Top Cleaning Tricks That Will Make it Faster and Easier!
1 Clean Your Showerhead

If you have a dirty bathroom and vinegar, you’re on the winning track to the ultimate clean. There’s no way to keep soap scum or rust from building up on your showerhead; it’s a fact of life, even if you clean it with a soft cloth every day. However, if you have vinegar, your shower head’s cleanliness will be at its peak in no time.
Simply fill a plastic bag with vinegar and wrap it around the showerhead with a strong rubber band. Let the showerhead soak in the bag for a few hours, then remove it. To remove the remaining vinegar, turn on the water and you’re done! It smells great, and it’s nice and clean.
2 Clean Your Toilet With WD-40

While there are many products that are perfect for cleaning your bathroom, WD-40 may be the best option. Unlike some cleaners, WD-40 easily removes stains and lime buildup, and it doesn’t leave any stains or dirt in its wake.
The next time you clean your bathroom, spray a little WD-40 into the toilet bowl. Let it sit for about a minute before scrubbing the inside of the toilet with a brush. When you’re done scrubbing, just flush the toilet.
3 Clean Tupperwares

You’ve probably put a good spaghetti in a plastic Tupperware dish before. It seems that no amount of rubbing can get rid of that stubborn stain. But don’t give up and throw away your Tupperware because we have a tip for you.
A magic eraser becomes your best friend when it comes to a stubborn tomato sauce. After scrubbing, your dish will be as good as new. Here are some simple steps. Just sprinkle a little baking soda into the container, apply water and scrub it with the Magic Eraser. Finally, rinse off any residue from the container. It’s as easy as 1-2-3!
4 Clean Your Copper Pot

If you’re familiar with the ingredient base of your condiments, you’ll notice that ketchup contains vinegar, the favorite ingredient of professional cleaners. Although you wouldn’t use ketchup to wash whites, your pots won’t be affected by ketchup’s tomatoes—quite the contrary.
If you have a copper pot and a scouring pad, you have everything you need to succeed in this cleaning task. Pour a good amount of ketchup on the underside of your pot or cauldron, scrub all over with your scouring pad, rinse with hot water, and enjoy your success.
5 Clean Your Toilet Tank

Your toilet bowl probably goes under your rag every week, but do you do the same weekly cleaning of your toilet tank? Yet, just like the bowl, the tank can also get very dirty. If you don’t clean it often enough, dirt, grime and water stains build up, which can have a negative impact on the efficiency of your toilet.
Vinegar and water become the best alternative for cleaning this messy and unpleasant area. Vinegar will help remove mineral deposits from internal components, keeping your toilet in top condition. Plus, it won’t damage any of the components and requires very little effort on your part. Simply add a little vinegar from time to time and you’ll never have to worry about your toilet tank again.
6 Clean Your Pool

If you have a pool or have had one in the past, you know how demanding and recurrent maintenance is. In spite of our best efforts, sometimes a little greenish color comes into our water and creates problems. Rest assured, there is a product that you probably already have in your closet that can fight algae without any effort: the magic eraser.
If your pool starts to turn green, or even a little cloudy, place your magic sponge in a floating skimmer or chlorine puck basket. As the skimmer basket moves, the accumulated dirt and algae will be retained by the Magic Eraser, leaving your pool all clean. We tested this trick, and it really works! We just threw the sponge in the water and picked it up again later the next day. However, we believe this test only works for chlorine pools.
7 Let Your Blender Clean Itself

This cleaning hack is so ingenious that you’ll wonder why you didn’t think of it first. A quick way to clean your blender is to just let it do the work in three easy steps. Just fill it halfway with warm water and add a drop of dish soap. Put on the lid and run the blender for 30 seconds.
Dump the water out and rinse the blender with warm water. It’s really that simple and will save you a lot of time that you would have spent scrubbing the blades. This tip is most effective if the blender is cleaned immediately after use.
8 Disinfect Sponges In The Microwave

Kitchen sponges can be filled with bacteria, so you need to make sure to keep them clean and sanitized. This will prevent the spread of germs as you use the sponges. What’s the best and quickest way to clean your sponges? Try sterilizing them in the microwave.
Make sure that the sponge is damp and place it in the microwave. Run it on the high setting for one minute, which will kill any bacteria. Use caution when removing the sponge because it will be hot and nobody enjoys being burned. Allow 15 minutes or so for it to cool off.
9 Clean And De-Fog Eyeglasses

