Craziest Images Caught On Google Street View
1 Uncontrollable Love

We don’t know how long these two lovebirds have been together, but no matter, the flame is definitely still very much lit between them! So much so that they can’t hold back from jumping on each other at every time, even in public!
The Google Street View car immortalized this woman sitting astride on this man, holding his arms down above his head, right in the middle of a sidewalk. But what are they doing here, exactly? Get a room, guys!
2 Horse Boy

A person in Victoria, British Columbia, created a hilarious scene for the Street View car. A man wearing a horse mask can be seen sitting at a temporary table for two on the side of the road, accompanied by two pink garden flamingos.
This picture definitely gets the Most Creative Award for the use of a horse mask, and the banana he is holding is a nice touch! We are convinced that this man somehow knew that the Google Street View car was coming. Otherwise, this scene is a bit difficult to explain!
3 Penguin On A Bicycle

Here is something you don’t see every day on the road. Google captured someone riding an old-school farthing bicycle in Western Australia. Well, so far, so good. Sure, it’s quite an unusual sight, but nothing more.
But to make this situation even more strange, there is a trailer cycle hanging on the back of the farthing bike, but it is not a child who takes place there. It is rather a penguin who is sitting on it! Fortunately, it doesn’t seem to be a real one, but a stuffed animal.
4 A Confused Cat

It is a fact that cats sleep a lot. In fact, on average, they sleep 15 hours a day. So it’s not surprising to learn that this cat was napping at the Largo di Torre Argentina in Rome when the Google Street View car passed by.
Imagine the rude awakening this cat had when he realized he had a camera right in its face! The poor guy doesn’t look like it’s in its best shape. Google Street changed the image not so long after they find out about this lazy cat.
5 Falling Man

We all have mishaps at one time or another, and this is even more true for clumsy people. However, normally there is no camera to capture these unglamorous moments. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for this person.
Some poor man performed an epic face plant right in front of the Google Street View car. Obviously, he couldn’t have picked a worse time to fall off in the street. That’s just embarrassing! For his sake, we hope that this image will be replaced quickly.
6 A Creepy Scene

Sometimes, some things just seem inexplicable. This is the case here. A group of people in Mexico dressed up in costumes and posed for the Google Street Car. This looks like a scene from the movie The Purge, don’t you think?
Anyway, this image gives us a bit of a creepy feeling. Four masked individuals looking very suspicious, wandering along a desert road… Nope! We don’t like it at all. Honestly, nothing could inspire a horror movie scenario more.
7 The Birds

Seagulls can be very intrusive when they get going, even when they are alone, so imagine the chaos they can create when there are several of them! We have a perfect example of that occurrence on this Google Street View photo.
A Google Street View car snapped this unnerving pic of swarming seagulls. We’re getting Alfred Hitchcock vibes a lot from this one, and we must admit that it makes us a little anxious! We would not have liked to be there at all.
8 Seeing Double

The Google Street Car snapped this weird picture of two identical men taking a walk down the street. What are the real chances of such a photo being taken? Could they be twins dressed in a totally identical way, perhaps?
The hypothesis that we find most plausible, however, remains the possibility that there was a glitch in the matrix! These two men are far too similar to be two different people. Especially since, if you look properly, both men are holding something in their left hand. It’s a glitch for sure!
9 Sexy Photoshoot

All reasons are good to do a sexy photoshoot, right? After all, it’s very empowering for a woman, and it’s a perfect way to feel beautiful, strong and sexy. It’s impossible not to feel good about yourself when you look at the pictures afterwards!
But what this Google Street View car captured is a little stranger than that. A sexy photoshoot, ok, but in the middle of the city, in full view of anyone passing by? Seems a bit extravagant to us. This woman definitely has a lot of confidence to present herself like that!
10 Dystopian Nightmare

The Google Street Car passed by this suspicious person crouching in the woods while wearing a gas mask and one can only wonder what is going on. This is either a well-planned prank or something very sinister was going down.
Already, a person in this position in the middle of a forest, it is strange. He could be playing hide and seek, but we doubt it. But the fact that this person is wearing a gas mask adds a lot to the weirdness of this picture!
11 Baby’s Day Out

The Google Street View car passed by this unattended baby crawling on the sidewalk. Either that infant is completely lost, or it has very expensive taste. But after all, a baby dressed in Gucci—if you have the money—why not?
We still hope that one of his parents was nearby and watching him. Hidden behind the stone column, perhaps? In any case, let’s keep our fingers crossed that there is a logical explanation to this picture. Otherwise, it would be horrible!
12 Japanese Pigeon People

Japanese art students from Musashino Art University played this Google Street View prank on the sidewalk in Tokyo. It looks just like a terrifying ritual is about to unfold. If we saw this on our way, we would clearly turn back!
When you know that it is, for sure, a prank, however, the image becomes much less scary. It remains a somewhat strange artistic performance, and a bit of a creepy sight, but modern art will always remain what it is!
13 Tiger King

As the Google Street View car drove by, it caught a rather strange sight of a tiger crossing a parking lot in the middle of a city. But what’s going on? Did Tiger King go on an errand with his big, furry friend?
We have several questions about this photo. Where did this tiger come from? How did it get there? Was it inside the building for some reason and it escaped? Anyway, we hope that no one crossed its path before it was retrieved by his owners!
14 Prank In Progress

Sometimes it’s nice to play a good trick on a friend, or someone we don’t like as much, to get back at them. Any reason is a good one, after all! But sometimes, when you make a prank for the second reason, it’s better to be as discreet as possible.
Unfortunately, here, this woman was caught red-handed as the Google Street View car drove by while she was wrapping a car with plastic wrap. One wonders how this prank ended up, anyway! Did she get caught?
15 An Ethereal Scene

We love this beautiful image of immaculate white sheets gently blowing in the wind in Italy. The white sheets look like angels dancing. This beautiful and peaceful moment frozen in time seems almost a work of art!
Imagine admiring this moment in person, as you stroll quietly along this stone walkway on the waterfront with your loved one. This is a wonderful memory you would share forever! Unless the sheets don’t stop flying in your face. That would spoil the magic a bit!
16 A Heavy Load

