These Wacky Photoshop Ideas Will Make You Laugh For Days
1 Anne Hathaway Without Teeth

Teeth make such a big difference in the way people look, and taking them away can be quite shocking. Take this photo of Anne Hathaway, for example.
Although she’s still beautiful, her face certainly has a more grandma-like quality without any teeth.
2 Justin Timberlake Without Teeth

When Justin Timberlake lost his frosted tips following his days with NSYNC, he instantly became much better looking.
But after losing his teeth in this Photoshopped picture, he just looks a little creepy.
3 Timothée Chalamet Bald

Since Timothée Chalamet is known for his full head of perfectly curled hair, he looks quite shocking when his brown locks are removed.
Is it possible his hair is hiding a somewhat misshapen head? It certainly looks that way in this photo.
4 Kristen Stewart Without Teeth

It’s rare to see Kristen Stewart smiling at all, much less smiling without teeth.
The star certainly looks younger and much less serious than her normal, intimidating self without her pearly whites.
5 Scarlett Johansson Bald

Scarlett Johansson has changed her hairstyle numerous times over the years, often dramatically altering the color and the length.
While she hasn’t gone completely bald, this Photoshop shows that she actually wouldn’t look too bad. Still, we hope she doesn’t make the drastic decision to get rid of her hair entirely.
6 Kim Kardashian Bald

Kim Kardashian has a head of long, luscious hair. But in this Photoshopped picture, she has experienced a bit of balding right on top.
Let’s hope Kim never requires a toupée in real life.
7 Zac Efron Without Teeth

Zac Efron without teeth is a shocking image.
For some reason, his mouth looks almost lizard-like without those pearly whites.
8 Cameron Diaz Bald

This Photoshopper decided to not only remove all of Cameron Diaz’s hair, but they also decided to give her a conehead.
We’re sure her skull isn’t actually shaped like that underneath her blonde tresses…hopefully.
9 Hugh Jackman Without Teeth

This Photoshop takes away Hugh Jackman’s teeth, but it gives him little, barely visible nubs in their place.
He certainly doesn’t look like the powerful Wolverine. Instead, he looks more like someone’s granddad.
10 Django Unchained With Face-Shaped Shoe

This Photoshopper decided to use a different tactic with the face-shaped shoe. Rather than imposing the entire shoe, they added only the inside over a screenshot of Leonardo DiCaprio in Django Unchained.
Not only does it work with the photo, but it gives Leo the nice addition of a bow above his moustache.
11 Taylor Swift Bald

Taylor Swift actually looks quite glamorous without any hair. However, the completely smooth nature of her skull in this Photoshopped picture looks a bit creepy and alien.
Still, she might be able to pull off a bald look in the real world.
12 Beyoncé Without Teeth

Could a large part of Beyoncé’s beauty be due to her perfect teeth?
While Queen Bey is still gorgeous in this picture, she’s not nearly as stunning when she’s missing her teeth.
13 Johnny Depp Bald

Even though Johnny Depp’s hair is usually stringy and falling in his face, it’s a signature part of his look. Without it, Mr. Depp looks foreign.
Perhaps that’s why he has clung to his shaggy look over the years.
14 George Clooney Without Teeth

Although George Clooney is certainly getting older, he looks good for his 60 years.
Take away his teeth, however, and he’s nowhere near the silver fox every woman swoons over.
15 Tom Cruise Shoe Face

Photoshop again allowed the creation of a meme within a meme.
While this meme of Tom Cruise laughing was already popular, it was made even better when Cruise’s face was replaced with the face-shaped shoe.
16 Emma Stone Bald

Emma Stone’s bright red hair is a signature part of her look. Without it, she just looks a little…wrong.
Still gorgeous, of course, but still not quite right.
17 Bubbles Girl Meme With Shoe Face

Internet users across the world can draw their Photoshop inspiration from anything. In this case, they found inspiration in a pair of pink shoes that look vaguely like a face with a big mouth.
The first victim of their Photoshop skills was the popular meme of a little girl running away while blowing bubbles.
18 Lindsay Lohan

Rather than flashing a stunning smile at the camera, Lindsay Lohan just looks confused in this picture without her teeth.
Still, considering her many run-ins with the law, it’s not the worst picture that has ever been taken of the movie star.
19 Woman With Shoe Face

Ginette Reno, famous Quebec singer, sang the Canadian National Anthem before a hockey game. Little did she know, she was going to have her face turned into a shoe.
Hopefully, his performance was flawless because it’s hard to take her seriously with a shoe face.
20 Harry Styles Bald

Like many celebrities, Harry Styles’ hair is a signature part of his look.
While he doesn’t look necessarily bad bald, we still prefer his curly locks to a completely shaved head.
21 Sofia Vergara Without Teeth

Sofia Vergara is stunningly gorgeous. But in this picture, she’s not quite the 10/10 she usually is.
Not only is she making a silly face, but the lack of teeth in her mouth also gives her a vaguely reptilian look.
22 J. Jonah Jameson Shoe Face

This meme of J. Jonah Jameson bursting into laughter was already popular across the internet.
But it was made even better when editing pros Photoshopped a picture of the face-shaped shoe over his smiling face.
23 Leonardo DiCaprio Bald

Instead of making Leonardo DiCaprio completely bald, this Photoshopped picture shows what the star would look like if his hair were in the beginning stages of thinning and balding.
The consensus was that Leo without his hair looks eerily similar to Jack Nicholson.
24 Alien With Shoe Face

The next fictional character to fall victim to the shoe face Photoshop was the alien from Predator.
Somehow, this monster doesn’t look quite as scary with a shoe as a face.
25 Drake Without Teeth

Drake’s teeth are usually on full display when he smiles. Without his pearly whites, he looks much more vulnerable.
You almost want to give him a big hug, which is a far cry from his usual, somewhat intimidating rapper persona.
26 George Clooney Bald

George Clooney is another celebrity whose head doesn’t look quite right without hair. Thankfully, even at 60 years of age, Clooney has maintained a full head of hair.
Therefore, fans will never have to see this somewhat alarming image in real life.
27 Amy Poehler Without Teeth

Amy Poehler looks just about 20 years older without her teeth. In fact, she’s nearly unrecognizable.
While Amy’s smile is usually understated and doesn’t show off her teeth much at all, she still doesn’t look quite like herself when her teeth are missing.
28 Sarah Jessica Parker Bald

Sarah Jessica Parker is known for her long, flowing locks. In fact, it’s hard to remember a time when her hair was any shorter than her shoulders.
Therefore, Photoshopping her to be completely bald is more than a little shocking. Still, somehow she manages to look stunning.
29 He-Man With Shoe Face

The original photo here shows He-Man making a rather odd face, and Photoshoppers immediately decided to combine this moment with their face-shaped shoe.
The result actually looks not too dissimilar from the original photo.
30 American Gothic With Shoe Faces

Not even the American Gothic painting is immune to the power of Photoshop.
Instead of the typical angry faces of this farmer and his wife, the internet decided to replace both of their recognizable expressions with shoes.