If you wear glasses on a daily basis, you know how important it is to have a soft cloth on hand at all times. However, sometimes a cloth can’t get rid of the little stubborn marks on our lenses. Before you change your glasses or lose your patience, there is a foolproof trick.
Simply apply a little drop of dish soap on the surface of your glasses and rub it with your fingers. Once everything is clean, take your usual soft cloth and wipe the dish soap off. Your glasses will be as good as new.
10 Use A Coffee Filter To Polish Windows

It’s sometimes tricky to clean windows without leaving streaks behind. We have a hack that will give you streak-free windows every time. This one is great because it uses a common item that many people may already have in their pantry, especially if you’re a coffee-lover.
Coffee filters make amazing cleaning tools for shining windows. Just spray your favorite window cleaner onto the glass, and wipe it off with a coffee filter instead of a paper towel. It will surprise you to see just how shiny this tip will make your windows look. They will sparkle for days.
11 Clean Burnt Food From Pans

At one point in our live, we’ve all burned a meal by reheating or cooking it. But when it happens, don’t worry! You won’t have to soak your pan or pot for 3 days or throw it in the garbage. Just use a sheet of aluminum foil.
Roll your aluminum foil sheet into a ball and make sure it’s big enough to hold in your hand. Then, gently rub the burned food. It will quickly dislodge without you needing to consider your cleanup a physical activity.
12 Eliminate Bed Bugs With Rubbing Alcohol

Bed bugs are very undesirable, and above all, difficult to eliminate. All you have to do is visit an infested place, or even just buy a used item, to bring some home, and the nightmare begins. Fortunately, the rubbing alcohol is there!
To effectively remove bed bugs, simply pour rubbing alcohol into a spray bottle and spray your mattress and pillows. Be sure to repeat the procedure several times to make sure you’ve eliminated all the bugs.
13 Freshen Garbage Disposal With Lemon And Vinegar Ice Cubes

Don’t let a stinky garbage disposal smell up your kitchen. Food odors can get trapped in the drain and permeate throughout your home. This next cleaning tip is a DIY project that can get rid of those odors, fast.
Freshen up your kitchen with homemade lemon cubes. Just mix white vinegar and lemon slices in an ice cube tray. Place it in the freezer until frozen. Then toss the ice cubes into the garbage disposal. Your sink will smell so much better as the ice cube melts. The ice tackles clumped on food and the lemons leave a citrus scent.
14 Get Rid Of Bathroom Mold With Vodka

It can be all too easy to discover mold or mildew in your bathroom. These toxic spores often grow in the caulking of your bathtub or between tiles. We have a tip that comes from an unexpected source and you could find it in your liquor cabinet.
It might surprise you to learn Vodka removes mold and mildew. Fill a spray bottle with the alcohol and spray it onto the surface you wish to clean. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then use a toothbrush to scrub it in. Your bathroom will gleam in no time.
15 Clean Your Oven With Shaving Cream For A Perfect Result

Few places are dirtier than the inside of an oven. Through cooking and making a few messes that we don’t necessarily clean thoroughly every time, our oven traps some stubborn stains that are then extremely difficult to remove. But there is one product that you never thought would help you in such cases: your shaving cream!
All you need to remove the toughest stains in your oven are your shaving cream and a scouring pad. Apply a generous amount of shaving cream to the stain, then rub it with the scouring pad. Then remove the cream with a paper towel, and you’re done!
16 Clean Your Microwave With Lemon

Reheating food in the microwave also means dealing with food that explodes everywhere. If you don’t wipe it down right away, the food dries out and becomes very difficult to remove, making it almost impossible to clean the microwave completely. However, with a little lemon juice, you can make this handy appliance look almost new without much effort.
Simply squeeze the juice of one lemon into half a cup of water in a bowl, then place the remaining lemon in the bottom. Then heat the water and lemon on high for three minutes. Wait five minutes after cooking for the lemon vapors to escape. Do not open the door! When the five minutes are up, remove the bowl and wipe the microwave with a soft cloth or paper towel. Stubborn food particles should come off in a flash, leaving a clean microwave.
17 Clean Coffee Stains

