Funny Road Signs That Are Sure To Make You Laugh
1 No Turns

According to this signage, your only option when you reach this stop sign is simply to drop driving altogether. What else could you do, anuway? Let’s face it; You can’t turn right or left, and you can’t go forward or back either. So what can you do?
Given all this confusion, it is pretty unclear to us how exactly you even managed to get to the stop sign, but once you do, you’re pretty much stuck there now. I hope you are well equipped in your car, because you might be stuck there for a long time!
2 Road Closed

This sign is completely normal on its own. A road sign that indicates that a street is closed due to flooding. I mean, it’s important to notify people because it can be dangerous. But the sign quickly becomes hilarious due to the situation.
Generally, it is best to place this kind of road sign at a reasonable distance from the problem area so that people do not drive to it. But anyway, if you couldn’t tell that the road was flooded by the high water, there’s a sign letting you know not to drive any further.
3 Sign Not In Use

This sign is quite the conundrum. It says “sign not in use,” but by pure virtue of the sign being there, it’s in use. If this sign is not in use, why put a sign? What is the use of a sign that is not in use? One would tend to believe that it is indeed useless!
Also, why did they have to create a sign just to say it’s not in use? Wouldn’t it have been better to not put up the sign at all? We’re still scratching our heads at this one. We try very hard to find a logical explanation for this road sign, but really, we fail.
4 Accidents Prohibited

Accidents rarely happen deliberately. That’s why they are called “accidents.” But in case you’re thinking of crashing your car into someone else, this sign wants you to know that accidents are strictly prohibited on this road.
If you ever drive in this area, we advise you to be extra careful, even super-extra careful! As it is forbidden to have an accident, it could cost you a lot of money, and when you have an accident, the last thing you want is more trouble!
5 Human-Sized Mosquito

If you’ve ever lived in an area densely populated with mosquitos—especially in hot countries, therefore— then you know this sign isn’t as funny as it seems. In some parts of the world, the mosquitos certainly look big enough to carry you away.
In our opinion, it’s best to stay away from those parts of the earth altogether. We recommend Iceland and Antarctica, where there are absolutely NO mosquitoes! It’s cold, but you know, sometimes it takes what it takes!
6 You’ll Never Get To Work

Whoever put up this electric sign definitely wanted to have a little fun with the poor commuters stuck in traffic. Or maybe this person is just somewhat Machiavellian and delights in other persons’ misfortune… Who knows? Anyway.
There really is only one thing worse than sitting at a standstill during morning rush hour, especially when you know you’ll be late to work, and that’s exactly having a sign poking fun at you for being late. Please, give these commuters a break.
7 Garbage Only

Talk about mixed messages. Is there anything in the world we hate more than this? We don’t think so. But apparently, at this place, you can throw garbage in the bin, but you can’t throw away trash… Whatever that means.
Honestly, what is the difference between the two? Isn’t trash just garbage? Isn’t it exactly the same thing? We are so confused right now. This sign really makes us question a lot of things we used to take for granted. We know nothing either, Jon Snow!
8 Suicidal Deer

Apparently, a normal “beware of deer” sign wasn’t enough to communicate just how bad the deer are in this particular area. So instead, the sign people let the drivers know that the deer aren’t only around, they also have a death wish.
We don’t know about you, but we have the impression that living in this place must really not be very pleasant if the deer have reached the point of wanting to commit suicide by launching themselves in front of the cars that drive on this road.
9 Look For Penguins
Apparently, the penguins at Boulders beach have a really odd habit of hiding under cars that park there. Maybe it makes them feel safe; after all, everyone knows that this behavior is pretty common for cats, so why not for penguins?
But if that’s the case, that nice feeling of security they were looking for will disappear in an instant once the engine is started. So be vigilant and avoid a potential heart attack from the penguin that may be hiding under your car. Take a look before you leave.
10 Don’t Even Think About It

A simple “no parking” sign was way too easy for these people. Instead, they want you to know that you shouldn’t even think about parking here. Maybe people are really stubborn there, so the sign had to be more threatening?
In any case, with an aggressive sign like this one, it’s smarter to just move along and find a different parking space. Don’t even consider parking there. Not for a second. This could end badly for you, or for your car. Or both.
11 Which Way?