The Google Street View car passed by this overloaded car in Bulgaria. Not only a ton of empty cardboard boxes are attached to the roof of the car, but the interior of the car also appears to be completely filled.
One wonders what the owner of this vehicle is doing with so many empty boxes and other stuff. Does he live in his car? In any case, those dogs are very protective of their owner’s junk, so we deduce that they are potentially valuable items for him.
17 Rollin With My Homies

The Google Street View car immortalized this group of old men on Segways, rolling on this wide stone sidewalk. They seem pretty casual, as if they are used to doing this every day. They look like a slow-moving biker gang for senior citizens.
We must admit that we find these old men on their Segways rather sympathetic. They seem to have fun, and if it can incite them to go out and see each other more often, why not? It seems to us a very pleasant activity to do!
18 Blur Your House

A man didn’t want his house to be seen on Google Street View, so he blurred it. Did you know you could do that? If you got caught by The Google Car while you were doing something stupid in front of your house, here’s how to blur the picture yourself.
First, go to Google Maps and enter your address. Once you’re on the website, go to Street View mode, then drag the little yellow human icon found in the lower right corner of the screen on the map, in front of your house. With your house in view, click on “Report a problem” in the lower right corner of your screen, center the red box on the scene to blur, and select “My Home” in the “Request blurring” field.
19 Napping Superhero

This superhero was caught snoozing at the Tokyo Dome City Attractions amusement park. Maybe he was on a scheduled break, but no matter, this person decided it was time for a nap. On a bench. Right in the middle of the park.
After all, theme park employees have long, hard days, it’s not always easy, and it can easily be grueling. And even Red Striker needs a break once in a while, you know! Being a superhero also has its challenges, so imagine being a superhero in an amusement park!
20 Sharp Shooter

Two friends in Wallingford, Connecticut, put on quite a show for the Google Street View car. They decided to recreate William Tell’s apple shot as the vehicle drove past their yard. We hope this guy had a steady hand!
Every day, people try to meet some challenge, old or new, that they have seen somewhere. Sometimes some are more dangerous than others. This one, in our opinion, falls into the category of too dangerous! We really hope it all turned out well.
21 A Bird Walking His Human

The Google Street View car saw this dynamic duo in Portland. You rarely see a man taking a stroll with his cockatoo. To see someone walking his dog, or his cat or even his iguana, is fine. We are used to it, but his bird? Only very rarely!
But despite this rare occurrence, Google managed to immortalize this extraordinary moment. This man must love his cockatoo a lot, and let’s bet it’s reciprocal. Few birds can boast of going for a walk with their owner, after all!
22 No Fresh Powder

Skiing is one of the favorite sports of millions of people around the world. Unfortunately, it can only be done when there is snow. But what happens when that snow just won’t show up, or we’re too impatient to wait for it to arrive?
Well, this skier decided not to wait and took on the slopes of the Mont Blanc, near the border of France and Italy, anyway. Who needs fresh powder to ski, after all? Long green grass does the job just as well, right?
23 Pop A Wheelie

This little daredevil put on a real show for the Google Street View car when he passed by. This guy amazing wheelie skills were put on full display and are now immortalized on the internet for everyone to see.
This guy is still cool. While we all agree that riding a motorcycle on the road like this is very dangerous and no one should do it, we can’t help but admire those who are actually able to do it, because we certainly wouldn’t be!
24 Top Gear

This looks almost like an alien invasion was discovered by a Google Street View car on the A82 in United Kingdom. This person dressed all in white, helmet included, seems rather suspicious as it is, alone on the side of the highway, with no transportation nearby.
You’d expect to at least see a motorcycle around or something, right? But no worry, it’s probably just the Top Gear character, The Stig, standing next to the Loch Ness in Scotland. Nothing to see here, really, go on your way.
25 Staged Crime Scene

Before anything else, please, don’t worry. This image isn’t an actual crime scene, even if it totally looks like it is. Actually, two friends in Edinburgh, Scotland, put on a dramatic show for the Google Street View car when it came their way.
The two men were probably very proud of their joke, but let’s bet it wasn’t so funny when the police questioned them about their hijinks. Once people claim to have seen a crime, immortalized in a photo, how do you prove that it is not real?
26 Hey Bear

Sometimes there are days when we just want to be alone, to slack off and hide. Other times, it’s Halloween. We wonder which of those two days it was when this photo was taken, because it’s not clear why this individual is dressed like this.
Someone casually dressed up as a bear and was spotted outside a cabin on Fish Lakes Creek in Alaska. Does this feel like a Goldilocks moment to anyone else? How does someone get dressed up in a bear costume like that, out of nowhere?
27 UFO Sighting

Google captured this unidentified flying object hovering in the sky in Ochopee, Florida. But what could it be? Is it a flying saucer? A superhero? A rocket? A plane? Okay, fine. It’s probably a glitchy image of a butterfly.
But we like the UFO theory way better. Well, better luck next time! Anyway, it’s a shame that this poor butterfly was cut in two because of this glitch. It looked very nice, don’t you think? He could have become famous on Google Street View!
28 Traffic Jam

You don’t see a horse-drawn carriage on the highway often, but the Google Street View car managed to snap this incredible picture of a fancy wedding party in London, England. Really, what are the odds? This is really nice!
The bride really knows how to stop traffic and become the center of everyone’s attention on her big day. Good for her, then! We only hope that the angry drivers stuck behind her carriage didn’t ruin her day, though.
29 The Painter

A painter was photographed painting the Kensington Gardens in London. This is the ultimate expression of life imitating art because Google Street View captured the painter capturing the scene. That just blew our mind.
This is a perfect example of a successful mise en abyme. But it would have been even more perfect if the painter had painted himself in his painting… There, we would have been really amazed! But that picture is pretty cool anyway.
30 Pool Party

The Google Street View car came upon a group of people knocking back cold ones while gathered a blow-up pool in Holland on a hot day. This proves that a pool party can happen anywhere, even if it is in a parking lot.
One wonders who had the idea to place the pool in this particular location. Didn’t any of them have a private yard where they could calmly enjoy all this without being seen by everyone? Now their little pool party is immortalized forever on the internet.
31 Monkey Business

It’s hard to believe that Google managed to snap this picture of two Japanese macaque, also known as snow monkey, hugging in the cold right at the edge of a volcanic hot spring in Jigokudani, Joshinetsu Kogen National Park, Japan.
If you ask us, this cute image totally wins the “Most Adorable” award! But although this picture captured by photographer Stephen Belcher seems to be incredible, it is very common for these monkeys to hug each other. So much love!
32 People Are Strange

