he’ll be fresh and ready to continue celebrating with you all night long!
28 Hungry Dog
When a couple has children or pets that they adore, it’s not uncommon for them to be included in a few wedding photos. So, this couple just wanted to incorporate their sweet pug into their wedding photos.
Unfortunately, the pug had other plans. After all, the flowers smelled good enough to eat, so that’s exactly what he did. We hope that the photo shoot was coming to an end, otherwise, it could be difficult to hide the crunch in the bouquet! But, on his side, the pug had a good snack.
29 The Wedgie Pic

Just when you thought no one was looking! If I were them, I’d be very upset with that photographer—as well as the person who decided to post this picture on the internet.
I mean, yeah, we’ve all been there. We’ve all had an uncomfortable wedgie that needed to be picked out. But the worst thing of all is when someone catches you picking it out.
I do have to wonder what’s going on with these bridesmaids’ dresses, though, that they would both end up with a wedgie. Perhaps it’s not even the dresses at all. It just may be their girdles or pantyhose. Either way, the photographer should have never snapped a picture like this.
30 Inappropriate Wedding Attire

“I was at a wedding with nude bridesmaids.” That’s how Reddit user @elliottblackwood captioned this photo. And that’s exactly what this looks like. I guess they didn’t realize that birthday suits are for birthdays (um, more specifically, the actual day you were born and not all those subsequent birthday celebrations) and not weddings.
Just kidding. It’s obvious (or at least it should be) that these women wouldn’t show up naked to someone’s wedding—although you never know nowadays! Obviously, they’re all dressed in off-the-shoulder gowns and the photographer just happened to snap a totally awkward photograph of them while attempting to get a shot of the happy couple.
31 Too Much Information

This couple wanted to hold up their initials for their wedding photos. Unfortunately, what Stephanie and Miles didn’t consider was that doing so might be misconstrued by some people.
For those who don’t know, the letters S and M, when put together in that particular order, stand for something that’s considered a bit risqué. I’m sure Stephanie and Miles knew that but were probably so caught up in all of the excitement that they didn’t realize the message they were spelling out until after the fact.
I’m sure this definitely made for a good laugh when they looked back at their wedding album.
32 Marriage Woes

We know that relationships can sometimes cause mental stress—and apparently this local government thinks so, too. Why else would they put the marriage license bureau in the same building as the mental health department? Perhaps it’s like HeraldWeekly said in an article published on its website: “It’s just more convenient, and it saves people time.”
Whatever the reason for it, the happy couple didn’t seem to notice—or they didn’t seem to mind. Either way, this is sure to draw lots of laughs over the years and serve as a conversation piece for many stories about their wedding day.
33 Potty Break

When you gotta go, you gotta go, and that’s exactly what this dog did—right there in front of everyone! But since the pup is dressed up, too, that can mean only one thing—that he belongs to the lovely couple. It’s also kind of obvious from the smiles and slight look of embarrassment on their faces.
Hopefully, everyone watched where they were stepping, and, who knows, perhaps someone brought a pooper scooper. That’s just a given when you’re taking your pooch outside.
Either way, this photo is sure to provide tons of laughs over the years each time this couple opens their wedding album.
34 The Giant Bride

This lady must be marrying that giant from the Jack and the Beanstalk story. I mean, who else is a giant woman gonna marry?
Well, she’s not actually a giant. It’s just that she decided to hitch a ride on her hubby’s shoulders. I’m sure you figured that out after you looked down and saw those tuxedo pants under her dress. But, for some reason, I don’t think that guy off to the side is convinced that she’s not a giant woman. Look at how he’s staring at her!
Still, it’s a very funny picture and will probably make a good conversation piece for years to come.
35 Gone With The Wind