In general, a one-way street sign consists of only one arrow, going left or right. After all, this makes sense, since it is one-way, don’t you think? But now, have you ever seen a more confusing “one way” sign than this one?
While drivers obviously want to drive the correct way on the roads, it’s hard to know which way is right if the sign has an arrow pointing in both directions. We are sure that this road sign has left many drivers a bit confused!
12 Warthogs Have Right of Way

This town apparently has a large population of warthogs they need to cater to. Not only that, but the inhabitants of this town consider that the warthogs are on the same level as the town’s children. Can you believe that?
You better drive pretty slow here—no more than 20 kph! You wouldn’t want to be responsible for hitting either a warthog or a child. Joking aside, we still hope that children are held in higher esteem than warthogs in this place!
13 Keep Right

A “keep right” sign is usually pretty clear. You stay to the right, and there you go, no need to ask any more questions. But this “keep right” sign contradicts itself by telling drivers to go right with an arrow that points left.
What is happening here, exactly? Was this a mistake? Or is it a case of someone unable to differentiate the right from the left? Either way, that road sign is bad. We hope that there were not too many accidents caused by this confusing sign.
14 This Way To…

This road sign doesn’t even know what it’s pointing to! Can you believe that? It’s so funny! The arrow points left, but the question mark above it offers no information as to what you can actually find if you turn left.
In other words, the sign seems to be completely pointless, don’t you think? Ha! Canadians! Joking aside, the question mark actually indicates an information center. So, if you go in the direction the arrow points, you’ll find it!
15 Waterproof Cars

We are obviously not absolutely certain, without any doubt, of what we are saying here, but we have a strong feeling that this road sign was not placed on the right pole. Again, we are not 100% certain, but let’s say 99.99%.
Unless, of course, this town happens to have a large supply of cars that can drive in water. Submarine cars, or floating cars, perhaps? Imagine how cool that would be! But even though we’re really excited about this hypothesis, we still think the other one is the right one.
16 Trees Don’t Move

Oh my God, is this true? All our certainties have just collapsed in a fraction of a second. We are sure we have seen trees move before! Ha ha, just kidding! This hilarious sign simply points out the obvious—trees can’t move.
So, in other words, please watch where you’re going and try not to hit a tree. Unlike you, the trees won’t get in your way, so it’s up to you to be vigilant and avoid them. We know it’s not always easy when you’re speeding down a ski hill, but do your best.
17 Beware Of Cow Sign

According to this road sign, the cows in this area can be quite aggressive. If you happen to come in contact with one of them, it might just flip your car, just like that! That certainly gives a whole new meaning to cow-tipping.
Seriously, how aggressive are the cows at this location? How often does a car get pushed around by a cow? Anyway, it would be better to keep your distance. This is the cow’s territory, so beware of those who enter it without being invited!
18 Road Ends

Just in case you couldn’t see the pretty large lake that is clearly sitting at the end of the road, this warning sign lets you know that you better stop driving really soon, unless your goal is to drive directly into the water.
And unless you’re transporting a boat and want to release it into the water, we’re guessing that’s certainly not what you want! So, be careful, drive slowly, and above all, turn back the second you see this road sign!
19 Secret Nuclear Bunker

How secret is a nuclear bunker if there’s a sign directing traffic to it? Generally, when you want to keep something secret, you don’t announce it with a big sign, right? Instead, you do the opposite; you don’t announce it or mention it at all.
Apparently, anyone and everyone can visit this sensitive sight. Or is this Secret Nuclear Bunker actually indicated on this sign because the people who work there have a very poor sense of direction? It’s fine to be secretive, but when your employees are not able to get to work…
20 Penguins Crossing

While most people don’t have to worry about penguins where they live, there are still some parts of the world where penguins pop up all over the place. And much like the deer here, they probably won’t stop for traffic.
So, it’s best to keep an eye out when you are on the road and make sure you don’t accidentally run over one of the non-flying birds. The good news is that penguins are quite a bit bigger than ordinary birds, so they are easier to see, and they don’t move very fast on two legs.
21 If You Hit This…

For some drivers, hanging a sign with the height of the bridge isn’t enough to deter them from driving under it, whether or not they fit. After all, it is possible that for some reason the driver does not know the exact height of his truck!
So, after having several stuck truck problems, we assume, this town decided to make things a little more clear. If you hit those warning paddles, you better turn around because there’s no way you’re making it under the bridge. Don’t even try.