A group of people in Iceland created a funny scene for the passing of the Google Street View car in their neighborhood. We’re getting serious Deliverance vibes from this one, but we have to admit that the picture is still comical.
We especially like the man on the left, who got down on his knees to make his character even funnier. And we don’t seem to be the only ones who love the staging! The woman on the stairs seems to have a lot of fun looking at them.
33 Grizzly Encounter

Only in Russia would you see a shirtless man chasing a bear with a bat. But thanks to Google Street View, we have the chance to admire such a scene without having to move to another continent. What could we ask more?
The bear looks genuinely terrified by this weird old man pursuing him, ready to do anything to defend its territory. Let’s bet that he didn’t expect to be the prey in this whole story! It must not happen very often indeed.
34 Hide And Seek Champion

A little boy was captured by the Google Street View car while ducking behind a trash can in an alley. Makes you wonder who he’s hiding from. Did he know that the Google car was coming and he really didn’t want to be seen? If so, it’s sadly missed.
But maybe he was playing hide and seek with friends? We hope he didn’t get found too quickly! But, even better: imagine if his friends never found him and discovered his hiding place thanks to this picture! Ha ha!
35 Shocked Lady

The Google Street View Car drives all over the world capturing images and can sometimes catch people off guard. Like this mysterious woman seen on a tour bus in New York City. It’s clear that the passing automobile caught her by surprise as it zoomed past the bus.
What isn’t quite as clear is why this lady was walking to the back of the bus with no shoes on. Who in their right mind would walk barefoot on New York City transportation? By the expression on her face, she didn’t think anyone would know about her dirty little secret, but we all know now thanks to Google Street View.
36 Garbage Men

It’s so fun when Google comes upon people acting silly for the camera. The Google Street View car drove past two trashmen collecting garbage in April Croft in Mosley. The gentlemen stopped what they were doing and performed a hilarious dance as the vehicle drove by.
Their lust for life is infectious. We dare you to look at this pic and not smile. The guy on the right has some pretty awesome moves. It just goes to show that you can find joy in any job, including picking up other people’s trash for a living. This has got to be our favorite picture on the list!
37 UFO Sighting

Beam Me Up, Scotty! A Reddit user freaked out when he thought that he spotted a real-life Unidentified Flying Object hovering over a house. He posted this pic of the so-called alien craft along with the caption: “Did I just find photos of a UFO/UAP??!! 🤗”
Unfortunately, he was quickly brought back to earth when commenters identified the object as bird poo. A user responded, saying, “I think you found bird sh*t on the camera.” Regardless, it was a cool find and we’re going to choose to believe that it was indeed aliens attempting to make contact.
38 Land Shark

Google Maps Street View allows people to travel the globe in the comfort of their own home and gives us a glimpse into the weird and wonderful things in this world. For example, this crazy scene was captured in Headington, Oxford. Someone in this neighborhood has a great sense of humor.
Of course, we’re talking about the house with a shark diving into the roof. The homeowner, Bill Heine, commissioned artist John Buckley to sculpt the 25-foot fiberglass shark to mark the anniversary of the 41st anniversary of the Nagasaki atomic bomb.
39 Mystery Machine

Scooby-Doo fans will love this next photo. Google drove past three Mystery Machine vans located in Solihull, England. This makes us wonder if the whole gang was there solving a mystery. Couldn’t you just see Shaggy, Daphne, Velma, Fred, and Scooby appearing out of nowhere?
Seriously though, what is this picture all about? Either these vehicles belong to a family that loves the series a bit too much or someone likes to collect cartoon memorabilia. Regardless, we have to admit that this is one of the coolest things Google Earth has ever discovered.
40 Scary Clown

There are few things more sinister in the world than clowns, and a Google Street Car snapped this pic that could give us all nightmares. A very stern-looking clown was spotted in Chiautla de Tapi, Mexico. He’s most likely a performer headed to a children’s birthday party and not a criminal.
Either way, this clown is super scary and we wouldn’t want to run into him stepping out of his creepy van. The lady behind him seems to be casually walking away. If we’re being completely honest, we’d be sprinting away from this guy! Is anybody else terrified of this dude?
41 Strange Characters

Here’s another weird image taken by the Google Street View vehicle. This photograph of a group of people dressed in hazmat suits was taken on the streets of Italy. We’re not sure where this crew is headed, but they certainly don’t have to worry about being exposed to germs along the way.
One glance at this image and we have a few questions. Is this some sort of fashion statement? Was there a chemical spill in the area? Are they headed to an underground rave? We suspect this photo was snapped during the pandemic and they took their PPE a bit too far.
42 Headless Man

A headless man was spotted by the Google Street View Car. Okay, we’re not fooled by this and you shouldn’t be, either. Sometimes Google captures the strangest things, and it’s all in the timing of the photo and the gentleman lost his head because of a glitch with the camera.
Google uses a camera that has eleven lenses that stitch together a 3D rendering of the photo. So, a small mistake in the stitching can cause people to lose limbs or lose their noggin. Either way, this pic is totally creepy at first glance, if you ask us.
43 Lone Man

Google Street View travels to the farthest reaches of the earth and often snaps eerie pics. Even the most sparse location can offer up a strange moment, despite being in a rural setting. Take, for example, this mysterious gentleman standing alone in front of a hillside.
Does anybody else feel like this guy is about to charge the camera? He’s in quite a dominant stance. Although, who could be scared of a guy dressed like that? That’s quite an outfit he’s wearing for a dude who’s completely the only person standing in the middle of the road.
44 Sea Creature

Google spotted this terrifying sea creature in San Diego, California. Amazingly enough, though, no one in the immediate area seems too concerned about it. Are they so used to seeing such creatures walking around?
One wonders what happened to this person. Was it a swim in the sea that went wrong? Or was it intentional? Maybe they were trying to scare someone, but if that’s the case, it doesn’t look very successful to us.
45 Riding The Mailbox

There is a severe lack of places to sit in Manhattan. It’s a fact that cannot be denied; except in parks of places like that, there’s not a lot of benches available. The proof? This man who just wanted to rest his legs while smoking his cigarette.
Unfortunately, there was no bench in sight on the street he was at this moment, so he had to sit on the mailbox. There was no other option available. And after all, a mailbox is a seat like any other, right? Giddyup, mailbox!
46 Nature Call