Whether you drink coffee or not, you definitely have coffee mugs in one of your cabinets at home. It’s an essential! But even though you wash them every time you use them, coffee can sometimes stain the rim of the cups. But don’t despair, because with the following toothpaste tip, your cup will be sparkling in no time.
If your coffee or tea has left an unsightly ring on the inside of your cup, grab your favorite non-gel toothpaste. Just put a little on your fingertip and swipe it over the ring. You can also use an old toothbrush. When you’re done, rinse with warm water. Then, enjoy your spotless next cup!
18 Dust Lampshades With Lint Rollers

Lampshades often gather dust, thanks to the heat of the lightbulb. It’s tricky to clean every nook and cranny on the shade. Have no fear because we have a simple solution that will make dusting a breeze. We especially like this one because it won’t break the bank.
Use a lint brush. You can often find them at the Dollar Store for next to nothing. Run the lint brush over the shade and watch that dust disappear. Here’s another pro-tip. Change the roller tape in the middle of the cleaning because it can lose stickiness as you clean.
19 Remove Hard Water Build Up With Lemons

Hard water stains often appear on faucets and showerheads. Water containing high minerals can leave an ugly green or sometimes pink stains. We found a natural way to remove those nasty stains that work just as well as store-bought acid cleaners.
Lemon juice is full of acids that eat away at hard watermarks. Just cut a lemon in half and rub it on the area you wish to clean. You can also squeeze the juice onto a sponge or rag and scrub the stain. We love this eco-friendly way to get those faucets looking shiny and clean.
20 Use Rubber Gloves To Pick Up Pet Hair

Pets often shed their hair on carpets and furniture. It can be a pain to collect all of that unwanted fur, but we have a trick that will make the process so much easier. Don’t waste your time pulling out the vacuum and fighting to clean it all up.
All you need to tidy up pet hair is a rubber glove. Just dampen the glove with a bit of water, put the glove on, and run your hand over the area to pick up the fur. This technique lifts the hair so that it sticks to the glove.
21 Cream Of Tartar Cleans Stainless Steel

If your stainless steel appliances have scratches or just look grimy, you’ll want to try this next cleaning hack. You can find the answer on your spice rack. Cream of Tartar can clean stainless steel. Say goodbye to all of those expensive cleaning products.
Wet a washcloth with warm water and sprinkle it with the Cream of Tartar. This will create a solution that can spot clean your appliances. It works great on smaller items like toasters or coffee makers. It can also do the trick for larger kitchen pieces such as your refrigerator or stove.
22 Wash Toys In The Dishwasher

Kids love playing with bath toys, but their rubber ducky can get dirty from exposure to water and dirt. What’s the best way to clean their favorite toys? We have a hack that makes disinfecting those bath time friends easy and simple.
We suggest using the dishwasher. If it’s good enough to clean your dishes, then why couldn’t it work for plastic toys? Just toss all the items into the dishwasher, select a cycle, and let the dishwasher do all the work. Your kiddo’s bath time will be fun and you’ll feel better knowing the toys are nice and clean.
23 Throw Tennis Balls In The Dryer When Washing Pillows

Does it seem like your pillows never really fluff back up after you’ve washed and dried them? We have a hack that will keep your down jackets, pillows, and comforters looking fluffy when you pull them out of the dryer.
Place a few tennis balls into the dryer with your items. The balls can help everything keep their shape by knocking out any lumps as they bounce around. No more patting out pesky lumps by hand. This technique can also cut down on drying time, so it’s energy-saving and earth-friendly. That’s a double win in our book.
24 Rid Your Bathrooms of Mildew

There’s nothing worse than mold and mildew in your shower area. The big problem is that once it forms, it’s hard to remove. To really clean your shower, you need something a little stronger than a simple sponge. Fortunately, one of our baking soda tips will do the trick.
The next time you’re at the stage of cleaning your shower thoroughly, scrub the inside with a sponge full of baking soda. The product will help dissolve any stubborn mildew, cleaning your shower easily and effectively without the need for harsh chemicals.
25 Clean Car Headlights