It has been proven that as a general rule, when the first and last letters of a word are correct, even if the rest of the letters are a bit jumbled, most people are still able to read the word. For the record, this phenomenon is called typoglycemia.
And this is good news for that employee for whom spelling a 4-letter word seems too difficult! Whoever painted this sign on the ground is having a really bad day. After all, you have to be pretty out of it to not only spell “stop” wrong, but to paint the entire sign before you even notice.
23 Beware of Cat

“Beware of cat” signs aren’t all that common. “Beware of dog” signs are, but apparently, in this part of the world, cats are something that should be feared as well as dogs. So, keep an eye out while you’re driving for any lurking felines!
Seriously, we highly doubt that this sign is telling people to beware of the cat because it could be dangerous. If we go by the drawing of the cat with its little woolen ball, we have rather the impression that it is better to stay on the lookout for a cat that could get in your way while playing!
24 Flying Cars?

This sign is hilarious in large part because it makes absolutely no sense. What is it warning against? Flying cars? Sure, we are very advanced in terms of technology, but unfortunately we are not yet at the stage of flying cars.
If you ask us, it definitely looks like the sign is unfinished and someone forgot to come back and fix it. There is definitely a sloping road missing from this road sign! Until the sign is fixed, however, stay tuned. Who knows, maybe you’ll come across a flying car that the whole world doesn’t know exists yet!
25 Don’t Drown

You’d think the message behind this sign would be obvious, but apparently not. If the road is flooded, don’t drive on it—it’s that simple. Are there really people who would venture out on this road even when it’s flooded?
Because that’s always the reason for all the ridiculous messages on some products: people who have no common sense. Obviously, these people need to be reminded not to venture out onto a flooded road, but also not to drown!
26 Two-Hour Parking

We don’t know if it’s just us, but we feel like parking signs are always a bit confusing. Don’t you agree? We must always analyze the situation at length to avoid getting a ticket. However, this parking sign leaves us extremely perplexed.
According to this particular sign, you’re allowed to park in this space for only two hours. So, ok, that part is fine. The problem is, that mandate only lasts for one hour, between 7 pm and 8 pm. Do you see the confusion?
27 Witch Roadway

This street marking appears in Salem, Massachusetts. If you don’t already know, this place was the sight of the Salem Witch Trials, which occurred between February 1692 and May 1693 and during which more than 200 people were accused of witchcraft.
And apparently, even though the events date back more than 300 years, the city of Salem is leaning into its dark history. But here’s the good news! If you’re ever a witch, you now have a designated roadway in Salem. No more traffic jams!
28 12.5 Speed Limit

Speed limits are hard to follow on the best of days. The limit can change at any time depending on the area and section of road, and it can sometimes become difficult to follow. But this sign makes it just a little bit trickier to follow the law.
Yes, you saw it right. The limit is not 12 mph, but 12.5 mph! So, you can’t go 13mph, you would be breaking the law, you small criminal! The only solution you have is to balance your speedometer right at 12.5… Or drive even slower.
29 No Pedestrians

We know that there are places where it is better not to go for a walk because it can be dangerous for our safety. Nevertheless, prevention is always better than cure, so it is better to put a sign indicating to pedestrians that access is forbidden.
But we have to admit, this sign takes a rather dark approach to warning pedestrians to steer clear of that place. However, it is probably quite effective. After all, who would want to venture out there knowing that they run the risk of being impaled?
30 Turn Right

If there is one place where you can’t afford to be distracted and look at a sign over and over again to make sure you understand, it’s on the road when you’re driving. But someone really messed up the design of these streets, and it caused a lot of confusion.
So, the town installed this sign. The problem is that the sign seems just as confusing as the streets can be! If you want to go left, you first have to go right. It doesn’t make much sense to us, but anyway, it’s the way it is, apparently.
31 Zombies Ahead

If you’re wondering where the zombie apocalypse started, well, it seems that it was in this town. Hopefully, most drivers saw the big sign and turned around before the zombies could get them. If not, well, the place is even more zombie-ridden than when it started!
Joking aside, however, what is the purpose of this sign? A worker just wanted to make people laugh with his sign? Or was he trying to scare some drivers? Perhaps this sign was installed specifically to advertise a haunted house on Halloween night? What a mystery!
32 Give Cyclists Space

