Funny And Weird Car Wraps You Won’t See Often
1 Riding The Waves
Surfing is one of the oldest sports in the world. Even prehistoric carvings over 5,000 years old found in Chan Chan, Peru depict this very popular sport. It’s no wonder so many people are into surfing and enjoy the sport!
This man, for example, loves surfing so much that he modified his car to make passers-by think he is constantly surfing the waves! We must admit that the effect is well done, but it is to wonder if he is able to surf standing on his board!
2 I Dream Of Sports Cars

Who has never dreamed of driving a sports car? You don’t have to be a car fanatic to want to experience driving a Ferrari or a Lamborghini. However, the chances of living this experience are slim, so imagine the chances of having one!
However, there is no dream too big, and an optimistic person will always get there. The car pictured in this car wrap is a Lamborghini, a brand that initially made a name for themselves with their tractor designs. Anyway, this person—kind of—drives a Lamborghini!
3 Bob Ross

Nowadays, who doesn’t know the famous American painter Bob Ross, who discovered his love for painting while serving in the Air Force? You don’t have to be an art lover to know who he is! He hosted the instructional television program The Joy of Painting from 1983 to 1994, after all!
In any case, this person definitely knows who the now internet sensation Bob Ross is, and one would think he likes him a lot! He has probably seen every episode of The Joy of Painting, and this car wrap is perhaps a tribute to this great painter who left us in 1995.
4 Mobile Garden

We really like green cars. Obviously, it all depends on the shade of green, but in general, we like it. However, we wouldn’t expect to see a green car because it’s covered with a kind of carpet! We only hope that this material does not store water…
This car is actually a clever advertisement for an organic tea and natural fruit juice company based in New Zealand. One could also think that it is an advertisement for a landscape maintenance company, but apparently that would be a mistake.
5 Surf’s Up

This picture was taken in the UK, where rainy, cloudy days are the norm. The people of the region are used to this type of weather, but not being able to practice your favorite pastimes because of bad weather must become discouraging.
So, what better way to escape the cold outside than to turn your car into the ocean? This car wrap gives the perfect illusion that this man is practicing his favorite water sport at all times. Better than nothing, right?
6 Slithering Snake

How to promote a zoo in a unique, original and effective way? Well, there are various ways, obviously, but to make believe that a giant snake is tightly coiling a bus is a pretty good one. Come on, that one was obvious!
The proof, someone thought of it, and the idea was accepted! Indeed, this car wrap is a clever advertisement placed on the city bus for the zoo in Copenhagen, Denmark. We don’t really want to get on this bus, but the idea is great!
7 Star Wars Fanatic

Star Wars has millions of fans around the world since the release of the very first film, Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, in 1977. Since then, the craze has not diminished, quite the contrary. The release of the most recent trilogy and the various TV series are proof of this.
The owner of this car is definitely a Star Wars fan and decided to modify a wheel of his car to put it in the effigy of BB-8, that we could see for the first time in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which made over $528 million in its opening weekend.
8 Watermelon Fan

When we love something, it is normal to want to externalize this love, to talk about it, to show it. But as in all things, there are extremes and some people will stop at nothing to express what they feel. This car wrap is definitely an excellent example.
You must really have to love watermelon to a whole new level to turn your car into one. This custom wrap definitely does not go unnoticed on the road. We love watermelons, but we will never love them as much as this person!
9 Chocolate truck

Imagine being on the road, being as hungry as a wolf and, unfortunately, having nothing to eat at hand. How painful it must be! Imagine passing this truck in such a situation. It would literally be agony for us!
It’s hard not to drool when you see this truck on the highway. If the company’s mission was to make us want to eat its chocolate bar, even if we are absolutely not hungry, it succeeded well. Give us a Mars bar, somebody, please!
10 Compromises with children

The Pokémon craze has been raging for decades now, and it doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. What’s more, absolutely everyone knows the famous Pikachu, who earned himself a movie a few years ago!
So, everything leads us to believe here that a parent has decided to make a compromise with their child, or that the parent loves the Pokémons as much as the child. Would you have the car of your dreams with this car wrap on it?
11 Runner’s High

