Our Favorite Unusual Wedding Dresses
Many girls dream about their fancy wedding dress long before they even reach puberty. Sometimes, though, it turns out that their choices are so far from the conventional and completely off the reservation that guests are a little more than surprised. Here are some serious head-scratchers.
Cacti lover
This young woman here adores cacti and wanted to include her beloved plants into her big day.
A strange, somewhat peculiar dress was the result of her quest for wedding style. We’ll be back, we need to recover…
Orange Lovers

When your future husband’s favorite color is orange and you want to make him happy, this is what to wear.
One thing’s for sure, we won’t lose them during the ceremony. How about this tiara to match the dress?
All Balloons
We would just love to know the story behind this dress. But if that’s impossible, then please, please just tell us how the heck she sat down.
One thing is sure, this dress didn’t give her a bad credit score and didn’t require a loan, as it was probably very cheap.
Baby Phat

Do you remember the Baby Phat brand that was ultra popular in the 2000s? Well, hoodies weren’t the only piece of clothing that featured the cat logo.
This woman definitely had too big a kick on the brand. She decided to wear it for her big day.
Skeletal Marriage

We have to give them some credit: This Calaca themed wedding must have required a lot of work and the result is impressive.
But, in all honesty, isn’t that a little inappropriate?
Ball Pit Dress
Are there any children in the room? It’s like a McDonald’s game room.
We have to admit that the bride looks great despite her eccentric choice.
Pizza lover

One thing is for sure, this lady must love her pizza.
Maybe she met her partner at a college party where pizza was served…
Diaper Dress

Here, we all pray that the diapers are not used and that they are in preparation for the arrival of a newborn.
At the price of diapers, we can’t say it’s a very economical dress, but it’s certainly unique. If the children attended the wedding, there would be no risk of missing.
Superheros Lovers

Marvel is in the spotlight these days and brides are asking for more.
What better way for a husband to see his wife arrive with her red shoes and blindfold on? A geek’s dream.
Twilight Fan
This bride wasn’t scared to express their interest and really break conventions.
And while she couldn’t decide between Edward and Jacob, she is lucky to have a husband that doesn’t mind. We would happily trade that dress for just about anything just to get it out of our sight.
Happily Married
More than ever, we are hearing about global warming; we are becoming aware of it and we are applying certain concrete gestures on a daily basis to do our part. Some people are also very committed to zero waste, and it’s perfect that way!
However, while reusing objects, reducing our consumption and recycling what we no longer need is a great idea. Perhaps it’s a little less suitable for a wedding dress, or at least this bride hasn’t maximized her efforts!
Intimate Wedding

Even gangsters can get romantic. This couple brought their own unique style by spray-painting their clothes for a fusion of street style and tradition.
This is what you call how-to-personalise-your-wedding-while-keeping-your-money-in-the-bank.
An Angelic Bride

Sure, being told you look like an angel is flattering and being called “My angel” by your lover is cute. But it’s important to remember that it’s not a literal, concrete name. It’s a figure of speech.
At your wedding, try as hard as you want to look like an angel; after all, this is your day, possibly the most important day of your life! But don’t wear a wedding dress with angel wings, it’s a big no!
Hunters Wedding

While some brides want to make a serious splash, it seems that others just want to blend in the background.
We certainly wouldn’t purchase that dress, even if it was for a fundraiser…
Long Veil

This lovely bride wanted to make her special day memorable for everyone. And with a train this long, she is certain to have made an impression on everyone on her way to the altar.
One question, though: where did she purchase so much fabric? Your regular market certainly doesn’t have that much.
Christmas Lover

Usually, people tend to get engaged on Christmas day, not married. Usually, brides don’t literally wear the Christmas tree.
Oh well! This bride can definitely claim to have the most Christmas themed wedding dress ever made.
Royal Bride

Do you want carats? Even the king of England would find it a bit much, I think.
There’s an advantage to it, though! If the bride has a big audience, everyone will be able to see her dress, even from 2 kilometers away.
Big Dress