Getting from point A to point B in La Paz, Mexico can sometimes take longer than expected. Unfortunately, this man had not yet arrived at his destination, but he could not wait any longer. When you got to go, you got to go.
When the nature calls, sometimes there is nothing you can do. No matter how hard you try to hold back, at some point, it’s no longer possible. So this man decided to make a subtle stop on the sidewalk, facing the wall, to relieve his bladder.
47 Dinner Time

Contrary to what one might think, Google Street View does not simply photograph the earth. We also have the right to aquatic images! This brown bear was photographed while it was clearly getting ready to eat dinner.
Yum, a good fish meal! While he is already holding one in his hands, we can see a ton of others swimming underwater around him. Don’t these fish have any survival instinct? He already caught one, you’re next, guys!
48 Mad Scientists

One wonders what these three individuals were doing dressed as scientists in their garage while the Google Street View car was passing by. Did they know that the car was going to pass that day and decided to create a funny scene for the occasion?
Anyway, the person on the left looks like a mad scientist who somehow forces the other two to fall in love. Look at the man on the right, with his heart-shaped eyes! Isn’t that a lot of love for the woman lying on his shoulder?
49 Frog On Camera

Yes, there are Google Street View cars, but there are also Google Street View boats! After all, the idea is to recompose the whole world in a virtual way, right? However, going on the water sometimes has its share of problems.
While this Google Street View boat was trying to capture photos of this location, a frog decided it was the perfect time to jump on board and land right in the center of the camera. You can still see the scenery, but let’s just say the frog steals the show!
50 Monster’s Apartment

We have no idea who lives at 8 Rue Docteur Grandjean, in Nancy, Lorraine, France, and we don’t want to know. One thing is certain, we never, EVER want to see this person. It is not a person, in fact, it is a monster!
All joking aside, it’s a tiki statue—a very scary tiki statue—that someone with very questionable taste and humor has placed on his balcony, potentially in order to scare passers-by who might see it. Well, it’s very successful! Everybody run!
51 Some Legs

When you walk down the street, you see a ton of legs! However, as a rule, they are on the ground, connected to some upper body, belonging to a passer-by. We’ve never seen a huge pair of legs like that sticking out of a window on the second floor of a building!
We are not sure what this pair of legs is doing there. Is it a decoration of some kind? Is there a tight store at this place? In that case, we could understand that these legs are there, but if not, it only seems very strange to us.
52 Strange, Naked Man

Definitely, the Google Street View car captures all sorts of things, some definitively stranger than others. Here, we can see a man, potentially naked, getting out of the trunk of a car. This whole scene is extremely unusual.
Has this man been kidnapped? If so, where is his captor? Why would he suddenly let him go? And is this dog on the ground just sleeping? This image leaves us very confused, and we have many unanswered questions!
53 The End

Could this be a proof that the flat earthers were right all along? At some point, the Earth ends, and if we continue, we fall? Because according to this photo captured by the Google Street View car, this place is indeed the end.
The road ends at this point, well indicated by an “End” sign. And if we believe the “Hell” and the arrow painted on the ground, further on, it is hell. So that would be it? On one side of the end of the Earth, we fall in hell, and on the other, we fly to paradise? Well, sorry guys, you didn’t get to the right end!
54 Prisoner On The Loose

Unless it’s Halloween and someone planned this somewhat scary prank, the Google Street View car definitely took a picture of a prisoner running away from the nearest jail. His orange one-piece suit doesn’t really leave any room for doubt.
What happened? How did this prisoner escape? Are the police already after him? Did the driver of the Google Street View car notice the prisoner and call the police to notify them that a prisoner was on the loose? Let’s hope they caught up with him soon!
55 Ghost House

This house is located in New Baltimore, N.Y. Oh, dear.! Please, someone tell us what street this house is on so we can make sure we NEVER venture too close! Actually, forget it. We’d rather not go to New Baltimore at all. Clearly, nothing normal is going on there!
All joking aside, this photo is certainly the result of a malfunction of the Google Street View car, but still, this blurry and distorted photo is very disturbing. We could see it perfectly as the main location of a horror movie!
56 Trashy Mannequins

Imagine walking around this neighborhood, and coming across these strange, weird-looking mannequins in the garbage, in the street. Clearly, this is a disturbing sight! If it’s dark, we would immediately call the police!
Seriously, where do these mannequins come from? They look totally horrible! Who had them at home, and what were they doing with those? And why, all of a sudden, did they decide to get rid of all these mannequins at once? Didn’t it occur to them that all this would look very strange on the street?
57 Immobile Diver

When you look quickly, it seems that a diver is caught in a strange position on this small piece of land in the middle of the water. But what is he doing in this position? Is he about to jump down? It looks very dangerous to us!
But he is not! If we look closely, we can see that it is a kind of statue held above the ground by a small metal stand. But what is this statue doing there? What is it supposed to represent? We are very curious about it!
58 Never Forgotten

This is a very strange vision. No one expects to walk around and see a lot of rag dolls sitting on chairs or benches along the way! And you have to look twice to realize that they are not real people. Creepy!
These rag dolls are located in the Tokushima Prefecture, in the village of Nagoro, Japan, and are the work of the artist Tsukimi Ayano. She created more than 400 rag dolls, 350 of which are located at this place, as opposed to the 37 humans who live there. The place is called Valley of Dolls, or the Valley of Scarecrows. The artist wanted to revive a village where most of the residents have left or died.
59 Pool Party

But what is going on around this field? A farmer in Harcourt, Ontario, Canada, decided to create a pool party with mannequins on his land, right on the side of the road. It’s a great way to entertain passing motorists!
This set-up is very strange, even a little creepy. Why did this farmer created this mannequin pool party on his land? We strongly doubt that it is an installation to scare the crows. He wanted to scare people, maybe? If so, this lonely farmer has done a good job.
60 Diagon Alley

Any fan of the Harry Potter saga would like to visit the famous Warner Bros. Studios in London one day to see the spectacular sets of the films with their own eyes and to live a certainly memorable experience.
But beware, fan of the famous wizard! Did you know that it is possible to visit Diagon Alley directly via Google Street View? That’s right! Of course, it’s far from being a similar experience to being there for real, but if you don’t have the chance to go to London, or if you want to see what the place looks like without the hundreds of visitors that come with it, this is the perfect opportunity!
61 Car Glitch

Here is a very strange car that was driving on a street in Washington D.C. when the Google Street View car passed by! But what is this tiny car? It’s even smaller than a Smart or a Chevrolet Spark! How can a person sit in it?
Well, clearly, nobody could sit in this car if it really existed. Did you see how wide the door is? Just a child could fit in there! Here is another very funny glitch found on Google Street View, where for some reason the middle of the car has disappeared, sticking the front and the back together.
62 Where’s Waldo?