Running is an increasingly popular sport practiced by millions of people. However, it is not an easy sport for everyone, and even when you do well, you will never reach the level of the Olympic athletes, that’s for sure.
This funny car wrap was found in London during the 2012 Olympic Games. Maybe this man is not really running, but the illusion is there indeed, and it is a very original and funny way to promote the Olympic Games!
12 Wild Hogs

Motorcycles and Smart cars have something in common in their small size. Did you know that it takes about 8 motorcycles to fill up a parking space for a single car? And that it is possible, sometimes, to find Smart cars parked perpendicular to the sidewalk in the streets?
However, this man with a Smart car seems to be repressing a deep desire to drive not a car, but a motorcycle. The effect of this car wrap is very successful, and we hope that it allows the man to live his dream!
13 Don’t Rob The Bank

We can never be too careful in life, especially when it comes to preventing robbery, and this bank understands that very well. You never know when someone will be tempted to rob a bank. Some people can become pretty desperate, sometimes.
However, a bank in Russia has found a very original way to try to dissuade anyone who would have the bad idea of robbing it. All it takes is an original car wrap on a van placed in the right place to stop a thief from going ahead with his robbery!
14 Creative Advertising

Having a car wrap on your vehicle to promote whatever kind of business you might have is a really good way to get easy visibility for a pretty reasonable cost, provided that you often use your car to get around the city.
This person understood this very well! This innovative car wrap advertises in a simple, effective and fun way a healthy fast food salad bar found in Sydney, Australia. What better way to promote Sumo Salad than with a sumo wrestler?
15 Get Your Vision Checked

Generally speaking, a car wrap is used to make one’s means of transportation more beautiful according to our respective tastes. However, some people prefer to do something different and go off the beaten track.
This car wrap, for example, that can be found on a bus in China, was probably used to send a message to the passers-by. Let’s bet that it has surely contributed to send numerous people running to their eye doctor!
16 Not A Van

Hemi engines are a top-of-the-line option for car lovers, in large part due to the fact that they burn fuel more efficiently than many other engines. This seems like a very good reason to choose this type of car!
Unfortunately for this person, however, it looks like getting a real Hemi engine was not a possibility, for whatever reason. Either way, this car wrap on his van creates the perfect illusion that he owns one, and that’s all that matters!
17 Pedestrians Beware

This car wrap is similar to another sticker that got a young man pulled over by police in Germany when they thought the blood spatter was real. Even if we understand the will to give style to his car, we find this one of very bad taste.
Honestly, what message does this driver want to send to everyone who crosses his path? It doesn’t seem like a very positive message to us, quite the contrary! We would never want to see this car on our way.
18 Coffee Car

This pretty original car, all covered in coffee beans and a burlap sack, appeared one year at The Challenge, Holland’s most well-known supercar rally. There’s no doubt about it, this car must have received a lot of attention at this rally!
It goes without saying that if you want to promote a coffee brand, this is the perfect way to do it. You certainly won’t go unnoticed wherever you go, and that is all that matter, right? Getting attention is the key to good marketing!
19 Fake Kidnapping

Some people have a pretty special and unique kind of humor. It’s true that it takes all kinds of people to make a world, but still. Someone who makes fun of serious situations, we are having a hard time to understand.
This terrifying car wrap seen in Italy will definitely make drivers do a double-take. This is a perfect example of a “joke” that we find a bit fishy. When did faking a kidnapping become funny? We definitely missed the memo.
20 Rusty Vehicle

While most people try to avoid rust on their car, those who want to create the appearance of a rusty vehicle should really visit DHgate, an online wholesale marketplace selling all kind of products made in China.
One wonders very much what the purpose of this person was in applying such a car wrap on his car. Is he a rust lover? Or maybe his car is new and he’s so afraid of having it stolen that he prefers to camouflage it?
21 X-Ray Vision

No bones about it, the owner of this Mini Cooper has nothing to hide. The British real estate company Foxtons is well known in London for their realtors zipping around town in a fleet of Mini Coopers in all sorts of original, funny wraps.
But the X-Ray car wrap is definitely their most popular one, and we agree with that. We really love that car wrap idea. It’s original, but at the same time, it’s not too flashy and it gives a really interesting look to the car.
22 A Puzzling Car Wrap