If your car’s headlights are not well washed, or if you can’t get rid of the grime on them, the following toothpaste-based trick will impress you. It’s a simple solution that doesn’t require expensive equipment, which we especially like. All you need is a tube of toothpaste, a towel or cloth, and water.
Squeeze the toothpaste all over the headlight and wipe it off with a towel. Then rinse with water and clean off any remaining toothpaste. It couldn’t be easier! Repeat these steps if necessary. You won’t believe how bright your car’s headlights look after cleaning them with this awesome tip.
26 Clean Your Sink

Toothpaste is a wonderful product to use in many different places, and definitely not just on your teeth. Indeed, you can also use it as a household cleaner, and it is a great option for cleaning your bathroom and kitchen sinks.
You can clean the bowl or use it to shine chrome faucets that need cleaning. Simply put a dab of toothpaste on a damp cloth and wipe the surface in circular motions. Then clean with warm water. Your sink and faucets will shine and smell freshly minted.
27 Clean dishwasher

We all tend to think that a dishwasher doesn’t need to be washed because that’s its primary purpose, but we’re greatly mistaken. A dishwasher needs to be cleaned occasionally to remove the residues that lurk in it and the mold that quickly appears. To get your dishwasher sparkling clean, use a little baking soda.
It is recommended, once a month or so, to add a cup of baking soda to the bottom of the dishwasher and run a full cleaning cycle, not including dishes. In addition to removing stubborn dirt, your appliance will perform even better and won’t give off a foul odor after your washes.
28 Clean Rubber Soles

Have you ever fallen in love with a pair of white shoes, but left them at the store in fear of dealing with the whiteness of them? Don’t do it anymore because we have the ultimate trick to end that fear. The white of your shoes will never be in jeopardy again. Bring your dirty sneakers back to life with toothpaste.
This tip works effectively for shoes with white soles. Take a tube of toothpaste and an old toothbrush. Apply the toothpaste on the brush and rub it into any dirty spots on the soles. Let the paste sit for a while, then use a damp cloth to wipe it off. Your shoes will look like new again.
29 Clean Ceiling Fan Blades With A Pillowcase

Ceiling fans are awesome at keeping your home cool in the summer, but they often get dusty, circulating allergens in the air when you turn them on. It’s crucial to clean your fan blades regularly so they stay dust-free.
We have a cleaning hack that can make the process go so much faster. All you need is a pillowcase and a spray bottle. Fill the bottle with two tablespoons of white vinegar and water, then spray the fan blades and the inside of the pillowcase. Grab a ladder and slip the pillowcase over the fan blades to collect the dust.
30 Get Rid Of Plate Scratches With Baking Soda

Have your white dishes accumulated scuff marks? There’s nothing worse than discovering scratches on your favorite plate ware. No matter how many times you wash it or put it in the dishwasher, the scuff marks just won’t go away. This next tip will save your dishes.
Baking soda can remove scratch marks from white plates. Just sprinkle the baking soda onto the dish, add a few drops of water, scrub it in with a dishcloth, and watch those marks disappear. Finally, rinse with warm water. No more hiding those plates in the cabinet because they’ll look fresh and scuff-free.
31 Clean Your Baking Tray With Frozen Dish Soap

Cooking is great, but when it comes time to do the dishes, we often regret having to fight with our dirty baking trays that are impossible to wash. Fortunately, there is a foolproof and ultra-efficient way to get your baking trays clean again.
All it takes is dish soap. Yes, as banal as that. However, instead of using it mixed with water and scrubbing with a sponge, freeze your dish soap in an ice cube tray, then rub your baking tray directly with your soap cube. You’ll see, the result will leave you speechless!
32 Dust Baseboards With Dryer Sheets

Baseboards are another location that can collect dirt in your house. Pet-owners often find unwanted pet hair lingering around on the baseboards. It doesn’t have to be time-consuming to clean up the dirt and grime. Don’t bother using a soapy rag or towel because we have an amazing cleaning hack.
Use a dryer sheet to dust those nasty baseboards. The most effective way is to fetch a used dryer sheet from your last load of laundry. Swipe it over your baseboards to wipe up all that unwanted dirt. You could be earth-conscious and cut a sheet in half for later use. How’s that for recycling?
33 Soak Dirty Pots And Pans With A Dryer Sheet