Who has never spent long minutes looking for Waldo in the multitude of Where’s Waldo? books that exist? Really, it was hours of fun—and sometimes of little rage, too! But what’s better than a Where’s Waldo in real life?
This Google Street View car managed to find Waldo on his journey past the O2 shop on Putney High Street, London, United Kingdom. But what could Waldo be doing there? A bit of shopping? By the way he’s standing, maybe he was looking for a bathroom?
63 The Driver

Here is a funny picture found on Google Street View. We have never seen a human that close on Google Street View! Hello, sir, how are you? How is your day going? What are you doing so close in front of the car camera?
This man is actually the driver of the Google Street View car, and he is cleaning his camera. Indeed, you don’t think about it, but it is clearly something that can be necessary at any time, depending on where the car is driving and in what conditions! It still gives a very funny result.
64 Sex Shop Customers

It is not uncommon for sex shop customers to be completely confident and not at all embarrassed to be seen entering that kind of place. We hope that this is the case of these two men, because if their goal was to go incognito without their acquaintances knowing it, well, it’s totally missed!
Indeed, these two men were very well filmed by the Google Street View car while they were entering a sex shop in Amsterdam, Netherlands. We wonder if they are aware of this image that is now everywhere on the internet?
65 Mid-Day Nap

There is nothing better than relaxing in the afternoon sun when the weather is nice. A mid-day nap is the perfect opportunity to re-energize yourself to complete the day! However, people don’t usually take their nap on their doorstep in their underwear.
Mister, what is wrong with you? Here’s a very strange place to sit comfortably in your underwear and take a nap on your beach chair. Couldn’t you find a quieter, more intimate place? Now the whole world can see you dozing in your underwear in front of your house!
66 Visit From Peru

Well, look who’s there! It’s Paddington Bear wandering the streets of London! But what is he doing there, far from his native darkest Peru? Has he come to visit the Brown family, who adopted him the first time he visited the United Kingdom?
We don’t know what Paddington Bear is doing there, but it’s a nice coincidence that the Google Street View car passed by and captured the moment. No one seems really surprised to see him there, but he did not go unnoticed by the young boy on the right!
67 The Man And The Alpaca

We have often seen people walking with their dog, or even their cat, with their bird or even their lizard or their snake, but a man walking with his alpaca, that, we must admit, is a first. But after all, why not? Alpacas are cute!
But what is this man doing with an alpaca at home? We didn’t know that it was possible to domesticate an alpaca. And from the way the man passing by the café looks at the owner of the alpaca, we can guess that he too is surprised by all this!
68 Corn Maze

Have you always liked to draw little mazes behind cereal boxes and the like? Have you always wanted to run a giant maze yourself, but unfortunately there is none near you? Well, Google Street View is there for you!
Thanks to this Google Street View Challenge, you can virtually try to complete this giant maze in a cornfield in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Will you be able to find the bridge in the middle of the maze? We wish you good luck!
69 Confetti Rain

In May 2008, as the Google Street View car drove past 501 Sampsonia Way in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the camera caught a person throwing confetti from the top of the second floor exterior fire escape. This person was definitely feeling festive!
Was this person trying to counteract the gloom of this rainy day by throwing confetti at passersby to make them feel a bit better? Or was the confetti directly aimed at the Google Street View car? But how did they know that the car would pass by at that particular time?
70 Altruistic Woman

Um… We’d like to think that this woman isn’t really doing what we think she’s doing to this man, but clearly, she is doing exactly what we think she’s doing to this man. Just like that, on the side of the street.
But who is this woman? An adult industry worker? This man’s wife? Just an altruistic bystander that this man approached? In any case, wasn’t it possible for them to go and do this in a more discreet place?
71 Only Waiting

The Google Street View car captured a rather interesting scene here. Of course, we only see two women, one leaning on a metal support on the sidewalk, seemingly waiting for something, and another sitting on a chair, looking at the other woman with a half-curious, half-amused look.
One can understand the expression of this woman who observes the one who waits, leaning forward and leaning on the support, because this woman does not wear pants, and unless she wears a string that we do not see, she does not wear panties either. Has anyone ever told her that her top is not long enough, and therefore, not a dress?
72 Going To The Beach
There is definitely nothing more pleasant on a hot, sunny day than going to the beach and cooling off in the cool water. And of course, when we go to the beach, we prefer to bring as few belongings as possible to avoid potentially having them stolen.
However, these two women captured by the Google Street View car may have gone a little too far. Indeed, it is not clear where they are coming from, but the parking lot for the beach is clearly right in front of them. So they left the house like that, without clothes, just in their bikini. After all, why not?
73 All Naked Woman
It is not uncommon for a person to walk around their home completely naked. After all, why not? They are at home, they can do what they want! And it is comfortable, after all, especially when it is really hot. However, generally speaking, when a person walks around their house naked, they don’t go out like that.
Unfortunately for this woman, she dared to leave her house totally naked. But what was she thinking? And then, it’s one thing to potentially be seen by a few people, neighbors or passers-by, but she had the misfortune to leave her house naked while the Google Street View car was passing by. Oops.
74 Mobile Dentist

The Google Street View car came upon these two men transporting a dentist chair in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Yes, you read that right, a dentist chair. It would be so hilarious if these guys actually had a mobile dentist practice.
In fact, maybe it is? Although we would be a little skeptical about the cleanliness of all this. The hygiene measures would certainly not be optimal. Still, imagine someone getting a complete dental cleaning in a park or on the sidewalk!
75 Mysterious Legs