This fun car wrap is a product of Prestige Graphic Installations, a company based in the United Kingdom. If you are looking for something original and are the kind of person who likes to be noticed, this car wrap is for you.
This really colorful car wrap is also ideal for all the puzzle lovers out there! We just hope it doesn’t come in pieces, like a real puzzle, that you have to assemble yourself in order to put them on your car properly. What a mess it would be!
23 Forgotten Hitchhiker

Did you know that there are 500 million domestic cats living at home with humans around the world? That’s a lot of cats and cat lovers! For all those people who love cats and have a good sense of humor, this car wrap is perfect.
Discreet, simple and funny, it is the little touch that your car is certainly missing. Your cat loves you so much that he didn’t want you to leave the house without him. Beware, he’s hanging on and definitely coming with you!
24 Fuzzy Wuzzy Was A Car

Someone decided to wrap their entire Volkswagen Beetle in light brown fur. It’s a really good thing they parked it in a parking garage because one rain shower and this car would look and smell like a wet dog.
We hope no real animals were harmed in the making of this vehicle. Maybe the owner of this car is particularly fond of teddy bears and decided to turn his car into one. This is the only plausible explanation we can think of for this car wrap.
25 Good Boy

Unlike this pretty cute fake dog on the outside of this car, real dogs absolutely love sticking their heads outside car windows when on the road, because they love taking in the many smells of the world as they whizz by.
One thing that real dogs and the one on this cute car wrap have in common, however, is their habit of sticking their tongues out to show their joy of getting some fresh air! We have rarely seen a car so happy to go for a ride!
26 Beware Of Alligators

This picture was taken in Gurnee, Illinois, which is why the snow in the background doesn’t match the alligator’s usual tropical home. Don’t worry, it’s not a real alligator waiting for the right moment to pounce!
Still, this car wrap seems a bit scary to us. It is so realistic that if you look quickly, you could really believe that an alligator is in the box of this pick-up. Many passers-by must have been scared to death when they saw i!
27 Weight Watchers

This Weight Watchers advertisement, which only works for thick-skinned customers, can be found in the Netherlands. We have to admit that we are rather puzzled by this advertisement of the popular wellness company.
It’s very clear what Weight Watchers is getting at with this wrap, and the message is very understandable, but really? Illustrating a single overweight person who would have an entire bus swinging to one side to advertize their company? That seems like an intense one to us.
28 This Rocks

While white, gray or black are the most popular colors for new cars, this vehicle owner decided to go way outside of the box by combining the three popular colors together and making their car look like a stone wall.
If you look properly, you will notice that the wheels also matched to the rest of the car wrap. Now there’s someone who really likes rocks at another level. Maybe he has never stopped collecting rocks since he was a kid?
29 Escaped Tiger

We love this ad for the Perth Zoo in Perth, Australia! And what about the slogan, “Come to the zoo before the zoo comes to you.” which fits perfectly with the fake tiger that attacks the bus! All this is really well thought out.
We think this bus wrap is still a little scary, although very amusing. We want to visit the zoo much more than to go on this bus! Imagine sitting on the seats exactly where the tiger started tearing up the bodywork!
30 Cheetah Girls

This cheetah-licious car wrap was found in Costa Mesa, California. Even though we don’t know the driver of this car, we think we can tell that they love leopard print. After all, you don’t cover your car with a pattern you don’t like, do you?
This car certainly never goes unnoticed, no matter where it is. Unless it’s a zookeeper’s car and he’s driving it around the zoo site? Then, in this case, it would certainly blend in more with the scenery. And we wonder, does the horn make a roaring sound?
31 Street Sweeper

In a genius marketing ploy, Braun took advantage of the brush on a street sweeper to advertise their electric toothbrush. Whoever came up with this idea deserves a huge raise and a lifetime supply of Oral B toothbrushes.
This campaign was actually rewarded a prestigious award in advertising, design, and digital marketing from The One Show. P&G Japan Oral B was given the highest honor, the Gold Pencil, in 2010 for creating this amazing vehicle.
32 Cozy Coupe