The worst enemy of the road for cyclists is undoubtedly cars. It is essential that motorists leave a safe distance between themselves and cyclists when passing them on the road. But the irony of this sign is almost too much to bear.
Of course, it’s great to ask drivers to give cyclists space, but the sign itself is taking up the whole bike lane. How do you expect drivers to listen when you can’t even follow your own rules? Now, it is the cyclists who must briefly take the car lane if they want to pass.
33 Frog Parking

This isn’t exactly a “no parking” area, but it’s also not suitable for cars. The only things allowed to park here are frogs. Sorry cars, motorcycles and all. If you’re not a frog, you can’t stay there. After all, you are probably not the target visitors to this swamp!
And all the drivers better listen to that sign. If they do not and park there, there is a good chance that they will get toad! And no one wants to be toad, because frankly, no one knows exactly what it entails. Better not take any chances.
34 My Way Or The Highway

Have you ever seen a sign with an absolutely bizarre or funny street name? We’re sure you have, because there are tons of them. After all, it’s normal; there are so many streets in the world, it takes a lot of names to name them all.
And this particular street name is definitely a funny one! This sign took the phrase “my way or the highway” literally. Let’s hope there’s a freeway somewhere near this street so the drivers can take the highway option if they so choose.
35 Welcome to Accident

When you’re on the road, reading signs about accidents is first of all rather unusual, but it is also generally a bad thing. After all, who would want to be involved in an accident? Or know someone who is? Absolutely no one!
But when you’re a resident of Accident, Maryland, it’s a pleasant sight to see the town’s “Welcome to Accident” sign because it means you’re nearly home. After a long drive or a hard day, there’s nothing like Accident to make you feel better!
36 Welcome To Boring

Some people love exciting vacations. After all, it’s the perfect time to leave the monotony of our daily lives, the never-ending routine, and enjoy the time we have in the way that suits us best. But for those who are actually on the hunt for something a little boring, Scotland has the place for you.
Head on over if you want to experience the most unexciting getaway of your life. There’s nothing like Boring to rest and recharge your batteries. Nothing exciting to see here. And if Boring is not enough, know that Dull is not very far!
37 Welcome To Dull

Apparently, Scotland isn’t the only place with boring and dull cities. If you’re looking for something a little closer to home, you just have to head to Dull, Oregon. But be warned: There’s not much to do in this uneventful town.
And if you’re tired of Dull, get in your car and visit Boring. It won’t be any more exciting, but at least you’ll get a change of scenery. There’s even Highland Safaris in the area, but that’s potentially too much distraction for you, right?
38 Chicken Dinner

Winner, winner, chicken dinner! If you live on this street, you’ll always feel like a winner. Unfortunately, you might always feel hungry as well, and craving chicken, like, every day of your life. In any case, this would be our case if we lived on this street.
Who decided that a street would be called that? Chicken Dinner road, really? And this name was accepted, so more than one person is responsible for this. While we’re at it, is there an adjacent street called Pizza Night, by any chance?
39 Far From It

Hopefully, the name of this sign rings true for all the people who drive by it. After all, your car is the worst place to be closetopoopen. Isn’t there a worse feeling than having to poop when you absolutely can’t go? We don’t think so.
However, if you happen to have a business or a home on this road, it might be a little hard to tell people your address without laughing. Many people will not take you seriously, and we are sure that many will think it is a joke!
40 Hard To Find

Imagine living on that street and trying to explain to someone how they should get to your house. No, it’s not hard to find; it’s pretty easy to find, in fact, but the name is hard to find. No, that’s not what I meant either! It’s way too confusing.
People might move away from Hard to Find Drive just so they better direct people on how to find their address, because that seems almost impossible to us to do that clearly. It must be a total headache every time they have to explain the way to someone.
41 Go Away

On the surface, this street sign seems completely normal. The street is called Goa. Ok, we grant you, it’s maybe a bit of a strange name, but we’ve seen worse. But as soon as you say it out loud, this street name becomes absolutely hilarious.
Go ahead, say it out loud. Ha ha, told you! Thankfully, if you live on this street and you don’t want to see someone, this street name is the perfect way to subtly hint at them to just go away. This street is perfect for homey people who are not very social.
42 To Turn Or Not To Turn

