Amazing Cooking Spray Hacks You Can Use In Every Room of Your Home
1 Prevent Sauce Stains On Plastic Tupperware Containers

Tupperware is supposed to be an easy way to store excess food. But if you’re storing sauces that might stain in your inexpensive plastic Tupperware, you’ll likely come across a big problem. Tomato sauces and other greasy foods tend to stain your plastic, turning it a gross brownish color that’s entirely unappealing.
Thankfully, cooking spray can remedy that problem. Before you put food into your plastic containers, spritz the inside with cooking spray. The cooking spray will add a layer of protection on the interior of your container that will prevent future stains. Brown Tupperware be gone!
2 Stop Sticky Keys

After years and years of constant use, the keys and locks in your home start to get a bit sticky. Age will do that. While it’s an entirely normal occurrence, it’s also frustrating to fight with your lock every time you want to open your door.
Instead of struggling with your key, eliminate the stickiness altogether with a bit of cooking spray. Simply spray the key attached to your frustrating lock with cooking spray. The spray will
3 Wash Off Grease or Paint

If you’re tackling a big at-home project, things are bound to get a bit messy. But if you’re dealing with grease or paint, clean-up doesn’t have to be a hassle.
Next time you take on a greasy or paint-filled project, clean your hands with cooking spray. Simply spritz the spray onto your hands and rub them together. When you see that the grease or paint stars to break up slightly, wash your hands with a bit of dish soap. By following that simple trick, your hands will be mess-free in no time.
4 Clean Stainless Steel

While stainless steel appliances make for a gorgeous, modern kitchen, they’re not the easiest things to keep clean. Your normal cleaning products will often leave stainless steel looking streaky and messy, rather than flawless and shining. But instead of running out to the store and buying new products, just use a little cooking spray.
Next time you need to clean your stainless steel appliances, spray a soft cloth with a healthy amount of cooking spray. Then gently wipe the cloth over the stainless steel. The cooking spray will remove dirt and grime while simultaneously polishing the metal. Get ready for ultra-shiny appliances!
5 Stop Squeaky Door Hinges

There’s something about squeaky door hinges that is just so annoying. No one wants to hear a loud whine each time they open a door in their house. Thankfully, fixing that squeaky door in your home is as easy as grabbing a can of cooking spray.
If you’re dealing with a squeaky door, spray the hinges with a bit of cooking spray. The spray will grease up the hinge, taking away the squeak. With the lubricating oils inside the cooking spray, you shouldn’t have to worry about that squeaky hinge for a long while.
6 Remove Bugs From Your Car’s Grille

When you’re flying down the freeway at 70 miles per hour, you’ll inevitably get a few unsuspecting bugs trapped in the grille of your car. When they smash into the front of your vehicle, however, they really stick. It’s often difficult to remove the critters, leaving you with a grubby looking grille.
When it’s time to clean the front of your car, use cooking spray. Before you try to wipe away the bugs, spray your grille with a healthy amount of cooking spray. The spray will help to detach the bugs from the metal, allowing you to easily wipe away the stubborn debris. In the end, you’ll be left with a shiny grille that looks brand new.
7 Prevent Frost Buildup In Your Freezer

If you’re experiencing a constant build-up of frost in your freezer, cooking spray might be the answer. Rather than cleaning out your freezer every other week, keep frost from building up in the first place with a spritz of cooking spray.
Next time you clean the frost out of your freezer, apply cooking spray to the clean walls. The cooking spray will make it more difficult for frost to build up, extending the time between cleanings.
8 Prevent Wax Buildup In Candles

You may love lighting candles in your home, but you probably don’t appreciate the wax that builds up as the candle starts to melt. Particularly if you use nice holders for your candles, this wax buildup can ruin your decorative pieces. When the wax melts and hardens, removing it from the bottom of the holder is a painstaking task.
But with cooking spray, removing excess wax is so much easier. Before you place your candle in the holder, spritz the bottom with a bit of cooking spray. Then, light the candle and allow it to melt as usual. When it comes time to clean the holder, you can wipe the wax right off, leaving your receptacle clean and ready for the next candle.
9 Stop Grass From Sticking To Your Mower Blades

Cooking spray is often referred to as non-stick spray for a reason. That’s exactly what it does—it stops things from sticking to pots and pans. But those non-stick capabilities are useful far beyond the kitchen. For example, you can utilize the slickness of cooking spray while mowing your lawn.
Before you start mowing, spray your mower blades and the underside of the housing with cooking spray. The spray will keep grass from sticking to the blades as you mow, eliminating the tedious task of clearing your blades of sticky grass. When you’re finished mowing, you can simply wipe down the blades. Any grass that does stick will wipe off easily, reducing the amount of time spent cleaning while you mow.
add slickness to the key, allowing it to slide in and out of the lock with ease. Chances are your lock simply needs a bit of added lubrication to get the gears moving smoothly once again.
10 Remove Soap Scum From Your Bathroom Fixtures