The famous Little Tikes Cozy Coupe was created in 1979 and it seems like the hospital might as well issue one when a baby is born because almost every kid owns one at some point during their childhood.
Now you can drive one well into adulthood, thanks to this clever car wrap. The company Becker Wraps featured this Smart Car on their Twitter page, along with the caption, “This smart car came in for a little tikes full wrap! Who says you have to grow up? #wrapped #carwraps #vehiclewraps #smartcar.”
33 Fish Out Of Water

Here’s something you don’t see every day. Heartland Catfish transformed a Volkswagen Beetle into a catfish, complete with fins, a tail, and barbels on the front bumper. This car is just fishing for compliments.
It’s actually a really smart way for a company to get its name out there. People see a catfish driving down the highway and immediately take notice. We’d love top know how many customers this car attracted to its business.
34 Butterfinger

Chocolate lovers rejoice! The owner of this tricked-out car must really have a thing for Butterfinger candy bars. Please let the horn blast out the slogan, “Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger!”
Either this person was employed by Butterfinger to drive around town in the vehicle, or the driver has a major sweet tooth. Regardless, we love the use of the LED on the bottom. This car looks like a party on wheels.
35 Pac Man Fever

According to The Guardian, Pac-Man was created by game designer Toru Iwatani and the idea for the character came to him when he removed a slice from a pizza. We bet he never imagined that a Pac-Man Lamborghini would one day be a thing.
It may seem odd to see a luxury sports car wrapped with a video game theme, but we think it proves that the owner is actually a kid at heart. Where can we get a Pac-Man wrap for our minivan? We really like that wrap!
36 Asparagus Cement Mixer

This bizarre cement mixer truck was spotted at a construction site in Vancouver, Canada and we have questions. What does asparagus have to do with mixing cement? Does this person just really love eating vegetables? We may never know the answers.
Either way, this could be a fascinating way to encourage children to eat their veggies. Most kids love construction equipment, so why not get the word out this way? We’re kind of hungry ourselves, just looking at it.
37 Travelling Barber

Carlo & Co Barber Shop came up with a witty way to attract people into their establishment by making it look like the driver was giving a client a haircut as he drove around town. We bet this car could win any race because the driver probably knows a few shortcuts.
Seriously though, this is another case of a job well done for the marketing department of the barbershop. Clients might see the car driving through town and immediately follow it to get their hair cut.
38 When You Gotta Go

This brilliant Smart Car would certainly get our attention on the road! A plumber wrapped his car to make it look like the driver was sitting on the toilet. Now, that’s definitely one way to make a splash!
We can’t decide if this car wrap is awesome or a little gross? It did get us talking, in any case, so we’ll go with it being awesome. Even though it is admittedly, in fact, pretty gross if you think about it for too long.
39 Garfield Car
We love Garfield as much as the next person, but this Volkswagen Beetle car wrap is next level. The owner, Maritza Cruz of Silver Springs Shores, Florida, is very proud of it. So much so that she’s trying to earn a spot in the Guinness World Records for her huge collection of Garfield memorabilia.
Who do we have to talk to at the Guinness World Records to make this happen? That car alone deserves an award, like a nice big sheet of lasagna. That would totally be Garfield approved!
40 Red Bull On Wheels

This Red Bull Energy Drink car wrap is another marketing campaign, and it’s definitely gotten our attention. From the red bull on the side of the car to the huge silver can on top, we’re thirsty just looking at it.
There are actually hundreds of these Red Bull Mini Coopers across the nation. If you happen to come across one, be sure to stop and say hi because chances are, the driver might just throw a free can of Red Bull your way.
41 Spaghetti Car

This has got to be the most random car wrap on this list. It’s not every day you see a vehicle covered in spaghetti and the words “Toilet Paper” affixed to the door. The owner of this car must really love pasta and going to the bathroom.
Either way, we hate to admit that the whole thing has us pretty confused. There is only one logical explanation for why this car even exists. Someone must have lost a bet, and this awful car was their punishment.
42 Scooby-Doo Van

“Ruh-Roh Raggy!” Scooby-Fans will love this next crazy car wrap. Why not make your van look like the Mystery Machine? Doesn’t it feel like Velma, Daphne, Fred, Shaggy, or Scooby could jump out the back doors at any given moment?
This clever and colorful vehicle wrap was done by Custom Vehicle Wraps located in San Francisco, California. If this was our van, we’d surely be looking for mysteries to solve as we drove around town. So fun!
43 Suit And Tie