It’s challenging to clean dirty pots and pans when they’re covered with caked-on food. What are you to do if it seems like no amount of soapy water will remove those stubborn stains? This next tip will have your casserole dishes and skillets looking clean as a whistle.
Soak your dirty dishes with a dryer sheet. Just pour warm water into the bottom of the dish, place a dryer sheet on top of the water, and allow it to soak for 15 minutes. The longer the better, so you can even leave it soaking overnight. Finally, clean the dish with a wet sponge and rinse.
34 Clean Your Cutting Board With Lemon And Salt

Is your wooden cutting board looking less than fresh? Since wooden cutting boards often crack and warp if they’re washed in the dishwasher, it’s tricky to clean them. Especially since potential cracks could spread food-borne bacteria.
Lemons to the rescue! All you have to do to keep your cutting board clean is scrub it with salt and place half a lemon on it. Use the fleshy side to slide the juice onto the surface. Allow the solution to sit for 5 minutes. Then, wipe it with a sponge, rinse with warm water, and leave it out to dry.
35 Clean Blinds With Socks

Another item that can gather dust in your home is the window blinds. It’s challenging to clean between the slats. There is a genius way to solve this dilemma, and the answer is in your sock drawer.
Place a sock over your hand, spray it with a solution of vinegar and water, and wipe down the blinds with it. The softer the sock, the better. You won’t believe how effective this method is at gathering dust and dirt. We like that it uses an item you already own, so it saves you both cash and time.
36 Clean Easily Your Glass Cooktop With The Pink Stuff

It’s all over the internet right now: The Pink Stuff is THE product to use for cleaning just about anything. It’s a pink-colored paste with several ingredients, such as quartz, soap, baking soda and Acid Red 52. If you have a glass cooktop, this is definitely one of the best products to use to get a totally clean surface.
Simply coat the surface to be cleaned with The Pink Stuff, let it dry a bit, then clean with a wet sponge! Then wipe it off with a dry cloth. But not only will your stove glass come back to life, but The Pink Stuff can also help you clean your pots, pans, oven, name it. You’d be crazy not to use it!
37 Polish Tarnished Silver With Toothpaste

If you’re hoping to polish tarnished silver without using harsh chemicals, then you’ll want to take note of this next hack. Don’t spend your money on expensive cleaning products to clean your silver, just grab a tube of toothpaste.
Be sure to use a non-abrasive and non-gel brand so you don’t scratch the surface. Use a soft cloth or paper towel and squeeze a small amount of toothpaste onto it. Rub the item you wish to polish in a circular motion. Let the toothpaste sit for 5 minutes and then rinse with water. Your silver will look good as new.
38 Clean Vent Covers In The Bathtub

One overlooked item in the home that often gets dirty is the air vent covers. Mold and mildew can grow on them, so it’s important that you clean them of dust and grime. It’s challenging to wash between the small slats, but we’ve simplified the process with this next hack.
Clean your air vent covers in the bathtub. Fill your bathtub up with warm water and add a few drops of dish soap. Leave the covers soaking in the water for a bit. Finally, rub a washcloth over the vent to remove all the dirt.
39 Remove Rust From Your Radiator With Ketchup

The older the radiator, the more rust it will inevitably accumulate, and once it reaches a certain point, it is extremely difficult to remove. However, you will be happy to know that a little ketchup and aluminum foil can remedy this problem!
All you have to do is apply a little ketchup to the rusty parts of your radiator, then rub with a ball of aluminum foil. In no time, your radiator will be as good as new!
40 Keep Your Clothes White By Using Aspirin

It’s a fact: white clothes never really stay white very long. Even with the best products, after a few washes, the color already starts to fade. If you feel like you’ve run out of ways to deal with this, don’t worry, we have an extra solution you probably haven’t thought of!
Go to your medicine cabinet and take five 325 mg Aspirin tablets. Dissolve them in cold water and add your white clothes. Let your clothes soak overnight and then wash them normally in your washing machine. You can also add the Aspirin directly to your washing machine, but soaking makes it much more effective.
41 Remove Scratches On Stainless Appliances With Toothpaste