While cooking spray is the first thing you reach for in the kitchen, it can also present the solution you need for a clean bathroom. Chemical cleaning compounds are certainly necessary to remove bacteria and grime in your bathroom, but they’re not always the best solution for that stubborn soap scum.
Next time you clean your bathroom, spray your faucets and showerheads with a bit of cooking spray. The spray will help to remove that stubborn soap scum, leaving bright, shining fixtures behind.
11 Clean Shower Doors

Beyond cleaning the fixtures in your bathroom, cooking spray is also a useful compound for creating clean, pristine shower doors. If you’re dealing with a clear shower door, then you know that removing all the bits of soap scum, hard water stains, and general grime is difficult. But cooking spray makes it a lot easier.
Next time you clean your shower, start by spraying the doors with a healthy amount of cooking spray. Allow the spray to sit for a few minutes, then wipe it off. After that, you can proceed with your cleaning as normal. When you’re finished, you’ll notice your shower doors are significantly brighter and clearer.
12 Keep Cheese From Sticking to Your Grater

You might have noticed that cleaning your cheese grater after each use is a rather big project. Because of the proteins found in cheese, it tends to stick to the grater like glue, making it very difficult to wash off completely. Plus, the design of the cheese grater means that scrubbing it for too long will rip up your kitchen sponge. No one wants that!
The best way to clean your cheese grater is to ensure that cheese never sticks to it in the first place. To make sure that happens, spritz your grater with a bit of cooking spray. By covering the grater in cooking spray, you ensure that those little strips of cheese slide right off, rather than adhering to the metal. When it comes time to clean the grater, you’ll see that hardly any scrubbing is necessary.
13 Prevent Hard Water Stains On Faucets

Bathrooms and kitchens tend to get pretty dirty. In particular, these spaces likely develop hard water stains. Unlike normal soap scum, these stains are difficult to get out. They have a high mineral content that forms around the faucet, creating a permanently messy appearance.
Thankfully, cooking spray provides a solution. Simply spray those pesky hard water stains with cooking spray and wipe down the surface with a cloth. The cooking spray will help to remove that stubborn film, leaving clean surfaces behind.
14 Dry Nail Polish Quickly

While painting your nails at home saves you from the hassle and price of a salon manicure, it’s also a risky endeavor. Oftentimes, the polish takes ages to dry, forcing you to sit for an hour or more without using your hands, or otherwise risk ruining your brand new polish.
Cooking spray, however, provides a solution to this frustrating problem. After you’ve finished painting your nails, spray them with a light coat of non-stick cooking spray. The spray will help to dry the polish faster, ensuring perfect nails without forcing you to put your life on hold while they dry.
15 Spray Your Blender Blades For Easy Clean-Up

It’s a well-known fact that using a blender is easy, but cleaning up the blender afterward is hard. Food items tend to get caught in the blades, making it difficult for you to effectively wash the device and keep it clean for the next use. In fact, sometimes the clean up is so annoying that it’s easier to just avoid using the blender altogether.
But that’s not the case with a little cooking spray. Next time you use your blender, spray the insides—particularly the blades—with a bit of cooking spray. The cooking spray will allow food items to fall right off the blade, making it much easier for you to wash your blender after every use.
16 Eliminate Squeaky Bike Chains

Just as cooking spray eliminates squeaky door hinges, it works the same magic on your bike chain. As the chain experiences some wear and tear, you’ll find that it starts to get a bit creaky, making it difficult to ride your bike in peace.
If you don’t have a chemical like WD-40 handy, cooking spray can fix the problem. Simply spritz your bike chain with a bit of the kitchen compound and the creaking will disappear. However, you shouldn’t use too much cooking spray. If the chain looks drenched, you’ve overdone it. After applying the cooking spray, wipe off any excess liquid with a clean rag, and hop on your bike for a squeak-free ride.
17 Protect Wheels From Brake Dust

If you value your vehicle, you likely want to keep it as clean as possible from top to bottom. But the wheels of your car present a particular challenge when it comes to cleanliness. Every time you brake, a fine, black dust collects on the wheels of your car. That brake dust is particularly hard to clean.
If you manage to scrub your wheels clean from brake dust, you want to make sure they stay that way. To keep your wheels looking shiny and new, spray them with a coat of cooking spray. When applied on clean wheels, the cooking spray will keep the brake dust from adhering to the metal, allowing you to wipe that dust right off next time you clean your wheels.
18 Prevent Snow From Sticking To Your Shovel