There’s nothing worse than conflicting street signs. It’s confusing, and it can become dangerous quite quickly. According to the bright green arrow, you’re allowed to turn left. But according to the sign right next to it, left turns are prohibited.
So, please someone tell us, which one is correct?! Do you try your luck and take the left because the green light say so, or do you keep driving until you find a better spot to turn since the sign say you can’t turn left? That is pretty unclear.
43 Under Police Surveillance

Yes, the parking lot is under police surveillance. Therefore, the chances of having your vehicle stolen are probably zero. But no, they won’t stop someone trying to steal something from your car, though. This is apparently not in the job description.
But if the police are not there to stop robberies, what exactly are the police monitoring? It all seems a bit pointless, doesn’t it? It’s nice not to have your car stolen, but it’s also very interesting not to have what’s inside stolen either!
44 Just Speed Up A Bit

As everyone knows, some roads are in worse condition than others. This one, however, is a next-level bad road. It would be an understatement to say that it is in poor condition. It’s actually missing some of it! Where did the road go?
There’s just no way this sign can be real. Then again, we wouldn’t put anything past anyone. However, it’s unlikely any car would actually make the jump over that huge gap in the road. If you ever come across a sign like this, do the smart thing and ignore it.
45 No Outlet

You can’t help but chuckle at the placement of these two signs. The timing couldn’t be better. How ironic this is? If you were expecting to find all kinds of electricity on Electric Avenue, well, think again, because you won’t find any.
In fact, the street doesn’t even have an outlet for you to plug into. We honestly didn’t believe that such a thing was still possible these days. No outlet, like, come on! How do these people live? It must be pretty hard.
46 Be Bear Aware

Sometimes the best way to get people’s attention is to approach a fact with humour. If a message is memorable, people are more likely to remember it, and that’s what matters, especially in a situation like this.
But anyway, humour or not, this is a fact: in the presence of a bear, humans are no longer the king, so they should be vigilant! We wouldn’t put much stock in the person who comes across a bear and tries to stand up to it.
47 Risk Of Peeing Famous

Relieving your bladder in this area is definitely at your own risk! Well, relieving your bladder somewhere other than a bathroom seems to us to be a questionable idea, unless you’re deep in the woods, but that’s another story.
If you pee there, not only will you risk a fine, but possibly an embarrassing YouTube celebrity! And also, maybe, to pee in front of live witness. In short, several, but really SEVERAL people might be watching you, live or recorded.
48 Drink & Drive

Rather than giving the typical “don’t drink and drive” warning, this sign decided to take a different approach. After all, driving while intoxicated is very dangerous and can lead to a very dramatic outcome, for yourself or others.
So, they might as well be clear and direct in their message. It doesn’t care if you choose to drink and drive, but authorities want you to know that you’ll probably end up in jail, in the hospital, or in the morgue. And they even give you directions if you want to get ahead!
49 Wit’s End

Who knew that saying you’re at your wit’s end referred to an actual place? If you’re feeling like you just can’t take anymore, that life is too much, and you don’t know what to do next, this street is the perfect place for you.
But hey, ideally, your mental health is doing fine, and if you live on that street, its name is just an amusing pun that you laugh heartily at with your friends an family, who laughs at it too. After all, the street name is still very funny!
50 See Our Jail

This town is not playing around with its visitors. While they are happy to welcome newcomers into the fold, they won’t be kind to people who disobey their traffic laws. This city has a speed limit for drivers and they intend to enforce it.
Drive fast while visiting this city and you’ll end up visiting their jail instead—them’s the rules. We imagine that this is not the visit you had planned, so please respect the speed limits and contribute to everyone’s safety!
51 Stop

This is a wonderful example of the kind of little thing that we see from time to time, completely out of nowhere, and that put a little joy in our day. Whoever installed this sign must have been a fan of classic rock music, that’s for sure.
If anything, it might encourage passing drivers to come to a full stop just so they can read the lyrics. So, this sign has two purposes: it entertains passers-by and it contributes to greater safety on the road. It couldn’t be better!
52 Drunken People

This sign doesn’t seem too absurd if it was placed outside of a bar, but it still wouldn’t exactly be normal. You do see drunk people stumbling around after dark at bars, and you always wonder what happens to them.
Well, this sign is here to help. If you happen to be driving past this bar, be on the lookout for drunken people crossing. They don’t know where they are going or what they are doing, but they will be crossing the road.
53 Dumb Woman Lane

