20 Unexpected Pictures That Seem Normal Until You Get a Closer Look
1 Unfortunate Fall

The army men in this picture are standing stiff, straight, and at-attention, just as you’d expect. But it’s not the army men who are the problem. While they’re positioned perfectly, a little to their left someone else on stage had a serious mishap. If you don’t know what we’re talking about, take a look at those legs flying in the air. This lucky photographer managed to snap a photo right as someone tipped backward in their chair. We hope they’re okay, but we certainly don’t regret the comedic picture captured during their fall.

2 Part of the Family

A lamp made of owl figurines is already a bit creepy, but not to this cat. In fact, this feline wants to be part of the family. Nevermind that he’s not a bird or made of wood. If he stands still enough, he’ll certainly blend in with his nocturnal friends. If these owners are ever missing their cat, they know exactly where to look.

3 Obedience School

This photo initially looks like a normal college lecture. Dozens of students are packed into stadium seats with their laptops and notebooks sitting on the tables in front of them. But there’s a new addition to the class—an enormous black dog. Near the top of the photo, you can see the hound sitting among his fellow classmates. Poor pup, he probably got lost on his way to obedience school.

4 Too Many Hands

Bad Photoshop isn’t just a problem for Instagram influencers, it’s an affliction that plagues your favorite magazines. At first glance, this ad seems to feature a happy, entirely normal family. But there’s something not quite right about the father. He has a loving arm around both his daughter and his wife, plus an extra hand at his side. Is he some kind of deformed alien, or is this just a Photoshop fail? We’ll let you decide.

5 Fake Or Real?

This picture takes a little time to work out. At first glance, it looks like one woman sitting in a chair while another stands next to her. But if you look at the legs of the second woman, you’ll notice a second pair standing directly behind her. Then, on further inspection, it becomes clear that the second body is actually plastic. Is this woman half-mannequin, half-human? Of course not. In reality, the second body is actually the torso and legs of a mannequin. A real-life woman stands behind the statue, leaning on top of the waist. Trippy as it looks, it turns out this is a totally normal picture.
6 Prepared To Pounce

This lucky photographer managed to snap a truly beautiful close-up picture of a duck. But while the photographer was focused on the flying animal, he also captured a more sinister figure lingering in the background. Behind the duck, you can see a black-and-white cat lurking among the grass. He looks like he’s ready to pounce, so let’s hope this duck isn’t too distracted to fly away from danger while taking his fabulous headshots.
7 Dynamic Duos

At first glance, it looks like the two women in this cafe are sitting next to a mirror. But upon further inspection, differences between the four figures start to emerge. The ladies aren’t sitting next to a mirror at all, but rather to another female duo who look eerily similar to them. The two ladies on the left are wearing the same color shirt, while the two women on the right are striking a similar pose. However, the women on the right are clearly dressed differently, while the matching women on the left sport entirely different haircuts.
8 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Cat

The original picture taken here and shown on the left looks a bit odd. After all, why would someone snap a photo of their counter and fridge? But on closer inspection, a hidden figure becomes more and more clear. In fact, this person didn’t take a picture of their fridge at all, but of their cat crouching atop the appliance behind various boxes of cereal. What a perfect hiding place for an antisocial animal.
9 Spot The Tarantula

At first glance, this just looks like a normal, close-up picture of a brown-haired woman. She’s smiling and seems totally at ease—what could be wrong? But upon further inspection, the hair bunched at the top of her head isn’t hair at all, but rather a very large spider. Although the woman looks relaxed, she must be screaming internally while worrying about the huge creature on her head.
10 Horse Hiding In Window

The first picture here shows a normal storefront with what is probably an apartment on top. Nothing out of the ordinary, right? Wrong! In the middle, third-story window, there’s a surprising creature looking down on the street—a white horse! While it’s unclear if this horse is actually a life-sized decoration, he certainly looks real. It’s the last place you’d expect to see a horse, but perhaps these animals can happily live anywhere.
11 Creature In the Car