It’s inevitable, at some point, some scratches will appear on your stainless steel appliances. Although this is normal, it is always a little annoying and disturbing. The good news is that there is a way to eliminate these unwanted scratches, and you already have what you need in your bathroom! In fact, a simple toothbrush and a little toothpaste will get rid of the scratches that have appeared on your stainless steel appliances.
All you have to do is apply a small amount of whitening toothpaste on an old toothbrush that you no longer use, then rub gently in circular motion, following the grain of the stainless, on the scratches to be removed. Then, clean the whole with a damp microfiber towel, and you’re done!
42 Make Your Stainless Steel Shine

It is essential to clean your stainless steel appliances regularly, otherwise their beauty will fade quickly. However, if you want to restore their shine, consider using a little flour!
After cleaning your stainless steel, sprinkle a little flour on a clean, dry cloth and gently buff your stainless until it shines! That’s pretty simple, right?
43 Keep Your Bathroom Mirror From Fogging With Shaving Cream

A bathroom mirror that doesn’t fog up is practically impossible. Unless you have a really powerful fan—and still!—it takes several minutes after each shower to be able to see our reflection in the mirror again. However, an unexpected product in your bathroom is the solution to this problem!
Before you shower again, take your shaving cream and apply a thin layer to your mirror. Then, simply remove the cream and buff your mirror until it is clean and pristine. You’ll see, when you get out of the shower, your mirror won’t be fogged up!
44 Clean Your Oven Door With A Dishwasher Tablet

The inside of an oven door is potentially one of the dirtiest places in your home. Various cooking residues that are not cleaned after each use end up accumulating, and when the time comes to remove them, it becomes quite difficult. But we have an unsuspected but effective trick to recommend! Get out a powdered tablet of dishwasher detergent, put on your dishwashing gloves to protect yourself from the bleach in the tablet, and get to work!
Soak the detergent tablet in hot water, then scrub the gunk off your oven door with it. The best way to do this is to keep it flat on the door, then apply good pressure with your palm as you scrub. You’ll quickly see the dirt disappear to leave your oven glass spotless. All that’s left is to remove the remaining residue with a paper towel, then finish the trick with a damp cloth!
45 Bleach Pens For Tile Grout

Anyone with tile floors knows just how dirty grout lines can get and how difficult it can be to make them really clean. Sometimes it feels like no amount of scrubbing will lift the grime. Try using a Clorox Bleach Pen to clean between your tiles.
Simply run the bleach pen over the grout line and allow it to sit for at least 4 hours. You could also leave it on overnight for the best results. Then wipe it down with a sponge and warm water. The dirt will lift right off as you wipe! Your grout lines will look spic and span.
46 Shine Glass Stovetops With Car Wax

Do you feel like your glass stovetop never looks as clean as you’d like? There are several products on the market designed to remove grime from stovetops, but maybe you’re looking for something to make it shine even more.
If so, then you’ll be so impressed with this next tip. You can rub car wax on the cooktop to give your burners that extra shine. This method requires you to clean your stove as you normally would, then apply the car wax. This will not only make your stovetop sparkle, but it will help spills run off the surface as well.
47 Lint Rollers Clean Window Screens

One item in the house that many people overlook cleaning is the screen windows. They often collect dirt, dust, and fuzz that can be a challenge to remove. There is a common tool that you should have in your arsenal that makes the job so much easier. A lint roller is effective at lifting up all that unwanted gunk.
The process is pretty straightforward and works just as it does when removing lint from clothing. Just run a lint roller across the window screen and watch it work its magic. This method works great on screen doors, too.
48 Pour Pine-Sol Into Your Toilet Brush Holder

The bathroom can be a smelly room in the house, but we have a hack to keep it not only smelling fresh but can help with cleaning as well. All you need is a bottle of Pine-Sol. Just pour a bit of the mixture into your toilet brush holder and submerge the brush into the liquid. You can soak the brush in it all the time.
The Pine-Sol will eliminate any yucky smells that may linger on the brush. Your entire restroom will smell better and allowing the brush to sit in the solution will help cut cleaning time as well.
49 Use Water Repellant On Shower Doors