We love a unique car just as much as the next person, but we have to wonder why anyone would want to put a wrap on a Ferarri? Especially one as ugly as this item on our list. It has us scratching our heads in disbelief.
Someone decided to spruce up their sports car in a suit and tie. While that’s not strange enough, they opted to dress their Ferarri up in brown plaid with a purple necktie. That’s an ugly combination in real life, and not much less on a car.
44 Wild Child
For those of you who like to drive on the wild side, this jaguar print BMW is about as wild as they come. Not only is this vehicle wrapped in animal print, but the hot pink rims add a little something to the entire look.
Animal print seems to be one of those patterns that never go out of style, so this convertible adds a twist to a classic look and it will be fashionable forever. We love the accent of the pink in the center of the jaguar spots. So sassy!
45 Jurassic Park

Movie fans will easily recognize this next original car wrap on the list. This re-creation of the Jurassic Park vehicles was created by Chilton Designs on a Ford Explorer, and we’re totally impressed by how accurate it is.
They did an amazing job with the graphics on the wrap. If we saw this driving down the road, we’d think it was dino-mite! Seriously though, all we want to know is where can we get one of these for ourselves? And just to be sure, no dinosaurs would come after us, right?
46 Kool-Aid Man

It looks like someone has a bit of an obsession with Kool-Aid, especially with the Tropical Punch flavor. This high riser vehicle is covered from front to back with Kool-Aid memorabilia and looking at it is kind of making us thirsty.
We bet the driver stays cool in this crazy car and can’t help but wonder if they have to fight the urge to drive through a wall and scream “Oh Yeah!” just like the wall-smashing mascot. Drive safe, kiddos, and enjoy your Kool-Aid.
47 Hello Kitty

This Hello Kitty Cafe Truck rolls in and out of towns as a pop bakery. The self-proclaimed “mobile vehicle of cuteness” offers treats like Hello Kitty cookie sets and bow-shaped bottled water. Doesn’t it sound just adorable?
It doesn’t get much more adorable than this pretty-in-pink car wrap, though. From the brightly colored donuts to the cute image of Hello Kitty herself, we’d buy treats from this vehicle any day of the week. We’d love to know where he’s going next to make sure we’re there!
48 The Wolverine

This savage Wolverine vehicle wrap was spotted at a car rally in Europe. This looks like something we could sink our claws into. The side doors show an oversized image of the comic version of Wolverine’s famous bone claws.
Only a true X-Men fan would be interested in getting a car wrap as unique as this, that’s for sure. The yellow background is the perfect complement to the blue glove. We have to say that we think it’s a “Marvel-ous” sight to see.
49 Bacon-Wrapped Car

The folks over at Ford came up with a clever promotion. This bacon-wrapped Ford Fiesta was created in honor of International Bacon Day. This, along with other wraps, was made available on the Fiesta graphics website.
Ford said that the bacon-wrapped Ford Fiesta gave “a whole new meaning to breakfast to go.” Bacon-lovers should flock to their website because the world would be so much better if it was filled with more bacon cars.
50 “Minnie” Van

This next car wrap gives new meaning to the minivan. Honda partnered with Disney to create this adorable Minnie Mouse polka dot Honda Odyssey. The Disney-inspired vehicle was on display at the 2017 D23 Expo.
It’s a one-of-a-kind minivan that celebrated Honda’s partnership with Disney-ABC and the “Disney Unlock the Magic Sweepstakes”. That van is just too cute for words. We love the huge Minnie Mouse ears on the top.
51 Queen For A Day

The Furniture Queen is a furniture store located in Katy, Texas. The owner deserves a crown for dreaming up this sweet car wrap that can make anyone look like a queen for a day. The Smart Car is designed to make the driver look like royalty.
This is a great way to grab everyone’s attention on the road, and it is an even better photo opportunity. We love the gold gem-encrusted tiara on the roof. Seriously, who wouldn’t want to take the wheel of this automobile?
52 Christmas Car