For this photographer, a stop at the gas station turned into something straight out of a horror film when their passenger opened the door mid-photo. In the small crack of the passenger-side door, you can just see an eyeball creepily peeking out. It’s obviously the result of a perfectly timed photo, but it’s creepy nonetheless.
12 Professional Handyman Services
This vehicle is absolutely, 100% an ambulance, right? After all, it has the flashing lights fixed to the top, as well as a sign that reads “EMT” on the front and sides. No one would question that this is an emergency vehicle…except it’s not. If you look more closely at the image, you can see “Professional Handyman Services” scrawled beneath “EMT Home Works.” This isn’t an ambulance at all, but rather a handyman business with a flair for creative marketing. They may not be able to save your life, but they can probably fix your leaky faucet!
13 Not A Brick

Bricks are a pretty essential part of building a brick wall. But the handyman who put this creation together obviously got a little lazy in the middle of his work. Rather than reaching for a brick, he placed a block of wood into the structure. At first glance, you might not even notice the outlier. But upon closer inspection, it’s clear one of these “bricks” is not like the others.
14 Camouflage

This rabbit was made to blend in. What at first looks like a picture of a snowy white landscape transforms into a photo of a white bunny nestled in the powder upon further inspection. The bunny is crouched next to a rock while the rest of the area around him is covered in snow. The only giveaway as to the animal’s position is his black eyes and small mouth. Otherwise, he blends in perfectly with his colorless surroundings.
15 Thirsty Dog

Selfies are all the rage, but you have to make sure to look at your photo closely before you put it up online. This woman obviously didn’t get the memo. Although she perfectly captured her own face, she also snapped a photo of her dog drinking from the toilet bowl in the background. Obviously, he was too thirsty to wait for his mom to be done taking pictures.
16 Milk, Butter…Beer?

This child’s cash register isn’t exactly setting the best example for young, impressionable minds. While it might teach children how to count money, it also had a rather odd suggestion for what they should be buying. Amidst items like butter, fish, and milk is a very unexpected button: beer. Maybe this toy wasn’t made for children at all. After all, the last thing you want is your child talking about beer when you have guests over.
17 Help!
A wedding is the most romantic day of your life…unless you’re this groom. While he looks at ease kneeling next to his beautiful bride, the bottoms of his shoes tell a different story. Knowing he would be kneeling during his ceremony, he wrote “help” in big letters where everyone sitting in the audience could see. We’re sure his wife wasn’t too happy when she inevitably saw this picture.
18 Where’s Waldo?

It’s so hard to create out-of-the-box wedding pictures. While this bride and groom wanted classy photos of their day, they also included a surprise guest in the background of their snapshots. If you look in the righthand corner, you can see Waldo peeking out from behind a tree. While he may have ruined the wedding pictures, he finally answered the important question of where Waldo is hiding.
19 In Need Of A Purse

This photo seems rather banal at first glance. One more picture of rich reality TV star Kim Kardashian. But if you take a closer look at her left hand, it looks like the starlet forgot to carry a wallet or a purse with her. She must have tons of them, though, right?
20 Somebody’s Watchin’ Me…

At first glance, these look like boxes stacked on a shelf. Nothing out of the ordinary, and nothing to see here. But one smart viewer of this photo pointed out a somewhat creepy figurine in the righthand box. Peeking out above the open top is a pair of plastic eyeballs. If you had the feeling someone was watching you, it was probably this googly eyed toy.
21 Sneaky Photobomb

At first glance, this photo looks like a sweet picture of a couple enjoying a tennis match. The stands are empty, and there’s nothing embarrassing happening in the background. But in the open area between the man’s and woman’s waists, a face emerges. It’s obvious this couple’s son didn’t want to be left out of the picture. But rather than sliding in front, he pulled off an expert photobomb on his poor, unsuspecting parents.