Sometimes, the Google Street View car captures an optical illusion with its cameras while immortalizing our world. After all, technology has its share of flaws and glitches. So errors can happen at any time, as this image proves.
These two pairs of legs miraculously walked on their own in Anchorage, Alaska. Don’t ask us where the tops of these two individuals went, we have absolutely no idea! But it is certainly a technical problem, because otherwise, the people around would look much less calm than that!
76 City Divers

We have the really strong impression that these three people prepared this set-up in anticipation of the Google Street View car passing by that street, but in the end, how can we be absolutely sure of what we are talking about?
Maybe these three individuals lying on their stomachs on boards in the middle of the street just love surfing too much and unfortunately couldn’t make it to the beach, so they decided to bring the surf to them! That a way to do things.
77 Orange Men In Battle

The Google Street View car drove past two strange men having some sort of duel in a park while wearing orange hazmat suits. Of course, these guys were just putting on a wacky show for the cameras. At least we think so.
Even if their clothes are not the right color, we can’t help but think of the characters of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman in the TV series Breaking Bad. After all the fights they had, it could very well be them in the picture!
78 Reading Man

What could be better than sitting outside with a book on a warm, sunny day? It’s nice and relaxing! Well, that’s pretty much what the Google Street View car immortalized this man doing when ot passed by that spot.
In this man’s place, however, we would not have chosen to sit on a stone bench on the side of the street, surrounded by several other men. And we definitely would have worn more clothes than just underwear and calf covers!
79 Inflatable Doll

Here is a very strange image captured by the Google Street View car on this sidewalk. What is this man doing walking on the street, in broad daylight, holding in his hands, in front of him, an inflatable doll?
We can well imagine what he does with it during his free time. After all, everyone has his own preferences! But why is he walking around with it like that? We can imagine the look of the people he passed by on the street!
80 Live Accident

As the Google Street View car drove by a residential street in New Jersey, it captured an accident that was happening live in front of its camera. Indeed, at that very moment, a man fell down a flight of stairs in front of a building.
While on the left side of the stairs on Google Street View, we can see the man on the landing losing his footing. When we go forward slightly on Google Street View in order to be on the right side of the stairs, the same man is now on his back, on the first step down the stairs.
81 Happy Hour

The Google Street View car captured a very special moment between two people in a car in Czech Republic. Maybe we’re imagining things, but in our opinion, the woman in this car is not just looking for something she dropped on the driver’s side.
Is this woman the girlfriend of this man? Or maybe she’s an adult industry worker? Either way, it’s clear to us that she is giving this man a very good time with her mouth. And now everyone knows it thanks to Google Street View!
82 In The Bin

Is this man playing hide and seek with friends? Or is he being chased by thugs who want to harm him? Either way, he’s definitely found the perfect hiding place! Who would think of finding him in a trash can?
This image was captured by a Google Street View car in Switzerland, and we really wonder what this man is doing there. How did he get in? Is he able to get out or does he need help? Poor guy, it must be disgusting in there!
83 The Wedgie

This woman certainly didn’t expect to go viral on the internet when she left her house that day. Unfortunately for her, the Google Street View car was coming around at the same time she was.
While walking around Southwest 2nd Avenue and Southwest Yamhill Street in Portland, Oregon, this woman was bothered by her panties. She wanted to remedy the situation, but it wasn’t just the few pedestrians around her who saw it! If it can make her feel better, at least she’s only seen from behind.
84 Burglar Fox

These Narva, Estonia homeowners are about to get robbed, but not by the type of thief they might have thought. And what’s more, the Google Street View car caught it all! Here are several unlikely things happening all at the same time.
As you can see on this photo, a fox managed to climb to the second floor of this house and is now trying to get in through an open window. But how did he get up there? If he got in, the owners of the house were certainly surprised to see him there!
85 Three-Legged Woman

Is it an alien? Is it a three-legged woman? Nothing goes right in this image captured by the Google Street View car in Split, Croatia! Obviously, the camera has once again been the victim of a slight glitch that offers us a very funny image.
These two women were walking quietly in a small street when the car passed in front of them and took their picture. However, the glitch gives a third leg to the woman on the right. A third leg, or something else, when you look quickly, if you know what we mean!
86 Cleaning Freaks

But what are these two strange men disguised as housewives doing in the street, holding vacuum cleaners and feather dusters and wearing dishwashing gloves and aprons? Here are two very strange people seen in Stockholm by the Google Street View car!
Although these two men look very strange like that in the street, apparently if you turn the camera on Google, you can see, in front of them, a whole team filming them. So this scene is definitely organized as part of a humorous shooting of some kind!
87 Scottish Couple

We don’t know much about Scottish customs, but we highly doubt that it is a common custom to wear a horse’s head as this man does, while standing on the side of the street with his wife, obviously waiting for something.
What are they waiting for? A cab? A friend? And why is this man wearing this horse’s head when otherwise the couple seems to be well dressed in clean and matching clothes? Is it specially arranged for the passage of the Google Street View car?
88 Occupied Fitting Room

No, Google Street View does not collect all its data from car drivers. They also use people on bikes, snowmobiles, camels and even people on foot. After all, Google Street View goes EVERYWHERE! And everywhere means on top of a mountain as well as in stores.
A Google Street View employee caught customers in the middle of something at the Krakatoa store in Briançon, which sells and rents ski and other snow sports equipment. Indeed, we can see a man and a woman doing intimate things in the fitting room. Except that they are not! In fact, all this is a staging of the store that was aware of the passage of Google.
89 It’s Not A Game

We have never been to Poland, but we highly doubt that the Poles regularly walk around with an axe in their hands. If we also take into account the shirt that this man is wearing, with drawings reminding of the ones of the Grand Theft Auto V video game’s close-up and a sentence saying “It’s not a game”, we wouldn’t dare to go near it.
GTA V is a fairly violent action-adventure game that was a huge success when it was released in 2013. While it is possible to attack people with an axe in the game, as the man’s t-shirt reminds us, “It’s not a game”. That’s worrying!
90 The Trickster

This man immortalized by the Google Street View car in a street of São Paulo was certainly aware that the car was passing in front of him at that moment, or at least, that it would pass soon. Otherwise, we can’t explain this picture.
While pushing a cart with big jugs of water, the man got stuck in front of a metal pole, his arms on each side and the cart in front. Unless the pole came out of the ground as he was passing by, which we totally doubt, this man placed himself that way to be funny.
91 Big Chicken