Frills are one of those things that must be done in moderation. But when it’s your wedding day and you want to go all-in, who can tell you otherwise?
And while you’re at it, why not make it a bigger than life fairytale and throw in an over-the-top tiara? We just hope she has health insurance because walking around in this has got to be dangerous.
Green Wedding

Don’t be alarmed, they do not need to be rushed to the hospital for treatment. These two Shrek fans decided to get married as a real-life version of the adorable green monsters. Far Far Away never seemed closer and these two have their fairy tale wedding.
On the other hand, we know quite a few people who’d think you should be trialled for applying green makeup on your face…on your wedding day.
Pirates Marriage
These two landlubbers did their pirate-themed wedding the right way, by going all out.
We certainly wouldn’t have minded investing ourselves in the theme like they did, in the end, the result is pretty cool.
Cake Dress
We’re pretty sure that this was only made for a magazine and treated as art. But judging by the previous photos, we never know.
Even if it was for a good cause, though, we wouldn’t recommend investing in such an unpractical dress…
Big Pink Dress

This woman was for sure a little girl dreaming about becoming a princess.
Well, she came quite close to making it a reality for her big day. Walking in that dress must have required a lot of energy.
Champagne Dress

More and more people opt for dresses that are not exactly white. Champagne is, therefore, a rather common colour when it comes to wedding dresses.
However, we are sure that this is not what people expected when this bride told people she opted for a champagne dress. Who knew she’d take it so literally? This the kind of thing college students would do, not brides-to-be.
Big Day’s Dress
As much as we want the biggest dress in history, if it doesn’t fit in the car, it becomes more complicated.
She still managed to look like a princess on her wedding day.
Pizza Forever

Loving pizza is almost innate. The perfect blend of sauce, pepperoni and cheese makes our mouths water just thinking about it. But should the image of pizza be imprinted on our clothes?
It seems this couple thinks so. It was with an edible bouquet and a deluge of runny fake cheese that they said yes to each other. Funny choice! All tastes are in nature.
Say “Cheese”
A funny mix of styles in this photo that looks like it was taken against a backdrop of elementary school photos.
The boots are just awesome, but what about the little mix of white and gold?
Pink Shiny Dress

Pink, pink, pink everywhere. From the hat to the dress, and probably even the shoes.
The pink flamingos are more subtle.
Foodies Dress

This happy couple gave a whole new meaning to the term “”food lovers””. It seems that the ceremony will start and end with a “pièce montée.”
They can certainly claim the title of the most beautiful food-related dress. Sorry pizza lady!
Pastel Wedding

A beautiful nightgown as a bridesmaid’s dress.
Perfect to pass the old fabrics of your curtains if you have some left.
Peasant Wedding

It is difficult to determine the year of this marriage. However, it is much more recent than the image suggests.
The choice of pastel plunges us directly into the 70s.
Sunflower Dress
A beautiful fall wedding that highlights the sunflowers! The choice is particular, but still sublime.
The photographer has succeeded in her contract with this image! A beautiful and unique memory.
The Swan And Its Pink Flamingos

Worthy of a 2000 movie with Reese Witherspoon, this bridal/matron of honor arrangement is impressive.
This pink is so flamboyant that it hurts the eyes.
Jersey Shore Style

If you’ve never watched Jersey Shore, this simple photo will help you understand the depth of the show.
We love the salmon color, but you have to love the style too.

