Unique Baby Boy Names That Aren’t As Common As They Once Were

- Pronounced: ah-n-wihl
- Origin: Welsh
Anwyll means “one who is loved by all” and that will definitely be the case for your new bundle of joy! He will be the person that everyone goes to in a time of need. He shows others love the way that he was shown himself.
- Pronounced: ar-low
- Origin: Old English

Arlo is derived from Old English meaning “fortified hill” or “rock hill.” We think this means that he will be a rock in your life, giving you a sense of stability.

- Pronounced: arm-strong
- Origin: English, Scottish
Armstrong literally means “strong arms.” So, your precious little boy will surely have a reason to live up to his name! He could be a wrestler, football player, even go to the Olympics!
- Pronounced: ah-kee-luh
- Origin: Latin
Aquila translates to “eagle.” This name will set your son up for success and drive him to become the leader that he is destined to be.
- Pronounced: aks-hill
- Origin: Hebrew
The name Axel means “Father is Peace.” This name comes from a Biblical stance—Axel was the son of King David. He will show others compassion and be peaceful with every action.
- Pronounced: bar-nee
- Origin: Old English

Barney means “defender” and comes from the Slavic name Barni, which was a very popular name historically throughout Poland.

- Pronounced: bow-ahz
- Origin: Hebrew
The meaning of the name Boaz means “Strenth.” Your son will be able to handle any obstacle thrown his way with the strength that his name entails.
- Pronounced: bridge-her
- Origin: English

While this name is seriously one of the cutest ones, its translation is not exactly as meaningful compared to others. Bridger means “lives near the bridge”, so if you actually lived near a bridge, this would be perfect!

- Pronounced: camp-bell
- Origin: Latin
Campbell is another one of those names that, while it is adorable, it does not have a heartfelt meaning behind it. Campbell translates to “crooked” or “bent mouth.”
- Pronounced: kaeven-augh
- Origin: Irish

This one is a fun and unique name that means “born handsome” and is definitely a fact of every newborn with this name. Your son will be a person who does not realize their beauty but encourages others to see their own.
- Pronounced: che-stir
- Origin: Latin
The name Chester means a “fortress.” And that is true, your son’s physical being is that—a fortress. He will respect his body, therefore respecting those around him.
- Pronounced: khly-duh
- Origin: Scottish
Clyde translates to “warm”, meaning that he will be open, friendly, and caring to all that he encounters. He will encourage others to be kind and to treat others with respect.
- Pronounced: daash-ell
- Origin: Derived from French
Dashiell is one of those names that has an unknown meaning. The name Dashiell is derived from the French surname “de Chiel” which means “heaven” or “sky.” We can look at it this way, your son is a gift sent from above!
- Pronounced: ehmm-itt
- Origin: English, German

Emmett has two meanings. The German meaning is “universal” and the English meaning is “hard worker” which gives your son the opportunity to live up to his name and become both of these traits.

- Pronounced: ehz-rah
- Origin: Hebrew
The Hebrew translation of the name Ezra is to “help, aid, and protect.” He will be the person you go to when you are in trouble, need a helping hand, or simply just need a person to talk to.
- Pronounced: fowst-er
- Origin: English

The meaning of the name Foster means “a person who looked after a forest” and “forest guardian.” So, maybe your son will grow up to become an environmentalist and change the world!

- Pronounced: h-are-vee
- Origin: French
Harvey means “battle worthy.” This is different from someone being, say, prone to confrontation. This only means that they are willing to stand up for what they believe in and fight for what they feel is important.
- Pronounced: huh-ux-lee
- Origin: English
The name Huxley means a “clearing or meadow” and with this name, your son will love the outdoors. He will take every chance that he can to be in nature and surround himself with the Earth.

- Pronounced: joo-lee-in
- Origin: English from Latin
The name Julian means “youthful.” Your son will always have a youthful personality and always do his best to see the bright side in every situation.
- Pronounced: khen-zo
- Origin: Japanese

The meaning of Kenzo is “strong and healthy.” He will live his life putting his body first, doing everything he can to make sure he treats it with kindness and respect. He will try to encourage anyone he knows to do the same.
- Pronounced: king-stun
- Origin: English
The meaning of Kingston is literally “kings town.” And while he may not be this, he will see himself as important in the same way. He will take care of himself and those around him.
- Pronounced: lah-sun
- Origin: English

The name Lawson was the son of Lawrence, who was a deacon in the bible. A deacon is a person of service, so this means your son will respect others and do his best to aid them while in their time of need. He could grow up to become a nurse or a doctor!