The groom seems to be having a good laugh at what appears to be a strong gust of wind blowing his bride’s dress up in her face. Unfortunately for her, the photographer snapped a picture at that exact moment.
Too bad we can’t see her face. What do you guys think she’s doing? Do you think she’s laughing, too, or do you think she’s upset? I could understand her being upset, especially if she wanted to take a perfect picture or if she’s wearing makeup that would now be all over the front of her dress. But I’m sure that even if she was upset in this pic, she’s looking back on it now with nothing but laughter and joy.
36 Rom-Com Gone Wrong

I think this couple has probably watched quite a few romantic comedies and decided to make their own on their wedding day. I mean, it doesn’t get more romantic than this. An ocean as the backdrop of your wedding photos. Awesome, right? It sure is—until something goes wrong.
That being said, I guess humans aren’t the only ones who crash weddings. Now we have to worry about waves crashing weddings, too!
Okay, terrible joke, I know. And, while the groom doesn’t seem to be too bothered by the crash, the bride looks a bit upset. Of course, those feelings have subsided by now as she likely looks back on this moment with tons of laughter.
37 The Photographic Negative

Okay, first things first: someone needs to fire this photographer post-haste, because this individual obviously does not know what to do with a camera. I don’t even know how this happened because it seems like the lighting isn’t off anywhere else in the photo. A simple, strategically placed softbox would have easily solved this problem, but, hey, I’m not a photographer, so what do I know?
Anyway, I hope their other photos didn’t turn out like this one. And if they did, I hope they got their money back.
I know it won’t be the same, but they can always retake their pictures at a later date.
38 The Crappy Wedding Picture

This is an absolutely crappy (pun intended) wedding picture! I mean, seriously, whose idea was it to take a picture of the bride and groom in porta-potties? If it was their idea, the photographer should have never gone along with it. If it was the photographer’s idea, he or she should have been fired immediately.
I get it. People take selfies in the bathroom all the time. But this is not a selfie, nor is it the couple’s bathroom at home. And that would have been a terrible place to take a wedding picture, too. This whole idea was just terrible.
39 The Legless Bride

You know, timing is everything. Too bad this photographer doesn’t understand that. I’m not sure how he or she managed to snap a picture that makes it look like the bride has no legs, but hopefully they attempted to recreate this pic again.
The more I look at it, the more I realize that this picture is just too weird for me. It looks like her legs are behind her, but then it looks like someone used Photoshop to edit them out. In fact, the more I stare, the more the entire thing looks Photoshopped. Instead of looking like they’re jumping in the air, it looks like they are standing on something in an entirely different location altogether and the photographer dropped their image onto an outdoor background and then mistakenly cut off the bride’s legs. Whatever happened, the whole thing is a mess.
40 Not A Cute Angle

When it comes to taking photographs, it’s important to get the shot at just the right angle. And this would have been the perfect angle had those two pears not been sitting atop the cake.
A good photographer would have spotted the error right away and insisted that the couple move to a different spot or remove the pears (which I’m sure they didn’t want to do because it would mess up the look of the cake) from the top of the cake. Even if they had insisted on standing in that exact spot, the photographer could have taken the pic, shown it to the couple using the camera’s display screen, and explained to them (if they still couldn’t see the problem themselves) why the photo wouldn’t work.
41 Photobomb

It’s one thing when a stranger gets in on your personal photos, but what about when it’s an animal and the personal photo is one of your wedding day pics? Well, if it’s your pet, you don’t sweat it.
This is exactly what happened to Patti Womer of Mount Pleasant Mills, Pennsylvania. Womer got Cricket and Dutch, her two horses, when she was a child, and she wanted to include them in her wedding. Cricket is the one that is seen smiling in the photo.
When asked by Yahoo Style what she thought about this moment, Womer told them that she didn’t mind. “Dutch and Cricket are such a big part of me, and I will always have a special place in my heart for them.”
42 The Not-So-Quite-Romantic Wedding Photo