Why not celebrate the holidays year-round? This Mini-Cooper was wrapped to look like a Christmas present and honestly, it’s getting us into the spirit of the season. The red, green, and white stripes mimic wrapping paper perfectly.
The detail work on this one is pretty amazing. We like to think that this was a present from Santa Claus to Mrs. Claus. Wouldn’t she look adorable riding around the North Pole in a souped-up Mini Cooper? And this car wrap is the easiest way to wrap a car as a gift!
53 Wonder Woman

DC fans will be stoked to see this Wonder Woman customized Kia Sportage. The car company released 8 different cars inspired by the characters of the Justice League and, we have to admit, this one is our absolute favorite.
Kia Motors America executive vice president, Michael Sprague, said: “Like the rest of the Justice League-inspired vehicles, this customized Sportage signifies a meaningful collaboration between cars and pop culture.”
54 Jelly Belly

If you have a sweet tooth, then you’ll want to take a bite out of this Jelly Belly vehicle. As a matter of fact, you can view a car just like this one directly at the Jelly Belly factory in Fairfield, California. How sweet is that?
This is a really brilliant marketing strategy for the candy company. After all, who could resist seeing all those gigantic jellybeans driving down the highway? We’d follow that vehicle straight to the factory and ask for some candies!
55 The Patriot

The owner of this truck really loves America and chose to express their loyalty to their country with this crazy car wrap. From the bald eagle to the stars and stripes, they’ve totally taken their patriotism to the next level.
This entire motif has us feeling seriously patriotic. There’s no shame in celebrating the red, white, and blue, that’s for sure. It may be a bit bold, though, but more power to them. Even the eagle looks proud to be on that truck.
56 Princess Peach

Now, this is what we call a huge Nintendo Mario fan! A user posted this picture of a Princess Peach-inspired Lamborghini Huracan on Reddit and we have to say, we are totally jealous of whoever owns this cool vehicle.
Everything about this car wrap is absolutely awesome. From the Princess Peach crown on the hood and the door to the unique wheels with yellow and white spokes, this thing is definitely a work of art. We think it’s downright peachy!
57 The Beatles

This Volkswagen Beetle was inspired by The Beatle’s album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. It also clearly gives a wink to their song “Yellow Submarine”. This is such a great and original tribute to the legendary band.
We can just imagine songs like “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” or “Strawberry Fields Forever” blasting through the windows while this car zips around town. It’s not often that you see The Beatles on a Beetle, after all. How cool is that?
58 Ka-Chow!

This incredibly sweet story wins the Internet. Single father Brett Winek made his young son Holden’s dreams come true when he transformed his Mustang into the Cars star Lightning McQueen with a custom car wrap.
Winek told E! News about his son’s reaction to the car, “He lit up so much when we picked up the car,” he explained. “He hopped around it and immediately wanted to jump in the driver’s seat!” Isn’t it every young boy’s dream to be behind the wheel of Lightning McQueen, after all?
59 Rainbow Tie-Dye

The owner of this Nissan Xterra went full-on hippie with this trippy and colorful tie-dye car wrap. This one was designed and installed by Eminent Custom Graphics Inc. We love how bright and cheerful this one looks.
They really captured every single color on the rainbow and we’re totally here for it. It must be so fun to see everyone smiling when you drive past them because this vehicle looks like an instant cheerer-upper! This is a great way to bring joy to a day!
60 Gator Tailgate

This is one way to keep drivers off your tail. We would probably fall for it and totally think that those alligators were real. This one gives the illusion that the tailgate is missing and vicious gators are riding in the bed of the truck.
There’s no way we’d drive too close after seeing those mean things. This must be a regional thing because we have the sneaking suspicion that “KWL DAVE” lives in the state of Florida.
61 Smile!
Sometimes we want to change the look of our car, but not necessarily all of it. In these cases, a simple accessory is enough. And it can even be very funny! A car wrap does not have to cover a large area of your car.
For example, these shark tooth car wraps that can be found on eBay allow the owner to transform their car into the aquatic animal in a cute and funny way. That is absolutely perfect for all the fans of the movie Jaws.
62 By Louis Vuitton

This particular Louis Vuitton brand pattern, one of the most recognizable pattern in the whole world, was designed by Louis Vuitton’s son, Georges Vuitton, in 1896. So this pattern has been around for over 200 years!
You really have to be a fan of the brand, though, to decide to wrap your car completely in that particular pattern. However, the car looks pretty old and not necessarily in good shape, so it gives it a little more chic cachet!
63 Take A Ride