- Pronounced: lee-land
- Origin: English
The name Leland means “meadowland.” As with the others, he will have a freeing personality and strive to help others. He feels at one with nature and loves the materials from the Earth.
- Pronounced: lorr-can
- Origin: Irish

The name Lorcan translates to “fierce.” He will have a fiery personality and is bold and memorable. He will be the voice of those who do not have one and the mind of those who do not wish to be heard.
- Pronounced: lye-san-der
- Origin: Greek
The name Lysander translates to “Liberator.” A liberator is a person who saves others from imprisonment or oppression. Your son will be freeing and helping those who cannot help themselves.
- Pronounced: muh-tae-oh
- Origin: Spanish

Mateo means “gift of God.” And that is exactly what he is! Whether you were expecting a son or not, he will be the best thing that has ever happened to you and your family.

- Pronounced: mav-her-ick
- Origin: English
The name Maverick means “non-conforming and independent.” Maverick will follow his own rules. He will own his actions and be independent in every aspect of his life.
- Pronounced: noh-eh-ah
- Origin: Hawaiian

The name Nohea in Hawaiian means “lovely, handsome.” The lovely trait means he will care for others and show them kindness. The handsome quality is pretty straightforward. He will definitely be the best thing that you, as a mother, have ever laid eyes on.

- Pronounced: ore-sun
- Origin: Latin and English
The name Orson means “bear cub.” Your newborn son will be your own little bear cub. He will follow you and learn from your actions. So always be aware of what you say and do, because he is watching and mirroring your every move.
- Pronounced: awz-wawld
- Origin: English

The meaning of Oswald is “divine power.” He will possess a very kind and giving personality. He wants to treat others in the way that he sees them, as divine.

- Pronounced: ah-toe
- Origin: German
The name Otto means “wealthy.” Otto will be wealthy in many aspects of life, not just financially. He will be wealthy with friends, family, experiences, and knowledge. While wealth is something that we all strive for, Otto finds the importance of wealth in other areas of life.
- Pronounced: poort-her
- Origin: Latin

The name Porter means a “gatekeeper.” It should not be understood in the sense that he will prohibit others from doing things, but he will act as a person who aids those that need help. Others may try to take advantage, but he will only help those who he truly sees need it.

- Pronounced: press-khat
- Origin: English
The name Prescott means a “cottage or dwelling.” This means that your son will always feel at home with himself. No matter where he goes or what he does, he will always feel comfortable in his own skin.
- Pronounced: raff-her-tee
- Origin: Irish

The name Rafferty means “floodtide, abundance, prosperity” so your son will always be flooded with kindness, abundant with his love, prosper with his intentions.

- Pronounced: rheeve
- Origin: English
The Old English meaning of this name was “bailiff”, which was a person who protected wealthy land from crime. While this may not be exactly how it is today, your son can still grow up to protect others and do his best to prevent crimes.
- Pronounced: rowd-z
- Origin: Greek
Rhodes translates to “where roses grow.” So, your son will always be full of life and encouraging others to keep pursuing their dreams.

- Pronounced: samp-sun
- Origin: Hebrew
The meaning of the name Sampson is “sun.” Your son will be a light in your life and quite literally “light up your world.”
- Pronounced: sull-eh-van
- Origin: Irish

The meaning of Sullivan is “black-eyed one” which does not mean that he has black eyes in the sense that he has bruises surrounding his eyes. It just means that the eye color is dark, or black. Which could be true!

- Pronounced: thaad-he-us
- Origin: Aramaic
Thadeus means a “gift of God” and that is exactly what your newborn is. A gift! Treasure that little boy and soak up every moment that you can.
- Pronounced: tear-nan
- Origin: Irish

In the Italian language, the name Tiernan translate to “Lord” and your son could very well become a Lord… of his crib, maybe? Who knows! He could be a leader for anything.
- Pronounced: zye-un
- Origin: Hebrew

Zion was the hill in Jerusalem where the city of David was built. This name means the highest point, which technically means your son will be a leader.