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is not messing around with the coming of the Google Street View car! On the contrary, they take it so seriously that when they heard about its arrival, they decided to set up several artistic actions on Sampsonia Way.
One of these original artistic actions was to install this huge raw chicken sculpture on the fenced-in area right at the corner of Sampsonia Way and Arch Street. No need to say, this sculpture definitely attracted attention!
92 Car Crash

It’s hard to explain what happened here, but one thing is certain, the Google Street View car certainly had trouble continuing its journey that day after arriving on this road blocked by a car with a broken front.
However, we only see one car in this photo, and no poles of any kind, so how could this man crouching in the bottom right of the photo destroy his car like this? He too must be wondering what was wrong with him if the shame he seems to feel is anything to go by. Or did he hit the Google Street Car?
93 Unusual Outdoor Design

People who cover a house with toilet paper are relatively common. Whether it’s to prank the owner or to get back at them for something, it’s a well-known way of doing things that has even been used by celebrities.
For example, Gwyneth Paltrow confessed to covering Arnold Schwarzenegger’s house with toilet paper once with friends. Khloé Kardashian also played this trick on her sister Kourtney several years ago. We don’t know who lives in this house, but someone wanted to play a good trick on them and the Google Street View car captured it!
94 Nose Picking

This man was quietly driving his little red car on Engenheiro Aristides Milton street, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, when an indomitable urge to pick his nose came over him. Clearly, he didn’t know that the Google Street View car was passing by and was going to immortalize this unglamorous moment!
However, we have some doubts about the shame that this man could feel to have been caught with his finger in his nose, because if we look at the image well, someone is in the passenger seat of his car! So this man has no qualms about picking his nose in front of others.
95 We Found Santa!

The Google Street View car found Santa Claus, and they did not find him at the North Pole, far from it! Instead, he’s on a vacant lot in a place where there’s no snow at all, and where he seems completely alone and isolated. Poor Santa!
This man seems to us to be a homeless man living in the middle of nowhere, on the street. The small pile of items on the ground to his left seems to gather all his possessions. Nevertheless, his totally red suit and his long white beard really make him look like Santa Claus.
96 What Privacy?

The advantage of having a backyard surrounded by a brick wall is that it is possible to have privacy from the prying eyes of passersby and neighbors. Unfortunately, the wall of these people is not high enough to counter the Google Street View car camera.
While this couple thought they were safe and most likely about to engage in some marital frivolity, the Google Street View car passed by on Dunthorpe Road, England, and the camera was high enough to catch them in the act.
97 Ikea Prank

When you know that a Google Street View camera will be visiting somewhere, it’s hard to resist creating a special scene for the occasion. Especially if the camera is on someone, in a store, and you can easily control its walk!
While Google Street View was at Ikea in Montreal, one man went all out to create a very funny shot. He posed in different places, in different poses, while the camera captured a specific location. You can see this man 18 times in the picture!
98 Exploding Fire Hydrant

As the Google Street View car drove down Santa Fe Avenue in Long Beach, California, it caught a fire hydrant exploding right next to a Shell gas station. This is a very impressive situation. It’s like a big fountain in the middle of the city!
We don’t know what happened, but there’s a fire truck in the photo, and also a police car, so did they went there to fix the problem or did the firefighters maybe cause the fire hydrant to explode due to mishandling?
99 Strange UFO

Interestingly, Google Street View cars actually have nine different cameras on their roofs, pointing in various directions. While one Google Street View car was driving down 29th street in San Francisco, California, in June 2008, one of its cameras caught something quite strange in the sky.
Is it a very weird kind of unidentified flying object? We have never seen a UFO that looked like this in any movies! Or is it a glitch camera glitch or something? In any case, it is hard to identify what this object could be.
100 Hey, Buddy!

Oh, but what do we see here? This Google Street View car that was busy capturing images in the area of 155 Maipú, in San Antonio de los Cobres, Salta Province, Argentina, passed one of its kind on the road in April 2014!
But what was it doing there? Was it also capturing images of the area? In any case, it’s very interesting to look at this photo. If you’ve never seen a Google Street View car drive by in real life, this is your chance to see what these cars look like!
101 My Little Pony

What little girl has never dreamed of owning a pony after watching My Little Pony as a child? Well, he may not be of a pretty pastel color and he doesn’t have very long eyelashes, but this woman made her dream come true!
The Google Street View car immortalized her riding a pony in the street. Here is a very brave pony, but it seems to lack a little energy and have trouble carrying this woman, right? After all, it’s only a pony, not a horse! This woman should give him a break.
102 The Happiest Man Alive

The Google Street View car found the happiest man in the world while driving through the streets of New York. How often have you seen a man screaming with joy on a street corner, just like he’s doing on this photo? Not very often!
Is he that happy that his pedestrian light has finally appeared? Maybe he has been waiting for it for a while? Except that New Yorkers aren’t known for waiting for their light before crossing. He’s potentially happy to have crossed the street and still be alive on the other side, instead!
103 Superheroes Convention

We don’t know what was going on in Scotland in June 2009, but it was certainly serious! While a Google Street View car was capturing what was happening on the B9071 road, it drove past the Pierhead Restaurant & Bar in Shetland and found a ton of superheroes!
Was there a superhero convention that day in the area? Or a Comiccon, maybe? Or was it Halloween, perhaps, and they organized a thematic evening? Anyway, a lot of our favorite superheroes are represented in this picture!
104 The Doggy King

Who hasn’t seen the Disney movie The Lion King? No one, certainly. And you probably all remember the famous scene at the beginning, when the mandrill monkey Rafiki takes Simba, still a cub, and holds him high in the air in front of the whole animal kingdom, at the end of the stone mound?
Well, there is the Lion King, but now we are honored to introduce you to the Doggy King! And he has not one little dog, but two! He was definitely very proud to introduce his furry friends to the Google Street View car that was passing by.
105 He Couldn’t Hold Back

What could be more uncomfortable and embarrassing than peeing yourself? Honestly, not much. There’s nothing more awkward than an impromptu bowel movement in public, especially as an adult! And that’s exactly what happened to this man.
Unfortunately for him, as he was standing on the corner of the street, the Google Street View car drove by and captured the moment. Afterwards, on the Internet, the man claimed to have spilt a drink on himself, but honestly, he would never have admitted to having peed in his pants!
106 Skateboard Fail