This wedding photo would have been so romantic if it weren’t for the fact that we can all see that guy over in the corner with the watering can. One can only hope that the photographer went home and did some serious editing in Photoshop. If not, then everyone should think twice before hiring him or her.
I just hope that the other photos weren’t like this one. It’s easy to see that the photographer has some good ideas, but having good ideas is only half of what it takes to be a good photographer. You also have to have the know-how to successfully execute those good ideas.
43 The Ring Bearer’s Finger
Now, before you get upset, perhaps this little ring bearer had the rings on his middle finger instead of on the pillow and was just showing people where he put them. Not buying it? Somehow I knew you wouldn’t.
I’m more than sure that this kid is doing exactly what it looks like he’s doing. And check out that facial expression of his. I’m sure that after everyone realized what happened, this kid was probably grounded for a very, very long time.
I can bet no one found this funny, nor did anyone think that it would be a good addition to the wedding album.
44 Falling In Love

If you’re clumsy like me, you probably dread something like this happening to you on your wedding day. This guy seems to have been a good sport about it, though. What’s more is that the bride didn’t even seem to notice. In fact, you can see that some of the other people in the photo didn’t see the groom fall, either.
This one will definitely bring back laughs when they pull out the wedding album. But it seems like it drew a few laughs when it happened, too. The drummer looks kind of amused. So does the older gentleman in the background. I could be wrong, but it sort of looks like he’s trying to hold in a laugh!
45 The Tropical Wedding

A tropical wedding sounds so romantic, doesn’t it? But, before you make your plans, you might want to remember that things in a tropical climate can go left really fast. What might start out as a warm, sunny, gorgeous day could end up becoming a rainy, windy, nasty day—as this bride soon found out.
Yes, you could check the weather before you go, but as we all know, the weather can be unpredictable. On that note, perhaps this couple should have decided on a tropical honeymoon instead. It’s highly likely they would spend more time in their room and less time outside, decreasing the chances they’d get caught out in the rain.
46 Up, Up, And Away

I don’t know if this guy was trying to fly like Superman or was dancing on the ceiling like Lionel Richie, but whatever it was, it definitely wasn’t good. Now, perhaps they were throwing him in the air in a celebratory fashion while singing “He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”. Or, it could be that the former is true and the folks on the floor below him were just trying to catch him if he fell.
But perhaps the more important question is how the heck did his head break through the ceiling? At least that’s what it looks like, anyway. It could be that the photo was taken at a weird angle and it just appears that his head had gone through the ceiling. And is he the groom? Was he trying to get away from the bride-to-be? There are so many unanswered questions here.
47 Where’s Waldo?

Boy, you never know where Waldo will show up next! In town, on the beach, at your wedding…
Look closely and you’ll see him hiding behind that tree to the right of the wedding party. Well, it’s either Waldo or an escaped convict (do they still wear stripes?)! Whoever it is, they really should have been more respectful and stepped out of the way of the camera. Thankfully, that guy can be photoshopped right out of the picture.
He got his 15 minutes of fame, though. Not only did he get in on the picture, but now that picture is being circulated on the internet.
48 The Budget Wedding

What do you do when you’re getting married but have a budget to stick to? Cut up grandma’s curtains and make bridesmaid’s dresses out of them! At least that’s what it looks like these folks did.
Now, I’m not making fun of anyone being on a budget. What I am making fun of is these dresses. I mean, couldn’t they have found a better fabric that was less busy? People probably couldn’t even focus on the bride because the bridesmaids’ and flower girl’s dresses were a distraction.
49 Stumbling Dad
This bride probably wasn’t too happy with her dad at this exact moment. Instead of the beautiful moment where her father gives her away, the bride had to deal with her dad nearly ripping the veil off her head.
Hopefully, she managed to recover trom this unpleasant distraction and continue with the rest of the ceremony without further incident. We also hope that the veil came out of this incident in good condition!
50 Horsing Around

There’s nothing more beautiful than wedding photos in a country setting, isn’t there? But when this bride tried to snap some photos with her bridesmaids, a horse in the background decided he wanted to be involved.
However, the horse didn’t get the vibe quite right. Rather than a nice, smiling photo, the horse stole the show with his best funny face. Come on, horse, it was not yet time for the funny picture, this one had to be beautiful and graceful!
51 Too Much Cleavage

Some brides opt for more traditional and formal dresses, while others prefer to go for a chic and sexy look. After all, every bride has her own preferences! However, cleavage can be just as dangerous at our wedding as it is in everyday life.
This bride clearly didn’t notice that her left breast was sticking out of her dress while posing for the picture. Unfortunately, when you wear a dress with a cleavage as large as this one, you always have to be on the lookout!
52 Looking Forward To What?