Shoveling snow is already an aggravating chore. But there’s one aspect of clearing the snow from your driveway that people don’t talk about. As you’re moving the snow, you may find that it stubbornly sticks to your shovel, extending the time you have to work out in the cold.
To make the process of shoveling snow as easy as possible, spritz your shovel with a bit of cooking spray before heading outdoors. The cooking spray will make your shovel slick and greasy, allowing the snow to slide right off.
19 Stop Sticky Dough

While cooking spray is useful all over your house, it still has its applications in the kitchen. The next time you’re working with dough, keep your cooking spray on hand. Everyone knows that dough tends to get sticky the more you work with it. While most people use flour to keep the dough from stick to the counter, it’s not always the most effective solution. The flour tends to combine with the dough as you continue to work, forcing you to use a lot of your flour supply to prevent a little sticking.
Instead, try spraying your dough with a bit of cooking spray before you work. A little goes a long way with cooking spray, allowing you to work with your dough without fears of stickiness. Plus, you can save your flour for dishes that actually need it, rather than wasting it on keeping your counters free of sticky dough.
20 Prevent Your Doors From Freezing In Winter

Cooking spray can also be very useful during the winter season. A very unpleasant thing that happens commonly during very cold weather is a door that freezes and is difficult to open. Luckily, this winter you won’t have this problem anymore thanks to this trick!
Take your cooking spray and spray it on the rubber of the inside of your car door, and, if you want, on the metal part as well for an even better result. To get less messy, you can also spray it on a cloth or paper towel first, then rub it on the doors. You’ll see, the gel will never affect your car doors again!
21 Grease Your Fishing Line

Next time you head out on a cooking excursion, including a can of cooking spray in your tackle box. Before you cast your line, spritz it with a bit of cooking spray.
The cooking spray will grease up your line, allowing it to cast further and more smoothly. With your line casting much farther out into the water, your chances of bringing home a fish for dinner are much higher.
22 Stop Pasta From Sticking Together

When you make pasta, the issue of how to keep the noodles from sticking together while they boil in the pot plagues most home chefs. To remedy the problem, some cooks might put oil in their pasta water. However, the oil will only result in greasy noodles that refuse to adhere to the sauce.
Instead of using oil when you cook your pasta, use cooking spray. Once your pasta is done, spritz it with just a small amount of cooking spray. The cooking spray will help to separate the noodles, but it won’t create so much oil that it interferes with your sauce.
23 Create Non-Stick Measuring Cups

If you’re using measuring cups to whip up the perfect recipe, you want to ensure that you’re getting everything out of the cup. While that’s easy with certain food items like rice, other sticky foods tend to leave quite a bit behind in your measuring cup. Not only does this lead to messier measuring tools, it can also keep you from perfecting your recipe.
Next time you pour something sticky in your measuring cup, first spritz it with a touch of cooking spray. The cooking spray will allow sticky items like honey or molasses to pour right out, making sure you’re adding the perfect amount to your dish, every time.
24 Prevent Water From Boiling Over

While they say a watched pot never boils, you also can’t leave a pot of boiling water sitting on the stove completely unattended. Why? Because the pot tends to boil over, filling your stove with hot water and creating a huge mess.
But with cooking spray, you can ensure that your pot never boils over again. Before you start cooking, coat the pot you’re using in cooking spray to avoid water spillage. If you forget that step, have no fear! When you notice the water’s becoming a little too high, you can also spritz the water’s surface with cooking spray to prevent a spill. With this hack, you’ll never have to deal with boiling water spillage again.
25 Stop Food From Sticking to Knives

When you’re cutting up certain ingredients in the kitchen, you may notice that the food tends to stick to your knife. Not only does this ruin the flow of your chopping, but it also increases your chances of slicing your fingers as you struggle to remove the food from the knife.
Well, say goodbye to that problem forever. Next time you’re chopping up ingredients, spray your knife with cooking spray before you start. The non-stick spray will keep food from clinging to your knife, allowing you to chop much more quickly and easily.
26 Create Buttery Popcorn

While cooking spray has a variety of functional uses, it can also add amazing flavor to some of your favorite dishes. Next time you make popcorn in the microwave, top your snack bowl with a spritz of cooking spray.
On popcorn, the cooking spray lends a buttery, delicious texture that almost feels like a movie theater-quality snack. Take your at-home popcorn to the next level with just a little bit of cooking spray.