Riding a skateboard is a fun activity, but it can sometimes be dangerous, especially if we are not too skilled with this means of transportation or if the road is not quite smooth, for example. That’s why you should always be protected, at least with a helmet.
This young woman unfortunately learned this the hard way and will probably remember it for a long time. And this accident must have been painful both physically and for her ego! Besides, the Google Street View car had to pass by there at that very moment… poor her!
107 Old Racers

Who hasn’t dreamed of driving a sports car at high speed on the highway, with the roof retracted, wind in your hair and sunglasses on? This is potentially one of the coolest scenarios you could ever experience, right?
Well, this couple did live that dream! In a certain way, that is… Sure, they have the bright red sports car that looks pretty nice, but we’re still not so sure about the coolness of the situation. With their big goggles, it spoils the picture a bit.
108 Poo Explosion

Holy moly, did that Google Street View car capture a building exploding? That’s horrible! Except it isn’t at all! This building is not really exploding, and absolutely no one is in danger of anything in this picture.
It seems that a bird that was flying over the Google Street View car had a little poop attack, and it resulted in said poop falling on one of the car’s cameras. The illusion is nevertheless quite credible! Let’s hope that the driver of the car noticed it quickly and was able to clean his camera.
109 Wayne’s World
The American comedy Wayne’s World, released in 1992 and starring Mike Myers and Dana Carvey as Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar, was a huge success and continues to make people laugh even 25 years after its release.
But the question here is: are these the real Wayne and Garth that we see on this picture taken by the Google Street View car? Probably not, but you have to admit that these two men look like two drops of water. One wonders what they were doing dressed like that on the street!
110 Same Location, Different Time

Google Street View is not an exact science. Even though the cars are constantly driving around to capture more recent images, when you visit the website, it is possible to see a very recent image, and if you go a little further, to see an older one.
Here we can see that Google Street View has two very different views of this address on Kissam Avenue, Staten Island. The beautiful house on the left was unfortunately destroyed by hurricane Sandy, as you can see on the right picture.
111 Neither Seen Nor Known

This Google Street View car caught a man in the act as it drove through a small residential neighborhood and its camera captured a man exiting the house through a second-floor window. Fortunately for him, the window does not have a grill like the one next to it!
But usually, when someone doesn’t walk out the door, it means they have something to hide. Here, we think he’s hiding himself! What could this man have done to put himself in this precarious situation? We obviously have a few hypotheses in mind.
112 Big Pink Rabbit
Yes, this giant rabbit has a name! Say hello to Hase, everyone! Haze made its appearance in Piedmont, Italy, in 2005. It was conceived and created by the Viennese art collective Gelitin. It took the collective 5 years to knit this giant pink rabbit, 200 feet long and 20 feet high.
Haze was supposed to last until 2025, but unfortunately, since 2016, it has already started to completely decomposed. In 2020, it seemed that only its outlines remained. As many found the rabbit rather creepy, one can imagine that few people feel sorry for its hasty decomposition.
113 Scuba Madness

The Google Street Car captured these two odd scuba divers in Bergen, Norway. Both individuals are wearing their full diving gear, including snorkels, even though they are obviously in the middle of a town, previously seated on beach chairs in a parking lot.
Talk about being a fish out of water! What could they be doing there? Is the second individual chasing the first or are they hunting together for an unknown off-camera sea creature? We may never know the answers…
114 Shovel Guitar

Sometimes, some days are more difficult than others. Some people, however, are able to have fun in all circumstances, and that’s definitely the case with this man! This construction worker in Marseilles, Illinois, was playing a shovel guitar on the side of the road.
We can say what we want, but this man totally knows how to stop traffic, but above all, how to put happiness in the day of the passers-by, and certainly in that of his colleagues. We tip our hat to him for being in such a good mood at work!
115 Beam Me Up, Scotty

The Google Street View car captured this bizarre alien at an undisclosed location. Who knew that an alien could be so chill, sitting like that on a chair, on a sidewalk? What is it doing there? What is it waiting for?
But above all, THE question that is on everyone’s lips: is it a real extraterrestrial? Let’s say we doubt it, but still. Who has such a fake alien at home and enjoys sitting it on the side of the street? We can imagine that this person is a trickster and probably has fun scaring passers-by.
116 A Spooky Scene

The Google Street View car passed by this terrifying scene unfolding in the window of a house in Chicago. But what could be going on in this house? It all seems a bit creepy and scary to us. We wouldn’t want them as neighbors!
But seriously, these must be Halloween decorations, right? RIGHT? If not, this family definitely needs to call Ghostbusters, and in the meantime we will run with all our might as far away from this house as possible!
117 Scarecrow Madness

Google managed to discover 1000 creepy scarecrows standing in a field in Finland. A 1000! That’s a lot! This may look like the set of a scary movie, but it’s actually an art installation called “The Silent People” created by the artist Reijo Kela.
Even though we know it is an art installation, this view makes us a little uncomfortable. We would not like to walk near this place, especially not when it is dark! Being in a car, we would accelerate to go away as quickly as possible.
118 Triplets

This photo makes us see not double, but triple! There are three people in this picture. Three men, all dressed in the same way and looking very much alike. Would it be triplets who have fun to walk together dressed in the same way to confuse the passers-by?
In fact, it is nothing like that. It is only a small glitch from Google Street View. Here, we are limited to one photo, but on Google Street View, looking at this place in a 360° image, we can actually see this same man six times!
119 Campervan On Fire

The Google Street View car passed by this location at the same time a classic VW campervan was burning. But not only is this a rather unusual event to capture on Google Street View, the image becomes a bit strange when you see the man on the right.
What is this shirtless man doing there, watching the campervan burn? Is that his campervan? Has he called the fire department yet, or is he going to? If the wet area in front of his door is any indication, he was watering something. Perhaps he could assist the campervan with his hose while waiting for the fire department?
120 AT-AT Walker

Fans of the Star Wars saga will be very interested in this funny image captured by a Google Street View car at 3004 State Road 2217, in Raleigh, North Carolina. Yes, that is indeed an All Terrain Armored Transport, better known as an AT-AT Walker, on this lawn!
Clearly, the residents of this house are big fans of the famous space opera saga created by George Lucas. It must be funny to look out the window and see this big statue on the lawn! In any case, it must definitely attract the eyes of passers-by.