Ready to party? That’s exactly what this model wanted.
She was only one fabric away from changing the tradition of doves to white balloons. It certainly costs less.
Disney Lovers

Disney princesses are in our hearts forever and this woman decided to turn her love story into a cinematic romance.
All the ladies fit perfectly with their outfits.
Curtain Dresses

This wedding picture is very old, but looking at it, you probably already guessed.
Just think, someone has it framed in their living room today!
Shepherd Bride
No need for a flower girl when you have a sheep to spare.
A little hairy and disobedient, but this sheep went perfectly with the dress.
Diva Wedding

The magnetic Celine has always been luxurious and beautiful. Her wedding dress at the time was just as wonderful, or unique.
The tiara is so big, though. We all hope it was lighter than it looked.
Blue Tafeta

Blue, pink, white. The color choices were difficult and everything was chosen.
We are not convinced by the hat in the form of small garlands.
Taking street art to church
Michelle literally took street art into the church by using an urban-graffiti design to paint the first letters of her and her husband’s name on to her dress.
You can’t purchase a similar dress, and for a good reason…
Rainbow Wedding
WOW! We love classic white dresses, but this bride managed to make us love something else.
She wears colors beautifully! We wouldn’t buy this dress for us, though.
Sea Dress

Charisma is needed to showcase this dress, and this bride has enough!
With the sea behind, we must admit that this risk was worth it.
Formal Pink

The bride’s favorite color is blue! Joke! It’s definitely pink!
You have to love the bride with all your heart to accept to wear this outfit, even though the fashions change over the years, so it may have been very beautiful at the time.
Sexy Dresses

Phew! You have to be comfortable with your body to walk down the aisle dressed like that.
The models wear their dresses perfectly, but we’re not sure if it would be worth marketing this garment.
Lace Wedding Jumpsuit

We love the jumpsuits. Few people dare to wear them, but they are really beautiful.
These are really unique, and they put the values of marriage forward while remaining really classy.
Bold Dresses

Wanting to stand out can sometimes offer us very different dresses.
These women definitely needed to stand out. The one on the right looks like a white Tinker Bell.
Rocker Wedding

No need to plan your wedding for months if your expectations are not too high.
A bog, a leather kit, shorts, a hanky, and it’s a done deal.
Husband And Wife
Who says hardcore rockers can’t get married?
Although we don’t know what kind of impression these demonic horns had on the priest, we are sure that as long as these two are in love, the man above doesn’t mind and won’t give them a harsh trial.
Fashion Wedding Dresses

Fashion will never stop surprising us. On the catwalk, the models are ready to wear everything to be able to go on stage.
Here, the wedding dresses were honored and 3 models came out as winners of the presentation. Which one would you have dared to wear for your wedding?
Wooly Dress

If it’s cold at your wedding, no need to worry. You just have to get this cocoon-shaped dress.
Cocoon or white pickle, we don’t really know what the bride wanted to look like, but she didn’t go unnoticed, that’s for sure.
Fire Dress

Why do we automatically know what this woman’s and her fiance’s cars look like? WHY?
Oh well, as long as they have renters insurance to cover the risks of a fire, who cares…
US Dress
We all know that Americans have a tremendous sense of belonging to their country. It could hardly be more patriotic, and these Americans have no lack of imagination to show their love for their country.
Putting a flag on their house, garden or car is a good thing. Wearing a sweater or a cap when traveling is also good, to name but a few alternatives. But wearing a dress with the American flag on it at your wedding is a bit much.
Cupcakes Dress

Before having a drink, perhaps you’d prefer a little something to eat? After all, cupcakes are just as good a snack as they are a dessert, right?
Either way, the advice at your wedding is to choose a table where you’ll put food and drinks. Please don’t let the bride look like a serving tray wandering through her guests!
Happy Couple
Everything indicates that it was very hot the day of this marriage, to see the particular clothing of the groom.
The balloons to protect the falls in the middle of the celebration dance are an excellent idea.
Floral Medieval

Worthy of the former queen of England, these clothes are worth the detour.
This woman must have loved her garden deeply to want a dress like this. Imagine when she presented the bridesmaid dress.
Christmas Wedding

Mrs. Claus can go get dressed, the wedding ladies are in the house.
It’s impossible not to make Santa Claus react, no matter how old he is.
Illuminated Dress
This bride didn’t want to miss a minute of her wedding. She even planned to continue celebrating when the lights went down.
The light is just beautiful and we kind of fell in love with this idea.
Peacock Dress