People who have glass shower doors can attest to how hard it can be to deal with water stains. Cleaning it can seem like a dauntless task, as many homeowners wipe down the door every time they’re done taking a shower.
What if we told you that an inexpensive and easy way to keep your glass shower door stain-free? Spray some glass repellent onto the surface. If it’s good enough to protect your car’s windshield, then it’s good enough for your shower door. Any water droplets will bead up and slide off the glass. This will make your life so much easier.
50 Scrub Cast Iron Skillets With A Potato

Do you love cooking with cast iron skillets? If so, you may not know the best way to keep them clean. All you need are three ingredients: coarse salt, oil, and a potato. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees, sprinkle salt on the skillet and cut the potato in half.
Hold the spud and place the flat side onto the skillet. Scrub in a circular motion until the pan is clean, then rinse and pat dry. Season it with a thin layer of oil and put it in the warmed oven for an hour. Wipe away any excess oil with a paper towel.
51 Use A Mesh Bag In The Dishwasher

Are you tired of all those small kitchen items falling off the dishwasher rack during a cleaning cycle? It can be so annoying to discover small Tupperware lids and other items littering the bottom of your dishwasher. We have a creative solution to this problem.
Use a mesh bag to hold those pesky items. Just like we can use a mesh baggy for our delicates in the washing machine, the same concept works in the dishwasher. It also makes unloading a breeze, as you can just carry the bag with you to the cabinet to put the clean items away.
52 Baby Wipes Clean Chalk Boards

One thing that is currently trending is painting kitchen cabinets or walls with chalk paint. People enjoy leaving messages and doodles, but may not enjoy how stubborn the chalk can be to wipe off the surface.
If you have a chalkboard that could use a bit of freshening up, try this next trick to get it clean quicker. Don’t use a chalk eraser, try wiping it down with a baby wipe instead. The moist towel does an amazing job at clearing off that chalk dust so your family can create their next kitchen masterpiece on a blank slate.
53 Clean Porcelain Bathtubs With Mayonnaise

We love it when kitchen staples serve a dual purpose. Not only can mayonnaise make your sandwich yummy, but you can also use it as a cleaning tool. So, fetch that jar out of the pantry and carry it to the bathroom because it is useful in many ways.
Mayo works great for lifting rust stains off of porcelain bathtubs or sinks. Just spread a dab of mayonnaise on top of the stain, leave it sitting for a bit, and wipe it off. You’ll be thrilled to see the shiny surface beneath. Who knew that a common condiment could clean so effectively?
54 Play Dough Picks Up Glitter

If you enjoy arts and crafts but think cleaning up glitter is a bit of a nightmare, you’ll want to try this next cleaning hack. Getting rid of the pesky glitter can be simple, and it only takes one item that may be waiting for you in your kid’s toy box.
Clean up that crafty mess with play dough. Just pop some out of the canister, flatten it out, and press the play dough down on the surface you want to clean. It will pick up all the leftover glitter in no time, leaving more time to be creative.
55 Clean Your Shower

Chemicals are often used in our bathrooms because they are effective. However, there are kitchen products that are just as effective when it comes to cleaning. We’re all familiar with lemon, vinegar and baking soda, but few people know that cooking sprays are just as effective for certain cleaning situations. In addition to cleaning your bathroom fixtures, cooking spray is also a useful compound for creating clean, spotless shower doors.
Glass shower doors are constantly dirty due to water stains. The next time you clean your shower, start by spraying the doors with a good amount of cooking spray. Leave the spray on for a few minutes, then wipe it off. Then, you can continue cleaning as normal. When you’re done, you’ll notice that your shower doors are noticeably brighter and cleaner.
56 Clean Your Garden From Weed

It’s impossible to have a garden without having to deal with the occasional weed. Unfortunately, as much as we want to opt for natural products, we sometimes end up turning to chemicals that have a direct impact on our garden. Chemical weed killers can not only damage the plants you are trying to grow, but they can also have harmful effects on your family and pets.
So, you can keep your desire to stay natural and turn to vinegar. Simply choose a vinegar with high acidity and put it in a spray bottle, then spray your plants to get rid of the pests in your garden. Use the vinegar alone, or combine a gallon of white vinegar with a tablespoon of dish soap and a cup of salt for an even more effective mixture.