Protect Your Kids Against These Dangerous Household Items

You wouldn’t necessarily think about this normally, but many items you have around your home are designed for adults, and adults only. That might explain why the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issues up to 450 product recalls every year. Most of these recalls are items that are perfectly okay to use most of the time, but that turn out to be quite dangerous or even deadly when children get their hands on them—or their mouths.
Without further ado, here are the products that rank among the most dangerous for kids, as said by CPSC experts.
1 Bookcases

As you know, children are curious creatures that like to explore and test the limits of their abilities. Climbing your bookshelf thus might seem like a great idea to them. What is not a great idea, however, is having forgotten to tether your bookcase to the wall.
Without proper brackets and anchors, your bookshelf is prone to falling on your kid, should they try to climb it. Another thing you can do to prevent this situation is to store your heaviest items on the lower shelves or drawers of your top-heavy furniture.
2 Laundry and Dishwasher Pods

In 2014 alone, parents of 22,000 distressed children called the National Poison Center because their kids had eaten a laundry pod or a dishwasher pod. These little packs were designed as a cleaner alternative to soaps and powders, but children find them very candy looking, which explains why they are often accidentally ingested, especially by children under three.
To prevent this, make sure you keep them out of reach, or just purchase regular detergent and dishwasher soap or powder. This could avoid you many accidents, or even a visit to the hospital.
3 Ikea Dressers

Ikea had to recall some 29 million dressers in 2016 after six children died when the furniture toppled over them. If you have any Ikea furniture at home, make sure it is safe for your children; check Ikea’s website frequently for recalls.
The Swedish company is actually quite known for making many recalls in the last decade, including cribs, kids’ beds, high chairs, kids’ bedroom lights, canopies, a kids’ tent and much more.
4 Toilet Lids

Everyone knows there is a risk of drowning associated with pools. But with toilets? Surprisingly, yes. About 115 kids die each year when they drown in toilets, buckets, kids’ bathtubs, and hot tubs.
Most of these deaths were children under 3 who probably tried to put their head in the toilet and ended up falling headfirst. A toilet lid could, therefore, save your kid’s life.
5 Power Sockets

You probably already know about this one, but we’ll include it on our list anyway because too many accidents still happen nowadays when a kid decides to poke them with a toy, their hands or even worse, a fork.
They should always, always be covered with plastic caps or a child-proof box. You can find such protective devices at the Dollar Store, or at any major retailer.
6 Picture frames

Picture frames are a great way to expose life’s best moments, but they are not so great around children. When they are on dressers or on tables, they can be easily knocked over, which often results in shattered glass on the floor.
Children can cut themselves very seriously on broken glass; that’s why your picture frames should be mounted on the wall, where they won’t be knocked off, or why you should replace their protective glass with a clear plastic, should you insist on having them within reach of your kids.
7 Dishwashers

In this case, it’s not the dishwasher that is dangerous but rather what’s inside it: forks, knives, and other pointy items, as well as breakable plates.
A kid could easily reach out for these objects, which is why you should always keep the dishwasher locked. In turn, this will also ensure your kid will not ingest any dishwasher that could be inside.
8 Magnets

High-powered magnet sets have led to injuries in children who swallowed more than one small magnet. As a result, the magnets came together inside their bodies, pulling through or even trapping their intestines.
CPSC filed lawsuits against companies that were still producing such magnets despite being warned they posed a risk for children. Hopefully, high-powered magnets won’t be a risk for children any longer soon enough.
9 Hairdryers

Hairdryers are also potentially dangerous; they can burn sensitive skin, their chord can strangulate, and they also pose a risk of electrocution. Since they are often near water in the bathroom, children are especially vulnerable to electrocuting themselves.
Keep them out of reach of children, and make sure you always have an eye on your kid if they are drying their hair themselves. You never know, this could save a lot of trouble.
10 Loose Plastic Bags

There’s a reason all plastic bags say, “Keep out of reach of children”; so many kids have actually suffocated to death in a bag or when they rolled over a small bag when they were sleeping.
Keep them out of reach of children, especially toddlers, at all times. Recycle them where applicable, or, otherwise, keep them high in a cupboard where you can grab one if needed.
11 Tube Televisions

If you still have an old tube TV around somewhere in your house, make sure it can’t possibly fall from where you left it. Children have been injured in the past from that type of TV falling on them.
They are so heavy that they can cause quite some damage. Just like children can be seriously hurt by falling bookcases or dressers, a tube TV could bring your kid to the emergency room.
12 Trash cans