Male peacocks use their gigantic and beautiful tails to court females while dancing.
Maybe this dress is a tribute to the way her husband approached her?
Cheapest Dress Ever

You want to get married? Of course I do, too! What, you want to get married tomorrow?
But where will I find a dress so quickly? Oh, wait, I have an idea…!
Egyptian Wedding

We quickly see the concept here. The pyramids, the pharaohs…
The bride herself decided to dress up as a kind of sphynx for her wedding!
Trashy Gown

This woman is wearing a dress made of garbage bags. Yes, garbage bags.
While we love women who dare to go off the beaten track, we are less convinced by this dress.
Color Shading

Here is how to marry the traditional with the funky.
We love the arrangement of the bottom of the dress with the bouquet and the bride’s hair.
Abstract Floral Dress

This dress is practically a work of art in itself.
Don’t you think it looks like an abstract floral painting?
Loving Dots

The originality of this dress is undeniable, and that’s an understatement.
The flaps, the polka dots, the flowers, the mix of pink and black… that’s a lot of information to assimilate at the same time!
Big Fat Gypsy Wedding

Pink and hearts. LOTS of pink, and LOTS of heart.
This dress is definitely straight out of the 1990s.
Flower Lover

Usually, the bride holds a bouquet of flowers in her hands at her wedding.
But not this woman. Why hold a bouquet when you can literally wear it?
Wear The Rainbow

What is the Skittles slogan again? “Taste the rainbow”? Well, this woman decided otherwise.
Instead of tasting the rainbow, she decided to wear it on her wedding day, from head to toe!
Human Flamingo

It is known that some people have a too big love for pink flamingos. Like those who put them on their front lawn, for example.
We’ve never seen anyone love flamingos so much as to pay tribute to them with their wedding attire, though.
Centerpiece Dress

Admit it, your grandmother had this kind of centerpiece in the kitchen when you were little.
Or curtains. We’ve all seen decorative curtains that look like this.
Raffle Tickets

Does this woman have a gambling problem or something?
She must have bought a lot of raffle tickets to make this dress!
French Can-Can

The French Can-Can was very popular at one time. Like, in the 1840s.
This woman clearly didn’t get married over a century and a half ago. Her look is a bit outdated!
Forest Fairy

Flower, forest and fantasy lover? This dress is for you!
What could be better than to transform yourself into a forest fairy on your wedding day?
Candlelight Wedding Dress

While an illuminated wedding dress concept could easily go wrong, we like the result here.
It’s original, but still subtle—as much as a light-filled dress can be, that is!
Lot Of Hair

This eccentric dress is mostly made with hair in different shades of red and blonde.
You could create a ton of wigs with all this hair!
Edible Wedding Dress

This edible wedding dress was created by Colombian chef Juan Barrientos. It’s made of 2,000 sigar-glazed rose petals and champagne clothe.
It also comes with all the needed accessories, such as bracelets, earrings, necklaces and rings, all made of candy. The bouquet, of course, is made of edible flowers.
Metallic Purple

We could not expect a dress less bright than this one from Dita Von Tease.
The burlesque queen definitely drew attention once again on her wedding day!
African Dress

Each country has its own traditions and customs, and this is what makes their charm.
This bride knew how to include the typical African colors in a beautiful way in her wedding dress.
Taco Bell Lover

Like everyone else, we like to eat a good Taco Bell every now and then.
But to wear a dress made of Taco Bell wrappers on our wedding day? Absolutely not.
Cheerleader Wedding

Here are two true cheerleaders at heart! They even wear their uniforms to get married!
How much do you want to bet that they met in high school, when they were both in the cheer team?
Creepy Wedding
Día de Muertos is a Mexican holiday that highlights the dead. Everything leads us to believe that this dress took shape in this context.
Scary and original, the dress is not for everyone.