As a woman, I would need more context as to why this road was named this if I were going to be offended. Yes, many women would be appalled by the fact that this road is named “Dumb Woman’s Lane,” but is there a reason why it came to be named this?
Like, what if this road was really just dumb? What if it was the worst road ever built? Maybe it was built by a woman and named by her as well. We can’t be too sure as to why it has this name, but we do know that is still weird.
54 Dinosaur Crossing

If you thought dinosaurs were extinct, you are clearly wrong. This sign is all the proof you need. Well, maybe you would need actual proof of life, but this sign says that there is. What are you going to do, tell them it’s wrong?
All you need to know is that someone possibly saw a dinosaur and had to put up a sign to warn everyone else. It doesn’t make sense, but it doesn’t need to. Just be prepared, ok? You never know what you might come across here.
55 Heavy Pedestrians

You never know when you might come across a heavy pedestrian, so this sign is to help you keep an eye out. It’s not like you can do anything other than not hit them with your car, but still. You should always watch out for them.
Plus, what is considered to be “heavy?” Do they just have to be heavier than you? Or heavier than the average person? Either way, that could mean two totally different things. Maybe this is the designated crossing area for people that are “heavy.”
56 Follow The Rainbow

In case you didn’t know, this road is actually a rainbow. If you ride your motorcycle across it, you may experience extreme joy, like the guy on the sign. It looks like he is having so much fun crossing the rainbow.
Well, it could possibly have another meaning, a darker one. But we want to see the good in this sign. We want to think that whoever is crossing that rainbow bridge is having a good time and that they are enjoying themselves.
57 Fight Back

I’m not sure what kind of advice this is, but it’s not good advice. Why would they think it is ok to put a sign that says to fight back? Who would actually do that? If you are right there next to a mountain lion, what good can you do?
Never mind the fight-back advice. What about the rest of it? The children? We think that it would be best to keep your children as far away as possible. If you think you are about to get attacked by a mountain lion, maybe don’t use your children as human shields.
58 Broken Heel Zone

Ladies, this area is not for the weak. If you tend to wear stiletto heels, it’s probably best that you avoid this area. The sign clearly says that heels are going to break here, so don’t walk there. Unless your heels are made of steel.
Heels are expensive and we know that once they break, there is no going back. You can try to fix them, but they will never be as sturdy as they once were. So, if you want to save yourself the stress of having to buy a new pair of heels, take a different route.
59 Beware Of Thieves

Just so you know, this area tends to have thieves just running rampant. They will break into your cars and take whatever they deem necessary. If you don’t have any items of value in your vehicle, then you are probably going to lose your actual car.
All they are trying to do is make a living for themselves. But it is probably best if you leave your car locked and don’t leave anything important inside, not that taking those measures would deter a thief. Maybe you should just avoid this area altogether.
60 Say No

Our parents told us as children to always avoid talking to strangers. There’s the saying “stranger danger,” and sometimes, strangers can be dangerous, but dogs? Are strange dogs dangerous? It can be difficult for children to run away from a dog unless it is visibly aggressive.
But the stranger thing will always be valid. It’s so important that they thought they needed to put up a sign to make sure that the kids remember. Is this area so dangerous that they need to put these signs up? Or is it just a harmless reminder?
61 Don’t Ride Them

Thinking about riding your horse down this street? Well, you better make sure that they have their head, or else it is illegal. We aren’t sure how that would even be possible in the first place, but still. This sign is probably there for a reason.
Did someone actually try to ride their headless horse on this road? What kind of person would put their horse through that kind of torture? All we know is that riding your headless horse here is not allowed, so don’t do it.
62 Also…

Do you like to go around touching road signs? It’s the best way to spend your free time! Except you can’t touch this one. The sign says the edges are very sharp, and they clearly are, with their rounded corners and everything.
Don’t touch the edges of the sign! Also, the bridge is out ahead. You are not allowed to drive or walk over it, either. We think it would be more important to warn people about the bridge instead of the so-called “sharp” edges of the sign, but that’s just us.
63 No Wheelchairs

People who are in wheelchairs should not attempt to go down this ramp. For one, it just isn’t safe. Plus, there are crocodiles at the end of the ramp that are sitting there waiting for you to come rolling down. Be careful.
Clearly, this sign was put there after someone in a wheelchair had attempted this. They thought if they put up a sign, it would stop someone else from doing it. We know it looks really thrilling, but they are only trying to keep you safe.
64 Control Your Pee