A trashcan can too easily be tipped or turned over by a kid. Think about all the hazardous items your kid could get their hands on if they went through your trash!
Rotten food, sharp objects, leaking batteries, old medication, cosmetics, etc. That’s why you should have a child-resistant trash can or cover, especially in your kitchen.
13 Bathtubs
It is estimated that 431 kids drowned by accident in bathtubs all over the country from 2005 to 2009. To put it simply, we should never leave a kid unattended near any water or a basin/bathtub filled with water.
This advice applies to regular baths but also kids’ baths; you may think your children are safe, but that exactly why you should keep an eye on them.
14 Unclean Humidifiers

Did you know dirty humidifiers could harbor mold spores, bacteria, and fungi? You certainly don’t want a household item that could spread all of those in the air 24/7 in your house, causing illnesses.
Make sure you clean and dry them regularly to ensure the wellness of your family and small loved ones.
15 Glass Coffee Tables

Glass coffee tables are dangerous in more than one way. First of all, sharp edges on any table are dangerous for kids because they can easily cut or scratch themselves on it. This is particularly true for toddlers who are learning to walk, as these edges are often at their eye and face level.
Moreover, some household furniture doesn’t use tempered glass, which means the glass is easily shattered and could harm your kid. To avoid all of these risks, make sure to purchase edge guards, and try to avoid glass furniture altogether in the future.
16 How to Childproof Your Pods

While laundry or dishwasher pods are very dangerous for children, the same is true for any everyday cleaning product. It is therefore essential to take the same safety measures for all your products.
Be sure to keep them out of your children’s reach at all times. Ideally, store them in a locked cupboard, for example, or high up where their small size prevents them from getting to them.
17 How to Childproof Your Power Sockets

An adult knows the dangers of electricity, but a child doesn’t. Children don’t understand that a power socket can cause serious damage and that nothing can get into an electrical outlet unless a proper power cord!
To avoid the risk of electric shock, try to hide your power sockets behind furniture where your children cannot reach them. However, if a socket must remain exposed, make sure to always put a cover on it when it is not in use.
18 How to Childproof Picture Frames

Who doesn’t have a few picture frames at home to keep the faces of their loved ones in plain view at all times? Plus, they’re perfect for decorating a room! However, even photo frames are dangerous for children.
To make sure that no unfortunate accidents happen, make sure your frames are out of the reach of children. Even if you mount them on the wall, at a considerable height, of course, it’s even better!
19 How to Childproof Your Dishwasher
The dishwasher may be a parent’s favorite appliance. After all, washing dishes is an unpleasant and time-consuming task! Unfortunately, the dishwasher also has its share of dangers for a child.
Especially when it contains dishes, the dishwasher should be locked at all times. Imagine your child starting to play with knives? Also, you should only put your detergent in right before you start your machine, never before.
20 How to Childproof Small Objects

For a child, anything can become as attractive as a toy. Once an object is less than about 1 inch in diameter, however, it can easily get stuck in his throat if he swallows it, which can have very serious consequences.
Whether we are talking about magnets or any other small object, a child should never be able to get their hands on it. So make sure you always keep them out of your children’s reach, high up or in a closed, child-proof place, and always stay alert!
21 How to Childproof Your Hairdryer

A hair dryer is often used on a regular basis, so many people might be tempted to leave it plugged in and handy, but this is a big mistake, especially if you have children!
Imagine that your child goes to the bathroom without your knowledge and decides to take your hair dryer. With the dryer plugged in, he can easily turn it on and burn himself, or worse, drop it in the toilet or bath and get electrocuted!
22 How to Childproof Your TV
Whether you still have a cathode-ray television or a large flat screen, really, they are all equally dangerous for your child.
To prevent your TV from falling and hurting your child in any way, make sure it’s securely mounted on the furniture on which it’s placed, or on the wall. You can also install a barrier to prevent your child from accessing the TV cabinet.
23 How to Childproof Your Bathtub

A child can easily drown in a bathtub when it contains even a very small amount of water. However, a bath can be dangerous for a child even if it is empty, especially if it is accessible. It is therefore important to take certain precautions.
First, if you can, adjust the tap water so that it’s no higher than 120°F, or get an anti-scald device; a child who decides to turn on the hot water can quickly scald himself or herself. Ideally, just don’t let your child go to the bathroom alone!
24 How to Childproof Your Glass Coffee Table

Glass coffee tables are dangerous for children, especially when they start to stand and walk. How many children have hit their heads on a coffee table? And imagine if it was made of glass and broke on impact?
If you have a glass coffee table, first make sure it is made of tempered glass, a type of glass that is much less likely to break. Ideally, this coffee table should be in a room that your child can’t access, but if not, at least make sure you put edge guards on it.