Although Smart cars are tiny, unlike motorcycles, they actually have excellent safety features, sometimes better than much larger, well-known vehicles. After all, in the event of an accident, no matter which way it happens, the impact is close to you!
But while driving such a small car is a lot of fun, and you’ll never be able to parallel park so easily, nothing will ever match the feeling of driving a motorcycle. Still, this is the driver’s dream, so he tries to get as close to it as possible!
64 The Joker

No one has ever loved a villain quite as this person does. People are not typically drawn to the villains of the story. Usually, everyone loved the heroes. Why wouldn’t they? The heroes quite literally save the day. They are the likeable ones.
They protect innocent civilians from the violent nature of the villains. But this person feels the opposite of everyone else. Maybe they just like how bold the joker is or feel like a villain themselves. Either way, this looks cool.
65 Psychedelic

No, you are not seeing things, and no, you are not on drugs. This car wrap is seriously groovy, or something like that. There are so many colors that look like they just exploded all over this car. It’s like a rainbow threw up on it.
Do the colors look like they are moving, or is that just our eyes deceiving us? If this car sped by you on the highway, it would just look like a flash of colors and nothing else. We aren’t going to lie, that would be pretty cool.
66 Brick Volvo

Older vehicles are typically stronger than newer models. They are basically indestructible. Now, this old car has an even stronger exterior, but only by the looks of it. Could you imagine if a vehicle actually had bricks covering the outside of it?
They could drive through whatever they wanted to without making a dent on the car. Well, they could probably still do that without having the bricks, but still. The car would be very heavy, though. In any case, the bricks just add character to this car!
67 Spider-Man

Spider-Man is always there to save the day. You can always count on him when you are in a bind, so why not use him as a design inspiration? It is not like he has a Batmobile as Batman does, so you have to get creative.
This person did just that—got creative! They used Spider-Man’s mask as a “mask” on their own car. We are actually kind of jealous that we aren’t the ones that own this car. Maybe we should turn our car into Spider-Man, too.
68 Cool Bus

It is not a school bus, it is a cool bus! Who wouldn’t want to ride in this thing? Sure, it cannot fit many people inside, but still. You could drive it yourself and be cool all alone, or take a few friends along. It even has the stop signs attached!
Many people are turning buses into homes, so why wouldn’t they want this car to go along with it? You could have a cool bus car and a cool bus house. Doesn’t that sound like so much fun? We definitely think it does.
69 SpongeBob

Who wouldn’t want their car to look like this? Everyone loves SpongeBob, so that means everyone would love you, too. This car makes the wrap look even better since the shape of the car is a cube. It seems more realistic.
Since SpongeBob is literally a square, there is not a more perfect car for this design to be on. We think this is so cool. What do we have to do to be able to own a car like this? Just buy a Nissan Cube? We will do it.
70 Rubik’s Cube

Could you imagine a Rubik’s cube of this size? It would be physically impossible to actually solve it, as you can tell. It does look pretty interesting, though. How could anyone see through those back windows, either?
The paint looks pretty opaque, so that could be a serious problem. At least the front window hasn’t been turned into part of the cube as well. Plus, look how crisp those lines are! A professional had to be behind this piece of art.
71 Turtle Bug

How cool would it be if this turtle car could go into its shell, aka the car? You could drive down the street and push a button and have the turtle pop out. We can not think of anything better than that. Can you?
It would be a little less impressive if this car went as slow as a turtle, though. What good would that do? Cars are meant to go fast, not go at a constant turtle speed. But what do we know? It’s not like we have to drive behind turtle drivers.
72 Pizza-Vette

Do not say you love pizza unless you are willing to wrap your car in this. The only thing that would make this better would be if it were a scratch-and-sniff car wrap. Could you imagine how glorious that would be?
You would have the luxury of smelling pizza everywhere you go. Everyone would want to be friends with you. You would be the talk of the town. No, the talk of the world! We think it would be a good idea for everyone to do this.
73 Finding Nemo