Do you know that feeling that you get in your stomach when you go down a hill? It feels like while you went down the hill, your stomach stayed at the top of the hill? Some people like that feeling and others get scared by it.
They get so scared that sometimes they can’t control their bladder. Someone had wet themselves one too many times on this hill that they had to put up a sign. Not that it really matters what happens. All they want is for you to control your pee.
65 You Will Get Hit

Don’t try to cross this road. As the sign clearly states, if you cross this road, you will 100% get hit by a car. There is no question about it. They have seen it happen time and time again. Maybe they got tired of having to clean up the mess, so they thought this sign should suffice.
Maybe they should have a sign for the drivers to watch out for pedestrians instead of the other way around. Who knows, maybe they do. But don’t pedestrians have the right of way? Either way, you should probably cross the street somewhere else.
66 Tripping Hazard

Pretty much anywhere you walk is going to be a tripping hazard, especially if you are a clumsy person. Some people trip over their own feet, so should they have their own “Tripping Hazard” sign? It would help everyone else around them.
This sidewalk apparently wasn’t constructed with pedestrians in mind. Either someone messed up when they laid it out, or someone thought it would be fun to include a tripping hazard here. It could be entertaining to watch… Until someone gets seriously injured.
67 Cars Vs. Bicycles

Most people are going to be driving their cars along this road, but there is still a chance that cyclists will be there as well. For cars, all you need to do is take a simple right turn. But if you are on a bicycle, you have another thing coming.
Riding a bicycle can be very dangerous. Cyclists need to be extra careful when sharing the road with cars, and this sign shows that. Cyclists, beware! If a car turns right at this location, if everyone is not careful, it could end badly for you!
68 Stop Here

If you didn’t know what to do when you came to a stop, this sign is there to help you. When the traffic light is flashing, most people know to yield and look for other approaching cars. Apparently, someone didn’t know that, and it resulted in this sign being put up.
Even if there is a line painted on the road, that is not where you need to stop. When the light is flashing, you need to stop right at the sign. It doesn’t matter where it is, or if it is even on the street, that is where you need to stop. We don’t make the rules.
69 Be Prepared

If you’ve ever needed a sign to turn around, this is definitely it. Most people are aware that traffic can be dangerous, especially when people are operating large vehicles. But this is not what anyone would expect to see when they are in the car.
The sign says “Be prepared for the unexpected.” After seeing this, how could anyone be prepared for anything? Not only is the sign intimidating, but the tree trunk on top of the rusted car would be enough for anyone to say “no thank you” and immediately turn around.
70 Sudden Gunfire

You might think you are in a safe area, but you would be wrong. This isn’t an outdoor gun range or anything, there just happens to be sudden gunfire every once in a while. No biggie. But if you happen to drive down this road, you need to be aware.
Our advice would be to drive away as soon as possible. If there is sudden gunfire, it probably isn’t from someone practicing gun safety. It’s a good thing this sign is here, or else there could be some serious accidents on this road.
71 Touching Wires

Not that anyone in their right mind thinks it is okay to go around touching random wires, but this tramway felt it was necessary to have a sign. I mean, they are only trying to protect the people, right? Well, there are other things that this sign addresses as well.
If you do touch the wires, it will cause instant death. On the bright side, you won’t feel any pain! But if you do touch the wires (and die), you will still be required to pay the $200 fine. Yes, even if you do not make it, which the sign says you won’t.
72 Deck The Halls

We really like it when the surrounding environment adapts to the time of year we currently are in, and that is exactly the case with this friendly road sign. It offers a nice holiday reminder that road rage can be really dangerous.
Think happy thoughts and try not to freak out at all the idiot drivers around you, please. Anyway, when we drive, we always feel that all the other drivers around us are morons, right? So we might as well start practicing our Zenitude right away!
73 Nevermind

This sign actually exists, and it is at a new development in Denver. Clearly, even city employees can have a little fun once in a while! We think this sign is really funny. It is sure to capture the attention of passersby and keep them entertained for a moment!
Of course, except for being funny, we wonder why anyone would have decided to put this road sign there, but after all, entertaining people is probably a good enough reason to justify this decision, don’t you think? Everyone needs a laugh!