This photo makes us a bit puzzled. Normally, it would be a beautiful photo. Staged, certainly, but perfect to show how much this woman is waiting for the moment when she will finally be married to the man of her life, and that the beginning of their new life will start.
But when you look at this picture, is this bride really looking forward to her wedding and what comes with it, or is she more nostalgic for her former life as a free woman? After all, her hand is perfectly placed on the lower back of the man working outside…
53 Don’t Like Birds

The dove is the symbol of peace and love. Releasing doves following a wedding ceremony is a very poetic way for the couple to express their freedom and their departure towards a new life together that they wish to be happy. How romantic!
However, the man to the left of the husband, who we guess is the best man, does not seem to think so. Either he doesn’t appreciate the new union between the two lovers at all, or he totally hate birds. We hope very much that it is the second option!
54 Don’t Worry, Honey, I Got This

Marriage is for better or for worse. Two people decide to get married forever, sharing the rest of their lives, as well as the good and bad moments of everyday life. They vow to always be there for each other, no matter what happens.
Well, this woman will have been there for this man probably a lot faster than they thought! What could be worse than your car breaking down on your wedding day? And how hard is that groom trying to swallow his pride while his wife is busy trying to fix the car?
55 Moo Surprise

Is this a surprise that this woman has prepared for the newlyweds? Was it arranged with the wedding planner, or with a group of friends? Are the husband and wife farmers and is it a theme wedding? What is going on here?
We have a hard time understanding why a woman would dress up like this at a wedding. And are we the only ones who find that the couple also seems somewhat perplexed by the appearance of this woman in costume? Their faces seem to show a bit of uncertainty.
56 Party Bride
Once a party girl, always a party girl! This new bride has always loved to party, and a wedding is not going to stop her, quite the contrary! This is supposed to be the happiest day of her life, so there’s plenty to celebrate, right?
That’s why this bride is doing a keg stand on this incredible day. We are a little disappointed that she is not doing a real handstand, but we deduce that it is more difficult while wearing a wedding dress. Let’s just hope she doesn’t drink so much that she doesn’t remember her evening, that would be a shame!
57 Time For A Touch Up

On her wedding day, the bride definitely wants to look her best at all times. After all, all eyes are constantly on her, and it’s the happiest day of her life, which will be immortalized entirely in photos. It’s worth the effort!
This bride needed a light makeup touch-up, but unfortunately for her, the photographer caught her in the middle of a lipstick application, making an ugly face in the mirror. We bet she didn’t share this photo with anyone!
58 Bad Choice Of Ring

Sometimes it can be difficult for the groom to choose the wedding ring that his wife will love the most. After all, many women are very specific about what they would like, and understandably so; they will wear that ring for the rest of their life!
Unfortunately for this groom, it would appear from his wife’s face that he chose the wrong ring. Indeed, the bride doesn’t seem to like what she sees at all, and she doesn’t even try to hide her emotion. It is very clear. Her husband failed.
59 Cheap Wedding

Something tells us that this new bride is not enjoying her evening at all. It’s probably her face that gives it away, to be honest; it doesn’t evoke joy or happiness, but rather something like despair and discontent.
We can understand her. This wedding, which seems to have been planned in a hurry, without a budget and in a questionable place, is probably not what she dreamed of for her big day. It looks like the set of an old B movie from the 80s. And why is she alone at the table? Is everyone but her having fun at the sound of the accordion player?
60 The Dance That Went Wrong