Finding Nemo is a classic. It is an important part of many people’s childhood. The stress that we all felt while Nemo was away from his father taught us all a very important lesson, even if we didn’t know what that lesson was.
So, this person wanted a constant reminder to always be aware of their surroundings. We think that this person used this design in a very specific way. Maybe they get lost from their family too, so now they can always find them.
74 Rusty Taxi

Everyone has probably seen a real taxi cab at one point in their lives, so you know that they are not always the shiniest of cars. They are constantly traveling around town, taking passengers to their various destinations.
Si, it would not really phase anyone if they saw a taxi that looked like this one. But this is not a real taxi. Do not be fooled; this car is not actually that dirty. Or is it actually that dirty? They should get a car wash just in case.
75 The Hulk

The cool part about this car is that when you open the hood, it would look like the Hulk’s mouth is wide open. The design of this car wrap goes into some pretty good detail. You can see the Hulk’s saliva in his mouth and his veins.
Even though this is not a big vehicle, it is still a bold one. This car is something that people would be excited to watch drive down the street. Plus, this car is a serious babe magnet. After all, who doesn’t love the Hulk?
76 Professor Z

Professor Zundapp is a criminal mastermind and the leader of the lemons. This character in the Cars 2 film was modeled after a 1957 Zundapp Janus. This car has a back seat that requires passengers to sit in the opposite direction.
In the movie, his roof rack is broken, giving him the illusion that he has a comb-over. He also secretly planned on making a weapon disguised as a television camera. So, would you drive a car with a criminal history like this one?
77 Say Cheese!

There is nothing about this car wrap that looks appealing to us. It actually looks quite intimidating, if we’re being honest. Imagine seeing this car parked on the street while it is dark outside. What would you do? Would you feel calm?
No, you definitely would not. It would look like some kind of monster. All you would see are these huge white teeth glowing in the darkness. I would watch out for this car, you never know what it could be capable of.
78 Cosmic Galaxy

Why go star gazing when you can go car gazing instead? This car wrap is bringing the galaxy views right to you! How cool is that? I mean, it is basically like you are in outer space without actually being in outer space.
Maybe you are interested in science, or maybe you aren’t. Either way, this car wrap is definitely one of a kind. It must be impressive to pass this car on the highway! How long do you think it would take to make something like this? Can they make one for us, too?
79 Microscopic Hummer

It is true, Lyme disease is an unfortunate disease that can really take a toll on a person. But we do not think that this design choice was the best option for this Toyota hummer. They could have just used the sticker on the front windshield.
That would have been enough, in our opinion. Ticks are gross. Who would want to see them this big and this close-up? No one. It is extremely disturbing, which was probably the point of this entire design choice. Oh well.
80 Handyman Van

Just in case you have ever wondered what the inside of a service van looks like, well, here you go! You never have to wonder again, because this car wrap shows it to you. And yes, there is someone walking around the van at every point in the day.
Ok, maybe not, but that is what it looks like inside, anyway. This car wrap is like looking at a window into the soul of the van. Does the soul of this van look like it belongs to a repair person? Yes, it does. And that is ok.
81 It’s Corn!

By this point, we have all seen the viral video of the little boy who is just obsessed with corn, haven’t we? So, this is the perfect car for when this kid gets older. Do you know why? It’s corn! It’s a big lump with knobs, literally.
It probably does not have the juice, though. This little vehicle is perfect for corn connoisseurs, whether they grow corn or just love to eat it. This is definitely one of the most unique vehicles that we have ever seen.
82 The 90s Are Back

Yes, we know. The 90s were a crazy time for those that had lived through it. But just like every decade before, the 90s are making a comeback. Thanks to the television show Friends, 90s fashion is definitely a staple today.
Who do we thank for this cute little design? All we can think of are plastic grocery bags and styrofoam cups. Is that who we thank for this? But it doesn’t matter; this design is and will always be iconic. We’ll take one in every color, please.
83 Bass

Anyone who has ever expressed an interest in fishing as a hobby needs this truck. Well, it might be a little over the top for some people, but not for this person. This person wants everyone to know just how much they love the sport of fishing.
They probably use this truck to pull their fishing boat as well. We have to admit, this person seems so cool to hang out with. What do you think they like to talk about? We can’t really tell what they are interested in.